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Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide...

Date post: 08-Oct-2020
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Parental controls guide
Page 1: Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide Entertainment & Search engines Features and Benefits SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate


Page 2: Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide Entertainment & Search engines Features and Benefits SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate

Bing SafeSearch

Parental Controls information

Type of guide

Entertainment & Search engines

Features and Benefits

SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate or explicit images from your Bing Searchresults. The SafeSearch filter isn’t 100% accurate, but it helps you avoid most violentand adult content.

What specific content can I restrict?

Innapropriate content Search enginges

What do I need?


Page 3: Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide Entertainment & Search engines Features and Benefits SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate

Bing SafeSearch

Step by step guide

1 While on your browser go to bing.com and click the ‘Settings’button at the top.

Page 4: Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide Entertainment & Search engines Features and Benefits SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate

Bing SafeSearch

Step by step guide

2 Select ‘Settings’ and then ‘more’.

Page 5: Parental controls guide · Bing SafeSearch Parental Controls information Type of guide Entertainment & Search engines Features and Benefits SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate

Bing SafeSearch

Step by step guide

3 On the SafeSearch section make sure it’s set to strict and thenclick ‘Save’ at the bottom. If it’s still showing adult content youshould contact Bing directly to notify them.
