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Parenting with Positive Behavior Support

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Parenting with Positive Behavior Support. Schools and Families as Partners September 27, 2011. Support for this webinar. The Office of Exceptional Children, SC Department of Education – competitive grant received - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Parenting with Positive Behavior Support Schools and Families as Partners September 27, 2011

Parenting with Positive Behavior Support

Parenting with Positive Behavior SupportSchools and Families as PartnersSeptember 27, 20111Support for this webinarThe Office of Exceptional Children, SC Department of Education competitive grant received

Project Focused Agenda, US Department of Education grant on improving student access to mental health services2The audience for this webinarSchools that use School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)Schools seeking to support parent involvementParents whose children attend a school that uses PBIS3Outcomes More effective student behavior through consistency between home and schoolPBIS as a common ground for parent-teacher discussionsPotential for improving childs behavior at school, home and in the communityIncreased parent involvement in the education of their child4A Practical Guide to Resolving your childs difficult behaviorsHieneman, Childs, and SergayParenting with Positive Behavior Support5Welcoming families to schoolClear welcoming behaviors from all staffClear signage, directions to all visitorsSafe guidance of all visitorsComfortable receiving areaThe emotions of parentingGreen/Yellow/Red parent and family needsYouth/family centered6Primary Prevention:School-/Classroom-Wide Systems forAll Students,Staff, & SettingsSecondary Prevention:Specialized GroupSystems for Students with At-Risk BehaviorTertiary Prevention:Specialized IndividualizedSystems for Students with High-Risk Behavior~80% of Students~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OFSCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIORSUPPORT7How Do we Know if the school is truly Family-centered?Does the family ( including the youth ) feel like it is their meeting and their plan instead of feeling like they are attending a meeting the school or agency is having about them.8

Engaging Families

Always start with a conversation ( not a meeting) with the family, getting their trust and permission before talking with others.

5:1 (thanks to Blackwater Middle School, Horry County)9Raising ChildrenParents start with the basics, where their child is developmentallyParents show and tell their children how to behaveParents shape, encourage and praise as their children learn new behaviorsParents use other strategies to discourage inappropriate behaviors10Positive Behavior SupportA focus on teaching behaviors vs. assuming a student knows the expected behaviorsDirectly teach behaviors, usually in the location the behaviors are neededA much greater emphasis on positive means of encouraging appropriate behaviorsTraditional rules, with reinforcing and punishing consequences, are part of the system11Stop it!The Big DsDangerousDestructive DisruptiveDisgustingDevelopmentally inappropriate

Getting a jump on our feelings about annoying behaviorsMoving to useful and appropriate behaviors12PBIS is a focus on What To DoWe focus on what we want the child to do, not what not to doThe child is provided attention for appropriate behavior versus inappropriate behaviorWe identify and replicate factors in school or home that encourage appropriate behavior13Features of positive behavior supportBehavior comes in patterns: when, where, with whom, under what circumstancesPreventing problem behaviors works better than reactingTeaching new behavior skills is emphasizedEncouraging positive behaviors is emphasized, while discouraging negative behaviors is still part of the plan14Example: Social Behaviors Necessary for Kindergarten as Reported by TeachersFollowing directionsFollowing routinesExperience within structured settingsWorking independentlyWorking in a groupMonitoring own behavior (Rimm-Kauffman, Pianta, & Cox 2000)

15How do children gain these social behaviors from the home?By modeling the behavior of adults and older childrenBy being provided a routine that is followed somewhat consistentlyBy being provided explanations to decisionsBy being required to participate in family routinesBy being played with in a groupBy being allowed time alone to playBy having their behavior corrected in a timely and appropriate mannerBy being told when they are doing something right!

16PBIS and pbsPositive behavior supports pbs are effective when used with an individual. The emphasis is on positive, preventive skill building.Some schools used school wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)The book has good information that would be useful for a series of parent discussions on pbs.17Coordinating with PBISTalk to your childs teacher about the school wide expectations they useLook at the sample behavior chartsThink about how to put together home charts based on the same expectations18School wide expectationscharacter like traits that need behaviors to be seen Each school identifies 3-5 school wide expectations. The following are common examples.Respect others

Respect yourself

Respect property19School wide expectationclassroomHallway Office Cafeteria Respect yourselfRespect othersRespect property20School wide expectationclassroomHallway Office Cafeteria Respect yourselfComplete and turn in assignmentsGet where assignedReport to right personUse table mannersRespect othersUse an inside voiceKeep to right, hands to selfSit or wait where assignedClean your areaRespect propertyKeep workspace neat & cleanKeep hallway cleanReturn materials, e.g., pensKeep table and cafeteria clean21Home expectationKitchen Family roomBedroom Bathroom Respect yourselfRespect othersRespect property22Home expectationKitchen Family roomBedroom Bathroom Respect yourselfwash your hands before mealsPut personal items where they belong when you leave Go to bed in time for plenty of sleepUse soap and shampooRespect othersShare each dishTalk and listen to othersBe quiet at nightClean up after yourselfRespect propertyPut away dirty dishesKeep feet on the floorClean your roomPut things back in their place23 Application of PBIS in the Home: The Big IdeasClearly defined and communicated expectationsTell them exactly what you want them to doFrequent positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviorCatch em being goodActive supervisionWatch them closely and interact with them frequentlyPrecorrect and intervene early Nip the problem in the bud

24Frequent positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviorLook for opportunities to praise childrenPraise them specifically on what they do rather than who they arePraise children especially when they do something that is difficult for themTry to praise them at a 5 to 1 positive to negative interaction ratio25Active SupervisionWatching and interacting with children while they are engaging in chores, play and other activitiesCommunicate to them that you are aware of what is going onCommunicate your interest in their activities by participating with them

26Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeMaking the Process Work For Families27Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeClearly Define Visions AndExpectationsOur vision is a statement of purpose-who we feel we are as a familyExpectations help guide actions and set limits for all family members

28What is your vision of your family?What expectations do you have for your family?Activity: Family Vision and ExpectationsHow will you communicate and teach these expectations to your family?In what ways might your expectations vary across circumstances?What do those expectations mean in terms of what your family members should and should not do?

29Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeOrganize Your Household Space and Time In a Way That Supports Family InteractionOrganize your home so that everyone knows where to find items and what is expected in regard to household responsibilities.Structure schedules and routines in a way that works for the family and each knows what to expect..

30Activity: Structuring the HomeHow can you organize your space to support your family expectations (encourage positive behavior and minimize problems?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can you organize your time to support your family expectations?Overall schedule:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Timelines:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Daily Routines:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

31Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeDevelop Ways To Encourage Positive Behavior(Following Rules) and Discouraging Negative Behavior(Breaking Rules)eg: Follow Rules:1)Providing praise and feedback for behavior2)Linking privileges to appropriate behavior3)Working rewards into the daily routineBreaking Rules:1)For leaving house w/o permission, restriction w/in house2)For whining/arguing, time-out in bedroom until willing to discuss or accept consequences3)Fighting, family members separated until they calm down, differences must be resolved, a plan made if situation repeated32Activity: Responding to BehaviorFamily expectationsRewardsConsequences33Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeIdentify Problem Routines and MakeChanges To Improve ThemGather informationDevelop a planPrevent ProblemsReplace BehaviorManage consequence

34Activity: Problem-Solving Situations and RoutinesSituations:_______________________________________________________What are the goals for your family (e.g. changes desired, behaviors of concern) during your familys difficult situation?_______________________________________________________________What patterns might be contributing to your behavior as a family during this routine?The circumstances associated with your best and worst time?_______________________________________________________________The outcomes causing the patterns to continue:_______________________________________________________________Given your understanding about the patterns surrounding problem routines, what strategies might you put in place toPrevent problems?_______________________________________________________________Replace behavior?_______________________________________________________________Manage Consequences?_______________________________________________________________

35Integrating PBIS Into Family LifeMaking PBIS Work For EveryoneUnderstand BehaviorBe ProactiveTeach SkillsReact Purposefully36Making PBIS Work for EveryonePBIS provides basic lessons to use in our daily lives.Understand behavior-remain open to other viewpoints, look for patterns in daily interactions (what, where, who when and why)Be Proactive-anticipate and prevent problems through the way you structure home and livesTeach Skills-We can view behavior problems as our childrens inappropriate ways of meeting their needs. We can therefore help them develop better ways of achieving those goals React Purposefully-the way we respond to others influences behavior, whether our actions are intentional or not, we can deliberately behave in ways that encourage positive behavior.

37Planning for the futureYour school can approach this topic two ways:Improving family involvement in PBIS practices at schoolProviding PBIS at Home discussion sessions for familiesDevelop a school action plan for eachMake sure to have a parent on your school leadership teamAnd remember, ALL is ALL!38Helpful toolsFrom a project in Horry County, the following tools are available at www.fedfamsc.org:Assessment of family involvement and awareness of PBISStaff understanding of family involvementInstructions for conducting focus groupsTwo training tools to improve family involvementQuestions?????????40After the webinarThe webinar will be available at www.fedfamsc.org later this week

Books will be mailed to individuals or schools that attended todays webinar41Diane flashnickmike pagetThank you for your interest in todays discussion42
