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PARISH MAGAZINE...2018/10/10  · 4 Metanoia, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in...

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Page 1: PARISH MAGAZINE...2018/10/10  · 4 Metanoia, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in fellowship to be taught the scriptures, receives communion and then be happy to be one



Page 2: PARISH MAGAZINE...2018/10/10  · 4 Metanoia, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in fellowship to be taught the scriptures, receives communion and then be happy to be one


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Page 3: PARISH MAGAZINE...2018/10/10  · 4 Metanoia, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in fellowship to be taught the scriptures, receives communion and then be happy to be one


'The Rector of St. James the Great is praying that our local church would experience ‘Metanoia’ . . . Metanoia is a word filled with extraordinary meaning. This word is Greek, made up of two words: ‘meta’ and ‘nous’. ‘Meta’ "after" or "change", nous the Greek for "mind". This denotes ‘conversion’ and ‘reformation’, 'after mind' one has a 'change of mind', thinking one way, but afterwards thinking another. The New Testament call for metanoia is a command to change your mind and get it where it should be . . . in Christ! This fundamental change in thinking leads to a fundamental change in behaviour and way of living as Christians. It has often been said Metanoia is the ‘sine qua non’ of the Christian life. You cannot be a Christian without it. It is a thing that is absolutely necessary. Metanoia is a spiritual paradigm shift, a spiritual revolution. People who encounter Jesus, in the Word and Sacraments of the Church realise they are personally invited to change as persons: metanoei! God calls us each by name. He calls us by name, we are His, He has redeemed us, and we follow Our Lord. (Is. 43:1) A voice cries out”Repent (metanoeite) and believe (pisteuete) in the Gospel." (Mark 1:15, Matt. 4:17) This involves a spiritual paradigm shift, a spiritual revolution. This aspect of change and turning, of becoming new and different is necessary in order to live the Christian life, to become a Christian, a human being must change, not merely in one place or another, but unconditionally, down to the very bottom of their very being. This encounter of faith leads to two options. One: continue on our way unrepentant and unchanged. Two: Metanoia. There is no Tertium non datur - no third way. Either metanoia, or not. If we decide for metanoia, we elect for a fundamental, interruptive change of our entire being, rotating towards the Lord, who will change who we are to become, and we gain an entirely new perception of God in our life, a new Christian reality, a new life in Christ and a new life in His Church! The person who encounters and decides to follow Jesus resolves to give the Lord Jesus their all! There is nothing to hold back, it is to be a people of total prayer, with commitment of faith that will establish a lifestyle pattern that includes a curriculum of Christ likeness in church. A curriculum of Christ likeness will come about when one experiences

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‘Metanoia’, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in fellowship to be taught the scriptures, receives communion and then be happy to be one of the ‘sent ones’ sent out into the world. This Metanoia means a resolve to turn to Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength throughout our entire lives. The change in mentality (metanoia), required by the Gospel, means striving to assimilate the values of the Gospel, so that we as people can be a transforming presence in the world. The Christian metanoia, the Christian change has a strength that fortifies the soul, and enables a fidelity to the Lord. Such fidelity allows the fruit of the Holy Spirit to manifest and when that happens renewal and regeneration of faith becomes evident in the life of our local church, and then that wonderful product of metanoia that is so crisply voiced by St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians can be realised “I no longer live I, but Christ lives in me." (Gal. 2:20)'

In the Cross of Christ - Father James McCluskey SSC

The Annual Day of Prayer and Giving Saturday 1st of December

Our annual Day of Prayer and Giving for the work of God’s Church in this part of Colchester will be held on Saturday 1st of December. This is also our Mission Weekend and the Bishop of Richborough, the Rt, Reverend Norman Banks will be with us on Sunday 2

nd of December.

Church members will receive a letter about this important weekend. Any gifts will be gratefully received during the offertory/collection at the 9.30a.m Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham Saturday 1st December or the 10.30a.m. Sunday Parish Mass, 2

nd December of which the Bishop of

Richborough will preside. It is still the case that the finances of the parish church continue to rely heavily on your kind generosity offered. Please be assured of continued prayers of thanksgiving for all you are and all you do in the Lord’s name in church and wider community. If you are not part of the regular Stewardship at St James, you will also receive some information about this at the same time.

Please do your best to join us in church to keep prayer and mission focused. Your generosity and prayer will be a blessing to us. Thank you.

In the Cross of Christ – Father James McCluskey.

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Archdeacon Annette Cooper will retire in November

It is hard to imagine life in the Chelmsford diocese without Archdeacon

Annette, but after 14 years of astonishingly faithful service she stands down as

Archdeacon of Colchester in November this year and will be retiring early in

2019. In all this she has been supported by her husband, Andy.

This is not quite the time for farewell speeches, but I want to put on record

my personal gratitude for Annette’s support, commitment, tenacity and


You are all invited to a service in the Cathedral on Sunday 18th November at

3.30 p.m. where we will have a proper opportunity to say goodbye and thank

you to Annette and Andy. Please put the date in your diary, and please come

along if you can. All are welcome. No need to book.

Bishop Stephen

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What is Pilgrim?

Pilgrim is a major teaching and discipleship resource from the

Church of England. It aims to help every local church create a

place where people can explore the Christian faith together and

see how it can be lived out each day.

Pilgrim takes a different approach to other Christian programmes.

It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but

participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a

group of fellow travellers.

Pilgrim is comprised of two stages: the Follow stage for those very

new to faith, and the Grow stage for those who want to go further.

Each stage contains four short six-session courses which focus on

a major theme of Christian life.

Pilgrim’s approach

It starts at the very beginning

Pilgrim assumes very little understanding or knowledge of the

Christian faith.

It focuses on Jesus Christ

Pilgrim aims to equip people to follow Jesus Christ as disciples in

the whole of their lives.

It flows from the Scriptures

The primary focus of each session is a group of people engaging

with the Bible together.

It draws deeply from the Christian tradition

In the Early Church, the Christian faith was taught by the

transmission of key texts which summed up the heart of the

Christian message. Pilgrim restores this approach for the twenty-

first century.

It honours the Anglican way and its many streams

Pilgrim has been developed as a specifically Anglican resource

which aims to cater for every tradition in the Church of England.

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Father James will facilitate a Pilgrim Course for St. James the

Great once the Parochial Church Council and wider church have

seen a presentation. In the meantime do visit the following web

site for more information

For more information visit.


'A perspective of a newbie pilgrimager...... I have observed members of our church returning from a pilgrimage to Walsingham and have often wondered at the myriad of responses to the experience.

This year I got to Pilgrimage myself. I left Colchester with, I hope, an open mind. Life experience has taught me to keep expectations low. The group I went with was eclectic and fun, the journey scenic and uneventful. Walsingham is charming and atmospheric with that indefinable ‘something’ religious monuments often have. I was lucky I had the guidance of a Priest and previous pilgrims so I could focus on the spiritual and not the mechanics of the visit. At Walsingham you are surrounded by people who are all of a like mind and that in itself is like a giant hug. I didn’t have an epiphany. I didn’t have a mind blowing revelation. I did have a shoring up, a strengthening of my resolve. I have returned from Walsingham with a clearer mind and the certainty that I have faith. No matter what else happens in my life God is with ME and that is a gift.' Susan B

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The children arrived back on Wednesday 5th September looking

very smart in their school uniform. It was lovely to see so many

smiling and happy faces returning to school after the long break

ready to learn and renew friendships.


We welcomed a new teacher to school: Miss Kayleigh Francis who

is in year 5. We also have three trainee teachers in school this

year: Miss Rachel Mugford, Mrs Rachael Barlow and Mrs Tara

Keogh as well as a new member of the office team Mrs Tara


Meet the Teacher

We recently held a very successful evening where the teachers

met with the parents and gave a short presentation on our

expectations for their child’s learning throughout the year.

Sensory garden

We arrived back to our sensory garden in full bloom. The colours

are amazing and the aromas are an absolute delight. Our

‘Garden of Eden’ also had an abundance of apples on the trees.

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A huge thank you goes to Mrs Marcar our gardening expert



Our school Harvest Festival will be on Friday 5th October in

Church. This year, we will be collecting for Beacon House and

Colchester food-bank.

Finally we welcome our sixty new Foundation pupils who are

currently settling in with their new teachers. The school is now

full, I am pleased to report.

Belynda Fellows

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St. James the Great with St. Paul, is the church at the top of the East Hill,

Colchester. Many of you know that . . . you can credit me with award of

stating the obvious ;)

Obvious to some Christians is the need of the church to be renewed in

faith and participate in telling others about our Christian faith. This is made

so clear in the Gospel of St Mathew 28:19-20 when Jesus says, “Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey

everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the

very end of the age.”

In my experience the truculent human spirit seems to recoil to the word,

‘command’. However, the Lord Jesus Christ ‘bids’ that we go and tell. This

is clear in the Gospel of Mark chapter 16:15 Jesus appears to the eleven

disciples and reproaches them for not believing the persons who had seen

Him resurrected. They did not believe Mary Magdalene (Mk 16:11), nor the

two disciples on the road out in the country (Mk 16:13). Several times, Mark

refers to the resistance of the disciples to believing the witness of those

who experienced the resurrection of Jesus. Mark concentrates on the lack

of faith of the disciples because of two things. First, that faith in Jesus

goes through faith in persons who give witness. Second, that no one

should be discouraged when there is doubt in the heart. Even the eleven

disciples doubted. . ! So we read in Mark 16:15-18 of the mission to

announce the Good News to the whole world. After having criticized the

lack of faith of the disciples, Jesus confers their mission to them: “Go out

to the whole world, proclaim the Gospel to all creation . . .

What about our little bit of Creation at St. James the Great and Christian

mission? It is worth noting that 70% of young people aged between 16 and

29 years old in the UK identify with no religion what so ever. In the UK, only

7% of young adults identify as Anglican, fewer than the 10% who

categorise themselves as Catholic. Young Muslims, at 6%, are on the brim

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of increasing % overtaking those who consider themselves part of the

country’s established church.

59% of young people, those aged between 16 and 29 years old in the UK

never attend religious services. Nearly two-thirds of those young people in

the UK never pray. It seems the default for ‘no religion’ is set and the few

who are religious see themselves as swimming against the tide. On current

trends in a couple of decades (of less) the mainstream churches will be

smaller, but the few people left will be highly committed1.

Though let me be clear, we don’t engage in mission out of desperation. We

do so because we are bid to go and tell of God’s saving love. If we don’t go

and tell, then how will they know?

The current ‘Mission Committee’ is preparing the church for the Mission

Weekend. This mission is a focussed time where we reach out to those

outside of the normal church community with the Gospel. Even in our

multimedia, tech-dependent age we believe that one of the most effect

ways of reaching people with the Gospel is one-to-one. Whether in an

existing relationship such as friends and neighbours, or with strangers in

the street, we can share our faith.

Do prayerfully respond to the ‘bid’.

In the Cross of Christ

Fr James McCluskey

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Mission and you, them and me. SB

The definition of ‘Mission’

“a body of persons strongly in favour of a program, set of principles (faith),

who attempt to persuade or convert others.”

Why are we doing Mission?

To populate the church? To generate money? To keep the building open? No,

these are not the reasons for Mission. If our beautiful building fell down

tomorrow we should all still be participating in our parish Mission. Our

obligation is to spread Christianity to the whole world: or at least our part of


Whose job is Mission in our church?

The Priest? The Church Wardens and P.C.C? Me? Somebody else? The answer

is YES to all of these questions; and YOU!

It would be comfortable to think that the members of the church that take

part in Mission do so because that is their forte. I can tell you categorically

that is not true. Knocking on doors and engaging with strangers is so far out

of my comfort zone. Over the years at St. James I have listened to the

sermons delivered from the pulpit and they consistently give the same

message...share your faith. So I grab my courage in both hands and for a few

hours out of a year engage in Mission. Do I feel better about myself

afterwards? Yes. Am I less stressed the next year when I hear the word

Mission? No!

We are not being asked to pressure people into attending church or to brow

beat people into ‘believing’ in God. We are going out as a group of friends to

share something in our lives that is good, fulfilling and momentous. There is

no need of artifice or preternatural effort, just be you. Dig deep into

yourselves and embrace the challenge. We will be holding out the hand of

faith to people who may at some point accept it. People need to be told that

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St. James the Great Church stands with its doors open in welcome. You do

not need to convince or justify merely offer an opportunity. We all know

that an invitation can only be extended; there is no guarantee of acceptance.

It is our duty to share the knowledge that God’s love is for all people. Love

does not exist in isolation it needs to be shared, to grow and be renewed.

Are we going to stop asking?

No. Mission is cyclical. Communities oscillate. The devices we use to share

our faith change but the message remains the same. It is every Christian’s

responsibility to support Mission within and without our church.

Looking ahead

A workshop will be run prior to Mission to prepare members and give them

the confidence and support to be successful in this endeavour. You will never

be alone; this is a team effort.

St. James the Great Church Mission will be on the

Saturday 1st December 2018.

Leading up to this date the display board in church will include details,

thoughts, reflections and the evolution of our Mission. If you would like to

add to the display or anything is unclear please ask Father James.

Let your faith

be bigger

than your fear.

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The Long awaited day arrived; August Bank Holiday, for the Pilgrimage of

Healing and Renewal at The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.

To begin, Fr James led us in prayers in church beside Our Lady; we each lit a

candle and with a blessing made our way to the minibus which Fr James had

organised for the trip. We filed onto the bus with Fr James and Kate, Fr

Richard and Jill and a further 3 came by car.

There was an air of anticipation, especially from those who had not been to

The Shrine at Walsingham before. The weather was pleasantly cool with

intermittent sunshine. We journeyed through some lovely countryside during

which there was a ‘hum’ of excited chatter among the occupants on the bus.

We made good time and it was agreed that we stop at Swaffham for a break for

everyone to stretch their legs and have a cup of coffee.

We boarded the bus for the final few miles to The Shrine. We arrived in ample

time to join with the many pilgrims already there for the Solemn Mass at

midday. This was held in the open air within the grounds of The Shrine. A

truly beautiful Service.

After Mass we went to the refectory for a lovely unhurried lunch in the

company of other pilgrims.

We returned at 2.30pm for the Service of Sprinkling and Laying on of Hands

with Anointing again in the grounds of The Shrine. The homily was given by

the Rev. Canon Adrian Ling after which pilgrims’ line up for sprinkling of Holy

water from the well. Hymns are sung and Sprinkling concludes with a prayer.

This is followed by the Liturgy of Laying on of Hands and Anointing. Pilgrims

line up for a priest or nun to make a silent prayer for oneself or a loved one.

This is immensely powerful; you feel the spiritual energy transferring through

your body. Each pilgrim then moves to another priest who anoints with the

Oil of Chrism with the sign of the cross on the forehead and the palm of each

hand while giving a blessing. We return to our seats and a prayer concludes

this part of the liturgy. It is followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

after which there is time to light a candle in the Shrine, go to the shop and

have refreshment in the cafe before making the return journey home.

Heartfelt thanks must go to Fr James and his wife, Kate

for a spiritually up-lifting day.

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Course in Christian Studies/Chelmsford Diocese



The Course in Christian Studies is a two year course exploring the

Christian Faith with others, delivered weekly in local centres around the

diocese. CCS has a foundational first year and a more flexible second year

and leads to the Bishop’s Certificate.

ABOUT CCS Since it began in 1987, over 2500 lay people from Essex and East London have joined the Course in Christian Studies. What has it given them? What could it give you?

The excitement of discovery and learning together: members bring their own varied stories and experiences and share them, finding new truth in themselves and in each other through lively discussion.

Knowledge of the Bible and of the huge riches of Christian tradition, nurtured by tutors and textbooks, and whetting members' appetite for more knowledge - but not providing all the answers.

Delight in that biblical and Christian tradition, finding in it a field for imaginative and practical exploration, for wonder and worship and decision.

Constructive Reflection on the Bible and tradition and on the contemporary world: the Course does not shirk the hard questions posed by the Church's history or by believing in God and seeking peace and justice today.

Spiritual Formation of both the local group and its individual members: the Course does not set out to convert or evangelise, but it is concerned with the whole life of prayer and activity and relationships - not just with the mind.

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For those who desire it, the Course also provides a foundation for further education or training. This could be other local courses; it could be a degree or diploma. Or it could be training for a specific ministry in the Church including the ministry of: Reader, Pastoral Assistant, Lay Evangelist or Priest.

CCS GROUPS AND CCS ONLINE There are two ways in which you can take the CCS: In local, face-to-face groups or online in an interactive, password-protected group,

More information can be found on:

Course in Christian Studies | Chelmsford Diocese.

A leaflet is available at the back of the church. There is a group to

meet locally in Colchester. The local face-to-face groups start in

September but you do need to complete an application form. Please

speak to Fr James or email Diane Hardy

[email protected]


Thought for the day!

Being a Christian demands constant progression not


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Sponsorship of flowers in your Church

Untold evil is perpetuated ‘by man to man’ and ‘by man onto our

planet’ and I often have to remind myself of the wondrous things that

humanity is also capable of. God has gifted us with the imagination,

desire and ability to create breathtaking architecture, music,

paintings, sculptures, language, technology, food....It seems that our

ability to innovate and create is boundless and varied in its appeal.

What has this to do with flowers in Church? God created

multitudinous types of plants and flowers that are amazing in their

intricacy and beauty, colour and style. God also created in me the

desire to take his creations and offer them back to him in praise and

thanksgiving. My arranging flowers in our Church is a part of my

service to God. Not everybody wants to or is able to arrange flowers

so I want to offer my ‘talent’ to all of you. Anybody can sponsor

flowers in the Church for any reason. Sponsorship can be in

celebration, commemoration or adoration. All that is needed is to talk

to me (Susan). Tell me what occasion you are sponsoring and I will try

to accommodate your desires. On average a pedestal arrangement

costs £20 but you can also partially sponsor the flowers for that week

or sponsor as a group.

Father James recently told me ‘that nothing is impossible’!

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Renewing the Church in the Historic Faith

Forward in Faith and the

Society under the Patronage of Saint Wilfred and

Saint Hilda

Chelmsford Diocesan Branch Mass & A.G.M.

Tuesday October 2nd 2018 at 19.30 hrs

in Chelmsford Cathedral

The Right Reverend Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough, will be principal celebrant at the Mass, supported by his priests. The Mass begins at 7.30pm and the A.G.M to include an address by BP+ Norman, will take place after its conclusion. At the end of the A.G.M. light refreshments will be available. This is an opportunity to meet and chat to others of our Anglo-Catholic tradition within the diocese. Many churches work in isolation of each other, and this is a rare event at which we can build up our sense of Koinonia - Christian fellowship, communion with God and with fellow Christians. Do please put this date in your diary to attend.

Donations of snacks for refreshments afterwards would be much


Kind regards

Fr James McCluskey

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Dear friends, since being installed as the new Rector of St. James the Great, a lot of good things have happened in a short amount of time. However I do want to encourage you on a service that the church calls ‘Holy Hour’. This hour is on Saturday morning 10am -11am. Those that consistently attend this hour will testify of a

prayerful time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, which is an intimate, prayerful watch and gaze on Jesus as we watch Him, we sense His gaze upon us. Speaking of 'us' quite clearly there are deep, historic, patterns of worship among us at St. James the Great. Most people attend Church once a week, a few maybe twice, even less three times. Some though want to do more than go to Mass each week. . . . As such, I know that an hour spent before God, with Jesus present during Eucharistic Adoration is a powerful outpouring of God to the window of my soul. This opportunity to come and pray is a new pattern of worship for St. James the Great. One thing you can rely on with old historic patterns of worship is familiarity. However, the transforming presence of Christ is a renewing presence and a renewed faith, a renewal that brings regeneration of one’s faith, along with a fresh energy and a new commitment, vibrancy, even animation of faith. This commitment from me, as the Parish Priest, the Rector of St James, is a weekly commitment and I kindly invite you to join me at 10am for one hour. You may be reluctant to commit to anything outside of your normal pattern of worship, but I believe in the transforming presence of Jesus Christ, and I would suggest to you, that the stillness of this time in church, will be an hour with the Lord, that you will grow to look forward to it. It will transform your faith. You never know, you may even make this hour a priority in your week or month. Others who do attend regularly this 'Holy Hour' can speak about their experience of their time in church, and how much they are simply blessed. Moreover, they can testify, to the times they are emotionally moved during ‘Holy Hour’ as it is seemingly the most peaceful hour of the week. One ‘Holy Hour, when one can pray, and settle the issues with God, whilst receiving such peace, joy, and inspiration of faith and sense Our Lord's love for us . It is an hour, free of all the business of life, no phone, no computer, no shopping trolleys, no washing and cleaning, no work. It is just you and the Lord, conversing. It is such a quiet time to just look and listen and speak with the Lord'. 1 Samuel 3:7-11.

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Christian Aid Week in Colchester 2018

The good news is that despite difficult times for charities, and street

collections in particular reflecting people’s often different life styles,

Colchester managed to forward to Christian Aid the magnificent sum

of £14,478.90 plus a further £1421.92 through donations that were


As you may recall, we managed here at St James to raise £886.68

(including gift-aiding) thanks to our street collections, church

donations and above all to our magnificent collectors, Rosie White In

particular and our generous neighbours in Castle Road and Roman

Road. And as ever Vivien Spyvee from the Baptist Church who year on

year collects for us in Carlisle Close, Wakefield Close and Bristol Road.

And I am delighted to say that we had new volunteers in church as

well this year, our friend Andy taking on Havering Close and our lovely

organist Pat taking on Smythies Avenue.

This year’s cause of helping the people of Haiti build storm-proof

houses to combat earthquakes and hurricanes, so not just the

wealthy survive but as many of God’s people as possible, was just

tremendous and we have touching messages from the people of Haiti

saying ‘Thank you, a thousand times thank you’.

Looking to the future, please try to visit the Christian Aid exhibition at

Castle Methodist church October 6th, 7th and 8th (see poster in church

for times) highlighting the plight of 40 million people who are neither

migrants nor refugees but have been forced from their homes by

disaster, famine or war. They need help and noticing by our world.

Thank you for your support of Christian Aid now and next year.

Madeline Bates

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The Bible Course

An 8-session course helping you explore the world's bestseller. Accessible and interactive, it will enhance and inform your ongoing Bible study, whether you are new to the Bible or want to go deeper. Using a unique storyline, the course shows how the key events, books and characters all fit together. You’ll get to see the BIG picture and discover how the Bible applies to your life. A typical session includes:

n to finish

The content of the course over eight sessions includes:

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The Bible Course is ideal for 1-2-1 coaching, small groups and larger

gatherings and can be used anywhere from homes, workplaces or prisons.

It can also be used by older youth groups, student groups and in churches.

The course is accessible for people new to Christianity, ideal as a follow-

on from courses like Alpha or for mature Christians wanting to increase

their understanding of the Bible.

Do it

It’s simple. Each group needs at least one set of the course videos, and

each participant needs their own copy of the course manual.

Visit the following website


Father James will be leading a course, a sign up sheet will be available


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1 Mon St. Thérèse of Lisieux – Vocations of women to religious life

2 Tue Holy Guardian Angels – Charities that care for women and children

3 Wed Member of St James the Great Parochial Church Council

4 Thu St Francis of Assisi – Vocations of men to the religious life

5 Fri Beacon House

6 Sat Our Lady of Walsingham

7 SUN Our church and parish

8 Mon St James’ School

9 Tue Blessed John Henry Newman – Educators of the Christian Faith

10 Wed Doctors

11 Thu St John XXIII - Migrants and Refugees.

12 Fri St Wilfrid - For the Church in the Northern Province

13 Sat Soup Run

14 SUN Our Church and Parish

15 Mon St Teresa of Avila - Devotion to Prayer

16 Tue St Hedwig – St Helena Hospice

17 Wed St Ignatius of Antioch – Preacher of the Gospel

18 Thu St. Luke – Evangelists

19 Fri Colchester Deanery

20 Sat The Police

21 SUN Our Church and Parish

22 Mon St John Paul II – Theologians and Pastoral Carers

23 Tue St John Capistrano – Military Chaplains and Fr Giles Allen and his family.

24 Wed Retired Clergy - Fr Cross and Fr Costin

25 Thu The six Welsh Martyrs – Christian Respect and Tolerance

26 Fri St Chad and St Cedd – The Bishop of Chelmsford & Bishop of Bradwell,

27 Sat Bishop of Colchester

28 SUN Our Church and Parish

29 Mon Archdeacon Annette Cooper

30 Tue Will Quince MP

31 Wed Religious life at Walsingham – Sisters of St. Margaret

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2 Tues



The Divine Office

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

3 Wed

PCC Meeting to follow 19-00 Mass 7-45




The Divine Office


Evening Prayer


St James


St James

St James

4 Thurs




The Divine Office


Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

5 Fri





Morning Prayer

School Harvest

Rosary Prayers

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

St James

6 Sat 9-30 Mass St James


Guest Preacher

Fr Taemin Oh




Sung Mass

8 Mon No Mass

9 Tues



The Divine Office

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

10 Wed





The Divine Office


Evening Prayer


St James

Colonia Court

St James

St James

11 Thurs




The Divine Office


Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

12 Fri





Morning Prayer


Rosary Prayers

Evening Prayer

St James


St James

St James

13 Sat



The Divine Office

Holy Hour

St James

St James

14 SUN




Sung Mass

15 Mon No Mass

16 Tues



The Divine Office

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

17 Wed




The Divine Office

Evening Prayer


St James

St James

St James

18 Thurs




The Divine Office


Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

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19 Fri





Morning Prayer


Rosary Prayers

Evening Prayer

St James


St James

St James

20 Sat



The Divine Office

Holy Hour

St James

St James

21 SUN

Guest Preacher

Rev. Canon Jonathan Collis




Sung Mass

22 Mon No Mass

23 Tues



The Divine Office

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

24 Wed




The Divine Office

Evening Prayer


St James

St James

St James

25 Thurs




The Divine Office


Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

26 Fri

School on Half-term 7-45



Morning Prayer

Rosary Prayers

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

St James

27 Sat



The Divine Office

Holy Hour

St James

St James

28 SUN




Sung Mass

29 Mon No Mass

30 Tues



The Divine Office

Evening Prayer

St James

St James

31 Wed




The Divine Office

Evening Prayer


St James

St James

St James

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Churchwardens of the Parish

Mrs Kate Thurston 01206 793243

Mr Stephen Pawlak 01206 728443

Parochial Church Council Officers

Secretary Mrs Lucy Mason

Treasurer Mr Philip Dodd

Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Sheila Sansom

Parish Safeguarding Representative Mrs Clare Moles

07751329314 or [email protected]

Health & Safety Officer Mrs Janet Walker

St. James’ Church of England Primary School Colchester

Head Teacher Mrs Belynda Fellows

Website http://www.st-james-colchester.essex.sch.uk

Children’s’ Society Mrs Joyce Mays

Sidesmen Mrs Kate Thurston

Readers Mrs Janet Walker

Intercessions Mrs Kate Thurston

Gift Aid Officer Mrs Diana Londal

Sacristan Team Mr Brian Appleby Mr Paul Bareham Mr Stephen Pawlak

Children’s’ Liturgy Mrs Diana Irven

Flowers Mrs Susan Brandeis

Magazine Editor Mrs Lucy Mason

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Father James McCluskey SSC The Rectory

50B Priory Street Colchester CO1 2QB

Hon Asst. Priest

Father Alan Cross SSC

Canon Emeritus, Chelmsford Cathedral

Chaplain to Abberton Manor Nursing Home

Parish Phone Number: 01206 860419

Email: [email protected]

Sundays Said Mass 08:00

Sung Mass 10:00

Monday No Mass

Tuesday No Mass

Wednesday Mass 19:00

Thursday Mass 12:30

Friday Rosary Prayers 12 midday

Mass / Service in School PLEASE SEE CALENDAR

Saturday Holy hour & Confessions 10:00

The Divine Office 7:45am Tuesday –Thursday 9:00am Saturday

Morning Prayer 7:45 Friday Evening Prayer 18:00 Tuesday - Friday

Confession By appointment

Holy Baptism By arrangement after preparation

Ministry to the Sick Names of the Sick to the clergy, the Blessed Sacrament is

reserved for the communion of the Sick, and the Oil of the

Sick for Anointing

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Page 31: PARISH MAGAZINE...2018/10/10  · 4 Metanoia, then one will delve the scriptures, pray, meet in fellowship to be taught the scriptures, receives communion and then be happy to be one


The Thai 1 Restaurant is the longest established Thai Restaurant in Colchester Essex, Britain’s oldest recorded town. We pride ourselves on serving only the best in truly authentic Thai dishes, all freshly prepared and cooked from locally sourced suppliers by our highly experienced Bangkok trained Thai chef’s. Thai 1 Colchester can be found just a few hundred yards on the right hand side travelling up East Hill Colchester, going towards the Town and Castle Park. You can visit our website at www.thai-1.co.uk, or contact us on 01206 870770

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Dear Pilgrim Friday 2nd November the church keeps a very important date in its church calendar ‘The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed’ or ‘All Souls’ as it is commonly called. It is a custom of the wider church to invite church folk, family members, relatives and friends of loved ones who have died to this particular Christian Requiem Mass for the service of All Souls that starts at 7.30 p.m. It will be followed by refreshments served at the back of the church for those who wish to stay.

During the service there will be an opportunity to light a 7 Day Candle which will be labelled with the name of your loved one/s and be a continuation of your prayers and will burn continuously for seven days. During the service you will be invited to place the lit candle/s in the Sanctuary. The candles will remain lit throughout the week and people can continue to visit the church, to pray as and when it is open throughout the week.

It is always a poignant act of prayer and Christian remembrance. Remembrance is important, for our loved ones do not die and disappear without a trace. They matter to God! It was Saint Dominic who lay on his deathbed surrounded by his sorrowful brethren, he consoled them saying, “Do not weep. I will be of more use to you in Heaven.” Dominic’s words offer Christian hope a Hope that comes from the Saviour Jesus Christ.

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We read in St Mathew’s Gospel, 25:34 the words of Jesus ‘Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. ’ Our loved ones inheritance is Heaven. As to what they or we shall do there . . . I whole heartedly encourage you to purchase a copy of Dallas Willard’s book, ‘A Divine Conspiracy’. Read through some of the final chapters of his book with great interest, hope, joy and relief! Willard certainly reinforces something that Sir Walter Scott said ‘Is death the last sleep? No–it is the last and final awakening. -Sir Walter Scott’ That said we all have lost loved ones, some so early in their life, others who had been with us for a good long while. And though, for those left behind, the sense of loss can be almost too much to bear. The Christian hope is that we know in our hearts that we shall see our loved ones again, that we will all be reunited with each other—in our heavenly Father’s kingdom. So until that time, we remember them with love, and offer up prayers for souls. St. Augustine wrote “If we had no care for the dead, we would not be in the habit of praying for them.” So dear friends do be encouraged to make a commitment to attend this Church service of ‘All Souls’ on Friday 2nd November 2018. If you would like one (or more) of these candles you would need to please complete the form at the bottom of the page and return it with a cheque for £5.00 per candle*, made payable to ‘St James PCC’ by Tuesday 30th October 2018. The names will also be included in the Order of Service and read out during the Mass. To enable us to know how many people are likely to attend would you please complete the form below and return to Fr. James, the Rectory, 50B Priory Street, Colchester by Tuesday 28th October. Please remember that this service is open to all family and friends so please let them know about it.

A copy of this letter will be placed at the back of the church too.

With all sincere prayers, Fr. James McCluskey

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*We want to remember your loved ones so if the cost of the candles is a problem, please speak to Fr James McCluskey. Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………… I will be bringing ………… (State number) family and friends with me to the All Souls Mass on Friday 2nd November 2018 at 7.30 p.m. I enclose payment for . . . . . . (Amount) candles [£5 per candle] by cheque made payable to ‘St James PCC. I would like the following names on deceased loved one/s on the 7 Day Candles: [Capital letters, please] …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………...................................................................................................

Please return completed form by Tuesday 28th October 2018: The Reverend James McCluskey SSC,

50B Priory Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2QB.

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A few thoughts from other quarters!

Hooray, we are using many fewer plastic bags. On average, we now use

about 19 a year – as opposed to 140 a year.

The number of disposable carrier bags issued by the seven biggest

supermarket chains has declined by 86 per cent since the charge was

introduced in 2015, according to statistics from the Department for

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Michal Gove, the Environment Secretary, has said it is vital to reverse the

‘rising tide of plastic waste finding its ways into our rivers, seas and oceans,

and the catastrophic impact this is having on our marine environment.’

The heat wave this summer was a powerful reminder that our planet is not

disposable! The evidence that carbon dioxide is heating the planet is seen in

melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels and extreme weather. In the church

September and early October is a time to reflect on God as Creator and

Sustainer of all life.

Do we share God’s love for His world, in our care for it?

A man asked a friend about the two greatest problems in the world. The friend responded, ‘I don’t know and I don’t care!’ the man replied, ‘You got them both!’ Psalm 121 presents a God who both knows and cares about our problems. As the first Song of Ascent (Psalms 120-134), it was used by pilgrims going to the great festivals in Jerusalem. Just as this road was full of dangers, this psalm speaks to our problems and set-backs, whether illness, family or work issues, or fear. ‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains…My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’ (1,2). His care is constant, close and continuing, so let’s trust His care for us, and not be like the lady who asked: ‘why pray when I can worry?’

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