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Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ...

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3550 E. Knox Rd Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480 - 893 - 8770 Children s Faith Formation Office: 480 - 893 - 1160 Parish: corpuschristiphx.org Formed: corpuschristiphx.formed.org
Page 1: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770

Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Parish: corpuschristiphx.org Formed: corpuschristiphx.formed.org

Page 2: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 2

Corpus Chris Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal rela onship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.

Parish Office Hours C (Voicemail is being checked frequently)

Children’s Faith Formation (Catholic Education) Office Hours: C

Gift Shop Hours: C

P M C U F N - Sunday & Daily Masses are live-streamed at 1 pm on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel

Confessions Confessions will be held in the pavilion. Please adhere to the social distancing protocol of keeping 6 feet away from other penitents.

Tuesday: 5:00 Thursday: 7:00 Saturday: 2:30

Adoration T A C

. We highly encourage you to pray at home for your safety and the safety of others.

The church will be open for private prayer me Monday through Saturday from 3 pm – 8 pm and Sunday mornings from 8 am – 12 pm. Not only will the larger space allow everyone to maintain social distancing norms (please stay at least six feet away from others), but this will also allow us to maintain cleanliness and disinfect the prayer space every day. To view a live feed of Adora on, visit h ps://www.ewtn.co.uk/live/adora on.

Clergy and Staff Members Rev. Chad King, Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Albert Francis Hoorman, Pastor Emeritus

Rev. L.A. Sigman, Founding Pastor

Deacon Chris Kellogg [email protected]

Deacon Dennis Lambert [email protected] Website/Blog: dennislambert-writer.com

Retired Deacon Al Gaudio Retired Deacon Phil Simeone

Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager [email protected]

Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Kathleen Foley, Parishioner Engagement Coordinator kathleen.foley@corpuschris phx.org

Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor chris .deg@corpuschris phx.org Bulle n submissions: bulle n@corpuschris phx.org

Linda McCormack, C. F. F. Office Manager linda.mccormack@corpuschris phx.org

Kathy Egle, Director of Evangeliza on kathy.egle@corpuschris phx.org

Denise Halloran, Dir. of Children’s Faith Formation denise.halloran@corpuschris phx.org

Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth Evangeliza on grace.rivera@corpuschris phx.org

John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries john.deg@corpuschris phx.org

Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy ma hew.henry@corpuschris phx.org

Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager [email protected]

Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor ken.doering@corpuschris phx.org

Council Presidents Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@corpuschris phx.org

Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council

Page 3: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020 3


The Nine Grades of Prayer — 3rd & 4thGrades: pages 4-5 Rest in Peace: page 5 Knights of Columbus Raffle Tickets: page 6 Pray for the Sick: page 6 Seven Sisters Apostolate: page 6 A Truly Catholic Way to Love in Charity: pages 7-8 Our Domestic Churches: page 8 Frequently Asked Questions: page 8 World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Back Cover

Parish Contribu ons

April 19, 2020

Tithing* Weekly Total........................................ $25,649.64 Weekly Budget.................................... $34,376.08 Weekly Surplus (Deficit)...................... ($8,726.44)

Fiscal Year-to-date Total ....................$1,271,885.57 Fiscal Year-to-date Budget................. $1,237,808.92 Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit).... $34,076.65

*Includes Sunday collections, Online Giving, and mid-week tithing.

Other Contribu ons

Miscellaneous……….....…….......................... $408.00 Building Fund Collec on……....................... $400.00 Building Fund Balance……........................... $68,676.65

Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at flocknote.com/corpuschris cc Sign-up for electronic newsle ers, emergency no fica ons, and other communica ons, such as when parish ac vi es will resume.

Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/corpuschris phoenix

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Chris Catholic Church Phoenix

The Church’s mission continues! Many regular operating expenses s ll remain (salaries, facility

maintenance, etc.) so please con nue your regular the. This is extremely critical to avoid future financial

hardship for the parish and our employees.

If you do not yet use electronic giving, please click the ONLINE GIVING button at corpuschristiphx.org and follow the simple instruc ons for repeat electronic giving to the Sunday Collec on. You may also mail your envelope each week, if you prefer. Without public Masses, your dona ons to our parish are more cri -cal now than ever.

Thank you for your con nued support & generosity!

How Can We Help You?

We have a list of volunteers willing to pick-up and deliver prescrip ons, groceries, and meals for other parishioners that are high-risk or otherwise unable to leave their homes.

Please email: carol.pavlak@corpuschris phx.org to coordinate services.

Monday, May 4 through Sunday, May 10

The priests continue to offer the Mass Intentions in their private Masses and those live-streamed daily at 1pm on our website,

Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

† Roseanne VanNorman † Rosemary Vlasak

Tom Tormey Gloria Maupin

† Kathleen Hammerbacher † John Maurer

† Trude Hermanski † Patricia Szczepanski

† Bill Kohn † Shawn McGrath

Parishioners † Michael & Rose Botsko Mother’s Day Novena

Page 4: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 4

You were hopefully able to find some opportunities to prac ce more meaningful verbal and medita ve prayer in the last week. Con nue to keep coming back to those simpler forms throughout your prayer life. This week, we will explore the 3rd and 4th grades of prayer.

3rd Grade of Prayer – Affec ve Prayer The majority of the development of

this grade of prayer comes to us from St. Francis de Sales. If you are interested, his book, Introduc on to the Devout Life, is an excellent resource wri en specifically to help lay people seek out holiness in their everyday lives.

Remember in the 2nd grade of prayer—medita on – we ac vate our intellects and imagina ons to try to more deeply penetrate the meaning of a supernatural truth. Now, in the 3rd grade, we move out of our heads and more into our hearts. Affec ve prayer is reflec ng and medita ng on what God’s love means to you as an individual. You s ll need to engage your mind a li le bit to do this, but there will be much less thought overall. In this grade, you are not asking for anything or trying to figure out anything. Your mind is not busy trying to tell God everything you need to tell him. There should be no journaling here. There is a certain peace to this form of prayer because there isn’t anything for you to do except to just simply sit and bask in the love God has for you.

This grade of prayer is known very much for bringing about spiritual consola on. Consola on in prayer is when we feel God’s close presence to us and can feel His response to our gi of love for

Him. Receiving consolation in prayer can be soothing, comfor ng, and peaceful. We rest in the fact that all is well because of God’s love and close presence to our soul. Spiritual consolation helps with affective prayer as we feel God dwelling in our hearts.

We do need to be careful about becoming too a ached to consola on in our prayer life.

It is not always guaranteed. Relying on consola on in prayer also endangers our disposi on to only go to God to make us feel good, when in fact, we should be going to God in prayer out of love for Him. Love is doing something for the good of the other, not because of what it can do for you. I will talk about this more at length in the next article, but you will have to go through a dark period of no consolation to achieve the 5th grade of prayer. So, appreciate and enjoy any consolation you receive in prayer, but do not expect it as if you are owed it.

While this grade of prayer o en (not always) brings about consola on, what if it doesn’t? We must look at

the other fruits of our prayer life to discern how our union with God is growing

through our prayer efforts. Do we experience an increase in our prac ce of virtue? Do you have

an increase for love of God and love of neighbor? Do you handle suffering be er? If you join your cross to Jesus’ and carry it be er as a result, your prayer life is growing. Even if God does not offer you consolation for any period of time, be thankful to Him for it. Know that He is there. Rest in the fact that He loves you. And know that He is using that

me to bring about something good in you and your rela onship with Him.

- Jen Arnold, M.A. in Theology and Cateche cs

Page 5: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020 5

4th Grade of Prayer – Acquired Recollec on Acquired recollection is the highest grade of prayer

we can achieve by our own work and prac ce. A er this one, God alone, can move us through the final grades, if He so wills. To get to and through this 4th grade takes a lot of self-discipline on our part and we should work on it as much as possible.

Acquired recollec on is also known as the prayer of simplicity or the prayer of simple vision. It is where we apply our simple loving gaze on a divine or supernatural truth. Similar to the earlier grade of medita on, we choose any truth, mystery, or other divine a ribute to focus our a en on. However in this stage, we remove all imagina on and emo on. We just gaze lovingly on whatever object we have chosen through the eyes of our heart. Controlling your imagina on and emo on takes quite a bit of self-mastery and this is not something that can be achieved easily or without perseverance.

Arguably the best place to prac ce this grade of prayer is in the Adora on Chapel before the Blessed Sacrament. Can you quiet your mind and all that is inside of you and just gaze lovingly at Him? This is no easy feat for some people, myself included. Paragraph #2715 in the Catechism shares a story told to us by St. John Vianney. St. John came upon a peasant who was in the church sitting before the tabernacle. When St. John asked the peasant what he was doing his reply was, “Nothing. I look at Him and He looks at me.” This is exactly what acquired recollection, or the prayer of simplicity looks like.

So, using some of our previous examples of objects of our medita ve prayer, we can see how they would look in this grade. The first mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary is the Annunciation of Jesus’ concep on in Mary’s womb. Can we simply gaze lovingly at God made flesh as a ny baby? Can we simply gaze lovingly on the woman He chose as His living tabernacle for nine months? Can we gaze lovingly at the pain he endured for us in bearing the crown of thorns on His head? Can we each gaze in simple love at a crucifix because He suffered for love of each of us? We talked about using paragraphs

from the Catechism as objects of medita on as they contain divine truths. Can we gaze on those statements of truth with love, simply because they come directly from God in love?

Both of the grades of prayer we’ve discussed here require us to get out of the busyness of the world and out of our own, o en tumultuous, heads and emotions to meet Jesus in our hearts more in mately. This week, can you seek out opportuni es – even a few minutes – to practice turning everything off in order to be at peace in the love of God, no ma er what else is happening in your life? Prac ce this as frequently as you can, and it will grow and bring about great fruit in your life.

Rest in Peace

Larry Hobbs Judith Manriquez Jenni Montuoro

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful

departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Page 6: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 6

Pray for the Sick John C. Cooper, Gloria Costello, Pat Danno,

Kayla Ellison, Matt & Maryann Fazio, Randy Frost, Dcn. Al Gaudio, Dee Gordon, Pat Hungerford, Jim King, June McNaught, Ana Minelli, Bob Mueller, Ben Oeverndiek,

Stephanie Siatta, Frank Spadafore, Dennis Sullivan, and all who are suffering from the Coronavirus

H K C S . V P S !

The Annual Charity Drawing is s ll taking place! Once again, our Knights of Columbus Council 10062 have chosen our own conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society to benefit from this raffle. As you can imagine, the various aid that St. Vincent de Paul provides is in high demand at this time. Half of all our K of C Council’s cket sales will benefit our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul. Parishioners can also chose to donate any amount without buying ckets in order to support both the Knights and St. Vincent de Paul. Since the Knights cannot sell tickets in person, the easiest alterna ve is to mail a check to Raffle Chair, Bill Steinkemper. He will fill out the ckets for you and email you the cket stub numbers.

• 1 book of ckets is $20.00 (includes one free cket) and 6 books is $100.00 (includes one free book)!

• First prize is $10,000.00 going down to $500.00 for 10th place!

Please make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus Council 10062. Include a note with your name, phone number, and email. Drop off or mail to:

Bill Steinkemper 12602 S Nambe St PHX, AZ 85044

A Way for Women to Support Their Priests

"In strengthening the priest you strengthen the whole Church…"

One concrete way to do this is through the Seven Sisters Apostolate. The apostolate's call is to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole inten on of a specific priest or bishop — a lavishing of prayer for that priest’s deeper conformity to Christ.

We are seeking women who are willing to make a 1 year commitment to pray a holy hour, one day a week, for a specific priest who has a direct impact on our parish.

For more info, go to sevensistersapostolate.org or contact Tina Glenn at az [email protected].

Parishioners — please contact our bulletin advertisers to thank them for suppor ng our parish and to find out if there is a way that you can support them in return during this me!

Page 7: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020 7

When you think about how you love those around you, what comes to mind? Maybe you make dinner for your parents once in a while, give advice to a younger sibling, visit your grandma, cheer up a friend, but do you ever love people by calling them to a higher standard?

In today’s society, we o en view love as a way to support someone or show our apprecia on for them. But, for a Catholic, love should be all of these things and more. Our love should drive those around us to Heaven. That’s truly Catholic love. There are many different Greek terms for the different types of love; one of these is agape, meaning that one wills the best for another. This type of love is the main means by which we may draw others closer to God.

We o en want to support those around us, so when we see them making bad decisions, we might not intervene because we don’t want to affect their perceived happiness, normal ac vi es, or coping mechanisms. But, it is not love to sit back and let someone make destruc ve decisions.

Now, maybe you know your friend sees certain teachings of the faith as confining or as a stumbling block to their desire for happiness. Maybe you don’t see your friend pursuing the truth of the faith, and you feel you shouldn’t impose your own beliefs on others, so you let things slide. But, I am challenging you to have those difficult conversa ons with your friends. If you no ce behavior that does not align with Church teaching, have a genuine conversa on with them.

Of course, I’m not asking you to judge the person subjec vely, as in a emp ng to judge the state of their soul, since only God has that power. However,

the Catechism reminds us that we are called by Christ to make objec ve judgments about ac ons and to obstruct the sins of others when we have an obliga on and opportunity to do so (CCC 1868).

Addi onally, the virtue of charity requires the gi of truth to others because of its eternal benefit to their souls. Recall the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:

“If you con nue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32

If the truth of our faith is what saves us, how can we withhold that from others? Those around you may not see their behavior as destruc ve or they may not know the true teachings of the Church. This is why I would cau on against reprimanding them for their ac ons, but talk to them about why they made the decisions they did. Talk to them about the difference between the true and unending happiness found in God alone, and flee ng pleasures that soon come to an end. Have an honest and mature discussion about how bad choices end in bad consequences.

Difficult conversa ons are o en the most frui ul because they leave both par es to reflect on the truth of the ma er. A simple plea for reflec on can go a long way. Pray for their soul and pray God will use you as an instrument in the situa on. Love plays a big part in these conversa ons. If you didn’t truly love them, why would you be trying to call them to a higher standard? A loving correc on can open eyes and change someone’s life.

Although it may feel awkward correc ng someone in the faith, remember that as a Catholic we proclaim truth. These “rules” from the Catholic religion are

A Truly Catholic Way to Love in Charity By Julia Miller 21 April 2020

What is a truly Catholic way to love? What does it mean to love? And how is loving others connected, even dependent upon, communica ng the teaching of the Church on faith and morals? Is it loving to remain silent and look the other way while someone engages in destruc ve behavior?

Page 8: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 8

Frequently Asked Questions U A


How do I register? All Catholics living in the Parish area are invited to register in the Parish. Registration forms can be filled out via our parish website.

Adults 18+ need to be registered separately from their parents in order to get married, have their own children bap zed, or be Godparents or Sponsors.

In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor or to receive discounted tui on rates at Catholic Schools, one must be a registered Catholic and ac ve in the parish, which is indicated by use of contribution envelopes or the Online Giving program.

How do I have my child Baptized? Before scheduling the date, please leave a message for Carol Pavlak in the Parish Office. A preparation class is also required for parents prior to the child’s Baptism. This potentially may be fulfilled via an online course during this current situa on and bap sms must be limited to under 10 people in attendance.

How do I request Anointing of the Sick? Please call the Parish Office at 480-893-8770 DO NOT WAIT until someone is very near death to have the person anointed! Although Anointing of the Sick was once known as “Last Rites,” wai ng un l a person is near death could risk that person not being able to receive the Sacrament if he or she should pass away prior to the priest being able to arrive. Anointing of the Sick can only be administered while the person is still alive. To limit exposure and spread of the virus, Communion to the Sick is not available during this me. The Sacrament of Anoin ng is s ll available for those approaching the end of life.

How do I get married in the Church? The Diocese of Phoenix requires a NINE MONTH marriage preparation process. Email John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries, so he can go over the process. Do NOT set the date un l approved by John as it cannot be guaranteed.

truly freeing. The teachings of the Church are rooted in Tradi on; they help us see the human condi on and freely choose to be a child of God. Ul mately, these teachings save our souls because they call us to God in a difficult, but very frui ul, way. In other words, living an upright moral life in free and loving obedience to the commandments is connected to a aining salva on, as the Lord Jesus said:

“If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.” John 14:23-24

As Catholics, we should proclaim truth without hesita on with the goal of turning hearts to God. Show your love by having that difficult conversa on, it may save a soul.

Julia Miller Julia is a student at The University of Dallas studying theology. She will also pursue a Master’s Degree

in secondary educa on from the university. She hopes to one day become a high school religion teacher in order to spread the faith to the youth of America. She has been blessed to receive a Catholic educa on and cannot wait to aid others in receiving the same gi !

Do you have pictures of your family or drawings from your kids portraying life as a domestic church? Please email them to chris .deg@corpuschris phx.org to be featured in a future bulle n! The picture above was sent in from the Arnold family.

Page 9: Parish Office: 480-893-8770 - Corpus Christi …...2020/05/03  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160

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