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Parish STAFF - stjosephastoria.org · 12:00 Lucia Sivilli Friday, November 9: The Dedication of the...

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OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 E-mail: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF MASSES Parish STAFF 5:00 p.m. (English) 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish), 12:00 Noon EUCHARISTIC ADORATION After 12 noon Mass until 4 pm. SACRAMENTS


28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611

E-mail: [email protected]


Parish STAFF

5:00 p.m. (English) 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish),

12:00 Noon

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION After 12 noon Mass until 4 pm.


Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary

Time November 4, 2018 You shall love the L , your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. — Deuteronomy 6:5 *********************************************************************** GOD’S LAWS God’s laws are not intended to burden or torment us. Instead they are guideposts that point us in the direction of good living. Accordingly, good living requires loving God and loving one another. We should not follow God’s laws out of fear of what might happen if we don’t, but rather view them as a foundation for building relationships and trust with one another and with God. The Shema prayer of Orthodox Jews is based on the reading from Deuteronomy today, “Hear, O Israel.” Every morning people recite the prayer as a profession of their love for God and pledge their obedience to God throughout the day. They pass on their love of God to their children, from one generation to the next *********************************************************************** READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-30ab, 30e, 31-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] ***********************************************************************

sanctuary Lamp for the week of November 5-9 will burn in memory of William & Sadie Pinto. Requested by: Patricia Pinto


Mass Book for 2019 The new Mass book for 2019 was open on Saturday, Nov. 3, for anyone who desires a Mass to be celebrated for the intention of a loved one in the next calendar year. The Mass book will be re-open on Monday, Nov. 12. The offering for a Mass will be $15 for a weekday Mass and $25 for a Saturday night (Vigil Mass) or Sunday Mass.


Madaline Gabella, George Glus, Nora Smyth, Margaret Zgombic, Patti Duman, Jane

Vassil, Donna SanSouci Those Who Have Entered into Eternal Life

Lilly Milani & Sofia Erazma

Saturday, November 3:Vigil Mass

8:00 Purgatorial Society 5:00 Catherine & Thomas Donohue For relatives & friends of Dorothy Green Sunday, November 4: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time; National Vocation Awareness Week; Daylight Saving Time ends

7:45 Lucia & Alessio Gaviglia 9:00 Giuseppe Gizzi, Angelo & Serafica Curatolo Michaele & Gerardina Pasquarielto Giordano Vlacich, Lugi Davi Rosa Badalamenti 10:30 Remigia & Jose Molina Juarez Felix Pedro & Obdulia Espinales 12:00 Cassar & Xuereb 7:00 p.m. Alice Freeman Monday, November 5:

8:00 Dec. Members of the Massalin Family 12:00 Natale & Jakomina Tomicic Tuesday, November 6: Election Day

8:00 Sixto Henry Vera 12:00 Angelo & Salvatore Ippolito Wednesday, November 7:

8:00 Ivan Dobric; Riko & Antonia Lazaric, Peter Dujomic 12:00 Julia Pavich, Wilfrido Rodriguez 7:30pm Edelmiro Colon Durant Parks Family Thursday, November 8:

8:00 Delfina Botti 12:00 Lucia Sivilli Friday, November 9: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

8:00 Family Fugosic 12:00 Rachele & Vincenzo Galante Saturday, November 10: St. Leo the Great

8:00 Frank Giambrone (Special Intention) 5:00 Tomas & Teresa Brunetti Sunday, November 11:Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Veterans Day

7:45 Alesandro & Joseph Sclafani 9:00 Carmela Pesce Aldorasi, Giordano Vlacich, Giuseppine LoPiccolo, Giuseppe Dimite, Robert G. Wilmers, Eliseo Luis Ramirez 10:30 Natividad Vera de Irustra, Emilia Jaramillo 12:00 Ismael Canales 7:00 p.m. Maria Stankievich


St. Joseph Parish would like to thank their parishioners who donated a Fall Plant in Memory of the loved ones.

Trigésimo Primer Domingo

del Tiempo Ordinario 4 de noviembre de 2018

Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas. — Deuteronomio 6:5 ************************************************************************ LAS LEYES DE DIOS Las leyes de Dios no intentan atormentarnos o ser una carga. Al contrario, son señales que nos guían por el sendero de la buena vida. Por lo tanto, la buena vida requiere que amemos a Dios y nos amemos unos a otros. No debemos seguir las leyes divinas por miedo a lo que pudiera ocurrir si no las seguimos, más bien verlas como un fundamento sobre el cual construir nuestras relaciones y entablar confianza con los demás y con Dios. La oración Shema de los judíos ortodoxos se basa en la lectura de hoy del Deuteronomio: “Escucha, pues, Israel”. Cada mañana la persona recita la oración como una profesión de amor a Dios y un compromiso de obediencia a Dios a lo largo del día. Así transmiten el amor a Dios a sus hijos, de generación en generación. ************************************************************************ TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Uno de los santos más populares de la época medieval fue el soldado húngaro conocido como Martín Caballero o Martín de Tours (c. 315‑397). Esta popularidad se debió a su biografía escrita por un discípulo, Sulpicio Severo. Su vida fue el mejor ejemplo de santidad a través de varios siglos. Contiene esta biografía muchos de los acontecimientos, enseñanzas y milagros de la vida del santo que fue soldado en el ejército romano antes de su conversión. Muchos ignoran que fue monje, misionero y obispo por muchos años. Su imagen decora muchos almanaques latinoamericanos y él continúa siendo un santo popular. La representación más común de san Martín es la de un soldado romano sobre un caballo que rasga su manto rojo a la mitad con una espada para darle una parte a un pobre sentado a los pies del caballo. Según su biografía, Martín hizo esto durante el proceso de su conversión y resulta que el pobre limosnero se le aparece en un sueño revelándose como Cristo mismo, ya que lo que un cristiano hace por los pobres y marginados lo hace por Jesús. ************************************************************************ Apertura del Libro de Misas Del 2019

El Nuevo libro de Misas se re- abrirá dia lunes 21 de Noviember, para quien quiera reservar una misa para el próximo año. La donación de las misas es de $15 para las misas de la semana y $25 para la las misas de los sábados en la noche y los domingos.

Christ the Pantcorator

by Father Vincent Having described the image of Christ the Pantocrator (Christ the Almighty God). This week I have decided to talk about the images that adorn the rest of the sanctuary. Just a reminder that the gold coloring of the sanctuary represents the glory of heaven. Immediately under-neath the image of the Almighty God who encom-passes the whole universe, we see the circles con-taining the images of four saints. Standing in front of the altar looking directly at them from left to right we see the images of Saint Peter, Our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and Saint Paul, represent-ing the communion of Saints as do the statues that surround the church reminding us as I have said on many occasions that when we come together in the sacred space heaven is united with earth and all creation prais-ing God. The five magnificent stain glass windows that were added to the church in 1939 depicts the five great sacrifices of the bible, once again looking from left to right, the first window depicting the sacrifices offered by Cain & Able, the next window Bread & Wine offered by the priest Melchizedek, the center window & the most im-portant, the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, to the right of the center window Abraham offering his son Isaac and the last window Moses & Aaron of-fering the Passover Lamb of Exodus. These win-dows also depict for us how God overtime intervened in our history and while we live in this moment these sacred events are all present before God. In between the windows on the four panels are the fiery six-winged seraphim as described in the book of Isaiah in his vision of heaven that cry out to God unseeingly “Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts.” Reminding us once again that when we come together in this sacred space time ceases and we join with heaven and all creation praising God. I hope my reflections on the sanctuary have not only broaden our understanding on the images con-tained but also reminds us in a visual way hat when we come into the sacred space of the church we are standing in the presence of God and hopefully we each get a taste of the beauty and the hope of heaven as our final goal.

2018 Annual Catholic Appeal As of October 23 2018, 150 parish families have pledged $60,462.00; $51,733.00 received toward our parish goal of $55,455. for the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal to assist Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and our diocesan church to maintain its many services and ministries. Thanks to the 150 Families who generously responded we are $3722, from completing our goal. The remaining amount pledged $5007, hopefully will be returned to St. Joe’s to help pay our outstanding debts. ************************************************************************

Join Us For Breakfast November 4th, 2018

after 9:00 a.m., 10:30a.m., and 12 Noon Masses School Social Center (Cafeteria)

Please come and join us for breakfast, we will have pancakes, eggs, coffee, juice, sausage, bagels and more…. Entrance is free, you pay only for what you eat, please bring your whole family or a friend and enjoy a delicious Breakfast and an opportunity to meet other parishioners. ************************************************************************

St. Joseph’s Annual

Saturday November 10, 2018 St. Joseph’s school Gym

1 Table $35, 2 Tables $60, 3 Tables $90 For more information contact:

Jackie Barkoutsis at (718) 932-9766 or

[email protected]

Update on Parish Weekly Collection, October 28, 2018

Sunday Collection..........................................$4,212 All Soul’s………………………....................$2,038 Total Collection..............................................$6,250 ***********************************************************************

The Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please join us for our weekly meeting every Wednesday after the Noon Mass, in the Gathering Space; Length of meeting is approximately one hour. ***********************************************************************

Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 8:00 to 9:00am, to assist any parishioner that is need of food. To register please bring a NYC Benefit card. Please Note: The Secure Food deposit Box…

Located in the front lobby of our church on the Rectory side. Please deposit all dry food (pasta, rice, beans, cans and bottles) there. This will assist us in securing that your food donations go directly to the needy. ***********************************************************************

Welcome to Our Parish Please mark one:

Please register me and, yes, send me enve-lopes.

Please contact me about becoming a Catholic or completing my initiation as a Catholic through the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Please contact me about Religion Education for my child.

Please contact me about how I can volunteer.


Last Name___________________________

Date of Birth : _______________________


Apt. #________ City:__________________

State:__________ Zip code______________


E-mail:_____________________________ Please fill out this form, and deposit in the basket collection or in the Parish office, or e-mail [email protected]


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