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Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)

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  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Call to Order:Roll Call:


    Tuesday Apri11 201411:00 am - City Hall Council Chambers

    President- Alan KappersMr. KappersMr. PhillipsMrs. Pierce

    Mr. HobartMr. HeathMr. DunnMrs. SnipesMr. Heffner

    Approve Minutes: January 16 2014 Joint Meeting and March 4 2014 Regular ParkBoard Meeting.


    Old Business:New Business:


    Jeremy Drake, Park Superintendent (Report Attached)Ken Siler, Recreation Director (Report Attached)Ken Green, Director of Golf (Report Attached)Mr. Kappers, Planning Commission Report

    Status Update regarding the Barn in the Park Lease.Request from the Troy Hayner Cultural Center for permission to use thegazebo and park behind the Troy-Miami County Public Library on Saturday,August 9 2014 from 9:00a.m. until approximately 6:00p.m. A copy of thereques t is attached.Request from the Troy-Miami County Public Library for permission to host astorybook walk at Brukner Park. The walk is scheduled for May. A copyof the request is attached.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)



    The meeting was called to order by Mr. Kappers President.Members of the Board Present: Mr. Kappers PresidentMr. Stan Phillips Vice-President

    Mrs. Becky Pierce SecretaryOthers present: Jeremy DrakeKen SilerKen Green

    Patrick TitteringtonSue KnightDeborah SwanStan KegleyTim DavisCitizensPress

    Park SuperintendentRecreation DirectorDirector of GolfDirector of Public Service and SafetyAdministrative AssistantCity EngineerProject ManagerPlanning Manager

    The minutes of the February 4 2014 meeting of the Board of Park Commissionerswere approved following a motion by Mr. Phillips and seconded by Mrs. Pierce.REPORTS:

    The report from Jeremy Drake Park Superintendent was accepted assubmitted. Mr. Drake added that he met with Hubbard Roofing Inc.regarding the roof at the Park Department office and they are waiting to hearback from some other roofing companies before he compiles the informationand makes a recommendation for the work.

    The report from Ken Siler Recreation Director was accepted as submitted.Mr. Siler added that they are working on the 84 Lumber Home Show that isscheduled March 4 16. He explained that this is the first time in 20 yearsthat it will be held at Hobart Arena. They are hoping to have this event comeback yearly. He also noted that they are working on summer activities.

    The report from Ken Green Director of Golf at Miami Shores Golf Course

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Page 2Park Board MinutesMarch 4, 2014BARN IN THE PARK AGREEMENT UPDATE:Mr. Kappers asked if there was an update for the Barn in the Park LeaseAgreement. Mrs. Knight explained that she forwarded a copy to Mr. Kappers and Mr.Kappers replied that he had not received it so she provided a copy to the BoardMembers and they started to look it over. Mr. Kappers asked Mrs. Knight about theterm, and she replied that it was a five-year contract with a five-year renewal. Mr.Kappers had some other concerns, and he moved to table this item until the Aprilmeeting. Mr. Drake noted that the Troy Civic Theater is anxious to get this resolvedbecause if they are awarded the lease they are looking at having some HV C workdone at their expense.STATUS UPDATE ON HEYWOOD PARK TRACT:Mr. Kappers asked if there were any updates regarding the triangle piece ofproperty at Heywood Park. Mrs. Knight explained that Council authorized this parcelas abandoned and Mr. Livingston is working on the deed for it to go back to the TroyBoard of Education.REQUEST FROM THE TROY STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL:

    The Troy Strawberry Festival Inc. and the Troy Area Chamber of Commercerequest permission to use the Troy City Park, Hobart Arena, the Miami River leveeand Prouty Plaza on June 7 and June 8, 2014. Additionally, they seek approval forthe use of The City Stage referred to as the Showmobile to be used on Prouty Plazafestival weekend for on stage performances. They are also asking for the use of DukePark, and Archer Park for the Strawberry Festival Soccer Tournament the weekend ofMay 16, 17 and 18, 2014. Mr. Kappers moved to grant permission for the TroyStrawberry Festival and the Troy Area Chamber of Commerce to use Community ParkHobart Arena, the Miami River Levee and Prouty Plaza on June 7 and 8, and Duke Parkand Archer Park for the Strawberry Festival Soccer Tournament on May 6 18, 2014.Mrs. Pierce seconded and the motion passed.REQUEST FROM THE TROY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER:A request was received from the Troy Senior Citizens Center for permission tocontrol the parking in their parking lot during the Strawberry Festival to those exceptvolunteers at the Center, handicapped visitors, and those seeking very short termparking. Mr. Phillips moved to approve their request, Mrs. Pierce seconded and the

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Page 3Park Board MinutesMarch 4, 2014

    REQUEST TO USE PROUTY PLAZA FOR SUMMER CONCERT SERIES:On behalf of the Troy Hayner Cultural Center and Troy Main Street, Mrs. Knight

    requested the use of Prouty Plaza during a list of dates that she distributed prior to themeeting for the Summer Concert Series. She noted that there will be an excellent tourof concerts and events this year. However, they are still waiting to hear back from theAir Force Band of Flight. She also noted that the annual Cincinnati Symphonyperformance is scheduled for June 19 this year. Mr Kappers commended Mrs. Knighton her involvement with the scheduling of these concerts. Mrs. Knight noted that it isnot only her, it involves others from Troy Main Street and the Troy Hayner CulturalCenter, she just makes the list from the information they give her. Mr Phillips movedto grant permission for the use of Prouty Plaza on the dates listed in Mrs. Knight srequest. Mrs. Pierce seconded, and the motion passed.There being no further business, Mr Phillips moved to adjourn the meeting. Mrs.Pierce seconded and the motion carried.

    Respectfully submitted by, Julie Morrison, Ass t.to Rebecca Pierce, Secretary.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Joint Recreation and Park Board MeetingThursday, January 16,20149:00a.m.Hobart Arena


    Members o the Recreation Board Present: Marty Hobati, President; Tom Dunn, Secretary;Donna Snipes; and Doug Jackson.Members o the Recreation Board Absent: Dave Heffner.Members o the Park Board Present:Members o the Park Board Absent:

    Others Present:

    Alan Kappers, President.Stan Phillips, Vice President and Becky Pierce,Secretary.Kenneth Siler, Director o Recreation; Carrie Slater,Assistant Director; Sue Knight; and Melanie Yingst,Troy Daily News:

    The meeting was called to order by the President o the Recreation Board, Marty Hobatt.The minutes o the October 1 2013 Joint Recreation and Park Board meeting \Vere read. t \Vasmoved by Mr. Dunn and seconded by Mr. Hobart that the minutes be approved as read. Motioncarried.The minutes o the December 19,2013 Troy Recreation Board meeting were read. It was movedbyMr. Hobart and seconded by Mr. Dunn that the minutes be approved as read. Motion canied.Mr. Kappers repmted to the boards that the Park Depaliment is assisting in tree removal. Thereare a couple o new proposed developments. There is a question on whether or not to accept newpark land. There is a concern about providing service to the citizens by having a park in thevicinity to all children. One o the main concerns is how to continue to maintain more park land.The Park Department currently doesn t have manpower to keep up with all the parks.Park shelter reservations for 2014 began Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 8:00a.m. This year itwent very sn1oothly. This is the 3rd year we have done shelter reservations online.The Director infotmed the boards that a couple o programs started this month. One was an adulthockey league and an adult volleyball league that was delayed by a week due to cancellations oschool last week.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Joint Recreation and Park Board MeetingThursday, January 16, 2014Page2

    Registrations for the 2014 Spring Indoor Soccer League will begin Feb111ary 7th. The league willbegin April 8th, 2014. Flyers will be distributed to the schools. The Spring Soccer program isheld in the arena when the ice is taken off n the months ofApril and May. The program hasbeen a nice fill in for use of the arena during times when the arena wouldn't be used for anythingelse. The ptogram supplements around other events in April and May primarily on the weekends.t is an opportunity to generate revenue for the arena. Mr. Hobart asked what kind of shape theturf was in. The Director told him that the turf is in the same shape as went it was purchased.He said it isn't in excellent shape. t is in shape to handle a very young aged indoor soccerprogram. He also said it was a great investment. The numbers for the ptogram continue to hold

    steady each year. There are five different age groups. There is between 30 and 40 participantspet age group. t usually results in 4,000 to 5,000 in revenue for the arena.Mr. Kappers asked if the Hobatt Arena has any revenue plus/minus/neutralwhen the StrawberryFestival is on the levee. The Director said it's neutral because that's typically the time when theice is being put down for the sununer and it's not a time when events are scheduled so it doesn'tnegatively impact anything. On occasion the Strawbeny Festival has utilized the building for aSaturday evening concert. They haven't done that for about 3 years now. Mr. Kappers said thatif he Strawberry Festival would be on the levee and if there was something scheduled in thearena that would generate money for the arena, the arena would have access to the big crowd.He asked if he Director has ever tried to do that. The Director told him that the challenge iswhen the Stra\vbeny Festival has had an event in the arena that weekend, it has been a challengefor people to get to the event. People who are not involved in the festival can't get the arena topark. He thinks thafs why attendance has never been great. Mr. Kappers thinks the arenashould try to open the doors to some other project in the arena during that time to generatemoney. Mr. Hobart thinks it \Vould be a good idea not for this year but maybe in the future.The Director informed the boards that the arena has gotten off to a good start with public skating.The hockey toutnament scheduled the first weekend of January wasn't able to finish because ofthe weather. The schools' Athletic Director requested that the kids return back to the school onSaturday night. There will be six 6) skating sessions held over the \Veekend of Martin LutherKing Day \Vhile the kids are out of school.The Menus and Stranger Concert will be held next Friday evening. Tickets are selling well forbeing the type of show that it is. The Director anticipates it being more of a walk up crowd andmay have a significant amount of sales the last couple of days into the show. Advertising isramping up today on several radio stations. There will be a change over that evening with acheer competition scheduled the following day.Upcoming Hobart Arena events: The Menus and Stranger- January 24, 20 14; AA YA Cheer

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Joint Recreation and Park Board MeetingThursday, January 16,2014Page3

    The Director informed the boards that the OHSAA District Division III Wrestling Tournamentwill be coming to the arena on February 21 and 22, 2014 with the hopes o potential possiblegrowth in future years. In March for the first time in many years, the 84 Lumber Home Showwill be held in the arena on March 14, 15 and 16,2014. The Director hopes to work withthe Western Ohio Home Builders Association to bring that event back to the building. Mr.Kappers asked how much revenue the wrestling event will bring in. The Director told himApproximately $4,500.As part o he United States Figure Skating Association National Skating Month, the RecreationDepartment in conjunction with the Troy Skating Club held a free It's Great To Skate clinic onJanuary th :fiom 5:30-7:30 p.m. The Troy Skating Club was pleased with the number oregistrations they received for their program as a result o the clinic. One hundred thirty-five(135) people were in attendance.The boards reviewed a public skating report. Last weekend just under $3,800 in revenue wasgenerated from the public skating sessions.The depat1ment is still on sale with presale 10 off for season passes at the Troy Aquatic Park.Forty-four (44) Troy Aquatic Park season passes were sold during the month o December'sChristmas Promotion.The Director infonned the boards that there was a small pipe freeze at the pool which didn'tcreate any significant damage. One pipe had to be replaced and some insulation replaced in thearea above the men's bathroom area.The Recreation Board reorganized. It was moved by Mr. Hobart and seconded by Mr. Dunn thatMarty Hobart will remain the President, Tom Dunn will be the Vice President, and Donna Snipeswill be the Secretary o the Troy Recreation Board. Motion carried.t was moved by Mr. Dunn and seconded by Mrs. Snipes to authorize the president, vicepresident, and the secretary o he Recreation Board to sign purchase orders, invoices, and otherimportant board documents. Motion canied.

    The Director informed the boards that he is in daily communications with venues across thecountry. One o the issues that continues t come up is venues are continuing to see anincreasing issue with E-Cigarettes. The Director is going to see what other venues across thecountry are doing related to it and what approach they are taking and what policy the arena maywant to implement. It would also apply to the Troy Aquatic Park. The Director \vill get moreinfonnation and bring it back to the board to develop a policy.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Joint Recreation and Park Board MeetingThursday January 16 2014Page

    Being no fut1her business it was moved by Mr. Jackson and seconded by Mr. Dunn that themeeting be adjou1ned Motion carried.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    30 1\\'. \ b in St. Tr. v 0l i. +5 373 .W 1 Y w . T r . > V H . l \ n l - J . 0 / f. . . I y l l . , y n , , r \ . . ~ , . l l h r @ T r < > y J I a y n < r > r ~ .,

    March 5, 2014Mr. Jeremy DrakeSuperintendentCity of Troy Park Department265 Adams StreetTroy, OH 45373Dear Mr. Drake:As you know, the Hayner Mansion is celebrating its 100t birthday this year. The Troy-Hayner CulturalCenter is con1memorating this landmark year with many special events.Hayner Days Festival on August 9, 2014 will be the cornerstone event in our centennial tribute to theHayner Mansion. Hayner Days is a once-in-a-century family festival that -will include an antique carshow, a carnival midway, historic games and exhibits, as well as a concert by the Tom DaughertyOrchestra and a spectacular light show. We are also offering our guests food choices, such as homemadeice cream and picnic type luncheon items.We have already received permission from the City of Troy to block off a portion of West Main Street,as well as several adjoining streets on Saturday, August 9th.The purpose of this letter is to seek permission to use the gazebo and park behind the library on August9th. We \Vould like to use the gazebo as a stage for musical entertainment throughout the day. Wewould also like to utilize the rest of the park as a picnic area where we will provide tables and chairs forour guests to eat and relax in the shade. Our volunteer committee believes the large trees, gazebo, andquaint atmosphere of the park will add considerably to the ambiance of our event. We will probablywant to set up around 9:00am. The daytime activities run f r o r r ~ ; - : ~ s m to 6:00pm at which time wewill clean and vacate the park. Hayner Staff will ensure that the park will be left as we found it.I look forward to hearing from you to make arrangements to include this wonderful green space in ourvery special celebration. You may contact me at (937) 339-0457 or [email protected] with anyquestions or concerns.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)



    Dear Mr. Drake,

    March 20, 2014

    I am writing to you once again to request the use of Brukner Park for a storybook walkthis coming May. As you will recall, we hosted a storybook walk in October and it wasa terrific successThis would be a self-guided, family oriented event with a non-permanent display alongthe walkway. e would like to feature the book, Love You When ... by Linda Kranz.Characters, Inc. assisted us with the signage for the last project and it held up quitenicely.Please let me know your thoughts so that we may proceed.Sincerely,Nancy HargroveChildren's and Teen CoordinatorTroy-Miami County Public Library

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    ~ t Q / ,Q {\\Q ity of Troyu ~

    To: Board ofPark CommissionersFrom: Jeremy Drake, Superintendent ofParksAprill 2 14 Park Board ReportHeld weekly staff meetings

    Held a planning meeting for the upcoming Spring seasonCompleted turf repair work on softball fields at Duke Park

    Jeremy S. Drake- .City of TroyPark Department265 Adams StreetTroy, Ohio 45373Phone: 937) 335-4612

    Attended a one day mosquito control workshop for commercial applicator CEU sAccepted the proposal from Hubbard Roofing for the new roofon the Park DepartmentbuildingConditioned softball/baseball fieldsWorked with the City s water department to have a leaking water valve replaced on theN. Market baseball fieldBegan working with the Kensington Home Owners Association on pricing and placementof 2 new park benches and decorative trash receptacles in Kensington Park. These wille paid for y the HOA.

    Completed the summer schedule for the showmobile and presented to staffAccepted the proposal from Fences ofDistinction for repair work on the vinyl fence atDuke Park.

    Park Maintenance Crew:Began softball field repair at Duke Park

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    Continued winter tree removals. Assisted with additional removals at Miami Shores olfCourse. Removed Ash trees in Riverside Cemetery.

    Completed flood debris clean-up along the bike pathOpened the Duke Park concession stand/restrooms for the seasonPainted soccer fields, flag football fields and softball fields as neededDelivered all empty flower pots and baskets to Fulton s Greenhouse for planting

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)



    1 Sutnn1er program registration begins today> Tuesday, Aprill t2. All program registrations will be online for this sutnmer s progratns with the exception of

    the free programs (Playground, Be A Better Biker Camp and Safe-T-Town).3. Indoor Spring Soccer begins next week at Hobart Arena.4. 2014 Girls Softball games will begin in early May. We will have 11 teams again thisseason.5. Upcoming Hobart Arena events:

    b. WGIPractice Site-April2 3, 4, 5 9, 10, 11 and 12,2014.c. Brandon Heath Mandisa - April 6, 2014.d. Troy Area Chamber ofCotnmerce Business Expo- April24, 2014.e. Sesame Street Live- May 3 4, 2014.f AAYA Cheer Competition- May 10, 2014.g. Troy High School Scholarship Assembly -May 20,2014.h UVCC Graduation-May 22, 2014.1. Miami East Graduation - May 23, 2014.J. Troy High School Graduation- May 24,2014.k. Covington High School Graduation- May 25, 2014.I Troy Skating Club Sutnmer Skating Competition- July 9-13, 2014.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    8. Photos for pool tnemberships will begin April 1st. Pass holders may continue to usetheir passes from last summer which should help with the influx ofpeople trying toget pictures taken and also result in cost savings for the Troy Aquatic Park

    9. SwitnTeatn Spring Stroke Clinic has been offered again this spring Both classes havemaxed out at 15 participants10 Maintenance preparation and cleaning of the Troy Aquatic Park for the 2014 season willBegin as soon as the weather pennits

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)



    Board of Park Commissionersen Green, Director of Golf

    2014 April ReportTuesday, April1 2014

    Maintenance staff has prepared greenside bunkers on hole 10 for new sand.Maintenance staff has cleaned up 99% of the debris left over from the cut ash trees.Maintenance staf f continues rout ine maintenance.

    We have now teamed up with GolfNow.com on a trial basis to accept online tee times during our slowtimes. We will try it for three or four months to determine if it is beneficial.Please find attached the HowGoezit, MTD/YTD Expense, and Seasonal Employees Reports.

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    2014 HowGoezit Report Thru March 25, 20142014 Green fees 2013 Green ees

    -Winter Rate 9 HolesWinter Rate 18 Holes WkdyWinter Rate 18 Holes Wknd - - Winter Rate 18 Holes Af 1 PMJr Green Fee 9 Holes 3 33.00 1 11.00WE 18 Hole Green Fee 18 414.00 84 1,932.00-WE 18 Hole Green Fee af 1 PM 46 874.00 52 988.00WD 18 Hole Green Fee 99 1,980.00 63 1,260.00WE 9 Hole Green Fee AF 1 PM 10 110.00 37 407.00WD 9 Hole Green Fee 78 1,131.00 49 710.50Member Unlimited Green Fee 80 0 66 0.00Adult Pass Green Fee 62 372.00 90 540.00-- - -Senior Pass Green Fee 120 600.00 99 495.00Junior Pass Green Fee 7 35.00 6 30.00PGA GCSAA Green Fee 0 0 I 0 0.00Jr Green Fee 18 Holes 0 0.00 1 16.00

    ---9 Hole Promo 1 ( 14.50)18 Hole WD Promo 0

    -- -- 18 Hole WE Promo 1 ( 20.00)Fam. Night Ad Green Fee -Fam . Night Jr Green FeeFam. Night Fam. Green Fee

    Total 525 5,514.50 548 6,389.50- - -- -Cart e e s ~ 18 Holes 163 1,407.00 166 1,630.00

    Cart Fees: 9 Holes 66 432.00 70 459.00-Total 229 1,839.00 236 2,089.00


  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    emberships embershipsSingle dult 5 4,050.00 3 2,430.00Husband Wife 0 0.00 1 1,395.00Juniors 0 0.00 1 250.00Seniors 18 12,690.00 18 12,690.00Senior Hus Wife 2 2,180.00 5 5,450.00dult ass 30 11,250.00 43 16,125.00

    Senior ass 58 18,850.00 55 17,875.00Junior ass 3 255.00 6 510.00

    _ . ~ _ 1 _ _ _ - 116 49,275.00 132 56,725.00___

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    2014 2013Club Storage 15 900.00 16 1,620.00Replacement Cards

    Total 15 900.00 1,620.00olf Course Revenue Total S57l528.00 S66l163.oo

    Snack Bar Snack BarFood 221.00 389.00Beverage 95.00 169.00

    lcohol 245.00 418.00Total 561.00 976.00

  • 8/12/2019 Park:Rec Boards Meeting (4:1:2014)


    2 14 Seasonal mployees3 9 2014 3 16 2014 3 23 2014

    Flinn, B 8.15 10 4.5Florence, B 8.00 10 11.5Giangulio, L 8.00 3Holte , J 8.30Massie, R 8.15 7.25 9.5 10.25May, A 8.15 4.5 4Mumma J 8.15 3 10.5 9.25Weaver, G 8.00 8Wichie, J 8.00Wilson, S 8.30Woolery, B 8.60Total 10 25 55 5 39 5Baumann, B 8.00Gillespie, A 8.75 6.75Hanger, D 8.00Smith. D 8.75

    Total 6 75
