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Part 1: Before You Begin to Write - University of Northern ... · PDF filePart 1: Before You...

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Part 1: Before You Begin to Write A. The starting point: Your Idea B. Identifying Sponsors C. Reviewers: Who reads your proposal? D. Getting ready to write: Best Practices 1
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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteA. Thestartingpoint:YourIdea

B. IdentifyingSponsors

C. Reviewers:Whoreadsyourproposal?

D. Gettingreadytowrite:BestPractices


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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteA. Thestartingpoint:YourIdea

1. Definetheproblemorneedthatyouwanttoaddress.

2. Collectandcriticallyanalyzerelevantbackgroundinformation/needsassessment.

3. Generateapreliminaryideaoractivitythatispertinenttotheproblemorcriticalneedyouhaveidentified.


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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteA. Thestartingpoint:YourIdea

4. Assessyouridea’spotentialforsuccessandmodifyit,ifnecessary.

a. criticallyassessyourownabilitytopursuetheidea

b. criticallyassessyourcompetition

c. criticallyassessyourfundingpotential


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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteA. Thestartingpoint:YourIdea

5. Seekconstructivecriticismofyourideafromknowledgeablecolleagues.

6. Refinetheideaoractivitytomaximizeitspotentialforimpactonyourfield.


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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteB. IdentifyingSponsors

1. Knowyourfield,followtheliterature

2. Databases,emailalerts,OSP

3. Hanoverprospecting

4. Foundationsandindustry

5. Knowyoursponsor’smission


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Part1:BeforeYouBegintoWriteC. Reviewers:Whoreadsyourproposal?

1. Whatisthereviewer’slevelofexpertise?

2. Whatisthereviewer’slevelofinterestinyouridea?

3. Whyisthereviewerreadingyourproposal?

4. Willthereviewerbefairandimpartialinassessingthemeritsofmyproposal?


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A. IntroductionParagraph

B. Whatisgoingtobedoneandbywhom?

C. SpecificAims/Goals/Objectives

D. PayoffParagraph





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A. IntroductionParagraph1. Openingsentence(s)

2. Importantknowns

3. TheGap




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1.Openingsentence(s)• Shouldbewritteninawaythatitwillimmediatelycatchtheattentionofthereviewers

• Providesufficientinformationsuchthatreviewerswillunderstandwhattheproposalisabout—keywords

• Conveywhythisproposalshouldbeofinteresttothefundingagency—agencymission,objectives


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1.Openingsentence(s)• Example(s)

• professionalsmustdealwithcolleagues,competitors,andcustomersfromothercultures

• cooperativeR&Dandmarketingdependsonallcollaboratorsbeingfamiliarwithculturalexpectationsandperspectives


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2.ImportantKnowns• Themostimportantinforeviewersneedtoknowinordertounderstandwhyyourprojectneedstobedone.

• Beginwitholderbutseminalobservations(‘theforest’)andcontinueuntilyoureachthecurrentstatusofthefield(‘thetree’)

• Shouldflowlogically,oneintothenext


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2.ImportantKnowns• Example(s)

• Englishhasbecometheprimarylanguageforinternationalcommunicationandcommerce

• globalcorporationsandinternationalorganizationshaverecognizedtheimportanceofmultiplelanguagesandcultures

• onelanguageoroneculturalperspectivenolongerprovidesstandardforstudentsaspiringtoleadershiprolesintheglobalcommunity


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3.TheGap• Whatessentialpiecesaremissing—theGap?

• TheGapisholdingbackyourfieldorcreatingaproblemorcriticalneed.

• TheGap,asyoudefineithere,shouldbeexactlywhatyouintendtoaddressinyourgrantproposal.

• TheGapshouldflowobviouslyfromthe“ImportantKnowns.”


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• Example(s)• thereisacriticalneedtodevelopinterdisciplinaryacademicprogramsthatinterfacebetweendepartments

• interdisciplinaryacademicprogramsshouldfocuson:

• multilingualculturalliteracy

• corecompetenciesforsuccessinspecificprofessionaldisciplines

• thereisacriticalneedtodesigninterdisciplinaryprogramstomakestudyingotherlanguagesandculturesbothattractiveandfeasible

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B. Paragraph2:Whatisgoingtobedoneandbywhom?4. Yourlong-termgoal

5. Objectiveofthisproposal6. Hypothesis-drivenvs.statement-of-need

7. Statementofrationale

8. Whyyou?WhyUNC?



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4.Long-termGoals• Whatisyourlong-termprofessional(career)goal?

• Whatisthecontinuumofactivitiesthatyouintendtofollowoverthecourseofyourcareer?

• Whatisthenichethatyouhaveeithercarvedoutorwanttocarveoutinwhichyouareplanningtobecomeanexpert?


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• Example(s)• tobetterprepareourstudentstofunctioneffectivelyinaglobalenvironment

• tocreatelastingcollaborativecurricularprogramsbetweentheDepartmentofForeignLanguagesandLiteratureandISU’sprofessionalcolleges

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5.ObjectiveofThisProposal• Defineexactlywhatyourspecificobjectiveforthisproposalwillbe.

• Whatisthenext(orfirst)stepthatyouplantotakealongthecontinuumofyourlong-termcareergoal?

• Attainmentoftheobjectivemustfillthegapinknowledgeorsolvetheproblemorissuethatyouidentifiedinthefirstparagraph.


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• Avoidplacingemphasisonthemethodology

• e.g.‘…tousemybicycletoridetothegrocerystoretopurchasealoafofbread.’

• actualobjectiveisthepurchaseofthebread

• Remembertokeepthelinkagebetweensectionstight:makeitclearthattheobjectiveisonestepalongthecontinuumofactivitiesprojectedbyyourlong-termgoals.


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• Example(s)• tostrengthenthenewLanguagesandCulturesforprofessions—Engineeringsecondarymajor

• toestablishsimilarprogramsincollaborationwiththeCollegesofBusinessandAgriculture



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6.Hypothesis• Statementofneed-drivenproposalsneednotincludeanhypothesis.

• Hypothesesshouldbeobjectivelytestableandcannotprojectapredeterminedconclusion.

• Objectiveandhypothesisshouldbelinked:theobjectiveisobtainedbytestingthecentralhypothesis.

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7.StatementofRationale• Describesexactlywhyyouwanttocarryouttheactivitiesproposed.

• Whatwillbecomepossibleaftertheproposedstudiesarecompleted

• Linkagebetweenthegapandwhatwillbecomepossibleiscritical.

• Rationaleshouldbeappealingto(themissionof)thefundingagency.

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• Example(s)• criticalneed:multinationalcorporationsexpressinterestinrecruitingstudentswithinternationalcultureandlanguageexperiences

• significantincreasesininterestamongstudentsinpursuingsecondarymajorsinforeignlanguages

• demandsofmostprofessionalprogramshavemadethisdifficult

• amajorspecificallydesignedforprofessional-degreeprogramswillreachamuchlargergroupofstudents


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8.Whyyou?WhyUNC?• Introducekeyimportantfactsthatmakeyouuniquelyqualifiedtoaddresstheissueorsolvetheproblem.

• Youandyourteamhavethecompetitiveedgetodotheproject.

• Workingenvironmentandinstitutionarehighlyconduciveforsuccess.

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• Example(s)• stronginstitutionalsupportforthisproject• ISU’sstrategicplanto“encourageglobalization…”• taskforceinitiateddevelopmentoftheLanguagesandCulturesforProfessionalsprogramsin2002

• Dr.M.Rectanus,Directorofthetaskforce,developedprograms

• eachlanguagegrouphasrepresentationonthetaskforce


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C. SpecificAims/Goals/Objectives

9. Specificactivitiestobeundertakentoachievetheobjectiveoftheproposal



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9.SpecificAims/Goals/Objectives• Detailedstepsthatyouwilltakeduringthecourseoftheprojecttotestthehypothesisoraddressthecriticalneedandachievetheoverallobjective.

• Brief,informative,attention-gettingheadlines.

• Twotothreespecificaimsareideal.

• Shouldlogicallyflowfromfirsttosecond,secondtothird,etc.

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• Itisnotnecessary(orevenadvisable)toprovidealotofdetailintheSpecificAims.

• Suggestedformat:SpecificAim/Goal#1(Writteninboldfaceitalics):Amplifyingstatement(workinghypothesisorinformativedescriptorasappropriate).


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• Example(s)• Objective#1:ImplementasecondarymajoroptioninLanguagesandCulturesforProfessionalProgramswithintheDepartmentofForeignLanguagesandLiterature.<<amplifyingstatement>>

• Objective#2:CreatestrongerbridgesbetweencoursesinForeignLanguagesandLiteraturethatalreadyhaveaprofessionalfocusandthosecoursesthathaveanareastudiesfocus.<<amplifyingstatement>>


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D. PayoffParagraph






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10.Innovation• Whyistheproposedworkpotentiallynovel,innovative,orunique?

• Being“thefirst…”isnotalwaysanappropriateargument.

• Notalwaystrueand/ornecessary:meritoriousprojectsarenotnecessarilynovelorinnovative.

• Optional,dependingonyourproject.

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• Example(s)• theLanguagesandCulturesforProfessionalsmajorwillbeuniquewithintheIowaRegentsUniversitysystem

• nootheruniversitiesinIowaofferaspeciallydesignedmajoroptioninforeignlanguagesforprofessionals

• theproposedprojectwillintegrateanddiffuseelementsofprofessionalcommunicationswiththoseofgloballiteracy


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11.ExpectedOutcomes• Whatisexpectedfromthesuccessfulcompletionoftheproject?

• Shouldcollectivelyvalidatethecentralhypothesisorcriticalneed.

• Shouldattaintheoriginallystatedobjective(s)oftheproposal(breakdownby#).

• Accompanyeachwithaprecise,substantivestatementofwhythatexpectedoutcomeisimportant.

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• Example(s)• asignificantincreaseinthenumberofstudentsinprofessionalprogramswhowilldeclareasecondarymajorinforeignlanguages

• thestudentsenrolledinthisnewmajorcanbeexpectedtoachieveahigherleveloflinguisticproficiencyandgloballiteracy


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12.Impact• Generallyconveywhyyourexpectedoutcomeswillhaveapositiveimpactonceknowledgeisappliedorneedisfilled.

• Shouldrelatetobothyourfieldandthefundingagency’smission.

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• Example(s)• platformandforumforglobaleducationatISUthatisembeddedwithintheprofessional

• createnewopportunitiesforcollaborationsamongstudents,faculty,andcorporateleaders


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ExpandingyourExecutiveSummaryoutline1. Considerhowalloftheelementsrelateto


2. Doesyourlong-termgoalencompasstheknowledgegap?

3. Refineandperfectyouroutline,thenexpandintosentences.



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NextSteps:TheFullProposalA. ExecutiveSummary/Overview

B. Background/NeedsAssessment

C. SignificanceParagraph

D. PreliminaryStudies/PreviousExperience

E. ProjectedApproach/PlanofWork

F. Budget&BudgetJustification

G. Supportingdocuments

H. AbstractandTitle39
