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Part 1 - sttheresaschoolgozo.com · 6 Marking Scheme A. Mental Questions: 1 mark each = 20 marks...

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Part 1 – Mental

1. 451

11. 50

2. 564

12. 6

3. 22

13. 6

4. 1100m

14. 15

5. square

15. 11

6. 191

16. 8

7. 2 m 92cm

17. 60

8. 105 cm

18. ten past 9

9. 3

19. pentagon

10. 20

20. hexagon

Gozo Church Schools - Half Yearly 2012

Maths Answer Sheet – Teacher’s Copy

Teacher’s Copy


Part B: Written

A. 1. 513

2. 400 + 50 + 3

3. 805

4. 100 + 0 + 4

5. 940

6. 300 + 60 + 6

B. a. B b. A c. D d. C

C. a. Square b. rectangle c. Triangle

D. a. 5

b. 85

c. 40

d. 15

e. 20

f. 10

E. a. 131, 176, 255

b. 176, 711, 716

c. 99, 900, 909

d. 212, 278. 312

e. 143, 423, 432

f. 133, 303, 333


F.1. 70c 2, 25c 3. 50c 4. 55c

G. All the possible answers: 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 34,

39, 92, 91, 93, 94

H. 1. 20c, 10c, 2c, 1c

2. 20c, 1c

3. 10c, 5c, 1c

4. 10c, 2c,

5. 50c, 2c, 2c

I. 6:45, 6:50, 6:55, 7:00

J. 1. Cylinder 2. Cuboid 3. Cube 4. Cone

6 faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices – cuboid

2 faces, 1 edge, 1 vertex – cone

3 faces, 2 edges, 0 vertices- cylinder

6 faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices – cube

K. Multiplication

1. 25

2. 3

3. 8

4. 21

5. 0

6 10

L. ¼ 1/8


M. 1. 3m 10cm + 25cm = 3m 35cm

2. 1m 55cm + 25cm = 1m 80cm

N. 1. Palm Tree

2. treasure

3. volcano

The X has to be to the east of the treasure

O. 1. 66c – 25c = 41c

2. a. 7 weeks (working either by addition or by multiplication)

b. €2.00 - €1.40 = 70c

P. 1. €1.25 – 6c = €1.19

2. 100ml (working either by addition or by multiplication)

180ml – 100ml = 80ml

3. a. 27 + 5 = 32 people

32 -1 0 = 22 people

b. 33 + 10 = 43 people

43 – 15 = 28 people



Marking Scheme

A. Mental Questions : 1 mark each = 20 marks

B. Written Part

A. ½ mark each = 3 marks

B. 1 mark each = 4 marks

C. 1 mark each = 3 marks

D. ½ mark each = 3marks

E. ½ mark each = 9 marks

F. 2marks each = 8 marks

G. ½ mark each = 4 marks

H. 1 mark each = 5 marks

I. 1 mark each = 4 marks

J. 1 mark each = 4 marks

1/3 mark x 12 = 4 marks

K. ½ mark each = 3 marks

L. 1 mark each = 2 marks

M. 2 marks each = 4 marks

N. 1 mark each = 3 marks + 1 mark = 4 marks

O. 1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2 marks

1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2marks

1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2 marks

P. 1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2 marks

1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2marks

1 mark for working + 1 mark for answer = 2 marks

1 mark each = 2 marks (1/2 mark for working each)

1 mark each = 2 marks




Half Yearly Exam Mathematics(Main Paper) Year 4

A. Hundreds, tens and units (3 marks)

1) 500 + 10 + 3 = ________ 2) 453 = ______ + ______ +


3) 800 + 5 = ________ 4) 104 = ______ + ______ +


5) 900 + 40 = ________ 6) 366= ______ + ______ +



B. Look at these shapes and underline the correct answer: (4 marks)


a. Shape ( A, B, C, D ) has only 1 line of symmetry.

b. Shape ( A, B, C, D ) has only 2 lines of symmetry.

c. Shape ( A, B, C, D ) has many lines of symmetry.

d. Shape ( A, B, C, D ) has 4 lines of symmetry.


C. What is the name of the shape? (3 marks)

a. 4 equal sides - _______________

b. 2 equal opposite sides - _______________

c. 3 sides - _______________






D. Choose the correct number from the box USE EACH NUMBER ONLY ONCE (3 marks)

40 20 10 15 85 5

a. 95 + ____ = 100 b. 15 + _____ = 100

c. 60 + ____ = 100 d. 85 + _____ = 100

e. 80 + ____ = 100 f. 90 + _____ = 100


E. Put the numbers in order SMALLEST TO LARGEST (1/2 x 18 = 9 marks)

a. 176 255 131

____ _____ _____

b. 711 176 716

____ ____ ____

c. 900 909 99

____ _____ _____

d. 312 212 278

____ ____ ____

e. 423 432 143

____ _____ _____

f. 333 303 133

____ ____ ____


F. How much to make €2? (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

1) Jack has €1.30

2) Mark has €1.75

3) Tina has €1.50

4) Paul has €1.45



G. From the cards below find possible 2-digit numbers

(1/2 x 8 = 4marks)


a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.


H. Write the fewest coins to make (5marks)

1) 33 c

2) 21c 3) 16c

4) 12c

5) 59c


I. Write the time every 5 minutes to the next hour (4 marks)

= ________ __________ _________ __________


J. Write the name of each shape

(4 marks)

You can choose from:

(cube, pyramid, cuboid, cone, sphere, cylinder)










9 1 4

6: 40


How many? (1/3 x 12 = 4 marks)







K. Multiplication (3marks)

1) 5 x 5 = _______ 2) 1 x 3 = _______

3) 8 x 1 = _______ 4) 7 x 3 = _______

5) ____ x 4 = 0 6) 8 x ____ = 80


L. What fraction is shaded? (2 marks)

__________ ________


M. Each tree grows 25cm more. Write the new height: (4 marks)

1) 3m 10cm


2) 1m 55cm



N. Directions (3 marks)

This is a Pirate Scott’s treasure map

Pirate Scott Treasure

Palm Tree Volcano

To the east of the treasure there is a cave. Mark with an X on the map

where the cave is.

(1 mark)


O. Problems: SHOW WORKING!

1. Sandra buys a drink for 25c. How much does she have left from 66c?




2. Laura saves 20c each week from her pocket money.

a. She saves €1.40 in ______ weeks. (2 marks)

Copy and complete:

1) What is south of Pirate Scott? _______________

2) The ___________ is to the east of Pirate Scott.

3) South of the treasure there is a _______________


b. Now she has €1.40 in her money box. She wants to buy a diary which

costs €2. How much more money does she need to buy the diary?

She needs __________ more. (2marks)


P. Mark has €1.25. Frankie has 6c less. How much does Frankie have?

(2 marks) ___________________________________________

1. Rick has 180ml of juice.

He gives her 2 friends 50ml each.

How much does she give to her friends? _________________ml

How much does she have left? _________________ml

(4 marks)


2. Write how many people on the bus at each stage

a. The bus leaves the bus terminus with 27 people.

5 people go on the bus = __________________people

10 people go off the bus = __________________ people

(2 marks)

b. The bus leaves the bus terminus with 33 people.

10 people go on the bus = ________________people

15 people go off the bus = ________________ people

(2 marks)





Name: __________________________________

Part 1 – Mental (1 mark each = 20 marks)

Listen carefully and then write the answers:







4. m






7. m cm


8. cm









Gozo Church Schools

Half Yearly Examinations 2012

Mathematics – Year 4



Half Yearly Exam Gozo Church Schools

Mathematics Year 4 Teacher’s Paper

Part 1: Mental Questions (20 marks)

1. Write the matching number: four hundred and fifty-one

2. 500 + 60 + 4 =

3. Work out: 11 + 3 + 8 =

4. Write the number of metres: 1km 100m =

5. What is the shape with 4 equal sides called?

6. Continue the next number: 189,190, ?

7. How many metres and centimetres in 292cm?

8. How many centimetres in 1m 5cm?

9. How many more pages to the next ten? 37 + .....=40

10. What is 5 multiply by 4?

11. Work out: 57 – 3 – 4 =

12. What is double 3?

13. What needs to be added to 4 to make 10?

14. What needs to be added to 5 to make 20?


15. What is half 22?

16. Complete: ½ of 16 =

17. Write the total for 45 + 15 =

18. Write the time in words: 9:10

19. What is the shape with 5 sides called?

20. What is the shape with 6 sides called?

