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PART 2- Refuting Thunder Lauriston's Hardtalk Charges (2016)

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  • 8/18/2019 PART 2- Refuting Thunder Lauriston's Hardtalk Charges (2016)



    PART 2 – God’s Church Will Weather

    The “Thunder”, Wind and the Rain!! 

    The Part 2 Response to Elce “Thunder” Lauriston’s 

    2016 Religious Hardtalk Presentation!!

    By Derrick Gillespie

    Derrick Gillespie is a trained teacher in the Social Sciences, History, and Geography, and

    remains a member of the SDA Church in Jamaica and a lay evangelist for SDAs.

    (Contact Info: [email protected] OR https://www.facebook.com/derrick.gillespie) 

    Published April, 2016

    “1 Kings 19:11-12  Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And,

    behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains,

    and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but  the LORD was not in the

    wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but  the LORD was not in the

    earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire; but  the LORD was not in the fire:

    and after the fire a still small voice.” 

    “God speaks to me not through the thunder and the earthquake… but through

    the Son of Man, and speaks in a language adapted to my imperfect sight and

    hearing.” -- William Lyon Phelps

    “Be grateful for luck [blessings]. Pay the thunder no mind - listen to the birds.

    And don't hate nobody.” --- Eubie Blake

    --- “Prove all things” ---

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  • 8/18/2019 PART 2- Refuting Thunder Lauriston's Hardtalk Charges (2016)




    As indicated in the closing portions of  the part 1 presentation--- which was aimed at

    respectfully responding to and refuting the charges and claims of brother Elce

    “Thunder” Lauriston who had defected from SD Adventism in Jamaica and had made

    public on “Religious Hardtalk” his concerns about and charges leveled at SD Adventism

    (a Church he now deems an anti-Christian “cult”)--- this part 2 presentation will deal

    specifically/largely with clarifying and defending the 1844 Investigative Judgment andSanctuary Messages of SD Adventism, in response to the charges of Brother “Thunder”.

    Click the links above to view my part 1 responses and the “Hardtalk”  appearance of

    brother “Thunder” Lauriston. Also see the picture of Brother Elce Lauriston at the front

    of this part 2 presentation, and (if interested; though I strongly recommend it) view a

    potent past [or SDA-related] sermon of his at this link, in order to become acquainted

    with how mightily he was used of God in the past in Adventism (because despite his

    present state of being “misguided” ---in my humble opinion--- yet I will always treasure

    his sermons like the one linked above).

    Brother Lauriston is a Misguided Scholar in Apocalyptic or Prophetic Matters,

    including as it Concerns the SDA Sanctuary and 1844 Judgment Message

    As I said in my part 1 presentation, it’s in this area of prophecy-related matters that it

    was evidenced that Brother “Thunder” had “bitten off more than he could chew”. And I

    say this speaking firmly from a position of being a member of SD Adventism for over 40

    years (compared to brother Lauriston’s seven or eight years in the Church), and from a

    position where I have personally looked deeply and critically at SDA teachings from

    every possible angle, as is humanly possible; including studying out what the critics say,and critically assessing the apologetic arguments presented by SDAs to defend their

    theology. I dare say that: I do know what I am talking about!!!

    While I will grant Brother Thunder the honesty in admitting on “Hardtalk”  that because

    of his lack of a Ph.D. in theology he “could be wrong”, yet he had proceeded to

    confidently reel off so much of what he read from the anti-SDA critics (like the former

    SDA, Dale Ratzlaff ), that one wonders if he realized how woefully misguided he was

    sounding in this area (including thinking that one has to have a PhD in theology to

    understand the deep things of the Bible). It is in this area that he naturallymisinterpreted so much because, of course, as I already pointed out in my part 1

    presentation, if he was so misguided in making judgments regarding less technical

    matters about SD Adventism, then it is plain that it’s here that he would certainly lack

    true vision when dealing with ‘high powered’ issues of prophecy and its symbolisms



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    I had purposefully left this area of my response for last, since it is the most technical,

    and since it’s the area that Brother Lauriston spent most time condemning the SDA

    Church over (simply because it is the “heart of Adventism”). Here in this part 2

    presentation I intend to deal with his major questions raised and charges leveled at the

    SDA Church, but suffice it to say here in passing, almost every major concern and charge

    that Brother “Thunder” raised was already addressed in a booklet I had purposefully

    written a few years ago to address those very concerns. I will therefore link you to it

    (click this link), while I delve into my full response to Brother Thunder about what hesaid on Hardtalk  about Adventism’s “1844 Investigative Judgment” and “Sanctuary”


    Key Questions Raised by Brother “Thunder” about SDA’s 1844 and Sanctuary Message:

    Among the several questions raised and claims made by Brother “Thunder” in his TV

    appearance are the following; questions and issues which I intend to address head-on


    1.If the dead are first being judged before the living since 1844, yet people die daily,

    then how will God ever reach the living and then close the Investigative Judgment and

    Jesus returns the second time?

    2. Isn’t the notion of God scrutinizing every “minutiae” (small detail) of the lives of

    Christians seriously antithetical to the gospel which teaches that all sins have already

    been paid for by Jesus when he died on the Cross?

    3. Didn’t the renowned SDA scholar, Angel Manuel Rodriquez, indicate that there are“issues”/problems with the SDA doctrine on the 1844 Investigative Judgment Message 

    when he said if we [SDAs] are wrong on this central pillar of SDA teaching then there’s

    no reason for the Movement to exist? Click the *link above to see more. 

    4. Didn’t the renowned SDA historian/theologian/author, George Knight, indicate in his 2008

    book, The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism , that an “investigative judgment”

    cannot be found in the Daniel 8:14 key text of SDAs, and didn’t the late renowned SDA

    theologian/editor, Raymond Cottrell, also systematically and exegetically debunk the SDA

    teaching on the 1844 Investigative Judgment and Sanctuary, and hence render the key doctrine

    of Adventism invalid? Click the *links above to see more. 

    5. What justifies the “little horn” symbol in Daniel 8 to be deemed the Papacy, or the Roman

    Catholic Church? Click the *link above to read the online chapter in the Bible.

    6. What justifies the “trampled” sanctuary in Daniel 8 not being the earthly Jewish one, but

    instead the heavenly one?


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    7. What justifies the translation of the word “cleansed” (from the Hebrew “sadaq” or “nisdaq”)

    in Daniel 8:14, when more modern translations use other renderings of the word and hence

    deem “cleansed” in the KJV as an “incorrect” translation? Why do SDAs continue to use the

    “incorrect” translation of the word, despite all this? 

    8. What principle in Daniel 8 would deem it necessary to interpret 2300 days as years?

    9. Why would the “2300 days” Daniel 8:14, but interpreted by SDAs as a 2300 years’ time span,begin many centuries before the activities of the “little horn” power? 

    10. Why would the 2300 years’ time span seem to mean (according to SDA eschatology; or

    doctrines dealing with final events) that the activities of the “little horn” power, interpreted by

    SDAs as the Papacy, should have ended in 1844 when the sanctuary is “cleansed”, and yet that

    power still runs unchecked in its activities against the heavenly sanctuary ever since 1844?

    11. Why does the “little horn” power of Daniel 7 come from the fourth beast (or Rome), while

    the “little horn” power of Daniel 8 comes from the second beast (or Greece), and yet is deemed

    to be the same power of the Papacy which arose only out of Rome?

    12. Isn’t it the case that the 1844 Investigative Judgment Message of SDAs detract from the

    ministry of Christ simply because his atonement for sinners was “finished” or completed on the 

    Cross, yet the SDAs teachings say the atonement continue after the Cross, and doesn’t this

    heresy, more than any other render Adventism an anti-Christian “cult”? 

    While the above 12 questions are not the only ones Brother Lauriston had asked, or could have

    asked (based on the non-SDA critics he has read), I do think that in addressing the foregoing,

    readers will be able to see on what grounds I declared that Brother Lauriston had indeed

    “bitten off more than he can chew”, had misinterpreted so much about Adventism’s teachings

    on prophecy and the gospel, and had sadly allowed outsiders (critics) and inside dissidents tomislead him about the Adventism he had once loved and labored intensely and selflessly for.

    Time to revisit the charges of brother Lauriston, so here goes… 

    SDAs Never Predicted Jesus’ Second Coming in 1844!! 

    As seen in the Hardtalk  video, program host, Ian Boyne, and brother Thunder together agreed

    that it was the “Millerites”, or the MULTI-DENOMINATIONAL group of Bible believers in

    America who followed the Baptist preacher, William Miller, who together had thought that

    Christ would have returned in 1844; not the SDA Church, which was only officially formed in

    1863 (nearly 20 years after). Thus any impression that the public might have taken away fromthe Hardtalk  presentation, that SDAs were the ones to make this prediction, that misleading

    notion must be dispelled from the outset before I even begin to treat with the 1844 prophetic

    issues.IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD FROM THE OUTSET that since the SDA Church's official founding is dated to

    be 1863 (as an official denomination), therefore the 1844 prediction of Jesus' second coming could

    *NOT rightly be considered a prediction of SD Adventism, but rather that of the *MULTI-

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    DENOMINATIONAL Millerite movement of the 1840s. The Seventh-day Adventist Church (formed in

    1863) has *NEVER predicted a DATE for the second Coming of Jesus or "Doomsday"!! NEVER!! During

    the recent global brouhahas over certain failed "Doomsday" predictions, the RUMOR continued to be

    banded about that the SDA Church was one of those organizations that, at one time, had also falsely

    predicted a date (in 1844) for the Second Coming of Jesus!! It is time people be informed of the REAL

    TRUTH about the matter (even some SDA members themselves are so misinformed; many of whom are

    either weak in the faith, or never took the time to find out the REAL truth).

    As indicated above, the officially named "SDA Church" was founded in *1863 and has NEVER,

    EVER set a date for the coming of Jesus. THE *MULTI-DENOMINATIONAL "MILLERITE"

    MOVEMENT OF THE 1840s DID SET A DATE FOR 1844. This mixed group of the 1840s, called

    "the Millerites" (not a church denomination), consisted of Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians,

    Episcopalians or Anglicans, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Dutch Reformers, Seventh-day

    Baptists, Free Will Baptists, among others. That mixed group earlier thought that Jesus would

    come in 1844, based on a SYMBOLIC prophecy that was *accurately calculated, but they

    misunderstood the EVENT that was to have taken place that year. If any group was 'guilty' of

    that misunderstanding it would have applied ALSO to the various church denominations all

    those members came from (as above listed).

    But after the disappointment of 1844, in the predicted date of Jesus' second Coming, those

    initially *FROM that movement broke up and either went back to their specific Churchdenominations (e.g. Baptists, Methodists, etc.), or formed several different and newly named

    groups (e.g. the Church of God, Jehovah’s Witnesses, among many others), some of which even

    remained Sunday-keeping denominations, and which are today called Sunday "Adventists" (e.g.

    the Adventist Christian Church); not the Sabbath-keeping SDA church formed LATER. One group

    went back to fully study the Bible, and recognized the mistake of the earlier multi-

    denominational mixed group of "Millerites", and they LATER formed the Sabbath-keeping "SDA

    Church" in 1863 (having learned the lesson well that "no man knows the day nor the hour") and

    they have NEVER done any date setting (i.e. GIVING A SPECIFIC YEAR!!) for "Doomsday" since

    being officially formed in 1863!!! NEVER, EVER!!

    But some may argue that it was the “Adventist” predecessors who made the prediction and so

    SDAs formed in 1863 have questionable forefathers as their predecessors. If to be born out of a

    previous movement that had certain misconceptions mean condemnation, then why do

    Christians proudly accept their outgrowth from Judaism? Wasn't Judaism a movement which

    (by way of either SOME or MOST of its adherents):

    i] Rejected the very Messiah of Christianity (even today it does), and did not believe Jesus was

    divine or even the Son of God, but wrongly felt the Messiah would just be a warrior king to

    overthrow the Romans

    ii] Practiced slavery and polygamy, and even often sunk into outright idolatry or worshiping of

    pagan gods

    iii] Practiced racial segregation despite they were to be the vehicle to convert all nations to the

    true worship of Yahweh?

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    If it is that because one's predecessors had misconceptions this means that you being born out

    of that movement should forever make you feel ashamed of and shackled by that movement's

    misconceptions, then I guess Christianity itself being born out of Judaism, a religion which even

    to this day is a strong opposing force to certain fundamental teachings of Christianity, should

    forever be something that Christians are ashamed of!! But quite the contrary!! Christians do

    believe that despite Judaism had certain misconceptions, and Judaism did make certain

    mistakes, yet it was the movement or religion God used for very many centuries to accomplish


    What object lessons can we learn and apply to the SDA movement growing out of the *multi-

    denominational "Millerite" movement of the 1840s, which did have certain misconceptions?

    Could it be that the "Millerites" were used to accomplish something many people either

    overlook or miss? In next section (sub-heading) below I will reveal that to you, dear reader.

    Keep reading, and be probably amazed to discover things you never thought of before!!

    What Benefit was Derived from the “1844” Millerite Movement? 

    Why would God inspire a New Testament writer to consider SAMSON (of all persons) to be

    listed among the "champions of faith" in Hebrews 11, among such greats as Jacob, Joseph,

    Moses, David, etc.? Wasn't the life of Sampson sullied by much self-centeredness and going

    after ungodly unions and self-pleasing? How then could he be considered a "champion of faith"

    even while much of his life he was misguided? Simple. God's thoughts are often NOT our

    thoughts, and the way God accomplishes his purposes sometimes baffles us!! God worked

    mightily through Israel, an often backslidden and sometimes misguided religion, evidencingthat God often works through 'less than perfect' instruments to do much more than we might

    think. This leads me to the issue of how God could have worked through movements and

    people which, by our fallible reasoning, may not have been the 'best choice', and yet much was

    still accomplished through them.

    The Millerite Movement of the 1840s was one such movement, consisting of a wide cross

    section of earnest and passionate MULTI-DENOMINAITONAL Christians (NOT JUST ONE

    DENOMINATION). This body of mixed Christians rekindled the fire of passionate expectation of

    the second coming (or second "Advent") of Jesus, after very many centuries of dormancyamong Christians (i.e. hardly any fervent preaching about the Second Coming for very many

    years), and they blazed a trail of serious Bible study and earnest investigation of the end-time

    prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. For the very first time in Christian history since the

    fourth century, Christians from all walks of life and from a wide cross section of denominations

    banded together to proclaim the second coming of Jesus with the greatest urgency. And for the

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    first time in all of Church history they spent endless hours in Bible study to understand the

    prophecies of Daniel that were "sealed" until "the time of end" (see Daniel 12:4, 9).

    Even if the Millerites were misguided in one regard --- that of thinking that a certain TIME

    prophecy of Daniel (that was to end in 1844) meant that Jesus would return--- yet they

    brought serious focus to the book of Daniel that many had neglected for many centuries, and

    they were certainly correct in calculating the time prophecy (from Daniel 8 and 9), even while

    mistaken about the EVENT that was to occur in that year. Thus they prepared the way for SDAdventists to discover what their later mission was to be...that of PROCLAIMING THE “1844”



    This scenario I just described reminds me of the how the people of Israel were misguided for

    very many years of the TRUE NATURE of the Messiah that was to come, and how even the

    disciples of Christ were misguided for a time about the mission of Jesus at his first coming, yet

    Jesus used these misguided disciples to promulgate the gospel, and God earlier used Israel (no

    matter how often misguided and often backslidden they may have been) to prepare the worldfor the coming of his Son! With the foregoing now said, its time turn my attention to brother

    Lauriston’s 2016 charges levelled at the SDA Church over these crucial end time matters.

    Brother Lauriston’s Charges against Adventism’s Prophetic Teachings are “Not New” 

    When brother Lauriston was an SDA preacher, ironically he himself made plain that these

    charges which he has now levelled against the SDA Church are “not new”. See him saying so in

    this video clip online and recognize that because they are not new, the SDA Church has had the

    time to assess them and refute them time and time again. It’s only a pity that he himself neverspent the time carefully looking at how the charges he levelled against Adventism, and the

    concerns he raised, have been ALREADY debunked by scholars in Adventism. He seemed to

    have spent more time reading the critics, and not equal or more time researching and reading

    the SDA apologists. It’s time for me to demonstrate what I mean by the charges being

    debunked time and time again.

    To FULLY understand what SDAs mean by “The Investigative Judgment”  of “1844”  taking place

    in the “Heavenly Sanc tuary”  since that time, and how that date is arrived at, revisit my free

    booklet already written to defend the doctrine, entitled The S.D.A. Sanctuary Message

    Defended by Derrick Gillespie , and  read from page 13 onwards. It is based on a solid SDAteaching, I dare say, despite all the challenges, and it has been able to meet the charges time

    and time again. For instance (in light of what brother Lauriston charged):

    1. What justifies the translation of the word “cleansed” (from the Hebrew “sadaq”  or

    “nisdaq”  ) in Daniel 8:14, when more modern translations use other renderings of the word


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    and hence deem “cleansed” in the KJV as an “incorrect” translation? Why do SDAs continue to

    use the “incorrect” translation of the word, despite all this?  


    Of the over 25 translations I have looked up *16 of them translate the word as "cleansed". That

    indicates that there is strength in that rendering; not a sectarian rape of Scripture as some

    would like to think. In fact, as I wrote this booklet, here’s a snapshot of the Daniel 8:14 text

    from my laptop Bible-study software, showing nearly 10 versions using the word “cleansed”: 

    Daniel 8:14

    (LXX+)  καιG2532 CONJ 

    ειπεν V-AAI-3S 

    αυτωG846 D-DSM 

    εωςG2193 PREP 

    εσπεραςG2073 N-GSF 

    καιG2532 CONJ 

    πρωιG4404 ADV  ημεραιG2250 N-NPF δισχιλιαιG1367 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ τριακοσιαιG5145 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ 

    καθαρισθησεται[cleansed] G2511 V-FPI-3S τοG3588 T-NSN αγιονG40 A-NSN 

    (ABP+)  AndG2532 he saidG2036 to him,G1473 UntoG2193 eveningG2073 andG2532 morningG4404 [3daysG2250 1two thousandG1367 2three hundred],G5145 andG2532 [3shall be cleansedG2511 1theG3588 2holyplace].G39 

    (ASV)  And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and  mornings;then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. 

    (BBE)  And he said to him, For two thousand, three hundred evenings and mornings; then theholy place will be made clean.

    (DRB)  And he said to him: Unto evening and morning two thousand three hundred days: andthe sanctuary shall be cleansed.

    (KJV)  And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall thesanctuary be cleansed.

    (RV)  And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and  mornings; thenshall the sanctuary be cleansed.

    (WEB)  He said to me, “To two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings. Then thesanctuary will be cleansed.”

    (WEBA)  He said to me, “To two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings. Then thesanctuary will be cleansed.”

    More importantly, let me hasten to say that the oldest translations of the Old Testament are

    the second century B.C. Septuagint (LXX) and the Theodotion. Both render “sadaq” or “nisdaq” 

    with the Greek term, katharisthesetai  (“shall be cleansed”). Those careful Hebrew scholars

    (who themselves spoke Hebrew), and who lived only a few centuries after the time of Daniel,

    believed that this was the best single Greek word with which to translate “sadaq” or

    “nisdaq”. So “cleanse” is a perfectly acceptable word in Daniel 8:14 and Adventism's

    preference for that rendering is in good company.

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    However “sadaq” or “nisdaq”, in its various verb forms, includes meanings far broader than

    merely cleanse, and we have to also recognize them. Other renderings of the word, “sadaq” or

    “nisdaq, include:

    “Be consecrated”

    “Be righted”

    “Be restored to its rightful state”“Be restored”

    “Be declared right”

    “Be justified”

    “Be victorious”

    “Be vindicated”

    “Be made righteous”

    “Be sanctified”

    Now with that in mind, we can proceed with the thought that, as I have argued in my bookletdefending the Sanctuary Message, despite the word "cleansed" is correctly used by Adventism,

    there is nothing wrong with applying the other uses, like "restored to its rightful place",

    "righted", "vindicated", etc., since THERE IS NOTHING IN THE PROPHECY NECESSARILY LIMITING



    Why? I strongly believe that there is ample evidence that the prophecy might just have had

    both the Heavenly sanctuary and the earthly spiritual temple (the Church) in mind, i.e. BOTH

    relate to God’s people, and BOTH would be "cleansed", but just from different things.

    Both would be made victorious or vindicated, but in different contexts. The symbolic trampling

    of the sanctuary and God's people underfoot, and the symbolic casting down of the "place" of

    God's sanctuary and His truth to the ground, ARE SIMPLY SYMBOLS FOR, ON THE ONE HAND,






    Thus both sanctuaries would simultaneously (in the same time period; i.e. at the end of the

    2300 years) be "made right", "made victorious", and "vindicated", as the truth is made clear

    again to the world. Thus while the Heavenly sanctuary is being "cleansed" in the anti-typical

    Judgment sense of Leviticus 16 and Yom Kippur, and "vindicated" too, so too the earthly

    spiritual temple (the Church) is being "cleansed" (in another context) of pagan defilement, and


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    "vindicated" too, as the "Remnant" leaves the confused ranks of spiritual Babylon in

    Christendom (since the spiritual awakening of the modern era) and restores the truth about

    God's true apostolic Church, God's law, Sabbath, state of the dead, etc. This all happens while

    God is "sealing" his chosen elect (making up his jewels) once and for all, thus pronouncing them

    "vindicated" and their sinful record fully forgiven or “blotted out”, to the chagrin of Satan, "the

    accuser of the brethren".

    That discovery, while prayerfully contemplating the Word, has been the impression of the Holy

    Spirit of prophecy upon my spirit. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned and I don't need highpowered learning about exegesis, and textual analysis (as brother Lauriston seem to think),

    before the Holy Spirit can impress such things upon my spirit. I however I think that careful

    textual analysis should be used to later intellectually CONFIRM what was discerned in the spirit

    and heart (since there are indeed demonic spirits of false prophecy), but the Bible does give me

    enough evidence to think this way.

    This now brings me to the issue of why do SDAs interpret the “2300 days” in Daniel 8:14 to be

    years, and not literal days? Brother Lauriston had asked:

    2. What principle in Daniel 8 would deem it necessary to interpret 2300 days as years?


    The designation of time in Daniel 8:14 occurs in the midst of symbols - where all is symbolic

    language - the beasts, the horns, the little horn, and the trampling, and casting down of truth,

    God’s people and the place of God’s sanctuary by such a power , etc.; and it would seem to be

    much more probable that the symbolic method would be adopted as designating the time

    referred to than a literal method. Why take out one aspect of the vision which is all symbolic,

    and make it literal even before the symbols are explained? That’s not consistent. In addition,

    considering that the question in Daniel 8:13 asked specifically, “HOW LONG THE VISION ”, or

    “UNTIL WHEN SHALL BE THE VISION ”, and that vision started in the time of the Medo-Persian

    empire (symbolized by the ram), and considering that we also see the scope of the vision

    leading up to the time of the Grecian empire (symbolized by the he-goat), a time span covering

    several centuries, then the time element for the length of “the vision” could not be “2300

    days”, when interpreted, but rather a long span of time, and logically called for years to be

    understood by the symbol of “2300 days”. Pages 9-10 of my booklet, The S.D.A. Sanctuary

    Message Defended by Derrick Gillespie, already delved into the potency of why the contents of

    the Daniel 8-9 “vision” (singular) is proven to have related to even Jesus’ time on earth, and

    hence satisfies the question as to why the “2300 days” should be years.

    The above described also would answer Brother Lauriston’s next question which asked: 

    3. Why would the “2300 days” of Daniel 8:14, but interpreted by SDAs as a “ 2300 years”  time

    span, begin many centuries before the activities of the “little horn” power?  

    ANSWER:  Many critics of the SDA interpretation of Daniel 8:14 prophecy (like Dale Ratzlaff,

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    Desmond Ford, Raymond Cottrell, et al), fall prey to the same lack of insight, in my humble

    opinion. None of these critics have ever disproven the SDA understanding that the question

    being answered by Daniel 8:14 was literally asking "HOW LONG THE VISION?" or "UNTIL

    WHEN IS THE VISION?" They have never disproven that (according to the SDA viewpoint)

    ONLY *ONE GENERAL VISION WAS IN VIEW (not two), and that the time period, as

    *SYMBOLICALLY presented in vision (i.e. presented as 2300 “evening morning”, but

    translated by Jews themselves in the Septuagint and Theodotion as prophetic “days”), that it

    applies to the TIME SCOPE of the entire vision which Daniel got in Daniel 8; not just the

    aspects itemized as samples of that vision in Daniel 8:13.  That’s why 2300 years MUST be theproper interpretation, and the entire vision therefore logically started in the Medo-Persian era,

    and explains why 457 B.C is valid as the starting point, and, ultimately, why the vision started

    long before the Romans and the Papacy came on the scene.

    If any element of that vision runs into or find fulfillment in the period when Rome was the

    “desolator” of Israel (as Jesus showed plainly in Matthew 24:15), then we know that the vision

    of Daniel, involving a certain “desolating” power, did not end with Greece, neither was the

    Grecian king Antiochus Epiphanes the real power that would bring in “the abomination

    [transgression] of desolation”, as mistakenly thought to be so by the critics (including dissident

    ‘insiders’ like Desmond Ford and Raymond F. Cottrell, and the former SDA Dale Ratzlaff, which

    brother “Thunder” Lauriston has chosen to read, and not also, it would seem, his own SDA

    apologists). “Kings” in symbol mean whole kingdoms; not one person, like Antiochus Epiphanes.

    That’s a major problem for the critics who want to make the “little horn” in Daniel 8, which

    grew large/immensely, and brought desolation to Israel, into one person, Antiochus. Yet

     Antiochus never desolated the temple, since it was left standing, and he never desolated

    Israel, since the nation, via the Maccabees, rose up in rebellion and chased him away

    (certainly not a kingdom which “waxed exceedingly great” in Israel’s direction, nor greatly

    “prospered” as a power  , nor “destroyed wonderfully”  ; Daniel 8:9, 12, 24).

    In addition, Jesus’ Matthew 24:15 utterance is a major obstacle to the opposing view of the

    critics; an obstacle which they must overturn before they can effectively refute the SDA

    position on who was the “desolating” power of Daniel 8  and 9, for instance. ABSOLUTELY NOONE HAS YET BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED!! AND I AM SPEAKING

    WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY WHEN I SAY SO. Until they can, then the SDA viewpoint remains


    With the foregoing considered, this now leads me to answer the questions from Brother

    Lauriston which asked:

    4. Why does the “little horn” power of Daniel 7 come from the fourth beast (or Rome), while

    the “little hor n”  power of Daniel 8 comes from the second beast (or Greece), and yet it is

    deemed by SDAs to be the same power of the Papacy which arose out of Rome?  [And]What justifies the “little horn” symbol in Daniel 8 being deemed to be the Papacy, or the Roman

    Catholic Church?


    As already explained in my booklet, The S.D.A. Sanctuary Message Defended by Derrick

    Gillespie, the fact that Jesus in Matthew 24:15 and Luke 21:20 IDENTIFIED the power bringing

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    "*THE abomination [transgression] of desolation" to be Rome, totally obliterates the popular

    viewpoint that Antiochus Epiphanes (a Syrian king) fulfilled "THE" (specific article)

    "abomination of desolation" that was prophesied by Daniel. I repeat. Antiochus never brought

    "desolation", neither to the temple (since he left it standing), nor to Jerusalem (it remained in

    place), nor to Israel (since the Jews rose up in successful rebellion against the invasion of

    Antiochus, by way of the Maccabees)!! And so he cannot be the REAL agent of "desolation"

    (since he brought only *temporary *disruption to Israel’s temple services), but rather the REAL

    power in view was the empire of Rome which came nearly 200 years later! Once Rome appears

    in the picture as bringing the fulfillment of "THE" (specific article) related "transgression[abomination] of desolation" prophecies of Daniel 8 and 9, then it makes it plain that the

    time frame of the “vision” of Daniel 8 and 9 was to run into a long time period represented in

    symbol as "2300 days" (but with the “day-for-a-year” prophetic principle in operation in

    order for that to happen). In fact, the very fact that Revelation 13, and 17 pictures IN SYMBOL

    a Roman power with the "body of a leopard", i.e. it being largely characteristic of the

    features of the Grecian power that it came after (remember Greece was the leopard power in

    symbol; Daniel 7), this totally nullifies all those opposing viewpoints which believe that a

    Roman "little horn" power could not have arisen out of a Grecian empire depicted in Daniel

    8. All notable history books depict Rome as a "Greco-Roman" empire, simply because it was

    so "Greek" at its core in so many ways.... and this is very telling of what Daniel saw in vision

    long before Rome came on the scene, especially with Jesus himself identifying Rome in

    Matthew 24:15 as the real power fulfilling the "abomination of desolation" prophecies of


    By the way, the he-goat power (representing Greece) that brother Lauriston called “the second

    beast” on “Hardtalk”  would actually be the third beast power in the general scheme of the

    sequence of word powers prophesied about from Babylon onwards. This “third” beast power

    actually morphed/transitioned into the fourth beast, or Rome, because Rome in history is called

    by all reputable historians as the *“Greco-Roman” power (fancy that!!!). And in the prophecies

    of Revelation 13, Rome, by the times of the New Testament, is depicted as a beast (kingdom)

    with a body (the largest portion of any animal) being that of a leopard (which in Daniel 7 hadrepresented Greece). Therefore, the Papacy (the religo-political continuation of pagan Rome)

    indeed rose from a power largely Greek at its core (i.e. the “Greco-Roman” power). This

    satisfies the question as to why the “little horn” (Papal Rome), in either its pagan or papal

    stages, could have been depicted as arising from BOTH a Roman as well as an earlier Grecian


    So far, I have been showing, one by one, how the charges/concerns of brother Lauriston are

    groundless in terms of the prophetic issues, and I will continue to do so right to the very end.

    Here’s his next question: 

    5. Why would the 2300 years’ time span seem to mean (according to SDA eschatology; or

    doctrines dealing with final events) that the activities of the “little horn” power, interpreted

    by SDAs as the Papacy  , should have ended in 1844 when the sanctuary is “cleansed”, and yet

    that power still runs unchecked in its activities against the heavenly sanctuary ever since


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    The answer is simple. Because the 2300 days question related to the length of the entire vision

    (Daniel 8:13); not the time span the “little horn” would be casting down the place of the

    sanctuary, by obscuring its work. When the 2300 years (represented in symbol as “2300 days”) 

    or the length of “the vision” would have expired, nowhere does the Bible say the “little horn”

    power would not have continued to run its course until the time of the “the end”; a time which

    began from Jesus’ time (denoted “the last days”; see Dan. 8:17), and continues up to Jesus’

    second coming when the “little horn” power (the Papacy) is “broken without hand” ordestroyed by divine intervention (Daniel 8:25; 2 Thess. 2:8). The time of Antiochus is never

    designated the time of “the end” or the “end” times, but the time-span of Rome (pagan and

    papal) is indeed within the time of “the end”.

    Brother Lauriston also asked:

    6. What justifies the “trampled” sanctuary in Daniel 8 not being the earthly Jewish one, but

    instead the heavenly one?


    Please note that the sanctuary to be “cleansed” at the end of the 2300 years period of the

    entire vision (i.e. in 1844)--- a time certainly within the time of “the end”--- could NOT have

    been the earthly Jewish sanctuary, because by then it was no longer in existence (it was

    destroyed by the desolating power of Rome since A.D. 70), and so the only candidates for that

    post-1844 “cleansing” could only be the heavenly one and the church as the spiritual one. It’s in

    the heavenly sanctuary that we see a judgment scene in Daniel 7:9, 10; an investigative

     judgment on the “little horn” power which later results in it power being “broken”/destroyed 

    thereafter. Thus, when we see that the only true sanctuary still in existence to be “cleansed” at

    the end of the length of the time span of the entire vision (Daniel 8:13), or after 1844, is the

    heavenly one intimately tied to the earthly spiritual temple of the Church, by that alone we

    know that the heavenly sanctuary tied to the church (the spiritual sanctuary on earth) would bethe real focus of the vision of Daniel 8; a vision running from the Medo-Persian era to the time

    of “the end” (see Daniel 8:17). Never forget that the earthly temple was NOT the true

    tabernacle (see Heb. 8:1-2 with Heb. 9:24), but just the symbol of the heavenly one, as tied to

    God’s people, the spiritual temple. That TRUE temple is the one Satan hates most!!

    Dear reader, by now I am hoping you have begun to see that the SDA beliefs about prophecy

    can be defended, so it’s time for me to address the opposition coming from dissident SDA

    insiders like late Dr. Raymond Cottrell, Dr. Desmond Ford, and from defectors like Dale Ratzlaff.

    Brother Lauriston indirectly asked these questions:

    7. Didn’t the renowned SDA historian/theologian/author, George Knight, indicate in his 2008

    book, The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism, that an “investigative

     judgment” cannot be found in the Daniel 8:14 key text of SDAs, and didn’t the late renowned

    SDA theologian/editor, Raymond Cottrell, also systematically and exegetically debunk the

    SDA teaching on the 1844 Investigative Judgment and Sanctuary, and hence render the key

    doctrine of Adventism invalid?  

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    ANSWER: First, it must be noted that brother Lauriston insisted on “Hardtalk” that the

    renowned SDA historian/theologian/author, George Knight, flatly rejected any “investigative

     judgment” in Daniel 8:14. Yet, he, just like former member Dr. Andre Hill (who publicly made

    the same claim) seem to have missed the statements from George Knight’s 2008 book, The

     Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism, clearly saying what he didn’t see in Daniel

    8:14 was an investigative Judgment “ OF THE SAINTS”  but rather [investigative and executive]

    Judgment on the “little horn”, and “a restoration, justification, and cleansing of the sanctuary at

    the end of the 2300 days” . But since Scripture must be studied “line upon line; precept upon precept; here a little, there a little” , it is no problem to explain one Scripture like Daniel 8:14 by

    linking it to another, such as the parallel thought being expressed in Daniel 7:9, 10. Having read

    this 2008 book myself, and since I own it, let me share a snapshot of the very page (page 68)

    which brother Lauriston was quoting from on “Hardtalk”. Read it and recognize what George

    Knight is saying; I’ll outline those below.

    George Knight, like myself, recognize that the only true sanctuary remaining after the 2300

    years’ time span (which began in the Medo-Persian era and ended in 1844), is the heavenly

    one; and only that true sanctuary could be “cleansed” in a the fashion typified by the Jewish

    one which had long passed away. And since Hebrews 9:23 makes plain that the heavenly

    sanctuary can and would be “purified” (or cleansed), contrary to some who think this could

    never be, then it is no strange thing for that to happen metaphorically after 1844. Also since, to

    the Jews, the earthly Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur (Leviticus 16) was the only templeceremony that involved temple purification or cleansing that is intimately/simultaneously

    tied to a day of Judgment or examination of all lives before God (whether bad or good), then

    right way we begin to see the link between Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 7:9, 10. We also begin to see

    why George Knight linked the two Scriptures. By doing all of this, including defending the I844

    doctrine in the above-mentioned book, George Knight shows that Dr. Raymond Cottrell and Dr.

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    Desmond Ford are misguided. I also personally think that these two renowned SDA theologians

    were/are misguided, and I say that after carefully reading Dr. Desmond Ford’s renowned

    “Glacier View”  papers, as well as the “Asset or Liability”  paper of Dr. Raymond Cottrell (which

    brother Thunder referenced), and seeing for myself the inherent flaws therein… despite all their

    scholarship. “Scholarship” and “intellect” does not automatically mean one must be correct!!! 

    Never forget that the Jews themselves have long seen Yom Kippur (the day of atonement in

    Leviticus 16) as closely tied to a day of investigative judgment (see Yom Kippur online at this

    link: http://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/15117-yom-kippur).

    The Jewish Encyclopedia I cited at the link above puts it this way:

    "In rabbinic Judaism the Day of Atonement  [Yom Kippur] completes the penitential period of

    ten days...[with] the annual day of judgment, when all creatures pass in review before the

    searching eye of Omniscience..."

    This Jewish understanding is in reality quite ironic, seeing that just as Daniel 7 shows a

    vindication of God's people AFTER a judgment scene (obviously occurring in the heavenly

    temple above where God dwells), and AFTER an event which results in the "little horn" power'sultimate demise (Daniel 7:9, 10, 26, 27), LIKEWISE Daniel 8 also brings into focus a "cleansing"

    of the only remaining LITERAL sanctuary at the very time of "the end" (i.e. the sanctuary

    above), and that too results in the "little horn" power being "broken without hand". With this

    evident parallelism SDAs firmly believe that the heavenly ceremony of "cleansing" is also one of

    investigative judgment that looks into the records of people's lives, and determines their final

    destinies and “rewards”, just as the Jews believed about the earthly “shadow” or counterpart

    (the Day of Atonement) was a time of divine investigation of the lives of the people of God.

    How can the above described connection, as made by SDAs (and Jews), be Biblically supported?

    Here’s how. God has appointed ONLY ONE "day", or event, or period (not more than one), for

    *JUDICIALLY judging/assessing *BOTH the wicked and the righteous *BEFORE Jesus’ second

    coming to establish his glorious kingdom and punish the wicked (see Acts 17:31, 2 Cor. 5:10

    with Ecclesiastes 3:17). When Jesus returns he would have rewards for all (Rev.22:12), including

    the judicial punishment of the anti-Christ power in 2 Thess. 2:8, and hence THIS JUDGMENT OF


    (see Revelation 11:1, 18, 19 roughly locating that investigative event in the period when “the

    nations are angry”, i.e. in the period involving World Wars for the first time, or after the 1844

    date). From the prophecy of Daniel 8:14, SDAs have learned that when the prophetic period

    covered by the entire vision of Daniel 8 (see again Daniel 8:13) is complete (expressed in

    symbolic language as "2300 days", but symbolically meaning years) then an event of sanctuary

    "cleansing" would take place, and would also be a period of divine Judgment in heaven (thesame one identified in Daniel 7:9-11); one that is "Investigative" in nature, and that would

    result in not just the demise of the opposing little horn power, but also a judging and

    vindication of God's people by way of their Advocate and High Priest (Jesus Christ) at his

    throne. This is what "1844" is all about (the year that ends the period covered by the singular

    vision of Daniel 8 and 9), and it has a more solid footing in the Bible than the critics do realize.


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    I think that is rather telling, and gives credence to the Jewish Rabbinical view that Yom Kippur is

    also tied to judgment/assessment of people’s lives. Is it any wonder John the Revelator also ties

    the “opening” of the Most Holy Place with the "TIME" APPOINTED (SEE AGAIN ACTS 17:31) for

     judging ALL people of earth in Revelation 11: 18,19, INCLUDING GOD'S OWN PEOPLE? To those

    too blind to see it will not be obvious, but the SD Adventists have long seen the connectionand will continue to preach it no matter the fierce opposition from within and without the


    Some assume that because the book of Hebrews does not specifically address the prophetic

    issue of the sanctuary "cleansing", then it denies the "INVESTIGATIVE JUDGMENT" doctrine as

    understood by SDAs, but that is a paltry polemic against the SDA teaching since Hebrews was

    *NOT a book meant to explain prophetic issues in detail, but it simply gave a sweeping view of

    how Jesus ministers in THE true heavenly sanctuary (AS BOTH THE SACRIFICIAL "LAMB" AND


    no doubt, ALL the earthly symbols/figures in the earthly sanctuary would eventually find

    fulfillment in the ongoing ministry of Jesus in the heavenly one (ALL IN THEIR OWN TIME, OFCOURSE).

    “Behind the Veil” and all that!! 

    Brother Lauriston was clearly concerned on “Hardtalk”  that Adventism stands alone against all

    of Christendom teaching that Jesus’ entry “within [behind] the veil” in the heavenly sanctuary 

    must mean (as Dr. Desmond Ford postulated) that Jesus must have been dealing with matters

    related to the Most Holy Place or engaged in an ongoing “day of Atonement’ ever since his

    ascension. And yet here, again, the flaws in the arguments of the critics which brother“Thunder” has read can be shown.

    The Bible itself has proven the opposing voices (obligated to bring the 'burden of proof') to not

    be convincing enough in the following areas:

    a] The book of Hebrews gives no absolute proof that Jesus has been serving within the second

    apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, or that he carried out the full/complete work

    symbolized by that apartment) ever since his ascension (or before 1844), and the term

    "within the veil" in the book of Hebrews, BEING AMBIGUOUS IN NATURE, offers no absolute

    refutation of the “Sanctuary Message” as taught by SDAs. The term “within the veil” I will

    expound on shortly to show why it is indeed ambiguous. This issue I will demonstrate and

    expound on hereafter (citing how even the opposing ‘inside scholars’ like even Desmond Ford

    unwittingly proves how ambiguous the term "the veil" really is). But suffice it to say here that it

    is true that Jesus ascended to the very presence of His Father, but his work as both the Lamb,

    our Advocate (Priest) and High Priest cannot be proven (despite all the protestations of the

    critics) as being without natural phases and or happening within its own timetable. The SDA

    teaching about Jesus being in God’s very presence even while his work is undergoing phases 

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    can be easily accounted for. In heaven there is no sinful being or person, and so there is no

    need to separate heaven’s inhabitants (including angels) from God’s direct presence, as

    necessary on earth among the ancient Jews in the earthly temple services. Angels (sinless

    beings) freely have full access to the throne room of God, and they stand in his very presence

    daily (see Matt. 18:10, Luke 1:19 and Rev. 5:11); unlike sinful humans on earth who were/are

    separated from him because of our sinful nature. And even though Jesus remains a human, a

    glorified human (see 1 Tim. 2:5), yet because of his inherent divine nature (Heb. 1:8) as well

    as his spotlessness or sinless condition as our Advocate he, like all the other inhabitants of

    heaven, has direct access to the very throne room of God as well as to God’s very enthronedpresence. Actually Jesus shares the very throne of God (Rev. 3:21). However it is quite

    interesting that in Revelation 8:3, Rev. 1:4 and Rev. 4:5 the presence of the heavenly alter

    and the symbolic seven branched lamp (representing the Holy Spirit) is seen directly BEFORE

    (literally 'in front of') the Throne of God and the Lamb (the same throne as in Rev. 3:21). ON


    PATTERN OF THE HEAVENLY SANCTUARY)!! And this is compelling evidence for me and other

    ‘doctrinally settled’ SDAs that John's visions of Heaven before the arrival of the pre-Advent

    Judgment scene (of Rev. 11:18, 19 or Daniel 7: 9, 10) seem to place God's MOVEABLE throne in

    the first apartment of the Heavenly sanctuary; I say “moveable throne” because that is

    certainly why in visionary symbol it has “wheels”, and why God in Daniel 7: 9, 10 is represented

    in vision as seemingly coming in from elsewhere to “sit” in Judgment and thereafter examine

    the records of human lives (i.e. both the wicked and the righteous; see Eccl. 3:17).

    All of this biblical reality, as outlined in the foregoing, certainly allows for MOVEMENT of both

    God the Father and His throne through the two sanctuary-apartment phases of Jesus’ heavenly

    ministry as believed by SDAs!! There is certainly implied a clear “movement” of focus in terms

    of what is being accomplished in heaven when the scene in Daniel 7:9, 10 and Rev. 11:18, 19

    arrives!! For nearly two thousand years now Jesus has been doing a work of Advocacy as our

    Mediator in the heavenly sanctuary (Heb. 8:1-6) as himself the Sacrificial Lamb, himself the

    daily Priest (Mediator) and himself the High Priest as well. Why?

    Since Hebrews 8:1-6 shows that the normal daily priests and their daily services “serve unto

    the example and shadow of heavenly things”, then Jesus as Advocate (Priest)*MUST carry out

    heavenly work typified by the normal daily priests as well (see Heb. 8:4, 5), and not just the

    High Priest’s distinctive one-day work at the climax of the year of all temple activities. That is

    why I reject the views of those (like the dissident ‘insider’ Desmond Ford) who say Jesus

    ascended to only accomplish the distinctive work of the High Priest as carried out only on the

    Day of Atonement. If that was the case then the normal earthly priests and their daily round

    of services, and even the normal daily work of the high priest himself as seen in Heb. 7:27

    (even going into the first apartment with blood for sins; and Lev. 4:7, 17, 18), these would

    have no counterpart in heaven itself (in contradistinction to Heb. 8:4, 5); only the distinctiveone-day or Yom Kippur work of the High Priest would find fulfillment (according to Desmond

    Ford misguided claims). But we see Jesus carrying out BOTH roles, but obviously in two

    phases as typified repeatedly on earth by the repeated yearly cycles of temple services in the

    outer and inner apartment (see Heb. 10:1-12). Jesus in Heaven fulfills the repeated yearly

    rounds of activities carried out by both the daily priests and the High Priest as well. He does

    this by one sacrifice of himself as the Lamb on earth, by one entry as the human priest into

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    the heavenly sanctuary, by one ongoing period of advocacy as Mediator, as typified by the

    daily priests (and the high priest as well), and he climaxes that one heaven-centered cycle

    (singular) of activities, or the one period covering the process of redemption/atonement,

    with one special occasion (typified by the day of Atonement) with himself also being the High

    Priest. Most critics fail to appreciate that the PROCESS of atonement, as typified by

    “shadows” on earth, was one carried out throughout the year (including the work of the

    normal priests with the daily “atonement” sacrifices); not just in its climaxing phase on the

    special day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) when the High Priest did a distinctive climaxing work

    of “atonement”. As on earth with the earthly sanctuary, so it MUST unfold in heaven as aprocess over time, and in phases, or else the “shadows” on earth would  find no counterpart

    in heaven as the book of Hebrews explains!! These truths I find gripping and cannot ignore,

    despite all the ranting’s of the critics. 

    I also find it very gripping that  only when the pre-Advent Judgment "TIME" was introduced in

    Rev. 11:18, 19 (i.e. "the TIME” of determining rewards and punishments BEFORE Jesus

    returns with all “rewards”; see Rev. 22:12) that John made reference to the Ark of the

    Covenant FOUND IN THE INNER APARTMENT (a container for holding the main moral

    standards which even the saints will be judged by; see James 2:10-12; 1 Kings 8:9)… thus

    strongly indicating that the inner apartment of the heavenly was figuratively “opened for

    business”, in a manner of speaking, ONLY when the INVESTIGATIVE Judgment arrived (which

    did not cover the whole Christian era, but a specifically “appointed time”- Acts 17:31). The

    above cited references, such as Rev. 11:18, 19 and Acts 17:31, et al, I will further explain

    hereafter to show their potency.

    b] Critics cannot disprove the SDA viewpoint that Jesus ascended to heaven to relate to the

    entire heavenly sanctuary and its services as typified on earth in the earthly sanctuary; not

     just to relate to the inner apartment and its one item of furniture, the Ark of the Covenant.

    Jesus actually ascended and does/did a work related to all aspects, but in unfolding phases.

    Proof? Hebrews 8:2, 5 and Hebrews 9:18-24 make plain (in the KJV and many other

    translations) that Christ was to relate to ALL the "PATTERNS" AND "THINGS" (PLURAL) IN"HEAVEN ITSELF", and not just one room of the Most Holy place, and its one item, the Ark of

    the covenant (BOTH SINGULAR SUBJECTS)’. Jesus is pictured as entered into “heaven itself”  and

    into a place patterning the "holy places" (Hebrews 9:24) on earth, or he entered “once” into

    the sanctuary as a whole (Hebrews 8:2), and this sanctuary is also called “the holy place”

    (Hebrew 9:12) or “ta hagia” in Greek. IT WAS THE ENTIRE EARTHLY SANCTUARY THAT HAD ALL

    THE ITEMS "WHICH *ARE FIGURES [OR PATTERNS] OF THE TRUE", and this indicates that

    where Jesus started to serve as its counterpart "IN HEAVEN ITSELF" it has ALL THE PROTOTYPE

    "PATTERNS" [PLURAL] of the earthly sanctuary; not just the one room of the Most Holy place

    being a pattern (singular), as the true prototype.By the very reference to "FIGURES/PATTERNS" of the true, and to Jesus entering "HEAVEN

    itself" these expressions indicate that the place Jesus started to serve upon his ascension was

    filled with "FIGURES" OR "PATTERNS" [PLURAL]. No wonder Hebrews 9:23, when written in the

    first century, makes plain that it “should be” [future tense] all "THINGS" (PLURAL) in the

    heavenly sanctuary that “should be” (not “have been” but *SHOULD be”) SYMBOLICALLY

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    "purified" with Jesus’ blood; NOT JUST THE ONE ROOM OF THE MOST HOLY PLACE, AND NOT

    JUST THE ONE ITEM OF FURNISHING IN IT (SINGULAR). The very language of Hebrews 9:23,24

    makes plain Jesus was to serve in the entire heavenly sanctuary with all it "PATTERNS"

    (PLURAL); he was not just to serve in relation to one room, or one item of furnishing, but IN

    RELATION TO PLURAL SUBJECTS AND "THINGS" OR "PATTERNS". In addition to this, the very

    reference to “purification” of heavenly “things” and “patterns” refutes the claim that nothing

    “defiling” can be in heaven. It’s clearly symbolic language at play, and so SDAs are on firm

    foundation to refer to symbolic “cleansing” of the heavenly sanctuary in our “SanctuaryMessage”. But the main point here is that Hebrews 9 makes sweeping descriptions of the

    overall temple and priestly services and ceremonies, and points to the heavenly ministry of

    Christ as their counterpart; Hebrews 9 is not just about the special event on the special Day of

    Atonement (Yom Kippur).


    Many critics and dissident ‘insiders’ alike, e.g. Dr. Desmond Ford, they forget that the work

    of the normal daily priests (not just the High Priest) must find fulfillment in Jesus’

    heavenly/sanctuary ministry, and they also forget that the High priest on earth served right

    throughout the year in the earthly temple AS A WHOLE (e.g. Lev. 4:7, 17, 18); not just on the

    one day he entered the Most Holy place annually. If these earthly realities or “shadows” must

    find fulfillment in Jesus’ life/work in heaven, then it stands to reason that Jesus is to serve

    BOTH as a normal priest would in the heavenly sanctuary (no wonder his priesthood has been

    for nearly 2000 years so far), as well as serve as the High Priest would daily, as well as in the

    shorter period covered by the final segment of ministry in the Most Holy Place. Hebrews

    overall, especially Hebrews 9, proves that his heavenly ministry (involving BOTH his roles AS

    THE SACRIFICED LAMB AND OUR HEAVENLY PRIEST) ignores no aspect of the earthly temple as

    a whole, with all its "PATTERNS" OR "FIGURES" (PLURAL). I don’t know of any critic that could

    take that understanding away from me!!

    The dissident SDA ‘insider,’ Dr. Desmond Ford, tried in several of his ‘scholarly’ papers, to make

    it seem that because Hebrews 9 refers to Jesus as High Priest entering the “holiest of all” or

    serving “within the veil”, and because reference is made to “bulls” or “bullocks and “calves”,

    and “goats”, and to Jesus as high priest “entering once into the holy place”, then this must

    mean only the special “shadows” of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) activities would

    characterize his ministry in the heavenly sanctuary from the very moment he ascended. This, he

    argues, would involve only the “most holy place” phase of the work of Jesus as priest, andhence would effectively nullify the SDA “Sanctuary Message” of a two-phased or two-

    apartment ministry of Jesus and its related date of 1844. But I find this to be unconvincing

    eisogesis (reading into the text) on his part, and I cannot but reject his well-intended but

    misguided claims (no matter how ‘scholarly’ they may sound coming from a highly respected

    ‘intellectual’; “scholarship” and “intellect” does not automatically mean one must be correct).

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    Apart from what I showed earlier, here are additional points to refute his claims regarding the

    above described:

    [i] The expression “holiest of all” in Hebrew 9:8 (a reference to the entire sanctuary in heaven)

    is NOT exactly the same Greek expression used in Hebrews 9:3; despite also translated as “the

    holiest of all” in the KJV. The writer of Hebrews simply made the point in Hebrews 9:8 that

    while the earthly sanctuary was still standing, or fully functional, the way into the heavenly

    sanctuary or “ta hagia” (translated as the “holiest of all” in the KJV) was not yet manifest, i.e.

    Jesus was not yet operating as priest in the heavenly sanctuary during the old testament age.

    He first had to become human to become the priest in the heavenly sanctuary, and also had to

    have a perfect blood sacrifice to offer, in this case it would be himself, before his ministry above

    in the “ta hagia” or “true tabernacle” (also called the “holiest of all”) could begin. In contrast,

    we find that when the writer of Hebrews wanted to clinch a more specific meaning, i.e. with

    specific reference to the “most holy place” as the second apartment in the sanctuary as a

    whole (which is also called the “holiest of all” in the KJV), he used the compound Greek

    expression “hagia hagion” , or “hagia hagia”, to specifically mean the “holy of holies” or inner

    apartment of the sanctuary!!  Thus we cannot just read the English expression “holiest of all”

    (translated from the Greek “ta hagia”) and assume it automatically means the “most holy

    place” specifically, simply because the expression “ta hagia” is AMBIGUOUS, and Dr. Desmond

    Ford himself unwittingly admits this, when he said (while quoting from a newer and misleading


    " [Hebrews 9:12] He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves, but he entered the

    most holy place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.

    .... the word [ta hagia] that is here translated "most holy place" is literally "holies." .....The word

    itself can mean the sanctuary as a whole, or it can mean the first apartment, or it can mean

    the second apartment. You can prove nothing from the Greek, because it has these


    -Desmond Ford, The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity?

    Here Desmond Ford, a staunch critic of Adventism's doctrine of the Sanctuary, admits freely,

    and rightly so, that the plural term "holies", sometimes translated "holy place", other times

    "holy places" (coming from "ta hagion" or "ta hagia" in Greek) is *AMBIGUOUS, and at times it

    means the sanctuary as a whole, sometimes the outer apartment, and other times the inner

    apartment, so it is CONTEXT that must be appealed to in order to ascertain meaning. This

    ambiguity of the Greek word is similar to the AMBIGUOUS word "law" in the Bible (from the

    Hebrew "torah", or the Greek "nomos"), and hence context is crucial. Now, interestingly, I

    found out (by doing a careful review of the Greek), that all places where it is claimed that Jesus

    "entered" [PAST TENSE] into the Most Holy Place into the presence of the Father is based on

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    expression used about Christ in the sanctuary in the presence of the Father is always "hagion"

    or "ta hagia", which means simply either Heaven itself, or just the sanctuary on a whole (e.g.

    Heb. 9:8, and Heb. 10:19). Coupled with that is the fact that in the KJV Jesus is said to have

    "entered" into "the holy place" (singular) in Hebrews 9:12 and into "holy places" (plural) in

    Hebrews 9:24, with both expressions coming from “ta hagia”. This further MAKES IT VAGUE AS


    SANCTUARY....thus making the issue not as clear-cut as some think!! But by now it should beplain that “hagia hagia” or “hagia hagion” is used by the writer of Hebrews to specifically

    mean the inner apartment, and he used it only when he wanted to clinch that specific

    meaning, and so we cannot impose on the holy writ what the writer himself never chose to

    write. Thus SDAs are correct when we say Jesus started to serve in the sanctuary (“ta hagia”) as 

    a whole at first, but the inner apartment phase of his ministry came only later (i.e. in 1844). We

    are also on sound footing when we insist that Heb. 9:12 should be translated as he entering the

    “holies” or “the “holy places”, or “the sanctuary” on a whole; not specifically the Most Holy

    Place/apartment phase of ministry.

    [ii] Also, since the much debated expression, "the [temple] veil", needed a qualifying term by

    the very writer of Hebrews i.e. "*after [or within] the *SECOND veil" (Hebrews 9:3), so as to

    clinch a more specific meaning with reference to the “hagia hagion” (“the most holy place”),

    and since there were two veils to the temple, it is therefore not conclusive that Heb. 6:19 was

    referring specifically to behind the "veil" of the Most Holy Place when it was written. Even the

    writer of Hebrews SYMBOLICALLY uses the term "the veil" to mean Jesus' flesh (Heb. 10:20). It

    is obvious that to be in the Temple demanded that one pass through, and is behind or within

    the first "veil" to the door of the Temple. Thus the expression in Heb. 6:19 could be referring to

    being "within" or behind any of the two "veils", since Jesus was not a High Priest BEFORE his

    incarnation, as He must have been made human to even minister in the Heavenly sanctuary in

    the first place (Heb. 5). So his incarnation, obedience, and crucifixion opened the way, or gave

    Him the right to His ministry in the Heavenly sanctuary, that is, He earned the right to be

    minister "within the veil" or just simply the sanctuary itself. There is no evidence in the

    expression itself, i.e. "within the veil" in Heb. 6:19 that this meant SPECIFICALLY “The most Holy

    Place", and not just within the sanctuary itself!! In fact as we consider the earthly sanctuary we

    realize that the common people could only see the courtyard. They could not enter or see

    into the sanctuary itself; only the priests (i.e. the daily as well as the high priest). Thus when

    either the priest or high priest disappeared from their view he was entering through the first

    veil into the sanctuary as a whole, and only by faith they accepted what took place inside. 

    Thus the expression “within the veil” can legitimately mean BOTH being in the temple as a

    whole, as well as being in the most holy place behind “the second veil” (Hebrews 9:3). The

    verses of the entire chapter of Hebrews 9, discuss all the services of the priests and high priests

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    in their daily rounds, as well as that once a year event involving the High Priest going into the

    second apartment. The people could not see the priests in ANY of the work done in the “holy

    places” behind the veils of the sanctuary itself, whether it was in the holy place OR the most

    holy. In the same way, when Christ ascended to heaven we could no longer physically see

    Him. We must follow Him in faith as He ministers for us in the “Holy Places” with all its

    original “patterns” (plural) in the true sanctuary of heaven; not just in the Most Holy


    [iii] Finally, while it is true Hebrews 9 makes reference to purification, bulls, goats, calves,

    heifer, sprinkling of ashes and blood, and refers to the high priest entering the most holy place

    once yearly, etc., and while it is true its mainly an imagery of the specific Day of Atonement

    (Yom Kippur) and references the work in the most holy place, yet these descriptions are NOT

    ONLY about that. Bulls, calves and goats were used other days of the year, for instance (with

    blood entering the first apartment by way of the high priest on other crucial occasions like in

    Lev. 4:7, 17, 18), and the sprinkling of ashes of the heifer, and dedication or symbolic

    purification of all the vessels and furnishings of temple with blood relate to other days in the

    yearly round of activities as well. This again debunks the claim of Dr. Desmond Ford that it was

    only the inner apartment work Jesus entered upon. And so the SDA position in its “Sanctuary

    Message” remains sound, despite the attempts of dissidents like Dr. Ford to use ambiguousbiblical references to try and overturn it.

    c] Critics cannot prove that a pre-Advent Judgment by Christ (2 Cor. 5:9, 10; John 5:22) is not

    needed, and they also cannot that prove that it is not prophetically timetabled, neither can

    they prove that it’s not possible to know when it will start. Here’s why they cannot!! When

    Jesus ascended he ascended as a person invested with very many overlapping roles that either

    were already fulfilled in Him or will be fulfilled in Him (e.g. He is Priest, High Priest, Sacrificial

    Lamb, Final Judge, Rewarder, King of kings, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Elder brother,

    Second Adam, et al) and it was and is proper to identify him by every role/title, even if he has

    not fully officiated in that role at the time of he being referred to in writing or speech as such.It is also quite logical that the unfolding of the salvation plan in Jesus, serving in his various

    capacities, this does have a certain time table, and will unfold in its proper sequence

    according to God’s plan. That is why, despite Jesus was expected to return immediately after

    his ascension by New Testament Bible writers and apostolic Christians alike, yet almost two

    thousand years of waiting has demonstrated quite convincingly that the redemption time

    table is spread out over more time than had been previously thought. No doubt this is what

    Jesus alluded to just before he ascended. Note carefully!

    “Acts 1:6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at

    this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to

    know the times or the seasons , which the Father hath put in his own power.”- KJV

    “Times or seasons” ‘[plural] naturally unfold in sequence and naturally have a timetable! No

    doubt that is why it was further recorded about Jesus’ work above: 

    “ Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men

    everywhere to repent: Acts 17:31 Because he [God] hath appointed a day, in the which he will

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     judge the world  in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained  [i.e. Jesus]; whereof he

    hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” - KJV

    “Ecclesiastes 3:17 God shall judge [*BOTH] the righteous and the wicked : for  there is a time for

    every purpose and for every work .” – KJV

    The Biblical expressions indicating that [1] God has “appointed a day in which he will judge the

    world”  and [2] “ there is a time for every purpose and for every work ” as it concerns “judging”both the wicked and the righteous, these present irrefutable proofs that a divine timetable is

    being followed for Jesus to “judge the world” (see John 5:23); whether in terms of what 2

    Corinthians 5:9,10 and Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 bring to view as an INESCAPABLE investigation of

    one’s life record, or whether in terms of the later executing of justice and giving rewards at

    Jesus’ appearing. BOTH are timetabled by God! And for those who think that believers saved

    by grace through faith are exempt from an examination of their life record thereafter by Jesus

    (see 2 Cor. 5:10), and who think that their assurance of salvation is so-called “made uncertain”

    by the notions of a required standard of obedience and an investigative judgment on their lives,

    they are easily refuted by the following Scriptures (it’s crucial that they be all read beforemoving on):


    - See Philippians 2:12 with 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 and with John 15:1-8

    -see Ecclesiastes 3:17 with Matthew 22:1-14 and with 1 Peter 4:17-19

    -see James 2:10-12 with Revelation 11:1, 18, 19 and with Malachi 3:16-18

    -see Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 with Matthew 12: 36, 37 and with Revelation 20:11-15

    Notice especially in Mal. 3:16-18 (just like in the parables of the talents and of the sheep and

    the goats; Matthew 25) God carefully examining the book of record of those who fear him, and

    in an event involving him “making up his jewels” he is seen actively examining his saints. Notice

    too in James 2:12 how (in accordance with Ecclesiastes 12:13,14) it makes the point that saints

    too should be mindful of being “judged” by “the law” that was referenced in verses 10 and 11

    of James 2 (obviously the Ten Commandments). And notice how Rev. 11:1, 18, 19 brings to

    view the Ark of the Covenant (see why in 1 Kings 8:9 and Malachi 4:1, 4) just when the saints

    are also being examined or “measured” against a standard while rewards are determined. And

    there are certainly other Scriptures like the ones above showing clearly that both the saints and

    the lost will be examined/investigated, and rewards and punishments determined, and

    obviously before Jesus returns with rewards for all (Rev.22:12). Saints are certainly saved by

    grace (Eph. 2:8, 9), but will be judged by “works” of willing obedience (see Rev. 22:12-14); the

    very good “works” that grace “teaches” us to do THROUGH GOD’S INDWELLING (see Titus

    2:11-14 and James 2:20-24). God assesses the lives of the saints for the required “fruit” of

    obedience to be shown, even as we remain or “abide” in Jesus in order to willingly show fruit

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    of obedience or “good works” (Eph. 2:10 and Titus 2:11). Failure to show “fruit” of obedience

    will stand in judgment against the Christian (John 15:2), and hence why he can lose his initial

    standing with God, as John 15:1-8 and 1 Cor. 9:25-27 clearly shows!! This is what the

    examination of lives by God in the pre-advent judgment, even of the saint is all about (2 Cor.

    5:9, 10; Eccl. 12: 13, 14; Mal. 3:16-18), and many want to sidestep or belittle this crucial

    aspect of the Bible!!

    Now, as it concerns “judgment” on all in Acts 17:31 (written by A.D. 63) notice carefully the

    future tense of the words “he will  judge the world” as it relates to the already “appointed”

    “day” for this event. Thus when Acts was written by Luke by 63 A.D. (decades after Jesus had

    already ascended) that event of “judgment” (whatever it would be like) had not yet occurred,

    nor was it already going on since Jesus’ ascension!! I am convinced that there is nothing

    unbiblical about SDAs teaching that while the timing of the second coming may have been

    withheld (not just from the disciples at the time Jesus spoke, but now we know it is still being

    withheld until he comes), but that does not necessarily mean that we cannot know about the

    timing of the investigative aspect of God “judging” or examining BOTH the righteous and the

    wicked (see again 2 Cor. 5:9,10; Eccl. 3:17; Mal. 3:16-18), i.e. as done through Jesus in the

    Sanctuary above before he comes with rewards for all (see Rev. 22:12). SDAs believe that

    certain Bible prophecies (as recorded in Daniel) would have been “unsealed” late in the very

    “time of the end”, and in those very prophecies is revealed the “appointed time” for the

    investigative judgment phase of Jesus’ work. This we believe has to be so in order that a special

    Judgment “hour” message can be given when the appropriate time required it (symbolized as

    being preached by “three angels”, as recorded in Revelation 14:6-12). This is what SDAs are

    distinctively known for as it concerns proclaiming its unique “Sanctuary Message” and or

    “Judgment Hour Message”, and hence fulfilling a unique ‘prophetic role’ in Christendom,

    despite all the opposition!! We believe that this “Sanctuary Message” MUST be preached, that

    it will be fiercely opposed by Satan more than any other message of the “end times” (because

    of its serious import), and we believe it can be biblically defended, and this is what this

    presentation by me is all about.

    Final Questions Regarding the Investigative Judgment of 1844

    Now that I have demonstrated BIBLICALLY that the SDAs doctrines on prophetic matters and its

    Sanctuary and Investigative Message can be defended with reasonable appeal, it’s time to close

    by tying up the loose ends, and answering the remaining few question brother Lauriston

    agonized over on “Hardtalk”. Here goes… 

    Brother “Thunder” asked, indirectly: 

    If the dead are first being judged before the living since 1844, yet people die daily, then how

    will God ever reach the living and then close the Investigative Judgment and Jesus returns the

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    second time?  


    I am of the view that with God all things are possible, and just as the program host of

    “Hardtalk” (Ian Boyne) remarked when brother “Thunder” expressed this concern about this, I

    say, “remember it is God we are dealing with”, and what may baffle us in terms of a solution is

    nothing to him. Keep in mind that God also has another seeming conundrum on his hands, in

    that it is his will for every man to come to a saving knowledge of him and be saved, and yetevery day new babies are born. Should we deem it a ‘problem’ for God (who doesn’t expect

    babies to hear sermons, believe on the Jesus and accept the gospel), that he will always be

    waiting infinitum until all babies grow up to consciously accept the gospel and be saved, even

    while others are being born (in an ongoing cycle)? Hmmm. I leave that one to God, and simply

    believe that the intricacies of how the Investigative Judgment issues will all be resolved, that is

    not my
