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Part 3 Evaulation Media

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  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media


    PART 3






  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media



    The media institution we looked at, Film4 had an massive impact on each production stage. As a

    result of this, it influenced our final product and made it very reflective of a typical BSR film.

    Pre-production: We did a lot of research before creating our film of different BSR films. One of

    the trends we noticed was the consistent use of the same themes used in the films. Typicalthemes explored were things like Violence, Addiction, Sexuality & other controversial themes.

    We also saw that the genre of the film is usually crime. Although they had twisted storylines, they

    were never action films as this is very reflective of a Hollywood film.

    Film 4 impacted our our pre-production work as it made us explore and study closely all the aspects

    used in BSR films. This made us notice closely the camera angles/shots/movement used, editing,

    sound, typography etc But mainly from research we found the kind of locations they are usually set

    in, which impacted pre-production the most as it helped us plan where we was going to film .

    Film4s ethos often involves discovering unknown talent and using it for the characters in films. This

    impacted on our production as we used everyday common people to act out the roles that we created.

    During pre-production we planned to have our protagonist committing crime, for a good cause she

    has a dream to get somewhere with her life unlike the rest of her neighbourhood.

  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media


    When we came to decide the title of our film, Film4 impacted our decision as we got

    inspiration for their title styles.We found that they were often snappy and straight to

    the point. This isn't usually likely in a Hollywood film as they dont want to give away

    too much of a story, but as BSR films are reflective of real life They are often quite


    Film4 often explores a variety of different races and cultures.

    E.g. East is East clearly explores a Pakistani lifestyle.More appropriately to our storyline, we looked at films such

    as Bullet Boy. Although Bullet boy primarily shows Black

    culture, it still impacted the characters we choose for our film

    and affected our pre-production as when we came to write

    the shooting script, we choose characters to suit this, but

    instead chosen to target it to all cultures. This is evident as

    there is a Middle girl, a Mixed race girl and a Black boy.

    Film4 impacted our typography as we

    was inspired by Kidulthood.

    Kidulthoods title also has certain

    letters in lowercase. This impacted

    our pre-production as we planned

    what font we were going to use for

    the title and we felt it suited our target

    audience as young people often typeincorrectly/slang.

  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media


    Production Equipment: we used basic equipment (camera & tripod)This was impacted by Film 4 as we know that their budget is very small (like

    ours) and therefore the equipment they use = basic and are relatively cheap.

    As we had a small camcorder, it enabled us to create a handheld shaky affect

    very easily. This rough style was influenced by Film4s Kitchen sink style.

    Locations: Based on our research, we found that Film4 are usually run

    down urban areas and the houses consist of typical working/under class

    families Often council estates.

    This impacted our production as it affected the location we would set it in.

    Instead of shooting it in any road, we chose Ilford Town centre which is a typical

    urban busy area full of young teens who hang about. Therefore, we felt ithelped to conform to Film 4s typical conventions for BSR.

  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media


    Cast: We used characters of different races and ages which was impacted by our research intoother Film 4 films such as My Beautiful Laundrette and East is East who explore specific

    cultures (Asian.)

    Adulthoods cast were mainly young teenagers of a variety of backgrounds which impacted our

    production as we too had a variety.In This is England we see the young kids misbehaving and getting into trouble (having underage sex,

    drinking etc) which is stereotypical of children this age.We used this stereotype in Dead End by

    portraying the characters (young teenagers) already misbehaving as we see her handling drugs &


    Another example of a similar cast in terms of the teenagers is Fish Tank. They are

    portrayed as trouble makers who are very chavy in their appearance and speak veryinformal. Our cast also dress in this way, but a more modern version. E.g Charlene wears a

    fluorescent Nike jacket, jeans and trainers (very casua but not too hood).

    Ashley says Im not a road chick no more,and I swear hes your man!? which is informal and

    only understood by those familiar with slang. The storyline of This is England focuses mainly

    on a troubled young boy growing up in England which impacted our production as the

    storyline of Dead End focuses on one person getting in trouble, excepting using a female

    instead of a male which is not your usual stereotype and a possible unique selling point.

  • 8/6/2019 Part 3 Evaulation Media


    Distribution Film 4 would impact our distribution if we was to distribute our film as it would

    influence us to focus more on Home release (DVDs) as this is where film4 films

    usually have the most success.

    Where: Dead End would be released into Art House cinemas on specialist release into

    major cities (I.e. London) as thats the culture our film explores.

    How: Our film would be marketed through viral strategies that create word of mouth

    using new media technology (internet) such as Social networking sites (facebook) which

    would address our specific target audience of 16-21 year olds because they often use

    social networking and can share with their friends.

    This would raise audience. As we are working to a Film 4 brief which is an independentfilm company, we could market our film by having festival screenings in advance, before

    official release, which is effective because reviewers and journalists would be there

    creating word of mouth.
