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Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore

Date post: 14-Jan-2016
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Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore. Outline. Intro & Motivation Model Algorithms Experiments. Intro and Motivation. Past work on design optimization for single-processor scheduling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real- time su FPGA con softcore
Page 1: Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore

Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore

Page 2: Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore


• Intro & Motivation• Model• Algorithms• Experiments

Page 3: Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore

Intro and Motivation

• Past work on design optimization for single-processor scheduling– Realizing that the schedulability condition can be

viewed as a feasibility region in the domain of the design variables

– Realizing that such region is convex for EDF under reasonable assumptions

• Availability of Softcores for FPGAs– NIOS II for Altera

• Co-design problem – a functionality can be implemented in HW (inside

the FPGA) in SW (inside or outside the FPGA) and executed by one or more (How many?) Softcores.

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• Start from some system Model (Simulink)• Explore different HW design options (0-1-2-4-

… NIOS)• For each design option find optimal design

configuration by means of convex linear optimization

• HW implementation is subject to area constraints

• SW implementation is subject to schedulability constraints

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HW (area) Constraints

• Models available:• Single-dimension

• Condition linear bound





1 2 3 4

slotted linear


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HW (area) Constraints

• Models available:– 2-dimensions


23 4



cutting stock problem

• Complex, more realistic and extremely well-studied problem (real-world implications)

• linear bound solutions can be found from operations research literature !

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Reality of FPGAs (additional resource constr.)

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Schedulability constraints

• EDF (or L&L sufficient) bound





• How realistic is it?• Implementations of FP and EDF on NIOS exist• How about deadline=periods, independence and so


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The Model

• Starting point: Simulink model

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The Model

• implementation of a Simulink model

• HW implementation: market tools exist (Celoxica) for implementing Simulink blocks in FPGA.

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The Model

• SW implementation: market tools exist RT-Workshop+embedded coder (Mathworks) or TergetLink (Dspace) for implementing Simulink blocks as a set of concurrent threads.

• Threads inherit the sampling period of the blocks (periodic model)

• No overrun is permitted (deadlines=periods)• Communication is by switched buffers

(asynchronous, tasks are independent)• Of course code generation and switched

buffers are not commercially available for EDF but there is nothing that prevents their implementation

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The Model

• FPGA = rectangular area of Logic Elements (Les). All dimensions will be in terms of Les

• FPGA height = H• FPGA width = W• Assume homogeneous bidimensional model of

FPGA (array of Les)

• k Softcores CPUl l=1..k are implemented in FPGA: each core requires an area slsh (k=0, 1, 2 ..)





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The Model

• System model = network of blocks

• V = {F1, F2, … Fn} is the set of functional block

• A block Fi can be implemented in HW or SW. according to the value of sil {0,1}. sil=1 if block Fi is executed in SW upon CPUl. If not executed in SW a block MUST be implemented in HW.

• If implemented in HW, a block requires an area wi hi

• If implemented in SW, a block Fi has a worst case comp. time i and a period of execution ti. (HW implementation has i 0) ui = i/ti

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The Model

• If implemented in SW, a block is executed in the context of a thread with the same period.

• mi,j =1 if Fi is mapped for execution in j and 0 otherwise (these are not optimization variables but constants!)

• Schedulability constraint (for each NIOS)

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Results to be exploited

• Cutting Stock approximate (linear) solution: Level packing (Lodi)

• pack the items in row forming levels– the first level is the bottom of the bin, the second

level is built on top of the first and so on …

• In each level, the leftmost item is the tallest one

• The bottom level is the tallest one• Items are sorted and renunmbered by non-

increasing hi values.

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Results to be exploited

• An example:

• there are n potential levels (one for each initializing block)

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Results to be exploited

• Variables:

• yi = 1 if item i initializes level i and 0 otherwise

• Objective (original):– minimize the height of the required rectangle

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Results to be exploited

• Constraints (original):– xij , i {1.. n-1}, j>i, xij=1 if item j is packed in level

i, 0 otherwise

• Each item is packed exactly once

• Width constraint

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Reusing Results

• These results can be reused as follows:• The original objective can be retained or it

can become a constraint




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Results to be exploited

• The existence of a packing(Each item is packed exactly once)

• Becomes …• Each item is packed exactly once or it is executed

on a CPU


1 1




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Results to be exploited

• The width constraint is retained …• A schedulability constraint must be added for

eack CPU


lub klUsun


• Options:• Minimize height with the utilization

constraint• Minimize utilization with height constraint

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• The available area is not squared!• The area necessary for implementing the k CPUs

must be considered• Solution:• start with the 1-CPU case: there are two possible







• Duplicate all packing variables (the complexity of the problem is correspondingly increased)

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• For the k-CPU case additional assumptions are required (CPUs are packed by rows, columns, or …)




H - k sh

W - k sw



H - 2 shW - 2 sw

Page 24: Partizionamento HW/SW nell'implementazione di sistemi real-time su FPGA con softcore

Experimenting with GPLK

• Demo …
