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PassionA Tail Told from 5 Different Perspectives

byChristopher Barber,

Cynthia Garcia,Jennifer Tanner,Michael Rybin,Ramon Toledo


Published by Charlotte Howe

© 2011 Christopher Barber, Cynthia Garcia, Jennifer Tanner, Michael Rybin, and Ramon Toledo. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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We would like to thank the following people for their help in publishing this book.

Professor: Charlotte Howe is a fantastic English professor who possesses a genuine love and passion for teaching English. She made English 2010 an incredible experience that positively impacted our skills and ability to finish college writing assignments, and other professional writing. She is awesome!

Class members who helped with InDesign: Pablo Figueroa and Dillon Larsen

Lady who helped cut and bind: Kati Lewis

Printer: J. Riley Horn

Funding: Stephen Ruffus, Chair, English Department, Salt Lake Community College

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What matters? Well, everyone has it. You use it at work and at home. You can see people with it almost every day. Some people do not know they have it. Some people discover it by their own initiative. Some people have yet to find it. Some will discover it by reading. Some people need a positive push forward to discover they have it. It brings out the best in people, and the best in those who sur-round them. People who have it positively influence other people. Humanity would not have progressed very far without it. What is it? Passion! It is a vital key to success because it can help you sacrifice what is necessary for your greater good. It can give you strength to be humble and learn from correction. It can give you power to endure and get up after failing many times. Passion is one thing that motivates people to accomplish life’s hardest tasks or les-sons, which turn out to be of great value.

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Table of Contents

People with Passion by Jennifer TannerPicture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6One Change to Another, Profile Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Big Brothers Big Sisters, Profile Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Architectureby Michael RybinPicture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11The Passion of Net-zero Energy, Commentary Essay . . . . .12 Architecture Blackout on Sunlight, Commentary Essay . . 16

Dance by Cynthia Garcia Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21It’s More Than a Cell Phone, Rhetorical Analysis Essay . . 22 My Dancing Feet, Memoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Music by Ramon Toledo Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28A Music Concert the Ultimate High, Review Essay . . . . . . 29 Do You Feel Like Raging, Commentary Essay . . . . . . . . . . 31

Graphic Designby Christopher Barber Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 The Lack of Oxygen, Memoir Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The life and Times of Pelpp, Profile Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

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One Change to Anotherby Jennifer Tanner

Christopher Reeve was a man who had many pas-sions in life. My understanding of him completely changed after reading the book “Still Me” about his life. The book really helped me to feel his emotion, frustration, pain and the fear that changed his life and gave him his drive. It showed me he was a well rounded man. He was good at everything he did from acting, to riding horses, and playing baseball with his son. When Mr. Reeves wanted something, he put his mind to it, and found a way to accomplish his goal. Mr. Reeves did of all these things through the drive of his passions. Before Mr. Reeve’s ac-cident his challenges and passions were more ordinary. He did what he loved. But he could not do everything he loved because of his extremely busy life, and it almost made him mad. He felt that he was not fulfilling his life because he could not do everything, and yet he wanted to do more. The things he was passionate about he made time for every day. After he had the accident with his horse, his whole personality changed. He had a hard time accepting the fact that he was not able to walk any more. He had a hard time accepting the fact that he wanted to live because he went from doing evevrything for himself to having people wash him after he went to the bathroom. He struggled with his self worth because he was not able to do what he did be-fore, and he truly missed that.

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He soon became a little more humble. After giv-ing a speech at a conference in Ohio, he learned that he could still do something and his life had value. Then, Mr. Reeves started a charity for people going through the same experience that he. Mr. Reeve’s hardest time in life was when he was trying to find his light in life to seek out thrills. His interaction with people before and after his accident dramatically changed, but it continued to build his character. When he entered the hall at the first conference he was to speak at after his ac-cident, he got a standing ovation. Everyone was inspired by him and proud of him for going on and not giving up. Mr. Reeves made people more passionate through his example of courage. He helped them find their own inner passion by his example of moving forward in life and helping people. It encouraged Mr. Reeve to see how much everyone cared about him. It made him have some enthusiasm come out and want to have goals still and also do something for him. One of the things he said he had the hardest time with was his family. Not being able to go out and play ball with his boy or go dancing with his wife. The thing he said that got him through when he first woke up was his wife who said, “I am here for you because you are still you.” Just having the people that were there for him from the start never leave him helped inspire him and gave him the willpower and passion that drove his life to a whole new place after his accident. Sometimes everyone just needs to have someone else push, shove or inspire them – to instill passion in them. Passion is what drives people to do great things in their lives and in the lives of others.

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by Jennifer Tanner

In New York, in 1904, there was a court clerk by the name of Ernest Coulter. He saw lots of boys come through his courtroom. He soon recognized that boys who have a passionate, caring adult or friend to help them would stop coming back to his courtroom. If someone who cares could help these boys stay out of trouble, this method could help many children and give them a chance at a better life. He set out to find volunteers to do just that and started an organization called the Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City. The success was due to the passion that the big brothers had for the little brothers; as well as the passion that big sisters had for their little sisters.The movement and organization spread to 96 cities across the country in just ten years. Now this organization almost everywhere and the key to it was passion. People go into the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization either needing help or wanting to help others who are in need. They find a passionate drive when going to the club and helping people. They find something they need there which is the passion and motivation to go in the right direction. A company in Philadelphia called Public/Private Ventures conducted a study in 1994 and 1995 on the effects

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of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Its study showed children who get a big brother or sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters are far less likely to use illegal drugs, alcohol, skip school or get into fights. It also found that the little brothers and sisters were more confident of their performance in school and got along better with their families. This is all due to the passion of Earnest Coulter to help young boys on the wrong path. His passion has now influenced and changed millions of children for good. His passion has been instilled in little brothers and little sisters all across the country.

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Architecture sunlight shining through the library roof!

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The Passion of Architecture and Net-zero Energyby Michael Rybin

What is so exciting about net-zero energy, and what is it anyway? Net-zero energy architecture is a home or commercial building newly constructed or retrofitted (aka remodeled) to use approximately 80% less energy and at the same time passively utilize, or naturally generate, the remaining 20% energy onsite from free renewable sources like the sun, wind, and rain water. These improvements cost about 10% more for new buildings and 27% more to retrofit. As an example, a net-zero building saves about $11,200 per month in energy on a commercial building's utility bill, or $380 a month on home utility bill. The annualized net result is no cost for utilities like water, electricity, and gas. The idea is so new that few people have achieved the highest standards of net-zero energy architecture with new homes or new commercial buildings. Fewer still have retrofitted old homes to the highest standard. No one has retrofitted a 40-year old commercial building to this high-est standard without tearing it down to the ground. Yet, the University of Utah’s College of Architecture and Planning (CA+P) is doing exactly that - on their very own campus building. Professors and students are taking the passion of architecture design and green building to the max, meaning: net-zero energy -- no compromises and no excuses. Wow! The CA+P’s is pursuing a courageous initiative to achieve net-zero energy and instead cutting corners, they have finished a thorough set of high-quality research stud-ies by students and professional architects, and have col-lected seed money and government grants. This net-zero energy project demonstrates the real future of architecture. For a demographic perspective, how many commercial buildings are in the United States, and how many have

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achieved the highest standards of net-zero energy? “Nearly 4.9 million office buildings existed in 2003. Every year, approximately 170,000 commercial buildings are con-structed” (EPA). “The Department of Energy's website lists 8 net-zero-energy commercial buildings up and running in the country. At the New Buildings Institute, Technical Director Mark Frankel estimates the real number could be closer to 25, with about 50 more in construction” (NY-Times). Ferreira Construction maintains its 2006 status as the "First Net Zero Electric Commercial Site in the US” (31 Tannery Project). The CA+P building would be the first commer-cial building comprehensively retrofit to achieve net-zero energy. “We’re trying to prove that the greenest building is already built. We want to show that you can re-use a building like this – that you can recycle it and take it off the grid,” said Brenda Scheer, Dean of the University of Utah’s CA+P. Many architects and builders tear down and replace a struc-ture with a new building to achieve the prestigious goal of net-zero energy. Approximately 7,000 have achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificates, a less rigorous standard with only a 39% energy savings – sadly one-third of new LEED certified buildings consume more energy than their counterparts. Most builders relinquish high energy standards all together and partially retrofit existing commercial buildings during significant system upgrades never intending to measure or capture any energy savings for owners or occupants. After several years of hard work the CA+P’s coura-geous goal of net-zero energy is gaining momentum and financial support without cutting any corners. They have rejected less efficient green energy alternatives like install-ing an energy efficient furnace with new windows and simply getting a LEED certificate. Their net-zero energy

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goal is to reduce the building’s energy consumption by 80% and generate renewable energy onsite to offset of all of its energy carbon emission, with continuous monitoring and evaluation. Instead of replacing the campus architecture building the CA+P is seeking a comprehensive retrofit of the old 1970 structure plus a building expansion plan to ac-commodate growth. The most important evidence of their courageous net-zero energy project is the thorough set of high-quality research studies by students and professional architects, and seed money and government grants. Their thorough preparation includes a 258 page formal study -- a Net-zero Retrofit Facilities Plan -- by the collaborative contributions from five top Utah architecture firms and five engineering firms. This plan includes valuable facts and recommenda-tions such as 30 net-zero energy electrical recommenda-tions estimated to cost 20% more than traditional systems, and mechanical systems estimated to cost 35% more. If I interpreted the study correctly, the plan also shows building energy simulations for the existing energy use and cost at $123,855 compared to the net-zero target energy model of $18,692. In addition to that plan, the recent event displayed six categories of research studies including: (1) Existing Building Analysis, (2) a Living Building Challenge / Adapt-ability Study, (3) Passive Design and Double Skin Facades, (4) Thermal Control and Indoor Air Quality, (5) Renew-able Energy Study, and (6) User Behavior Studies. Some interesting facts in these studies include: (a) showing the current building uses about 300 times the energy of a Pas-sive House, (b) showing over 50% of a building’s energy is used for heating and air conditioning, and (c) estimating a 50-65% energy savings and the return on investment at 8-12 years. Furthermore, students have produced eleven techni-

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cal briefs: (1) Environmental Stewardship Conservation, (2) Conservation, (3) Generation Part 1, (4) Generation Part 2, (5) The Road to Net Zero: Operations and Maintenance, (6) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Cohabitation in the built envi-ronment, (7) Resource Management, (8) Net Zero Energy: Education, (9) Funding Case Study Catalog, (10) Funding Resource Directory, and (11) Green Financing. The CA+P has a Net Zero Advisory Committee of 20 professionals including architects, urban planners, engi-neers, academics, technical experts, and policymakers who have already contributed more than 400 hours of work. Finally, the CAP+P net-zero energy project has received a grant from the Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF). The State of Utah's Division of Facilities and Construction Management provided a $400,000 grant. The Department of Energy (DOE) called this project an "exemplary net zero retrofit" and has included it in their Commercial Building Partnership program. The CA+P earned a “competitively awarded technical assistance grant from the DOE and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory through the DOE's Commercial Building Partnership program”. So you can see that although no one has retrofitted a commercial building without tearing it down, the CA+P’s courageous goal to retrofit the existing building and in-clude an expansion plan is becoming dream come true for two main reasons. First, they have not compromised their ambitious goal of net-zero energy. Second and most importantly, they have a comprehensive plan with thor-ough research studies by students and top architecture and engineering firms, and increasing financial support. From its beginning in 2009 the CA+P has continuously demon-strated the real future of architecture and is going all the way to net-zero energy.

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The Blackout of Architectural Sunlight by Michael Rybin

The warmth of the sun shining through the bench seat win-dow was like being wrapped in a soft blanket while reading a fantastic book. The view outside the window was the only thing that could attract my attention while I periodically stopped to imagine different parts of the story. The emo-tions induced by a window view of architectural sunlight create inspiring impressions and lifelong memories. Architectural sunlight is defined as a building that is designed to capitalize on the natural sunlight from the sun through windows, skylights, and light tubes, versus artificial light or even full spectrum lights. Architectural sunlight can improve health, increases commercial sales, exponen-tially facilitates our communication, illuminates our under-standing of knowledge and learning, comforts the emotions

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of our soul, and stirs our human heart with passion. Archi-tectural sunlight is everything! Although most people believe buildings receive more than enough sunlight, there is a blackout of architec-tural sunlight. Sunlight is the most valuable element in ar-chitecture, and ironically and sadly, sunlight is the most un-derutilized architectural element. Some homes are beautiful and some have amazing architectural sunlight. Most old and new homes have a fair amount of sunlight and a good number of windows, but most are not properly designed to utilize sunlight. Even when people feel the sunlight is insufficient or there are too few windows in a home, it is easier to flip on a light switch or buy an extra lamp rather hire an architect and builder to install a new window in a blank wall. When a beautiful lake or garden view requires a large window, it is wonderful so long as there it is properly shaded from the blinding west sun. An architect can design the right size window, in the right position to solve all these problems. In addition, architectural software includes the ability to create 3-dimensional renderings and photograph-like pic-tures of the room and window with actual sunlight pen-etration based on the path of the sun at various hours and seasons of the year, so you can see the end-results and make unanticipated changes before pounding the first nail. Real-estate sales persons turn on all the lights before presenting a home to a prospective buyer, regardless of the number of windows or the sunlight at noonday. No one really complains about the limited number of windows in a home, at least not to the extent that they would stop the purchase of a home, but they should. A home sale ap-praisal and inspection may identify a roof in poor condition and require its replacement before endorsing the sale or a significant reduction in the home’s price. However, virtually no home sale appraisal has required the addition of a new

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window in a blank wall before the home is purchased, even to accommodate a beautiful scenic view of an ocean sunset, but it should. When you purchase a home with a great window view and wonderful sunlight in the mornings, you have a never-ending treasure of comfort and good feelings every day. Friends and family that come to your home feel the warmth of the sunlight and admire your window and the view. This window will increase the value of your home, if you later decide to sell. If you compromise and do not get the window, it will be a reoccurring wish that you regret. Another example that supports the blackout of ar-chitectural sunlight is windows have poor insulation values therefore too many windows will increase heating and cool-ing costs. Average windows do not have the same R-value or measure of thermal insulation resistance that average walls have, even walls with no insulation in old homes. The best windows and walls have much better R-values, but windows continue to rate lower than walls. Obviously, the more windows a building includes the lower the overall insulation rate. On the other side of this issue, the low R-values of windows convert sunlight into energy that helps heat your home. In addition, windows reduce the need for electric lights. Even with these good reasons for the blackout of architectural sunlight, sunlight is the most underutilized architectural element. Most buildings are homes, and most homes do not capitalize on sunlight. The traditional home is built on a lot, with respect to a city or county zoning plan, without consideration for orientation to sunrise or sun-set. Most custom homes and cookie-cutter house plans are designed with little consideration for sunlight. These homes include windows placed on walls with seemingly little or no architectural design or comprehension of the value of sun-light. Windows are placed on walls without consideration

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for potential views, to an adjacent blank wall, on a neigh-boring house. In addition, homes have some walls with no windows, prohibiting a beautiful mountain or ocean or lake view or prohibiting sunlight penetrating the building. Sunlight is the most valuable element in architec-ture. A particularly rich source of natural lighting research is in the area of schools. These research reports about in lighting schools are comparable to lighting in the home environment. Elizabeth Jago and Ken Tanner wrote an excellent summary on lighting and compiled 23 references from John Pile’s book. For example, "students achieved bet-ter in classrooms with an 85 or more footcandles environ-ment; others achieved less well.” “Day lighting in schools …proved natural light to be significant in student achieve-ment” said Ken Tanner, in his award winning research paper “Effects of school design on student outcomes.” The “Patterns of day lighting” abstract includes an intelligent summary with 11 professional citations. We experience these same human interactions and benefits in schools and at home. “Light is the most important environmental input, after food and water, in controlling bodily functions (Wurt-man, 1975). Lights of different colors affect blood pressure, pulse, respiration rates, brain activity, and biorhythms. Full-spectrum light, required to influence the pineal gland’s synthesis of melatonin, which in turn helps determine the body’s output of the neurotransmitter serotonin, is critical to a child’s health and development (Ott, 1973)” (Tanner). Additional research studies covering general health benefits of sunlight include aging, Alzheimer disease, breast cancer, synthesis of vitamin D and calcium absorption, seasonal af-fective disorder and depression, and fatigue. From a commercial perspective, Wal-Mart now installs skylights to capitalize on the benefits of sunlight that helps people feel more comfortable and increases sales.

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Likewise, a skylight or properly placed window at home helps family and friends feel better, happier, and improve communication and cooperation. Another example that shows sunlight is the most valuable element in architecture is the cost -- sunlight is a free, natural, renewable energy. Over 50% of energy utility expense is required for heating and cooling a building. Net-zero energy architecture and passive design standards have proven cost effective with a return-on-investment in about 12 years. While some people believe we have more than enough sunlight and windows in homes, and we acknowl-edge that windows have weaker R-values than walls, there is an architectural blackout on sunlight for two main reasons. First, sunlight is the most underutilized element in archi-tecture. Second, and most importantly, sunlight is the most valuable element in architecture. Although architects and engineers share in this responsibility, we know that general contractors build many of these less desirable homes. However, professionals are improving and beginning to capitalize on sunlight. In addition, city planning and zoning laws are beginning to adopt intelligent green designs including net-zero energy and passive house standards that are actively used in Eu-rope. Increasing more commercial buildings or homes are being designed with orientation to sunrise and sunset, high and low windows for natural ventilation, shade protection from hot west sunsets, full exposure to east sunrises and south facing sun for light and passive solar generation. The understanding, value, and passion of architectural sunlight are becoming illuminated.

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My Dancing Feetby Cynthia Garcia

My heart was thumping louder and louder, this wasn’t what I wanted at all. I just wanted to go home and get away from everyone. All I could hear was a loud music echo and stomping that was coming from the door I was about to enter. Quietly, I stepped in and saw everyone quit what they were doing and look my way. It was embarrassing and I felt all eyes were on me. I was scared and frightened by everyone’s reaction and couldn’t stop looking at my mom. I was mad she had signed me up for a class, that I didn’t even want to take. I was already good at dancing so I didn’t see the point of taking a dance class. My mom thought differently. She knew dance class was going to change my perspective of the art and get me involved with a different aspect of dance. Not only was my mother right, but dance class was just the building block of my love for dance and my social interaction with people. I was twelve years old when my mom got me involved in the class. She had been insisting for over two weeks on my participation of a dance class and I hesitated. I didn’t want to be in a class full of strangers and a teacher I didn’t know. It was uncomfortable just thinking of that Idea. I also felt that because it was a waste of time it was going to take time away from other important things like school and homework. My mom felt different, she felt dance class was going to teach me discipline and increase my social skills. I was a shy girl at this age and didn’t felt I needed the use of social skills but I was wrong. At school, I was the loner. It was hard making new friends and socializing. I was scared of rejection and being judged so I always kept my distance. I wanted to be more confident and outgoing but I felt my courage wasn’t strong enough. It was during this time that my mom had insisted

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on dance class because she felt it was a good motivator and that it was something that was going to bring me out of my shell. But for me, dance was just dance. I felt as though I didn’t need to take a class for dance because for me dance came naturally. Before ever taking a dance class I felt an impressive force and energy as soon as I started moving to the beat. Dance wasn’t just a sport but a passion I had within me, that was waiting to be discovered and expanded. It was a hobby and I loved doing it but I didn’t understand how being in a dance class was going to change me and how it was for a positive outcome. The first weeks of dance class were intense. I learned the dances of my country Peru and learned the Latin essence of Salsa, Merengue, and Cumbia. It felt good being in a class were they instructed you and showed you each dance step. It took practice and skill to master each step. Every time I succeeded I felt proud of myself. In the first sessions, I had been scared but later on I felt familiar as I saw other girls my age in my dance group. Not only was dance class full of talent, but it was fill with people of different cultures, ages, and styles. Everyone worked together and helped each other learn. It was impressive realizing that you could learn new things from stranger all because you shared one thing in common which was dance. Soon I found myself talking more and more, I felt as though I was becoming more social and interacting with people of all ages. It was easier to talk to people and I felt no judgment anymore. The shyness was disappearing and now I felt confident. After several weeks of practice, finally the first performance came. It was a Saturday night and our dance class was performing two numbers; I was scared and nervous. I felt as though everyone was going to watch me so I didn’t want to make a mistake. But as soon as the curtains open and our dance began, everything changed. My feet felt as light and my heart skipped to the music. The music combined

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with dance made me feel invincible and great. I had never had that feeling in my life before and it felt good. Dancing together in my group made me understand that I had the passion of dancing all along. In that moment, I realized what my mom had been talking about and it felt good that I had joined a dancing class. I felt proud to be a part of a group instead of being on my own. Joining a dance class was one of the best decisions I took in my life. If I hadn’t joined a dance class I wouldn’t have improved my social and interaction skills. It took a lot of hard work learning dance steps and becoming less shy, but at the end I managed to do it. If it wasn’t for my mom who pushed me into a dance group I would have still been the same shy girl, and scared to make new friends. Being in a dance class taught me to communicate with my peers and express myself more freely. I’m glad I listened to my mom and joined the group. From the beginning, she knew dancing in a group was going to change me, and she was right. All I needed was the company of people who enjoyed the same passion as me. The sound of music and dance has influenced my life. Nowadays, I enjoy going dancing with my friends and moving to the beat of the music. Dance is a passion that makes my worries go away and my life more brighter.

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It’s More Than a Cell Phone, Its T-mobileby Cynthia Garcia

Dancing and moving to the beat in a group is one of life’s greatest moments. But without the help of advances in technology and the invention of the cell phone it would be hard to share moments like this and spread the joy around. It would not be as easy to share pictures, videos, or sound without a cell phone. In T-mobile’s commercial titled “T-mobile Dance,” they show how cell phones can serve an important role and are useful. It’s important to have a cell phone when it comes down to sharing special moments with family and friends. With it, one can communicate freely and share special moments with anyone around the world. We cannot imagine life without a cell phone! This commercial is an example of how the T-mobile Company uses credibility, emotion, and reasoning to spread the love and insure the need of a cell phone that is exclusively theirs. The commercial starts in a train station where thousands of people are walking around. Then the tune of a song starts with the word “Well!” Suddenly, you look at the center and you see a man dancing by putting his hands up in the air. At first people wonder what is going on, then they join in. Then the tune changes to another song and more and more people are becoming motivated to the beat of the music. One of the popular songs is the PCD tune of “Don’t Cha” and more people continue to groove in with their dance moves. Then there is a twist and a waltz takes place. All around you can see the other people staring at the dancers in amazement. Then it switches again to the beat of different songs. One of the tunes is “My boy Lollipop” and more people of different ages start to join in, while others stare in disbelief and take out their cell phones to record the mob of dancers. Then the beat of a rock and roll song

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takes place and you see even seniors feeling included and joining the dance mob. Surprisingly, more of the crowd starts getting involved with the music and dancing. Then suddenly the music ends and everyone stops and keeps walking like nothing happened. At the end you see people looking at their cell phones and talking on them or texting with them. Suddenly, the commercial ends with the line “Life’s for Sharing.” A great way this ad shows credibility is how it shows common people joining together in a group to dance to different songs. Meanwhile, others are taking out their cell phones and using it to text, call, or even record what’s going around. This shows that everyone these days has a cell phone and that it’s important in order to capture special moments. The setting also shows credibility because it’s in a real place. At the beginning of this ad it states that it took place at the Liverpool Street Station, UK where millions of people go everyday. The T-mobile commercial also stated that it took place the 15th of January of 2009 at 11:00 am which gives it more credibility. The audience can relate to this by thinking that everyone around is alike and use cell phones to communicate daily worldwide. Emotions and feelings are also portrayed very well in this commercial. You can see emotions of happiness, surprise, and joy in the faces of the dancers everywhere. This is great because it makes the audience feel those emotions too. You can also see the different emotions of the people all around the train station and see how they react to the music playing all around. The music and the dancing is also a great contributor to emotions. The music has good rhythms and beats that makes the audience want to get out of their seats and move to the music. The dancing also makes you want to join in. T-mobile also shows different styles of dances and not just one, so people can dance to the music and be more familiar to them and also tune in to the

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music they like. The music is also loud and live so people can feel the energy coming from the center of the train station and feel hypnotized. Reasoning is also another component which makes this commercial effective. It uses reasoning by showing that cell phones are important in moments where great events take place. You can see this when the people in the train station take out their cell phones to record the mob of dancers. They also use their cell phones to text or call their friends to tell them the exciting news about what is going on at the train station. This shows that cell phones are a great advantage of technology and that without cell phones communication wouldn’t be so easy. The line at the end of the commercial “Life’s for Sharing,” also plays a part in reasoning. This line means that life was created so we can share it with each other and share special moments all around to our family and friends worldwide. It also creates the pictures that cell phones are used to share moments together and spread the joy and happiness around. This T-mobile commercial does a good job captivating the audience attention by using credibility, emotions, and reasoning. They show credibility by showing the setting is a real place and that it’s not fictionist. They also show emotions by the music and the dancing that takes place at the train station. Lastly, they use reasoning by showing how cell phones have variety of uses but that it’s important especially when it comes down to sharing moments with friends and families. T-mobile really leaves the audience with an understanding that without a cell phone life would be dull and not fun, so the option to take is to get a cell phone and be happy. Cell phones according to them make life fun and it’s a great way to communicate even the most important moments of life.

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Do You Feel Like Ragingby Ramon Toledo

”The relentlessly aggressive soundscapes of the guitarist Tom Morello, bassist Tim Commerford, and drum-mer Brad Wilk were matched note for note by charismatic rapper-signer Zack de la Rocha’s high-bounding energy, which made his social justice battle cries seem all the more urgent.” This sums up Robert Hilburn’s description of the 3rd Rage Against The Machine’s album (RATM), “The Battle of Los Angeles” which is parallel to my feelings toward this outstanding album. I think he has an wonderful perspective about RATM’s passion for their music as well as their political stances. Rage Against the Machine displays the passion they have for social justice. They continue their hard hitting fist-in-your-face style with their lyrics. This lyric is from the song “Voice Of The Voiceless “ “You see tha powerful got nervous cause he refused to be their servant 'Cause he spit truth.” “Yo, yo, check tha high tech terror Of tha new order athletes. Peering into tha eyes of tha child already on trial.” The last line was a lyric from the song New Millenium Homes. Rage Against the Machine is a fast paced band that has a really unique guitar sound. Because Tom Morello can make his guitar sound like anything but a guitar. For example in the song, “Guerilla Radio” there is a part in the song when you hear what sounds like a harmonica but it is just a guitar with a toggle switch, stated by Tom Morello in an interview on Rage TV.Zack de la Rocha puts all he’s got into every note he sings, this shows how passionate he is about music. I think it is great how Rage Against The Machine does not use any sound tracks in any of their CDs. By sounds tracks I mean filler, sound, noise that other artist put behind the main

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melody. What they do instead of using tracks is they ma-nipulate their instruments and vocals to simulate the same sounds that are involved in back up tracks. “I high jacked the frequencies,” is what RATM said in “Guerilla Radio.” Their relentless pace of music and powerful lyrics make their crowds go wild. They bring the fight against the man to a whole new level. No one can say it better then RATM when they say “All of hell can’t stop us now.” This gave RATM an even bigger fan base with their musical and lyrical genius. In conclusion, I believe that this album showcases Rage Against The Machine’s unique musical style and political beliefs. Their musical style is like metal fused with punk and rap. The bands political stance is that when some-thing is wrong they stand up and say, “This is wrong and this is what people should do about it.” I have never seen such a passionate and politically driven band. Rage Against the Machine succeed in standing out from the rest.

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A Music Concert the Ultimate Highby Ramon Toledo

Have you ever gone to a concert where the musical acts were so passionate they electrified you? The crowd had this feeling at the X-96 BIG ASS SHOW (BASH), October 8 2011, at the Gallivan Center. The performers blew every-one away with their lyrical genius and unbelievable music. It featured: Brogan Kelby, Switchfoot, She Wants Revenge, and many other bands. The real crowd pleaser was the band was Switchfoot, because they were one of the most energet-ic performers of the whole show. The lead singer of Switch-foot crowd surfed while he was singing one of the songs. He crowd surfed to the top of the stairs where the stage was located. It was amazing to see. I had that feeling that Jimi Hendrix once said, “Music is a safe kind of high.” Some of the expectations of a alternative rock concerts are moshing, crowd surfing, some skanking, and loud music. Moshing involves people bouncing and bump-ing off of each other to pretty fast-paced music that usually has heavy guitars, bass, and drums. Crowd surfing happens when people jump off the stage and are passed around over people. Skanking is when people do a running motion in circles with arms bent. At any rock concert, no matter the subgenera, you can always expect there to be loud music playing. The BASH concert had all of this and more. The performers were so in tune with the audience they had ev-eryone going wild. I thought the first few bands I saw were just awe-inspiring. For example, one local musician, Brogan Kelby, who is just 17 years old, let loose on the guitar and sang. The fact that he is already so musically talented made the crowd go, "Oh my God, he is awesome!" The band She Wants Revenge, were so energetic they could really get the crowd going. It was mind-blowing how good they were and

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that is how a concert should be. You could feel their passion for performing and their music with every note they played. The Neon Trees, another local band, put on an astonishing live concert. They way they moved, the energy they put into their music made everyone feel the excitement. They showed that not all Mormons just sing in the church choir. Over all the concert was phenomenal. It was fantas-tic day because people were able to hang out with friends during the concert while listening to great music. The en-thusiasm of the crowd matched the passion of the perform-ers. All the people I talked to about the concert thought that it was a memorable show. A concert goer was heard say-ing, “I can’t believe how much I enjoyed hearing Brogan Kelby sing ‘Who cares’.” It was a great day for a concert with perfect weather. All my expectations of an alternative concert were fully met. The amount of energy present lit up the whole Gallivan Center, which was rocking on its foun-dation.

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The Lack of Oxygenby Christopher Barber

Once again, before the police managed to arrest him, Joey smashed his vehicle into the side of a large of-fice building. Project Sobriety, a game that I had been put in charge of designing for several months, was finally on its way to completion. Joey unfortunately found himself placed in charge of doing the particularly tedious task of testing. It was necessary for the game to have the least amount of errors before we presented our latest version to the client. I had been working at Spyhop Productions for nearly six months as a graphic design apprentice. A few other apprentices and I just finished working on a website for a local photographer’s family portrait business. It was after the websites completion that we where all asked to be a part of a small team that would design and create a free online video game for an organization called “Games for Change.” Spyhop had never implemented a game design aspect to their apprenticeship program before. So depend-ing on how successful we were at completing this assign-ment would determine whether or not this new program would survive. Our mission was to make a game that vilified the use and abuse of alcohol. There were a few requirements that we had to follow. The game could not showcase a per-son drinking alcohol, it had to be fun, it had to have mini-mal violence, and it had to be accessible to a middle school age group of students. Our biggest problem was trying to think of an effective way to achieve all of this. One of the organizations heads, Matt Mateus, put another apprentice by the name of Joey Hill in charge of the project. Joey had the most experience and consequently, had seniority over the rest of us. Joey’s voice always had a rugged quality to it as he would speak to us, his passion for authority quickly

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becoming apparent. For the first few days on the project he would start our team in a small blue tinted office that could barley fit ten chairs, a rectangular table, and white board. He spent the time locking us away in this cramped unventilated office, picking at our brains for ideas on how to construct this game. The air always seemed to be thinned in that tight space and I often struggled to breathe in the ap-propriate manner. Everyone, with the exception of me, hashed out several ideas immediately and soon the pallid wet-erase board was completely filled with them. Many people’s ideas clashed with one another but at least they all agreed on one central thing, the game had to include driving as the main feature. Insecurity flooded through my veins as the confidence in my own abilities and my ideas drained out of me. I feared that my input was of no value. Then a thought came to my mind. We had all come to Spyhop because they had given us a power that a public education system had not, the power of self-expression. Spyhop didn’t just take in everyone who applied for their apprenticeship program either. They only accepted the brightest and most passion-ate of applicants. This gave me the motivation necessary to speak up. I can still recall the feeling of doom and destiny as I finally mustered up the courage to pipe in my idea. Then again, that could have just been the lack of oxygen in the thinned out atmosphere. I suggested the game should have a drunken driving mechanic. By mechanic I mean the constructs of rules intended to create enjoyable gameplay. It would work like this: beer bottles would generate on the road ahead, the car would pick up the bottles off the road, as it collided with them the car would also grow harder to control as the number of bottles collected grew. As the number of bottles increased the camera would move around and distort the distances as well simulating the effects of

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alcohol. Thus it would subconsciously convey the idea that the player doesn’t want to be drunk while trying to drive the vehicle throughout the game and or in real life. Unex-pectedly, my proposal was well received by every team member which caused a sudden warmth to flare inside my chest. All of them seemed to be impressed with the non-violent aspect of it. Matt Mateus would always sit on these meetings with a clip board. Matt had also liked the idea very much but was much more impressed on how quickly we had come up with a solution to the complication of making such a game work within the given requisites. It was at that moment Matt decided to make me the second and last team leader for the project. It took me several months to adjust from being a follower to being a leader. I found it awkward and difficult at times to communicate what I needed to be accomplished by each individual team member. In the end my passion for the graphic arts had guided me so far along my own individual path that it brought me to place inside of myself that had never known existed before. It was in this place I discovered my voice and strong desire to lead that has yet to burn its brightest.

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The life and Times of Pelppby Christopher Barber

On a smoggy fall Monday morning in Salt Lake City, you can often find Pelpp squandered away in a tiny office, where he frequently spends his spare time under-neath a pair of large Skull Candy headphones. It is here where he will let time slip by him as rhythmic electronic sounds carry him away from this reality. He will slip into an almost trance like state where his creativity and passion will combine and bleed out from underneath his fingers tips into the heart of whatever project he sets out before him. Whether it’s his music, digital art, or even his graphic design, Pelpp will put his whole heart into to it. Although, most people only know him by his given name, Chris Man-fre, not by his stage name Pelpp. Chris Manfre did not always have the spare mo-ments to afford the time on personal projects. He was once a seasoned Audio Resident Engineer at venues like the Saltair, Avalon Theater, Urban Lounge, and several other locations throughout Utah. He also spent a few brief years working at the Sundance Film Festival with musical acts including The Wailers, Spearhead and even the metal band Metallica. It was audio work such as this that peaked Man-fre’s interest in starting his own musical act Pelpp. Even though music had long held his attraction, it was ultimately the graphics arts that won over his affec-tions. He began studying Interactive Media and Design and eventually left his audio career to work for Salt Lake City’s after school organization Youth City. This eventually led him to occupy his current position at Spyhop Produc-tions where our paths first crossed. At Spyhop he serves as the In-House Graphic Designer as well as the Interactive Design Instructor where he has been for four consecutive years now.

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Thin and scrawny, in his late thirties, Manfre has never been one for words but instead has always been a man that let his actions speak on behalf of his words. He’s the kind of guy that would prefer to get to know someone while dropping his own coin to buy everyone of his paid apprentices a coffee of their choice as a welcoming gift, rather than follow the typical first day meet-and-greet for-malities. He would never refrain himself to answer a ques-tion or help a student in need. He helped me several times during the few years I spent at Spyhop under his leadership. I can remember one instance in particular that to this day stick out in my mind. I had volunteered to give a speech at Spyhop’s annual fundraiser on behalf of my graphic design apprenticeship. This was a first for me on several accounts considering my aversion to willingly make speeches and my terrible stage fright. Before I went on I was starting to have second thoughts about the situation but Chris relieved my fears. “Are you ready for this?’ he asked. “No,” replied back. “Do you know what helps me to get ready to go out on that stage? A few beers and a solid set of twenty push-ups. But since letting you have of a beer is out of the ques-tion, the push-ups will have to suffice.” The laughter he caused me was enough to pull me through but, the twenty push-ups didn’t hurt either. “Keep your guns held high” and “Never let anyone make you feel like you can’t do something,” were just a few ideologies Manfre has unintentionally lived by and passed along to anyone he has ever met. You can see it in his every step by the way he carries himself. He has a pas-sion for his work as well as an intimate love for the graphic media. A passion that has always captured and inspired me to go out and find for myself. Chris Manfre has always only ever had one piece of advice for his students and employees alike. “Follow your dreams.”

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