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Passover & Lord's Evening Meal

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  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


     Did our Messiah partake of a Passover or The Lord’s Evening Meal, oftenreferred to as The Last Supper?

     The subject can becoe ver! detailed and there are an! opinions on this subject" #ubl! $e$ill tr! to siplif! this vie$ for no$"

    The Passover  is a !earl! event observed in reebrance of the #ebre$s%&e$s after beingreleased fro bondage in Eg!pt" There are di'erent opinions about the e(act date" )t is believedto have occurred around *+ -. and even the date is argued as uch as a / !ear di'erence"

     The reason for their being in bondage $as because their forefather 0braha $as given aproise that his seed $ould produce $hat is coonl! referred to as the Messiah or Savior" 1iththe proise cae responsibilities to the 2ne $ho gave the proise" Due to the actions of0braha3s descendants the #ebre$s%&e$s, the! broke the arrangeents of the proise" -ecauseof their actions the! $ent into bondage to Eg!pt" Even the length the! $ere in bondage isargued, fro /4 to 54 !ears" There $as a an born $ho is referred to as Moses" #e $ouldbe given the privilege of leading the out of bondage through the use of iraculous eventscaused b! the 2ne $ho ade the proise to their forefather 0braha" The da! before the! $erereleased the! $ere told to prepare to leave the ne(t da!" 6ote7 during this tie the eans ofkeeping tie $as di'erent fro $hat ost of huanit! uses toda!" The day began when thesun sets. This point is ver! iportant $hen $e tr! to adjust the events using a dail! tiekeeping ethod that begins at */ o3clock idnight" Their 8da!8 began hours before */ o3clockidnight" The eal $as prepared before the sun set and then it $as eaten after the sun set" Dueto this, the Passover $as eaten after the sun set and evening t$ilight began 9 6ot at */ o3clockidnight: Please keep this in ind $hen revie$ing the follo$ing inforation" The Passoveroccurred on the da! of the ;rst full oon after the spring e

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    #o$ever the di'erence is7 instead of being a lab, he $ill be a Lion" 0s the Lion he $ill bring anend to the /nd .ovenant that started $ith his ph!sical birth and ph!sical death and resurrectionto an incorruptible bod! or -eing" Then he $ill once ore return in the esh to end the / nd

    .ovenant, thus beginning the + rd .ovenant $hich, as stated, $ill restore 0LL creation $ith a*@ one9on9one relationship $ith The ather" #ubl! please continue and learn Fno$ledge"

    The Lord’s Evening Meal or Last Supper

    The Lord’s Evening Meal or Last Supper is a !earl! event observed in reebrance of a

    an called b! an! di'erent naes toda!" 6ote7 due to the great debate over the nae of the

    seed in the esh or as the 0postle &ohn said at  Joh 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt

    among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth"

    and the Word became fesh", it $ill be said a popular !et incorrect rendering is &esus" Sipl! look

    up inforation on $ords like Geshua and Gahshua and Gahusha or other naes used and !ou $ill

    understand $h! this stateent is said" During this Lord’s Meal soe of the details of the ne$ or

    +rd .ovenant $ere set in otion" This + rd .ovenant $as ade b! The 2ne $ho $e $ill refer to as

    2ur L2AD Cthe one $ho $as The Messiah Cthe one $ho is 2ur Fing and #igh Priest Cthe one $ho

    is to coe e!elation 1:#the one who was, the one who is, and the one who is to come " The

    actual event that the Lord’s Evening Meal did occur is agreed upon b! those $ho believe in it"

    Due to tie, soe of the details of the three covenants have been lost" The details of the ne$

    covenant ade at the Lord’s Evening Meal see challenging due to di'erent translations basedupon church doctrines and ancient pagan teachings that have been incorporated into the

    translator’s translation of a passage" There are hundreds of e(aples of this happening" 2ne

    -)B e(aple is the $ord =Bod>: Gen 1:1 In the God$%3& created$1'5% ($53) the hea!en$&*% and the

    earth+$* " ro Strong’s de;nition7 =Bod H4 HIJK  3lNhO! el-o-heem. Plural of #5++Q /ods

    in the senseQ but speci;call! used Cin the plural thus, especiall! $ith the article of the supree

    GodQ occasionall! applied b! $a! of deference to ma/istratesQ and soeties as a superlative7 9

    angels, R e(ceeding, Bod Cgods C9dess, 9l!, R Cver! great, judges, R ight!>"

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    )t is eas! to see that the $ord used b! the ancient $riters could have an! eanings

     Translators sipl! use =Bod> and ost readers assue this eans =The ather>" The $ord

    Elohi is a plural $ordQ in #ebre$ the plural for of a noun ends in 8i8 or 8ot"8 Elohi is the

    plural for of 8Eloah8" There is 2ne Eloah%ather%0leph onotheis" 0nd there is one

    Elohi%The -eloved%-et%-eit%Masculine9einine%asculine or =Son> per huan for" The one

    $ho is and $as and is to coe:

    )f one coes to kno$ the connection and the Fno$ledge of The Divine 2rder set forth $hen The

    .reator Eloah -ecae The .reator, and the relationship bet$een The 0leph and -et then it is

    believed that one $ill see great unit! in the $ritings of an! penan%Prophets sent to an!


    ro Webster.s 0ew World $ebrew ictionary , Macillan */, pUV"

    Eloah C nm Bod

    Elohi C nm Bod

    ro Wnger3s -ible Dictionar!7

    p+** Elohi Ce9lo9hiQ #eb" plural 3elohimQ singular eloah, ight!,"""

    p/+ El Cel """2l is a generic nae for Bod in 6orth$est Seitic C#ebre$ and Wgaritic, and assuch it is also eplo!ed in the 2ld Testaent for heathen deities""" The original generic ter$as 3ilum, $hich dropping the iation and the noinative case ending 8u8 becae el  in#ebre$" The $ord is derived fro the root 8wl, 8to be strong, po$erful,8 eaning 8the strongone"8""" 2l $as the head of the .anaanite pantheon"

    ro 1ikipedia7

     This article is about the #ebre$ $ord Elohi" Elohim  C#ebre$7 להא

    is a graaticall! pluranoun for 8gods8 or 8Deit!8 in -iblical #ebre$" )n the odern it is often ties referred to in thesingular despite the -im ending that denotes plural asculine nouns in #ebre$"

     ohn *:%* 40ot that any man hath seen the ather, (2l62loah) sa!e he (2lohim) which is o7 God

    (2l62loah), he hath seen the ather (2l62loah)8+

    or greater details read =The Little -ook>" Wnderstanding the Fno$ledge of this inforation andho$ it applies to the Three .ovenants and the 0leph and -et opens Fno$ledge of books that$ere sealed till the last da! or Lord’s da! that 0ll the prophets looked for$ard to"

    Genesis %9:1 And acob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yoursel!es to/ether, that I may tell you that  which shall be7all you in the last days+

     eremiah 3&:'%he erce an/er o7 the

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     ohn *:5% Whoso eateth my fesh, and drin?eth my blood, hath eternal li7e; and I will raise him upat the last day8

     ohn 11:'%  @artha saith unto him, I ?now that he shall rise a/ain in the resurrection at the lastday 

    e!elation 1&:% And when the se!en thunders had uttered their !oices, I was about to write: andI heard a !oice 7rom hea!en sayin/ unto me, Beal up those thin/s which the se!enthunders uttered, and write them not+

    or no$ $e $ill deal $ith the details of the events leading up to the Lord’s eal and shortl!thereafter"

     There are four iportant =di'erences> that see to be argued about b! the various follo$ersthat observe the Lord’s Evening Meal"

    "i#eren$e %&' "ate or ti(e' )hen was the (eal eaten* )as it on Passover


    "i#eren$e %+' The details o, the (eal with regard to the -new $ovenant.

    "i#eren$e %' )ho the -new $ovenant applies to.

    "i#eren$e %4' )hat ti(e did the Messiah $o((and us to repeat the -new


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    "/TE' "/0 1 T2ME 23F Tie chart7 Start in the center and follo$ the blue arro$s" 6ote7 sunset begins a ne$


    Wnlike toda!’s clocks, the da! started at sunset" Start in the iddle and follo$ the tieof the events" The *st .ovenant or 6ae $as ade $ith ankind at the =sin%fall> froperfection" The 6ae describes a non9ph!sical -eing%Elohi that appeared toankind%prophets at ties in the esh before the 1ord becae esh%Messiah" The /nd

    .ovenant or 6ae began at his birth and included his ph!sical death" 1hen leaving theesh, he ade a eans%covenant for esh%ankind to =do often in reebrance of hisph!sical part> of the /nd .ovenant"

    1 Corinthians 11:! For " ha#e recei#ed of the $ord that which also " deli#ered unto you, %hat the $ord Jesusthe same night in which he was betrayed too& bread: 4 And when he had gi#en than&s, he bra&e it, and said,%a&e, eat: this is my body, which is bro&en for you: this do in remembrance of me'   After the same manneralso he too& the cu, when he had sued, saying, %his cu is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, asoft as ye drin& it, in remembrance of me! * For as often as ye eat this bread, and drin& this cu, ye do shewthe $ord+s death till he come'

    0fter he died in the esh, his spirit returned to a non9ph!sical -eing%Elohi" #eappeared to the again after his death in the esh for 5 da!s" Mankind $as tocontinue the covenant%eal until he returns to begin the +rd .ovenant" The +rd .ovenantor 6ae begins $hen the =sin%fall> fro perfection begins to be reversed" This is after

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    $hat is coonl! called 0rageddon has reached its copletion" #e%The 1ord $ilagain becoe esh and as #e said =) $ill not drink of the fruit of the vine, until thekingdo of Bod shall coe>" The +rd .ovenant $ill continue until the ph!sical creation isno longer under the =sin%fall> and $ill return to perfection" 1hen the +rd .ovenant endsall creation, ph!sical and non9ph!sical, $ill be restored to The 1ill of The ather" Thusful;lling 0LL prophesies and covenants and the + .ovenants 6aes" The end resultbeing =th! kingdo coe, th! $ill be done on earth as in heaven>" 6ote7 1ithin each ofthe C+ .ovenants 6aes $ere an! additiona

    covenants%leagues%testaents%contracts" E(aples of $hen soe of these occurred are6oah, 0braha, David, Xachariah, Mar!, the end tie $itnesses, etc"

    6otice that in #ebre$ and Breek there are $ords that $ere used and no$ are translatedinto di'erent English $ords"

    Old Testament (Hebrew) for "covenant"

    H1285  bĕriyth ber·ēth' covenant, league, confederacy, confederate, confederate

    New Testament (Greek) for "covenant"

    G802  asynthetos ä-sü'n-the-tos covenant breaker

    G1242  diathēkē dē-ä-thā'-kā covenant, testament

    G4!4  syntithēmi sün-tē'-thā-mē agree, covenant, assent

     The F&Y version uses the $ord =testaent> for B*/5/" 1e have chosen to use=covenant> for toda!’s English" 6either is $rong"

    @ar? 1%:'% AndG'53' he saidG'&3* unto them,G%* hisG51'% isG'&* my G3%5& bloodG1'9 o7 (G35) theG35 newG'53 testament,G1'%' which is shedG1*3' 7or G%&1' many+G%13 B*/5/ Z[\]^_` diathk dee-ath-ay.-?ay ro B*++Q properl! a disposition, that is, Cspeci;call! a contract  Cespeciall! a devisor!will7 9 $ovenant, testaent"

    "i#eren$e %&' "ate or ti(e' )hen was the (eal eaten* )as it on

    Passover day*

    1e are told that the Messiah et $ith his follo$ers for a eal" 0

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    )n the follo$ing scriptures $e can see that the Passover and the feast of unleavenedbread $ere =after t$o da!s> and the! both start on the sae da!"

    @atthew '*:1 And it came to pass, when esus had nished all these sayin/s, he saidunto his disciples,

    @atthew '*:' Ce ?now that a7ter two days is the 7east o7 the passo!er , and the Bon o7man is betrayed to be crucied+

    @ar? 1%:1 A7ter two days was the 7east o7 the passo!er, and o7 unlea!ened bread: and

    the chie7 priests and the scribes sou/ht how they mi/ht ta?e him by cra7t,and put him to death+

    " 0nd at the eal the! did not beginto understand $hat $as going on until &udas left+  &ohn *U7/ $is disciples said unto him," #e still $as not glori;ed buthe $as about to begin the ne$ covenant and his hour $as near"

     John 1!:/ For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, uythose things that we ha#e need of against the feast - or, that he should gi#e something tothe oor'

     John 1!:!0 e then ha#ing recei#ed the so went immediately out: andit was night '

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     John 1!:!1 %herefore, when he was gone out , Jesus said, 2ow is the 3on of man glorified, and od isglorified in him' 

     John 1!:!4 A new commandment  " gi#e unto you, %hat ye lo#e one another- as " ha#e lo#ed you,that ye also lo#e one another'

    #e left the roo $ith the reaining ** and proceeded to the garden of Bethseane" #ekne$ his hour $as near, so he pra!ed to his ather" #e $as still alive until idnight or */o3clock our tie and he entioned things like 8a cock cro$ing8, it $as still 6isan *5" 0s

    the da! of 6isan *5 continued, he $as ut they said, 0ot on the 7east day , lest there be an uproar o7 the people@atthew '*:1 0ow the rst day o7 the 7east o7 unlea!ened bread the disciples came to

     esus, sayin/ unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare 7or thee to eat the passo!er

    @ar? 1%:1' And the rst day o7 unlea!ened bread, when they ?illed the passo!er , hisdisciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we /o and prepare that thou mayesteat the passo!er

    @atthew  '*:1 And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, he@aster saith, My time is at hand ; I will ?eep the passo!er at thy house with mydisciples+

    @atthew '*:19 And the disciples did as esus had appointed them; and they made readythe passo!er+

    @ar? 1%:13 And he sendeth 7orth two o7 his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye intothe city, and there shall meet you a man bearin/ a pitcher o7 water: 7ollow him+

    @ar? 1%:1% And wheresoe!er he shall /o in, say ye to the /oodman o7 the house, he@aster saith, Where is the /uestchamber, where I shall eat the passo!er with mydisciples

    @ar? 1%:15  And he will shew you a lar/e upper room 7urnished and  prepared: therema?e ready 7or us+

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    @ar? 1%:1* And his disciples went 7orth, and came into the city, and 7ound as he hadsaid unto them: and they made ready the passo!er +

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    Passover after the sun sets 0bib *5th in that particular upper roo" The! onl! sa! thatthe! got together to eat a eal after aking preparations to do the Passover in thatparticular upper roo" Perhaps $hat $as said is that the! $ere told to go get thepreparation started for the Passover" 0nd $hen he said to the that he $anted =to eatthe Passover $ith the> he $as sipl! stating that fact" )f !ou read the scriptures !ou$ill see that the apostles usuall! did not understand the depth of $hat he $as sa!ing"1hat he sipl! $as sa!ing $as that he $anted the to prepare for the Passover" #ekne$ he $ould die be,ore sunset 6isan *5 ended, thus before 6isan *V Passover

    began" #e kne$ the! did not understand that he $as about to die" The! believed he $asgoing to set up a 6e$ &erusale or restore &erusale here on earth and get rid of theAoan control of &erusale+ #e later appeared to the and spoke an! things thatadjusted this thought" 0s can be seen $hen he returned, the! still asked the follo$ing

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    probabl! ate an! evening eals together in an! upper roos on a regular basis"

    0fter the eal $as eaten the ne$ covenant began" &udas )scariot $as not there for the

    ne$ covenant" The Messiah $as d!ing in the esh thus ful;lling prophecies foretold

    during the *st .ovenant 6ae CThe 2ne $ho was 9 The 2ne $ho spoke, had his feet

    $ashed, and ate a eal $ith Prophets, like 0braha Genesis 1:1-%"

    Genesis 1:1 And the " Due to this and church

    doctrines, soe believe that 0braha $as speaking in verse 3  to onl! angles or the

    others $ho cae $ith the L2AD" )t is obvious b! reading the $hole account to the last

    verse nuber 33  that, as stated, the L2AD $as present during the $hole event

    0braha $as erel! addressing #)S authoritative position as !ou $ill notice belo$ in the

    detailed inforation" 0nd he speci;call! said =i7 now I ha!e 7ound 7a!or in your si/ht,

     pass not away >" So 0braha did not $ant the L2AD to leave $ithout spending tie $ith

    hi and having a eal" -elo$ are translations that use the 6ae instead of inserting

    =Lord>" This $as not the ;rst tie that the L2AD appeared to 0braha as he recognied

    #i fro a distance"

    Benesis *7+ 0nd said,#VV M! Lord,#*+U  if #V* no$#55  ) have found#5U/  favour#/V  in th!sight,#VU pass not a$a!,#VU5 #5

    H&7 Iq 3dNn! ad-o-noy.0n ephatic for of #**+Q the

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    F&Y7 Genesis 1:'*  And the

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    {it|>" 6otice the y1ez and {it| are added b! the translator to conve! the thought thatbest conve!s $hat the! believe based upon their doctrines"

    0nd at a! eat isaccepted b! an! translators due to church doctrines"

     These additions see to ipl! that the Messiah $ould also be eating the Passover

    Perhaps the details of the inforation about his death and the fact that he $ould bedead before the Passover eal did not need to be conve!ed to the house anager" 0lsothere $as no need to get into a long discussion $ith the apostles until the! $ere at theeal" Aeeber the apostles did not kno$ that one of the $ould betra! hi" The! al

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    ehold your gin/^

    )n the ne(t scriptures $e see that it $as custoar! to release a prisoner at the Passoverfeast" The process of choosing $ho $as to be released occurred before the Passoverbegan" The Messiah $as aong the prisoners" #e $as tortured and ;nall! e(ecuted" Then on Passover 0bib%6isan *V, $hich began after sunset, the prisoner $as released

    0nd as $e kno$ the Messiah $as not chosen to be released"

    @atthew ':15 0ow at that 7east  the /o!ernor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would+

    @atthew ':1* And they had then a notable prisoner, called >arabbas+@ar? 15:* 0ow at that 7east  he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoe!er they


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    @ar? 15:3% And at the ninth hour  esus cried with a loud !oice, sayin/, 2loi, 2loi, lamasabachthani which is, bein/ interpreted, @y God, my God, why hast thou 7orsa?enme

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  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


      .hallah sprinkled $ith Prepared shabbat table, The teplepriests replacing  sesae seeds $ith challah in the foreground theshe$bread each $eek

    2ngredients and preparation'

    Most traditional 0shkenai challah recipes use nuerous eggs, ;ne $hite our, $ater,sugar, !east, and salt, but 8$ater challah8 ade $ithout eggs also e(ists" Modern recipesa! replace $hite our $ith $hole $heat, oat, or spelt our or sugar $ith hone! orolasses"

    )sraeli challah contains eggs or olive oil in the dough as $ell as $ater, sugar, !east, salt,hone! and raisins" )t is topped $ith sesae seeds"

    @atthew '*:'* And as they were eatin/, esus too? bread, and blessed it , and bra?e it ,and /a!e it  to the disciples, and said, a?e, eat; this is my body+

    @atthew '*:'* AndG11*1 as they G%* were eatin/,G'&* esusG'%'% too? G'93 bread,G%&

    @ar? 1%:'' AndG'53' as they G%* did eat,G'&* esusG'%'% too? G'93 bread,G%& and blessed,G'1' and bra?eG'&* it, andG'53' /a!eG13'5 to them,G%* andG'53' said,G'&3* a?e,G'93 eat:G5315 thisG51'% isG'&* my G3%5& body+G%93 

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    handG5%95 withG33'* meG1&& inG1'' theG35 dish,G51*5 the sameG3 shall betray G3*& me+G31*5

    B*UU •wŠm ebapt em-bap.-toro B*// and B**Q to whelm on, that is, wet  Ca part of the person, etc" b! contact$ith a uid7 9 dip"B*// x en en0 priar! preposition denoting C;(ed  position  Cin place, tie or state, and Cb!

    iplication instrumentality   Cediall! or constructivel!, that is, a relation of restCinterediate bet$eenB** •wŠm bapt bap.-to0 priar! verbQ to whelm, that is, cover $holl! $ith a uidQ in the 6e$ Testaent onl! ina

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    0ccording to &e$ish tradition, the three Sabbath eals Crida! night, Saturda! lunch, and

    Saturda! late afternoon and t$o holida! eals Cone at night and lunch the follo$ing

    da! each begin $ith t$o coplete loaves of bread" This 8double loaf8 Cin #ebre$

    leche ishneh coeorates the anna that fell fro the heavens $hen the

    )sraelites $andered in the desert for fort! !ears after the E(odus fro Eg!pt according to

     &e$ish religious belief" The anna did not fall on Sabbath or holida!sQ instead, a doubleportion $ould fall the da! before the holida! or Sabbath" Each single loaf is soeties

    $oven $ith si( strands" Together, both loaves have t$elve $hich a! represent each

    tribe of )srael" 2ther nubers of strands coonl! used are three, ;ve and seven"

    2ccasionall! t$elve are used, referred to as a 8T$elve Tribes8 challah"

    Traditional Sabbath (eal'

    )t is custoar! to begin the rida! night eal and the t$o eals eaten during Sabbath

    $ith a blessing over t$o challot" 0fter kiddush over a cup of $ine, the head of thehousehold recites the blessing over bread7 8-aruch atah 0doshe, eloheinu elechha3ola, haoti leche in ha3aret8 CTranslation7 8-lessed are !ou, L2AD, Fing of theWniverse, $ho brings forth bread fro the earth8"

     The bread sipl! represented his esh" )n all the follo$ing scriptures, the $ord =bread>is used for B5" 0 siple look at their eaning and !ou see $ords that ipl! or sa!directl! that $hat is being spoken of is =raised, to take up, to lift> these see to ipl! aloaf of raised bread that one $ould have at an evening eal"

    B5 ‰Š‹ artos ar.-tos

    ro B*5/Q bread Cas raised or a loa7: 9 Cshe$9 bread, loaf"B*5/ \Œm air ah.ee-ro0 priar! verbQ to li7t Q b! iplication to ta?e up or away Q ;gurativel! to raise Cthe voice?eep  in  suspense  Cthe indQ speci;call! to sail  a$a! Cthat is, wei/h  anchor Q b!#ebrais Ccopare y#V+Vz to epiate sin7 9 a$a! $ith, bear Cup, carr!, lift up, loose,ake to doubt, put a$a!, reove, take Ca$a!, up"

     ohn *:31 =ur 7athers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, $e /a!e them #read  7rom hea!en to eat+

     ohn *:3' hen esus said unto them, erily, !erily, I say unto you, @oses /a!e you notthat bread 7rom hea!en; but my ather /i!eth you the true #read  7rom hea!en+

     ohn *:33 or the bread o7 God is he which cometh down 7rom hea!en, and /i!eth li7eunto the world+

     ohn *:3% hen said they unto him, ut I said unto you, hat ye also ha!e seen me, and belie!e not+ ohn *:%1 he ews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came

    down 7rom hea!en+ ohn *:% I am that bread o7 li7e+ ohn *:5& his is the bread which cometh down 7rom hea!en, that a man may eat

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    thereo7, and not die ohn *:51 I am the li!in/ bread which came down 7rom hea!en: i7 any man eat o7 this

    bread, he shall li!e 7or e!er: and the bread that I will /i!e is my fesh, which I will/i!e 7or the li7e o7 the world+

     ohn *:5' he ews there7ore stro!e amon/ themsel!es, sayin/, $ow can this man /i!eus his fesh to eat

     ohn *:53 hen esus said unto them, erily, !erily, I say unto you, 2cept ye eat thefesh o7 the Bon o7 man, and drin? his blood, ye ha!e no li7e in you+

     ohn *:5% Whoso eateth my fesh, and drin?eth my blood, hath eternal li7e; and I willraise him up at the last day+

     ohn *:55 or my fesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drin? indeed+ ohn *:5* $e that eateth my fesh, and drin?eth my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him+ ohn *:5 As the li!in/ ather hath sent me, and I li!e by the ather: so he that eateth

    me, e!en he shall li!e by me+ ohn *:5 his is that bread which came down 7rom hea!en: not as your 7athers did eat

    manna, and are dead: he that eateth o7 this bread shall li!e 7ore!er+

    )23E or F6=2T >=2?E*'

     There sees to be soe concern over the use of $ine" 0lthough Matthe$, Mark, Luke,and &ohn did not ention $hat $as in the cup, as e(plained since this $as a eal it $asprobabl! $ine" Paul in 1 Eorinthians sa!s that an! $ere drunk at the eal" So there$as $ine at the eal" 0nd in ost religions that observe a Passover or the Lord’s Mealthe! use $ine"

    1 Eorinthians 11:'& When ye come to/ether there7ore into one place, this is not to eatthe for =covenant>" Gou $ill see that the! ean the saebut $e choose the $ord =covenant> feeling that in English it better represents a=contract>" Please note that the ter =M06G> is used" Soe religions sa! that the ne$covenant or testaent $as for onl! a fe$" 0nd the! sa! that this applies to the leaders ofa speci;c church, usuall! the one the! govern" The! sa! that unless !ou are in a specialposition in their religion !ou are not allo$ed to partake" This is a control echanis tocontrol their follo$ers" The! use 26E part of $hat Paul said at 1 Eorinthians 11:' Z '9

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    to justif! their actions" #o$ever after careful e(aination and reading 0LL the passage!ou $ill see that sadl! before the eal, $hich $as follo$ed b! the ebles, the! hadeaten the food and drank the $ine to e(cess" #e told the to eat and drink at hoe" This $as an iportant eal and ne$ covenant and the! obviousl! issed theiportance" Man! $ould begin to just eat and drink like a regular supper or eal" Thene$ covenant or testaent $as ade for 0LL ankind that recognie $hat it stood for:

    Matthe$ /U7/ 0nd he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it  to the, sa!ing, Drink

    !e all of itQMatthe$ /U7/ or this is ! blood of the ne$ testaent, $hich is shed for an! for the

    reission of sins"Matthe$ /U7/ -ut ) sa! unto !ou, ) $ill not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, unti

    that da! $hen ) drink it ne$ $ith !ou in ! ather3s kingdo"Mark *57/+ 0nd he took the cup, and $hen he had given thanks, he gave it  to the7 and

    the! all drank of it"Mark *57/5 0nd he said unto the, This is ! blood of the ne$ testaent, $hich is shed

    for an!"

    Mark *57/5 0ndB/V+/  he saidB/+U  unto the,B5U  ThisBV*/5  isB/U  !B+5V  bloodB*/  of CB+V

    theB+V ne$B/V+ testaent,B*/5/ $hich is shedB*U+/ forB5*/ an!"B5*+

    B5*+ w‹, w–‹ polus polos pol-oos.)ncluding the fors fro the alternate =pollos>Q Csingular much  Cin an! respect orCplural many Q neuter Csingular as adverb lar/ely Q neuter Cplural as adverb or nouno7ten, mostly , lar/ely 7 9 abundant, 4 altogether, coon, 4 far Cpassed, spent, C4 be ofa great Cage, deal, 9l!, $hile, long, an!, uch, oft C9en y9tiesz, plenteous, sorestraitl!" .opare B5**, B5**"

    Paul establishes that the earl! follo$ers and he hiself $ere eeting after .hrist’s deathfor a eal follo$ed b! the bread and $ine" The earl! .hristians $ere doing anobservance of the 6e$ .ovenant % Testaent on the sae da! and tie that the Messiah

    originall! did the eal — not on the Passover" So the

  • 8/19/2019 Passover & Lord's Evening Meal


    1 Eorinthians 11:'' What ha!e ye not houses to eat and to drin? in or despise ye thechurch o7 God, and shame them that ha!e not What shall I say to you shall I praise you in this I praise you not+

    1 Eorinthians 11:'3 or I ha!e recei!ed o7 the , please note that if !ou do the observance after sunset 6isan

    *5 !ou are doing a celebration of the Passover" Gou $ill be in the earl! hours o

    0bib%6isan *V" )t is not the da! or tie that our Savior or Messiah did the bread and cup,

    the =ne$ covenant>"

     Thank !ou fro a huble penan"
