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Past present future of inbound marketing

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The Past, Present & Future of Inbound Marketing Kathleen Booth @workmommmywork #IMW15
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The Past, Present & Future of

Inbound Marketing

Kathleen Booth



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Kathleen Booth


Quintain Marketing



About the Presenter


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The Past

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- Peter Drucker, 1974

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product and service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the product or service available; i.e., logistics rather than salesmanship, and statistical distribution rather than promotion.

Author & Business Management Guru

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- Seth Godin, 1999

Permission marketing…offers the

consumer an opportunity to volunteer to

be marketed to. By talking only to

volunteers, Permission Marketing

guarantees that consumers pay more

attention to the marketing messages.

Author & Marketing Guru

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- Brian Halligan, 2009

Today, prospects have made about 60% of

their purchase decision before talking to a

sales rep. The buyer is more than halfway sure

whether or not they’re going to be your next

customer based solely on information they’ve

discovered online. This means your website

and content are your de facto sales reps for the

majority of the buying process.

Co-Founder, HubSpot

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The Way People Buy Has Changed


• Buyer: Relatively uninformed

• Buying Journey: Linear

• Marketing Playbook: Interrupt

(cold calling and advertising)


• Buyer: Well-informed

• Buying Journey: Fluid and random -

starts with Google

• Marketing Playbook: Thought

leadership through content creation


People were SOLD things People BUY things


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VCRs. Caller ID. DVRs. The Do Not Call list. Spam software. Broadband internet. Smartphones. Social media.

This changed everything.


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That was then…


Marketing tactics that are organic, permission-based, not paid and aimed at helping a company or organization get found

online, organized into a system called inbound marketing:



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The Present

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- Simon Sinek, 2014

People don’t buy what you do, they

buy why you do it.

Author & TED Speaker

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- Marcus Sheridan, 2014

The businesses that see themselves

as teachers and problem solvers,

and then take the time to tell the

world what they know, are going to

earn the most trust and ultimately the

most business.

Founder, The Sales Lion

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- Mark Roberge, 2013

The best companies win with

inbound marketing by deeply

engaging and aligning with their

sales department so both parts of the

business are more measurable,

scalable and effective.

SVP of Sales, HubSpot

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This is now…


Leveraging inbound marketing to build trust with prospective customers and strengthening the alignment between

marketing and sales to drive conversions and close sales:







Prospects &



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The Future

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- Tony Fadell

In this connected age, no company

can stay bound to ‘I’m just going to

make this one piece of the puzzle.’

Founder & CEO, Nest

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- Jean Oelwang

As the world becomes more

interconnected, openness will

become more important. Honest

dialogue will become the new power,

the new success, the new sexy.

CEO, Virgin Unite

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Here’s what’s coming…


As our world becomes more interconnected, technology will increase the pace of change, and the new marketer will be

highly tech saavy:


► Content is now delivered via websites and social media computers, tablets and phones. The

future will bring an explosion of new “smart” technology (cars, wearables, etc.) capable of

delivering content to anyone at any time

► Search engines will be less important as apps, programs and devices use predictive

technology that “knows” what we need and when we need it (Spotify, etc.)

► As more companies and organizations adopt inbound marketing, the role of influencers will

increase as a way of establishing authority and trust

► Inbound marketing will just be called “inbound” as it rolls out to not just marketing, but sales,

HR, management, etc.


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