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Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was...

Date post: 13-Jul-2020
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Happy Anniversary, Pastor Harman! 1 Pastor’s Letter 2 Connecting People to Christ 3 Principal’s Page 4 CARE Ministry Updates 5 Women’s Ministry 6 CLC Scouting 7 News & Notes 8 Those Who Serve 9 Celebrations 10 Calendar 11 Inside this Issue: Christ Lutheran Church Yuma Lutheran School 2555 S Engler Avenue Yuma, AZ 85365 (928)726-0773 Church (928)726-6674 Church Fax (928)726-8410 School (928)726-5330 School Fax [email protected] www.ChristYuma.org www.YumaLutheranSchool.org ChristLutheranChurchYuma YumaLutheran Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor [email protected] Angie Schiller, YLS Principal [email protected] Elena Jimenez, School Secretary [email protected] Amy Mitchell, Bookkeeper [email protected] Kimberly Meeks, Church Secretary [email protected] Christ Lutheran Church is a place to find the grace and truth of Christ July 2020 Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran Church on July 9, 1995. A celebration will be planned for a later time when social gathering restrictions are lifted.
Page 1: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020

Happy Anniversary, Pastor Harman!


Pastor’s Letter 2

Connecting People to Christ 3

Principal’s Page 4

CARE Ministry Updates 5

Women’s Ministry 6

CLC Scouting 7

News & Notes 8

Those Who Serve 9

Celebrations 10

Calendar 11

Inside this Issue:

Christ Lutheran Church Yuma Lutheran School

2555 S Engler Avenue Yuma, AZ 85365

(928)726-0773 Church (928)726-6674 Church Fax

(928)726-8410 School (928)726-5330 School Fax

[email protected]





Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Angie Schiller, YLS Principal [email protected]

Elena Jimenez, School Secretary [email protected]

Amy Mitchell, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Kimberly Meeks, Church Secretary [email protected]

Christ Lutheran Church is a place to find the grace and truth of Christ

July 2020

Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran Church on

July 9, 1995.

A celebration will be planned for a

later time when social gathering restrictions are lifted.

Page 2: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 2

What is the Psalmist talking about when he

writes, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the

Lord?” Who is the nation? Who is to be

blessed? When the Psalmist wrote this he was

writing about Israel. God’s chosen people to be

His own. And when we read the Old Testament

we read that God protected His chosen people

Israel, so that when they were faithful to Him,

they defeated enemies who were much more

powerful than they. When the psalmist

remembered Pharaoh’s army washed up on the

shores of the Red Sea, the fallen walls of what

had been the fortress of Jericho and may other

victories, he could say, “Blessed is the nation who God is the Lord.” The vain plans of the

other nations could not destroy Israel or prevent

God’s promise of the Savior from coming true.

No matter how great Pharaoh’s and the

Assyrian armies were, no matter how many

chariots they had and how fast their horses were,

nothing could save them when they stood in

defiance of the Lord’s will for His chosen

people. And just the opposite is true, no matter

how small Israel’s armies were, they could not

be defeated when the Lord stood on their side.

Again, that’s why the psalmist wrote, “Blessed is

the nation whose God is the Lord.”

The same mighty protection shields God’s

people today. Even though the church has often

been persecuted, it still stands, long after the

tyrants and empires who opposed it lie in the

dust. What’s important to remember is that

today no nation is God’s chosen people in the

way that Israel, the bearer of the promise of the

Savior, was in the Old Testament. Nevertheless,

the general truths of his psalm still apply today.

Nations usually reap what they sow, just as

individuals do. Nations which live in reckless

defiance of God’s moral standards usually

experience the devastating consequences of such

disobedience in the deterioration of their society. I think we all agree we are seeing this in our

country today. Empires which have oppressed

God’s people have fallen at their appointed

hour. On the other hand, individuals and

people who honor the basic moral standard of

God’s law and who protect the church tend to

experience blessings in this life – note not

always, because we still live in a sinful world.

I think what is most important is that in this

passage God is talking about His people past,

present, and the future. God is making it clear

that people whose God is the one true God, the

maker of heaven and earth, the fulfiller of His

promises through Jesus are truly blessed. Psalm

33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the

Lord, the people He chose for His

inheritance.” Did you read the words that

most people don’t even know goes with this

verse? Did you hear what God says? He says

the people HE chose for HIS inheritance. Yes,

He chose Israel in the Old Testament but only to

begin gathering people, all people, into His

kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises

to themselves; but they were to share them with

the rest of the world. We read this when God

made a covenant with Abram. Genesis 12:2-3,

"I will make you into a great nation and I will

bless you; I will make your name great, and

you will be a blessing. I will bless those who

bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;

and all peoples on earth will be blessed

through you." Did you catch it? It says that all

peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

And that, my friends, is who we are. We are

part of all peoples. We are God’s people,

chosen by God in the waters of Baptism, called

by the Gospel, filled with His Spirit to be His

people, His people who are blessed. We are

blessed because through Jesus’ life, death and

resurrection we have been freed from sin and

death and the devil. God has conquered all our

spiritual enemies and nothing can separate us

from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus.

We are blessed even in the midst of difficult

times and persecution, because we are the

people of God, chosen and loved by Him.

In the end of time the nation that is blessed is

the nation of all believers, all believers of every

tribe and race, all believers in Jesus Christ that

will be gathered to live with God in His

kingdom. Listen to what we read in Revelation

7:9-10. “After this I looked and there before

me was a great multitude that no one could

count, from every nation, tribe, people and

language, standing before the throne and in

front of the Lamb. They were wearing white

robes and were holding palm branches in their

hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

"Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the

throne, and to the Lamb."

You are blessed to be a blessing,

Pastor Vince Harman

Pastor Mark Johnson

“Blessed Is The Nation Whose God is the Lord” ~ Psalm 33:12

Page 3: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 3

As we celebrate the birthday of our great nation, it is good to dwell on the many liberties granted to us by a government largely formed from inspiration from God and scripture. In recognizing the FREEDOMS given to us as God’s people, the founders made sure that our government would not step on those freedoms through tyranny or misguided legislation. In crafting the constitution, the founders followed the examples that Moses set out, under God’s direction, in many of their decisions.

Yes—our nation is a precious gift from God through miracle after miracle and divine guidance. That is what has made our nation prosper and be a symbol of freedom throughout the world. (The DVD, “America’s

Godly Heritage” by David Barton is a good

place to start to learn about God’s hand in birthing America. You did not learn this in school!) But our freedoms are slipping away as our culture moves farther and farther away from God and His ways. Christians have been complacent and willing to look the other way to avoid conflict and I believe our

unfaithfulness is the reason we are losing our freedoms—one after another and faster and faster! This is a real concern and begs us to renew our commitment to be faithful in prayer and personal repentance as well as doing our part to make our voices heard and doing what we can to elect people who love and honor God and the nation He gave us to care for and nurture and who will enact laws that honor God. “Blessed is the

nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12

But in the meantime, it is

important to keep our focus first of

all on Christ. Yes—we are losing our liberties and the end will not be pretty. Persecution is coming and is already here in many instances! Jesus told us it would come. (“If

they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also.”

John 15:20. Read the whole chapter again!!)

But keep this thought in mind: I (Jesus) have

told you these things so that in Me you may have

peace. In this world you will have trouble. But

take heart! I have OVERCOME the world!”

All is well! Jesus has already conquered the enemy!! And also—as our freedoms slip away,

remember this: Christ offers us the freedom

that will never disappear! As much as we treasure the freedoms our constitution

afforded us, they pale in the light of what our

FREEDOM IN CHRIST offers us! “…

through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit who

gives life has SET YOU FREE from the law of

sin and death. Romans 8:12. Jesus told us

that, to be truly free, we must hold to His teachings as His disciples, knowing the truth, and “…the Truth will set you free” Jn. 8:32

(That phrase is often misquoted but the

TRUTH spoken of here is the truth laid out in scripture—not someone else’s “truth”.) In our natural state, we are all slaves to sin and death. But we have been “called to be

free. (Gal 5:13) “It is for freedom that Christ

has set us free. Stand firm, then, and

do not let yourselves be burdened

again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1

and v. 13: But do not use your

freedom to indulge the flesh, rather,

serve one another humbly in love.”

The persecuted Church throughout the world understands this better than anyone. Those that have lost all worldly “freedoms” are actually more free than their captors! It’s a fact that the Church grows under the slavery of persecution! As faith

is tested, faith grows. And faith in

Christ IS freedom! We can say with the Psalmist, “I

will walk about in freedom, for I have

sought out your precepts. (119:45) As

our lives shine forth the freedom

and peace we have in Christ, we

will be better able to CONNECT



Page 4: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 4

Welcome to the official start of the new school year! Our theme this year is taken from Hebrews 12:1-2, focusing on the words: Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. We hope to start school as planned on Wednesday, August 12th. Things will look a little different as we make accommodations and changes to procedures and protocols as we open during this unusual time. We know that it is so important for children to be with their classmates and to be receiving direct instruction from their teachers. Obviously, if the Governor makes the suggestion for schools to close again, we will have to reevaluate opening as planned. Until then, we are planning on moving forward and are excited to have the students back on campus!

We welcome Mrs. Dawn Echols back to the YLS community. When she and her family moved to the Phoenix area several years ago, Ms. Haley Johnson joined the staff. Now, as Ms. Johnson is heading off to the US Border Patrol, Mrs. Echols is back in town. She will be serving us as our third 4th grade teacher. Mrs. Rhonda Whitcomb will be moving to 5th grade. Mr. Fred Ennenga, our Campus Security Officer,

will join us in a full time capacity as well. Please continue to pray for the new school year and the opportunities that we have to reach so many children!



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Principal Angie Schiller

Remember to keep up with us through the website and Facebook pages: www.yumalutheranschool.org and


Walk by Faith We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7

It’s not too late to direct your 2020 tax dollars! School Tuition Organizations, or STOs, allow Arizona tax-payers a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their Arizona income tax return allowing YOU to decide

how your tax dollars are spent! Please contact one of the Student Tuition Organizations to find out how you can help students attend Yuma Lutheran School:

School Tuition Association of Yuma

(STAY) at 928-782-5786

Yuma’s Education Scholarship Fund for

Kids (YES) at 928-314-0033

Arizona Christian School Tuition

Organization (ACSTO) at 480-820-0403

Don’t forget that your state taxes can help stu-dents attend Yuma Lutheran School.

August 12

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The Good News July 2020 5

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” ~ Isaiah 40:29

“Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his

neighbor.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:24

As we continue to journey through the pandemic trying to adjust to the changes necessary to live safe and smart, there are many who have had the most to adjust to. They have been isolated (in some cases in their rooms for months) and find the separation from others to be very challenging and lonely. Our forever friends living in assisted living homes, in nursing homes and other type of CARE facilities, need our prayers and love every day. Of course it is for their safety...but they miss their family and

friends, as well as their church family. Unfortunately the isolation keeps them from getting the physical activity, mental stimulation, or socialization that would help them thrive. Pray that God CARE-s for them and all of their needs. “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4. Along with including them in your prayers we can show our love and concern for them in other ways. Send a card, call or text them (contact the church office for their number),

visit them through their window, etc… CARE! The Forever Friends listed on page 8 have been living in some form of isolation over the past months. PLEASE take the time to be in contact with them...it will make their day...week… month! You will be a blessing in their lives! I’m sorry if someone has been missed on this list...please let the church office know. Many other forever friends are living very quiet secluded lives in their homes due to the pandemic, remember them in your prayers, too. I have an angel figurine on my desk that says, “Faith is the light that guides you

through the darkness.” Loneliness is a dark time for people and they need to know that they are not forgotten but special to their church and their forever friends! “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12. Many people at CLC have made a big difference in the lives of others in our community and beyond. They are our heroes

or CARE-ing angels! Thank you to Brittany & Tim Chavez, Andrew Esmeier, Bill & Penny Esmeier, Dr. Giangreco, Sarah Grosskreutz, Peggy Hampton, Sue Hanson, Mark Hutsell, Andrew Lammel, Travis Marquart, Blanca Millan, Stacy Morris, Jill Nelson, Carrie Petersen, Barb Shank, Stacy Singer, Annie Snyder, Maggie Tarr, Eleanor Burdette, and Robbie Wright. Join me in thanking each of

these special Christian friends for all they have sacrificed to serve others. (If anyone has been missed, we are very grateful for you too!) “Carry each other’s burdens: and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 We are very thankful for other individuals in our church that have CARE-d and helped share the love for others during the past months. Thank you to Charlie & Diana Plotz making weekly phone calls and sending cards to many in our congregation...you have made a lot of new grateful friends through your love! Thank you to Susanna Hitchcock for making

the wonderful cards to be sent to all the heroes listed above! Thank you to Perry Pensky for his donation of the yard banners that were placed in the yards of “our” nurses during Nurses Week! (Did you see the ad in the Yuma Daily Sun from CLC...thanking the area nurses for their CARE during Nurses Week?) Also, thank you to Gladys Schalm who has made soft, huggable crosses to be given to those who need comfort while ill. Many others in the congregation have done their own personal CARE-ing for others in their lives...thank you for making a difference, too! You are all witnesses of God’s love! “In

the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 God bless each of you!

CARE Coordinator

To request prayer shawls, CDs, meals, or cards, or for any other CARE ministry needs,

please contact the Church Office, or

CARE Ministry Coordinator Twylah Wahl—920-8416, [email protected]

Page 6: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 6

For more information about Ladies’ Ministry or the Lutheran Women Missionary

League, please contact Nancy Pendleton at 257-6257.

All God’s Gals ~ In The Word ~ Serving the Lord

Women In Mission—Who Are We?

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Join us every

Wednesday, 7am in the Conference Room

We are

currently studying Genesis history.

For the last several years our Women in Mission have sponsored 2 Seminary students

from St. Louis Seminary. Tanner Wade graduated in May and has

received a Call to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, where he also served as vicar. Tanner will be the Assistant Pastor,

and his wife Whitney will teach at the Lutheran school and serve as a worship


Andy Wrasman is currently serving his vicarage year in a suburb of Atlanta, GA,

with his family.

We are blessed to sponsor these two students and pray

God’s blessings on their mission and calling.

In June the PSD LWML 38th Biennial Convention was held online.

Because of YOUR mighty Mites, 19 grants

were approved for the 2020-2022 Biennium. Four of those 19 grants will be

issued right here in Yuma: 1. Saddles of Joy—$7,700

2. Assistance League of Yuma—$10,000 3. Hospice of Yuma—$10,000

4. Amberly’s Place—$500 (Multi-Cultural

Mini Grant)

Our ongoing local Mission Project “Bundles of Joy” continues to bless many at risk

families in Yuma.

On June 5th, Nancy Pendleton delivered 16 Bundles to the NewLife Pregnancy Center.

Thank you for your donations! We currently need the following items for

more bundles:

baby sleepers burp pads

Baby bath packs Small packages diaper wipes

Baby bottles Small stuffed toys

Small hand sanitizers

Page 7: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 7

For more information on:

The Troop: The Troop meets every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Boys in 6th

grade and up are always welcome! For information, please contact Scoutmaster Chuck

Thompson. [email protected]

The Pack: The Pack meets every Monday at 6pm in the Activity Center. Boys in Kindergarten

through 5th grade are always welcome! For information, please contact Cubmaster Jake

Anderson. [email protected]

If you know of any young

men and young women ages 14 - 21 who are ready

to lead through adventure,

we are starting back up

Venture Crew 8051!

Please email questions to Crew Advisor Jake

Anderson at [email protected].

First meeting is

scheduled for July 23rd.

25th Anniversary of Boy Scout Troop 8051 at Christ Lutheran Church

Saturday, July 18th, 10am in the Church

Everyone is invited to help us celebrate at a special Court of Honor and luncheon!


A big thank you to everyone who supported our troop through our annual Julian

apple pie sale fundraiser! It was a huge success!

We are starting to get back into the swing of things. The Troop helped with a Flag Day Ceremony hosted by the BPOE Elks Lodge #476. One of our own Eagle Scouts, George Nicollette

received special recognition during the ceremony. Our troop will also be helping the Caballeros De Yuma with their annual 4th of July Flag Raising Ceremony.

We have had several of our Cub Scouts working on their Religious Emblems throughout the month of June. The Pack also held their rain gutter regatta on June 27th. After the delay from the corona virus we had several cubs have a chance to come out and race their boats.

Page 8: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 8

TREASURER’S REPORT At Christ Lutheran Church, we use a fiscal year that runs July 1 of one year to June 30 of the next.

*Church General Funds are needed to pay costs incurred to run the operation of our many ministries. Examples include air conditioning, salaries, supplies, etc.

**Building Fund offerings are used to make improvements and repairs to our current facilities.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God

loves a cheerful giver. ~2 Corinthians 9:7

Fiscal Year 2019-2020





Offerings Received $100,585 $533,434

Offerings Needed $0 $530,100

over/(short) N/A ($3,334)

Other: Designated


Report for the month of

May 2020





Offerings Received $3,765 $46,638

Offerings Needed $0 $48,494

Over (Short) N/A ($1,856)

Other: Designated

Richard Fayssoux

June 3

Forever Friends in Isolation at Assisted Living Facilities (from page 5)

Bill & Bev Esmeier:

7053 E 31st Place #114, Yuma, 85365

MaryNance Fisher: Desert Rose, 1545 S 14th Ave. #124, Yuma, 85364

Lillian Furrow: BeeHive Homes of Yuma, 1839 W 25th Street, Yuma, 85364

Mary Jacobson: 530 Care Lane Apt. 111, Aztec, NM 87410

Myrtle Paulsen: 1021 Royal Gardens Circle #223, Lake Mary, Fl 32746

Billye Phillips: Desert Rose. 1545 S 14th Ave. #121, Yuma, 85364

Ida Belle Renken:

4875 SW 78th Ave #333, Portland, OR 97225

Judy Sisson: 5332 West Wing Drive, Glendale, AZ 85310

Marilyn Thornbury: 1475 S 46th Ave #144, Yuma, 85364

Allyne Woolery: 1475 S 46th Ave #114, Yuma, 85364

Join us LIVE on Sundays 8am | 9:30am | 11am

Download the Christ Lutheran

Church app to stay up to date

and easily access online giving,

online streaming, the latest

newsletter, the latest sermon,

and more! Search for Christ

Yuma in Google Play and the

App Store.





Go to YouTube: search for Christ Lutheran Church Yuma

On the Christ Lutheran App: click on the hamburger menu in the top left. Scroll down to and click on Social Media. Click on


Page 9: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 9



930 Mark Hutsell

11 Harry, Susanna, and Dean Hitchcock


Chuck Thompson, Robert & Jennifer Henderson, Rachel Henderson, Caleb




8 Maximus Timm

930 Ella Marquart

11 Reilly Henderson

8 Curt Weber

930 Mark Hutsell

11 Jason Geszvain

8 Curt Weber

930 Travis Marquart

11 Travis Marquart



8 Colton Timm

930 Ella Marquart

11 Melody Thompson

8 Curt Weber

930 Rich Knutson

11 Dan Geszvain

8 Curt Weber

930 Rich Knutson

11 Alan Rubida



8 Cody Harbolt

11 Jack Thompson

8 Kelly Keithly

930 Mark Hutsell

11 Jason Geszvain

8 Kelly Keithly

930 Frank White

11 Chuck Thompson



8 Luke Harbolt

11 Melody Thompson

8 Kelly Keithly

930 Rich Knutson

11 Duane Sheppard

8 Rodney Hartlieb

930 Rich Knutson

11 Alan Rubida



Readers Elders

Altar Guild:

Susie DePuy, Maribel Hansen, Jennifer Henderson, Diane Plotz, Sharon

Williams, Vicki Freund, Tammy Harman, Jayne Wright


Dave & Sharon Cummins

Page 10: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 10

Mike Arce

Kelly Averitt

Sharon Cummins

Joan Frenzel

Brody Glenn

Jim Hanson

Erich Harman

Staisha Hinojosa

Elend Hudson

Hannah Knutson

Ella Marquart

Lillian McCurley

Branden Millan

Ryan Pope

Matthew Reynolds

Gloria Reynolds

Mikala Roberts

Katie Rubida

Edite Seamans

Mike Stegeman

Colton Timm

1 Susie DePuy

Lance Schroeder

2 Kelly Averitt

Erin Pierce-Killin

Ken Rosevear

Kammi Rosevear

3 Sharon Cummins

5 Amanda Rubida

6 Allen Applehans

Brian Phelps

Ryan Pope

7 Nick Grosskreutz

8 Alana Harman

Megan Kircher

Sam Osowski

Caitlyn Pope

9 Robert Henderson

11 Diana Rubida

11 Hannah Szloboda

Danielle Szloboda

Michael Stegeman

13 James McMullen

LaRue Sanchez

Lars Timm

15 Lane Clark

Ashley Meyer

Forest Partch

18 Bill Esmeier

Emily Petersen

19 Matthew Reynolds

20 Erin Ballos

Mya Carson

Inez Collins

Cheryl Simms

Agnes Wendt

Ino Wilson

21 James Chavez

Lucy Dinsmore

Chantal Underwood

23 Christina Padilla

24 Dwylia Hamilton

Terry Paulsen

Daniel Sheppard

25 Ian Buruato

Lilly Lammel

26 Kelly Slaughter

27 Rebecca Schroeder

28 Morgan Meyer

29 Pat Cooley

31 Marilyn Lammel

2 Rob & Patty Wilbur ~ 50 years!!

3 Rob & Carrie Petersen ~ 37 years!!

6 Joe & Annie Fisher ~ 41 years!!

7 Tony & Carrie Harman ~ 29 years!!

Dale & Marcia Huska ~ 47 years!!

8 Bill & Beverly Esmeier ~ 3 years!!

11 James & Jonnee Johnson ~ 4 years!!

Morgan & Kristina Meyer ~ 5 years!!

12 Gary & Twylah Wahl ~ 45 years!!

16 David & Megan Kircher ~ 37 years!!

18 Bill & Deanna McNeil ~ 28 years!!

25 Paul & Patti White ~ 34 years!!

26 Frank & Jean White ~ 66 years!!

27 Gary & Rhonda Whitcomb ~ 35 years!!

31 Bob & Nancy Pendleton ~ 44 years!!

Jay & Kimberly Meeks ~ 21 years!!

Page 11: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 7P


porary Band P

ractice 7P

Johnson SB


7A W

omen’s B

ible Study

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 10:15A

Adult B

ible Study

8A T

raditional Worship w




9:30A C

ontemporary W

orship with



union 11A


porary Worship


Do D

ay Quilting

7P C

ontemporary B

and Practice

7P Johnson S



7A W

omen’s B

ible Study

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 10:15A

Adult B

ible Study

8A T

raditional Worship

9:30A C

ontemporary W

orship 11A


porary Worship w




6P B

oard of Elders

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 6:30P

Boy S

couts 7P


porary Band P

ractice 7P

Johnson SB


7A W

omen’s B

ible Study

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 10:15A

Adult B

ible Study


Boy S

couts 25th Anniversary



8A T

raditional Worship w




9:30A C

ontemporary W

orship with



union 11A


porary Worship


Do D

ay Quilting

6:30P B

oy Scouts

7P C

ontemporary B

and Practice

7P Johnson S



7A W

omen’s B

ible Study

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 10:15A

Adult B

ible Study

6:30P V

enture Crew

8A T

raditional Worship

9:30A C

ontemporary W

orship 11A


porary Worship w





Do D

ay Quilting

6:30P B

oy Scouts

7P C

ontemporary B

and Practice

7P Johnson S



7A W

omen’s B

ible Study

7A D

o Day Q

uilting 10:15A

Adult B

ible Study

6:30P V

enture Crew

S u


M o


T u


W e


T h


F r

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Page 12: Pastor Vince Harman began his ministry at Christ Lutheran ... · 7/6/2020  · kingdom. Israel was never to keep the promises to themselves; but they were to share them with the rest

The Good News July 2020 11

...a special anniversary &

much more in this issue!

Worship LIVE on YouTube
