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PASTOR’S DEVOTIONAL 21-DAY brought to you by:
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Day 1

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.—Galatians 5:25 (NKJV)

G od is looking for imperfect men and women who have learned to walk in

moment-by-moment dependence on the Holy Spirit. Christians who have

come to terms with their inadequacies, fears, and failures. Believers who have

become discontent with “surviving” and have taken time to investigate

everything God has to offer in this life. To walk by the Spirit is to live with

moment-by-moment dependency on and sensitivity to the initial promptings of

the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Charles F. StanleyFrom the book The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life

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Day 2

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand fi rm

against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind

of suffering you are. 1 Peter 5:8–9 (NLT)

L ast summer I went to Africa to write about a Christian organization, and while

we were there we went on a safari. It was something from my bucket list, and

I wasn’t disappointed. We saw zebras, water buffalo, giraffes, elephants, and all

types of other animals, but nothing was as impressive to me as the lions.

Our jeep came across the lions right around dusk, and the lionesses were

heading out for the hunt. The beautiful cats walked hunched over, just as I saw on

Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom as a child. They moved stealthily toward a herd

of zebras just down the hill. I held my breath, waiting for the chase. It never

happened. While their eyes were on the zebras, they made no sudden moves.

Each one took the smallest steps, waited, and watched. We fi nally had to leave

the reserve when dusk fell, but the next day we saw them again. We also saw

evidence of their kill. Our great enemy, the devil, acts in the same way. He has his

eyes on us. As the dusk—the fatigue and troubles of the day—sets in, he’s ready

for the hunt. And when he gets close enough to roar, it’s often too late—we

become victims.

Yet in God’s Word we are told to stand fi rm. While zebras might not have a

chance against lions, we have Jesus standing up for us. And even when our

enemy roars, our Lord stands stronger. No one is immune from the attack,

but all believers have a shield of protection in Jesus Christ.

Tricia GoyerFrom the book Guideposts: Mornings With Jesus

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Day 3

Be merciful to those who doubt.Jude v.22 (NIV)

I used to be a Christian.“ Those were the student’s fi rst words. He had called

because someone told him Mark Mittelberg would take his doubts seriously. “I

don’t want to offer quick-fi x answers over the phone,” Mark told him. “How about

coming to my offi ce so we can really work through some of your questions?”

The guy seemed surprised by Mark’s openness but met with him that afternoon,

bringing a friend with him.

As their story unfolded, Mark learned they’d been part of a nearby church that

taught the Bible but didn’t welcome questions. The problem was that these guys

had questions—and kept asking them. Their youth leader tried to shut them

down by telling them they just “needed to believe” and their doubts would go

away. Then, during their summer church camp, the director told them more or

less the same thing. Their response? “Well, we concluded that the Bible couldn’t

be trusted and the Christian faith teaches things it can’t prove. So we basically

abandoned our belief in God,” they said. In addition, they had turned a Bible

study that met in one of their homes into what they now called their “Skeptics

Group.” There they shared with those attending the evidence they were

learning against the Bible and Christianity. “That’s . . . fascinating,” Mark said,

trying to stay calm. “Well, I’m really glad you’re here—and I’m willing to do

whatever it takes to help you get answers to your objections.”

With that, they launched into a three-hour conversation about their main areas of

concern. By the end, Mark could tell their doubts were already beginning to

dissipate. “Before we go, can I make a request?” the young man asked. “I was

wondering if you’d be willing to come to our Skeptics Group meeting at my

house to explain some of this information to our friends. I think they’d be


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Day 3

interested in what you have to say.” That was an easy decision. About a week

later Mark and I sat with a roomful of sincere but spiritually confused teenagers.

For four hours we shared our testimonies, answered questions, and challenged

their thinking.

By the end of the evening, the original student had recommitted his life to Christ,

and a couple weeks later the friend he had brought to Mark’s offi ce became a

believer. And, maybe the best part, they converted their Skeptics Group back into

a Bible study!

Students are asking spiritual questions at earlier and earlier ages. According to 1

Peter 3:15, we must be ready to give them good answers, but do so with

gentleness and respect. Today’s reading shows what a difference doing this can


Lee StrobelFrom the book Today’s Moment Of Truth

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Day 4

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing.1 Thessalonians 5:16–17 (NKJV)

G racious and generous Lord, Your command is clear: “pray without

ceasing”—and without ceasing means more than keeping a regular daily

appointment with You. Pray without ceasing is a call to walk through life with You,

to be open to Your guidance, to be aware of Your blessings, and to thank You for

those blessings. So, I ask You, help me make thanksgiving an integral part of my

prayers. And may my gratitude for Your goodness prompt me to “rejoice always”!

Jack CountrymanFrom the book God Listens: Praying With Passion and Power

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Day 5

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me,

and lead me in the everlasting way.Psalm 139:23-24 (NASB)

I ntimacy says, “God, here is my heart. I am willing to unwrap myself before

You—my soul, my spirit, and everything I am. I want You to know there is

nothing I am holding back.” This is a personal relationship. This is true intimacy.

Dr. Charles StanleyFrom the book Walking With God

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Day 6

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 (NKJV)

A sk Me for wisdom, beloved. I know how much you need it! King Solomon

requested a discerning heart, and he received wisdom in magnifi cent

abundance. This precious gift is also essential for you, especially when you’re

making plans and decisions. So come to Me for what you need, and trust Me to

provide it in full measure.

One aspect of wisdom is recognizing your need for My help in all that you do.

When your mind is sluggish, it’s easy to forget about Me and simply dive into your

tasks and activities. But eventually you bump into an obstacle. Then you face an

important choice: to push ahead full throttle or to stop and ask Me for insight,

understanding, and guidance. The closer to Me you live, the more readily and

frequently you will seek My help.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Though I am your Friend,

remember who I am in My great Power and Glory! Godly fear—reverential awe

and worshipful admiration—provides the best foundation for wisdom.

James 1:5–6; 1 Kings 3 : 9 , 4 : 2 9 ; Mark 1 3 : 2 6

Sarah YoungFrom the book Jesus Always: Embracing Joy In His Presence

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Day 7

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you.”Matthew 5:43–44 (NIV)

H ow tragic that Christians have become known more for what we are against

than what we support. The world has come to identify us as a people with a

long list of don’ts instead of a people who show kindness and goodness to

everyone. We are also known for fi ghting and disagreeing among ourselves. It

appears that those who want to come to Christ have to trip over us before they

can get to know him. Jesus teaches here that if you want to get someone’s

attention, do the unexpected.

The truth of the matter is, we all struggle with sin, but we tend to categorize sin

from bad to worse to horrendous. To God, however, sin is sin and keeps us all

from his presence.

The person who realizes the tremendous mercy our heavenly Father has shown,

and truly understands how undeserving we are of Jesus’ love, is the one who can

show the kind of response Jesus refers to. Stop judging the person at the end of

your pointing fi nger, and let mercy guide your heart to respond with kindness and

goodness. You just may draw the kind of attention that will lead people to Jesus.

Randy & Rozanne FrazeeFrom the book Believe 365-Day Devotional

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Day 8

Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son ofMan sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the

clouds of heaven.Mark 14:61–62 (NIV)

J esus didn’t establish any religious organizations. He never identifi ed himself as a capitalist, a socialist, a royalist, a colonist, or any other kind of -ist. He will

not defi ne himself in those terms. He’s not a Republican, a Democrat, or a member of the Green Party. He does not underwrite liberals or authorize conservatives. Nobody can lay claim to him—not the Catholics, the Protestants, the evangelicals, the charismatics, or the fundamentalists.

Jesus did not incite the Inquisition, endorse the Reformation, sanction the counter-Reformation, validate the Puritans, or divide Ireland. He did not takesides in the Civil War, and he did not write the United States Constitution.

He isn’t counting on us to make him famous, and he doesn’t need us to help him appear creative, attractive, or really cool. He’s not the champion of the hippies because he wore sandals, nor the idol of the hipsters because of his epic beard. Contrary to what your parents might have told you, he didn’t wear a suit and tie to church. He probably didn’t even go on Sunday mornings. He is not hemmed in by the church’s hymns or set free by spontaneity in worship.

You see, nobody can label him; he’s the Lord of all. Nothing can confi ne him; he uses the earth as a footstool. No one can manipulate or control him; he uttered the world into existence with the sound of his voice. Nothing surprises him or catches him off guard. He has never uttered th words, “Hmm, I never thought of that.”He is above all, through all, and in all. He is all-present, all-knowing, and all-powerful.He gives life because he is life. He perfectly loves because he is perfect love. He alone is God And we stand in awe of him.

Kyle IdlemanFrom the book Not A Fan Daily Devotional

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Day 9

You will keep him in perfect peace,Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the

Lord, is everlasting strength.Isaiah 26:3–4 (NKJV)

H ear the confi dence in these joyful words. This worshiper has experienced

God’s deliverance and provision; this person’s faith has been strengthened

and trust in the Lord has grown. But that doesn’t mean life is easy . . .

A sense of peace is not determined by your circumstances but by your state of

mind. When you focus on God, His majesty, and His love for you, what is

happening around you matters less. Pondering the character of the good and

holy God wwyou serve, remembering His faithfulness to His people through the

millennia and to you personally, and standing strong in the truth and the promises

of His Word—this kind of focus gives you a different perspective on what is going

on in the world around you. You are mindful of who is in control and whose plan is


Consider this analogy: A woman can brave labor pains because of the joy of

receiving a child. Likewise, God’s people can endure suffering because they know

God will deliver them. Seeing your situation from the perspective of this truth

brings peace. Keep your mind fi xed on Christ, regardless of what is happening all

around you.

Henry & Richard BlackabyFrom the book Being Still With God Daily Devotional

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Day 10

Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will proclaim your praise.

Psalm 79:13 (NIV)

L ord, you led me from my father’s loins and formed me in my mother’s womb.

You brought me, a naked babe, into the light of day, for nature’s laws always

obey your commands. By the blessing of the Holy Spirit, you prepared my

creation and my existence, not because people willed it or fl esh desired it, but by

your ineffable grace. The birth you prepared for me was such that it surpassed the

laws of our nature. You sent me forth into the light by adopting me as your son

and you enrolled me among the children of your holy and spotless church.

You nursed me with the spiritual milk of your divine utterances. You kept me alive

with the solid food of the body of Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son for our

redemption. And he undertook the task willingly and did not shrink from it.

Indeed, he applied himself to it as though destined for sacrifi ce, like an innocent

lamb. Although he was God, he became man, and in his human will, became

obedient to you, God his Father, unto death, even death on a cross.

In this way you have humbled yourself, Christ my God, so that you might carry

me, your stray sheep, on your shoulders. You let me graze in green pastures,

refreshing me with the waters of orthodox teaching at the hands of your

shepherds. You pastored these shepherds, and now they in turn tend your chosen

and special fl ock.

John of Damascus

James Stewart Bell with Patrick J. KellyFrom the book Awakening Faith: Daily Devotions from the Earliest


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Day 11

Every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

John 15:2 (NIV)

A child of God was once overwhelmed by the number of affl ictions that

seemed to target her. As she walked past a vineyard during the rich glow

of autumn, she noticed its untrimmed appearance and the abundance of leaves

still on the vines. The ground had been overtaken by a tangle of weeds and grass,

and the entire place appeared totally unkempt. While she pondered the sight,

the heavenly Gardener whispered such a precious message to her that she could

not help but share it.

The message was this: “My dear child, are you questioning the number of trials in

your life? Remember the vineyard and learn from it. The gardener stops pruning

and trimming the vine or weeding the soil only when he expects nothing more

from the vine during that season. He leaves it alone, because its fruitfulness is

gone and further effort now would yield no profi t. In the same way, freedom from

suffering leads to uselessness. Do you now want me to stop pruning your life?

Shall I leave you alone?” Then her comforted heart cried, “No!”

Homera Homer-Dixon

It is the branch that bears the fruit,

That feels the knife,

To prune it for a larger growth,

A fuller life.

Though every budding twig be trimmed,

And every grace

Of swaying tendril, springing leaf,

May lose its place.


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Day 11

O you whose life of joy seems left,

With beauty shorn;

Whose aspirations lie in dust,

All bruised and torn,

Rejoice, though each desire, each dream,

Each hope of thine

Will fall and fade; it is the hand

Of Love Divine

That holds the knife, that cuts and breaks

With tenderest touch,

That you, whose life has borne some fruit,

Might now bear much.

Annie Johnson Flint

L.B. Cowan Edited by James ReimanFrom the book Streams In the Desert - 366 Daily Devotionals

Updated Edition

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Day 12

When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” . . . And Jesus said to

Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and

followed Him.Luke 5:4,10–11 (NKJV)

C onnection is absolutely critical if you want to infl uence people in a positive

way. When I think of connecting with people, I compare it to trains and what

happens to them in a train yard. The cars sitting on the tracks have great value

because they’re loaded with cargo; they have a destination; and they even have a

route to follow. But they don’t have a way of getting anywhere on their own. They

have to hook up with a locomotive.

Have you ever watched how a bunch of pieces form a working train? It all begins

with the locomotive. It switches itself to the same track as the car it’s going to pick

up, then it backs up to the car, makes contact, and connects. Then it repeats the

process until the cars are all hooked up, and together they start moving toward

their destination.

A similar thing must happen before you are able to get people go with you on

any kind of journey. You have to fi nd out where they are, move toward them to

make contact, and connect with them. If you can do that successfully, you can

take them to new heights in your relationship and in their development.

John C. MaxwellFrom the book Leadership Promises For Every Day

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Day 13

As water refl ects the face, So one’s life refl ects the heart.Proverbs 27:19 (NIV)

I t made sense, after someone explained it to me, why our high school

football coach would always disappear in the middle of the third quarter. I

remember during my fi rst game on the varsity squad, I looked up from the

sidelines and noticed that he was gone. So I asked a senior “sideliner.” “Where’s

the coach?” I asked. “In the press box,” he answered.“Getting coffee?” I asked.

“No, getting perspective.” Now that makes sense, doesn’t it? There’s no way a

coach can really keep up with the game from the sidelines. Everyone yelling

advice. Parents complaining. Players screaming. Sometimes you’ve got to get

away from the game to see it.

Occasionally we need to try that on ourselves too. How vital it is that we keep a

fi nger on the pulse of our own lives. Yet it’s hard to evaluate ourselves while we’re

in the middle of the game: schedules pressing, phones ringing, children crying.

I’ve got a suggestion. Take some time and get away from everything and

everyone. Spend time in prayer. Meditate on God’s Word. Be quiet. Recommit

your heart to your Maker.

Getting some press-box perspective could change the whole ball game.

Max LucadoFrom the book God Is With You Every Day

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Day 14

“...but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and

character, hope. “Romans 5: 3-4 (NIV)

S ometimes because of faulty decision making or maybe just the press of

multiple circumstances, we fi nd ourselves tired, discouraged, and a little

burned-out. Yes, a vacation or a weekend away might help. But it may not be a

change of scenery we need as much as a change of perspective. Today’s

Scripture provides that very thing: “Not only so, but we also glory in our

sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance,

character; and character, hope.” Paul is saying, Stand the test, friends. For the

end is in sight. Hope is on the horizon. Sometimes we think of the suffering in

Romans 5 as huge life catastrophes. We forget that God’s grace-giving power is

mostly for everyday sorts of tests and trials. What are your tests today? Where do

you need perseverance, staying power, and hope? Ask God to help you step back

and see a bigger picture than the trial right in front of your nose. He uses

everything in our lives to mold our characters and make us more like His Son.

I’m thinking of the words of that old hymn—“Just for today, Lord, just for today.

Keep me and guide me, just for today.” For the next twenty-four hours, fi ll me

with the grace to face each setback and stress point with patience and joy

beyond my own.

Joni Eareckson TadaFrom the book A Spectacle Of Glory

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Day 15

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared

for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something

to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and

sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:34 – 36, 40 (NIV)

I n 1952 Mother Teresa began picking up the dying in the streets of Calcutta,

India. By 1980 she and over three thousand members of her order, the

Missionaries of Charity, were working in fi fty-two countries. Her teachings and life

give us profound insight into what it means to follow Jesus as emotional and

spiritual adults in our world. She wrote:

“I never look at the masses as my responsibility. I look only at the individual. I can

love only one person at a time. I can feed only one person at a time. Just one,

one, one. You get closer to Christ by coming closer to each other. As Jesus said,

“Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me.” So you begin . . .

I begin. I picked up one person. . . . The whole work is only a drop in the ocean.

But if we don’t put the drop in, the ocean would be one drop less. Same thing

for you. Same thing in your family. Same thing in the church where you go. Just

begin . . . one, one, one! At the end of our lives, we will not be judged by how

many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made or how many

great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry and you gave me

something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took

me in.”


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Day 15

Question to Consider:

How can you begin to see Jesus Christ in the people you meet this week?


Lord, I am often overwhelmed by the needs of the world around me. Thank you

that you are responsible for the world, and I am not. Help me to see the

individual today — the “one, one, one” — so that the words and actions that fl ow

from my life might refl ect your life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Peter ScazzeroFrom the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day By Day: A 40 Day

Journey with the Daily Offi ce

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Day 16

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

1 John 4:12 (NIV)

I was thankful I’d worn rubber boots as I walked down the muddy path in the

Kibera slums in Nairobi, Kenya. The sludge was human waste mixed with

garbage. I was in Kibera with AWANA International—a child discipleship

organization—to learn about how they share the good news of Jesus in some of

the most poverty-stricken places on earth. We walked for ten minutes, and then

we approached a building made of sticks and mud. As we approached, the voices

of children greeted our group. The songs fi lled me with joy, and I forgot the fi lth

around me.

We stepped inside the mud building and saw two hundred children inside a

crowded room. They stood in front of handmade benches, the younger children

in front and the older children in back. They sang praise songs to Jesus, and then

they quoted Scripture. In that moment I realized there was no place on earth I’d

rather be.

The Kibera Fruitful Orphanage sat in the middle of fi lth and garbage, but the love

of Christ was as strong as I’d ever felt. I felt the love of the volunteers who care for

the children. I felt the love of the children themselves. These children weren’t fo-

cused on what they didn’t have, but instead they lifted their faces in thankfulness

for what they did have: the love of Jesus. Seeing the children’s faces radiating joy

showed me fi rsthand how Jesus’s love is made

complete in us—no matter who we are or where we are. It’s not what we have that

matters most, but Who we have in us.

Tricia GoyerFrom the book Guideposts - Mornings With Jesus

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Day 17

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

James 5:16 (NIV)

A lcoholics Anonymous began with sponsorship. When Bill W., only a few

months sober, was stricken with a powerful urge to drink, this thought came

to him: ‘You need another alcoholic to talk to. You need another alcoholic just as

much as he needs you!’ He found Dr. Bob, who had been trying desperately and

unsuccessfully to stop drinking, and out of their common need A.A. was born.”

This is what James is espousing in our passage above. When we develop a mu-

tual community of confession, accountability, and prayer, we experience healing.

Bottom line: self-control requires other-patrol.

We understand our children’s need for community guidance, but as adults we

often rid ourselves of the invasive, style-cramping burden of accountability. James

warns us that this is a colossal mistake.

Want to avoid waking up one day to the painful consequences of a bad habit?

Form a mutual community of accountability around you now. Already overtaken

with a behavior you know will one day result in bad news? It is never too late to

do what you’ve needed to do all along: get with other people who know they are

susceptible to stumbling and share your desire to live a healthy and productive


Randy & Rozanne FrazeeFrom the book Believe 365 Day Devotional

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Day 18

Remember my affl iction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within

me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They

are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.Lamentations 3:19-23 (NKJV)

I f you want to overcome your discouragement, you need to realize it doesn’t

help to rehash its start or what caused it. You must change your viewpoint.

Look to God. Think about what He’s done for you—the countless ways He’s

proven Himself faithful through the years. Consider what He is doing in your life

right now—how He is providing for you and revealing Himself to you. Then look

ahead. Claim His promises for the future.

Dr. Charles Stanley

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Day 19

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fi sh of the sea and the birds of the air, over

the livestock, over all the earth . . .”Genesis 1:26 (NIV)

G od is the Ultimate Leader, and He calls every believer to lead others. God

could have arranged His creation in any number of ways, but He chose to

create human beings who possess spirits and the capacity to relate to Him and

follow Him, yet who are not forced to do so.

When mankind fell into sin, God could have executed a plan of redemption that

did not include sinful people, but He has called us to participate and to lead

others as we follow Him. God made that clear from the beginning when He

stated, “have dominion” (Genesis 1:28).

The call to leadership is a consistent pattern in the Bible. When God decided to

raise up a nation of His own, He didn’t call upon the masses. He called out one

leader—Abraham. When He wanted to deliver His people out of Egypt, He didn’t

guide them as a group. He raised up a leader to do it—Moses. When it came

time for the people to cross into the Promised Land, they followed one man—


Every time God desired to do something great, He called a leader to step for-

ward. Today He still calls leaders to step forward for every work—both large and


John C. MaxwellFrom the book Leadership Promises For Every Day

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Day 20

I am poor and needy;Yet the Lord thinks upon me.Psalm 40:17 (NKJV)

H e is the Creator of the universe and the Designer of the human body. He is

the Author of salvation history and the Sovereign over world history. He sits

enthroned as the ultimate Victor over sin, death, and pain. He keeps planets in

their orbits . . . and your heart beating.

Yet the psalmist portrayed this almighty God, enthroned in the heavens, as bend-

ing down to listen to the entreaty of one of His children. It’s amazing that our

almighty God has any thoughts at all toward His creatures. But hear what the

psalmist said: “Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order;

if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered” (v.

5). The fact that God’s thoughts toward us are innumerable is more than we can


God sits exalted above the universe. We are weak and needy creatures. Yet the

Lord thinks of us, hears our cries, brings us up out of horrible places, sets our feet

on rock, and puts a song of praise in our mouths (vv. 1–3). He is our Help and our

Deliverer. Go to Him now with praise . . . as well as with requests for deliverance

and His holy help.

We are all poor and needy. Only some of us recognize that fact.

Henry & Richard BlackabyFrom the book Being Still With God

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Day 21

For now we see only a refl ection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am

fully known.1 Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)

A s you look at the day before you, you see a twisted, complicated path, with

branches going off in all directions. You wonder how you can possibly fi nd

your way through that maze. Then you remember the One who is with you

always, holding you by your right hand. You recall My promise to guide you with

My counsel, and you begin to relax. As you look again at the path ahead, you

notice that a peaceful fog has settled over it, obscuring your view. You can see

only a few steps in front of you, so you turn your attention more fully to Me and

begin to enjoy My Presence.

The fog is a protection for you, calling you back into the present moment. Al-

though I inhabit all of space and time, you can communicate with Me only here

and now. Someday the fog will no longer be necessary, for you will have learned

to keep your focus on Me and on the path just ahead of you.

Psalm 73 : 23 –24 ; Psalm 25 : 4 – 5

Sarah YoungFrom the book Jesus Calling: Finding Peace In His Presence

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What’s Next? We hope you’ve enjoyed reading your 21-Day Pastor’s Devotional and

have been blessed by the time you’ve spent each day with God in his

Word. If you’d like to lead everyone in your church, ministry, or small

group to experience the blessing of spending some quiet time with

God each day, consider joining churches across the country in the

Jesus Calling 365-Day Challenge . With tons of FREE resources to

help you lead a successful and rewarding campaign, we are sure

every member of your church or ministry, from the youngest to the

oldest, will grow in their faith.

For more information about the Jesus Calling 365-Day Challenge , go

to www.JesusCalling.com/churches/#365-challenge


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