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Get the education you needfor a rewarding ministry career in as little as two

academic semesters, with one and two-year program

options available. Lancaster Bible College’s Master of

Arts in Ministry (MAM) concentrations are designed for

adult learners who have prior commitments to God,

family, and work. Students learn from expert faculty and

international ministry leaders through a blend of flexible

online classes and on-campus studies. Read on to get the

specifics and discover if the iLEAD Center’s Master of

Arts in Ministry program is right for you.

Contact UsLancaster Bible College 901 Eden Road Lancaster, PA 17601-5036

P 866.275.8720 or 717.560.8282

E [email protected]

Dr. Currie TilleyAssociate Dean for Masters [email protected] ext. 5457


Disclaimer: The information published here is correct at time of publishing and is subject to change. Please check our website for up-to-date information.

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MaSter of artS in MiniStryThe Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM) program prepares students for biblical servant leadership in church and church-related ministries. Through contemporary biblical and theological scholarship, this professional ministry training enables students to pursue their unique calling.

Upon graduating from the MAM program, students have the foundation necessary for a broad range of careers. Graduates have become pastors, church and parachurch staff, Christian education specialists, and student ministry specialists.

Graduates of this degree program:

• Have a character consistent with biblical servant leadership

• Serve God and humanity through the use of essential communication, leadership and management skills

• Are committed to the core beliefs and values of the Christian faith

LanCaSter BiBLe CoLLege

MiSSionLancaster Bible College exists to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.

aBoUt the inStitUtionLancaster Bible College offers a full range of collegiate programming, from noncredit biblical enrichment to undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs. Since 1933, the college’s Bible-centered education has helped students follow God’s plan for their personal and professional lives. Studies take place in a caring environment that integrates biblical teaching across a culturally diverse curriculum. Its faculty bring a wealth of academic credentials and real-world experience to each class.

LBC’s International Leadership, Education and Discipleship (iLEAD) Center offers biblically-based graduate education and non-degree learning opportunities. The iLEAD Center’s regionally-accredited graduate degree programs equip students for Christian leadership in an ever-changing world.

aCCreDitationLBC is an accredited, nondenominational institution which offers undergraduate, graduate, and non-traditional education. The institution is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). LBC is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (ABHE). Graduates from the MEd programs receive state certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. LBC also has affiliate status with the Council for Christian College & Universities (CCCU).

Lancaster Bible College is also approved by the U.S. Department of Justice for the training of nonimmigrant international students.


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PrograM DeSignGetting a graduate education doesn’t require putting your life on hold. LBC understands that you have other commitments to God, family and work. That’s why the MAM program is designed for adult learners who are employed full-time. The iLEAD Center offers convenient and flexible scheduling options to accommodate prior commitments while you continue your education.

• Designed for “Life-Engaged” Learners

“Life-engaged” learners are students who are actively engaged in family, church, and professional life while participating in the Master of Arts in Ministry program. While the program is intensive in nature, the time required on campus will not necessitate relocation or require students to leave their current leadership context. This is accomplished through a blended delivery model, combining classroom engagement with online student/professor interaction.

• A Cohort Community of Learners

The Master of Arts in Ministry is a cohort-based program. Students will enter the program with a group of no more than 18 students. This cohort follows a prescribed sequence of courses together. Because cohort learning involves a group of students who start and finish their degree together, students experience a number of educational advantages. Cohort learning, combined in a blended manner with both face-to-face and internet-enhanced learning, offers one of the most effective learning opportunities available to the graduate student. Genuine, rich, and deep relationships will be developed through the course of the program as students support and serve each other in the quest for knowledge.

• Internet-Enhanced Learning

This program combines faculty-mediated online interaction with face-to-face seminar participation. This model enables students to benefit from a range of educational delivery systems while maintaining the highest standards of academic quality. Students participate in online discussions and other learning activities led by both the professor and fellow students. On-campus interactions involve open dialogue in face-to-face seminar sessions led by nationally renowned and published faculty members. Program schedule is available online at www.lbc.edu/graduate.

PrograM oUtCoMeSThe MAM equips students for ministry in the church and society by developing:

• A foundational knowledge of the narrative, content and interpretation of the Bible for the purposes of spiritual formation and the development of a biblical worldview

• A biblical philosophy of ministry and leadership applicable to contemporary culture

• The character and competencies necessary to be an authentic servant leader

• The knowledge and skill sets necessary to lead individuals, teams, and organizations

• The skill sets necessary for assessing organizational health and strategizing plans for development

• The learning and research skills necessary for maintaining lifelong education

• The knowledge and skill sets appropriate for the selected concentration


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PrograM reqUireMentSThe Master of Arts in Ministry program with concentrations in Leadership Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Student Ministry is compromised of 48 credits (36 credits with advanced standing).

SummaryofRequirements MAM withAdvancedStanding

Biblical & Theological Foundations 12 0

Degree Core 18 18

Concentration 12 12

Field Based Experience/Open Electives 6 6

TOTAL 48 36

aDvanCeD StanDingAdvanced standing is granted to those students who have completed 30 hours or more of undergraduate Bible and theology courses. Students with less than 30 hours may receive partial advanced standing credit proportional to undergraduate Bible and theology studies completed. Advanced standing allows students to complete this degree program in one year.

2012–13 PaStoraL StUDieS SCheDULe



MIN 505 MIN 509

Theological Foundations Spiritual Formation & Discipleship

Sept 3–15 Sept 3–15

Sept 17–18 Sept 19–20

Sept 24–Oct 13 Sept 24–Oct 13


MIN 510 MIN 504

Leader’s Life & WorkCommunicating Biblical Truth

Oct 22–Nov 3 Oct 22–Nov 3

Nov 5–7 Nov 7–9

Nov 12–Dec 1 Nov 12–Dec 1


PAS 503 PAS 520

Theology, History & Practice of Worship Designing Strategic Models of Adult Discipleship

Dec 10–22 Dec 10–22

Jan 7–8 Jan 9–10

Jan 14–Feb 2 Jan 14–Feb 2


MIN 507 MIN 508

Leadership Development & Team Building Organizational Change & Conflict

Feb 11–23 Feb 11–23

Feb 25–26 Feb 27–28

Mar 4–23 Mar 4–23


PAS 502 PAS 513

Local Church Revitalization Advanced Homiletics

Apr 1–13 Apr 1–13

Apr 15–16 Apr 17–18

Apr 22–May 11 Apr 22–May 11


PAS 511 Current Issues in Ministry: Biblical Foundations and Models of Small Group Ministries

May 28–Jun 9 Jun 10–11 Jun 17–Jul 7


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PrograM CUrriCULUM

Biblical and theological foundations (12 credits) or advanced Standing (0 credits)

The Biblical and Theological Foundation requirements can be completed online

BTC 513 Biblical Hermeneutics

BTC 523 Old Testament Survey

BTC 533 New Testament Survey

BTC 543 Survey of Systematic Theology

Degree Core (18 credits)

ORI 500 Online Orientation

MIN 504 Communicating Biblical Truth or

LSP 505 The Leader as Communicator

MIN 505 Theological Foundations for Ministry

MIN 507 Leadership Development and Team Builiding

MIN 508 Organizational Change and Conflict

MIN 509 Personal Spiritual Formation & Discipleship

MIN 510 The Leaders Life & Work

field-Based experience/open electives (6 credits)Options include internships, mentorships, elective courses, research and design, or an advisor approved alternative study program.

Pastoral Studies Concentration (12 credits)

PAS 502 Local Church Revitalization

PAS 503 Theology, History & Practice of Worship

PAS 513 Advanced Homiletics

PAS 520 Designing Strategic Models of Adult Discipleship

CoUrSe DeSCriPtionS

BiBLiCaL & theoLogiCaL foUnDationSStudents with an undergraduate or graduate degree in a biblical field of study may have the following courses waived by being granted advancement standing status.

BtC 513 Biblical hermeneuticsThis course introduces the student to the basics of Bible study and hermeneutics. This course is offered online and may be taken any time during the student’s program of study. 3 credits.

BtC 523 old testament SurveyThis course introduces the student to a survey of the setting, history, books, theology, and overview of the Old Testament. This course is offered online and may be taken any time during the student’s program of study. 3 credits.

BtC 533 new testament SurveyThis course introduces the student to a survey of the setting, history, books, theology, and overview of the New Testament. This course is offered online and may be taken any time during the student’s program of study. 3 credits.

BtC 543 Survey of Systematic theologyThis course provides an overview of the various topics in systematic theology. Attention is given to the following areas: the Bible; the Trinity and the individual members of the Godhead; humanity, sin, and salvation; God’s work in the church and in the world. The course will focus on theological methods, discussing the various perspectives on these issues both throughout the history of the Christian tradition and across the current landscape. This course is offered online and may be taken any time during the student’s program of study. 3 credits.

MaSter of artS in MiniStry Degree Core CoUrSeS

Min 504 Communicating Biblical truth This course is a survey of theory and practice in contemporary communication useful in the context of biblical and theological teaching and preaching. Consideration is given to biblical content organization and teaching methodologies with hermeneutical principles. 3 credits.

Min 505 theological foundations for MinistryThis course will provide an introduction to the nature and practice of evangelical theology, with a special focus on the doctrine of ecclesiology and its application to ministry. There will also be sections on theological method and the history of evangelicalism. 3 credits.

Min 507 Leadership Development and team BuildingThis course is a study of principles necessary to recruit, equip, maintain, and motivate people in spiritual leadership and development in organizations in a team setting. Included in the content will be leadership inventories, biblical models of equipping, recruiting, various models of equipping venues for leadership development, and a focus on team building in your church or organization. 3 credits.

Min 508 organizational Change and ConflictThis course will focus on the four primary factors that impact change in local churches and business organizations. Additional focal points will include basic organizational change theory and the leadership dynamics needed to reduce conflict, and decrease organizational dysfunction. 3 credits.

Min 509 Personal Spiritual formation and DiscipleshipThis course is designed to provide practitioners with skill sets necessary for the practice of personal spiritual formation and to gain an experiential


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understanding of the process of biblical discipleship. Historic and contemporary approaches to spiritual formation and discipleship will be examined. Biblically based spiritual disciplines, such as Bible study, prayer, silence & solitude, Sabbath and rest, will be studied and implemented into one’s personal habits of life. 3 credits.

Min 510 the Leader’s Life and WorkThis course examines the pivotal issues that leaders face as they try to balance personal lives with public lives, and personal convictions and values with the demands of their position. Included in this study are topics such as the leader’s call and competencies, life-long learning habits, critical values and choices, and common stumbling blocks to leadership. 3 credits.

PaStoraL StUDieS CoUrSeS

PaS 502 Local Church revitalizationAn exploration of the issues involved in revitalizing a local church or Christian nonprofit organization, including elements related to personal spiritual development, understanding the culture of organizations, situational leadership, casting vision, goal setting, developing volunteers, and cultivating community. 3 credits.

PaS 503 theology, history, and Practice of WorshipSkill development in the preparation for and leadership of corporate worship experiences with attention to biblical and historical models, ecclesiastical and cultural contexts, and the nature, significance, and use of church music. 3 credits.

PaS 513 advanced homileticsA consideration of advanced homiletical theory and practice, with attention to contemporary relevance, audience analysis, and adaptation. 3 credits.

PaS 520 Designing Strategic Models of adult DiscipleshipThis course is designed to expose the student to Biblical principles that can guide the Christian worker in designing a holistic and contemporary discipleship ministry to adults within the local church. Topics explored will include: spiritual formation in adults, mission strategies, principles in program planning, and practical elements for designing local church discipleship strategies that facilitate life-change in adults. 3 credits.

fieLD-BaSeD StUDieS/oPen eLeCtiveSOptions include internships, mentorships, research, elective courses or an advisor approved alternative study program. Students should consult their concentration advisor for approval.

“The course work in the Pastoral Studies was among the most practical and “ready-to-apply” that I have ever

done. But perhaps the biggest impact LBC made was helping me discover who I really was as a person and as

a believer, and where God was calling me in ministry. It was through the program that I realized my passion for

family ministry and saw how I could best use my gifts and abilities to strengthen families. I love what I do as a

speaker and writer and found my mission in life because of my time at LBC.

—Scott Phillips, Director of Church Partnerships House on the Rock Family Ministries, Lancaster, PA


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reSiDent faCULtyJames ayers, PhD, Oxford University

gary J. Bredfeldt, PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Philip e. Dearborn, edD, Temple University

Deborah K. hinkel, MaM, Lancaster Bible College

Miles a. Lewis, edD, Pennsylvania State University

hal K. Pettegrew, PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

richard S. rhoads, MaLeD, Columbia Biblical Seminary

robert B. Shelley, thM, Dallas Theological Seminary

Peter W. teague, edD, Nova Southeastern University

L. Currie tilley, edD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

aDJUnCt & viSiting faCULty

Kirk Belmont, DMin, Biblical Theological Seminary

Constance Cherry, DMin, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

Douglas Curry, DMin, Wesley Theological Seminary

William P. Donahue, PhD, University of North Texas

Michael Duduit, PhD, Florida State University

Mark g. eckel, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Wesley L. feltner, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Stuart J. Levey, MBa, Western Michigan University

Will Mancini, thM, Dallas Theological Seminary

gary L. Mcintosh, PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

Stephen J. Musser, PhD, Temple University

alan e. nelson, edD, University of San Diego

Larry osborne, DMin, Talbot Theological Seminary

randal Pelton, DMin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Larry J. Purcell, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

John trent, PhD, North Texas Universities

angela J. Ward, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

PrograM faCULty

“I entered the Pastoral Studies program at LBC after more

than 25 years of fulltime ministry. I was looking for an

opportunity to be spiritually refreshed as well as prepared

for a new season of ministry—I was not disappointed. The

mixture of outstanding faculty with “real life” ministry

experience and other students from different generations

who are currently serving in a variety of ministry settings

created a broad perspective of challenging issues and a

rich learning environment. I find myself drawing daily on

the insights gained during my time at LBC as I serve in a

multigenerational church.”

– Stephen Jeanes, Teaching Pastor Calvary Bible Church, Lewistown, PA


Pastoral Studies

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Dr. Constance CherryHaving served for decades in local church ministry, Constance currently is Associate Professor of Worship and Christian Ministries at Indiana Wesleyan University. She is also on the faculty of the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. She earned her MM degree from Bowling Green State University and DMin from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is a recognized hymn writer with texts appearing in major hymnals and Hope Publishing Company has featured her work in a one-author collection of hymns, Proclaim New Hope. Constance speaks and teaches internationally in the field of worship and her most recent book is The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services.

Dr. Bill Donahue Bill Donahue is a popular conference speaker, author, and strategic voice in areas of leadership development, community building, and strategic vision and serves on the faculty of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Princeton University, an MA from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Education and Adult Learning from the University of North Texas. Bill is a prolific author having written over 15 books and study series, including: Leading Life-Changing Small Groups, Seven Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry, Walking the Small Group Tightrope, In the Company of Jesus, Coaching Life-Changing Leaders, Interactions (study series), and Building Biblical Community (DVD series). In addition to Lancaster Bible College, he continues his classroom ministry as an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Bethel Theological Seminary, and Denver Seminary.

Dr. Michael DuduitMichael serves as Dean of the College of Christian Studies and Professor of Christian Ministry at Anderson University in South Carolina. He graduated from Southern Seminary with an MDiv degree and earned his PhD in Humanities at Florida State University. A prolific writer, Michael has authored the Handbook of Contemporary Preaching, Preaching With Power, Joy in Ministry, and Communicate With Power, and is the editor of “Preaching” magazine and the email newsletter PreachingNow–a newsletter read each week by more than 20,000 pastors and church leaders in the United States and around the world. He also is the Director for the International Congress on Preaching, which has been held in 1997 at Westminster Chapel in London, 2002 at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and in 2007 at Cambridge University in England.

Will ManciniWill Mancini emerged from the trenches of local church leadership to found Auxano, a first-of-a-kind consulting ministry that focuses on vision clarity. His clients include organizations such as Leadership Network and Upward Limited, along with pastors like Church Swindoll and Max Lucado. Will’s style blends the best of three worlds: the process thinking from the discipline of engineering, the communication savy as an ad agency

executive, and the practical theology as a pastoral leader. Will received his BS from Penn State University in Chemical Engineering and a ThM in Pastoral Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of Building Leaders (with Aubrey Malphurs) and Church Unique: How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture and Create Movement.

Dr. gary McintoshAs Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Gary brings a rich balance of over 25 years of ministry consulting and pastoral experience to the graduate classroom. He was awarded the MDiv degree from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary. Gary has authored 15 books, including: One Church–Four Generations, Staff Your Church for Growth, The Exodus Principle, Look Back–Leap Forward, Creating Community, and Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership, and has written over 100 journal articles and reviews for major Christian publications.

Dr. Larry osborneLarry has served as Senior Pastor and Teaching Pastor at North Coast Church in Vista, California since 1980. This local congregation has grown from a fledgling group of 128 meeting in a school, to a multi-site ministry that reaches over 8,000 each weekend. He earned both MDiv and DMin degrees from Talbot Theological Seminary. Larry is a nationally recognized trainer of pastors, mentoring pastors and church planters across the country. He has written numerous articles in “Leadership” journal and authored The Unity Factor, Sticky Church, Spirituality For The Rest of Us, and Sticky Teams.

Dr. John trent John Trent is President of the Center for Strong Families in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and holds a PhD in Marriage & Family Counseling from North Texas State University. In addition to Marriage and Family events, Dr. Trent has performed keynote speaking at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Universal Studies, and the Walt Disney Corporation. John has authored over 30 books, including: The Languages of Love–How to Be Instantly Understood By Those You Love, The Blessing (to be featured on the radio program “Focus on the Family” spring of 2012), The Two-Degree Difference: How Small Things Can Change Everything, and Marriage and Family Counseling. John’s works have been nominated for the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s ‘Gold Medallion Award’ seventeen times and currently his books are being published in nine languages.

“StUDy With the aUthorS”gUeSt LeCtUreS anD aDJUnCt faCULty


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graDUate CertifiCate in PaStoraL StUDieSIndividuals who’ve already earned a Master’s degree or just want a unique continuing education experience may enroll in the Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Studies program. This program consists of 12 credits—the four Pastoral Studies courses—PAS 502, PAS 503, PAS 513, and PAS 520. In addition, depending on the student’s ministry focus, a PAS Elective can be substituted for one of the four required PAS courses.

“It is hard to put into words how deeply attending Lancaster

Bible College affected my life. I learned a ton of important

information about ministry practices and resources that

aided in the work that I do each day. More importantly,

though, the staff and faculty at LBC challenged me to not

just learn the necessary material, but to grow in my walk

with the Lord and as a minister in His service. They felt

that it wasn’t enough to be well informed; I needed to be

well formed. Because of this experience, I am now not only

better at my job but also a better person.”

– Debra Ross, Grow Ministry Associate Christ Church of Oak Brook, Chicago, IL


Pastoral Studies

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PerSonaL inforMation

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle

Gender Male Female Social Security No. _______________________________________________

Birthdate ________/_________/_________ Birthplace (City/State) ____________________________________________

Street Address __________________________________________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________________________ State _________ Zip ______________________

Email Address __________________________________ Home (_____) _______________ Cell (_____) _______________

Citizenship USA Other (Country) ____________________________________________________________________

If other, give type of resident

Student Visa Permanent Other ___________________________________________________________

Church Affiliation: Church name _________________________________________________________________________

Church address _______________________________________________________________________

Pastor’s name ________________________________________________________________________

Are you a member? Yes No

aCaDeMiC hiStoryList all colleges, universities, and community colleges attended:

Name of Institution City, State Dates Attended Degree

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

enroLLMent inforMation

Master of arts Marriage & Family Counseling Mental Health Counseling

Master of arts in Bible Bible

Master of arts in Ministry Adult Ministry Children & Family Ministry Church Planting

Location: Spanish River LBC/Northwood Leadership Studies Pastoral Studies Sports Ministry Student Ministry

Master of education Consulting Resource Teacher School Counseling, Elementary School Counseling, Secondary

Please check if you are alsoworking toward public school certifi cation Reading Specialist School Counseling, Elementary School Counseling, Secondary


aDMiSSionS aPPLiCation

graduate Certifi cate Programs Bible Children & Family Ministry Leadership Studies Pastoral Studies Sports Ministry Student Ministry

When do you anticipate beginning coursework? Fall Winterim Spring Summer 20________

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eMPLoyMent/MiniStry hiStory

Name of Business/Ministry City, State Job Title Dates of Service

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am essentially in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Lancaster Bible College as published in the Graduate Education catalog. (online at www.lbc.edu/graduate)

Yes No

If “No,” please indicate the area(s) on a separate sheet of paper or include with your autobiography.

CertifiCationI certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided on this application and in other admission related documents is true, accurate, complete, and is voluntarily given. I hereby give my permission for this information to be used by Lancaster Bible College for the purpose of considering my application, for academic advisement, and for maintaining student records. I fully understand that false or misleading information provided to the college as a part of this application or in the accompanying documents may invalidate the approval process or, if admission has already occurred, may be considered as sufficient grounds for dismissal and/or for the denial or the revoking of an official academic transcript and/or degree. Further, I understand that illegal drug use, homosexual activity, heterosexual misconduct, cheating, abusive behavior, and/or other actions contrary to biblical moral standards or to the college policies also stand as sufficient grounds for denial of admission and/or dismissal at any time from the college.

My signature indicates my understanding of and agreement with the conditions under which this application is made.

Signature _________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Please refer to the specific degree program in the Graduate Education catalog to ensure that all admission criteria are met and all required documents are being forwarded to the Graduate Education Office at the iLEAD Center at Lancaster Bible College.

Please enclose the nonrefundable $25 application fee payable to Lancaster Bible College with your application. Mail to: iLEAD Center, Lancaster Bible College, 901 Eden Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601-5036

Lancaster Bible College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability.

901 Eden Road | Lancaster, PA 17601-5036 | 717.560.8282 or 866.275.8720 www.lbc.edu/graduate


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PrograM eSSentiaLS

PrograM CoSt$23,000 for students who need need to take the Biblical Foundation courses. $19,000 for students with advanced standing.

Cost is approximate and includes tuition, all fees and textbooks, plus activity fees for on-campus sessions. A down payment of $500 is required. There are both monthly and semester payment plans available.

Actual program costs are established at time of acceptance.

aDMiSSion reqUireMentSStart the path to LBC enrollment by seeing if you meet the following admission requirements:

• A growing relationship with Jesus Christ

• Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution

• Official transcript of undergraduate studies with GPA of 2.75 or higher

• Major in Bible or completion of Biblical Foundations courses

• Autobiographical essay

• Two reference forms

• Completed application

• Interview with faculty member

graDUation reqUireMentSThe following requirements must be successfully completed in order to receive the Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM) degree:

1. Satisfactory completion of all course work

2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5

3. Fulfillment of all financial obligations

4. Adherence to biblical standards and ethics in living one’s lifestyle

finanCiaL aiDFinancing a college education can be overwhelming. LBC’s Financial Aid Office is here to help. Together, we’ll sort through the many sources of funding to find the right ones for you. Call 717.560.8254, or read on to learn more about several financial aid options.

To apply for federal student aid, students must be matriculated into one of the iLEAD Center’s graduate degree programs. Students must also be U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents and not in default on any prior student loans or other federal aid.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to determine eligibility for the federal student loan programs. The FAFSA may be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students must complete the FAFSA for each academic year they are enrolled in the iLEAD Center’s graduate program.

Financial aid options:

• Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan: Qualified students may borrow up to $20,500 per academic year on this 6.8% interest federal loan. Repayment of principal is deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Interest accrues while in school. To apply, students must complete the FAFSA (www.fafsa.gov) and the Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (www.studentloans.gov).

• Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan: Qualified students must be enrolled at least half-time and be credit-worthy. Annual loan amount is cost of attendance minus any other financial aid the student receives. Interest rate is 7.9%. This loan is an option if additional loan funds are needed above the $20,500 Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

• Private Educational Alternative Loan: Students must be enrolled at least half-time and be credit-worthy. Annual amount is cost of attendance minus any other financial aid the student receives. Interest rate may be either fixed or variable based on either the Prime Index or the 3 month LIBOR. For a list of suggested lenders that offer these products, go to www.elmselect.com. Students are free to select any lender of their choice.

• Veterans Educational Benefits: Eligible veterans and members of the National Guard and Reserves may use their educational benefits to pay toward their tuition at LBC. For more information, visit www.gibill.va.gov or call the VA Educational Office at 888.442.4551. The VA Certifying Official is located in the LBC Financial Aid Office.

• iLEAD Center Scholarships: A limited number of need-based graduate education scholarships are available. Applications are available at www.lbc.edu or by contacting the iLEAD Center or the Financial Aid Office. Deadline dates apply.

Contact the iLEAD Center or the Financial Aid Office at 717.560.8254 to discuss LBC tuition and the financial options that are best for you.

www.lbc.edu/graduateIs LBC in God’s plan for your life? Find out by applying today. Once you’ve completed the online application, an Assistant Director will contact you with more information. If you have questions contact the iLEAD Center.A







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Lancaster Bible College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender or disability.

901 Eden Road | Lancaster, PA 17601-5036 | 717.560.8282 or 866.275.8720 www.lbc.edu/graduate

“The flexible program format of modular and online courses for the Pastoral Study Program has provided

me with a wealth of practical, biblically based knowledge, as well as, valued connections with a network

of highly skilled small group practitioners throughout the United States and Canada. I have been

impressed with how deeply the LBC faculty care for their students. Also, I am finding the training I

received to be instantly applicable in my new role as Director of Small Groups at our local church—a

position I was asked to assume as a direct result of my studies at LBC.”

—David Warner, Director of Small Groups

Metropolitan Bible Church, Ottawa, Canada
