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Pastors Note Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. For six days you shall labor and do all your work. A New Season! While Fall does not officially start until late September, it certainly feels like the new Church season starts right away this month. Just a few dates to be sure are on your calendar: Sept 3rd: Worship Service at 9 am. Sept 10th: (aka Marigold days) Worship Service 10 am. Sept 17th: Rally Sunday. Sunday School and Confirmation start. (tacos after church!) Sept 24th: Adult Bible Study resumes (before worship). In service we will give thanks for the work of our teachers and the choir. We will also bless the prayer shawls that have been made and are ready to share. October 1st: World Communion Sunday. If you have a piece of fabric from another country that you be willing to bring in and have displayed, please let me know. There is a sign up sheet for anyone who would like to serve as liturgist in worship, or offer a children’s story sometime. If you would be willing to offer special music as part of worship, please sign up as well. Grace and Peace, Dan
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Pastors Note

Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. For six days you shall labor and do

all your work.

A New Season!

While Fall does not officially start until late September, it certainly feels like the new Church season starts

right away this month. Just a few dates to be sure are on your calendar:

Sept 3rd: Worship Service at 9 am.

Sept 10th: (aka Marigold days) Worship Service 10 am.

Sept 17th: Rally Sunday. Sunday School and Confirmation start. (tacos after church!)

Sept 24th: Adult Bible Study resumes (before worship). In service we will give thanks for the work of

our teachers and the choir. We will also bless the prayer shawls that have been made and are ready to


October 1st: World Communion Sunday. If you have a piece of fabric from another country that you be

willing to bring in and have displayed, please let me know.

There is a sign up sheet for anyone who would like to serve as liturgist in worship, or offer a children’s

story sometime. If you would be willing to offer special music as part of worship, please sign up as well.

Grace and Peace,


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Pray for those who are serving our Nation’s defense: Todd Livingston with the U.S. Air Force at Ellsworth A.F.B., South Dakota., Alex Fogal serving in the U.S. Army at Ft. Benning, GA.

Pray for those in the care centers: Evelyn Edmond, Vivian Royce, George Whiting, and Jean Wein-knecht.

Pray for Eva Brennand, Lucille Thomas and Tom Ferry in assisted living.

Pray for Ruth Swezey, Jeane Whiting, Betty Derby, Elaine Gransee, Danny Stucky, and Rachel Sev-erance for better health.


Treasurer’s Report

Jan - July 2017

2017 budget $95,517.08 Need monthly 7,959.76 Need weekly 1,836.87 Receipts 59,614 .00 Expenses 56,487.00 Balance $3,127.00

Church Information

Website: www.presbykasson.org

Emails: [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone: 634-7481

Worship 9:00 am

Changes to 10:00 am on Sept. 10.

Fellowship 10:00 am– 11:00 am on Sept. 10

The church rummage sale will be Saturday, September 30th from 8 am until noon.

You can bring rummage sale items to the church Sunday, September 24th through Wednesday, September 27th. It would be won-derful to have volunteers from 7:30 am until about 12:30 pm. If people would like to drop off plastic bags that would be great also. An angel. Any questions contact Jennifer Mittel-stadt.

1. Who planted the first garden?

2. Who was the Prophet that didn’t die, but went to Heaven on a Chariot ride?

3. Who rolled away Jesus’s tombstone?

4. What is the 4th Commandment?

Sunday School and Confirmation Class begin

Sept. 17th at 8:45 am.

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Sep. 1 Becky Brainard

Sept. 8 Judy Gransee

Sept. 10 Dallas Hrtanek

Sept. 11 Ron Carlsen, Joan Springsted

Sept. 13 Chris Brogan

Sept. 15 Dusty Heiserman

Sept. 18 Jane Heser

Sept. 19 Larry Pedersen

Sept. 20 Zach Kase, Ian Frodermann

Sept. 22 Tom Fogal, Ryan Jurgensen

Sept. 24 Al Riedel, Gen:2:8: And the LORD God planted

a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put

the man whom he had formed.

Sept. 27 Gary Bromley, Dick Wolff

Sept. 28 Carol Prenzlow, Garret Garness

Sept. 30 Judy Jones

We deliver meals on

wheels October 2-6-. If

you can help please con-

tact Sharon Law 775--

6643 or Carol Prenzlow 634-7624.

Sept. 9 Gary & Joan Bromley

Sept. 23 Chris & Ally Holtz

Happy Anniversary

In case anyone would like to send

Alex Fogal a letter….words of encouragement, his

address is:

PVT Fogal, Alexander T. RN 142, 1st PLT F TRP 5-15 CAV BLDG 4326 Fort Benning, GA 31905

What a clown!


Sunday School and Confirmation class

begin Sept. 17th at 8:45 am

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Paragraphs from the Parish Nurse

I have been meeting regularly with other local Faith Community Nurses. On Sunday October 1


from 1:00 to 3:00, we will be presenting on the Five Wishes at St. John's Luthern Church. Our congregation is welcome to attend. It is for anyone 18 years of age or older. The Five Wishes is a living will that addresses personal, emotional, spiritual, and medical needs. It lets others know how you would like to be treated if you became seriously ill. Having a living will can be helpful for family members because they don't have to guess at what you would want. Please join us on Oc-tober 1

st to learn more.

Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Amanda Froderman, RN

Communion Dates

Sunday, October 1st

Sunday, November 26th

To Larry Pedersen for making

frames for the art work in Janet’s

office. Dick Hewitt for making

book ends.

If you haven’t seen the updated office stop in!

Erv on the veteran’s float

“If you read history, you will find that the Christians who

did the most for the present world were those who

thought most of the next. It is since Christians have large-

ly ceased to think of the other world that they have be-

come ineffective in this world. Aim at heaven, and you

get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.”

-C.S. Lewis

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Our Presbyterian Women’s Retreat and meeting at Jane Carlsen’s cabin is Thurs-

day, September 21st. We will car pool from the church. A sign up sheet will be on

the PW bulletin board. Morning coffee and lunch will be planned by a committee

listed in our PW booklet. We do not have a program committee so if anyone would

like to volunteer to plan a program that would be great! Let Gayle (269-2670) or Rosalie (634-6043) know.

The Morning Circle meets at church Wednesday, September 13th at 9:30 am. Joan Springsted is hostess and

lesson leader. We are on Lesson 3-Who Is Jesus, According to Luke. If you would like to join us, please call

Joan at 634-7394.

Rally Sunday for our Sunday School is September 17th. PW is planning a Walking Taco Luncheon after wor-


Service Group # 3 serves the month of September. Please check the PW booklet to see if that is your

group; then call the co-chair and volunteer to serve coffee after a worship service. Calling them instead of

waiting to be asked is really helpful, and a very nice thing to do!

Blessing to you,

Rosalie Trom, PW Co-Moderator

25th Anniversary Celebration

Bob and Karen Tracy will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniver-

sary at the church, on September 3rd, and would like to invite you to

their open house following church. Cake and coffee will be served.

fternoon Circle meets Thursday, Sept 7th-2 pm at


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PC(USA) leaders condemn white supremacy, racism

August 14, 2017 by Presbyterian News Service

(OGA) In the wake of a weekend of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia fomented by the “alt-right,” four

top leaders of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) today issued a statement condemning white supremacy

and racism.

The leaders – General Assembly co-moderators Jan Edmiston and T. Denise Anderson, Presbyterian Mis-

sion Agency Interim Executive Director Tony De La Rosa, and General Assembly Stated Clerk J. Herbert

Nelson, II — praised the “faithful witness” of church leaders, especially those in Charlottesville, and

acknowledged that “Scripture has been misused to justify white supremacy and racism.”

The statement further declares that “White supremacy and racism stand in stark, irreconcilable contradic-

tion to God’s intention for humanity” and acknowledges the church’s historic complicity in systemic rac-

ism in the U.S. And the leaders commit the church to “stand against, speak against and work against rac-

ism and white supremacy, this day and every day.”

The full text of the statement, issued August 14:

In the aftermath of the events of August 11 and 12 in Charlottesville, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) re-

affirms its condemnation of white supremacy and racism, names them as sin, and renews its commitment

to disrupting them and working for justice and equity.

We give thanks for the presence and faithful witness of church members who stand against white su-

premacy and racism. Individually and collectively the church, including Presbyterians, stood against hate

in Charlottesville. Individually and collectively the church, including Presbyterians, works to disrupt racism

and to build racial equity in places across the country. We grieve for Heather Heyer, who was killed while

standing witness; we grieve for state police officers H. Jay Cullen and Berke Bates, who died in a helicop-

ter crash while monitoring events in Charlottesville; we pray for the recovery of all who were injured.

(Cont. on next page)

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We acknowledge that Scripture has been misused to justify white supremacy and racism. However, we pro-

claim that the Bible’s message presents a far more consistent and insistent witness to God’s love for diver-

sity and justice. This may be observed in God’s delight in the varied creation; heard in the words of proph-

ets who reject oppression and commend justice as true worship; seen in the life and ministry of Jesus

Christ, who values all persons regardless of any aspect of their identity; and experienced through the work

of the Holy Spirit, who consistently blows through all the divisions we create, to reveal God’s love for all


White supremacy and racism stand in stark, irreconcilable contradiction to God’s intention for humanity.

They reject part of the human family and are utterly contrary to God’s Word made incarnate in Jesus. They

are idolatries that elevate human-created hierarchies over God’s freely given grace and love. They are lies

about the human family, for they seek to say that some people are less than other people. They are lies

about God because they falsely claim that God favors some people over the entirety of creation.

But as we give thanks, we acknowledge the church’s complicity in the creation of white supremacy and rac-

ism. We confess the church’s failure in challenging and disrupting white supremacy and racism. Too often

we have accepted the status quo. Too often we have stood silent in the face of injustice and oppression.

By God’s grace may we remember the events in Charlottesville; repent of our acquiescence and failures;

and renew our commitment to proclaim and live the good news of Jesus Christ. May that commitment lead

us to stand against, speak against and work against racism and white supremacy, this day and every day.

May it be so. Amen.

Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Tony De La Rosa

Interim Executive Director – Presbyterian Mission Agency

Rev. T. Denise Anderson & Rev. Dr. Jan Edmiston

Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016)

The prayer shawl ministry group will

be meeting every Tuesday at 10 am

until further notice. There will be lots

of laughter and giggling during this

time. They can be crocheted, knitted

or tied. Please join us!

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




Pastor Brekke

Tracy’s 25th Anniversary open house

4 Labor Day 5 Prayer Shawl Group 10:00 am

6 7

Afternoon circle

2:00 pm

8 9


Worship begins at 10:00 am

11 12 Prayer Shawl Group 10:00 am

13 Morning circle 9:30 am

Session meets 6 pm

Choir practice 7 pm

14 15 16

17 Rally Sunday

Walking Taco Lunch

Rev. Mead

18 Deacons meet

19 Prayer Shawl Group 10:00 am


Newsletter Deadline 8 am

Choir practice 7 pm

21 PW Retreat at Carlsen cabin

22 23

24 25 26 Prayer Shawl Group 10:00 am


Choir practice


28 29 30

Rummage Sale



Pastor Dan on vacation Aug. 28-Sept. 4

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September Facts, Fun Facts and Historical Facts:

September is the 9th month of the year and marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern hemisphere

and the start of spring in the Southern hemisphere.

The name September comes from the Latin septem for seven, since this was the seventh month of the

Roman calendar. The month was named during a time when the calendar year began with March, which

is why its name no longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Septem-

ber starts on the same day of the week as December each year, but does not end on the same day of the

week as any other month in the year.

There are 30 days in the month of September.

September has three birth flowers: the forget-me-not, the morning glory and the aster. Forget-me-nots

represent love and memories, asters represent love as well, and the morning glory represents unrequited

love. These are all very passionate flowers.

The birth stone for the month is the sapphire.

September 5th: National Cheese Pizza Day

September 9th: National Teddy Bear Day

September 16th: National Play-Doh Day

September 19th: International "Talk Like A Pirate Day"

September 1st, 1830: The poem "Mary had a Little Lamb" was published.

September 2, 1666: The Great Fire of London occurred.

September 5, 1774: The 1st Continental Congress was called to order.

September 5th, 1961: President John F. Kennedy signed a hijacking bill, making air piracy a crime punisha-

ble by death or imprisonment.

September 8, 1974: Former President Richard M. Nixon was given an unconditional pardon, for his role in

the infamous "Watergate" fiasco by President Gerald Ford.

September 9, 1776: The Continental Congress changed the name of the United Colonies to the United


September 11, 2001: The United States was attacked by terrorists. Almost 3,000 people in New York,

Pennsylvania and Washington DC died because of the attacks that took place on that day.

September 14, 1901: President William McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901 while attending the

Buffalo Pan-American Exposition in New York. He passed away eight days later on.

September 18, 1851: The New York Times published it first edition.

September 24th, 1789: The US Supreme Court was established.
