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Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March...

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Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th
Page 1: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

Pat BonserProduct Readiness

OpenEdge® 10.1AIntroduction & Overview

PUG NorwayLillehammerMarch 16th & 17th

Page 2: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation2March 2006, PUG Norway

What is OpenEdge 10 Anyway?

A roadmap for how applications will be defined, developed, deployed, managed and integrated

A project involving 4 application development strategies• Advanced business logic capabilities

• Integration capabilities

• User interface independence

• Database capabilities

An initiative to bring SOA concepts to reality

Page 3: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation3March 2006, PUG Norway

Focus on Best Practices

Beyond 10.1

OpenEdge 10.1

Focus onProductivity

OpenEdge 10 Roadmap for SOA

Focus onEnablement

OpenEdge 10.0

Page 4: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation4March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge 10 Delivery Concept

For Any Capability…

Then Automate It

Work on Making it Easier

Start by Making It Possible

Page 5: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation5March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge Phasing and Objectives

OpenEdge 10For Any Capability…

Phase I: Start by Making It Possible

OpenEdge 10.0A OpenEdge 10.0B

Phase III: Then Automate ItThe Future

Phase II: Work on Making it EasierOpenEdge 10.1A

Page 6: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation6March 2006, PUG Norway

Phase I: Start by Making It Possible

OpenEdge Phasing and Objectives

OpenEdge 10

Phase III: Then Automate It

Phase II: Work on Making it Easier

For Any Capability…

OpenEdge 10.0A OpenEdge 10.0B

OpenEdge 10.1A

The Future

Page 7: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation7March 2006, PUG Norway

Renewed emphasis on thin client Increased Open Client capabilities Enhanced UI capabilities UI Independence

Continued emphasis on Web services Tools for Service Interface generation Enhanced integration with Sonic


Core services for business applications Tools for Business Logic Improvements in language productivity

Business logic

OpenEdge 10.1x: Emphasis on Productivity

Performance, performance, performance Availability, scalability, reliability Continued growth of SQL


Page 8: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation8March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge 10.1A

OpenEdge® Architect Object-Oriented Extensions to the 4GL (ABL) Core Business Services – Auditing for OpenEdge®

Consuming Web services Open Client OpenEdge Connectivity to


OpenEdge® RDBMS OpenEdge® SQL

Platforms & 64bit Support Packaging & Installation Diagnostics & Logging

Language & UI XML ProDataSets

Page 9: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation9March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge Architect

Simplifies Designing, Developing, and Testing

Open Edge Architect is an integrated development environment tailored for building applications using an architected, business-logic centric


Open Edge Architect is an integrated development environment tailored for building applications using an architected, business-logic centric


Page 10: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation10March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge Architect Fundamentals

Eclipse Open Source Platform




Page 11: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation11March 2006, PUG Norway

Key Contents of OpenEdge Architect

Project Based Development

DB Navigator

Meta Catalog

T4BL (Tools for Business Logic)

OpenEdge Architect


Database Navigator


Page 12: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation12March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge Architect Meta Catalog

Supports developers in analyzing the impact of code changes - how code is related to other code

Focuses on the needs of developers navigating large amounts of code making up a complex application

Provides significant productivity benefits to developers in their day-to-day work

Page 13: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation13March 2006, PUG Norway

What are T4BL ?

Visual design tools for the development of business objects• Business objects that represent data elements and

business logic that provide application functionality

Tools to model business objects which can be used to generate ABL application code• Using T4BL component models

– ABL code can generated which can then be used/reused in OpenEdge applications

Supports the OpenEdge Reference Architecture

Tools for Business Logic

Page 14: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation14March 2006, PUG Norway

Code/Model Development

Visual/Graphically OrientedText/Code Oriented

Code-centric Model-centric

Code written by hand can easily be transformed into visual model components

Model components can be visually edited and the code

elements will reflect the change

Code/Model Development

Accommodate a wide range of development styles

Page 15: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation15March 2006, PUG Norway

Code/Model Round Trip


DEFINE DATASET CustOrdLin FOR ttCust,ttOrder,ttOrdlinDATA-RELATION Customer_Order FOR ttCust,ttOrder RELATION-FIELDS (CustNum,CustNum)DATA-RELATION Order_OrderLine FOR ttOrder,ttOrdlin RELATION-FIELDS (OrderNum, OrderNum).




BUFFER ttCust:BATCH-SIZE = NumCusts.

Code can be created or edited at any time

Code is not dependent on a model

Code elements can be transformed into

model elements at any time

Models create structure and code that can be edited

Based on Templates and Rules











Page 16: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation16March 2006, PUG Norway

Business Logic Tool Set

Component Designer• Graphical editor

• Used to create and edit components

Application Schema Explorer• Provides a view to efficiently locate building blocks

• Promotes reuse of code

Page 17: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation17March 2006, PUG Norway

3rd Party Plug-ins

Over 300 plug-ins available today• Provides vast array of customization options

Examples of available plug-ins include • Modeling, SCM, Additional Languages



Page 18: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation18March 2006, PUG Norway

3rd Party Plug-ins

http://www.eclipse.org/community/ http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/

Page 19: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation19March 2006, PUG Norway

Progress 4GL becomes OpenEdge ABL (Advanced Business Language)

A procedure-oriented and object-oriented language for next-generation business applications

Blends the best of business-purposed 4GL and object-oriented language features• Procedure-orientation for easier process design

• Object-orientation for business object design & reuse

Object-Oriented Extensions to the 4GL

Page 20: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation20March 2006, PUG Norway

Object-Oriented Extensions

Promotes Reuse, Maintainability, and Robustness

Enabling developers to model applications the way they think about them

- Encapsulating the data and the operations that manipulate it

Class: Order

PRIVATE: ordNum AS INT CalculatePrice ( )PROTECTED: CalculateTax ( )PUBLIC: InitOrder ( ) GetOrderTotal ( )

Class: InternalOrder INHERITS Order

PUBLIC: GetOrderTotal ( )

Page 21: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation21March 2006, PUG Norway

Object-Oriented Extensions

The OO Extensions support the concepts of• Encapsulation• Inheritance • Polymorphism• Delegation

Promotes Reuse, Maintainability, and Robustness

“… have been designed to complement the 4GL, and are meant to be combined and integrated with

‘traditional’ procedures, when it makes sense to do so. The object-oriented enhancements extend the

core values of the 4GL, not replace them.”

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© 2006 Progress Software Corporation22March 2006, PUG Norway

A Logical Model





EncapsulationData Members


Page 23: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation23March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge 10.1 provides an Auditing Framework that can supply an uninterrupted trail of an application

client’s access to its operations and data

Low application impact• Minimal, if any, application changes necessary

Application Access Auditing• Full control over data and non-data events

Database Access Auditing• Works for native and SQL access• Create/Update/Delete, Schema changes, Utilities . . .

Secure access to audit logs• Easy reporting and monitoring capabilities

Core Business Services – Auditing for OpenEdge®

Page 24: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation24March 2006, PUG Norway

High Performance Solution for “Who did what, when?”

Guaranteed non- repudiable audit trail

Only audits what is needed

Relationally stored audit data for easy reporting

Seamless access across the ABL and SQL




Core Business Services – Auditing for OpenEdge®

Page 25: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation25March 2006, PUG Norway

Language Enhancements

UNDO of *LOBS Parameter passing NUM-REFERENCES attribute Short-hand syntax for dynamic references DBTYPE evaluation by preprocessor Static Widget IDs

. . .

… A language that is as powerful and easy to use

for SOA applications as the original language

was for host-based applications

Page 26: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation26March 2006, PUG Norway

Language - UI Enhancements

XP Look• Buttons with Labels• Buttons with Images• Rectangles• Browses• Resizable Windows Status Area

Manifest file• prowin32.exe.manifest • prowc.exe.manifest


Page 27: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation27March 2006, PUG Norway

Language – XML Enhancements

SAX Writer Object• Allows Progress developers to stream XML,

significantly reducing memory requirements

• Supports the handling of very large XML documents

XML Schema Validation• Allows the parser to validate XML documents to

the grammar rules described in the schema

Page 28: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation28March 2006, PUG Norway

Language – ProDataSet Enhancements

To/From XML Documents XML Related Attributes XML Schema to 4GL Tool Parameter Passing Enhancements ROW-UPDATE Event

Page 29: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation29March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge® RDBMS

Multi-threaded utilities AI Management Availability features Replication Failback Log file format DBTool

Page 30: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation30March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge® SQL

Performance Type 4 JDBC Driver J2EE/JTA Online Schema Changes Schema Management SQL99 Array Data Type

Page 31: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation31March 2006, PUG Norway

Consuming Web services

Improved Complex Data Support• ProDataSet and Temp-Table

– Serialized as an XML document– Deserialize XML document

Analyzer will indicate if mapping is possible

Unwrapped Wrapped Document Literal• Simplified programming

– Multiple simple parameters easier to work with than one complex document

• Improved interoperability with 4GL Web Services

Page 32: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation32March 2006, PUG Norway

Open Client

Java Service Data Objects• “ProDataSets for Java”

OpenAPI• Run procedures on the AppServer without a proxy

• A set of classes used in place of generated proxies– One set of classes for .NET Open Client– One set of classes for Java Open Client

Page 33: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation33March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge Connectivity to SonicMQ®

Symbiotic Adapter for SonicMQ• SonicMQ BrokerConnect• SonicMQ ClientConnect• SonicMQ ServerConnect

Simplified Installation

New APIs to support for SonicMQ 6 features• Client persistence• Fault tolerance• Service-based message selectors • Serialized connection objects

Increased ease of use, robustness, and performance – ensuring Sonic as the core integration choice

Page 34: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation34March 2006, PUG Norway

Platforms & 64bit Support

Native Linux 64bit Port • Ported RedHat AS 3.0 Linux• Certified SuSe Enterprise 9

32bit & 64bit r-code• UNIX/Linux customers need to decide….

– Portability Vs. Native 64bit

Maintain Database & Network Portability• Databases compatible between 32bit and 64bit

– 32bit created Databases work on 64bit platforms

• 32bit Clients can access 64bit Servers

Full support for 64bit platforms with 64bit r-code

Page 35: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation35March 2006, PUG Norway

Packaging & Installation

Packaging• New Product

– OpenEdge Architect

• DVD media

• Samples moved to PDF CD

Installation & Configuration • Silent installs can be customized and embedded

• Easier to update licenses

• Skip on install

• Help on install dialogs

Page 36: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation36March 2006, PUG Norway

Diagnostics & Logging

Diagnostic Tools• User logging

Logging• New methods on LOG-MANAGER system handle


Page 37: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation37March 2006, PUG Norway

OpenEdge 10.1A

Summary & Questions

OpenEdge® Architect Object-Oriented Extensions to the 4GL (ABL) Core Business Services – Auditing for OpenEdge®

Consuming Web services Open Client OpenEdge Connectivity to


OpenEdge® RDBMS OpenEdge® SQL

Platforms & 64bit Support Packaging & Installation Diagnostics & Logging

Language & UI XML ProDataSets

Page 38: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation38March 2006, PUG Norway

Driving towards Competitive Applications

10.0 - 10.1


New data types

Web Services

XP Look





Data Management

Product Directions

OpenEdge Architect

Page 39: Pat Bonser Product Readiness OpenEdge ® 10.1A Introduction & Overview PUG Norway Lillehammer March 16 th & 17 th.

© 2006 Progress Software Corporation39March 2006, PUG Norway

Fulfillment for Competitive Applications

10.0 - 10.1

Data ManagementAuditing Scalability and Capacity

LanguageNew data types Complete the OO features

ServersWeb Services Easier Integration and SOA

User InterfaceXP Look New User Interface

ToolsOpenEdge Architect T4BL and UI Tools





Data Management

10.1 and Beyond

Product Directions
