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Patch Addams English

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  • 8/11/2019 Patch Addams English


    {1531}{1601}All of life is a coming home.{1603}{1705}Salesmen, secretaries, coal miners,|beekeepers, sword swallowers--{1707}{1753}all of us.{1755}{1833}All the restless hearts|of the world...{1835}{1905}all trying|to find a way home.{1958}{2040}It's hard to describe|what I felt like then.{2041}{2124}Picture yourself walking|for days in a driving snow.{2125}{2196}You don't even know|you're walking in circles--{2197}{2268}the heaviness of your legs|in the drifts;{2269}{2326}your shouts|disappearing into the wind.{2328}{2381}How small you can feel.{2383}{2450}How far away home can be.{2861}{2910}Home.{2912}{2994}The dictionary defines it|as both a place of origin...{2996}{3045}and a goal or destination.{3080}{3126}And the storm?{3128}{3194}The storm was all in my mind.{3196}{3250}Or, as the poet Dante put it...{3252}{3341}"ln the middle of the journey of my life|I found myself in a dark wo

    od...{3342}{3401}for I had lost|the right path."{3428}{3495}Eventually I would find|the right path...{3497}{3565}but in the most unlikely place.{4328}{4374}How many fingers|do you see?{4376}{4434}You crazy--|Stop sneakin' up on me like that.{4436}{4477}How many?{4479}{4542}- Four.|- Four?{4544}{4602}Four?{4604}{4650}Another idiot.{4678}{4728}You gon' love it here.{4753}{4812}Got a new one, Jane.|Hunter Adams.{4813}{4884}Self-committed. Suicidal.|Slate him with Dr. Prack.{4885}{4932}All right.{5110}{5185}Hey, Rudy!|What's the word, my man?{5187}{5272}He ain't left that bed in three weeks.|He won't give you any trouble.{5274}{5352}He needs another bedpan. They're in|the closet. Wake-up is 7:00 a.m.{5353}{5400}Excuse me.{5401}{5473}Is there any way|I could have my own room?{5507}{5558}Oh, absolutely.{5560}{5625}Just call the concierge and ask|for a suite overlooking the fountain.{5627}{5685}No, l-l prefer|the cabana room.{5687}{5736}Get some sleep.

    {6001}{6048}Hi.{6093}{6142}Hi.{6231}{6277}You're, um...{6306}{6394}you're a lot... fuzzier|than my last roommate.{6396}{6434}Oh. Yeah.{6436}{6482}Keeps me warm.{6508}{6569}Aaaah!{6621}{6684}- What's wrong?|- Get 'em away!{6686}{6754}- Get what away?|- Get 'em-- Get 'em away!{6756}{6816}- Okay, I'm gonna have to--|- You traitor!{6817}{6916}You brought 'em with you|when you opened the door!{6918}{6985}Who?{7033}{7104}We need help in here!{7105}{7152}Somebody!{7213}{7260}- All right.|- No! No! No!{7261}{7358}They'll get me! Don't take me down!|They'll get me! No!

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    {7360}{7430}Don't let the squirrels get me!|Please!{7432}{7473}Don't let the squirrels get me!{7547}{7617}That was a squirrel bite!{7619}{7669}Squirrels.{7725}{7796}My father died when I was nine.{7797}{7896}He was in the army.|He wasn't home very much.{7923}{7993}Two weeks before he died...{7995}{8065}he told me that|in the Korean War...{8067}{8125}it felt like|he'd lost his soul.{8127}{8213}All this time|I thought it was me.{8215}{8309}I moved seven times|in the last year.{8311}{8373}I've, uh, had several jobs.{8419}{8465}Nothing seemed to fit.{8467}{8513}I don't seem to fit.{8575}{8656}And when your father died,|how did that make you feel?{8657}{8724}I don't know.|I was nine.{8761}{8841}It was like there was|this distinction, suddenly...{8843}{8913}between you|and the rest of the world.{8915}{8961}I looked around me.

    {8963}{9048}Life went on|just like it did before.{9050}{9129}But it wasn't|like it was before.{9130}{9201}My uncle helped.|He would visit.{9202}{9249}He at least listened.{9289}{9337}And I thought...{9339}{9458}if I could light my own farts I could|fly to the moon, or at least Uranus.{9460}{9544}But if I couldn't do that at least|I could use my penis as a pogo stick...{9546}{9617}and that might be a way|of getting around.{9618}{9673}I'm sorry?{9675}{9721}Yes, that's good.|Mm-hmm.{9765}{9848}Well, I think you're making|fine progress, Hunter.|We'll talk laterin group.{9874}{9921}Thank you.{10131}{10237}Four. Four? Four!{10239}{10318}Ohh! Four! Ohh!{10320}{10417}You are all insane!|lnsane! Four!{10419}{10469}Arthur Mendelson.{10503}{10549}The Arthur Mendelson?{10551}{10602}Brand Beaton lndustries.{10604}{10674}Guy was one of the most|innovative minds of our time.{10676}{10746}Look at him now.|He can't even count the windows.{10797}{10868}God. What happened to him?|Why is he here?{10869}{10958}Self-committed. Genius syndrome.|Howard Hughes-type shit.{10960}{11044}Constantly digging into the|creative potential of the human mind.{11106}{11161}I guess he dug too deep.{11162}{11209}This is real wood.{11211}{11272}Rowff!{11350}{11436}W-Why are we meeting in here?|It's cramped.{11438}{11521}Well, Everton, we're meeting in here|so that Rudy can participate.{11522}{11593}- It's cramped.|- Does anyone else|have a thought on that?{11595}{11676}- Cramped!|- I think he has a question.{11725}{11808}Do you find that funny, Hunter,|making fun of a man's infirmity?{11809}{11872}Maybe he does have a question.|He's alive.{11873}{11944}- He's catatonic.|- Well, he still has a brain.{11945}{12012}- Maybe he wants to participate too.|- Yeah.{12013}{12060}Maybe he has a question.{12061}{12108}Yeah, maybe.{12109}{12162}Maybe he knows why we're cramped!{12236}{12322}Maybe Beany knows a lot more|than we give him credit for.

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    {12324}{12393}Excuse me. Beany?|Which way is heaven?{12395}{12441}That's correct!{12443}{12478}That'll be enough, Hunter.{12480}{12553}Beany, how much taller|is Wilt Chamberlain than you?{12555}{12606}- Right.{12608}{12684}Hey, Beany! Beany!|Where's the ceiling?{12685}{12741}That's enough. Stop it.{12742}{12804}Where do the birds fly, Beany?{12805}{12852}How do you say hello to Hitler?{12853}{12945}Beany, how does Hitler say hello?{12979}{13084}How do you check|an elephant for a hernia?{13085}{13165}Who would win a staring contest?|Beany!{13167}{13214}Who-- Who farted?{13216}{13266}Beany!{13268}{13337}- Who likes to masturbate?|- Yea!{13338}{13385}I do! I do!{13387}{13481}Hey, Beany, how does an|one-armed referee say "field goal"?{13483}{13522}Ha ha! Hey, Beany!{13524}{13605}Ciao, Beany!|Arigato, Beany!

    {13606}{13653}Bye, Beany.{13713}{13763}It was a really good session,|I thought.{14148}{14195}May I come in?{14226}{14284}If you bend your medial|collateral ligaments...{14286}{14344}and place one talus|in front of another...{14346}{14404}I don't see where|you'd have a problem.{14406}{14476}Of course, if there were a news story|covering this event...{14478}{14551}the headline might read:|"Small Brain Enters Room."{14611}{14679}The fingers.|What's the answer?{14680}{14751}Oh, you're another one of|those bright young fellows...{14752}{14823}who always know the right answer,|is that it?{14824}{14876}Welcome to real life.{15728}{15774}How many do you see?{15835}{15905}- There are four fingers, Arthur.|- No, no, no. Look at me.{15907}{15949}What?{15951}{15997}Y-You're focusing|on the problem.{15999}{16073}If you focus on the problem,|you can't see the solution.{16075}{16151}Never focus on the problem.|Look at me!{16183}{16245}How many do you see?{16285}{16371}No, look beyond the fingers.{16373}{16420}How many do you see?{16553}{16600}Eight.{16601}{16673}Eight. Eight.|Yes! Yes!{16675}{16746}Eight's a good answer.|Yes.{16748}{16805}See what no one else sees.{16807}{16872}See what everyone else|chooses not to see...{16874}{16947}out of fear|and conformity and laziness.{16949}{17028}See the whole world anew|each day.{17064}{17135}Ah, the truth is,|you're well on the way.{17136}{17207}If you didn't|see something here...{17208}{17287}besides a crazy,|bitter old man...{17288}{17359}you wouldn't have come|in the first place.{17443}{17513}What do you see|when you look at me, Arthur?{17615}{17661}You fixed my cup.{17699}{17745}I'll see you around...{17776}{17823}Patch.{18009}{18068}Rudy, stop.{18069}{18128}You're throwing off|my rhythm.{18129}{18176}You'll go blind.{18204}{18267}- Please.|- I have to go to the bathroom.{18269}{18364}Then go. It's right over there,|15 feet away.

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    {18365}{18460}- I would, but--|- But what? The squirrels?{18462}{18520}- How many?|- There's only one just now.{18552}{18627}You can't go to the bathroom|because of one squirrel?{18628}{18696}If I get off the bed,|he'll get the others.{18726}{18772}That's not the point.{18774}{18820}They're squirrels.{18822}{18871}Squirrels, Rudy.{18872}{18967}- They're one of the most amiable|creatures on the planet.|- Oh, no, they're not.{18968}{19039}On the list of hostile predators,|they're right above the bottom...{19040}{19103}just above baby chicks|and slugs.{19104}{19164}What could they possibly want?|Your nuts?{19190}{19248}- Do you think?|- Oh, Rudy.{19250}{19324}- Come on, I'll take you.|- Don't move.{19326}{19404}- Don't move.|- Another one?{19440}{19519}It's on the end of your bed,|on the rail.{19617}{19688}Be careful.|It's gonna jump.{19977}{20039}- There's one, at the end of the bed!|- Bang!

    {20040}{20111}There's one runnin'|across the sprinkler!{20112}{20168}- Boom!|- In back of the door!|Back of the door!{20170}{20240}Coming out of the bathroom!{20242}{20300}Bathroom! Bathroom!|Bathroom! Bathroom!{20302}{20359}Yea!{20361}{20451}Eat lead, fur bag!|Blam! Ha-ha!{20452}{20535}- You're cured-- Aaah!|- You've got one on your shoulder!{20536}{20599}Get it off me! Get it off me!{20601}{20681}Get it off me! Aaaah!{20720}{20791}We need more cover!|They're comin' in the back door!{20792}{20877}- Get under cover, Rudy!|- Build a fort! Build a fort!|We can build a fort!{20879}{20981}- We need a fort!|- Aaah! Down! Get down!{21072}{21118}They're gone.{21120}{21190}I think it's safe to go|to the bathroom, Rudy. Come on.{21192}{21254}- No, it's too risky.|- No.{21256}{21302}Not when you have...{21328}{21374}this.{21376}{21446}- A bazooka.|- Yeah.{21448}{21494}Load.{21604}{21681}- Let's do it!|- Aaaah!{22100}{22146}Yes.{22340}{22387}I'd like to leave.{22424}{22500}Hunter, we'll have to discuss this|at your scheduled time.{22502}{22548}I'm leaving.{22575}{22621}Have you thought|about what you'll do?{22623}{22681}I want to help people.{22683}{22766}Last night with Rudy,|I connected to another human being.{22768}{22871}I want more of that.|I want to learn about people,|help them withtheir troubles.{22872}{22928}- That's what I do.|- But you suck at it.{22930}{23000}You don't even look at people|when they're talking.{23002}{23064}I want to listen,|really listen to people.{23066}{23175}I can't allow you to leave. I believe|you still have some issues to work out.{23176}{23259}Ah. Well, I don't need your permission|because I admitted myself.{23260}{23307}- Hunter.|- Mm-hmm?{23308}{23391}I must warn you|my report will read "A.M.A."--{23392}{23468}that you were signed out of this|hospital "against medical advice."{23470}{23544}And my report will read|"l.D.G.A.R.A."

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    {23546}{23604}"l don't give a rat's ass."{23638}{23684}And my name is Patch.{24534}{24593}Hello.|How you doin'?{24594}{24641}How do you do?{24696}{24754}Hey, this is a nice room.{24756}{24842}- May I help you?|- Yeah, I could really use|a foot massage rightnow.{24876}{24922}Rephrasing:|What are you doing here?{24924}{24982}I'm your new roommate.|I-l'm moving in.{25037}{25141}I don't mean to be rude,|but aren't you a little old|to be starting medical school?{25143}{25216}You know, Babe Ruth was 39|when he joined the Yankees.{25217}{25264}- No, he wasn't.|- You're right.{25265}{25364}But I could really use|an example like that, and if|you ever findone, let me know.{25408}{25463}Hi. Patch Adams.{25465}{25523}Mitch Vroman.|Georgetown University.{25525}{25597}I was awarded the William F. Thompson|Scientific Achievement Award.

    {25599}{25645}Mmm. Emerson Elementary.{25647}{25739}I once drew a picture of a rabbit|that got me two gold stars.{25791}{25871}I'm gonna go|back over there now.{25969}{26047}First do no harm.{26049}{26153}What is implicit in this|simple precept of medicine?{26180}{26231}An awesome power.{26233}{26291}The power to do harm.{26326}{26382}Who gives you this power?{26384}{26434}The patient.{26436}{26515}A patient will come to you|at his moment of greatest dread..{26517}{26609}hand you a knife and say,|"Doctor, cut me open."{26610}{26657}Why?{26659}{26711}Because he trusts you.{26713}{26793}He trusts you|the way a child trusts.{26795}{26914}He trusts you|to do no harm.{26916}{26979}The sad fact is...{26981}{27040}human beings|are not worthy of trust.{27066}{27113}It is human nature to lie...{27114}{27193}take shortcuts,|to lose your nerve, get tired...{27194}{27252}make mistakes.{27253}{27340}No rational patient would|put his trust in a human being...{27341}{27400}and were not gonna let him!{27401}{27452}It is our mission here...{27454}{27551}to rigorously and ruthlessly|train the humanity out of you...{27553}{27609}and make you|into something better.{27641}{27712}We're gonna make doctors|out of you.{28112}{28158}Two years of studying.{28160}{28230}I thought we'd have more contact|with patients. Didn't you?{28232}{28278}Hi. I'm Patch.{28280}{28338}You've just experienced|a North American greeting...{28340}{28398}whereby one person offers|a verbal label to another...{28400}{28458}as an expression|of welcome and friendship.{28460}{28511}Lesbian. Ball-buster.|Airhead. Leech.{28513}{28583}Whichever one of these disgusts|you the most, take your pick.{28585}{28631}- Well--|- Please pass the word.{28633}{28715}I am not here to date. I am not|here to flirt. I'm here to study.{28765}{28811}Thank you.{28813}{28895}I thought only I could repel women|with that kind of raw efficiency.{28897}{28963}Well, you just met your match.{28965}{29019}- Patch Adams.|- Truman Schiff.

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    {29021}{29079}Nice to meet you, Truman.{29081}{29131}Will you go out with me?{29223}{29286}May I ask you one question?{29288}{29372}- Do you buy everything|the dean was saying today?|- What do you mean?{29373}{29432}I mean, that whole|drill sergeant thing.{29433}{29511}"We're gon' make doctors|out of you medical scum.{29513}{29571}- Now drop down and give me 20."|- Mm-hmm.{29573}{29610}That whole marine thing.{29612}{29682}We're not even gonna see|a patient until the third year.{29684}{29730}Up until then,|it's just memorizing facts.{29732}{29778}-Why don't they just shove the book up--|-Hamburger?{29780}{29876}Right here on the colon. That's where|it's going anyway. Thanks very much.{29878}{29943}- So, why do you wanna be a doctor?|- I want to help.{29945}{30042}I want to connect with people.|A doctor interacts with people|at their most vulnerable.{30044}{30122}He offers treatment,|but he also offers counsel and hope.{30124}{30194}That's why I love the idea|of being a doctor.

    {30167}{30245}I've always been fascinated by|the development of the human mind.{30247}{30299}Ah. Pumping neurons.{30300}{30359}We start out so open|and spontaneous.{30360}{30443}We're real individuals. Then somewhere|along the way we're drawn to conform.{30444}{30531}- It's as if we're conditioned|by programmed responses.|- Well, that's true.{30532}{30603}But sometimes you can alter|the programmed response...{30604}{30703}just by changing some of the conditions,|altering the parameters.{30705}{30751}Let me show you.{30779}{30825}We'll call it|the "hello" experiment.{30827}{30885}The goal will be to break through|programmed response...{30887}{30933}by changing normal parameters...{30935}{30978}and getting a new emotional response|from the person.{30980}{31026}Ready to enter data.{31069}{31116}Hello.{31117}{31171}Hi.{31266}{31312}Wait.|I don't get it.{31314}{31365}"Hi" is a programmed response.{31367}{31428}- I reached her.|- You scared her.{31430}{31506}No. Wait.|Wait for it.{31535}{31593}Oh, you're nuts.{31595}{31655}A smile.{31657}{31719}Ten seconds.|Victory.{31721}{31775}There's more.|Come, my friend.{31814}{31860}- Howdy!|- Hi.{31862}{31908}See?|Response time is diminishing.{31910}{31968}Yesterday I made|12 random phone calls.{31970}{32052}I talked to one man named Dale for|three hours. He told me amazing things.{32054}{32124}But what does this all prove,|other than you're out of your mind?{32126}{32196}What's the difference between|a doctor and a scientist?{32198}{32244}And don't say salary.{32246}{32328}People. Hmm? We want to become doctors|because we want to help people.{32330}{32376}I want to be|a pediatrician.{32378}{32424}Okay, little people.{32426}{32508}The point is, we have to treat|the patient as well as the disease.{32510}{32632}That's why we have to dive into people,|wade into the sea of humanity, Truman.{32634}{32695}Ballroom seven,|right upstairs on your left.

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    {32697}{32792}- You guys with|the meat packers convention?|- Yes, sir!{32793}{32840}Right up the stairs.|Ballroom seven.{32841}{32912}- Hey! Does a chicken have lips?|- You'll find out upstairs!{32913}{32974}Like a bulldog|on a pork chop!{33252}{33322}You know, in New Zealand|they found a whole new use for sheep.{33324}{33370}- What's that?|- Wool!{33400}{33471}You're funny!|You kill me! You kill me!{33472}{33519}- I love you!|- Oh, daddy!{33520}{33591}And you-- I bet you've heard that too!|Come here! Ha ha!{33592}{33656}- "Herd" it? That's a goat joke!|- Ohh!{33884}{33931}- Thank you.|- Thank you.{33997}{34050}On your meat!{34052}{34110}Get set! Go!{34157}{34234}Ohh! Yeah!{34260}{34315}I won!{34387}{34475}Pork packers,|rump wrappers, bull shippers,{34476}{34545}Iend me your steers!{34624}{34747}You know, we packers have been|taking a bad rap for years.{34748}{34807}Yeah!

    {34808}{34907}Because we all want to be|the best damn packers there are!{34909}{34982}- Yeah!|- Yeah!|- I'm proud of my meat!{34984}{35043}- And I know you're proud of your meat!|- Yeah!{35045}{35115}- Whip it, zip it and send it out!|- Yeah!{35164}{35215}You know,|some people say chicken.{35216}{35245}- No!|- No!{35247}{35302}- Some people say fish.|- No!{35304}{35414}I say,|now is the time for cow!{35464}{35532}Eat cow! Eat cow! Eat cow! Eat cow!{35533}{35635}Eat cow! Eat cow!|Eat cow! Eat cow! Eat cow!{35636}{35726}Eat cow! Eat cow!|Eat cow! Eat cow! Eat cow!{35728}{35775}Hey, bud.{35776}{35829}- Hey!|- Oh!{35831}{35905}Yes, thanks.|Oh, yeah.{35907}{35989}Hey-- Whoa!{35991}{36037}What is it?{36039}{36139}What's the difference|between a first-year|and a third-year medical student?{36258}{36365}Doctor Vukov, please dial line 1242.{36366}{36457}Dr. Vukov,|please dial line 1242.{36510}{36569}Here we have|a juvenile onset diabetic...{36570}{36646}with poor circulation|and diabetic neuropathy.{36648}{36718}As you can see,|these are diabetic ulcers...{36720}{36773}with lymphedema|and evidence of gangrene.{36774}{36821}Questions?{36822}{36885}- Any osteomyelitis?|- None apparent.{36887}{36925}Although not definitive.{36926}{36977}- Treatment?|- To stabilize the blood sugar.{36979}{37045}Consider antibiotics,|possibly amputation.{37046}{37097}What's her name?{37198}{37270}I was just wondering|the patient's name.{37318}{37364}Marjorie.{37397}{37436}Hi, Marjorie.{37438}{37477}Hi.{37503}{37564}Yes, um, thank you.{37566}{37612}Let's move on.{37670}{37740}- What are you doing?|- Continuing the experiment. Come on.{37742}{37812}We can start a lemonade stand|together after we get kicked out|ofmedical school.{37814}{37854}Bye, Marjorie.{37856}{37926}I cannot stand it in there, Joletta.

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    {37928}{37998}He doesn't have|to talk to me like that.{38000}{38082}I know, hon, but really,|how good a mood would you be in?{38110}{38189}- May I help you?|- Oh, um--{38190}{38261}So I'll meet you|at the club.{38262}{38349}Oh, great.|Maybe we'll play the back nine, hmm?{38384}{38454}Hello. I'm Patch.{38456}{38502}I'm studying medicine here.{38504}{38601}Well, not here, but--|Y-You know.{38603}{38670}Lookit here, Judy.|Another future boss.{38672}{38721}Oh, I wouldn't|look at it like that.{38723}{38770}You may think|I'm exaggeratin'...{38771}{38840}but in another five years|you'll be so full of yourself...{38842}{38928}you'll have to hang a cup out your ass|just to catch the excess.{38930}{38989}- Joletta!|- Ouch.|- Well, hell, why not?{38990}{39061}It's the only time in my life|I'm gonna outrank him.{39062}{39122}Might as well enjoy it.{39123}{39219}- Who's in that room?|- Don't even think about it.|He'll bite your head off.{39221}{39273}Mr. Davis.|Pancreatic cancer.

    {39302}{39348}How long does he have?{39350}{39420}Longer than you,|if you go in that room.{39422}{39472}So be sure|you steer clear.{39474}{39536}Yes, ma'am.|Thank you.{39603}{39660}Hey!|What year are you?{39787}{39834}- Hi.|- Hey.{40043}{40112}Dr. Landaker to Administration.{40114}{40172}Dr. Landaker|to Administration, please.{40875}{40922}Hi.{40923}{40968}Hi.{40970}{41034}- What's your name?|- Cameron.{41036}{41114}Hi, Cameron.|I'm Patch.{41622}{41702}I have a cold. Just a bit of a cold.{41703}{41794}Is my nose red?|Oh, it is. It's red.{41834}{41906}Ohh! Oh.{41908}{41961}What's that?|You don't know?{41963}{42010}I don't either.|Let's find out.{42047}{42094}Taxi!{42095}{42166}Try on you.|Give it to me.{42234}{42304}It's working very well.{42306}{42357}Let's see what else we have.{42358}{42412}Look at some of this stuff.{42670}{42734}Bee kisses.{42978}{43024}Hi.{43026}{43072}- Hi.|- You mind if I sit down?{43695}{43790}Hah? Well, then,|hello, hello.{43791}{43828}Oh, look at--{44136}{44208}Yee-haah!|Yee-haah!{44210}{44306}Whoa! Whoa!|Yee-haah!{44308}{44370}Come on, buddy!|Whee-haah!{44400}{44462}What is going on here?{44789}{44850}Sit down.{44852}{44937}Get in your beds right now.{44938}{44986}Sit down! Sit down!{45038}{45118}Lie down in your beds|right now!{45119}{45197}- I've checked up on you, Hunter.|- Patch.{45199}{45270}Hunter, Dr. Prack was|a colleague of mine at Bringham.{45271}{45330}He tells me|you have a brilliant mind...{45331}{45440}and, like many brilliant people,|you don't necessarily think|the rules apply to you.{45442}{45524}Not all the rules, sir, but the Golden|Rule, I think that applies

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    to everyone.{45526}{45572}Don't you, sir?{45574}{45673}I've also heard you have|a real passion to be a doctor, Hunter.{45675}{45722}Patch.{45723}{45817}Truth of it is, Hunter,|passion doesn't make doctors.{45818}{45876}I make doctors.{45878}{45924}Understood?{45926}{45985}- Understood.|- Good.{45987}{46102}Medical students, as a rule,|have no contact with patients|until the third year.{46112}{46148}- Is that clear?|- It is, sir, but don't you think--{46150}{46256}Our way of doing things|is a product of centuries of experience.{46293}{46339}It's all there for a reason.{46425}{46483}It's my hospital.{46485}{46555}I know everything|that goes on inside of it.{46597}{46643}Everything.{46689}{46736}Deviation of the tongue.{46737}{46784}- A problem with the cranial nerve.|- Which side?{46786}{46844}- Right side, tenth nerve.|- Twelfth nerve.

    {46846}{46916}Do you know how many billions of dollars|are wasted on malpractice insurance?{46918}{46988}That's money that goes to lawyers|that could go to patients.{46990}{47088}- Hi, guys. Sorry I'm late.|- Everybody know Carin Fisher,|Adelane's roommate?{47090}{47160}I invited her to join|our study group.{47213}{47283}So, Carin, why do you|want to be a doctor?{47285}{47355}Is it just me, or do we|have a lot of work to do?{47357}{47417}It's just a question.|I think it's the question.{47419}{47483}Actually, I don't find the question|here in the outline.{47485}{47540}- What page are you on?|- Uh, 1432.{47542}{47584}Deviation of a tongue.{47586}{47648}We'd learn more if we were|working closely with patients.{47649}{47723}That's why we're studying--|to learn enough to help the patients.{47725}{47784}Adelane, don't waste your breath.{47785}{47832}Don't you th--{47833}{47889}Don't you think|I see through you?{47891}{47961}You act like you're above the system|when you're really just a nonconformist.{47963}{48009}You have to get|under the fingernails...{48011}{48069}of any authority figure|that crosses your path...{48071}{48124}as a way of dealing|with some insecurity.{48126}{48172}Antisocial personality, I believe.|Intriguing diagnosis.{48174}{48261}Truman, this isn't funny. Smart people|flunk out of here all the time.{48263}{48368}Yeah, uh, odds are one of|the five of us sitting here, actually.{48370}{48416}I have another question.{48418}{48464}In a perfect system...{48466}{48524}why are patients referred to|by their disease...{48526}{48596}as in "that interesting|cancer patient,"|and not by their name?{48598}{48672}- It certainly isn't to be mean.|It's to prevent transference.|- And why is that bad?{48674}{48756}- And the one flunking out is?|- Can we get back to the tongue?{48757}{48828}What if a doctor becomes|emotionally involved with a patient?{48829}{48876}Does a doctor explode?|No.{48877}{48922}Who came up|with these rules?{48924}{48970}It's against the Hippocratic oath,|I think.{48972}{49042}I don't really have time for this.|Sorry.{49081}{49123}Bye.{49125}{49171}- Bye.|- Sorry.{49173}{49224}- Charming.|- Bye.

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    {49226}{49272}- Truman?|- Yeah.{49274}{49368}- I'm sorry. I didn't mean|to stop you from studying.|- Go away!{49370}{49452}I believe there's more to being|a doctor than memorizing facts|about the ventricular artery.{49454}{49524}I don't care what you think.|I care about my biology test.{49526}{49596}- Maybe I could help you.|I read the bio book.|- The whole book?{49598}{49644}Oh, yeah.|Now I'm on to Whitman.{49646}{49729}You can get Leaves of Grass|at the bookstore if you have|a 20% student l.D. card.{49730}{49807}- I don't want Walt Whitman.|- He wouldn't want you either.|He was a homosexual.{49809}{49876}But that's not relevant. What's relevant|is that he was a medicalman.{49877}{49944}He was a nurse in the Civil War|and wrote great poetry.{49946}{50007}"Afoot and lighthearted,|I take to the open road--"{50009}{50080}Look, I'm not sure|if you've noticed this...{50081}{50192}but in a class of 163 students|there are eight women-- eight.{50193}{50288}I've had to work really hard|to get here, and I'm gonna have|to work even harder to stay...

    {50289}{50381}and I'm not about to blow it|by wasting my time on your|flighty theories of goodness.{50383}{50460}I'm here to learn about medicine.|Period.{50462}{50508}Excuse me.{50545}{50615}I think somebody is|running away from something.{50617}{50699}Why can't it just be that|I'm running away from you?{51177}{51211}Hi.{51313}{51381}Very nice. Very nice.{51492}{51539}Do I look thin to you?{51541}{51612}'Cause I'm tryin' to lose|a little weight.{51613}{51660}Is this too much?|Have I gone too far?{51662}{51718}I got a boner.{51720}{51761}I am a boner.{52021}{52079}Donner, party of 50!{52081}{52165}Donner! Donner party! Over here!{52167}{52225}I don't know what's wrong here.{52227}{52319}I'm tryin' to light|the dials here, but, uh...{52321}{52392}bottom line is,|your TV's broken here.{52445}{52527}My name is|Officer Patty O'Furniture.{52529}{52599}I'm here today to talk to you|briefly about narcolepsy.{52601}{52660}Narcolepsy--{52661}{52693}Clown salute!{52695}{52769}Very good!{52771}{52809}Wide face!{52841}{52888}Fart face!{52930}{53012}The hospital will cover|all of your bills.{53014}{53060}Any other questions?{53062}{53144}My name is Doctor... Phil.{53145}{53217}I'll be your surgeon--|Oh, there you are.{53219}{53305}Ha ha ha! Hey!|Let's get ready to party!{53393}{53472}Grazie! Hey! Grazie!{53474}{53521}- Grazie! Now take a bow!{54077}{54135}Don't believe|everything you read.{54137}{54213}Looks like you didn't need|that study group after all.{54215}{54285}Well, it's no 98,|but I'm still here.{54287}{54333}Yeah.{54335}{54396}- Excuse me.|- Oh, excuse me. Excuse me.{54398}{54440}Excuse me.{54500}{54582}- You know, this completely|disrupts my point of view.|- Mm-hmm.{54584}{54652}It was so much more convenient|thinking of you as an idiot.{54654}{54712}- Don't count me out yet.|- It's frustrating.

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    {54714}{54795}I study all night, and I'm barely|hanging on by my fingernails.{54797}{54867}Oh, forget about that. I want to|show you something that's extraordinary.{54917}{54972}- An enema bulb?|- It used to be.{54974}{55032}This amazing piece of rubber...{55034}{55088}when applied to your face...{55089}{55139}can brighten|another person's day.{55165}{55224}Even a suffering patient.{55225}{55308}- I'm sure it's really great|for kids, but--|- No, not just kids.Anybody.{55309}{55356}Patients are opening up|to me, Carin.{55357}{55404}They're sharing their dreams,|their fantasies...{55405}{55464}and if you hit on|the right topic...{55465}{55520}they brighten up|for one brief moment.{55521}{55568}They don't concentrate|on the pain.{55569}{55644}They don't even feel the pain.{55646}{55692}- Try it on.|- No, thank you.{55694}{55772}I want you to try it on and help me.|Just try it on.{55774}{55844}If you don't laugh,|you'll never see it again.

    {55846}{55917}But if you do,|you have to help me.{55919}{55965}Just try it on.{56058}{56103}Hmm.{56137}{56205}You didn't say anything about a mirror.{56246}{56308}Who do you think|you look like?{56338}{56381}Karl Malden?{56438}{56499}You cheated.{56529}{56576}You can take the nose off now.{56606}{56652}So, what's the favor?{57381}{57427}Psst.{57458}{57493}Ready?{57649}{57700}Dumbo incoming!{57791}{57861}Bag 'im, Bwana!{57919}{57969}Killer poodle! You got lucky!{57971}{58041}Piranha fish!|Yea! Very good!{58043}{58112}Man down!{58169}{58222}- What was that?|- It's nothing.{58224}{58270}Should I go check?{58272}{58318}I said, it's nothin'.{58450}{58497}One last one!{58499}{58552}Oww!{58663}{58745}Well, congratulations, Jackie.{58747}{58824}You've done it all. You've nailed|every balloon from here to Timbuktu.{58874}{58944}That was incredible, Patch.{58946}{58993}Almost as good|as the real thing.{59051}{59109}One last safari.{59111}{59157}That's all I wanted.{59198}{59287}Thank you, Truman.|Both of you.{59289}{59335}That was wonderful.{59337}{59419}Yes, it's been|a long time for me.{59421}{59496}What about you, dear?|What's your fantasy?{59498}{59548}Oh.{59550}{59596}When I was a little girl...{59598}{59701}whenever my mother|would cook spaghetti...{59703}{59832}she would let me reach into the pot|and squeeze the noodles.{59833}{59875}Oh!{59902}{59955}I've always wanted...{59956}{60044}to be in a swimming pool|full of noodles...{60046}{60128}wall-to-wall|and top-to-bottom.{60130}{60248}An entire pool|full of noodles.

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    {60242}{60312}And our next award, in the tradition|of the great poodle handlers...{60314}{60360}where no actual transference|took place--{60362}{60461}All right. What you did in there,|it was very nice, I admit.{60463}{60534}Whoa. Is that a little ice|that just chipped off?{60535}{60606}- You're never serious, are you?|- No. I tried that for years.{60607}{60666}Never really worked for me.{60667}{60714}- Yeah.|- Yeah.{60715}{60762}Oh.{60763}{60834}Well, I'd better go hit|the thorax as well, so--{60835}{60882}I have a crush on you.{60883}{60979}Ha! I can't believe I just|blurted that out.{60982}{61061}Look, thank you for|taking me along tonight.{61063}{61124}I actually had fun.{61126}{61165}Good night.{61167}{61207}Wait a minute.{61208}{61284}When I said I had a crush on you,|you didn't say...{61286}{61347}"No way, loser.|I'd rather have a lobotomy by a leper."{61348}{61387}That means something.

    {61388}{61483}Maybe I was just being polite|and I didn't want to hurt your feelings.{61485}{61540}But you're not polite.|You're rude.{61542}{61588}Sometimes you're downright bitchy.{61618}{61664}- Good night.|- Good night.{62030}{62112}Dr. Hyer, please dial the pharmacy.{62726}{62780}Blue skies{62782}{62836}Shining on me{62838}{62901}Nothin' but blue skies{62903}{62963}Do I see{62964}{63011}Bluebirds{63012}{63051}Singin' a song{63053}{63130}- Are you a doctor?|- No. I'm a medical student.{63132}{63214}But if there's anything|I can do to help you--{63216}{63286}- You wanna help me?|- Oh, yeah. What can I do?{63288}{63334}Listen, you little|do-gooder prick.{63336}{63406}If you wanna make yourself feel good,|don't make me pay for it.{63408}{63467}Now get out of here,|'cause you don't help shit!{64022}{64088}Dr. Maslow, line 214, please.{64090}{64148}Dr. Maslow, line 214.{64195}{64269}Yo! Ride 'em, cowboy!|Whoo-hoo!{64271}{64347}Yea!{64409}{64484}Oh! Oh! I surrender!|I'll tell you what you want to know!{64486}{64556}Do you wanna tell me what it is|you think you're doing?{64592}{64627}Oh.{64697}{64756}Uh...{64757}{64804}just getting|a few laughs, sir.{64847}{64917}The American Journal of Medicine|has found that laughter...{64919}{64967}increases secretion|of catecholamines and endorphins...{64969}{65023}which in turn increases oxygenation|of the blood, relaxes the arteries...{65025}{65096}speeds up the heart,|decreases blood pressure...{65097}{65168}which has a positive effect|on all cardiovascular|and respiratoryailments...{65169}{65243}as well as overall increasing|the immune system response.{65431}{65472}Smart clown, eh?{65589}{65635}Mr. Adams.{65636}{65707}When I told you|I knew Dr. Prack...{65708}{65803}did I mislead you in some way|to think I'm a pushover, like he is?{65804}{65863}Kindly remove that coat.{65864}{65957}I told you you are not to see|the patients till the third year.

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    {65959}{66005}I'm just visiting friends, sir.{66007}{66053}Why are you here?{66055}{66125}If you want to be a clown,|go join the circus.{66127}{66197}Patients don't need to be entertained.|They don't need a friend.{66199}{66269}They need a doctor.{66271}{66342}I don't want to see you|in this hospital again.{66344}{66432}What if I visit the patients|on my own time?{66434}{66504}Yes, about your own time.{66506}{66583}It's been brought to our attention|that perhaps we should be suspicious...{66585}{66632}of the level|of your grades.{66633}{66679}What are you saying?|I'm cheating?{66680}{66768}Your scores are among the top in|your class, yet you never seem to study.{66770}{66817}That's ridiculous.{66819}{66876}Your classmates|don't seem to think so.{66878}{66936}Really. Who?{66937}{67035}I'm warning you.|Stay out of this hospital.{67307}{67353}You told Walcott I cheated.

    {67355}{67425}I know you did it.|Just tell me why.{67427}{67473}Look, cut the crap, Hunter.{67475}{67545}I live with you. I know how much|you study, or don't study.{67547}{67632}And you do better than me?|Give me a break.{67634}{67752}You arrogant, pompous prick!|Who appointed you custodian|of the medical profession?{67754}{67847}Is it because your father|and his father was a doctor,|some sort of genetic thing?{67848}{67899}- You're damn right.|- Really?{67900}{67947}I grew up with it.{67948}{68031}I know what it takes to look in the eyes|of dying people day after day...{68033}{68080}and come home|for dinner at night.{68081}{68159}- I know what it takes.|You don't have it.|- Oh, really. And you do?{68161}{68227}If you don't like me,|just say it.{68228}{68279}I don't like you!{68280}{68360}Why don't you like me?|You're a prick, and I like you.{68362}{68413}Because you make|my effort a joke!{68415}{68495}I want to be a doctor!|This isn't a game to me!{68496}{68549}This isn't playtime!{68551}{68617}This is serious business!{68619}{68704}I have it in me|to be a great doctor...{68706}{68795}but in order to do that I have to|sacrifice if I want to be better.{68796}{68843}"Better."|Better than me, hmm?{68844}{68915}I will save lives that|could have otherwise not been saved.{68916}{68999}Now, I could be like you and go around|laughing and have a good time, ha ha...{69000}{69071}but I prefer to learn,|because the more I learn...{69072}{69149}the more likely I will|have the right answer at the|crucial moment and save a life.{69151}{69216}And you say I'm a prick?|You say I'm a prick?{69218}{69264}You know, maybe I am...{69266}{69336}but you ask the average person, when|death comes knocking at their door...{69338}{69420}whether they want a prick on their side|or some kindergarten teacher...{69422}{69468}who's gonna kiss their ass!{69470}{69540}Because when that day comes|I want the prick...{69542}{69588}and so will you.

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    {69854}{69934}You know, I forget|how young you are, Mitch...{69936}{70010}that you think you have to be a prick|to get things done...{70012}{70094}and that you actually think|that that's a new idea.{70424}{70507}You know what I oughta do?|Take it to the state medical board.{70508}{70599}There's gotta be some constitutional|right for visiting the sick.{70685}{70732}Why don't you|say anything?{70733}{70787}Sorry, Patch.{70789}{70836}I think Walcott|has a point.{70837}{70879}It's a hospital.{70881}{70955}People are suffering|and dying.{70957}{71075}We're all dying, Truman.|Our job is to increase health.{71076}{71123}You know what that means?{71124}{71199}That means improving the quality|of life, not just delaying death.{71236}{71282}Either way, l--{71284}{71412}For your own sake, I th-- I think you|should just lay low for a while.{71447}{71493}Maybe you're right.{72112}{72196}Preview of coming attractions.{72198}{72244}Nurse.

    {72246}{72397}"Death. To die. To expire.|To pass on. To perish."{72409}{72443}To peg out. To push up daisies.|To push up posies.{72445}{72488}To become extinct.{72490}{72592}Curtains, deceased, demised,|departed and defunct.{72594}{72642}Dead as a doornail.|Dead as a herring.{72644}{72704}Dead as a mutton.|Dead as nits.{72706}{72819}The last breath. Paying a debt|to nature. The big sleep.{72821}{72896}God's way of saying,|"Slow down."{73193}{73239}To check out.{73315}{73375}To shuffle off|this mortal coil.{73376}{73431}To head for|the happy hunting ground.{73432}{73494}To blink for an exceptionally long|period of time.{73496}{73556}To find oneself|without breath.{73558}{73648}- To be the incredible decaying man.|- Worm buffet.{73650}{73698}- Kick the bucket.|- Buy the farm.{73700}{73755}- Take the cab.|- Cash in your chips.{73757}{73826}And if we bury you ass up,|we have a place to park my bike.{73891}{73986}Whoo! Comin' out of chute number nine,|ridin' that morphine pony!{73987}{74032}Whoo-aaah!{74034}{74100}Come on now.|Hey, yeah{74102}{74172}Let's check out the maternity ward.|You know those chicks put out.{74218}{74340}Here we see that the vitreous body|is composed of a transparent jelly...{74342}{74388}with a mesh|of collagen fibers.{74390}{74436}Lights, please.{74438}{74535}Uh, before we adjourn|Dean Walcott has a brief announcement.{74537}{74588}He's gonna have the sex change!{74619}{74666}Next Monday|the hospital is hosting...{74667}{74722}a medical|seminar-slash-retreat...{74723}{74803}for the Fellowship of the|American College of Gynecologists.{74804}{74852}I'll get the strippers.{74854}{74938}It is important that they|be received in a manner suitable|to their status and position.{74939}{75042}I have traditionally selected|an outstanding student...{75043}{75094}to head|the welcoming committee.{75095}{75170}The time demands are great,|and I wouldn't want to jeopardize...{75171}{75242}the academic performance|of a weaker student.{75243}{75300}This year I have chosen...{75302}{75342}Hunter Adams.{75344}{75391}Oh. Well, thank you.{75392}{75428}Hunter...

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    {75430}{75511}there's a detailed list|of instructions in my office.{75512}{75623}Oh, and, uh, the auditorium|could use a good cleaning.{75784}{75887}Did you hear him? "ln a style according|to their stature and position."{75888}{75995}"l am a great doctor!|Worship me! Spread before me!{75996}{76055}Who dares stand?"{76056}{76159}You know what I'm thinking? Maybe we|should decorate with a western motif.{76160}{76207}How about that?|Ah.{76208}{76279}Something with stirrups|and a big banner that says...{76280}{76351}"Howdy, gyneroos!|Dilated to meet ya!"{76352}{76423}- How about that?|- How about just doing it straight?{76424}{76495}- What do you mean?|- As in, straight to graduation.{76496}{76618}Oh. If anybody has a problem with this,|please, just walk away right now.{76736}{76787}Oh.{76789}{76835}All right.{76837}{76895}Wow! Yes!{76897}{76945}Okay.

    {77131}{77178}They're right on time.{77179}{77234}Good morning, Doctor.|Welcome to campus. Good to see you.{77235}{77282}How you doing, Doctor?{77283}{77370}Uh, gentlemen, I believe that|you'll find the facilities here...{77371}{77422}are just perfect|for your purposes today.{77423}{77494}We have everything set up|in the auditorium.{77495}{77542}If you'd just follow me--{77705}{77766}Welcome, cold-handed ones.{77767}{77842}It's an honor|to greet-slash-welcome...{77844}{77944}so many who have touched so many women|is such a powerful way.{77946}{77992}Come on in.{77994}{78040}Watch out.|It's a little slippery.{78042}{78124}And if you think|it's hot out there-- Whoa!{78126}{78207}Come on!{78208}{78270}Get him|in my office now.{78332}{78385}All right, gentlemen,|if, uh-- Ahem--{78387}{78433}if you'd|just follow me.{78861}{78916}You wanted|to see me, sir?{78946}{78992}You are dismissed.{78994}{79036}Sir.{79038}{79096}From this school.{79098}{79144}Kindly remove your things...{79146}{79202}and vacate the school premises|as soon as possible.{79203}{79244}What for?{79246}{79316}For asking a group of doctors to have|a sense of humor about themselves?{79318}{79388}Oh, I have a sense of humor, Hunter.{79390}{79460}I find it hilarious that,|as smart as you are...{79462}{79550}you could give me an airtight reason|to throw you the hell out ofhere!{79552}{79635}Why am I such a threat|to you, sir?{79637}{79726}Because what you want|is for us to get down there|on the same level as our patients...{79727}{79774}to destroy objectivity...{79775}{79846}all to uphold some|idealistic buddy system...{79847}{79962}that will allow you to work through|your own feelings of inadequacy.{80047}{80103}What you have done here today...{80105}{80151}is inexcusable.{80153}{80238}You have made a complete mockery|out of our distinguished guests.{80239}{80362}If you think that I will further|tolerate your blatant disregard|o

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    f the bylaws of this--{80389}{80435}What are you smiling at?{80437}{80500}Is this all|a big joke to you?{80502}{80556}Get out of here!{80805}{80875}Blatant disregard for|school code and procedure.{80877}{80935}Defying direct orders|from a dean.{80937}{81007}And I am aware|of your creative efforts...{81009}{81079}to make sure our visiting gynecologists|feel right at home.{81081}{81194}- Now, what is it you'd|like me to do for you?|- I want to graduate, sir.{81195}{81240}Dean Walcott|thinks otherwise...{81242}{81299}but my grades|are way above par.{81301}{81371}I want to finish school|so I can become a doctor.{81373}{81443}Well, I'm gonna give this|to you real straight.{81445}{81515}I have a hospital and a medical school|to run here.{81517}{81568}I have to trust the people|in my employ...{81570}{81640}otherwise their quality of life|will turn to shit.{81642}{81702}Their life turns to shit,|my life turns to shit. Do you follow?{81703}{81774}- Yes.|- Good.

    {81775}{81878}Now, uh, Dean Walcott is a--|a pain in the ass...{81879}{81988}but I depend on him to keep me up to|speed on what's going on around here...{81990}{82072}and I would never take the word|of any student over his.{82099}{82139}However...{82141}{82235}I also have a source|that informs me that your antics...{82237}{82307}have improved the quality of life|for the patients.{82309}{82379}They don't complain as much,|they take less medication...{82381}{82455}and, uh, what's-his-name over in 305|has not thrown his bedpan ata nurse...{82457}{82503}in over a week.{82505}{82570}- It's Bill.|- Yeah, whatever.{82571}{82652}So, from now on you will not|enter that hospital...{82654}{82738}unless under the supervision of the|attendant, as part of the curriculum...{82740}{82830}and you will steer clear|of Dean Walcott.{82831}{82919}Yes, sir.|So I'm still in school?{82921}{82967}I wouldn't|send my laundry out...{82969}{83030}but, uh, you just|don't screw up, huh?{83385}{83457}Come in. Please come in.{83458}{83518}Hello?{83520}{83579}- Hello.|- Patch?{83581}{83639}- Welcome.|- What are you doing?{83641}{83736}- I thought we were studying.|- We're studying cellular biology.{83737}{83806}Where are you?{83808}{83854}Somewhere.{83856}{83912}Surprise!{83913}{83973}- Happy birthday!|- Happy birthday!{83975}{84022}I don't believe this.|Where is he?{84024}{84084}- I just saw him around here somewhere.|- Where is he, Truman?{84085}{84146}He's here. You gotta find him.{84148}{84194}- Patch?|- Ha-ha!{84281}{84355}"l do not love you as if|you were a salt rose or topaz...{84357}{84446}or the air o'er carnations|that fire shoots off.{84448}{84511}I love you as certain dark|things are to be loved...{84513}{84594}in secret 'tween|the shadow and the soul."{84654}{84701}We'll finish it later.{84728}{84800}What the hell is this?|Hunter.{84801}{84851}Hunter, please answer me!{84853}{84929}Stop laughing! Truman, I see you!{84930}{85021}Who the hell are you? You aren't--

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    {85023}{85076}Oh! Oh, damn it!{85077}{85189}I hurt my ankle!|Somebody get somebody please!{85190}{85281}Someone-- Hello? My ankle!{85282}{85356}You could have saved yourself|a lot of trouble and just asked me out.{85358}{85441}Who said anything|about asking you out?{85468}{85519}I heard something|about you.{85521}{85590}- That I was in a mental hospital?|- Is it true?{85592}{85638}Tried to kill myself.{85640}{85715}The mental ward was the best thing|that ever happened to me.{85753}{85860}- What did the doctors do to help you?|- The doctors didn't help me.{85862}{85923}The patients helped me.{85925}{86032}They helped me realize|that by helping them I could|forget about my own problems.{86034}{86128}And I did.|I really helped some of them.{86129}{86211}It was an incredible|feeling, Carin.{86238}{86316}There was one patient|named Rudy.{86317}{86389}I helped him|be able to pee.

    {86391}{86497}But for the first time in my life,|I forgot about my own problems.{86498}{86554}It was an incredible high.{86609}{86655}What?{86695}{86807}It's just that, um, somebody,|you know, could do for me...{86809}{86899}what you did for me tonight|after the way I've treated you.{86901}{86992}No one's ever done anything|like that for me before.{87113}{87160}Thank you.{87185}{87232}Good night.{87309}{87410}No, this is not a good night.|This is a great night!{87412}{87475}You know?{87972}{88043}Hi, I'm John the Baptist.|Any calls?{88045}{88115}I've been trying|to reach you.{88147}{88219}I love you.{88269}{88331}Let's go outside. Okay?{88725}{88806}Hey, Bill.{88808}{88875}Turquoise is a nice color|on you.{88984}{89055}You don't have to say anything.|I know I look good.{89127}{89173}My boys.{89224}{89286}My boys are beautiful, hmm?{89288}{89363}- Yeah.|- Did you see my boys?{89364}{89412}Yeah.{89438}{89518}She's not bad either.{89520}{89590}You think after you're gone,|maybe I could--{89663}{89772}Oh, you're killin' me here,|Patch.{89988}{90080}S-Sing me that stupid song.{90194}{90277}Blue skies smilin' at me{90279}{90343}Nothin' but blue skies{90344}{90415}Do I see{90416}{90493}Bluebirds singin' a song{90521}{90585}Nothin' but bluebirds{90587}{90637}All day long{90914}{90968}Blue days{90969}{91039}All of them gone{91075}{91159}Nothin' but blue skies{91160}{91219}From now on{91332}{91379}See you, Bill.{91802}{91872}Por favor. ! Dejeme ver a mi nina!{91874}{91929}- I'm sorry, ma'am.|- Somebody speak-- ! Alguien, ayudeme!{91931}{91999}- ! Dejeme ver a mi nina!|- I need the forms filled out.{92000}{92056}My baby! My baby!{92057}{92140}Ma'am, if you fill out the forms,|you can see her in a moment.

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    {92142}{92192}- Alguien--|- Excuse me.{92194}{92282}- What's going on here?|- Oh, drunk driver.|She lost her husband and son.{92284}{92374}- Her daughter's in Trauma One,|but it doesn't look good.|- I need the forms filled out.{92376}{92451}- Please! ! Quiero ver a mi nina!|- You can see her in one moment.{92453}{92531}! Quiero ver a mi nina!|My baby! Please!{92532}{92596}Maybe you could explain|it to me so I might understand it.{92598}{92644}It's hospital procedure.{92646}{92731}It isn't right that a woman has to spend|the last moments of her dying child...{92732}{92779}filling out forms.{92780}{92836}Last year I had to have my appendix out.{92837}{92922}I forgot my insurance card,|so they sent me home.{92924}{92982}My appendix could have burst.|They didn't care.{92984}{93077}You know, my antibiotics|cost 100 bucks a month.{93079}{93161}I paid $250 just to find out|I had a sprained ankle.{93163}{93251}- I mean, do they really need|to do all those tests?|- You know what they need to do.

    {93252}{93307}The government needs|to pay for health insurance.{93308}{93400}Health insurance companies are why|prices got so high in the first place.{93402}{93470}- What do we do?|- Yeah, what the hell is the answer?{93472}{93547}- Don't hurt your ankle.|- Yeah, right.{93670}{93752}- Patch?|- Mm-hmm. Wait, wait, wait, wait.{94001}{94072}That's it.{94116}{94162}- I gotta tell Carin.|- What?{94164}{94203}Oh.{94204}{94263}- Can I borrow this stuff?|- Sure.{94542}{94598}- What do you see?|- Patch, it's late.{94600}{94658}What do you see?{94659}{94720}Parsley.{94722}{94768}- And a horn.|- No, no, no.{94770}{94842}Look beyond the objects.|Look through them.{94844}{94918}Over here. Look.{94920}{94986}Kind of let them blur.|Tell me the first thing you see.{94987}{95042}- Something with a nose.|- Okay.{95043}{95107}Now imagine that's a building|with a nose.{95109}{95187}- A free hospital.|- A free hospital.{95189}{95235}- Can I go back to bed now?|- No, no.{95237}{95296}Because I'm bursting with ideas,|and I need you to help me.{95298}{95374}It'll be the first fun hospital|in the world.{95375}{95426}It'll be a totally|free-form building.{95427}{95507}It'll have, like, slides|and secret passageways and game rooms.{95509}{95577}- Slow down. I can't write that fast.|- I can't slow down.{95579}{95652}We'll use humor|to heal pain and suffering.{95654}{95718}Doctors and patients|will work side-by-side as peers.{95720}{95784}There'll be no titles,|no bosses.{95786}{95888}People will come from all over|the world to fulfill their dream|of helping other people.{95890}{95949}They'll be a community|where joy is a way of life...{95951}{96053}where learning is the highest aim,|where love is the ultimate goal.{96055}{96135}- You have all that?|- Yeah, not verbatim, but|the overall insanity's intact.{96137}{96183}- That's why you have to help me.|- Patch, no.{96185}{96228}- Yes.|- No.{96230}{96318}I know it's not gonna be easy, but you|said anything worth doing is difficult.{96319}{96370}Look, um--

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    {96372}{96436}I'm not like you, Patch.{96438}{96514}I want the white coat. I want people|to call me doctor more than anything.{96515}{96614}- I want the recognition.|- You'll get it every day in the|eyes of patients you're helping.{96616}{96702}There is more to life than|what Dean Walcott puts out there.{96704}{96802}That is all about power|and control, all right?{96803}{96865}- I know you're scared.|- You're right. I am scared.{96867}{96913}I'm scared to death.{96997}{97098}You know, you sit here and you talk|about life without limits...{97100}{97169}you know,|and breaking the rules.{97171}{97241}It all sounds|very, very romantic.{97279}{97357}You wanna know what the truth|is about all that crap, Patch, hmm?{97359}{97422}People get hurt.{97471}{97517}And who did it to you?{97616}{97700}- I have to go.|- No, don't. Please. No, no.|Listen to me. Come on.{97702}{97754}Whatever it is-- Come on.|You can tell me.{97756}{97815}- I can help you. I swear I can.|- Good night. I'll see you tomorr

    ow.{97816}{97890}Please, let me help you.{97891}{97962}I'm really starting to love|the back of your head.{98425}{98510}Get this cleaned out,|and get him down to the suture room.{98512}{98559}You're gonna be fine, Larry.{98598}{98669}Larry's been in and out of|the E.R. for a couple of years.{98671}{98749}- Not because he's accident-prone.|- No. His father died two years ago.{98751}{98827}Since then he's been subject to fits|of depression and self-mutilation.{98829}{98882}Head trauma, D-5.{98971}{99064}- Thank you for doing this.|- You can thank me|by not getting me fired.{99066}{99155}Just observe rounds|and stay within hospital protocol.{99157}{99203}Look, Patch.{99205}{99269}You're a good thing|for this hospital.{99271}{99323}You remind me of myself|when I first started out--{99325}{99383}on fire,|wanting to save the world.{99385}{99450}But you lose a little of that|after a while.{99451}{99518}The system is what it is. It's not|perfect, but it's all we have.{99520}{99615}Why does it have to be all we have?|Why can't it be changed?{99617}{99687}You figure out how, Patch...{99688}{99735}and I'll be there for you.{99736}{99833}Bed six|needs blood work.{99835}{99905}Mrs. O'Bannon|needs blood work.{99934}{100005}Hello, Ed.|You feeling a little dizzy?{100007}{100066}- Yeah.|- Hello, Mrs. O'Bannon.{100067}{100146}- May I call you Catherine?|We're gonna draw a little blood.|- Mm-hmm.{100147}{100214}Can you tell how many fingers|I'm holding up?{100259}{100306}How many do you see?{100307}{100354}How many fingers?{100450}{100508}- How many fingers do you see, Ed?{100751}{100811}How much longer do I have|to keep my eyes closed?{100813}{100859}Just till I open mine.{100861}{100913}Keep 'em closed.{100915}{100977}You're almost there.{101186}{101238}Not like that. This way.{101239}{101299}Come on. Come on.{101301}{101358}There you go.|All right.{101359}{101428}Here, here.|Hold on to me.

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    {101430}{101481}It's just a little further.|Just a little further.{101483}{101535}- All right, all right.|- There you go.{101537}{101591}There you are.|That's all right.{101593}{101639}- You're almost there.|- I'm afraid.{101641}{101696}Don't be afraid.|It's gonna be worth it.{101698}{101757}All right. Ready?|Watch your step.{101759}{101850}There you go.|And... open your eyes.{101900}{101947}It's beautiful.{101948}{102017}It's 105 acres|of all-natural forest.{102019}{102107}Seven streams, two waterfalls.{102109}{102191}This is it-- the future site|of the Gesundheit lnstitute.{102221}{102267}This is yours?{102269}{102351}Not yet,|but it will be soon.{102352}{102411}- Come on. There's something else.|- Hmm?{102632}{102679}What is it?{102707}{102763}Our new home.{102765}{102826}Carin, what do you think?{102852}{102935}- How did you... find this?|- Him.{102936}{103041}Arthur Mendelson. All this is his--|the land, the cottage.

    {103043}{103099}He's letting us borrow it|till we can purchase it.{103101}{103181}Mr. Mendelson, I realize that under|the terms of your commitment...{103183}{103236}you retained control|of your assets.{103238}{103302}- Nevertheless--|- You learn anything|about proctology yet, Patch?{103303}{103350}- A little bit.|- Good.{103351}{103411}Take care of this asshole|for me, will ya?{103412}{103516}- Nice meeting you.|- Yeah. Mr. Mendelson, uh--{103518}{103578}There's room for you.{103617}{103685}- Hi, Bile.|- Hey, Patch.{103687}{103736}- Who's Bile?|- An old friend.{103738}{103797}- Oh.|- Without medical insurance.{103799}{103858}He's just staying here|a couple of days.{103859}{103918}What do you say?{104072}{104119}Think potential.{104315}{104411}Hey.{104689}{104763}You're certainly a lovely couple.|We can't go on meeting like this.{104837}{104883}Ma'am, this card is expired.{104885}{104931}Have you a valid card?{104932}{105022}Huh? Medicine.|Chinese medicine.{106002}{106085}Yeah, yeah. That's painful there.{106087}{106166}Uh, hang on a second.|I only have one arm.{106167}{106214}Gesundheit.{106215}{106293}- Let's go!|- Yeah. Uh-huh.{106339}{106414}Uh-huh. Yeah.{106416}{106495}Hi. How can we help you?{106521}{106567}I don't know.{106569}{106639}Uh, I h-heard about this place...{106641}{106732}and l, I thought maybe|I would get some, uh--{106734}{106810}You know, maybe I'd talk to somebody,|because my thoughts--{106812}{106871}This is crazy.{106873}{106940}Word's getting out|we're handling the overflow from|three different clinics now.{106942}{107035}I start my pediatric clerkship|next week. I don't know how|I'm gonna... keep up.{107037}{107109}Anybody call for a doctor in here?{107111}{107165}Let's try this right now.|There. Look at that there.{107167}{107245}Hey, thank you, Judy and Cissy,|for that lovely medicine.{107313}{107406}- How you feeling, Frank?|You feel better?|- Yeah, feel better.

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    {107407}{107470}Well, keep on your medication. You can|never go wrong if you'rea Marxist.{107471}{107519}Hey, Patch?{107520}{107568}- Yes?|- This is, um-- I didn't get your name.{107570}{107634}- Uh, Larry.|- Hi, Larry. How are you?{107635}{107686}- Good.|- Nice to meet you.{107688}{107749}What are you passionate about, Larry?|What excites you?{107751}{107811}- What turns you on?|- I like to read.{107813}{107866}I love to read. What do you like|to read? Who's your favorite author?{107868}{107925}- Mmm, Kazantzakis.|- Kazantzakis.{107927}{108024}Oh. "World is trouble.|Man needs a little madness, or else--"{108026}{108079}"Or else he dare not|cut the rope and be free."{108081}{108127}That's great, Larry.|That's wonderful.{108129}{108175}We're gonna get along just fine.|Truman.{108177}{108253}- Yeah, Patch. What?|- Can you come over here|and show Larry around?{108255}{108321}- Nice having you here, Larry. Welcome.|- Thanks. Okay.{108400}{108493}- I've seen Larry in the E.R. before.|- He's weird.

    {108495}{108576}I'm weird. If we don't|show him compassion, who will?{108727}{108815}What's that name again? Right.{109331}{109378}- Hi.|- Hi.{109649}{109703}- Everyone asleep?|- Yeah.{109705}{109751}But it ain't me.{109898}{109944}You okay?{110007}{110053}- Yeah.|- Hmm.{110173}{110230}God, Patch, it's amazing.{110231}{110278}What?{110279}{110369}Just what you've done|with this place, you know.{110371}{110429}- You too.|- Well.{110500}{110547}These people|that we're helping--{110548}{110606}they would have had|nowhere to go.{110664}{110711}You're a good man.{111002}{111057}What are we?{111093}{111139}Is it me?{111214}{111343}I mean, are we just-- are we|good friends that occasionally kiss?{111498}{111564}Patch...{111566}{111613}my entire life...{111615}{111690}men have been...{111692}{111739}attracted to me.{111864}{111911}My entire life.{112148}{112195}When I was a little girl...{112196}{112267}I would look out my bedroom window|at the caterpillars.{112311}{112358}I envied them so much.{112408}{112455}No matter|what they were before...{112456}{112539}no matter...|what happened to them...{112540}{112657}they could just hide away,|you know...{112659}{112757}and turn into these beautiful|creatures that could fly away...{112759}{112805}completely untouched.{113010}{113090}I hated men so much.{113219}{113282}I wanted nothing|to do with them.{113627}{113674}Then I met you.{113787}{113857}The way that|you help people, Patch--{113919}{114012}The changes I see|in everybody that's around you--{114387}{114438}I love you.{114439}{114536}I've loved you for so long.{115366}{115446}You scared me.{115447}{115514}I was watching you sleep.{115516}{115606}I have a real knack.|Impressive, hmm?

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    {115672}{115744}"l love you|without knowing how...{115746}{115801}"or when or from where.{115803}{115854}- I love you straight--"|- Patch.{115921}{115966}Um, sorry.{115967}{116010}It's okay.{116012}{116072}Uh, we have a situation|out here...{116074}{116120}that needs attention.{116231}{116289}I've been trying|to warn you guys about this...{116291}{116337}and now we have|absolutely zero supplies.{116339}{116397}There's an older gentlemen over there.|He has a sprained shoulder.{116399}{116485}I don't have any slings.|I had to wrap his arm in his own belt.{116487}{116567}We have no iodine. We don't even|have any gauze, for God's sake.{116600}{116678}There's an entire supply room|at the hospital.{116680}{116764}That couldn't possibly be because|those supplies belong to the hospital.{116766}{116824}No.|That's too obvious.{116859}{116966}Come on.|I need your feet, and I want your body.{116967}{117016}- Come on.|- Bye.

    {117018}{117057}Behave.{117059}{117132}- Would you hurry, please?|This stuff is crushing me.|- Quiet. You're a corpse.{117134}{117180}Ow!|Shh!{117182}{117228}- Ow!|- Damn it!{117230}{117316}- Watch it!|- Quiet. Shut up!{118160}{118247}Uh, I was wondering i-if|somebody could come over.{118249}{118296}Uh--{118321}{118371}I'm not doin' too well.|Um--{118412}{118501}I was, I was-- I-lt would help|if I could talk to somebody.{118503}{118570}Uh... okay.{119276}{119322}Hello?{119589}{119636}Larry?{120228}{120275}Larry?{120323}{120369}Are you okay?{120435}{120530}Yeah, yeah, yeah.|I'm fine. I'm fine.{120580}{120665}- I didn't know you could play.|You sound wonderful.|- Thank you.{120667}{120748}And this house-- it's amazing.|Is it yours?{120775}{120833}It's my father's.|He left it to me.{120876}{120923}Here.|Let me take your jacket.{120972}{121019}Sure.{121083}{121158}- You okay?|- Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine.{121196}{121254}Uh, come in.|Come in.{121277}{121324}Thanks.{121373}{121470}I really can't stay very long.|I just wanted to see how you were doing.{121500}{121561}Yeah, you're right.{121628}{121678}No, we don't wanna be late.{121996}{122050}Patch.{122052}{122101}- Oh.|- You just got a telephone call.{122103}{122178}Dean Anderson wants to see you|in his office immediately.{122180}{122297}- Oh, no. Walcott found out|about our borrowed supplies.|- We're dead.{122299}{122355}Ye of little faith.{122558}{122648}Dean Anderson, I know what this is|all about, and I assure you,sir--{122650}{122696}Sit down.{122853}{122912}Something happened last night.{122969}{123016}Carin Fisher was murdered.{123083}{123140}She was with Lawrence Silver.

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    {123179}{123254}There was a shotgun involved,|and then he turned the gun on himself.{123287}{123371}Jesus Christ, Patch, I'm sorry.|I know she was a friend.{123397}{123489}If there's, um,|anything I can do--{123596}{123643}Hell of a deal.{123784}{123859}"lnto Your hands, O Merciful Savior...{123860}{123928}we commend|Your servant Carin.{123930}{124003}Receive her into the arms|of Your mercy,{124004}{124087}into the blessed rest|of everlasting peace,{124089}{124223}and into the glorious company|of the saints... on high."{124224}{124283}Amen.{125592}{125651}Told you I'd finish it|some other time.{125692}{125739}Guess now's okay.{125824}{125938}"l love you without knowing|how... or when...{125940}{125986}or from where.{126044}{126164}I love you straightforwardly,|without complexities or pride.{126166}{126255}I love you because I know|no other way than this.{126311}{126366}So close...{126368}{126443}that your hand on my chest|is my hand.

    {126485}{126552}So close|that when you close your eyes...{126590}{126638}I fall asleep."{126931}{126995}I'm sorry, honey! I'm sorry!{127233}{127291}We can't disband.|You know that, right?{127325}{127381}What about our patients?|What do we tell them?{127383}{127447}They'll manage.|They managed before.{127449}{127516}- I refuse to quit.|- Good.{127518}{127580}God, you're being|so self-indulgent.{127582}{127706}This has been your vision,|but we all built this place|and it belongs to all of us.{127708}{127766}Carin will always remain|within these walls.{127768}{127842}If you walk away from that,|if you let that all die--{127896}{127956}I've dedicated|every spare moment I have...{127957}{128062}to assisting you in what I believe|is a pure and a good purpose.{128064}{128139}Quitting is not going|to help you get through this.{128141}{128191}- You've always told us--|- Stop it!{128192}{128249}I've always told you what?{128252}{128334}People are good.|Trust people? Ha!{128336}{128382}You know, Truman...{128384}{128478}in all of God's creations, only|human beings kill their own species.{128480}{128534}There's a fun fact|for your final exam.{128564}{128655}Carin's death cannot make|helping people wrong.{128657}{128720}She saw it coming.{128722}{128810}She knew there was something dangerous|about Larry. I didn't see it.{128812}{128870}Patch,|why are you being like this?{128872}{128953}Because I killed her,|Truman.{128980}{129052}I taught her the medicine|that killed her.{129240}{129311}She'd still be here|if I hadn't met her.{129741}{129788}You can't leave.{129863}{129979}If what you say is true, looks like|I'm defying the laws of possibility.{130051}{130097}What are you doing?{130129}{130197}Oh, I can't leave|until you beat me, is that it?{130199}{130248}Okay. I surrender.|You're number one.{130250}{130341}You're the top student in the class.|You're smarter than me.{130343}{130411}Is that what you want to hear?|Now can I leave?{130511}{130587}You know Mrs. Kennedy|in 212?{130589}{130636}She doesn't eat.{130637}{130730}I visited her room every day|for the last three weeks.

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    {130732}{130778}I can't get her to eat.{130824}{130902}Now, I know everything|there is to know about medicine.{130904}{130950}I've studied relentlessly.{130952}{131066}I guarantee you I can outdo,|outdiagnose any attending|and surgeon in this hospital.{131166}{131212}But I can't make her eat.{131352}{131415}You have a gift.{131417}{131498}You have a way with people.{131500}{131558}You know, they like you.{131623}{131693}And if you leave,|I can't learn this way.{132094}{132140}So what now, huh?{132179}{132233}What do You want from me?{132381}{132440}Yeah, I could do it.{132441}{132512}We both know|You wouldn't stop me.{132616}{132686}So answer me, please.{132688}{132746}Tell me what You're doing.{132860}{132919}Okay,|let's look at the logic.{132961}{133010}You create man.{133012}{133104}Man suffers enormous amounts|of pain.

    {133106}{133187}Man dies.{133188}{133286}Maybe You should have had just|a few more brainstorming sessions...{133288}{133334}prior to Creation.{133372}{133457}You rested|on the seventh day.{133459}{133544}Maybe You should have spent|that day on compassion.{133763}{133809}You know what?{133872}{133918}You're not worth it.{135728}{135783}Do you still want help|with Mrs. Kennedy?{135919}{135976}Hey, Aggie.{135978}{136036}We have a special|surprise for you.{136436}{136527}Surprise!{136584}{136643}Benvenuto, Aggie!{136644}{136703}Aggie! Aggie!{136787}{136834}Grab ahold, Aggie!{136836}{136875}There you go.|Oh!{136877}{136959}- Oh.|- Come on in, Aggie.!{136960}{137007}Y-Yes.{137508}{137571}Pasta angels, Aggie! Pasta angels!{137841}{137895}Patch?{137897}{137980}Hey. I'm supposed|to give you this.{138364}{138442}- You turn around|and walk right out of here.|- Why?{138444}{138513}Everything will be delineated|in your letter of dismissal.{138515}{138579}- Why?|- You don't fit in.{138580}{138629}There are standards|and codes.{138631}{138705}You make the patients and everyone else|around you uncomfortable.{138707}{138801}- I make you uncomfortable.|- Well, you can make this into|a personal issue if you'd like.{138803}{138879}But the reality is,|you are not cut out to be a physician.{138880}{138951}- And it is my responsibility--|- Responsibility?{138952}{139051}You have one responsibility-- to be|a dick-head. How hard can that be?{139053}{139138}All you have to do is make sure|your head is a dick|and it's attached to your neck.{139140}{139192}- You leave immediately.|- I wanna see my records.{139194}{139254}They're confidential.{139256}{139300}Only the staff--{139438}{139484}Please,|you have to have permission.{139486}{139562}You can't just go in there|and take your own file!{139564}{139610}Your marks are basically perfect.

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    {139612}{139694}You've gotta be near|the top of the class.{139696}{139779}Look at this.|"Excessive happiness."{139780}{139850}- Actually says|you're excessively happy?|- Mm-hmm.{139852}{139913}And what does that mean?|lsn't that good?{139915}{140013}- I gotta fight this.|- What can we do?{140015}{140127}Dean Walcott seems thoroughly committed|to your not ever becoming a doctor.{140129}{140189}Even Dean Anderson|signed this.{140232}{140283}Nah, I'm screwed.{140285}{140332}I like this.{140360}{140406}You need my help.{140408}{140464}I prefer to think|I'm using you.{140490}{140536}- You have one shot.|- Mm-hmm.{140538}{140609}- You'd have to appeal|to the state medical board.|- How does that work?{140611}{140682}You claim that a prejudice|and injustice has occurred.{140684}{140761}- They'll be worried about a suit.|They'll have to investigate.|- Then what?{140763}{140834}- They'll review your grades,|which is good--|- Mm-hmm.

    {140836}{140882}you're almost|top of the class--{140884}{140930}but mostly your behavior.{140968}{141029}Do you have any idea|what Walcott has on you?{141068}{141115}How'd you get these?{141116}{141184}Don't ask.{141186}{141281}They can't prevent me|from graduating because of|a personality clash, can they?{141283}{141337}Hunter, this is a medical institution|you're dealing with.{141339}{141385}They draw their own law.{141387}{141463}You'll have to get their focus|on your high marks and off of this.{141465}{141512}I'm screwed, aren't l?{141549}{141596}You're almost a doctor.{141597}{141666}They're a panel of doctors.{141668}{141757}Just think of them as your peers...|and return these.{141759}{141803}Yeah.{141804}{141887}And get a suit.{142472}{142518}Hunter Adams.{142576}{142655}You've been accused of|practicing medicine without a license.{142656}{142711}That's a very|grave charge, son.{142713}{142823}Are you aware that it's unlawful|to practice medicine without|amedical license?{142825}{142865}Yes, sir, I am.{142867}{142959}Are you aware that running a medical|clinic without the proper licensing...{142960}{143015}can place both you|and the public...{143016}{143067}in a great deal of danger?{143068}{143116}Is a home a clinic, sir?{143117}{143192}If you are admitting patients|and treating them...{143194}{143253}physical location|is irrelevant.{143255}{143345}Sir, will you define|treatment for me?{143347}{143461}Yes. Treatment would be defined|as the care of a patient|seeking medical attention.{143490}{143569}Have you been treating patients,|Mr. Adams?{143571}{143642}I live with several people.|They come and go as they please.{143644}{143691}I offer them|whatever help I can.{143692}{143742}Mr. Adams...{143744}{143842}have you or have you not|been treating patients at your ranch?{143891}{143973}Everyone who comes to the ranch|is a patient, yes.{144045}{144123}And every person who comes|to the ranch is also a doctor.{144172}{144225}I'm sorry?

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    {144227}{144287}Every person who comes|to the ranch is in need...{144289}{144355}of some form of physical|or mental help.{144356}{144403}They're patients.{144404}{144533}But also every person who comes|to the ranch is in charge of|taking care of someone else--{144535}{144582}whether it's cooking for them,|cleaning them...{144584}{144653}or even as simple a task|as listening.{144655}{144701}That makes them doctors.{144703}{144830}I use that term broadly, but is not a|doctor someone who helps someone else?{144832}{144931}When did the term "doctor" get|treated with such reverence, as,|"Right this way, Doctor Smith"...{144932}{145003}or, "Excuse me, Dr. Scholl,|what wonderful footpads"...{145004}{145093}or, "Pardon me, Dr. Patterson,|but your flatulence has no odor"?{145159}{145244}At what point in history|did a doctor become more...{145246}{145347}than a trusted and learned friend|who visited and treated the ill?{145349}{145425}Now, you ask me if|I've been practicing medicine.{145427}{145501}Well, if this means opening|your door to those in need--

    {145503}{145559}those in pain--{145561}{145691}caring for them, listening|to them, applying a cold cloth|untila fever breaks--{145692}{145747}if this is practicing medicine,|if this is treating a patient...{145749}{145811}then I am guilty|as charged, sir.{145812}{145899}Did you consider the ramifications|of your actions?{145900}{145955}What if one of your patients|had died?{145957}{146013}What's wrong|with death, sir?{146015}{146074}What are we so mortally|afraid of?{146076}{146154}Why can't we treat death with|a certain amount of humanity|and dignity and decency...{146156}{146219}and, God forbid,|maybe even humor?{146220}{146267}Death is not the enemy,|gentlemen.{146268}{146339}If we're gonna fight a disease,|let's fight one of the most|terrible diseases of all--{146340}{146387}indifference.{146388}{146486}Now, I've sat in your schools and heard|people lecture on transference...{146488}{146534}and professional distance.{146536}{146595}Transference|is inevitable, sir.{146597}{146658}Every human being|has an impact on another.{146660}{146742}Why don't we want that in|a patient/doctor relationship?{146744}{146850}That's why I've listened to your|teachings, and I believe they're wrong.{146852}{146945}A doctor's mission should be|not just to prevent death...{146947}{146998}but also to improve|the quality of life.{147000}{147075}That's why you treat a disease,|you win, you lose.{147077}{147203}You treat a person, I guarantee you,|you win, no matter what the outcome.{147250}{147334}Now here today, this room|is full of medical students.{147336}{147448}Don't let them anesthetize you.|Don't let them numb you out|to the miracle of life.{147450}{147534}Always live in awe of the|glorious mechanism of the human body.{147536}{147612}Let that be the focus of your studies|and not a quest for grades...{147614}{147684}which'll give you no idea what kind|of doctor you will become.{147686}{147736}Please try and address the board.{147738}{147811}Don't wait till you're on the ward|to get your humanity back.{147813}{147872}Start your interviewing skills.|Start talking to strangers.{147874}{147939}Talk to your friends,|Talk to wrong numbers, everyone.{147940}{148009}- Mr. Adams!|- And cultivate friendships...

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    {148011}{148090}with those amazing people in the back of|the room-- nurses thatcould teach you.{148092}{148167}They've been with people every day.|They wade through blood andshit.{148168}{148263}They have a wealth of knowledge,|and so do the professors you respect--{148265}{148319}the ones who are not dead|from the heart up.{148320}{148413}- Share their compassion.|Let that be contagious.|- Mr. Adams.{148415}{148473}I demand that you turn|and address the board.{148475}{148545}Sir, I want to be a doctor|with all my heart.{148844}{148923}I wanted to become a doctor|so I could serve others...{148924}{148984}and because of that|I've lost everything...{148985}{149050}but I've also|gained everything.{149052}{149151}I've shared the lives of patients|and staff members at the hospital.{149153}{149224}I've laughed with them.|I've cried with them.{149256}{149315}This is what I want to do|with my life.{149375}{149441}And as God is my witness...{149443}{149501}no matter what your decision|today, sir...

    {149503}{149621}I will still become the best damn doctor|the world has ever seen.{149674}{149747}Now you have the ability|to prevent me from graduating.{149749}{149850}You can keep me from getting|the title and the white coat.{149852}{149906}But you can't control|my spirit, gentlemen.{149908}{149998}You can't keep me from learning.|You can't keep me from studying.{150000}{150075}So you have a choice-- you could|have me as a professional colleague...{150076}{150123}passionate...{150124}{150203}or you can have me as an|outspoken outsider, still adamant.{150205}{150279}Either way, I'll probably|still be viewed as a thorn.{150280}{150335}But I promise you one thing.{150337}{150385}Is that all?{150440}{150487}I hope not, sir.{150562}{150614}We will adjourn briefly.{151711}{151758}Thank you.{152527}{152568}Hunter Adams.{152683}{152773}We find your methods|less than appealing.{152806}{152877}Your appearance and your demeanor|do not reflect...{152878}{152925}what we believe|is necessary...{152926}{153000}to earn a patient's trust|and respect.{153036}{153125}You openly accuse us of adhering|to time-honored practices...{153127}{153242}that for years have been the backbone|of the entire medical institution.{153303}{153355}However...{153357}{153408}we find no fault|in your attempts...{153409}{153492}to improve the quality of life|around you.{153522}{153579}We find no fault|in your desire...{153581}{153652}to expand upon existing|medical practices...{153654}{153701}and theories.{153702}{153789}We applaud your love|of the patient.{153791}{153847}Your grades are among|the highest in your class...{153849}{153922}and, therefore, we find|no merit in the decision...{153924}{153993}to block your graduation|from medical school.{154161}{154272}Now, along with your crass|and disdainful behavior...{154274}{154350}you carry with you a flame...{154352}{154398}which one could only hope...{154400}{154472}would spread through|the medical profession like a brushfire.{154508}{154554}And, uh, Dean Walcott...{154556}{154630}in the future,|I think matters like this...

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    {154632}{154722}could best be solved if you yourself|would practice a little...{154724}{154800}"excessive happiness."{155454}{155506}Well, today you go...{155508}{155595}from being students in a class|to being members of a class--{155597}{155662}a very select class.{155664}{155752}You face the future|with your heads held high...{155753}{155820}because you are now...|doctors.{156057}{156107}Dr. Michael Ames.{156241}{156312}Dr. Doris Ackerman{156401}{156467}Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams.{156575}{156627}Yea, Patch!{156713}{156787}Well, I'm happy to see|you've finally decided to conform.{156789}{156846}More than you know, sir.
