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Patent Right Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business

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  • 7/28/2019 Patent Right Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


  • 7/28/2019 Patent Right Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Intellectual Property Rights

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    Someone who is responsible for a creation of theintellect such as an inventor, Author or originatorcreates intellectual property. Like tangible property ,their creation has a value and, as with all property, itneeds to be protected. Intellectual property rightsgive them this protection, as well as helping themexploit and control Their IP. Such a person is

    known as a rights owner or rights holder.Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind ;inventions, Literary and artistic works and symbols,names, images, design used in commerce.

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    Classification of IPR

    Intellectual property can be characterised as theproperty in ideas or their expression. Its a Creationof the mind, For example, a technologicalinnovation, a poem, or a design. It protects therights of individuals and businesses who have

    transformed their ideas into property by grantingrights to the owners of those properties.

    Intellectual property can be classified into thefollowing four categories.

    Patents. Trademarks.



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    PATENTIntroduction: According to Indian Patent Act 1970. A patent is the

    form of a certificate granted by a government . Patentgives the inventor the right to exclude others from

    initiating, manufacturing, using or selling theinvention in question for commercial use during thespecial period. Patent is an exclusive monopoly right.It is granted by government. Inventor make use of

    manufacture and market the invention. It is for alimited period of time.

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    Continued...The procedure for granting patents, the requirements

    placed on the patentee, and the extent of the exclusive

    rights vary widely between countries according to

    national laws and international agreements. Typically,

    however, a patent application must include one ormore claims defining the invention which must meet

    the relevant patentability requirements such

    as novelty and non-obviousness. The exclusive right

    granted to a patentee in most countries is the right toprevent others from making, using, selling, or

    distributing the patented invention without


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    Who can apply for Patent?

    An inventor.

    Person/company legally assigned by the


    legal representative of any inventor.

    Either alone or jointly by above persons.

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    Patent Infringement

    Making, using or selling a patented invention

    (product or process) without permission from

    the patent owner is Infringement.

    Infringement suit can be filed only after patent

    is issued (granted).

    Relief includes fine or account of profit.

    Use for research purpose is not act of


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  • 7/28/2019 Patent Right Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Trademarks are commercial source indicators

    distinctive signs that identify certain goods orservices produced or provided by a specific

    person or enterprise. Trademarks are especially

    important when consumers and producers are

    far away from one another.

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    Importance of Trademark


    Exclusive rights registered trademarks owners

    have exclusive right to use their marks in trading.

    They also have the rights to take legal action for

    infringement under the Trade Mark Law againstothers who use their marks without consent.

    Legal Evidence registration certificate issued by

    registrar office is a prime evidence of trademarkownership. A certificate of registration serves as

    an important document to establish the ownership

    of goods exported to other countries.

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    Duration of Registration is valid for ten

    years from the date of application and may berenewed every ten years.

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    Trademark Infringement

    Trademark infringement is a violation of theexclusive rights attaching to a trademark

    without the authorization of the trademark

    owner or any licensees.

    Infringement may occur when one party the

    infringer uses a trademark which is identical

    to a trademark owned by another party.

    An owner of a trademark may commence legal

    proceedings against a party which infringes its


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    According to Indian Copyright Act 1957.Copyright is a legal term describing theeconomic rights given to creators of literaryand artistic works, including the right to

    reproduce the work, to make copies and toperform or display the work publicly.

    Exclusive privilege to authors to reproduce,distribute, perform, or display their works.

    It is usually associated with civil law. In the Copyright Act, there are provisions to

    treat all forms of infringement of copyright asoffences.

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    copyright protects arrangements of facts, but it

    does not cover newly collected facts as such.Moreover, copyright does not protect newideas and processes, they may be protected ifat all by patents.

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    Copyright InfringementCopyright infringement is the unauthorized use

    of works under copyright . It often refers to

    copying intellectual property without written

    permission from the copyright holder, which is

    typically a publisher assigned by the workscreator.

    Infringing the copyright holders exclusive rights

    such as the right to reproduce, distribute, displaythe copyrighted work.

    Information are spread within copyrighted work.

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    Copyright Registration

    Copyright registration is not necessary.

    Copyright exists from the moment the work iscreated.

    However, registration can be beneficial.

    Among other things, registration is necessarybefore you can bring a lawsuit for


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    GOODWILL Goodwill is an accounting concept meaning the value

    of an asset owned that is intangible but has aquantifiable "prudent value" in a business forexample a reputation the firm enjoyed with its clients.Goodwill is not acquired until such time as a tradercommences to use his trade name or unregisteredtrade mark in association with the wares or servicesthat he is marketing. The value of goodwill is tied tothe fortunes of the business in terms of its

    profitability and cashflow and the value of the net

    tangible assets utilized in the business. The value ofgoodwill will therefore fluctuate with theperformance of the business.

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    Goodwill is classified as commercial

    or personal. Commercial Goodwill:

    Commercial goodwill refers to goodwill

    which is sellable and which will provide the

    investor/purchaser with future economic

    benefits. Since the economic benefit

    supporting the calculation of commercial

    goodwill is transferable to third parties,commercial goodwill is a valid consideration

    in the determination of value.

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    Personal Goodwill:

    Personal goodwill pertains to the favorableattitudes of customers, suppliers, etc., which are

    derived from the efforts of a particular individual

    in the business. In many cases, personal goodwill

    can be transferred to a potential purchaser through

    client introductions, and so on. In some cases,

    goodwill associated with a particular individual

    may also be secured using non-compete contracts,management contracts or other prudent business

    arrangements. In these cases, personal goodwill as

    it is transferable would be commercial goodwill.

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    Legal problems :A variety of legal problems arises in prosecuting

    internet fraud, These relate to the multiplicity of rulesthat exist in the various jurisdictions and the fact that

    many of the rules are complex, Nuclear andContradictory .

    Court processes :

    There are also numerous problems associated with

    conducting criminal trials in cases involvingelectronic fraud. The principal difficulties relate to thepresentation of computerised business and accountingrecords to a court.

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    Criminal proceedings undertaken :

    Little information is available publiclyconcerning the judicial outcomes of casesinvolving interest fraud in the region as

    police and courts generally do not maintainrecords in such a way as to isolate the precisemanner in which fraud offences arecommitted. As such, reliance has to be placed

    on anecdotal accounts, such as thosedescribed in the earlier review of the types ofinternet fraud incidents.

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    A penalty is the punishment a person gets for

    committing an offence

    The Act sets out the maximum penalties for

    each offence in section (24).

    But the court can use its discretion about what

    an appropriate penalty is.

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    First conviction:

    Category 1: Fine, prison up to 2 years or both. Category 2: Fine, prison up to 1 years or both.

    Category 3: Fine, community service, both

    (community service should benefit the

    environment if possible).

    Second conviction:

    Category 1: No change.

    Category 2: Fine, prison up to 2 years or both.

    Category 3: Fine, prison up to 1 year or both.

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    The maximum amount of the fine may be put into the

    Government Gazette and changed from time to timeto take account of inflation.

    When a court orders an offender to pay a fine, a part

    of the fine (no more than 1/4) may go to any person

    who helped to bring the offender to justice. But anyone who is in the service of the State cannot

    get this reward.

    C O i

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    Campus Overview

    907/A Uvarshad,


    Highway, Ahmedabad


    Ahmedabad Kolkata

    Infinity Benchmark,

    10th Floor, Plot G1,Block EP & GP,

    Sector V, Salt-Lake,

    Kolkata 700091.


    Goldline Business Centre

    Linkway Estate,Next to Chincholi Fire

    Brigade, Malad (West),

    Mumbai 400 064.

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