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Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

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Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology
Page 1: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease

ByProf. J.T. Anim

Department of Pathology

Page 2: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Cerebrovascular DiseaseAffected blood vessels

Intracranial vesselsMiddle cerebral arteryAnterior cerebral arteryBasilar artery (posterior cerebral arteries)

Extracranial vesselsCarotid artery

Common carotid arteryInternal carotid artery(external carotid artery)

Vertebral arteryothers

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Brain: Blood supply

Page 4: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Brain: Blood supply

Page 5: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Arterial blood supply to the brain

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Brain: Blood supply

Page 7: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Cerebrovascular DiseaseTransient ischaemic attack (TIA)

A fully reversible neurological deficit often lasting for no more than a few minutes, but occasionally up to 24 hours.

No structural brain damage has occurred

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Cerebrovascular DiseaseFactors predisposing to TIA

AtherosclerosisSuperimposed hypotensionSpasm of diseased vessel

Disorders in the neck (spondylosis)Other extracranial vascular diseases eg. embolism

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Cerebrovascular DiseaseStroke

Rapid onset of a focal disturbance of cerebral function of presumed vascular origin and of more than 24 hours duration.

Permanent brain damage has occured

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Ischaemic/Occlusive Haemorrhagic/Disruptive




Thrombosis Embolism Hypotension


Fibromuscular dysplasia




Extracranial vessels


Other emboli

Pump failure


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Stroke: Causes

Page 12: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Ischaemic StrokeAtherosclerosis

Carotid arteryCommon carotidInternal carotid(external carotid)

Vertebro-basilar systemPosterior cerebral

With normal BP, >90% cross sectional area reduction is necessary to impair blood flow

Page 13: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Ischaemic StrokeFactors affecting tissue survival

Adequacy of collateral circulationState of systemic circulation

Reduced blood flow, cardiac pump failure, hypovolaemia, hyperviscosity

Serological factorsLow blood sugar, high blood sugar, hypoxia, elevated serum calcium, high blood alcohol

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Ischaemic StrokeFactors affecting tissue survival contd.

Changes within obstructing vascular lesion

Fragmentation and advancing of embolusReactive vasoconstriction (spasm)Reperfusion – stunned cells may recoverPropagation of thrombus – collateral occlusionEmbolisation from previous thrombus

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Ischaemic StrokeFactors affecting tissue survival contd.

Resistance within microcirculatory bedHypertensionDiabetes mellitus – thickened vessel wallsHyperviscosityDiffuse thromboses (low microcirculatory flow)

Oedema and raised ICPIncreased resistance to blood flow

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Ischaemic StrokeIntracranial vascular occlusion

Effects usually confined to area of supply of affected vessel

Extracranial vascular occlusionEffects may be modified by collateral circulationWatershed infarction may be seen

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Brain: Distribution of cerebral infarction

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CNS IschaemiaSelective vulnerability of CNS cells

Neurons – most sensitiveOligodendrogliaAstrocytesMicrogliaBlood vessels

In descending order of sensitivity

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Brain: Effect of global ischaemia

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Consequences of global ischaemia

Effects of global ischaemia

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CNS IschaemiaMild hypoxia

Selective neuronal necrosis eg. respirator lung

Moderate hypoxiaNeuronal necrosisNeuroglial necrosisBlood vessels and microglia are spared

Partial cerebral infarction

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Ischaemic StrokeInfarction (stroke)

Thrombotic – usually anaemic (may be haemorrhagic)Embolic – usually haemorrhagic, often multiple. Haemorrhagic nature due to:

Necrosis of vessel wallLysis of embolus with restoration of some blood flow.

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CNS InfarctionVascular occlusion causes:

Necrosis of neurons, neuroglia and blood vessels4-6 hrs. – coagulative necrosis12-15 hrs. – sharp demarcation (swelling of neuropil)24 hrs. – reactive changes

Proliferation of microglia, astrocytes, capillariesInflammatory reaction

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CNS InfarctionInfarction contd.

1-2 weeks – Swelling resolvesSofteningShrunken granular grey matterAccumulation of lipid-laden phagocytes (gitter cells) in infarcted area

Several months – shrunken cystic lesion traversed by glial fibrils and small blood vessels

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Brain: Recent anaemic infarct

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Brain: Older infarct showing cavity formation

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Brain: Older infarct

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Bilateral posterior cerebral infarcts

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Brain: Recent haemorrhagic infarct

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Brain: Haemorrhagic infarct

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Brain: Haemorrhagic infarct

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Brain: Multiple haemorrhagic infarcts

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Brain: Relatively recent infarct - Histology

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Brain: Older infarct showing ‘gitter’ cells

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Brain: Older infarct - Histology

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Brain: Old infarct with cavity formation - Histology

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Brain: Laminar infarct

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Brain: Watershed infarct

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Brain: Very old infarct showing atrophy of hemisphere

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CNS InfarctionVertebro-basilar occlusion

Infarction of brainstemInfarction of cerebellumInfarction of posterior cerebral arterial territory

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Clinical effects of basilar artery occlusion

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Brain: Haemorrhagic cerebellar infarcts

Page 43: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

Chronic CNS IschaemiaLacunae

Small cavities located deep within cerebral hemispheres (basal ganglia) and ponsElderly subjects - >90% with hypertension? Small infarcts? Expanded perivascular spaces? Resolving haemorrhagesAssociated with vascular dementia

Multi-infarct dementiaBinswanger’s disease

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Brain: Lacuna in pons

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Brain: Lacunar lesions

Page 46: Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease By Prof. J.T. Anim Department of Pathology.

CNS InfarctionVenous thrombosis

Primary – non-infectiousPregnancy, puerperium and oral contraceptivesHaematological disordersExtreme dehydration

Haemorrhagic infarction

Secondary – pyogenic infectionsInfections from sinuses, middle earCompound fracture

Septic infarction

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Brain: Bilateral haemorrhagic infarct – Sup. Saggital sinus thrombosis

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Haemorrhagic StrokeBrain and spinal cord substance (intraparenchymal)SubarachnoidMixed

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Haemorrhagic StrokeMajor predisposing factors

HypertensionCongenital anomaliesVascular malformations

Minor predisposing factorsVasculitisBleeding diatheses

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Haemorrhagic StrokePrimary intraparenchmal haemorrhage

Predisposing vascular changes include:Fibrinoid necrosisHyaline arteriolosclerosis (lipohyalinosis)Microaneurysms (Charcôt-Bouchard)

Sizes of haemorrhageMassive - >3cm diam. Cerebral hemisphere

> 1.5cm diam. brainstem

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Brain: Charcot-Bouchard microaneurysm

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Common sites of spontaneous haemorrhage

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Brain: Haemorrhage into basal ganglia

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Brain: Massive hemispheric haemorrhage

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Brain: Haemorrhage into basal ganglia

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Brain: Pontine haemorrhage

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Brain: Pontine haemorrhage

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Haemorrhagic StrokeSubarachnoid haemorrhage

Saccular aneurysm 65%Females = malesDevelopmental medial defectSuperimposed degenerative changes eg. atheroma15-20% multiple

A-V malformations 5%Others (blood dyscrasias) 5%No cause found 20%

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Haemorrhagic StrokeSubarachnoid haemorrhage

Secondary effects include:RebleedingVasoconstriction (spasm)hydrocephalus

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Brain: Distribution of saccular (berry) aneurysms

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Brain: Multiple berry aneurysms

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Brain: Berry aneurysm - arrow

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Brain: A large berry aneurysm

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Brain: Subarachnoid haemorrhage – ruptured berry aneurysm

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Brain: Giant atherosclerotic aneurysm

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Haemorrhagic StrokeMixed (intraparenchymal and subarachnoid) haemorrhage

A-V malformationsCapillary angiomas

Focal irritation may predispose to convulsions (epileptiform attacks)

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Causes of mixed subarachnoid and intracerebral haemorrhages

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Vascular malformations

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Brain: Vascular malformation – cerebral hemisphere

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Brain: Arterio-venous malformation

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Brain: Vascular malformation
