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Pathology Slide #6+7

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Pulmonary Infections : PNEUMONIAS
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Pulmonary Infections :PNEUMONIAS

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Factors in Pathogenesis Microbial factors

Capsule (pneumococcus) IgA protease (pneumococcus,

neisseria) Others – ciliostatic factor…etc

Host factors Impaired host defence

Hypogammaglobulinaemia, phagocytic or ciliary dysfunction, neutropenia, lymphopenia

Anatomical defects Bronchus obstruction,

bronchiectasis Genetic factors

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Impairment of defense mechanisms leading to pulmonary infections :

1- Loss or suppression of cough reflex : coma , general anasthesia

neuromuscular disease, kyphoscoliosis, drugs.

2- Injury to mucociliary blanket : smoke, viral, alcohol, gases,

obstruction, cystic fibrosis

3- Decrease in macrophage function : alcohol, smoking phagocyte killing


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4- Impaired immune system : chronic diseases, acquired or

congenital immune deficiency, aging

5- Existing pulmonary disease: atelectasis, edema, COPD

6- Unusually virulent infecting organism

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Definition of Pneumonia :

Pathological : Infection of lung parenchyma distal

to the terminal bronchioles.

ClinicalConstellation of symptoms & signs with at least one opacity on chest x-


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Diagnosis :

History Examination : percussion,

auscultation Blood picture Isolation of microbe :

sputum blood culture pleural fluid serology

Chest X ray

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 COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED BACTERIAL ACUTE PNEUMONIASStreptococcus PneumoniaeHaemophilus InfluenzaeMoraxella CatarrhalisStaphylococcus AureusKlebsiella PneumoniaePseudomonas AeruginosaLegionella Pneumophila

COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ATYPICAL (VIRAL AND MYCOPLASMAL) PNEUMONIASMorphology.Clinical Course.Influenza InfectionsSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)


Etiology and Pathogenesis.CHRONIC PNEUMONIA

Histoplasmosis, MorphologyBlastomycosis, MorphologyCoccidioidomycosis, Morphology



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Patterns of pneumonia :


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Lobar Pneumonia

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Downloaded from: Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (on 30 April 2008 02:55 PM)

© 2007 Elsevier LOBAR PNEUMONIA

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Classification of pneumonias

• Community- Acquired Acute Pn.• Community- Acquired Atypical Pn.• Nosocomial Pneumonia• Aspiration Pneumonia• Chronic Pneumonia• Pneumonia in the

Immunocompromised host

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Community-Acquired Pneumonia Risk factors

Dependent on organism Alcoholism, asthma,

immunosuppression, age >70, smoking, COPD, dementia, seizures, CHF etc

Aetiology Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites Common – s. pneumoniae, h.

influenzae, s. aureus, m. pneumoniae, c.

pneumoniae, influenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus

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A -Acute Bacterial Pneumonias

Pathology : CONSOLIDATION Hardening of lung parenchyma due to presence of exudate in alveolar


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Pneumococcal Pneumonia :

Commonest community acquired pn.

Healthy adults, more with predisposing

conditions Acute onset of fever, cough, rust

coloured sputum & chest pain. Pathology: Usually LOBAR

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There are 4 stages of evolution :


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1- Congestion

Heavy red lungs Severe vascular congestion Intra alveolar exudate with few neutrophils Watery sputum Bacteria +++

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2- Red hepatization Firm airless , liver-like lung Fibrinopurulent pleuritis Intra alveolar exudate : organisms

++ cells: * erythrocytes * neutrophils * fibrin * rusty sputum

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3- Grey hepatization :

Dry grey brown cut surface ↑ intra alveolar fibrin &

macrophages Disintegrating neutrophils & ↓

RBC’s 4- Resolution : Enzymatic digestion of exudate resorption, phagocytosis ,

sometimes with residual adhesion

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Stages of Bacterial Pneumonia

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Patchy consolidation involving one or several lobes

Usually affects dependent lower & posterior portions of lung

Neutrophilic exudate centred in bronchi & bronchioles with centrifugal spread to adjacent alveoli

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Clinical Manifestations

Typical Symptoms : Fever Cough Expectoration of sputum Pleuritic chest pain Chills, rigors SOB

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Clinical Manifestations

Physical signs Tachypnoea

Single most useful sign for assessing severity: RR >30 bpm

Dullness to percussion Friction rub

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B- Interstitial Pneumonia (Atypical)

A group of pneumonias ( Pneumonitis ) caused by community /hospital acquired

atypical bacteria or nonbacterial agents: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Viruses - Resp.syncitial virus,

measles parainfluenza, adenoviruses,

CMV….. Chlamydia - Psittacosis Rickettsiae

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Pathology Inflammatory process predominantly

involving the interstitium May be patchy of diffuse

Alveolar septa contain infiltrate of lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells

Little exudate in alveoli

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Interstitial Pneumonia

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- Clinical picture : insidious onset minimal

dry cough, minimal expectoration, minimal WBC’s , no Consolidation - Radiological picture : Transient ill

defined patches, mainly in lower lobes - In case of viruses , viral inclusions are

seen - In mycoplasma: cold agglutinin present

Diffuse Alveolar Damage, with formation of hyaline membranes in severe cases.

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Frequently “interstitial”, NOT alveolar

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Hospital-Acquired (Nosocomial) Pneumonia

Pneumonia occurring at least 48 hrs after admission & not incubating at the time of admission

Epidemiology 5-10% of all hospital discharges

on medical & surgical wards Incidence 6-20 X higher among

mechanically ventilated patients

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Poor infection control measures Prolonged & inappropriate use of

antibiotics spread of antibiotic resistant virulent organisms

Endotracheal intubation Serves as direct bacterial conduit Prevents effective coughing Damages tracheal epithelium Accumulation of oropharyngeal


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Causative organisms Mostly gram-negative bacilli

P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae

Gram positive :S. aureus is the most common cause of nosocomial pneumonia in the US

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Nosocomial Pneumonias :

Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia

Bronchopneumonia , high mortality Patients : neutropenic cancer

patients , burn patients, ventilator associated…

Pathology : abscess formation & empyema with prominent vascular invasion vasculitis , hemorrhage & necrosis (Necrotizing Pneumonia )

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Klebsiella pneumonia:

Bronchopneumonia or lobar. Gelatinous sputum nonresolution Risk : COPD, alcoholics, old,


CYSTIC FIBROSIS patients with pneumonia are presumed to have PSEUDOMONAS until proven otherwise

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Staphylococcal pneumonia : Severe abscessing broncho -

pneumonia with destruction.

Risk : children - cystic fibrosis or postviral Adults - COPD , IV drug addicts

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Aspiration Pneumonia : Aspiration from oropharyngeal

secretion, acid gastric contents Patient : weak , with depressed

sensation &control of hypopharynx, repeated vomiting e.g. post anasthesia & paralysed patient

Mixed bacterial infection + Acid Chemical damage + consolidation

Severe Necrotizing Pneumonia

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Lipid Pneumonia : Exogenous : inhalation of lipid

containing nasal drops , laxatives…etc Reaction is foreign body


Endogenous: secondary to bronchial

obstruction specially by tumor Reaction is patchy

bronchopneumonia with accumulation of lipid in macrophages

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Complications of bacterial pneumonias :

1- Pleural effusion & pyothorax 2- Non resolution and organization of exudate fibrosis 3- Abscess formation 4- Bacteremic dissemination meningitis , arthritis , infective endocarditis 5- Empyema : accumulation of pus in pleural cavity which is followed by adhesions 6- Atelectasis 7- Vascular invasion infarction, cavitation, empyema, bronchopleural fistula

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Lung Abscess: Localized area of suppuration within the lung

Pathogenesis : 1- Aspiration of infective material 2- Post pneumonic 3- Bronchial obstruction 4- Infection in existing cavities or

cysts 5- Septic embolism 6- Bacteremic seeding

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Morphology of abscess :

- Variable size , may be single or multiple ,

depending on mode of development. * Aspiration - Usually solitary , RL more than

LB * Postpneumonic- Usually multiple, more

basal *Hematogenous - usually multiple & any site

- Culture of pus : mixed aerobic / anaerobic

- Histology - suppuration , surrounded by fibrous wall with chronic inflammatory cells

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Lung Abscess

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Fate & complications of lung abscess:

1- Healing by fibrosis leaving a sterile cavit2- Rupture with partial drainage of material

*Radiological picture Air- Fluid level *Rupture into pleura Empyema *Rupture into

bronchusBronchopneumonia3- Bronchopleural fistula Pneumothorax4- Septic emboli5- Lung hemorrhage from vessels in fibrous


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CHRONIC Pneumonias

USUALLY NOT persistances of the community or nosocomial bacterial infections, but CAN BE, at least histologically

Often SYNONYMOUS with the 4 classic fungal or granulomatous pulmonary infections infections

If you see pulmonary granulomas, think of a CHRONIC process, often years

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Include :

Tuberculosis Histoplasmosis Blastomycosis Coccidiodomycosis

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1- Histoplasmosis,Coccidiodomycosis, & Blastomycosis

Usually normal host, also immunocompromised

Presentation & pathology very similar to T.B. Acute primary pulmonary infection Chronic cavitary pulmonary infection Disseminated miliary infection

Lesion is granuloma with necrosis & giant cells

Identify the organisms

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Spores in bird or bat droppings Histoplasma CAPSULATUM Tiny organisms live in macrophages MANY other organs can be affected


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Spores in soil Blastomyces DERMATIDIS Large distinct SPHERULES MANY other organs can be affected,

especially SKIN


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Spores in soil Coccidioides IMMITIS Tiny organisms live in macrophages MANY other organs can be affected


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INFECTIONS in immunocompromised


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1- Candidiasis :

Common superficial oral or vaginal mucosal infection or skin

Maybe invasive in special patients AIDS , renal transplant, neutropenia ,

heart valvular diseases … Findings include abscesses in

kidney , lungs , heart ,brain, GIT….etc

Selective involvement of esophagus in AIDS

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2-Cryptococcosis :

Opportunistic infection specially in

AIDS Gelatinous organisms, initiates

minimal inflammation Pulmonary, CNS, Disseminated

disease Usually inhalation to lung, spread to

meninges in gelatinous masses

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3- Aspergillosis :

1- Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis : Immunocompromised host

Multifocal necrotizing pneumonia

May invade BV dissemiation with

vasculitis, occlusion,& infarction

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2-Aspergilloma : ( mycetoma) growing in existing cavities , specially in TB & bronchiectasis

3-Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis:

Asthmatic attack or hypersensitivity pneumonitis : Transient pulmonary infiltrates,

eosinophilia Ig E

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4 - Mucormycosis:

Hyphae localized in nose brain In lung localized cavity or miliary Immunocompromised host, specially

in diabetics

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5- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia :

? Protozoa, ? Fungus Majority of humans show positive

serology , but no disease Opportunistic infection in AIDS , often

with CMV (reactivation) Clinical picture : fever,dry

cough ,dyspnea, hypoxia, restrictive lung disease Radiology : bilateral & basal infiltrates

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Pathology :

Interstitial lymphocytic infiltration Pink frothy exudate in alveoli Cysts or trophozoites in exudate Diagnosis : Organism best detected by special

stains & PCR on the following samples : Bronchoalveolar lavage Transbronchial biopsy

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Pneumocystis pneumonia

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Silver Stain (+)

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Methenamine SILVER stain for Pneumocystis Carinii

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Clinical Picture :

Fever, dry cough, dyspnea, hypoxia

Chest X ray : Bilateral perihilar & Basilar

nodular infiltrates Restrictive pulmonary function

defects Recurrences are common

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6- Cytomegalovirus ( CMV )

Transplacental spread to fetus,or children:

CNS, pulmonary….etc Normal people : infectious

mononucleosis Immunocompromised : Transplants

&AIDS Commonest pathogen in AIDS

patients Necrotizing Interstitial Pneumonia

with inclusions. May progress to ARDS

Retinitis Gastrointestinal ulcerations &


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7-Mycobacterium avium intracellulare

Atypical Mycobact. usually affect birds,

Common in advanced AIDS while M.hominis common in early AIDS Morphology :

Atypical microgranulomas Minimal caseation

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Pulmonary Disease in HIV : Bacterial pneumonias are commoner &

more serious than in immunocompetent patients

Type of infection depends on CD4 counts: >200cells/mm³: bacterial pneumonia & secondary TB <200cells/mm³: pneumocystis carinii <50cells/mm³: CMV & M.avium

Kaposi Sarcoma, lymphoma & lung CA are more frequent in AIDS
