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Pathology Test 2011

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Pre Semester Test Pathology ... :)
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Q: Asymmetrical hypertrophy is found in a)Ischemic cardiomyopathy b)Congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy c)Alcoholic cardiomyopathy d)Amyloidosis of heart e)Dilated cardiomyopathy Made by Aneeb Nizamani
Page 1: Pathology Test  2011

Q: Asymmetrical hypertrophy is found in

a)Ischemic cardiomyopathyb)Congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathyc)Alcoholic cardiomyopathyd)Amyloidosis of hearte)Dilated cardiomyopathy

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Q: Myocarditis is common complication of infection with?

a)Trichuris Trichuriab)Trypnosoma cruzic)Schistomia manosid)Trepona pallidiume)Pmnumocystisis carrini

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Q: Jones major criteria of diagnosing include all except

a)polyarthritisb)choreac)Erythema mariginatumd)carditise)aortitis

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Q: Circumferential subendocardial infarcts r typically consequence of

a)cardiac tamponadeb)mitral stenosisc)coronary spasmd)inadequate anastomotic circulatione)hypo perfusion of the heart in shock

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Q: Patent ductus arteriosus show all features except:

a)Rt: ventricular hypertrophyb)development of cyanosis in late stagec)It is integral lesion of tetralogy of fallotd)It has a striking female preponderance

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Q: Which of the following test assessing the best regarding thyroid functional status

a) Total T3b) Total T4c) Total TSHd) Radioiodine scan

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Q: Which of following associated with manifestation of hyperthyroidism

a)surgery b)dysplasia of thyroidc)hashimotos thyroiditisd)radiationse)stroma ovarri

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Q: Schiller- duval bodies r pathogonomic of

a) endodermal sunus tumorb) wilm's tumourc) clear cell adenocarcinoma of

cervixd) choricarcinomae) dysgerminoma

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: which of the following risk factors correlates with the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

a) Gonorrheab) oral contraceptivesc) coitus r early age and multiple

sexual partnersd) smokinge) intravaginal contraceptives

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Which of the following epithelia is more resistant to gonorrhea

a)endocervixb)endometriumc)vagina in pre pubertal girlsd)vagina in sexually mature

girlse)fallopian tube

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Q: The survival rate of breast carcinoma is most likely highest

a) intraductal carcinomab) papillary carcinomac) colloid carcinomad) medullary carcinomae) infiltrating lobular carcinoma

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Tadpole cells r seen in which of the following

a) leiomysarcomab) liposarcomac) rhabdosarcomad) fibrosarcomae) angiosarcoma

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Antony type A areas r seen in which tumor

a) Neurofibromab) schwannomac) fibrosarcomad) meningiomae) neuroblastoma

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Q: Infantile fibrosarcoma differs frm adult fibrosacroma by which of the following

a)frequent mitosesb)fascicular pattern of spindle shaped cellsc)more common is lower limbsd)recurrence in 50% casese)metastasis in 10-15 % cases

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Q: Commonest malignant soft tissue neoplasm in children

a)malignant fibrous histiocystomab)infantile fibrosarcomac)liposarcomad)embryonal rhadomysarcomae)pigmented neuroectodermal tumour of


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Q: 30 yr old female die due to subarchanoid hemmorage. Autopsy reveal rupture of berry aneurym..its pathogenesis ?

a)congenital defect of arteial wallb)arterial wall defect due to diabetesc)cyto medial necrosisd)Athersclerosis?

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Which of the following statemnt is true for breast cancer in man

a)it is only 1% common as breast cancer in women

b)its has better prognosis then breast cancer in women

c)it is often preceded by atypical epithelia hyperplasm

d)lobular caronomes is most common histologic type

e)it is often bilateral

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Estrogen receprors r more common in

a) tumors that show aneuploidyb) tumors donont respond toi anti-estrogen

therapyc) breast tumour of younger rather than older

women d) histologically well- differntiated tumorse) tumors that have metastases in liver

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: All of the following apply to vaginal adenosis except

a) the incidence correlates positively with total amount of DES given during pregnancy

b) it is lined by columnr epitheliumc) it is consequence of exposure to DES in uterod) it is more common if DES was given in early

stage rather than late stages of pregnancye) there is high incidence of adenocarcinoma

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: The best prognosis indicator if survival in patients with cervical neoplasia is

a) exofoliative cytology findingb) clinical staging of tumorc) presence of CEA d) small cell rather than large cell carcinomae) degree of keratinization of tumour

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: The most common cause of death in advanced cervical carcinoma is

a) Renal failureb) vertebral fracturesc) brain metastasesd) lung metastasese) adrenal cortical failure

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Q: Regarding serous tumors of ovary..which of the following best describes the histology

a) columnr mucous secreting epitheliumb) mature epidermis with skin adnexac) cell- exner bodies d) columnr ciliated epithiliume) schiller- duvall bodies

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: The following statement regarding endometrial hyperplasia r true except

a) hyperplasia is associated with anvolutionb) simple hyperplasia commonly progress to

carcinomac) atypical hyperplasia may be premalignantd) simple hyperplasia also called cystic hyperplasiae) complex hyperplasia is also called adenomatous


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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Which of the following tumours most likely does not produce osteoblastic conditions

a) breast carcinomab) adenocarcinoma of prostatec) clear cell carcinoma of kidneyd) carcinoid tumor of gute) oat cell carcinoma of lung

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: Chondrosarcoma is

a) the most frequent primary tumor of bone

b) associated with pigetsc) sometime seen to arise in benign

cartilaginous tumoursd) usually seen in distal skeletal bonese) more common in females

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: all r causes of transient hypermetabolic state except

a) pregnancyb) diffuse liver diseasec) advanced liver diseased) estrogene) contraceptives

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Q: Which of the following pituitary adenoma is most likely microsadenoma at time of clinical diagnosis

a) ACTH adenomasb) silent adenomac) somatotroph adenomad) gonadotroph adenomae) ?

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Q: Which of the following pituitary adenomas predispose GI carcinoma

a) somatotroph adenomab) gonadotroph adenomac) ACTH adenomad) thyrotropic adenomae) ?

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Q: A patient with pituitary adenoma develops headache nausea n vomiting when tumor expand

a) posteriorlyb) Inferiorly c) superiorlyd) anteriorlye) inferiorly

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Q: All of the following diseases r example of extinsic allergic allvolitis except

a) Turkey's handler's diseaseb) farmers lungc) meple bark stipper's diseased) silicosise) bagassosis

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Q: Theraptic aspiration of massive pleueal effussion under sterile circumstances may cause

a) Bronchiectasisb) pulmonary edemac) atelectasisd) emphysema

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Q: Pneumonia Alba most likely occurs in

a)Measlesb)syphilisc) Adenoviral infectiond)sarcoidosise)Amyloidosis

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Made by Aneeb Nizamani

Q: the most common cause of death in viral influenza epidemics is

a) cerebral abscessb) meningitisc) mastoid abscessd) bacterial pneumoniae) aencaphalitis

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Q: Which of the following shows inverse relationship to the risk for developing athersclrosis

a) HDLb) cholestolc) Triglyceridsd) LDLe) VLDL

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Q: Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis is characterized by all except

a) Luminal narrowing with consequent ischemic changes

b) rarity in person young then 50 yrs of agec) medial calcificationd) involvement of predominantly small to

medium sized muscular arteriese) a distinct entity from atherosclerosis
