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Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished...

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Architecture and Urban Design Software Design Patterns Life cycle of Design Patterns Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns Families of Patterns Families of Anti-Patterns Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished work Venera Arnaoudova ´ Ecole Polytechnique de Montr´ eal, Qu´ ebec, Canada March 5th, 2013 Venera Arnaoudova March 5th, 2013 1 / 21
Page 1: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History andaccomplished work

Venera Arnaoudova

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Quebec, Canada

March 5th, 2013

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Page 2: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Christopher AlexanderHis workWhy patterns?What is a Pattern?What is a Pattern Language?

Christopher Alexander

Image from wikipedia.org

Who is he?

Born in 1936 in Vienna,Austria


Emeritus Professor ofArchitecture at theUniversity of California,Berkeley

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Page 3: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Christopher AlexanderHis workWhy patterns?What is a Pattern?What is a Pattern Language?

Christopher Alexander and his work

Images from http://www.patternlanguage.com/

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Page 4: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Christopher AlexanderHis workWhy patterns?What is a Pattern?What is a Pattern Language?

Why patterns?

You have a problem?

Maybe there is asolution out there

Built on experience

By experts

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Page 5: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Christopher AlexanderHis workWhy patterns?What is a Pattern?What is a Pattern Language?

What is a Pattern?


What is a Pattern?

A recurring problem

The core of the solution to thatproblem

“You can use this solution a million timesover, without ever doing it the same waytwice.” [Alexander et al., 1977]


Entrance transition

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Page 6: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Christopher AlexanderHis workWhy patterns?What is a Pattern?What is a Pattern Language?

What is a Pattern Language?

Entrance transition→Intimacy Gradient→...Light on two sides ofevery room→...

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Page 7: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Who introduced them?What is a Software Design Pattern?Architectural vs Software Design Patterns

Software Design Patterns (DPs)


Interfaces in Smalltalk [Beck and Cunningham, 1987]

C++ Idioms [Coplien, 1992]

ET++ [Gamma, 1992]

First draft in ECOOP in 1993 by Gamma et al.


“Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-OrientedSoftware”, by GoF [Gamma et al., 1994]

23 solutions to common software design problems

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Page 8: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Who introduced them?What is a Software Design Pattern?Architectural vs Software Design Patterns

Software Design Patterns

What is a Software Design Pattern?

A recurring design problem in object-oriented systems

A general design solution that addresses this problem








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Page 9: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Who introduced them?What is a Software Design Pattern?Architectural vs Software Design Patterns

Software Design Patterns

Architectural... CA

Top down approach - pattern language

“Each pattern sits at the center of a network of connections whichconnect it to certain other patterns that help to complete it... andit is the network of these connections between patterns whichcreates the language” [Alexander, ’79]

Software... GoF

Bottom up approach - micro-architectures

“If you have a problem, we have the solution for that, but we don’thave the next step.” [Gamma, ’05]

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Page 10: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionExperience in industryMaintenanceFault and Change proneness


Pattern detection for Smalltalk programs [Brown, ’96]

Pat system [Kramer and Prechelt, ’96]

Metrics and graph (AOL) [Antoniol et al., ’98, ’01]

Columbus-Maisa [Ferenc et al., ’02]

Constraint programming [Gueheneuc et al., ’01, ’04, ’08]

Static and dynamic analysis [Heuzeroth et al., ’02, ’03]

Similarity scoring between graph vertices [Tsantalis, ’06]

DPRE [Costagliola et al., ’05], [De Lucia et al., ’09]

LAMBDES-DP [Bayley and Zhu, ’10]

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Page 11: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionExperience in industryMaintenanceFault and Change proneness

Experience in Industry

Patterns sound very promising, but how are they actually usedin the industry and what benefits, if any, do they bring inpractice? [Beck et al., 1996]

[Beck et al., 1996] Kent Beck, Ron Crocker, Gerard Meszaros,John Vlissides, James O. Coplien, Lutz Dominick, and FrancesPaulisch. Industrial experience with design patterns (ICSE ’96)

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Page 12: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionExperience in industryMaintenanceFault and Change proneness


Controlled experiments

DP versus simpler solutions for maintenance tasks [Prechelt etal., ’01]

Explicit documentation [Prechelt et al., ’02]

Replications with variations [Vokac et al., 2004], [Krein et al.,’11], [Gravino et al., ’11, ’12]

Impact of Visitor on modification tasks and comprehension(eye-tracker) [Jeanmart et al., ’09]

Different DP representations in UML class diagrams forcomprehension (eye-tracker) [Porras and Gueheneuc, ’10]

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Page 13: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionExperience in industryMaintenanceFault and Change proneness



Re-classification [Tahvildari and Kontogiannis, 2002]


Impact of DP on maintainability (as defined by ISO/IEC 9126standard) [Hegedus et al., 2012]

Opinion of Experts

On the help of DP during maintenance [Khomh andGueheneuc, 2008]

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Page 14: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionExperience in industryMaintenanceFault and Change proneness

Fault and Change Proneness

Fault proneness

Defect rate of classes [Vokac, 2004]

Do Maintainers Utilize Deployed Design Patterns Effectively?[Ng et al., 2007]

Change proneness

Do DP promote adaptable and reusable code? [Bieman, ’03]

Type, frequency of changes, co-changes [Aversano et al., ’07]

Roles played in DP and change proneness [Di Penta et al., ’08]

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Page 15: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Software Anti-Patterns


Patterns and Anti-Patterns [Koenig, 1995]

Pitfalls Of Object Oriented Development [Webster, 1995]


“AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, andProjects in Crisis” [Brown et al., 1998]

AntiPatterns clarify problems for software developers, architects,and managers by identifying the symptoms and consequences thatlead to the dysfunctional software development processes. [Brownet al., 1998]

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Page 16: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns


What is an Anti-Pattern?

A problem

A recurring solution that addresses this problem but withnegative consequences

A refactored good solution





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Page 17: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionRelation with quality


jCosmo [Van Emden and Moonen, ’02]

PRODEOOS, iPlasma [Marinescu et al., ’01, ’02, ’04, ’05]

Van [Ratiu et al., ’04]

DECOR, DETEX [Moha et al., ’10]

IDS [Hassaine et al., ’10]

BDETEX [Khom et al., ’09, ’11]

SMURF [Maiga et al., ’12]

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Page 18: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

DetectionRelation with quality

Relation with Quality

Understandability and maintainability [Deligiannis et al., ’03,’04]

Program comprehension [Bois et al., ’06], [Abbes et al., ’11]

Change proneness [Khom et al., ’09, ’11], [Olbrich et al. ’09],[Romano et al., ’12]

Fault proneness [Wei and Shatnawi, ’07], [Khom et al., ’11]

Track the evolution [Ratiu et al., ’04], [Vaucher et al., ’09]

Relations with patterns [Jaafar, ’13]

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Page 19: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Families of Patterns

Only a small subset of pattern families

Requirement [Duran, ’99], [Withall, ’07]

Architectural [Gamma et al., ’94], [Fowler, ’02]

Design [Gamma et al, ’94]

Testing [Binder, ’94], [Meszaros, ’07]

User Interface [Tidwell, ’02, ’10], [Duyne, ’03]

SOA [Rotem-Gal-Oz, ’12], [Erl et al., ’12]

SQL [Tropashko, ’07]

Security [Wheeler, ’99], [Bishop, ’03]

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Page 20: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Only a small subset of AP families

Architectural, design [Brown et al., ’98, ’99, ’00]

Java, J2EE [Tate, ’02], [Tate et al., ’03], [Dudney et al., ’03]

Performance [Smith, ’03]

Requirement [Shoemaker, ’07]

SQL [Karwin, ’10]

API: API Evolution [Kim et al., 2007], Python API Design[Martelli, ’11], Web API Evolution [Daigneau, ’12]

Linguistic [Abebe et al., ’09], [Arnaoudova et al., ’10, ’13]

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Page 21: Patterns and Anti-Patterns: History and accomplished workppap.soccerlab.polymtl.ca/ppap2013/presentations/PPAP2013-S1... · Software Anti-Patterns (APs) Life cycle of Anti-Patterns

Architecture and Urban DesignSoftware Design Patterns

Life cycle of Design PatternsSoftware Anti-Patterns (APs)

Life cycle of Anti-PatternsFamilies of Patterns

Families of Anti-Patterns

Thank you for your attention!

Venera Arnaoudova March 5th, 2013 21 / 21
