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Date post: 09-Feb-2017
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Research techniques Mainstream: Being sold at popular stores can also be an indicator. Hollywood and Bollywood movies are usually considered mainstream and also blockbusters. The boundary is vague. An example of the opposite of mainstream movie is typical art films. An example of a mainstream film would be the Incredibles. Alternative: An alternative film is a film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies. An example of an alternative film would e jaws. Niche: An art film is typically a serious, independent film aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience. An example of a niche film would be where do we go now? Gender: whether the target audience is aimed at male/female. Age: what age category the target audience falls into. Socio-economic status: Socioeconomic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
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Research techniques

Mainstream:Being sold at popular stores can also be an indicator. Hollywood and Bollywood movies are usually considered mainstream and also blockbusters. The boundary is vague. An example of the opposite of mainstream movie is typical art films. An example of a mainstream film would be the Incredibles.

Alternative:An alternative film is a film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies. An example of an alternative film would e jaws.

Niche:An art film is typically a serious, independent film aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience. An example of a niche film would be where do we go now?

Gender: whether the target audience is aimed at male/female.

Age: what age category the target audience falls into.

Socio-economic status: Socioeconomic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

Psychographics: the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research.

Geodemographic: In marketing, Geodemographic segmentation is a multivariate statistical classification technique for discovering whether the individuals of a population fall into different groups by making quantitative comparisons of multiple characteristics

Sexual orientation: a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

Regional identity: Regional Identity refers to which part of the United Kingdom someone is from. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WDR9257

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Exit poll analysis

As a test to find out different marketing techniques when i went to watch the Bridget jones’s baby film I created an exit poll on survey monkey and handed these out, these are the results I found.

The first question sked n my survey was “how old are you” 25% answered under 16 and 75% answered 6-18 which shows what time of people went to go and watch the Bridget jones’s baby film, as nobody answered over 18 showing younger audiences were going watching it.

The second question in my survey was “what is your gender” 100% of people answered female, this how’s what type of film this is, its aimed at females mostly as you can see all females were in the cinema watching the film.

The third question I asked in my survey was “what is our favorite genre of film?” 50% answered comedy, 25% answered horror and 25% answered romance, which again shows that audience type as the film is a comedy romance, and all together 75% of my survey answered comedy romance.

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The fourth question on my survey was “Where do you see movies advertised” 25% answered twitter and 25% answered Facebook and 50% answered TV, this shows what type of marketing techniques for films are now used as most people answered to do with social media and nobody answered billboards / busses which is usually the way we would think of them being advertised.

The fifth question on my survey was “where did you see Bridget jones baby movie advertised?” 25% answered Facebook, 25% answered billboards/busses 25% answered trailer and 25% answered TV, again this shows how the marketing techniques are used through social media.

The sixth question on my survey was “what attracted toy to watch Bridget jones’s baby rather than Blair witch”? 25% answered movie poster, 25% answered trailer and 50% answered that they enjoy this film, this shows that other than people liking the film, movie posters and trailers persuaded people to watch it through these marketing techniques.

The seventh question was “would you change anything about the film?” 100% answered no maybe suggesting the film was really good.

The eighth question was “what form of social media do you use the most?” 75% answered snapchat and 25% answered twitter.

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The ninth question was how often do you go to the cinema a month? 75% answered 1-5 times and 25% answered 6-15 times.

The tenth question I asked was “what do you do in your spare time?” 50% answered shopping, 25% answered going to the cinema and 25% answered other, showing the type of audience for this film, mostly girls enjoying shop

Poster analysis

The main colours in this poster are pinks and purples, shown in the text, they connote that the film is mainly aimed at females.

Primary optical area- as first of all we look here see the actors name and the name of film then look straight down and see the terminal area where the actors are.

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Terminal area.

Primary optical area- as first of all we look here see the actors name and the name of film then look straight down and see the terminal area where the actors are.

Weak fallow are- its lots of writing and not many people will be that interested in reading it.

The mode of address is direct mode of address as the actors are looking straight at you to make it look personal.

The main colours in this film poster are black and red, connoting death/ anger/ blood/ dark/ cold, just portraying a not very happy feel to the film

Primary optical area is the background of the film poster wroth the tree branches then the terminal area is the name of the film and the date its coming out as there’s not much on the film poster to say much about the film, they’re making you wait to go and watch it.

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Trailer analysis

When you first watch the Bridget jones’s baby trailer the genre conventions such as the audience it is going to be a funny, happy, light-hearted film, straight away she is giggling to herself showing its funny, also the lighting, its bright high key lighting, showing a high bright positive vibe to the film, although we know as we go on the watch further in the film trailer there are some sad parts but it’s still really happy, when the sad bits happen they use a darker lighting to connote sadness, which anchor the audience to the genre of a light hearted happy film also known as a romantic comedy genre.

From watching the full trailer it gives you a sense of the narrative, if you have watched previous Bridget jones movie you will know she is not very lucky when it comes to love, and it looks like the man she has always loved and another man are fighting for her however one of them is the dad so they’re both trying to impress her, which is very interesting to see to men fighting over her, as it adds something different to the film, however we don’t know who is the dad or what happens in the end, which make you want to know so although they give a lot of the film away they don’t give it all away!

The editing in this movie trailer fits very well with what going on at the time, for example when they play music behind it they edit to the beat of the song and add the music when everything is going good. Also the camera angles have been used very well, when things are going wrong and you want to see their facial expressions as its very awkward sometimes, they use a close up to show their facial expressions which really do make you laugh.

The 5 key areas of genre as defined by Nick Lacey and used by media analysts: Character, Narrative, Setting, Iconography and Style. Lacey sees these elements as not being fixed, but dynamic and ones that change over time. When applying these 5 key areas to the Bridget jones baby film, the narrative is shown throughout the whole trailer as being light hearted and happy as I mentioned before. The setting of this film is set in London, borough marker, set in her flat, bedroom and the hospital it also goes on to show her life, her work life and love life, as she now has a new job which she spends a lot of time there so it looks like she will be there for a lot of the film. The fact that Renee Zellweger is in the film again attracts the audience to the film, as if you have watched previous films you grow the love this character as she’s funny and for some women out there maybe they can relate to her as she’s showing not everything perfect and you don’t always end up being lucky when it comes to love. Also the other two main characters Patrick Dempsey and Collin firth attract the audience to the film as they are attractive and this makes the audience more likely to

The main colours in this film poster are black and red, connoting death/ anger/ blood/ dark/ cold, just portraying a not very happy feel to the film

Primary optical area is the background of the film poster wroth the tree branches then the terminal area is the name of the film and the date its coming out as there’s not much on the film poster to say much about the film, they’re making you wait to go and watch it.

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want to see it rather than if they had two unattractive character in. The iconography in the film trailer is the binary opposition between the two men, jack quant is slightly causal and mark Darcy is very professional and always wears business suits, showing he has more powers, more manly maybe compared to jack. The style of the film trailer is very modern and upbeat by playing an upbeat song by jess glynne, cutting to the beat with different shots of the film when they songs are playing, also using non- diegetic sounds by when clips are playing from the film they use Bridget’s voice for a voice over, also when she writes a ‘diary ‘they use a keyboard sound. Also the use of mise en scène, which links to the setting of the film, being in London in a small flat.Summary

There are lots of different marketing techniques out there to promote films now, the reason film producers use these marketing techniques is to get more people to watch the film and using a few different techniques that are aimed at different people get different audiences to watch films. A few different examples of marketing techniques are trailer, social media including: Facebook, twitter, snapchat, Instagram etc. billboards. Busses, TV.

As I went watching Bridget jones’s baby movie, I was researching a lot about the different marketing techniques, as whenever was out I saw so many adverts on billboards/busses whilst just walking around promoting the film , also I have seen the film being advertised on food such as aero chocolate so maybe aero chocolate are sponsoring the film as this is a good way of promoting films as so many people buy chocolate and just seeing that on the wrapper makes people think about going to watch it.

Personally I think social media marketing campaigns are the most successful, as in today society social media is so big and nearly everybody has it except older generation who would probably see adverts about films on TV/ billboards. Rom my survey results it shows this as most people said social media and my target audience was 16-18 year olds which makes sense as these sort of people are always on social media.
