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Paxcel Rahul Rai

Date post: 30-Sep-2015
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Competitor Analysis (kartrocket vs. unicommerce) BACKGROUND & PERSONNEL kartrocket.com has a small company background and employees, the company footprint is smaller than it’s competitor though both are emerging startups. kartrocket.com pricing and integration varies monthly. kartrocket.com has a more inclination towards having their clients open their own online store apart from the amazon ,flipkart and eBay channels. Unicommerce is a bigger organization than kartrocket, still though being a startup Unicommerce provides more single window solutions for a merchant to manage both his online and offline channels via a unified interface. Unicommerce has a remarkably larger customer base than kartrocket and all their customers are medium to large scale businesses. PRODUCTS Kartrocket has two services, one of making your own website and shopping cart, another is for selling products on famous ecommerce websites. Kartrocket is focused on selling right now with lesser overall integration. Unicommerce has an array of services such as website making, cart integration, multichannel orders, drop shipment, inventory, warehousing, shipping. Unicommerce is focused on integrating the entire logistics and sale departments and automating both for a hassle free experience. MARKETING Kartrocket has a referral system and it pays its referres to spred the word of mouth and pay them after a successful deal apart from its client referrals. Unicommerce has a large client base and it takes testimonials and client images for its marketing and branding purposes to help it achieve its acceptability as a trusted brand in its business.
  • Competitor Analysis (kartrocket vs. unicommerce) BACKGROUND & PERSONNEL

    kartrocket.com has a small company background and employees, the company footprint is smaller than its competitor though both are emerging startups. kartrocket.com pricing and integration varies monthly. kartrocket.com has a more inclination towards having their clients open their own online store apart from the amazon ,flipkart and eBay channels. Unicommerce is a bigger organization than kartrocket, still though being a startup Unicommerce provides more single window solutions for a merchant to manage both his online and offline channels via a unified interface. Unicommerce has a remarkably larger customer base than kartrocket and all their customers are medium to large scale businesses.


    Kartrocket has two services, one of making your own website and shopping cart, another is for selling products on famous e-commerce websites. Kartrocket is focused on selling right now with lesser overall integration.

    Unicommerce has an array of services such as website making, cart integration, multichannel orders, drop shipment, inventory, warehousing, shipping. Unicommerce is focused on integrating the entire logistics and sale departments and automating both for a hassle free experience.


    Kartrocket has a referral system and it pays its referres to spred the word of mouth and pay them after a successful deal apart from its client referrals. Unicommerce has a large client base and it takes testimonials and client images for its marketing and branding purposes to help it achieve its acceptability as a trusted brand in its business.


    Kartrocket has an objective to make itself a strong competitor among the e-commerce solutions. Its trying to grow and cover more of the market gradually.

    Unicommerce has an objective to integrate their clients needs and give them a hassle free experience in the online shopping business.

  • Paxcom ERP Solution

    Feature Guide Rahul Rai

  • Overview Paxcel technologies has developed a solution for e-commerce retailers that helps them to manage their business in a streamlined and efficient way with the use of technology and farsight. This helps you as a client excel in your own business creating more customers and enhancing your very own business in ways that were not possible ever before.

  • Main Control Module The main Control Module features the sales, inventory, order fulfillment, top categories and top products for the e-commerce vendor client. The sales overview part shows the sales channels, the number of orders through each channel and the gross amount of the entire orders through each channel. The inventory overview part consists of the total quantity of items that are in stock inside the warehouse, the total number of items that are out of stock and items that have been out of stock for more than five days. The order fulfillment overview shows the number of orders that breached the service level agreement today and in total. The penalty accrued on all these breaches are also calculated by the number of orders and the gross amount of the orders. The top categories pane shows the categories of which the products have the maximum sale according to a predefined time window. The top products are the ones that have the maximum number of orders received according to a predefined time window, these both top categories and products help in strategizing how to place them for the maximum exposure and orders. This also helps to analyze that how the products are competing against each other and how to bring the products in the sales figure race to excel for maximizing the clients profits.

  • Orders Module The Orders Module features the order ID, channel through which the order has been placed, the description of the product, its delivery due date, the payment method, the date of the order, the status of the order and the shipping status. The order manager can export or import his order database in an excel or a .csv file as per his convenience. Sales orders can be manually added and the orders can be checked out manually, there are provisions for viewing new orders, orders that are ready for packing, orders that have been packed and awaiting shipping, the orders that have been shipped and the orders that have been successfully delivered, orders on hold and the orders that have been cancelled. Another option of viewing all the orders irrespective of the filters is there at the end that shows all the orders that have ever been existed on the ordering system through any channel. The columns of the order show the order, the channel of the orders through which it has been received, the description of the order, the due date of delivery of the order, the method of payment done by the user, the date of the order, the processing status of the order along with the shipping status. This gives a detailed list of all the orders that have been placed along with their immediate attributes for processing.

    It features a dashboard that gives us an overview of the daily performance and summarizes the last weeks top products and categories that were the bestsellers.

  • Sales Module The sales Module features a combination of key figures in the very front followed by graphs that give an instant view of the sales trends. The sales can be checked for a day, week, month or a custom time window according to the users needs. The daily orders and the daily sales are shown in a graphical format for analyzing the trend of the daily orders and sale. The top selling products are also enlisted so as to show the contributors of the rising graphs. The products catalogue link shows us the various products, their brand names and product names along with their IDs. The list price and selling price is also mentioned here in the list. It has options to export and import the list, add a product to an existing list, which adds a new product by generating a product ID, add or delete a category or a brand name. The sell online link provides drop down menus for filtering our searches to see what products are already up for sale and not add duplicate entries of products. The supplier stock has all the suppliers and their respective stock products listed, the cost price of the products and the shipping costs along with the time to ship are given. The quantity remaining gives an exact representation of how much stock is with the supplier, this can help to ask the seller to replenish his stock if the dashboard graphs show an increasing trend of sales of a particular item. The marketplace listing shows the products that are currently enlisted in the particular online shops. This makes it useful for the prior search of the item in a particular market before adding to it. A channel can be selected out of a drop down menu and the desired products can be searched.

  • Procurement Module The procurement features firstly a dashboard and this shows the summary of the products that are due for procurement, the products that have been approved for procurement and overdue products for procurement. The daily amounts of procurement are shown in a graphical representation by a column chart. A pie chart of the top categories shows the categories whose products are being procured the most in a recent time. Another pie chart shows us the percentage spends of the top suppliers so we can see how much a supplier is active in his transactions and sale. The back-to-back orders features a category selection and product search. Here we can back order a product if its not available with one supplier so that another supplier can provide for it and sale is not lost due to stock absence. Requirements can also be manually added to fulfill a product procurement from another supplier. Purchase orders shows us the orders through a filter specifying the orders that are approved, waiting approval, completed or altogether cancelled. We can also see the Purchase order status for a particular supplier and same can be searched for a purchase order ID or a product. The orders due today can be viewed, orders raised today and the opened purchase orders can be filtered from the buttons provided above the list of the orders. A print of the purchase order can also be made. The Goods Receipt Note(GRN) shows the purchase orders that are successfully received by the goods receiving department showing the date and time of receipt, the amount of the goods and the amount remaining as balance to pay. These receipts can also be printed as per convenience. The supplier tab shows the list of the suppliers currently enrolled for supply. It also shows the various details of the suppliers and the status of the supplier that is active or freezed.

  • Inventory Module The inventory module features a dashboard that shows the daily total available quantity trend, inventory amount trend sorted by category, inventory inflow vs. outflow trend that shows the ratio of items coming in to the warehouse and leave it. The inventory amount trend shows the daily amount of the inventory currently held by the warehouse/suppliers. The inventory tab shows drop down menus for searching the inventories and the results are obtained in the list below. The inventory can even be accessed for a particular store by selecting the inventory store from the left drop down list immediately above the inventory list. There is an option of even filtering the items that are in stock, out of stock, inventories shortly running out of stock, aging inventory that has not been used since some time, reserved inventory and the entire inventory at last. Inventory search shows us text boxes where you can input product ID, product name, its serial number, vendor name or purchase order ID to search for your inventory. This is a convenient way of finding any inventory by any means of reference possible. The stock transfer tab features an option of transferring the stock from one store to another. The stores can be selected for sending stock from one to another. Products can be searched and added for transfer.

  • Return Module The return module features a dashboard that shows the refunds that are to be issued by value. The returns can be viewed for the present day, the week, month or a specific time window. The top 5 returned products shows the products that are having the most dissatisfied customers. This can be further investigated for the products issue or issue with the supplier and which marketplace is the return coming from. The types of returns can be seen in the pie chart in the right, which shows the type of return procedure to be followed for the percentage of products. The waiting for receiving tab shows the products that are in transit for the return to the supplier. It shows the received products in the item summary column, channel column, type of return, status of the order, quantity of the return, return request initiation date, the status of the return and the action taken. Pending for quality check shows the items that are pending for the quality check that was it a workmanship issue that led to the return of the product. Return requests can be manually added too. Delivery challan is created for an order ID that has been returned. A challan can also be manually added. The cases having any kind of discrepancy are listed in the Dispute cases tab. The cases resolved or that havent been resolved are shown here for further action.

  • Accounting Module The accounting module dashboard comprises of the various accounting key values at a glance in the top of the page, followed by these values are the various graphs that represent the financials, receivables, profit-loss, balance sheet and cash flows. This gives an up to date overview of the entire financial transactions going on to stay informed. Marketplace reconciliation shows the various income and expenditures of the orders. The settled orders and unsettled orders can also be tracked for settling their payables or receivables. The transactions and statements can be made to enlist for viewing. The settled and unsettled orders can be viewed by the sales channel and between any desired dates. A payment sheet can be imported for a particular marketplace and the expenses can be viewed for it. The balance sheet shows the complete assets and liabilities for the channel accounts for reconciliation the funds of all the channels. Ledger reports can be obtained for the customers, market place, company, carrier or supplier. This can easily show how much money is receivable or due payable to the particular entity and accounts can be balanced accordingly. Trial balance shows the debits and credits of the various accounts of the marketplaces and suppliers. Income statement shows the incomes and expenditures of the seller, along with the expenses of selling the products. From the credit-debit note tab, one can generate the credit notes to be issued to the suppliers.

  • Stores Module The stores module keeps the information of the store into the ERP system up-to date. The general information and store address are saved along with store logo, their watermark image and the paid stamp image for the print out of invoices.

  • Logistics Module The logistics module features a dashboard that shows the serviceability and performance summary, non-adjusted total collection and the packet load distribution. The carrier setting tab shows the various carriers for the distribution of the products to the customers. The information of value here is the amounts of shipments packed, shipped and delivered by the particular carrier. The tracking codes, zones of the specific carrier and payments due to the carrier are also shown in the various tabs. The manifest tab shows the manifest for the courier personnel to have a list of the deliveries and the route of the deliveries so that the deliveries are consolidated for one geographical area for faster dispatch and delivery. Daily and monthly order statistics are shown for an overview of the performance of the delivery system.

  • Promotion Module The promotion module features a list of active promotions and the IDs of the promotions along with their description about the promotion, the promotion type, promotion period, promo code requirement and the number of usage of the particular promotion by the customers. In the add promotion tab, a new promotion can be added by specifying its various preferences, requirements and timelines. In the promotion detail, the details of a particular selected promotion can be obtained that helps to see the summary for the promotion that was added earlier.

  • CMS Module The CMS module features the site setting where the various websites, names, their URLs and store ID are stored along with their date of creation. The manage postal code tab allows for the management and updatation of the postal codes of a particular state from an older one to a newer one in case it gets changed by the postal authorities. The manage web page tab allows for managing a web page name, page URL, page title, meta keywords about the page, description and the page content. This data can be updated from this tab anytime. The email configuration tab shows the list of emails of the particular domain and the email type, description and subject line of the mail. These are the mails that are sent by the seller to their customers on various triggers or occasions such as login failed, order approved or newsletter. The manage banner tab allows for the updating of banners to the various pages of the website. The banners can be categorized and sorted accordingly. The add webpage tab allows to add a new webpage to the websites. The page can be named and saved for creation afterwards. The add banner tab allows to add a new banner to the website pages, the banner attributes and properties are added to the text boxes for identification of the banner and the banner location is selected, lastly the banner can be uploaded by selecting the file from the system file browser.

  • Channels Module The channels module features the various channels that are configured for the sale of the products. New channels can be added for increasing the channels of product sale. Inventory synchronization option is available to sync the current inventory to the channel so that there are no out of stock orders that are bought by inventory mismatch. Channels have a unique seller ID through which all the sale and communication goes on with the channel partner.

  • Customer Management Module The customer management module features a customer adding tab and the customer can be added via email ID or phone number. The customer can be authorized for credit note facility. A cart can be created for the customer and the details in the cart can be added by the customer support executive. This is usually done in case of a telephonic order from a customer when the cart creation and addition is done on the sales executives end. The customer speaks his requirement and the requirement details are entered in to the cart made for the customer. Next the cart can be converted into the final order in the third step. This finalizes the order as a transaction. This is a very quick and easy method to process the orders received via phone call.

  • Order Summary Module The order summary module features the list of purchase or sales orders of the client and the characteristics of the orders listed in the results. This list provides a summary of all the order placed and it can be filtered manually for two different dates. Orders can also be searched from the search bar provided at the top left corner just below the order summary tab.
