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Payment systems new sales agent training day 2

Date post: 02-Jul-2015
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Schedule Day 2

• 8:45am login

• 9am-10am– Review Yesterday

– Go over product assignment

– Steps to the sale**Earning presentations (sits)

• 10am-10:15am– Break

• 10:15am-11:15am– Steps to the sale continued

• 11:15am-12pm– break

• 12pm-12:45pm– Objections

• 12:45pm-1pm– break

• 1pm-2pm– Expectations of agents

– Role play

– Assignments/Prep for Monday


- Write and review goals daily

- Visual, auditory, tactile, etc.

- Check your attitude for the day. Would YOU want to do business with you?

- Positive affirmations

- What are you feeding your mind – good reading material, good listening material, etc.

- **What is your Why?**


• Brian Tracy – Goals!• Albert Gray – The Common Denominator of Success

– Successful people make habits of doing the things failures don’t like to do

• Paul J Meyer – The Million Dollar Success Plan– Crystalize Your Thinking.

• Determine what specific goal you want to achieve. Then dedicate yourself to its attainment with unswerving singleness of purpose, the trenchant zeal of a crusader.

– Develop a plan for achieving your goal, and a deadline for its attainment.• Plan your progress carefully: hour by hour, day by day, month by month. Organized activity and

enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power. – Develop a sincere desire for the things you want in life.

• A burning desire is the greatest motivator of every human action. The desire for success implants "success consciousness," which in turn creates a vigorous and ever-increasing "habit of success."

– Develop supreme confidence in yourself and your own abilities.• Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate

on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses. Focus on your powers, instead of your problems.

– Develop a dogged determination to follow through on your plan, regardless of obstacles, criticism or circumstances or what other people say, think or do.

• Opportunities never come to those who wait; they are captured by those who dare to attack.

Steps to the Sale

Step 1

RESEARCH– Preparation is key – The night before and the guy next door

– How are they connected to the community

– Who are their local competitors

– How do they differentiate themselves

– What are people saying about them

– Unique information to the business and/or business owner

• Merchant’s company website, Google, Yelp, Manta, Urban Spoon, City Search, etc.

– Your SM can help you game plan


Steps to the SaleStep 2


– MAKE A FRIEND! MAKE A FRIEND! MAKE A FRIEND!• People like to do business with people they like

– Buy something – Law of Reciprocity– Use research information to break the ice– BEFORE discussing anything related to credit cards, your goal should be to

know: • Their full name• An interesting fact about them – Talk about what’s on the walls. **Small Business Consultants. Remember why you’re there. Be interested; Be engaged.

– Firm hand shake – Get their name: “And you are?”– Show your ID Badge and give them your business card

Steps to the Sale

Step 3


• Mr. Merchant I just want to let you know upfront I am only going to take a few minutes of your time. I work quickly! First, I am going to get to know you and a little bit about your business. We are going to become good friends! Then you are going to show me around your facility; more importantly show me your credit card processing equipment so I can see what you’re currently set up with. After that you are going to give me a couple of your merchant statements and we are going to sit down together and do a side by side comparison. I am going to show you how much money you’re spending with your current company versus how much money I can save you with ours. When it’s all said and done I am confident you will see the value in what we have to offer, and even though you may or may not be interested, I am going to ask you for your business today. Is that fair?

Steps to the Sale

Step 4


– Walk and Talk with your merchant-“Sell on your Feet!”

– Build Rapport and gain trust-The #1 thing everyone loves to talk about is themselves!

– Fact Find and Qualify for our Established Business Program

• Use the Merchant Questionnaire


• **The key to selling YOURSELF is to be interested in THEM.– Make a friend

– Be genuinely interested

** Would YOU want to meet with you?

• “I’m actually out here from (insert hometown). They sent me out here to meet with just a handful of merchants that may qualify for our wholesale program. So far I’ve had a great time in (insert territory). Everyone has been super friendly and really eager to meet with me. Are you from here originally?” …


• “Now let me introduce you to Payment Systems. We were founded in Southern California, with offices across the country. We have a strategic partnership with First Data. First Data is the largest credit card processing company in the world. They have been in business for over 40 years and have over 6 million merchants. In fact 9 out of every 10 credit cards processed in the world today touch First Data in some capacity. They are THE industry leader in the processing of safe and reliable credit card transactions.”

• “We have a unique proprietary program powered by First Data that allows us to offer some of the lowest processing rates available in the industry. We only deal with qualified low risk business owners in a preferred program that processes pin based debit transactions, and qualifying credit card transactions at very low rates. This program isn’t for everybody, but I feel confident that it could be right for you if your qualifications meet the program requirements.”

• “In addition to our Corporate growth and preferred programs, Payment System has also been recognized by the industry for our strong business ethics and complete customer service. Every year First Data recognizes the Top Ten ISOs in the country out of over 2,500. They call this elite group their President’s Club. Payment Systems not only made the list, but we finished in the Top 5. We have earned this elite status the last three years in a row. We are very proud of this accomplishment. We also give back to our communities by sponsoring golf tournaments, little league youth sports, and food and toy drives. At Payment Systems, we really do care about the communities we serve and we are a true partner of the small business owner. “


• Length of time in business• Multiple Locations?• Current Processor• Likes/Dislikes Current

Processor• How long have you been

with them?• Last time they lowered

your rates?• How long to get your


• Do you Own or Lease your building?

• Bankruptcies/chargebacks• Do you have a gift card

program?• Need to process off site?• PCI Compliant check in

the last 12 months• EMV Compatible?• Any partners?• Average monthly volume


• You may receive a phone call in the field from a verification specialist

• Use this tool to build sense of urgency, buying atmosphere, and credibility

• Get excited! They’re calling to give you a promotional code to waive processing, set up, and application fees FOR TODAY ONLY!

Steps to the Sale

Step 5

MERCHANT STATEMENTS– We don’t ask for statements we DEMAND them

– We always ask for more than one statement

– NO Statement NO Problem: Don’t put the statement on a pedestal and make it a big deal• CALL YOUR MANAGER

• Call the company and have the statement faxed over

• No Fax = have it faxed directly to your Manager

• Still NO Statement then get batch out report, go online, bank statement, ask the owner for the numbers

– Yes we can sell deals without statements!


• 3 important figures needed for analysis: TVF– Number of Transactions

• Minus AmEx

– Total Volume

– Total Fees• Daily + monthly; interchange

• Other factors– Amount of credit vs debit (volume & # of trans)

– Qualfied vs non-qual

Merchant Statements

Merchant Statements

Steps to the Sale

Step 6• **Acting skills are crucial here**• What is their current effective rate?

– Total fees divided by total volume• What do we have them prequalified for?

– 1.39% on credit, 1% on debit• Confide in them that we may have a program they don’t technically qualify for

but they’re right on the cusp. You have a good relationship with your processing manager. You may be able to leverage that to get them bumped up

• Divulge Corporate Tier 1 Premier Rates (pause for effect)• Show them where they don’t technically qualify

• Years in business• Volume

• Get a commitment to buy/make a decision/buying signal/yes

Steps to the Sale

Step 7

QUALIFICATION CALL• Introduce the Manager-Make him/her a real person. State some fun facts.

• Place the call-Roll Play: “Mr. Manager I know you’re real busy can but can I tear you away from what you’re doing for a couple of minutes?! I could really use your help

• Introduce the Merchant/Business to the Manager– Feed Into the Merchants Ego; Build them up. Why do they deserve a program

they don’t qualify for?

– Use info from Merchant Questionnaire to build your case on behalf of merchant

• Manager will take over the conversation from there– Repeat Manager questions as statements

• Reiterate the favor you’re asking for before hanging up


• Reiterate that you really hope the manager can get this favor done for you

– You’re on the merchant’s side

• List & explain all benefits

• Build rapport

– Ask the merchant about him/herself

– People want to do business with people they like


• 24 hr tech support

• 24 hr funding

• *48-72 month guaranteed rate lock

• Provide Equipment

• Warranty on Equipment

• Free PCI Compliance

• EMV Compatibility

• Tax Deductible

• Speed & Security updates 2x a month automatically

• Award-winning President’s Club Service– Leaving them with contact

info (Welcome Sheet)

– Other products we offer:

• Gift cards

• Cash advance

• Check reader

• Mobile pay

• Online payment presence

• Receipt footers


• First of all, we have a 24 hour a day seven day a week customer service hotline to help you with any additional questions or concerns.

• Another tremendous benefit to our program is we actually have 24 Hour Funding. Just 24 hours after you batch, your money should be in your bank account, based on approved credit. No more waiting 3 days for your money.

• One of the things merchants like most about our program is that our locked, fixed wholesale rate protects you from fluctuating rates and a rate increase, like you have now. One of the biggest complaints I hear from merchants is that their current company promised them something, and a few months later, their rates changed. For those few merchants that qualify, the goal is that you never have to meet with someone like me again. We know that most small business owners want to concentrate on their business, not on their credit card processing. This rate lock allows you to rest assured that you don’t have to keep monitoring one more thing for constant changes.

• We also provide new equipment for you. So you can rest assured you always have the latest processing equipment that’s not only going to help your business grow but will always be up-to-date with changes in the industry and regulations on security. We alsoprovide a warranty on your equipment. So if anything happens to it, we just send you a new one. Do you currently have a back-up if your equipment were to break or stop working or have a malfunction? What would you do in that situation?

• By using our program you are guaranteed PCI compliance. Are you familiar with PCI compliance? (They should be) Yes, it is very important now days, especially with how much identity theft and fraud is reported each year. Some fines can reach excess of $25,000 per occurrence. Not to worry, when you are with us, it’s no longer a concern.

• We also provide equipment that is EMV compatible. Are you familiar with EMV (most will not be). It’s a technology that has been around in Europe for some time, but we’re just now bringing into the US. Have you ever had a customer come in with a foreign debit card that won’t work on your machine? It’s because they already have this technology. EMV is great because it will cut down the amount of credit card fraud in the US, but what that means for you is that as this rolls out more and more here in the states, your current machine is not going to be compatible with many of the cards you’ll start seeing.

• Another great advantage is that our monthly lease payment is fully tax-deductible. So it’s ANOTHER savings for you at the end of the year.

• We do speed and security updates automatically for you twice a month. How many times have you had a rush and your credit card machine was running slowly. Wouldn’t it be great if you could eliminate that lag time and get to more customers more efficiently?

VALUE ADD DIALOGUES• In addition to increasing your profits and protecting your rates for four years, there are a few other benefits to our program that I wanted to

mention to you.

• We also have the Roam Data wireless device. This can be attached to almost any smartphone and allows you to get 1% qualifying credit transaction while servicing your clients outside of your location. It’s a great way to expand and grow your business.

• We offer a Check Guarantee Program that has several benefits. It converts all authorized check transactions into a secure transaction. In other words you can safely take checks and eliminate any bad check fees. Pretty cool, huh! This process also removes the need to rush over to the bank to deposit checks, and any potential loss or theft on a run to the bank. You get your money faster and you and your customers are protected.

• We also offer a Cash Advance Program that helps some of our merchants get quick cash when they need it. It is based on a formula from your daily deposit amounts, and can be used to pay for urgent or unexpected expenses. With how strict regulations have become with banks, it’s become harder and harder for even merchants with the best credit to get loans. I had a merchant with A credit who had a booming business and wanted to open a second location. Even HE couldn’t get approval for a small business loan. Our cash advance program allows you to expand your business, without the hassle or disapproval of the bank. Isn’t that great?

• We also offer Gift Cards. This is one of our most effective programs for increasing your bottom line without you having to invest in any extra product. Gift cards have several benefits. First of all, you get all the money up front. Secondly only about 70% of gift cards ever get used so there is an immediate profit of 30%. And then when a gift card balance gets below $5, most people either toss them in the trash or use them and spend over the amount left on the card. It’s a win-win either way. One of my merchants had a son who played little league. He had the team sell gift cards as a fundraiser. He was able to not only help the local little league team, but he made a profit from the sales of the cards AND he got his name out into the community.

• One of my most popular value adds is our customizable receipt footer. How much of a budget do you have for advertising? (most merchants will say none). That’s the case with most of the small business owners I meet. Our customizable receipt footer allows you to market your business without it costing you anything extra! You can turn your receipt into a coupon, loyalty program, referral program, or marketing tool. I’ve had several businesses increase profit on the footer alone, by guiding people to review them on Yelp or by giving them incentive to come again or refer a friend.

• You mentioned earlier that you had high speed internet; our equipment can use your internet connection, thus allowing you to potentially cancel the additional phone line and save you even more money.

• We also encourage the incorporation of a debit surcharge. Basically, it allows you to use your terminal as an ATM machine. With the 0% pin-based debit program, all surcharge fees become pure profit. There are several advantages to this. You can capture the two or three dollars per transaction that are normally charged by an ATM machine. This has the potential to increase traffic into your location for people who need to get some cash, and it helps offset your cost. I’ve had some merchants practically break even on their processing costs by incorporating a debit surcharge.

• Finally, as a Thank You for your business, we have a Referral Loyalty Program that credits money back to your account for every person you refer to us that we’re able to get qualified for this program.

Steps to the Sale

Step 8

RESULTS OF QUAL CALL(Manager callback, reiterating benefits, &

PRESENTING NUMBERS)– Give manager THE SPREAD (current company’s fees – our fees at 0 and 1% before

equipment lease price)– Plug in lease price manager gives you & calculate total Payment Systems price– Tell merchant we have GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS…

• We could ONLY get them a rate lock for 60 months… BUT all the benefits apply

1. REVIEW BENEFITS on blank side of savings analysis sheet or MQ FIRST2. THEN PRESENT NUMBERS: current total fees - our total fees = total savings

– ASSUME THE SALE: “Mr. /Mrs. Merchant, it looks like a no brainer, THE NEXT STEP IS for you to give me your driver’s license and I will start the paperwork RIGHT AWAY. Congratulations!”

• THEN SHUT UP AND BE QUIET-the first person to speak after you ask for the sale loses!!!

– CLOSE and write the paperwork





– Flip your CSA over and clarify how you got to your numbers and close

– Rules of Engagement for Handling any & all objections

• AGREE with the merchant First

• CLARIFY & ISOLATE the objection-make sure that objection is the only thing holding them back from moving forward

• RECOMMIT the merchant to buy today - “So if I could find away to ________ then you would go ahead and do business with us NOW, right?!”

– It is critical that you explain you probably CANNOTaccommodate their request

» Your processing director/manager already did a huge favor: the merchant doesn’t technically qualify


– Call Manager and reclose

Steps to the Sale

Step 9

WRITE THE DEAL: PAPERWORK– Be prepared and have a copy of your Perfect Paperwork with you at all

times, as well as blank contracts– Collect the DL/ID, Voided Check, Business License, Business Utility

Bill, Social Security # before you start writing any of the paperwork• Collect a home utility bill and social security if they have it on site

– Send a Clear Picture of the DL/ID & Voided Check to your manager BEFORE you start writing your paperwork.

– You fill out paperwork, let them get back to work– You always hold your paperwork and control the signing. Do not allow

your customer to pick up the paperwork and start reading it like a book-that means you have just lost control of your deal

– Get the deal signed: Remember time kills all deals so WORK FAST!!!

Steps to the Sale

Step 10


• Prep merchant for the WELCOME CALL, a phone call reviewing terms and conditions.

– **You DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL WC IS COMPLETE in case they have any further questions and to help guide them through it.**

• They will RECEIVE EQUIPMENT in 3-5 business days• Prep them that when their equipment arrives that our processor, Lem

Dunnigan, will be calling them to INSTALL & train them on how to use the terminal

• They must IMMEDIATELY activate security on terminal upon arrival of equipment: **If they don’t install you don’t get paid!**

• Prep them they we may need additional documents moving forward

Steps to the SaleStep 11


– “I’ve found most small business owners know other small business owners. I know you must be really well connected. Who else do you know that I might be able to help?”

• Don’t know if you can get them qualified. “Don’t tell him the deal I got you. I may not be able to do the same.”


– “I am going to be here all week, can you recommend a few places for lunch? I don’t want a franchise or anything like that just somewhere local that has good food.”

– “I love coffee, where is the best place to get a great cup of coffee, some place local would be my preference.”

– “I want to have my car checked out before I head back to my hometown, can you recommend a place to have it looked at that can be trusted? I don’t want to get taken advantage of being from out of town.”

– John at the Auto Shop recommended you??? Let me tell you what I did for him.

What is Expected of You

• Goals. Written, reviewed, & scheduled to go over with manager in 1on1s.• Daily Preparation/Research due every night for following day’s

appointments• 5 contracts highlighted and ready to go each day

– This will keep you from missing any signatures– This will keep your customer focused on what’s important which is signing the

paperwork and not allowing their eyes to wander and ask questions that can unwind your deal

• Daily Morning calls M-F; After-hours training 2x a week• Using Salesforce to access appointments, content, chatter, etc.• Biweekly hotlists• Travel sheets filled out on time – due • Recaps due by Friday end of day• Be coachable & communicate with your SM• Feed your mind, develop your craft, reach out for help


Assignment Day 2

• Fill out 3-5 Savings Analysis Sheets with sample merchant statements– Review with SM over weekend

• Fill out Travel Request Form • Research Monday’s Appointments• Print out 10 savings analysis & 10 merchant questionnaires• Highlight 2 contracts• Review products & benefits

Week 1 Assignment• Hotlist zipcodes• Goals
