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[PBA EDUCATION 623] The following is a lesson for MYP chemistry Year 5 that was visually captured and described in further detail below. 0 | Page Sprin g 2015 Education 623: Methods and Strategies for Teaching in an IB School Vadalia, Ashish M

[PBA Education 623]The following is a lesson for MYP chemistry Year 5 that was visually captured and described in further detail below.

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Spring 2015Education 623: Methods and Strategies for Teaching in an IB School

Vadalia, Ashish M

Table of ContentsCritical lesson paper Pages 2-11 Paper References Page 12Detailed Lesson plan Pages 13-15 PowerPoint slides Page 16 How hard can it be to carry water activity Pages 17-18The Plight of Afghan water carriers article Page 19 CRC Articles for children Page 20Unit 5 complete MYP unit planner Pages 21-34

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Martin Rees, a British born scientist, once stated that in order to ensure prosperity in the

global economy, the most important thing is the development and application of knowledge and

skills (Rees, n.d.). While as an educator I am not entirely concerned about my prosperity within

the global economy, the same principle can apply to education. In order to prosper as an effective

instructor I need to learn the latest and greatest methods to teaching and apply them to my

specific discipline of chemistry. For this purpose I choose to further my education and apply for

a master’s degree in advanced studies of teaching and learning. During my education, one of the

many classes I took included Education 623, which dealt with methods and strategies for

teaching in an international setting, such as an IB world school. The knowledge acquired

throughout the course of my studies in this class lead me to alter my original way of teaching and

incorporate some of the learned methods of instruction.

Education 623 covered a wide range of strategies ranging from teaching students with

special needs to conduct literature based Socratic Seminars. Regardless of the module focus for

any given week, the entire course was structured in such a way to incorporate the United Nations

Convention of the Rights of the Child articles. Having never interacted with these articles before,

it started to become more and more evident that the basis for this course was to help instructors

like myself, think more about children’s rights and how to best protect and service them through

my profession. Knowing that I myself had never learned of these rights, I made the assumption

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that my students may not have either. I set out to remedy this problem by creating an assignment

in which I used my newly acquired knowledge from education 623 and applied it to my current

chemistry topic of solutions.

The topic of solutions in chemistry is taught after the unit on stoichiometry but before

that of acids and bases. Since I am at an IB world school, in Meade High School, I am

accustomed to creating MYP unit plans for my chemistry class and structuring my units around a

central project. My usual go to activity for the end of unit project on this would have been to

have students create a PowerPoint presentation depicting the pollutants found in the local

drinking water supply around out school community and present these to the class. While this

task was useful at meeting MYP criterion A (Knowing and understanding), and D (Reflecting on

the impacts of science) (IBO, 2014), I knew it could be improved with new methods to teaching.

I set out to alter my unit project to incorporate my learned material on the CRC articles, critical

literacy, and Socratic seminars.

In unit 5 of chemistry I set out to help students see the relationships and interactions

between chemical technology and global health issues. I designed the unit in such a way to focus

on globalization and sustainability of our planet with a specific exploration on consumption and

conservation of natural resources and public goods (IBO, 2014). At the end of this unit, the

students were expected to see that chemical technology and industrial practices have a

relationship with global health, resulting in positive and negative impacts on the sustainability of

organisms. In order to achieve this statement of inquiry, the unit was designed to first teach

students about the way in which matter interacts to form balanced, predictable reactions. Once

we can calculate and predict these reactions we can see that chemistry is nothing more than the

mixing and interactions between chemicals/ elements. This concept of mixing would then be

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furthered by learning about solutions and the other various types of mixtures. Science specific

vocabulary was to be introduced to allow students to explain chemical phenomena at the atomic

level, and relate them to the macroscopic properties that we actually observe. Once we determine

these relationships, we as scientists can engineer technologies to advance humanity through this

understanding of matter.

Allen and Alexander (2013) argue that providing critical content framework is an

invaluable resource for educators that doesn’t replace organic, response-to-injustice stance but

complements it. They say that in order to provide a deeper understanding of inequalities within

the natural world the students must interact with content knowledge in references to a specific

framework of literature. In the cause of the case studies they presented in their book, A critical

inquiry framework for k-12 teachers, they used the framework of the United Nations Rights of

the Child (Allen and Alexander, 2013). Using the CRC articles allows instructors to focus

content lessons on issues of power and social justice while not losing sight of mandatory state

standards and high stakes tests. The articles on the rights of children are very relatable to the

students we teach as educators because they are at an age where they are always feeling as if they

have no rights at all. While the United States has not ratified the actual CRC articles, many of the

rights granted in the document are currently provided (Bartholet, 2011). I planned on structuring

my lesson plan around the CRC, not only to introduce the articles to my students but to also

provide a framework for the discussion on children’s rights and equality of education. While it

may seem obvious to many that all students deserve an equal opportunity to education and access

to a health life, it becomes more structured when you plan a unit specifically around this topic.

For this reason I decided to start planning my lesson by including the CRC articles in a child

friendly language that would be easy to comprehend.

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Once I knew I wanted to create a lesson that centered not only on solutions chemistry but

also the rights of children, it only made sense to look into a Socratic seminar as my engagement

activity. Jeanne Ting Chowning (2009) points out that, “Discussions are important classroom

tools- and those that focus on science in society have the potential to interest and engage

students” (p.1). Socratic seminars, are a structured format that allow students to engage in these

thought provoking discussions and share both learned material from an accredited literature

source or prior life knowledge. Making sure that students not only are interested in the topic at

hand, social injustices, but are also able to relate this to the chemistry content knowledge

requires a lot of extra planning on the teacher’s part. I had to find a way to intertwine solutions

chemistry to children’s rights. Since one of the main topics of solutions is the fact that solutes

dissolve in solvents, such as water, I thought the best way to incorporate a Socratic seminar was

to have one that dealt with safe drinking water.

In order to first preface the students learning I decided to ask a warm-up question on

examples of when solutes dissolved in water might be a bad thing. During the discussion of the

warm-up, students were able to arrive at pollution issues and how they could be related to poor

drinking water. This then lead to some students making the link between poor drinking water and

access to safe drinking water. Instead of allowing students to just focus on the topic independent

of children’s rights, I decided that I needed to move them towards the idea of safe drinking water

and humans rights. It was then that I introduced the video and article on the struggles faced by

some Afghan children.

Before using this article as a possible literature corner stone for my lesson, I had to

determine if the representation of the children within was culturally accurate. In a case study

presented within Allen and Alexander (2013), Thiel, McCreight, and Coombs state that in order

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to promote critical inquiry into one’s own culture, students must have access to accurate

depictions of others cultures. While the authors themselves state that it is impossible to select

examples of literature that depict a wide range of cultures, the ones that are represented must be

as accurate as possible. Keeping this in mind I decided to find a reading article that was also

accompanied by a video clip. While both medium of literature dealt with the same topic, they

served to compliment and validify one another. The video was meant to showcase the actually

children for which the article dealt with, while the article elaborated on the short narratives of the

children. It was my home that with the combination of the two, students would be able to no one

read about the pearls faced by the Afghan children, but also see it within the context of their

homes. Nothing makes students believe a story more than seeing it in person.

Another minor reason for including both the video clip and the article was to hit on the

variety of learners I had within the class. Learning styles differ from one student to another and

can be attributed to the variations in the human brain and learning abilities (Garner, 1993).

Having known beforehand that I had a range of students within my class, I decided to hit two

specific learning styles in the form of auditory and verbal (linguistic). The video also helped

provide some context for the reading that may have helped students who struggle with reading


It was keeping with this theme of multiple intelligences and learning styles that I

conducted the engagement activity. In order to hit those learners that are kinesthetic, I decided to

conduct an experiment in which students were asked to carry water themselves for short

distance. Engagement activities have also been linked to increased student learning and deeper

understanding of knowledge by multiple studies (Bernholt, 2012). The activity allowed for me to

call on a student, (a known kinesthetic learner) and have then carry a five gallon jug of water a

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short distance. The activity allowed other students to see how much peril was involved in the

task over a short period of distance, and how much worse it could have been over a longer time

frame. The only regrets to this engagement activity was that I was not able to provide this

experience for more than one student. I also regret the placement of this activity in my lesson.

Given the opportunity to edit my lesson, I would have placed this activity AFTER the video and

reading, not before. While the activity was still successful, the article and video would have

given the task more context and made it hit closer to home.

At the conclusion of the engagement activity and video clip, the students were asked to

read and mark the two text. Marking the text as a tool for summarizing reading material has been

proven to be an effective way to have students not only critically read, but remember information

longer (Day, 2009). Students were instructed to highlight and mark any information that stood

out to them as shocking, interesting, or a great discussion point. They were also instructed to

underline the specific articles of the CRC document that they thought were being broken in the

outlined situation. While this task lent itself to much differentiation in terms of scaffolding the

reading for both lower and higher level readers, time played a role. The article was originally

planned to be distributed as homework for the class prior to the Socratic seminar day, but due to

inclement weather in the area, this was not a possibility. For this reason, I made the decision to

give all students the same reading article (lowest level). Given the opportunity to rectify this

situation, I would have tiered the reading to better suit the reading abilities of the students within

the class.

The next aspect of the lesson plan was to conduct the main activity, the Socratic seminar.

One of the most significant points to a Socratic seminar is to have the students face each other,

usually in a circle (Tredway, 1995). Since the class in question was made up of 32 students, I

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decided that the best way to complete this task was to form one large circle and encompass the

entire classroom. While this strategy did work in terms of allowing students to see the speaker it

did become difficult to hear quitter students from such a far distance. I believe that the proper

course of action should have been to complete this activity in a fishbowl style seminar in which

there are two rings of students. The inner circle is in charge of discussing the topic at hand and

the outer circle is in charge of supporting their inner circle team mate by writing down questions

and keeping a tract of the dialogue being presented. The fishbowl style would have allowed for

the collection of assessment material in form of discussion notes, which could have helped

students complete their reflection homework.

During the actual seminar, the students were asked to ask each other questions and

discuss how the article, video, and personal life experiences helped them make the connection

between solutions, children’s rights, and humanitarian efforts. Many interesting topics were

brought up from individual rights being broken to the role the parents play in the Afghan

children lives. The latter topic lead to great discussion on what the home lives of many of these

parents must be and how it has an impact on the future of the children. This tract of discussion

lead to a few students examining their own life experiences in a third world county and sharing

them with the class. The students were then able to relate the issues faced by these students to

their own lives and how fortunate they were. While the students are currently at the poorest and

most problematic school in the county, it was still clearly understood how much better off they

were then the students from the story. It was these types of revelations that the Socratic seminar

was a success at making the topic of drinking water hit close to home. Students were also able to

discuss possible fixes for the water shortage and carrying problem by examining the local

government and scientific technologies currently available. The interdisciplinary connections

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that were made to the students own government class was an unexpected crossover and was

greatly appreciated as it allowed students to see that global issues are not content specific. The

students were able to bring up some chemistry content in the form of new advanced water bottles

and ways of filtering out unwanted solutes from the water. This connections did a better job of

providing context for the learned material and allowed students to make a link that will last for

years to come. One improvement to the seminar would be to have less teacher lead discussion

and allow for the students to guide the questions being posed. This become an issue because the

seminar turned into me asking the students questions and them responding to them. In order for a

seminar to be its most effective, it needs to be student centered and student driven (Tredway,

1995). This issue however was rectified in the latter versions of the same class type (10th grade

MYP Chemistry) by myself asking less questions and making students lead the discussion.

Upon the completion of the seminar, the students were asked to return to their seats and

take out their closure papers. The closure task asked students to self assess their learning and

determine which of the learner profile traits was best improved upon. This not only allowed

students to interact with the all-important IB learner profile traits, but it allowed students to see

how simply completing a 80 minute lesson allowed them to improve themselves as learners.

Since the learner profile traits are directly related to the IB mission statement of, “…developing

inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful

world through intercultural understanding and respect” (IBO,2014), it can be seen by the

students how this one activity helped them come closer to accomplishing this mission.

The last and final aspect of my lesson plan was to have students create reflective pieces

of writing in which they returned back to the seminar discussions and argue its implications on

their lives. The students were almost all able to see how the issue safe drinking water access was

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limiting the rights of children around the world and forcing them to suffer in the long term. In

one such reflection a student stated that the lesson was eye opening due to its ability to help her

see how extremely fortune she is to have the live she does compared to her peers overseas. These

types of connections are invaluable to student learning because I can almost guarantee that from

multiple years from now, this students will remember the video clip and how it relates to

solutions chemistry.

In conclusion, as I reflected on the video of the lesson and read over the reflection letters

presented by the students I decided that my lesson was an overall success. The original daily

outcome of having students make connections between solubility and drinking water quality, and

how it plans a role in the lives of children all around the world was met. Many students walked

away knowing that while the topic of solutions was a mandatory aspect to the chemistry

curriculum, it can play an important role in the lives of children all around the world. The

students were then able to make the connections between their own lives and those of the

students from their seminar. These connections were only made more real when they were put

into the context of the rights of children as laid out by the United Nations. Not only did the

students get to see a document which they never would have seen otherwise, they were able to

make connections to it and the stories depicted in the readings. It was even stated by one of the

students that they planned on taking the document to their parents and showing them what rights

they should be granted according to the United Nations. This shows me that students appreciated

the framework of the CRC articles and will take another aspect of seminar with them other than

content and read would justice issues. All of these connections were only made possible due to

the extensive research conducted by many individuals within the education field, and the access

to these findings through publications. If it wasn’t for Education 623 and its teachings of the

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various methods to teaching in an international school with the focus being equal access and

rights to the education being provided, I may never have been able to create this lesson. More

importantly, however, if it wasn’t for Education 623, my students may never have been able to

make these connections and take away something greater than just the definitions of solutes,

solvents, and water pollutants.

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References Allen, J., & Alexander, L. (2013). A critical inquiry framework for K-12 teachers: Lessons and

resources from the U.N. Rights of the Child. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Bartholet, E. (2011). Ratification by the United States of the Convention on the Rights of the Child:

Pros and Cons from a Child’s Rights Perspective. ANNALS, AAPSS, 633.

Bernholt, S. (2012). Learning outcomes in science education: Making it tangible. Waxmann.

Chowning, J. (2009). Jeanne Ting Chowning. The Science Teacher, 1-1.

Day, J. (2009). Teaching Summarization Skills: Influences of Student Ability Level and Strategy

Difficulty. Cognition And Instruction, 193-210.

IBO MYP From Principle into Practice. (2014). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from


IBO MYP Science Guide. (2014). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from


Martin Rees. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from BrainyQuote.com Web

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site: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/martinrees643572.html

Tredway, L. (1995). Socratic seminars: Engaging students in intellectual discourse. Educational

Leadership, 53(1).

Detailed Lesson Plan

Day 9 Global Water Solutions Socratic Seminar



Standard Description Type of StandardNational or State

HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.

MD State Standards


Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1 Knowledge; 2 Comprehension; 3 Application; 4 Analysis; 5 Synthesis; 6 Evaluation

Levels of Relevance: 1 Knowledge in One Discipline; 2 Apply in Discipline; 3 Apply Across Disciplines; 4 Apply to Real World Predictable Situations; 5 Apply to Real World Unpredictable Situations

Performance Objective Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

Level of Relevance

SWBAT Make connections between solubility and drinking water quality, and how it plans a role in the lives of children all around the world.

6: Evaluation 4: Apply to Real World Predictable Situations



Assessment Description Objective AssessedWarm-up question will assess for understanding of the previous Determine the parts of a

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lesson and also help determine readiness for the day’s lesson. The question guides students to make a prediction about today’s lesson.

solution and how solutes could be seen as problems.

The Socratic Seminar discussion dialogue will help gauge the participation and understanding of the content knowledge in terms of the reading and the chemistry topic of solutions.

Determine how solutions and the chemistry behind them impact the lives of children all around the world.


Assessment Description Objective AssessedReflection on the Socratic seminar and the reading will help students show case their take away’s from the lesson.

Connections between solubility, drinking water, and children’s rights.

The closure asks students to reflect on their learning in terms of the learner profile traits.

Self-Reflection of learning through the lens of the learner profile traits.


Background Information/Demographics

This lesson is designed for MYP Chemistry. Class periods are 90 minutes. The classes consist of 32, 17 males and 17 females, students in 10th grade. There are no IEP’s or disabilities that are known at this time. The classes are approximately 50% male and 50% female, consisting of a diverse set of racial and ethnic groups. In total the students are approximately 50% Black/African American, 20% White/Caucasian, 20% Hispanic/Latino.


Students would have been given a tiered reading lesson in advance and be allowed to read it before the class date. However, the reading had to be the same for all of the students due to the fact that the prior class was canceled because of snow. The reading was condensed into such a format that it didn't allow for differentiation only due to classroom time constraints.

Alignment within Unit

This is the ninth lesson in Unit 5. The lesson will help students provide context for the chemistry topic of solutions


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Type of Activity

Activity Description Assessment/Evaluation


10 min- Warm-up question: Water is the universal solvent. What are some instances where this may be seen as a bad thing?After the warm-up is discussed, have a student state the outcome and what the activity for that day will most likely be.

Formative: formal assessment for completion, informal for correct chemistry usage

Core Learning Activities/Explore-Explain-Elaborate

10 min- How hard can it be to carry water?

Purpose: To demonstrate that water is heavy and that carrying it longdistances is challenging

Core Concepts• Water is heavy, and carrying it for even shortdistances is not easy.• Carrying water to supply a family’s needs canbe time consuming, because one can only carrylimited quantities.

5 min- Video on Afghan water carriersStudents will view the video related to the article on child water carriers and make connections to their own lives.


15 min. – Article reading and mark up Students will read the article titled The Plight Of Afghanistan’s Child Water Carriers as well as the document on the CRC rights of the child articles.

They were also instructed to highlight information or relevant facts as well as articles that were broken by the situation presented in the video and article.

45 min- Socratic SeminarStudents will discuss the article, the video, and their own life experiences and relate them to the CRC and the chemistry topics we learned about through the past 8 days of lessons.

Instructor should be directing the conversation and making sure students are participating and engaging in useful discussion.

Formative: informal assessment of responses and engagement of sample problem

Formative:Formal assessment for accuracy of worksheet in pairs.

Closure 10 min- Closure question: After today’s lesson what learner profile traits do you think you were able to improve upon? Why?Give students a few minutes to think about their response and write the answer. Discuss as a class.

Summative: Informal assessment of completion on

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Type of Activity

Activity Description Assessment/Evaluation

drill sheet


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Teacher(s) Vadalia, Basit, Francis, Aranda, Connor, Borror, Meyer

Subject group and discipline


Unit title Stoich Point Grade(s) (5th year) 10th Unit duration (hrs)

15 hours

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unitKey concept (Choose 1 from subject guide) Related concept(s) (Choose no more than

3 from subject guide)Global context (Choose 1— Look in MYP: From Principles into Practice—p. 60-62)





Global Context:

Globalization and sustainability

Specific Exploration:

Consumption, conservation, natural resources and public goods

Statement of inquiry (Key Concept + Related Concept(s) + Global Context = a declarative sentence NOT a question)

Chemical technology and industrial practices have a relationship with global heath resulting in positive and negative ways on the sustainability of organisms.

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Inquiry questions—should point back to the statement of inquiry; can have more than 1 for each category

Factual Questions—

How do chemists measure atoms or molecules in the lab? (Stoichiometry Day 1)

How does one find the quantity of an unknown compound given the quantity of another compound and a given balanced equation? (Stoichiometry Day 2,3,4)

What differentiates the 3 different types of mixtures? (Solutions Day 5)

How can we optimize the solubility of a compound? ( Solutions Day 6)

Conceptual Questions—

What does it mean to be environmentally sound? (Solutions Day 9)

How does solubility influence chemical technology? (Solutions Day 7)

Debatable Questions—

Are we as a society helping various underdeveloped countries with fresh water access issues overcome these challenges and if not, what more could be done? ( Solutions 9)

Unit objectives Summative assessment to demonstrate mastery of the unit objectives


4.2.1 Explain how the properties of a molecule are determined by the atoms it contains and their arrangement.

Polar and non-polar molecules4.2.3 Describe the properties of solutions

Describe the summative assessment task in detail:

Unit 5 Quiz (Objective A)

Unit 5 Assessment ( Objective A)

Describe how the summative assessment task will demonstrate students’ understanding of the statement of inquiry:

Both the unit quiz and end of unit assessment will allow the students to demonstrate their understanding of content knowledge and its

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and explain how they form. Definition of electrolytes in terms of composition and properties 4.2.3.a Solute, solvent, and solubility. 4.2.3.b Suspensions and colloids. 4.2.3.c Alloys and gaseous solutions. 4.2.3.d Concentration. Relative, dilute, concentrated, unsaturated, saturated, supersaturated, molarity, interpretation of solubility curves.4.4.3 Use mole relationships. 4.4.3.d Calculate the formula mass of a compound given the periodic table.4.5.3 Demonstrate that adjusting quantities of reactants may affect the amounts of products formed. 4.5.3.a Use coefficients in a balanced equation to predict the amounts of reactants and products. 4.5.3.b Changing the amount of reactant(s) may change the amount(s) of products formed.

MD Indicators

C-PE.2.2.6 Construct atomic–molecular level representations of the solution process for both ionic and molecular species. Describe, using these representations, the process of dissolving a solute in a solvent. Compare and contrast the solution of an ionic compound in water and the solution of a polar molecular compound (e.g., sucrose)

Global H2O Solutions Seminar Project

( Objective B,D)

application through various vetted questions as set forth by the county.

The end of unit Seminar project allows students to see how the topic of solutions can relate to both human rights as well as chemistry content. The students will be able to think of ways to advance children’s rights in places that are hindering them due to access to safe drinking water.

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in water. Predict, using molecular structure, the conductivities of the resulting compound (e.g., sucrose) in water. Predict, using molecular structure, the conductivities of the resulting solutions.

BOUNDARY: Students are expected to use only substances that are completely soluble and do not undergo further reaction.

C-PE.2.2.7 Choose a solvent that will dissolve a given solute. Justification of the chosen solvent is based on the types of intermolecular forces present in the solvent and solute. Give examples of solvents that could be used to remove stains or clean up spills of various types (e.g., using turpentine to remove grease; using water to remove sticky sugar residue), and explain why each of these solvents dissolves each spill or stain.

BOUNDARY: Explanation should not include a discussion of entropy.

C-PE.2.2.8 Investigate, from a set of given samples, the principles involved in carrying out ionic reactions in solution.

C-PE.2.2.8a Prepare, from given samples, a range of solutions of ionic compounds.

C-PE.2.2.8b Combine pairs of ionic solutions to determine which pairs form a precipitate. Identify some possible compounds that could be the precipitate.

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C-PE.2.2.8c Predict, based on the results of the investigation, which ionic compounds are insoluble in water. Compare predictions to a reference table of solubility.

C-PE.2.2.8d Construct atomic–molecular level representations of reactions in solution, and use these representations to explain the processes that must occur when two ionic substances dissolve in water and react.

C-PE.2.2.9 Investigate why the dissolution of a salt (e.g., ammonium chloride, sodium acetate) in water is difficult to classify as either a chemical or physical change.

BOUNDARY: This PE addresses the fact that some processes are difficult to classify

as either a chemical or physical change. One cannot assume that a salt dissolving in

water is a simple physical change.

C-PE.2.2.9a Make a claim about the evidence required to differentiate between a chemical change and a physical change.

C-PE.2.2.9b Plan an investigation to gather data about the dissolution of a salt.

C-PE.2.2.9c Gather and record observations and measurements of the dissolution.

C-PE.2.2.9d Organize the data to present the results.

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5. Attraction and repulsion between electric charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, properties, and transformations of matter, as well as the contact forces between material objects. (HS-PS1-3)

HS-PS1.B Chemical Reactions

1. Chemical processes, their rates, and whether or not energy is stored or released can be understood in terms of the collisions of molecules and the rearrangements of atoms into new molecules, with consequent changes in the sum of all bond energies in the set of molecules that are matched by changes in kinetic energy. (HS-PS1-4),(HS-PS1-6)

3. The fact that atoms are conserved, together with knowledge of the chemical properties of the elements involved, can be used to describe and predict chemical reactions. (HS-PS1-2), (HS-PS1-7)

Approaches to learning (ATL) [Look in MYP: From Principles into Practice—p. 98-104]

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These should be ONLY the most critical ones for doing well during the unit & on the summative assessment. They must be explicitly taught & practiced during the unit of study.

ATL category MYP skill cluster ATL skill

Social Collaboration skills Listen actively to other perspectives and ideasEncourage others to contribute

Self-Management Organization Skills Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and performances)Bring necessary equipment and supplies to classKeep an organized and logical system of information files/notebooks

Add to table as necessary.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content—what are the skills, concepts, and knowledge that need to be covered in this unit?

See below chart

* Avid: *Homeland Security Overlay: *DI: *Formative Assessment:

1/28, 29 Day 1 Mole Concept and Unit Conversions Outcome: SWBAT review the Pre-test Unit 5

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mole concept in order to apply it to various sample problems and convert between mass, mole, and volume of solution.

Conversion Factor Activity

4.4.3 Use mole relationships. 4.4.3.d Calculate the formula mass of a compound given the periodic table.

Factual Question

How do chemists measure atoms or molecules in the lab? (Stoichiometry Day 1)

2/2, 3 Day 2 Stoichiometric conversionsOutcome: Using stoichiometric procedures, students will be able to calculate the number of moles of a reaction component given the quantity of another component.

Stoichiometry Gizmo

C-PE.2.3.3 Use the mole concept to interconvert between amounts of reactants and products in chemical reactions at the macroscopic level for solids, liquids, gases and solutions.4.5.3 Demonstrate that adjusting quantities of reactants may affect the amounts of products formed. 4.5.3.a Use coefficients in a balanced equation to predict the amounts of reactants and products. 4.5.3.b Changing the amount of reactant(s) may change the amount(s) of products formed.

Factual Question:

How does one find the quantity of an unknown compound given the quantity of another compound and a given balanced equation? (Stoichiometry Day 2,3,4)

2/4, 5 Day 3 Limiting and Excess Reagents Outcome: Determine the amount of product that can be formed from a given

Limiting Reagents Instruction Limiting and Excess Card Game

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amount of reactantsC-PE.2.3.3 Use the mole concept to interconvert between amounts of reactants and products in chemical reactions at the macroscopic level for solids, liquids, gases and solutions.C-PE.2.3.3f Explain, given moles of more than one reactant, why it is important to determine which reactant will limit the amount of product formed.2/6, 9 Day 4 How much do you need? Lab Outcome: Design a laboratory experiment to determine the amount of product that can be formed from a known quantity of reactants.

How much do you need? Lab Formal Lab Report

C-PE.2.3.4 Design an experimental procedure to produce a salt from a simple precipitation reaction.C-PE.2.3.4b Calculate theoretical yield.C-PE.2.3.4c Calculate experimental yield.C-PE.2.3.4d Explain, using possible sources of error, why the experimental yield is not the same as the theoretical yield.4.5.3 Demonstrate that adjusting quantities of reactants may affect the amounts of products formed. 4.5.3.a Use coefficients in a balanced equation to predict the amounts of reactants and products. 4.5.3.b Changing the amount of reactant(s) may change the amount(s) of products formed.

2/10, 11 Day 5 Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids Outcome: Determine what properties distinguish a solution, suspension, or colloid.

Suspension, Colloid, Solution investigation Solutions video

4.2.3 Describe the properties of solutions and explain how they form. Definition of electrolytes in terms of composition and properties 4.2.3.a Solute, solvent, and solubility. 4.2.3.b Suspensions and colloids.

What differentiates the 3 different types of mixtures? (Solutions Day 5)

2/12, 13 Day 6 Lab report, quiz Outcome: Interpret Solubility Curves to predict

Stoichiometry Quiz Lab report revision

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the solubility of a compound.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.2Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes.


How can we optimize the solubility of a compound? ( Solutions Day 6)

2/17, 18 Day 7 Solubility and Intermolecular ForcesOutcome: Explain how ionic and molecular compounds dissolve in a solvent by analysing the relationship between solvent and solutes.

Molecular Workbench Solubility

C-PE.2.2.7 Choose a solvent that will dissolve a given solute. Justification of the chosen solvent is based on the types of intermolecular forces present in the solvent and solute. BOUNDARY: Explanation should not include a discussion of entropy. C-PE.2.2.6 Construct atomic–molecular level representations of the solution process for both ionic and molecular species. Describe, using these representations, the process of dissolving a solute in a solvent. Compare and contrast the solution of an ionic compound in water and the solution of a polar molecular compound (e.g., sucrose) in water. Predict, using molecular structure, the conductivities of the resulting solutions.• BOUNDARY: Students are expected to use only substances that are completely soluble and do not undergo further reaction.4.2.1 Explain how the properties of a molecule are determined by the atoms it contains and their arrangement.• Polar and non-polar moleculesConceptual

How does solubility influence chemical technology? (Solutions Day 7)

2/19, 20 Day 8 MolarityOutcome: Determine concentration of solutions and interpret solubility curves to predict the solubility of a compound.

Molarity Instruction Solubility Curve Worksheet

Lab report revision

CLG 4.2.3.d Concentration. Relative, dilute, concentrated, unsaturated, saturated, supersaturated, molarity, interpretation of solubility curves.

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2/23, 24 Day 9 Clean Drinking Water and Children’s Rights Seminar Outcome: Make connections between solubility and drinking water quality, and how it plans a role in the lives of children all around the world.

How hard can it be to carry water activity Video and reading on Afghan children water carriers Socratic seminar discussion Reflective essay

HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.Debatable Are we as a society helping various underdeveloped countries with fresh water access issues overcome these challenges and if not, what more could be done? ( Solutions 9)

2/25, 26 Day 10 Review Outcome: Review Unit 5 curriculum in collaborative group activity.

Review Game using Socrative™

Review all standardsResources needed for this particular unit—Be specific!

Scientific Calc. Mole map Lab Supplies for the 2 wet labs and 1 dry lab

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit: During teaching: After teaching the unit:

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What do you need to consider in order to effectively plan for this unit? How did students do last year with this same topic? What prior knowledge do student have or not have that they will need for this unit? Looking at the preassessment results, how will you DI this unit? Other considerations?

What do you notice about how students are progressing throughout this unit? Looking at your formative assessment results, what are students struggling with? What adjustments do you need to make to ensure that all students are able to master the unit objectives? Other reflections?

What do you notice about how well the students did with the summative assessment? What adjustments will you need to make next year when planning the unit? What needs to be done during the next unit to build upon this one? Other reflections?

Students struggle with the basic algebra needed for stoichiometry problems.

Dimential analysis is something students have not been taught in their math classes.

Students do not know the difference between various mixtures and sometimes confuse them with one another.

Word problems scare students.

Numbers in science also scare students.

Go over how to enter numbers into a calculator.

Taught students of the purpose of units on numbers.

Real world examples of how the mole relates to the counting unit of a dozen.

Students needed extra practice on stoichiometry and limiting and excess reactants and thus we had to adjust the schedule.

The snow days during the unit prevented for multiple content team meetings and thus less collaboration has taken place between the team members based off of common assessment tasks.

The class averages for the summative tasks ranged from 58 (standard level) to 82 (cohort level).

Next year we as a team plan on adding in more days of stoichiometry concepts and scaffolding the material to provide extra support to those with limiting algebra skills.

We may also discuss teaching dimensional analysis in algebra classes (if time allows) and thus the students would be more prepared for chemistry class.

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