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Pc ergonomics BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

Date post: 13-Sep-2014
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Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14
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PC Ergonomics BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14
  • PC ErgonomicsBYMuhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

  • What is Ergonomics ?Ergonomics derives from two Greek words: ergon, meaning work, and nomoi, meaning natural laws, to create a word that means the science of work and a persons relationship to that work environment. ERGONOMICS is a way to work smarter and not harder. Why Ergonomics ?Ergonomics is not only for making the work better but also making it comfortable and efficient.Here Comfort is more than the soft handle. Comfort in terms of design and physical use. And Efficiency is quite simply making something easier to do.

  • PC ErgonomicsLong hours on the computer can lead to aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, arms and hands. If you ignore these aches and continue working with improper work habits you may develop painful and disabling injuries.These injuries known as ;MSD : Musculoskeletal disordersOOS/RSI : Occupational Overuse Syndrome : Repetitive Strain Injury is increasingly being referred as,GPI : Gradual Process Injury

  • Injury types : PC userMSD : Musculoskeletal disorders developed due to type of work or working environment. They can also result from fractures sustained in an accident. Typically, MSDs affect the back, neck, shoulders and upper limbs; less often they affect the lower limbs.RSI / OOS / : Hazard of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms resulting from the use of computer keyboards and mice. This can be a serious and very painful condition. Injuries caused by repetitive movements. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease of the wrist and hand,which is caused by abnormal pressure on the Median Nerve. Video

  • Common Risks : PC user.


  • Injury Symptoms & Causes.

    HEADACHES :Main reason is Posture, visual problems,noise, stress, glare, workload. EYE STRESS : Very close to screen. Screen reflection as light striking the screen causes excessive glare staring and concentrating at the bright monitor causes your eyes blink rate to slow down significantly. The surface then dries out-resulting in irritated, red and tired eyes. Poor image quality also causes eye strain.BACK & NECK STRESS : Sitting is definitely the most stressful .The human body is simply not designed to hold itself comfortably in a seated position for extended periods. Looking down at documents or keyboard causes neck pains.SHOULDER & ARM/WRIST STRESS : Keyboard too high, arms unsupported and outstretched.Improper holding of mouse or wrist without support causes wrist related pain problems.FOOT/LEG THIGH STRESS : Underside of thighs compressed against chair seat. Foot not rested while long period working. Thighs are not parallel to the floor. POOR BLOOD CIRCULATION : Blood tends to settle in the lower extremities when sitting for long periods.** These things really don't allow and concentrate on work and tends to frustration**

  • Poor posture of desktop user

  • Poor comic postures on PC

  • Why Common Risks : PC user

    There are two main factors causing these common risks,


  • Know the correct Postures while working

  • What should be the measurements?

    All dimensions are in inches

  • Ideal posture for desktop user

  • Workstation Essentials

    Know all the levers of your chair Adjustable height Back Adjustment Adjustable arm rests Five star base

    Office furniture Adjustable and supportive chair- A fixed height desk with a height adjustable footrest and an ergonomic chair. Sufficient work surface Take regular breaks

  • Tips for PC user

    Take short, frequent breaks. 30:30:30 guideline 30 minutes computer, 30 second break, look 30 feet away. Drink lot of water by which you have to take frequent breaks.Alternating work tasks. Change posture regularly.Using equipment such as footrests, wrist rests and document holders if necessary.Keeping mouse and keyboard at the same level. Avoid resting wrists on hard edges.Avoid the phone between the head and shoulder, Consider use of headsets instead of telephone.Exercising the eyes by periodically focusing on objects at varying distances. Blinking Eyes regularly. Well-focused lighting. Adjusting the brightness/ contrast control on the monitor for comfort. Use of anti- glare screen or specs if required. Keep monitor straight to your eye level and with proper size for adequate visibility.Keep frequently used items (e.g. pens, telephone, calculator) within easy reach.Use of an ergonomic chair with contoured seat with breathable fabric, rounded edges and adjustable to allow the seat pan to tilt. Table should have rounded corners and edges. Use footrest if required. Avoid prolonged use of laptops. If necessary then prefer separate keyboard and mouse. If cables have to run across the floor, are they covered with a protective strip. Keep servers and other noisy equipment with fans etc positioned appropriately Your Work environment should be with satisfactory temperature good air quality and not too noisy.16. Regular stretching to relax.

  • Stretch and Strengthen

  • Stretch Stretch Stretch

  • Exercises for the office

  • Exercises for the office


    Ergonomic PostureErgonomic Environment

  • An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure !

