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PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics

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  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics



  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Absorption of Partially-Ionized


  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Aspirin pka = 3

    Paracetamol pka = 9.5

    Ibuprofen pka = 4.4

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    Percent ionized

    pka - pH If anion (weak acid) If cation (weak base)

    - 4 99.99 0.01

    - 3 99.94 0.06

    - 2 99.01 0.99

    - 1 90.91 9.09

    - 0.9 88.81 11.19

    - 0.8 86.30 13.70- 0.7 83.37 16.63

    - 0.6 79.93 20.07

    - 0.5 75.97 24.03

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    Percent ionized

    pka - pH If anion (weak acid) If cation (weak base)

    - 0.4 71.53 28.47

    - 0.3 66.61 33.39

    - 0.2 61.32 38.68

    - 0.1 55.73 44.27

    0 50.0 50.0

    + 0.1 44.27 55.73+ 0.2 38.68 61.32

    + 0.3 33.39 66.32

    + 0.4 28.47 66.61

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    Percent ionized

    pka - pH If anion (weak acid) If cation (weak base)

    + 0.5 24.03 75.97

    + 0.6 20.07 79.93

    + 0.7 16.63 83.37

    + 0.8 13.70 86.30

    + 0.9 11.19 88.81

    + 1 9.09 90.91+ 2 0.99 99.01

    + 3 0.06 99.94

    + 4 0.01 99.99

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    For acidic drugs, the lower the pka the

    stronger the acid

    Forbasic drugs the higher the pka thestronger the base

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    The relation between ionization and pH is


  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    pH-partition hypotheses

    If the pH on one side of a cell membrane

    differs from the pH on the other side of

    the membrane, then:

    1. The drug will ionize to different degrees

    on respective sides of the membrane

    2. The total drug conc. (ionized + non-

    ionized) will be unequal on either sides of

    the membrane

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    pH-partition hypotheses

    3. The compartment in which the drug is

    more highly ionized will contain the

    greater total drug conc.

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    To deliver the right amount (dose) of drug

    that is safe & effective at the right place

    (target organ) and at the right time (onset

    & duration of action).

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    First-order and zero-order


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    Time of

    collection (hrs)

    Drug A (ug/mL) Drug B (ug/mL)

    1 2000 2000

    2 1500 1000

    3 1000 500

    4 500 250

    5 0 125

    6 0 63

    7 0 31

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Which drug is eliminated by first-order

    kinetics? Which one is zero-order kinetics?

    Which one is concentration-dependentand which one is concentration-


  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    The rate of a chemical reaction or

    pharmacokinetic process is the velocity

    with which it occurs

    The orderof a reaction is the way in which

    the concentration of a drug in a chemical

    reaction affects the rate

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Zero-order reaction

    Drug conc. changes with respect to time at

    a constant rate

    dC/dt = -ko

    C = -kot + Co

    ko = zero-order rate constant


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    First-order reaction

    Change in drug conc. with respect to time

    equals the product rate constant and the

    concentration of drug remaining

    dC/dt = -kC

    k = first-order rate constant

    (reciprocal time)

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    Integration yields:

    C = Coe-kt

    ln C = -kt + ln Co

    log C = -kt/2.3 + log Co

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    Biologic half-life (t1/2)

    Time required for the concentration of a

    drug to decrease by one half


    t =

    Half-life is a constant and is related to the

    first-order rate constant

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    Biologic half-life (t1/2)

    Unit: mins., sec., hrs.

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    Elimination rate constant (k or kel)

    Drug elimination is a first-order kinetic


    Sum of the rate constants for removal ofthe drug from the body, including the rate

    constants for renal excretion and

    metabolism (biotransformation)

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    Elimination rate constant (k or kel)

    Not affected by the route of administration

    Affected by physiologic or pathologic

    conditions of the patient (e.g. liver failure,age)

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    Elimination rate constant (k or kel)


    kel = ke + km

    ke = rate constant for renal excretion; km =rate constant for metabolism

    kel =

    Unit: reciprocal time (sec-1, mins-1,


  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Drug distribution

    Reversible transfer of drug from one

    location to another within the body

    Most drugs do not distri

    bute uniformlythroughout the body

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  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    Hypothetical volume ofbody fluid in

    which the drug is dissolved

    Not a true anatomic or physical volume

    Is needed to estimate the amount of drug

    in the body relative to concentration of

    drug in the plasma

    Measure of the apparent space in the

    body available to contain the drug

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    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    Can vastly exceed any physical volume

    (since it is hypothetical) in the body

    Reflects the volume necessary to containthe amount of drug homogenously at the

    conc. found in the plasma, blood or water

    (after giving a dose and getting the plasma


  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Apparent Volume of Distribution



    Vd x Cp = Ab

    Vd = apparent volume of distribution (L, mL)

    Cp = plasma drug concentration (mg/mL,


    Ab = amount of drug in the body (mg, g)

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    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    Reflects the amount of drug in the tissues,

    not in the plasma

    Inversely proportional in relation to thedrug plasma concentration

    Unit: volume (mL, L)

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    To calculate the Vd after intravenous bolus


    Vd =Ab


    Ab = dose of drug given by intravenous bolus (g,


    Cp = extrapolated drug concentration at zero time onthe y-axis, after the drug equilibrates (ug/mL,


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    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    Influenced by:

    1. binding affinity of a drug forblood ortissue elements

    2. blood flow (i.e., delivery of drug to thetissues)

    3. ability to cross biomembranes

    4. physicochemical properties (lipophilicity,extent of ionization, pH, pka) thatdetermine partitioning to tissues

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  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Importance of Vd

    Directly proportional to the half-life prolongs the half-life ___________

    duration of action ??

    Used for the computation of the loadingdose of a drug

    Determine or predict the distribution of

    drugs (is it predominantly in the plasma orin the body tissues?)

    Compare the distribution characteristics of

    various drugs

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Apparent Volume of Distribution


    A drug which is more bound to plasma

    proteins than tissue proteins will ___ Cp

    and ___ Vd

    A drug which has a high affinity for

    adipose tissues than plasma proteins will

    ___ Cp and ___ Vd

    Vd of a lipophilic drug is large in an obese


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  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    Measure of the ability of the body to

    eliminate the drug

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    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    Irreversible removal of drug from the body

    by an organ of elimination

    Units are flow

    volume per time (mL/min,L/hr)

    Defined as the volume ofblood irreversibly

    cleared of drug per unit of time

    Influenced by pathologic conditions and

    age of the patient

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    Product ofblood flow to the organ (Q) and

    extraction ratio (ER) of that organ

    CL organ = Q x ER Extraction ratio fraction of drug that is

    irreversibly removed by an organ or tissue as

    the plasma-containing drug perfuses that tissue

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    Drug elimination rate divided by the

    plasma concentration

    ClT = rate of drug eliminationplasma concentration

    = dDe/dt

    CpdDe/dt = rate of drug elimination (mg/min, g/hr)

    Cp = drug plasma conc. (mg/mL)

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    According to the concept of clearance, the

    body contains an apparent volume

    distribution in which a drug is dissolved

    (Vd) and a constant portion of this is

    cleared or removed from the body per unit

    time (kel or ke)

    ClT =

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    ClT = FDo


    F= absolute bioavailability

    Do = amount of drug administered (mg, g)

    AUC = area under the curve, rate and extent of

    drug absorbed in the systemic circulation


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    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    Sum of all clearances of the bodyCLT = CLR + CLNR

    CLT = total body clearance

    CLR = renal clearanceCLNR= non-renal clearance is often equated to

    hepatic clearance (CLH)

    It is always assumed that the drug iseliminated/cleared by first-order kinetics

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    Total body clearance (ClT, CL)

    In relation to biologic half-life

    ClT = keVd

    ClT = 0.693Vdt 1/2

    t = 0.693Vd


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    Total body clearance (ClT, CL) is

    influenced by:

    Body surface area/ body weight

    Cardiac output

    Drug-drug interactions (renal or hepatic) Extraction ratio/ blood flow


    Plasma protein binding Hepatic and renal function

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    Importance of ClT

    Computation of the maintenance dose

    Determine or predict the duration of action

    of a drug

    good orb

    ad outcome

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics



    Measurement of the rate & extent

    (amount) to which the active ingredient or

    active moiety becomes available at the

    site of action

    Measure of the rate & extent of

    therapeutically active drug that is

    systemically absorbed

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    For drugs not intended to be

    absorbed in the bloodstream

    Bioavailability may be assessed by

    measurements intended to reflect the rate

    & extent to which the active ingredient or

    active moiety becomes available at the

    site of action

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Pharmacokinetic studies in

    determining bioavailability

    Acute pharmacologic effect

    Plasma drug concentration

    Urinary drug excretion Comparative clinical trials

    In vitro measurements ofbioequivalence

    (e.g. dissolution testing)

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    Acute pharmacologic effects

    Changes in BP, heart rate, clotting time

    Used if there is no assay for plasma drug

    conc. is availab

    le Used if the plasma conc.______________

    to the pharmacologic response

    Quantitation of pharmacologic effect

    versus time profile can be used as a


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    Acute pharmacodynamic effect

    Onset time

    Intensity (proportional to what??)

    Duration of action Therapeutic window

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Plasma drug concentration




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    Plasma-level time curve

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Urinary drug excretion

    Is most accurate if the active therapeuticmoiety is __________________________

    Assumed that a drug is eliminated by

    ______-order kinetics Cumulative amount of active drug

    excreted in the urine (DU) - extent of

    systemic drug ab

    sorption Rate of drug excretion in the urine(dDU /dt)

    rate of systemic drug absorption

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    Urinary drug excretion

    Time of the drug to be completely excreted

    (t ) total time of the drug to be

    systemically absorbed and completely

    excreted after administration

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    Correlating the plasma drug conc.

    with cumulative drug excretion

    C drug is completely eliminated, plasma

    conc. approaches zero, max. amt. of drug

    excreted in the urine

    B max. rate of drug excretion, A & C

    minimum rate of drug excretion

    Proof: ClT = dDu/dt


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    Correlating the plasma drug conc.

    with cumulative drug excretion

    Graph comparing rate of drug excretion

    with plasma-level time curve of the same

    drug appearance???

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    Plasma data Urine data

    t max t infinity

    C max dDu/dt max

    AUC Du at infinity

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Extent of drug bioavailability decreases

    Plasma data Urine data Change

    t max t infinity same

    Cmax dDu/dt max

    AUC Du at infinity

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Rate of drug bioavailability decreases

    Plasma data Urine data Change

    t max t infinity

    Cmax dDu/dt max

    AUC Du at infinity same

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Comparative clinical trials

    Can be used to measure bioavailability


    Highly v_________ and less precise than

    other methods because of individual

    differences in drug pharmacodynamics

    and subjective measurements

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    In vitro measurements

    Rate of drug dissolution in vitro for certain

    drug products correlate with drug

    bioavailability in vivo (if it is stastically

    adequate to be used as a predictor)

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Loading dose

    Loading dose = Vd x Cp

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    Maintenance dose

    Intended to sustain a certain plasma conc.


    Administered as a constant rate infusion

    Ctarget = MD/Cl MD = R = Ctarget x Cl

    MD = Ctarget x Cl x X

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Multiple doses

    Drugs are given intermittently in a multiple-

    dosage regimen for continuous or

    prolonged therapeutic activity

    Regimen is used to treat chronic diseases

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Multiple doses

    If drug doses are given frequently before

    the previous dose is completely eliminated

    plasma drug conc. accumulate and

    increase to a steady-state level

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    Multiple doses

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Multiple doses

    AUC of a dosing interval at steady state is

    equal to AUC of a single dose of the drug

    At steady state, plasma drug conc.

    fluctuates between a maximum (Cmax) and

    minimum (Cmin) value

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  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Multiple doses

    When a multiple-dose regimen is

    designed, only the dosing rate can be

    adjusted easily

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Dosing rate

    R = Dose

    dosing interval

    R = Do


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    Dosing rate

    Based on the size of the dose (Do) and

    the interval between the doses (X) or the

    frequency of dosing

    As long as the dosing rate is the same, the

    expected average drug conc. at steady

    state (Cave) is the same

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    Dosing rate

    600 mg dose is given every 12 hour:

    dosing rate 600 mg/12 hrs or 50 mg/hr

    Dose: 300 mg every 6 hr or 200 mg every

    4 hr also gives the same dosing rate (50

    mg/hr) with the same expected Cave;

    however, the Cmax and Cmin values will bedifferent

  • 8/8/2019 PCOL2 Pharmacokinetics


    Dosing rate

    For a larger dose given over a longer

    interval (e.g. 600 mg every 12 hr), the Cmaxis higher and the Cmin lower compared with

    a smaller dose given more frequently (e.g.200 mg every 4 hr)
