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PDAC Press Kit

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The PDAC at 80 Years our growth, our people, our FUTURE
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THE PDAC AT 80 YEARS OUR GROWTH, OUR PEOPLE, OUR FUTURE PDAC 2012 MEDIA KIT Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entreprenuers
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Prospectors & Developers Association of CanadaAssociation canadienne desprospecteurs et entreprenuers

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• Accountedforroughly3.5%ofcAnAdA’sgdP,orAbout$35billioninProductivity,And21%ofthecountry’sexPortsin2010$5.5bil-liontogovernmentsintAxesAndroyAlties($8.4billionifyouincludetheoilsAnds)in2010WillsPenduPWArdsof$139billionoverthendecAdeonneWdomesticProjectsAndtheexPAnsionofexistingonesishometo58%oftheWorld’sPubliclylistedcomPAnies,ortheirheAdquArtersisWhere50%ofAllmin-ingAndexPlorAtionequityfinAncingWAsrAisedin2010Produces60minerAlProductsbyvAlueintheglobAlProductionofPotAsh;2urmAndnickel;3rdindiAmondsrePesents55%ofAllcAnAdiAnfreightrevene70%ofPortshiPmentshAs1,629listedm

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Three COmPANIeS ThAT Are mAkING e3 Plus wOrk PAGe 12

rOSS GALLINGerPDAC’s new exeCutive DireCtor PAGe 2

GLeNN NOLANPDAC’s new PresiDent PAGe 4

• Accountedforroughly3.5%ofcAnAdA’sgdP,orAbout$35billioninProductivity,And21%ofthecountry’sexPortsin2010$5.5bil-liontogovernmentsintAxesAndroyAlties($8.4billionifyouincludetheoilsAnds)in2010WillsPenduPWArdsof$139billionoverthendecAdeonneWdomesticProjectsAndtheexPAnsionofexistingonesishometo58%oftheWorld’sPubliclylistedcomPAnies,ortheirheAdquArtersisWhere50%ofAllmin-ingAndexPlorAtionequityfinAncingWAsrAisedin2010Produces60minerAlProductsbyvAlueintheglobAlProductionofPotAsh;2urmAndnickel;3rdindiAmondsrePesents55%ofAllcAnAdiAnfreightrevene70%ofPortshiPmentshAs1,629listedm

Prospectors & Developers Association of CanadaAssociation canadienne desprospecteurs et entreprenuers

Cover photo: Hudson Bay Mountain, Smithers, British Columbia

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Ross Gallinger’s career in the mineral development sector is a perfect example of when one door closes, another one opens. While studying at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in the early 1980s, Ross was considering a career in forestry, the same industry that his father worked in his entire life. Unfortunately, the forestry program was full at the time, prompting him to visit the nearby Faculty of Agriculture. It was a visit that ultimately changed his career path and ignited his interest in the mining industry.

It was through the Faculty of Agriculture that Ross got his first “hands-on” exposure to the mining industry. “The faculty asked if I wanted to attend a mine reclamation symposium to learn about the industry,” says Ross, who assumed his role at the PDAC last August. “At the symposium I saw some fantastic presentations of taking drastically disturbed landscapes and turning them into something productive post-closure. I thought, wow! This is a re-ally good application of what I am studying and really exciting.”

That symposium crystallized Ross’ interest in responsible mining projects for sustainable habitat and communities. And when he entered the workforce in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, innovative disposal methods and conversations between the mining sector and academia on how to handle issues such as water quality and acid rock drainage were becoming commonplace.

“It was an amazing time to get into the industry because individual innovation was necessary for the business to advance. The dynamics of consultation and how we dealt with stakehold-ers made the job very exciting,” says Ross. “This period was also a great opportunity to see a wide range of the business early on.”

Since his time at UBC, Ross has been involved in almost every aspect of the industry, including financing, exploration and the cleanup of legacy sites, right through to mine closure. He has held positions with Placer Dome Canada, BHP Billiton, Rio Algom, Noranda and Westmin among others.

In 1995, Ross began adding international experience to his resume when Rio Algom sent him to Northern Chile. Soon after


ROSS GALLINGERPDAC’s new exeCutive DireCtor by SuSan MohaMMad


The PDAC at 80 Years: Our Growth, Our People, Our Future

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he worked in Argentina before fielding the social and environmental assessment—and participating in the implementation of those plans—at the Antamina project in Peru before returning to Chile for a three-year secondment. During that time Rio Algom was bought by Billiton (later becoming BHP Billiton).

In his last position before joining the PDAC, Ross served as the Senior Vice Pres-ident of Health, Safety and Sustainability at IAMGOLD Corporation. There, he threw his weight behind improving performance in engagement, social and environmental stewardship, as well as health and safety. An example of his commitment in these areas is the extensive consultation process that took place with affected communities in Tanzania, along with the drilling of wells and the provision of water pumps.

“We had to identify members in the community who would own this thing at the end of the day,” says Ross, adding that he was amazed by how many women took on lead project management duties or as-sembled others to ensure they were doing their part on the project. For its efforts, IAMGOLD was honoured with CSR awards from Algonquin College, the PDAC and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. They were also ranked third for CSR by the Globe and Mail for TSX60 companies.

“For the company to win three major CSR awards was a great accomplishment in recognizing the success they garnered in that realm,” says Ross, who also ad-mires the reclamation work Goldcorp Inc. is doing in cleaning up the old Coniaurum mine in Timmins, Ontario.

True to his passion for best practices in health safety and sustainability, Ross is also a founding member and co-chair of the Devonshire Initiative, which was founded in 2007. The forum is made up of members from international development NGOs and mining companies who meet five times a year to discuss best practices for improving the social and community development efforts of Canadian mining companies that operate overseas.

“One example of the open and extensive conversations we’ve had is how to deal with gender issues in development,” says Ross. “The information civil society mem-bers have given us has been very beneficial in our work together for creating better development and alleviating poverty.”

In that same spirit of improving certain aspects of the mineral exploration indus-try, and to improve PDAC’s effectiveness in advocacy, education and developing

the sector, Ross has been examining the organization’s various CSR initiatives to craft future improvements. One of the programs he is reviewing is how to increase the effectiveness of the e3 Plus program. The program is a responsible exploration template for health and safety, community engagement and environ-mental sustainability that members and non-members are encouraged to adopt into their daily operations. It includes resources such as strategies for working through conflicts in host communities and has been translated into French and Span-ish so it can be used around the world.

PDAC’s Mining Matters initiative is another way the organization is trying to be proactive in buffering the 112,000 new workers needed in the industry by 2021, as reported by the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR). Since 1994, the educational program has been offering teachers a bilingual curriculum kit on rocks, metals, minerals and mining for Grades 4 to 7. An additional curricu-lum was developed for secondary-school students five years ago.

“It’s a fantastic program for getting geo-science information to kids and enabling them to think about this as a future ca-reer. It also informs them of the true facts of the mining business,” says Ross, adding that nearly 400,000 students have gone through the program. Each year, the PDAC also hosts a field school for 25 geoscience students in Sudbury, Ontario, where they learn about the industry.

“We continue to talk to government re-garding things of interest to the industry, such as flow-through share financing and other financial issues that can help us move forward,” says Ross. “The PDAC is also at work on a consultation toolkit for Aboriginal communities on how to consult with companies, and has signed an MOU with the Assembly of First Nations.”

Although he’s only been in office for a little over half a year, Ross says he is having the “time of his life” at the PDAC, which he hopes will become an even big-ger voice for the industry going forward.

“The staff here are amazing. We are looking at the great things that PDAC has done, listening to the membership and looking at the state of the industry right now to formulate where we want to take this organization,” says Ross. “I believe this is the leading organization for the exploration and development sector.”•---Susan Mohammad is a writer, editor and broadcaster whose work has appeared in Maclean’s, Canadian Business, the Ottawa Citizen and CBC Online.

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When Glenn Nolan first entered the mining industry, his main goal was to find a job that would allow him to work out-doors. Having been raised in Northern Ontario in a family that survived by living off the land, and to this day remains close to the land, an office was just about the last place the PDAC’s new President saw himself feeling comfortable.

Some 35 years later, Glenn has successfully combined his deep connection to the environment, along with his extensive understanding of Aboriginal communities and experience in the mining and exploration industry, into so much more than he could have envisioned when he was a young man. Having emerged as a kind of bridge between indigenous communities and the mining industry, Glenn is sought out the world over by companies looking for advice on community engagement best practices.

It was never his plan to become an advocate who was committed to forging greater dialogue between indigenous communities and the mineral industry. Instead, Glenn grew into the role organically.

After graduating from the Geological Technology program at the Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Glenn first worked as a technician for a number of major mining companies, including Amok Limited and Cominco (now Teck Resources Limited). In 1982, after two years at Cominco, he started his own prospecting company conducting geophysical surveys, staking claims and enhancing camp management.

“I worked with different Aboriginal communities in Ontario, the Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan. There was a connection there but I never thought about it at the time,” says Glenn, who has always tried to hire people from local communities. “It was just natural that you make a connection because of your heritage. I understood their relationship to the land and their ability.”

Because of the positive impact that the mineral industry had on his own community, Glenn encouraged locals to become involved in various projects. He points out that the Missanabie


GLENN NOLANPDAC’s new PresiDent by SuSan MohaMMad


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Cree First Nation community, for example, didn’t receive financial support from the Canadian federal government. “Commu-nity members always supported them-selves through various work, from logging and working on the railroad to tourism and living off the land. So the move to the mining industry was natural as it was in our backyard so to speak.”

During his career, Glenn has found himself in a number of positions to advise Aboriginal communities about opportunities in the industry and to answer their questions. In 2001, he was elected Chief of the Missanabie Cree First Nation, a position he held until 2010. In addition, he founded the non-profit organization Learning Together to foster open dialogue between communities interested in sharing information related to the mineral industry.

Glenn eventually came to the PDAC in 2004 and has since sat on various committees, including Aboriginal Affairs and Convention Planning. He was also the Vice President, Aboriginal Affairs for Noront Resources and First Vice President of the PDAC. When he becomes President of the association after the PDAC 2012 Convention he will be the association’s first Aboriginal President.

In looking forward at his upcoming term, Glenn says his goal is to further strengthen the relationship between the mineral industry and Aboriginal commu-nities. One way to do that, he believes, is through better communication.

“Communicating is the most challeng-ing part of any relationship, whether it’s a husband or wife partnership or industry and community. We need to become effective listeners in order to respectfully understand the cultural differences be-tween mainstream Canadian society and Aboriginal communities,” he says. “Part of that process of respect is for companies to engage communities as early as pos-sible and to speak with them on a regular basis to engage Aboriginal communities while utilizing their expertise and skills to the fullest extent possible.”

Despite the need for improved dis-course, Glenn is highly optimistic that the relationship between both parties is con-tinually improving because of the number of companies asking him and associations like the PDAC for direction.

“I’ve had a number of Aboriginal community members also ask questions about mining and I’ve shared my own perspective on these issues. I hope to be someone people can come to for infor-

mation because society has made this important and the industry has listened,” adds Glenn.

He points to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the PDAC and the Assembly of First Nations at the the PDAC Convention in 2008 as a bold step forward in this process. And that process is expanding globally as Glenn continues to be approached by numerous countries, particularly from Latin America, that are seeking advice related to the Canadian experience on how to become better engaged with their own indigenous populations regarding resource development.

“I have great enthusiasm and optimism that our industry and communities are coming together. This is an exciting time,” he says. “We are going to see some big changes regarding how companies and communities work together and respond to each other. It will happen one agree-ment at a time.” •

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Words like “mammoth” and “monster” have been used to describe the size of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s (PDAC) Convention, the min-eral industry’s most popular networking and educational event.

The convention’s size is impressive. Held in the south building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC), the convention attracted 27,714 delegates in 2011. No other annual convention for mineral exploration and mining draws a crowd of this size.

The convention’s attendance figures are remarkable, but it’s the story of the convention’s impact that hasn’t been told. The impact of the convention on the local economy is one chapter of the story.

A 2009 study conducted by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism estimated that the event contributed more than $50 million to the local economy. Some 18,000 people attended the convention that year. A new study for 2011 puts the figure in the $72 million ballpark, and 2012 could be an even bigger year as early registration numbers were up almost 50% from last year.

That this is no small sum is reflected in what tourism officials like David Whitaker, President and CEO of Tourism Toronto, have to say about the convention. “Having the PDAC choose Toronto year after year for its annual convention is a real honour for us,” Whitaker says. “When more than 27,000 people from mining and related

industries all over the world come here to enjoy our hotels, restaurants, nightlife, entertainment and taxis, it’s a great shot in the arm for the city and the 224,000 people employed in tourism and hospital-ity here.”

The convention, now in its 80th year, attracts individuals, companies and gov-ernments involved in the mineral explora-tion sector from all over the globe. What the four-day event does for the industry is probably the biggest chapter in the story of the convention’s impact.

“The convention has really hit its stride in terms of its place in the global minerals industry. Over the years it’s grown into the industry’s premier event. Last year we had a record number of participants from 120 different countries and we’re seeing very strong interest again this year, both at home and internationally, which is very exciting,” says PDAC President Scott Jobin-Bevans.

In the early 1990s, the mineral explora-tion sector was booming, which provided an opportunity to take the convention international. Since then, the PDAC Con-vention has become the global networking opportunity for the industry.

The PDAC’s Executive Director Ross Gallinger, who came on board in August 2011, will experience the convention from the inside for the first time in 2012. Having been part of the mineral exploration in-dustry for years and a regular convention delegate, Gallinger says the convention

The economy of a convenTion by Carolyn Foster


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has become a massive focal point for the junior exploration sector.

“The convention fosters information-sharing and relationship-building that impacts the industry throughout the rest of the year,” he says. “The networking that goes on during those four days results in countless new relationships and ideas, reinforces current partnerships, and sets the stage for a great many deals.”

The PDAC 2011 Convention was the springboard for a deal signed later in the year between Strait Gold and Teck Resources. Jim Borland, President of Strait Gold, says his company’s recently signed option agreement with Teck Resources for its Alicia copper-gold property in Peru “originated at the annual convention.”

At the PDAC 2011 Convention, Strait Gold had core on display from Alicia that attracted a lot of attention. Borland says Strait Gold signed several confidentiality agreements after the convention. Offers for Alicia followed, of which Teck’s was the superior.

For years the convention took place at the Fairmont Royal York, moving to the MTCC in 1996 when the convention went international. Much of its history though is tied in with the Royal York, and evening events like the awards dinner and the gala still take place at the hotel.

Irene Butterworth, Senior Conference Services and Catering Manager at the Fairmont Royal York, says the convention is a big part of the hotel’s history. “Legend-ary deals have been secured and notable business partnerships have been launched within our walls—it’s just as much a part of our history as we are of its history.”

Members of the industry are also clear on how they feel about the convention. “PDAC brings together explorers, develop-ers and producers for what is arguably the global mining industry’s most important event of the year,” says Rob Krcmarov, Barrick Gold’s Senior Vice President of Global Exploration. “Our team is always on the hunt for promising projects, and the PDAC Convention offers up a universe of opportunities under one roof. There’s no other forum like it.”•---Carolyn Foster is a Communications Specialist at the PDAC.

Did you know that the

PDAC Convention...






Contributed $72 million to Toronto’s economy


7,000 International

representatives from

120 countries including:

Canada: 20,860United States: 2,323

Australia: 706England: 401

China: 338Peru: 269

Brazil: 238South Africa: 150


1,100 Students


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Ask any delegate why they are attending the PDAC 2012 International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange and chances are they will point to the numerous opportunities available to network with global leaders from the mineral exploration industry. It’s also one of the main reasons why overall at-tendance at the convention has steadily increased with each passing year.

In 2011, nearly 28,000 delegates at-tended the four-day event (compared to 22,000 in 2010), making it the larg-est PDAC Convention ever. And of that total number, approximately 7,000 were international representatives from 120 countries. An impressive statistic when you consider that the convention at-tracted a grand total of 2,300 delegates in 1992, the first year it was opened to the world, with a mere 37 delegates on hand from 10 countries.

Nicole Sampson, PDAC’s Convention Director, says that growth in the conven-tion’s international presence—especially from Latin America, China and India—has resulted in a greater number of global-minded programs and services being offered during the event. A record number of presentations will be given by various governments this year on topics ranging from global investment opportunities to changes in mining laws and updates on security issues.

And in order to assist international delegations to get the most out of their

convention experience, Sampson and her team of organizers have been keeping track of international groups in order to in-vite key members to private events where they can network with global counterparts.

“Because it can also be difficult for some international delegates to obtain visas to attend the convention, the PDAC offers an online form to request an international invitation letter,” says Sampson. She adds that a mobile application that enables par-ticipants to download a program schedule will be launched this year as well.

“Delegates are constantly on their smartphones, so we figured such an app would improve their experience by mak-ing it more convenient than searching through the printed convention program,” she adds. And if someone needs help using the app, Mobi Masters will be on site at the convention to lend a hand.

Because he views it as the premier world convention for the industry, Ian Sutherland, Coordinator of the Australia Pavilion, hasn’t missed the event since 1998. In fact, Australia’s national and state governments have been promoting the country as a prospective and reliable site for exploration and mining investment for more than a decade.

“There are deals being made constantly at the convention,” says Sampson. “I frequently see people rolling maps out on the floor and squatting around them to have an impromptu meeting in a hallway. It’s fun to watch, but this year we are add-



The PDAC at 80 Years: Our Growth, Our People, Our Future

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Did you know that Canada’s mineral exploration and

mining industry...

Accounted for roughly 3.5% of Canada’s GDP, or about $35 billion in productivity, and 21%

of the country’s exports in 2010

3.5% GDP..............................


Paid $5.5 billion to governments in taxes and

royalties ($8.4 billion if you include the oil sands)

in 2010..............................

$139BILLIONWill spend upwards of $139 billion over the next decade on

new domestic projects and the expansion of

existing ones..............................

58%Is home to 58% of the world’s publicly listed

companies, or their head-quarters


ing more venues for people to actually sit and meet. These meetings can happen in a comfortable lounge setting or in a private meeting space that can be booked for one-hour blocks.”

The extra meeting space may prove useful for the Finnish delegation. Dr. Pekka A. Nurmi, who has headed the Finnish entourage for 17 years, believes that in addition to the convention being a great venue for forging and strengthening international contacts, it also serves as a practical way for the management heads of Finnish companies to meet annually.

“There is currently a mining boom in Finland. In the past, many of the companies with exploration or mining projects [in Finland] have met at the PDAC Convention for the first time,” says Nurmi. “Personally, I think the event provides the best way to update myself on global developments, new expertise and techniques.”

For David Corrigan, Sales Manager at Australia-based Intrepid Geophysics, a company that provides software and re-lated services to potential field geophysics applications, showcasing the company’s latest advanced software for specialized, quantitative geology and geophysics applications is why the convention is so important to his business.

“As the conference is held in North America, it enables us to provide a face-to-face interaction with our international customer base as well,” says Corrigan. “In conjunction with the conference, IG runs targeted workshops tailored to meet specific customer requirements.”

Depending on your goals, delegates wanting to participate in knowledge seminars crafted by industry experts may find the Commodities and Market Outlook presentations—25-minute talks on the global outlook of major metals and minerals—of interest.

“There will also be a gold session of course, along with one on diamonds and metallurgical coal among others,” says Sampson. “And we are featuring talks on areas like the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and Canada’s Cordillera region.”

Whether it’s new food services or expanding the frequency of shuttle bus routes between hotels and the venue, Sampson says her team tries to add something new every year to enhance the overall experience for each delegate.

“All in all I hope delegates enjoy their time and can take something away from the program,” says Sampson. “And of course want to come back again next year.”•

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As an association that was established to enhance the business practices of the mineral exploration and mining industry, the PDAC strives to provide its more than 8,500 members with the necessary resources needed to succeed in their everyday activities. At the centre of this mandate is a strong belief that in order to advance the industry it is essential that our members encourage greater partici-pation from the communities they engage with and provide business, training and employment opportunities.

In recognizing this integral component of the business, the PDAC launched its Aboriginal Program at the convention in 2006 to meet the increasing demand for relevant and timely programming that supports both Aboriginal people and the mineral industry. Since its inception, it has grown in size with each passing year and last year alone attracted more than 400 self-identified Aboriginal delegates.

A number of factors have contributed to the Aboriginal Program’s rise in popularity and importance.

For starters, it is a one-of-a-kind op-portunity for Aboriginal communities and companies, as well as representatives from the mineral industry, to come together and network, foster relationships, create part-nerships and share knowledge. It enhances industry awareness of Aboriginal affairs, and showcases success stories of partner-ships and economic development.

Aboriginal people play an important

role in mineral exploration and develop-ment in Canada, and their direct involve-ment in the industry is steadily increasing. Through ownership, direct employment and community agreements, the number and variety of opportunities will continue to grow.

A popular component of the conven-tion program is Robert Laboucane’s short course on Aboriginal awareness and relationship building strategies for com-panies. It provides participants with the tools needed to communicate, engage and interact with Aboriginal people and their communities in a positive way. This course will help companies understand the crucial role that Aboriginal people play in mineral exploration and development planning.

On Monday, March 5, the program features a technical session entitled Mining the Opportunities: Training Aborigi-nal People for the 21st Century. A number of speakers will examine how companies, government and Aboriginal communities have collaborated to develop successful training programs, as well as provide ex-pertise on job mentorship and how work-ers and their families can be supported as they enter the workforce for the first time.

Also scheduled for March 5 is the Aboriginal Forum, Exploring Opportuni-ties and Building Relationships, an event that continues to expand at the PDAC Convention. This event brings successful Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal-owned companies together with other


insideThe AboriginAl ProgrAmBy Scott cavan and LeSLey WiLLiamS

The PDAC at 80 Years: Our Growth, Our People, Our Future

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Did you know that Canada’s mineral exploration and

mining industry...

50%Is where 50% of all

mining and exploration equity financing

was raised in 2010 ..............................

60Produces 60 mineral


1, 2 & 3Is 1st by value in the

global production of pot-ash; 2nd in uranium and nickel; 3rd in diamonds..............................

Represents 55% of all Canadian freight revenue

and 70% of port shipments



Has 1,629 listed mining companies on

the TSX/TSXV.As a comparison, the ASX has 691

listed companies and the NYSE/NYSE

Amex 138


Aboriginal communities who are interested in becoming more involved in the mineral sector. Showcasing models for successful Aboriginal participation in the mineral in-dustry, this session includes a presentation on the Ring of Fire, with participants from Webequie First Nation, Cliffs Natural Re-sources and Noront Resources Ltd. There will also be the signing of agreements and a discussion on financing Aboriginal enterprises. The event concludes with a one-hour networking reception that is sponsored by Cliffs Natural Resources and Fasken Martineau.

Capping off Monday’s activities is the Skookum Jim Award presentation, a prestigious award that recognizes and honours Aboriginal individuals and busi-nesses involved in the mineral industry. Previous recipients include Jerry Asp (2011), Willie Keatainak (2010), Tli Cho Logistics (2009) and the Athabasca Basin Development Limited Partnership (2008).

New to the Aboriginal Program this year are two sessions on specific topics that af-fect industry, Aboriginal communities and governments. The first session, to be held on the morning of March 6, will examine is-sues related to consultation and features a panel discussion with participants from the industry, the Aboriginal community, and the federal and provincial government who are set to discuss specific expectations and procedures related to consultation along the mining sequence.

The second new addition to the Ab-original Program is a session entitled Early Exploration, Agreements and Managing Expectations. This session looks at the dif-fering expectations related to engagement and how agreements sometimes produce challenges and delay project develop-ment that impact both the company and community involved. It also includes a discussion moderated by Howard Hampton that showcases examples of engagement practices and the resulting agreements that have been developed between com-panies and First Nations. Following these case histories will be a panel to examine strategies around building Aboriginal business capacity through partnerships.

The purpose and goal of the Early Exploration, Agreements and Managing Expectations session, along with many of the Aboriginal Programs, is to build mutually-beneficial partnerships that will ensure that Canada’s mineral exploration and mining industry remains a global leader throughout the 21st century and beyond.•---Scott Cavan is the Program Director of Aboriginal Affairs at the PDAC. Lesley Williams is the PDAC’s Program Assistant.

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When the PDAC launched e3 Plus— A Framework for Responsible Exploration—in March 2009, the goal of the program was that it serve as a resource of prin-ciples and guidelines that exploration and mining companies could use in their everyday activities. Although presented as a voluntary tool, it challenged companies to strive for excellence in three distinct areas: social responsibility, environmental stewardship, health and safety.

In an effort to see first-hand how com-panies have been using e3 Plus since its inception, the PDAC visited three projects this past year—two in Canada and one in South America—to gain valuable insight into the benefits of the program, along with areas that need improvement.

The first visit was to Val d’Or, Quebec, in mid-June to a gold exploration site owned by Cartier Resources. The company’s CEO, Philippe Cloutier, had previously expressed a keen interest in responsible exploration and wanted to ensure that his company was complying with local regula-tions, even going beyond the necessary compliance standards when possible. He had presented the best practices outlined in e3 Plus to the company’s Board of Di-rectors who were particularly intrigued by the principles related to the environment, as well as health and safety.

To achieve his goal, Cloutier hired a consultant who specializes in sustainable development to create a good practice checklist and to oversee the proper ap-

plication of certain principles. From there, the company started holding staff meet-ings to verify the application of certain recommendations that were identified in e3 Plus, and during the PDAC’s visit they were in the process of putting together a bulletin board to help infuse key principles into the company’s operating culture. They have even introduced a grant for Col-lege of General and Vocational Education (CEGEP) students who, in an essay, can successfully discuss a topic mentioned in e3 Plus, regardless of their specialization.

And what’s the payoff to Cartier Resources for implementing e3 Plus? “Applying best practices through e3 Plus will make us more competitive in the long run,” says Cloutier.

The second visit the PDAC team un-dertook was in September to a base and precious metals property outside of Smith-ers, British Columbia, that is operated by Callinex Mines. Although the company strictly abides by the laws that regulate the provincial activities of the mineral explora-tion industry, they have also created their own internal health and safety regulations that use e3 Plus principles because as their CEO Mike Muzlyowski put it: “We leave nothing to chance; we can’t take the risk.”

Furthermore, Callinex is working hard to reduce its environmental footprint. Reclamation of drill sites and ATV tracks is ongoing, and new methods of transporta-tion are being used to minimize damage to surface areas. The company has also

Three companies ThaT are making e3 plus work bycameronainsworth-Vincze


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implemented successful strategies to reduce and manage waste materials in all sectors of its projects.

The last field trip the PDAC undertook was in October to Provincia de Jujuy, in the far north of Argentina, to a lithium ex-ploration site owned by Lithium Americas. The company had received an overwhelm-ing amount of support from the local communities since its arrival and wanted to nurture those existing relationships by offering their assistance in local develop-ment projects. “The company has the po-tential to change the local communities’ life and to make sure that those changes are positive, and that the negative risks are mitigated,” noted Lithium Americas’ CEO, Waldo Perez.

To accomplish this, Perez frequently en-gages with local community members and stakeholders to discuss their concerns, and the community relations staff reports directly to him so decisions are made immediately. The company also arranges monthly assemblies or “assembleas”—regular community meetings where all matters of importance to the community are discussed—in each community locat-ed near the exploration site. From these meetings they sign agreements called “convenios” in which Lithium Americas establishes its role and responsibilities to keep the communities informed and to mitigate any potential environmental, health and safety, or social issues.

In terms of contributing to the develop-ment of local communities, the company has created a number of unique initia-tives, from knitting and cooking lessons, to programs for local employment and economic development, as well as access to medical services. To educate the com-munity about its activities, they organize guided visits to the site during the various stages of the project.

These are just three examples of how e3 Plus is making a difference in the exploration activities of a few domestic and international companies. If you work for a company, or know of one that uses e3 Plus and would like to share its story about how e3 Plus is being used in the field, please contact Emily Nunn, CSR Coordinator, at [email protected] or 416 362 1969 x 292.• ---Cameron Ainsworth-Vincze is a Communications Specialist at the PDAC.

Did you know that Canada’s mineral exploration and

mining industry...

300,000Employs more than 300,000 Canadians


3,200Provides a market to

some 3,200 suppliers of mining goods and


Is the largest private employer of

Aboriginal Canadians..............................


100Has 1,000 active

Canadian exploration companies working on 10,000 projects

in more than 100 countries


$40.42/hProvides an average total compensation

of $40.42/hour, ranging from $49.25/hour in the Territories

to $32.21/hour in the Atlantic region

Sources: Mining Association of Canada, PDAC, Mining Industry Human

Resources Council, Toronto Stock Exchange (TMX)


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