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Pdca Conversion

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7/23/2019 Pdca Conversion http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/pdca-conversion 1/53 PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check
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PDCA Cycle(Plan-Do-Check

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round Rules

• Keep phones on silent mode during the• Participate and ask questions• here are no right or !rong ans!ers" a

responses are #alued• $isten attenti#ely

• %&press yoursel' • e open-minded and respect'ul

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Understand thesteps of PDCA

Learn apply P


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DCA Cycle

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ota Principles and Practices

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roduction to Philosophy

t 'unctions as a !ork manatool to ensure that acti#itieplanned (Plan) and implemeand that there is a continuo'eed*ack loop that in#ol#es

the e+ecti#eness o' implem(Check) and then taking actensure success (Act).

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istory o' PDCA

alter A. he!hart/ 0120 - 0234. %d!ard Deming 0255 - 0226

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hy PDCA7

PDCA 'acilitates8

9 Continuous impro#ement in our !ork.9 :akes !ork easier *y gi#ing structure to the !ork.9 Reduces muda (!aste) in time and resource *increasing e;ciency o' our

!ork process9 %nsures repetiti#e success #ia standardi<atio9 ,elps eliminate pro*lems in our !ork throughmonitoring and pro*lem

sol#ing throughout the entire process9 ncreases the quality o' our !ork.

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e :arshmallo! Challenge

uild the allest Freestanding tructure8 T

winning team is the one that has the tallest str

measured from the table top surface to the top


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e :arshmallo! Challenge


0. he Entire :arshmallo! :ust *e on op8 The entire mneeds to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating pmarshmallow disuali!es the team.

@. >se as :uch or as $ittle o' the Kit8 The team can use few of the "# spaghetti sticks$ as much or as little of the st

 The team cannot use the paper bag as part of their structu

6. reak up the paghetti/ tring or ape8 Teams are frespaghetti$ cut up the tape and string to create new structu

. he Challenge $asts 01 minutes8 Teams cannot hold ostructure when the time runs out. Those touching or suppostructure at the end of the e%ercise will be disuali!ed.

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$A? P,A%

All acti#ities prior


 Determine the dea

 Grasp the Current  Create a Plan Communicate

hatshould !e


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$A? P,A%

&'en(amin )ran

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$A? P,A%

 Total time spent when *+T PLA**,*- thoroughly



 Total time spent when PLA**,*- T+/+U-L0

1a2ings in time and e3ora result of good plannin

4uda in time and e3ort duinsu5cient time spent in pla

and communication

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 P,A%8 Determine the deal

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 P,A%8 Determine the deal

Key uestions9 hat is the purpose o' my!orkBproect79 hat is my !ork o*ecti#eBmydesired outcome79 hat is the impact i' donEt dothis !ork79 ho are my stakeholders in this!ork79 y !hen must achie#e theideal7 hy *y that time79 ,o! !ill kno! !hen E#eachie#ed the ideal7

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 P,A%8 Determine the deal %&ample (:P)9 hat is the purpose o' my !orkBproect7

-o generate proFt *y selling #ehicles9 hat is my !ork o*ecti#eBmy desiredoutcome7-ell 40 units9 hat is the impact i' donEt do this!ork7->nachie#ed sales target

9 ho are my stakeholders in this !ork7-Customers/ management/ salesdepartment9 y !hen must achie#e the ideal7 hy*y that time7-y the end o' Decem*er @50

9 ,o! !ill kno! !hen E#e achie#ed the

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 P,A%8 Grasp the Current it

• Clari'y !here you are no! #ia 'acts and data•

he *est method to grasp the situation is thHGenchi Genbutsu” 

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 P,A%8 Grasp the Current itKey uestions

9 hat has occurred up to date7

9 ,as this !ork or similar !ork *een

done *e'ore7 hat are the e&isting

standards 'or the !ork7

9 hat 'actsBdata is a#aila*le7 hat

does it tell me7

9 hat is the current *usiness

en#ironment7 hat impact !ill it ha#e

on my !ork7


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? P,A%8 Create Action Plan

De#elop a ask $ist• rainstorm the actions required

the ideal

• denti'y main tasks

• Determine dependencies *et!e

(simultaneous or consecuti#e) a


• %stimate ho! long each main ta

• reak do!n main task to smalle


 / e s e a r c h

  C o

 / e 2 i e w  c

 o m p a

 ' e n c h m

 a r k

 , n t e r

 / e s e a r c h

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? P,A%8 Create Action Plan

De#elop a ask $ist

 / e s e a r c h

  C o

 / e 2 i e w  c

 o m p a

 ' e n c h m

 a r k

 , n t e r

 / e s e a r c h

I*ecti#e8 Complete a year sales 'orecast 'orCompany %&ecuti#es as

*asis 'or their 'uturestrategic plan.

6. /esearch Content

". /e2iew Company Database

7. 'enchmark Competitors

8. ,nter2iew 9%perts

:. /esearch Trend

;. De2elop +utline

<. Analy=e Data

>. De2elop ypothesis

?. Draft /eport +utline

6#. /e2iew with 9%perts

I*ecti#e8 year sales 'Company %

*asis 'or thstrategic p

66. /e2iew w

6". Draft /e

67. Complet

68. /e2iew w

6:. Draft )in

6;. -ain App

6<. Present /

6>. De2elopPpt.

6?. Practice

"#. Present /

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? P,A%8 Create Action Planet a arget


1peci!cDo what e%actly@

hat is it to be accomplished@ ho is to bein2ol2ed@ here is it to be done@ hen is it to bedone@

: 4easurable To what degree@

ow much@ ow will you know when it isaccomplished@

A Appropriate,s it businesssuitable@

,s there a realistic chance that the target can beaccomplished@ ,s it within my control or scope@ Can

the target be achie2ed with the a2ailable resources$knowledge$ and time allotted@

R /ealisticCan it be done@

,s the goal appropriate and consistent with missionand 2ision of the organi=ation@

 Time 'ased'y hen@

Are the deadlines and milestone dates set for eachtask@

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? P,A%8 Create Action PlanDe#elop a chedule

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? P,A%8 Create Action PlanDetermine Resources Required to Carry Iasks

udget• %quipment or 'acilities• n'ormation

:anage Risk 

• denti'y potential risks to your proect• RK can *e understood as any 'actor t

may inter'ere !ith the success'ulcompletion o' your proect.

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 P,A%8 Communicate thru ?e

o Hnema!ashisomethingLis to discuss it !ithothers to gainclariFcation/ support





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Actual %&ecutio

 mplement :onitor

 Adust Communica

,o! do !eimplementour plan7

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De2elop a plan to achie2e theideal situation

D+,mplement the Plan

C9CB erify the /esult and Process




 Throughout the pro(ect

At pro(ect conclusion

CI::>Who needs


P,A% l h Pl

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P,A%8 mplement the Plan

%#en i' you do a per'ect o*/ i' it is not complete

*ythe due date/ in the

!orstcase the proect may


P,A% : it

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 P,A%8 :onitor

P,A% : it

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 P,A%8 :onitor

• :onitor

:onitor the process ( e&. *aking):onitor the results ( e&. CakeEs taste/ te&ture/ etc.)

• Adust Altering chedule Changing the process or the target

DI P,A% : it

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DI P,A%8 :onitorand AdustKey uestions

9 ,o! and !hen !ill monitor process7 process KP79 ,o! and !hen !ill monitor results7 the result KP79 Can see pro*lems !hen they occur79 Did check #ia genchi gen*utsu79 s it clear !hy did or didnMt achie#e my9 Are pro*lem causes identiFed79 Are countermeasures set7

DI P,A% C i t

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DI P,A%8 CommunicateNisuali<ation

DI P,A% Comm nicate thr

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DI P,A%8 Communicate thru,IR%?I

C,%CK P,A%

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C,%CK P,A%

ConFrm/ e#aluate

monitor result

  %#aluate Res

  %#aluate Pro  Communicat,o! did!e do7

C,%CK P,A%8 %#aluate Resul

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C,%CK P,A%8 %#aluate Resul


9 therestarg

9 D#ia gen

C,%CK P,A%8 %#aluate Proce

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C,%CK P,A%8 %#aluate ProceKeyue

9 di+e*et!and


9 it agsam


C,%CK P,A%8 Communicate

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C,%CK P,A%8 Communicate

ReOection :eetings Common way to wrap up a pro(ect that has ended

1takeholders meet and re2iew the pro(ect frombeginning to end Discuss summari=ed outcome of the pro(ect

Jinal Report

)eedback from customers ,mpro2ements EBai=enF against former standards Circumstantial causes 2s. process causes

C,%CK P,A%8 Communicate

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C,%CK P,A%8 Communicate

Key uestions9 Did conduct reOection meeting !ith

stakeholders79 Are the Fnal results and process clearly#isuali<ed7


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he implementation o' neces

adustments to ensure succes

implementation o' the


 Resol#e tandar Kai<en Commu

,o! do !eimpro#e7


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AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues

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AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues


AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues

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AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues


AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues

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AC P,A%8 Resol#e ssues

Key uestions

9 hat pro*lems still need resoluti9 hat is the cause and counterme

AC P,A%8 tandardi<e

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AC P,A%8 tandardi<e

hat is a standard79 t is the *est kno!n method o' per'orming a

9 t is the normal requirement 'or quality/ quan

grade/ etc.tandards should *e documented 'or others *e

AC P,A%8 Kai<en B Continuo

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AC P,A%8 Kai<en B Continuompro#ement

AC P,A%8 Communicate

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AC P,A%8 Communicate

 Qokoten9 apanese term !hich means Htrans'erL9 haring o' *est practices and learning point


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%noy the 'ruit o' your la*or

PDCA Application8 Dealer Gen*

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PDCA Application8 Dealer Gen*Kai<en

PDCA8 and A

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PDCA8 and A

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PDCA8 ui<

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C u

<. A Japanese word that refers to the practice ofthorough communication. This is done to

discuss with others to gain clari!cation$support and or consensus.

>. The best method to grasp the situation is thru HHHHHHHHH@

?. A Japanese word meaning Ktransfer. ,t refers

to the sharing of best practices and learningpoints.

6#.HHHHHHHHHHHHHH is the best known method ofperforming a process.

PDCA8 ui<

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 T/U9 or )AL19

66. PDCA functions as a work management tool to ensure thaare well planned and implemented and that there is a continuloop that in2ol2es checking the e3ecti2eness of implementattaking actions to ensure success. 6". PDCA ensures repetiti2e success 2ia standardi=ation.

67. Japan spends 7#M in Planning$ and <#M in Doing$ while *spends <#M in Planning$ and 7#M in Doing.68. 1tandards should be documented for others bene!ts.6:. A result is the outcome of the process.

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B90 T+ C+//9CT,+*1

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6. Plan&Do&Check&Act

". alter 1hewhart

7. Plan Phase8. Check Phase

:. Act Phase

;. Do Phase

<. *emawashi>. -enchi -enbutsu

?. 0okoten





