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PDF issue 6

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  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6


  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6


    Editor in Chief Misha Kydd

    Director of Writing Bridget Iverson

    Director of Art Ryan Peden-Spear

    Directors of Layout, Design, & Not Building an

    Orbital Laser in our Backyard. Really. We Promise Joe Adkisson, Will Adkisson

    Director of Proof-Reading Sierra Makaris

    Staff Extraordinaire:

    Elizabeth Cummin

    Eli Dorney

    Braeden Hughes

    Eric Iverson

    Ashley James

    Katelyn Jewell

    Marissa Kelemen

    Elizabeth Morris

    Emily Mulvihill

    Megan Reilly

    Juliana Skelly

    Ceilidh Peden-Spear

    Marcia WhiteRebecca Young

    MMuse Staf

    AdvisorJennier Adkisson

    Art & Photo Credits:

    Cover & Inside Cover: Marcia White

    Cover Design: Joe & Will Adkisson

    Masthead: Dylan Sylvester

    Page 1: Megan Reilly

    Page 2: Lindsey Flanders

    Page 3: Nichole Bergeron

    Page 3: Christine Hallock

    Page 4: Sylvia Esmay

    Page 5: Emma Hartswick

    Page 6: Marcia White

    Page 7: Megan Reilly

    Page 8: Ryan Peden-Spear

    Page 8-9: Megan Reilly

    Page 10-11: Maya Bower

    Page 12: Ryan Peden-Spear

    Page 13: Noelle Kichura

    Page 14: Dakota Deady

    Page 14: Annavitte RandPage 15: Meaghan Hughes

    Page 15: Lindsey Flanders

    Page 16-17: Victoria Mousely

    Page 18: Sarah Buxton

    Page 19: Ryan Peden-Spear

    Page 20: Dylan Sylvester

    Back Cover: Lisa MacKenzie

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    Shall I, for tonight, think in fireflies,

    morse code, condensed

    inspiration, those tiny stars, this night

    & the grass gone monochrome,

    black, dirt; swings, songs

    & voicesshall I, for tonight, just list

    wordsshall I confess?

    I write for peopletonight I write for you.

    A toastthe mosquitoes drink

    in our honor, they drink our honor

    thicker than watera toast!

    to this place, to this evening, seeds,

    to fireflies! & pine needles,

    to ears. to lips. to Who are you

    to me so far? to Who are we but chance?

    - Bridget Iverson

    As the frigid gusts of autumn rage

    The sun retires early in the sky.

    A scene of sleep is set on natures stage

    All things green will slumber and will die.

    The leaves fly to the ground in sweet repose

    And barren trunks are clothed in a fine frost.

    In this crystal nightcap trees will doze

    As flora flees and rocks become de-mossed.

    So does autumn put the man to rest

    And hair like leaves grow somnolent and fallAnd as the trees in frosty robes are dressed

    Sickness shrouds the man in wintery pall.

    Yet spring results from each autumn before

    And so the man may yet be spry once more.

    - Alli Green


    Laying in the grass,

    Of the field,

    Behind my house,

    The dark velvet of the sky,

    Dips around the invisible curve of the earth.

    These pinpoints,

    These small pinpoints of light,

    Fascinate me.

    Entrance me.

    Call to me.

    Not in a way,

    That makes me want to go up.

    But in a way,

    That makes me want to stay down,

    And want to watch.The Dippers, big and small,

    Slip towards me,

    Asking to scoop me up.

    Orion, waving his arms in battle,

    Crying for help.

    Ursa Major, the bear,

    His jaws open in a fearsome roar.

    Pegasus, his wings spread wide.

    The Seven Sisters, dancing slowly around the sky.

    Winter comes,

    And Orion disappears,Taking Betelgeuse with him.

    - Cami Douglas

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    There is something


    so despicable

    in the way the waves

    refused to hold me.


    smashed against my wallsbut I refused to crack.

    The dams in my lungs

    did not shatter

    & my chest did not flood.

    But the mountains

    mocked me

    whilst I floated,

    high & mighty

    above their

    grammatical imperfections.

    The cliffs would not

    echo the subjunctive

    when I shouted your name,

    always screaming,

    If I were there

    (if I was there),

    you wouldnt be crying

    (you wouldnt be crying).

    If I could be an entitygreater than myself,

    I would be the ocean,

    steady, sure, & constant.

    My words would form

    saltwater waves

    & youd cause my

    ever-present tide.

    This ink would prove

    thicker than water

    & Id immortalize you,

    Selene, keep you aliveforever.

    Can you see me

    drifting through these walls,

    these cement barriers

    trapping me

    between the lines

    of my own poetry?

    The Relocationist

    Can you see me jaywalking

    across the skyway?

    My astrologer always told me

    I was a being of the earth,

    yet I yearned to fly,

    to soar above the tormentthis body had offered me.

    I wanted to be a source of light,

    some far-off star

    that you could only see

    on the clear nights of autumn,

    your telescope trained

    where your eyes darent look.

    Life was a leap of faith

    Id never opted to take,

    yet jump I did.I still havent hit rock-bottom

    of this penniless well

    & Ive grown accustomed

    to the melancholy darkness

    of grey-cloud skies.

    There was a fire

    on the horizon

    years ago

    that seared my irises.

    They hadnt burned

    in ages

    & the beauty

    wet my eyes

    in a way this smoky fog

    never had.

    I once breathedflames

    that were white-hot

    & skin-scorching.

    I dont think she everforgave me for that.

    Burns are different

    than cuts or scrapes.

    The latter bleed & scab

    & bleed again

    until you teach yourself

    to let them go.

    Burns blister

    & make yourfingers

    Lindsey Flanders

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    go numb.

    I dont think I ever apologized.

    I was & always have been


    regardless of my craving

    to taste the other elements.

    Logic tells me that gravitywill keep me here

    for as long as my atoms

    retain this form.

    This body is my cage

    & only in freefall

    can I believe

    I have wings.

    The blazing heat

    of the supernovas

    deep within my pupils

    melts the wax

    & I, Prince Icarus,

    find myself crashing

    towards my reflection,

    my existence pooled

    in an effervescent shadow

    just beneath the waves.

    I am suspended here

    in this hellish limbo& I have never felt

    so alive.

    - Katelyn Jewell

    Sky Games

    I wish I couldfly.

    I wouldfly high up above the clouds,

    Gliding along rays of sweet sunshine.

    I wish I couldfly.

    I would hop-scotch across the rain clouds,

    Jump-rope with daring birds,

    Leap frog with commercial jets,

    Patty-cake with spirits.

    Let condensation bead on my lips,

    Sweet butterfly kisses.

    I wish I couldfly.I would dance across the wide expanse of blue,

    Sing to fill the silence that is more alive

    Than anything.

    Harmonize with the song

    That no one hears,

    But everyone feels.

    I wish I couldfly.

    I would tap dance on the petals of the flowers in the sky,

    Samba throughout the everlasting vastness.

    Una fiesta en el cielo!

    I wish I couldfly.

    I wouldfill the air

    With everything that is missing.

    And when night falls,

    I would kiss the stars goodnight

    And tuck the moon into bed.

    I would whisper through the fog

    And refuse to go back home.

    - Rebecca Young

    Nichole Bergeron

    Christine Hallock

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    May Days

    Circa 300 BCE

    Romans break from work and war

    To gather in praise of the goddess Flore

    And celebrate the miracle of spring.

    They sing; they sing.

    Unbeknownst to the Romans,

    Celts and Germans dance a wide girth

    In fete of Natures verdant rebirth

    Round Beltane and Walpurgis

    From deep primal urges:

    Cry, Make us whole


    Circa 1300 CE

    In England, each village dances into May

    In Germany, Tanzen in den Mai

    Where girls about the Maypole whirl

    In a florid, visual delight

    With the whole of the natural world to unfurl

    To the light, to the light.

    May Day!


    Natures choking a bit

    In Chicagos Haymarket Square

    Where Anarchists fight to make it fair.

    Bombs burst,

    Yet fail to

    Slake the thirst

    Of a million-man

    Workforce wanting first

    Hungry! Hungry for wages, hungry for land,

    Hungry for a piece of the damn pie. Mayday, mayday!


    Now grown and glutted on more than pie,

    A middle class refuses to die.

    The burst of that 1886 day

    Drinks heavily this May

    From the growing ink spot in the Gulf sea

    That I see on the flat-screen TV.

    Then that night at the sports bar

    The M&M mans M&M car

    Drinks lustily, too, from that ink spot

    With its gaping funnel and roils the plot

    Magnified on HDTVs

    Count em, sixty-oneThat also drink from

    The ink spots well

    In that gulf of Hell.

    Mayday, mayday, mayday.

    - Bucky Brandt

    Sylvia Esmay

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6




    It was Friday, late afternoon. I had just gotten

    a ride home from a friend. I opened the front

    door, dropped my stuff off, and went to get

    the mail. A few minutes after, I saw my dadsbright red Saab pull into the driveway. He

    parked and quickly got out of the car. I asked

    him what was going on; he usually arrives

    home around seven. He told me hed left a

    message that said he was coming home early.

    Annoyed that my afternoon alone had

    been disrupted, I went inside. In the middle

    of looking through the mail, I noticed my dad

    lingering awkwardly in the dining room. He

    turned to me and said, Nana is very sick. She

    had a brain aneurism.I started racking my brain. I knew that

    word; its bad, isnt it?

    It looks like shes not going to make


    I instantly burst into tears. The next

    hour was a blur. A blur of tears, phone calls,

    and a hot chocolate with too much powder at

    the bottom.

    We went, my dad and I, to the hospital.

    I tried to create a lighter atmosphere and stay

    optimistic by singing along with the radio in

    the car, but to no avail. When we got to the

    hospital, it took about ten minutes to find the

    Intensive Care Unit. Level four, room eleven.

    We called to see if we could go in because the

    ICU was behind locked doors. They said yes.

    We walked in.

    I saw Nana, red hair shining just as

    bright as every other day. But she was lying

    in a hospital bed, eyes closed, and white tape

    securing some equipment to her mouth. Wewere summoned back into the hallway. A

    doctor was in the room, and we couldnt go in.

    We waited in the hallway for what seemed like


    Seeing my nana like that was one of

    the most difficult things Ive ever experi-

    enced. She was one of the strongest people I

    knew. And she was laying on a hospital bed, with a

    machine breathing for her. It was taped to her face.

    Distorting it.

    I didnt know what to say. My mom said

    Nana could hear us but couldnt acknowledge us;

    my mom said we could hug her, kiss her, talk toher, hold her hand. I stood there awkwardly for a

    bit, and then I stepped forward and rubbed her hand

    through the blanket. Mom said I could hold her

    hand, so I did. We were like that for a while, hand

    in hand, while I thought of all the things I wanted to

    tell her, hoping she would get my message telepath-

    ically. I think that she did.

    Once, ever so slightly, I thought I felt her

    hand tighten on mine. I told her that I was there,

    but the slight smile on her face told me that she

    already knew.

    Soon, it was time to say goodbye for the

    day. I hugged her through the various wire con-

    nected to her and kissed her. I told her I loved her

    and I would see her tomorrow. I kissed her two

    more times on the cheek, said a few more words,

    and left. My mom pulled me aside and said that

    they didnt know when she would pass away, and

    that theyre might not be a tomorrow. I told her I

    needed to go back once more to Nana. I hugged

    her and told her repeatedly how much I loved her.I kissed her once more and stood up to get one last

    full look at her. Then I saw her lips move, just

    slightly. As if she was trying to give me her last

    kiss. I leaned down and kissed her softly on the


    I love you so much, I whispered.

    - Justine Tibbits

    Emma Hartswick

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    Gross You Out

    I woke up to shaved sandpaper

    where my eyeballs used to be;

    bones splintered by lunching mealworms;

    brain liquefied by radioactive sludge

    shining slime-green in my grey matter.

    The universe took an eggbeater to my spleen

    and bore forth something raw, something

    middling between half-alive and mostly-dead.

    Humanity souffl. I woke up to joints

    twisted under oppressive gravity,

    and its all I can do pick up my pen and write:

    theyre coming for you, too.- Sierra Makaris

    I Lie

    I lie to keep myself alive, to keep myself awake.

    I lie to make the dreams stay down and to continue to be fake.

    I lie to keep him close to me, to keep him in the dark.

    I lie to ensure that Cupid aims and shoots true to the mark.

    I lie to hide who I really am and lie to beat her down.I lie to mask the pain and tears, to rise up from the ground.

    My pain brings hope and grants me wings to fly so far away.

    Running from my hopes and fears, keeping them at bay.

    Im not who you suppose I am, Im not that girl at all.

    The real true me, I push her down, laughing as she falls.

    - Aiden Pichette

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    The Writer Writes

    Why does the writer write in prose?

    because of its beauty I suppose

    it is the beat of the music that you can not hear

    but when the words are spoken theyre crystal clear

    it is the painting brushed from the artists eyeso beautiful it sometimes makes you cry

    it is the sculptor at the wheel, his hands in motion

    his minds eye took shape with determined devotion.

    -Marion Surprenant

    You will find your courage

    From deep within

    To stay steady

    As life throws all its got at you.

    From new life to death,From relaxation to stress,

    And yet you survive,

    A shining light in a world of dark,

    A beacon to lead the way for others

    When they are lost.

    You will find your strength

    And help others find theirs.

    Reach for the stars.

    You have the courage to do anything

    If only you try.

    You will find your courageAs you live life strong and unstoppable

    For you know

    That dreams can come true

    If only you try.

    Dont hold back,

    Let loose with all youve got,

    Show you true self,

    No one can stop you.

    No matter how fast life flies by,

    You have the power to slow it down.

    You can control your path in life,

    You can make it around those corners

    And still survive to see what lies ahead.

    - Ceilidh Peden-Spear

    ill find yo r c

    m deep within

    o stay steady

    s life throws all i

    m new life to


  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    Three Hundred Years

    Its been three hundred years now, I think, though it is hard to judge the passage of time when I

    never sleep and never stray into the sun. Three hundred years since I ventured out boldly, rashly, armed

    with a vial of holy water and a dug-up fence post, and the thing I sought turned me into what he was. I built

    a castle in Romania, mostly for the style, but also so the rumors of a horror lurking on the moors would

    bring a fearful solitude instead of the police. Sometimes people come out to the castle. They are clever,

    having deciphered the riddles, but nave. Girls come, sometimes, seeking their Edward, or scholars lookingto run controlled experiments to determine details of my cravings. I send them away, if I can, before the

    hunger overcomes what willpower I still possess after all this time. I am not a monster. I would not have

    anyone live as I do.

    For three hundred years I have lived here, alone in my lonely castle on the moors. And when the

    mob finds me, armed as I once was with stakes and crosses and strings of garlic around every mans neck, I

    will sadden. For although they are strong, a vampire is stronger; I will drink my fill that night.

    - Will Adkisson

    Im a vampire

    Skin like snow and lips pure red

    But Im no freaking Princess

    I may be the fairest but to no one am I ever fair

    Your blood is my drug

    And I will possess your heart

    Dont give me Twilight

    I may not sparkleBut my bite is quite a brilliance

    - Devon Preston


  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    My Lover Lies in My Leaded Arms

    My lover lies in my leaded arms. His pulse has beaten a tattoo in the base of his neck, a faint pur-

    plish bruise that lies so sweetly still. The steady thrum of life that echoed throughout the cavernous pit in

    my chest fled in the night like an ill-advised lover. His eyes, which had been molded with the sky itself, lie

    fixed upon my face, the faintest trace of a smile on his perfect lips. Numbly I lean over, hoping to feel the

    sweetness of his breath on my cheek, hoping for him to shiver and fold my arms around his being. But no

    movement, not even a twitch to ease my aching, bleeding, needing soul. He lies dead, so far away, even ashe sleeps in my warm embrace. Goosebumps march along the base of my neck, almost like ghostly finger-

    tips were grazing across my skin. The knife lays on the bed stand, almost within my grasp, but Im fearful

    that if I move, he will fall and be gone from my hands. We lie there for an eternity, me stroking his face, his

    hair, just like we used to. The comforting weight of him lulls me into believing that hes not dead, merely

    sleeping. That he will awaken and smile and draw me closer to taste the passion that blooms on his lips.

    But too much time has passed and I now cannot help but face the truth; hes gone and Im alone.


    Cold Blackness

    I watch him lie there. He shifts in his

    sleep. He turns, and each time he turns, another

    whimper, another shudder, another tear escapes.

    The moonlight seems to strike him at an odd

    angle. Shadows shift, covering his back, his arm,

    his wrist. He flings a hand over the dew-covered

    night grass. The fingers uncurl, and there, upon his

    palm, another shadow stirs to life. He twists, and

    on his smooth bare chest there is an empty space

    of stars and blackness, deep, deep, something fall-

    ing in the cold blackness, crying to be heard. He,

    himself, falling while I watch fascinated and do

    not move even as those stars wheel suddenly into

    the sky. I try to count them as they go, as they blur

    past the trees dappling the sky.

    I slowly and gently reach for his pale,

    elegant hand and hold onto it as my only salvation,

    as my only way to keep him safe. I sigh softly

    and lay beside him, holding that hand close to

    my heart, never wanting to release it. I uncurl hisfingers to fit mine perfectly between them. As I do

    so, I again look upon his palm. There in his hand

    rests a single star. I watch trembling as it splits to

    form two, one gliding with a small tingling sen-

    sation into my own palm. Then we are falling,

    falling, into the cold blackness in his scarred sad

    soul . . .

    - Juliana Skelly

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  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6


    11 - Maya Bower

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    The grass is green

    The skies are blue

    The clouds are grey

    As I think of you

    The hot summer heat beat down on the

    theater. He worked, alone, in the dark behind

    stage. Young, only an apprentice. He ran the

    lighting board as the singers came and went

    through the Cabaret. As the night came, the

    songs got lonelier and sadder, mostly old smooth

    jazz, speaking of lost loves and broken hearts.

    Alone - in the world of dark, silently pacing

    underneath the shadow strewn rafters, quickly

    darting past patches of light from the old hole

    lined curtain. As the night was drawing to a close,

    he set the lights and silently disappeared into the

    lobby, completely devoid of people, heard thebittersweet solo, sung beautifully by the young

    actress on stage. How he longed for a partner to

    dance with, but he was alone.

    He danced by himself, sadly, lonely,

    minuscule in the eye of the galaxy, of the

    universe. He slowly walked back, through the

    side door, into the dark. He slowly walked back,

    occasionally peaking through the curtains at the

    pretty actress. He slowly shuffled back to his seat

    as the song drew to its heart wrenching climax.

    The actress walked off stage, brushing past him,

    giving him a nod with a sad look of compassion

    in her eye.

    As he sat down he looked out the window

    to the right of him, out into the lonely darkness on

    that hot summer night. As he gazed out, it began

    to rain with a faint, distant boom of thunder. The

    rain fell softly at first, as the last handful of songs

    came to a close. The crowd slowly shuffled out of

    the theater into the night, still unaware the lonely

    man existed, and he cleaned up the back of the stage,

    utterly alone, in the dark. The only sound was the

    soft, slow swish of his broom as he swept away all

    the memories.

    He shut off the light of his lights, his

    beautiful, beautiful lights, and began to cry as he

    flipped the final breaker. He slumped in his chair as

    the rain turned to torrent, his tears as numerous as

    the drops of rain. He eventually stopped and peered

    out into the black night. The rain came down and the

    wind blew through the trees, almost as lonely as he.With a final, solem movement, he stood and

    looked, one last time, at his beautiful lights. He

    closed the door, picked up his coat, and put it on as

    he walked through the dark, silent, deserted theater.

    He got to the door and picked up the sign on the

    floor, hanging it on the door. Closed Indefinitely, it

    read. He turned, gazed one last time into the lonely,

    sad theater. With the deed done, he locked the door

    and walked out of the theater, the last man to ever be

    there, the last caretaker, his last love.

    And with that, he walked through the rainand wind, through the strife and silence, into the

    dark, and you would have sworn you could hear the

    smooth jazz playing on the night air.

    - Shevla

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    For Granted

    Do you still take me

    For that love stuffed teddy bear

    Dusty on your shelf?

    One buttons missing

    I sit in my miseryFully neglected

    My heart of stuffing

    Has broken; bitterness seeps

    Through moth eaten holes

    Was I only your childhood plaything

    A toy

    To be thrown away?

    - Elizabeth Cummin


    We all know what it is.

    We have all felt it before,

    When you skip breakfast to try to shed that pound,

    Or when dinner is later than usual.

    But do we really know hunger.

    The clawing, debilitating pain in your stomach,

    The weakness that eclipses everything,The uncertainty of when the next meal will come,

    If it will ever come,

    The embarrassment of standing in line at the soup kitchen,

    Feeling like everyone is looking down on you,

    Your hungry children that look up to you

    With questions written all over their faces,

    Questions that you do not know how to answer or quench.

    What is hunger, really?

    Whenever I say that I am starving,

    Because I only ate one bowl of cereal for breakfast,

    I do not think of all those people,

    Who cant remember when they last ate a bowl of anything.

    If I am starving, then what are they?

    -Ellie Pitmon

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    Rain clouds

    Though the sky is grey and indistinct,

    It doesnt rain.

    Everything looks sadder in the grey.

    The tall trunked trees grow solemn,

    The wicker chairs cold.

    The cobblestones show their moss.The birds are off,

    Hiding from the impending storm,

    Wary of the sky,

    So much like a sleek, grey cat.

    The cats, too, are uninterested,

    Lying near the door,

    Making a show of keeping inside.


    When the rain clouds break down,

    Drips at first,


    There is no relief from the disquiet,

    From the tristesse du monde.

    The rain is colder

    Than it should be,

    Too cold,

    Too sad,

    Too lonely for today.

    Sitting and waiting for the storm to pass,

    I hear just the ticking-tock of the rain,The clicking snap of the clock,

    And the soft time keeping of my heart.

    - Emma Hadden

    Wings of Intangibility

    Violet silk bleedslike ancient wine


    flame-seared tapestries

    of cobalt earth.

    Charred remains

    of sage brush and dark wood


    in rivers

    of parched rocks,

    thirsting in the umber sun.

    The planes of rock split

    where thin arches once lingered,

    and moth-like,

    her raven hairflits around her

    shadowed countenance.

    She shifts gracefully

    in the smoke-steeped air,

    traversing the length of imagination

    just above

    the memories of tangibility.

    On her,

    wings would be a mere


    - Braeden Hughes

    Dakota Deady

    Annavitte Rand

    School vs. Learning

    An academic dilemna

    To learn is the passion

    School, the obstacle that

    often gets in the way.

    - Ariana Matthews-Salzman

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    Take one look

    These mirrors contort

    They hate me

    Degrade me

    These mirrors deform

    Take one look

    Is that you in the glass?

    Or is it a strangerWho keeps looking back?

    You seize us

    And tease us

    Control us

    To please us

    I give into fear

    Take one look

    These mirrors surround me

    I spin and I turn

    But theyre still all around me

    Look in the mirror

    All that we see

    All that we are

    All we can be

    I take one look

    My reflection complete

    I tear down these mirrors

    Until my image is free.

    - Gabby Mantone

    Unchained She stands alone Watching and waiting







    herAsshestandstall Ready to continue the fight. The fight that she is chained




    Lindsey Flanders

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6




    The sky is shrouded black;

    a thick heavy mask that yields to no one.

    Ahead of me lies a bomb shelter.

    People are piling in by the dozen,

    screaming and shouting, tumbling and kicking

    and running over one another in their hustle.

    They know whats coming.

    I, too, am running. But I am so far away.

    I can feel myself getting nearer with every footfall

    and still, I know it is not enough.

    And so I stop.

    I fold over, my forehead scraping the cold concrete.

    I reach up

    touch the hideous yellow star emblazoned on my gray shirt.

    My fingers curl around it, and I begin to rip it off.

    But a hand touches mine.

    I look up, quickly, and scramble to my feet away from the touch.

    A woman stands there. She pushes a stroller.

    And in that stroller is a baby, who is obviously malnourished and sick.

    And the woman just stands there.

    Her clothes are rags that hang off of her waif-like form.

    And sure enough, a star just like mine sticks out like a sore thumb against the black of her dress.

    She gazes at me with a look so piercing, I feel she can see right through me.

    I find my voice.

    What are you doing?! I scream at the top of my lungs,

    Run! You have a baby with you!

    And the woman smiles.

    I am struck, dumbfounded.

    For this smile is not a smile of malice, of conceit or contempt or hatred

    which is the only smile I have seen since being forced to wear this star.

    This is a real smile, a genuine smile, one which I myself have not been able to wear

    ever since I can remember.

    This time, my voice comes out as a whisper, and amid all of the chaos I dont expect her to hear.

    You dare to smile?

    And this woman, she throws back her head, and she laughs.

    A full, hearty laugh.

    My child, she says to me in a voice that is almost musical.

    How can you not smile when there is so much beauty to behold in this world?

    Beauty? I whisper. I look around me, and everywhere I see black and gray.

    I see misshapen lumps of fabric pretending to be human

    running towards the one bomb shelter we have in our town.

    And around it, I see the bodies of those who were trampled to death.

    There are children screaming and crying for their mommies

    who lay dead at their feet while they wail.

    Victoria Mousley

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    I see no sky, only black clouds, and all of the trees around me, if not cut down, are bare and dead.

    This is not beauty.

    Oh, child. she says softy in her melodic voice.

    Come see the world through my eyes.

    She reaches out her small, frail, withered hand to me, and lays it over my own.

    All of a sudden, the world is bright.The trees are in full bloom, and the world is filled with their splashes of color.

    Red and orange and pink and green and brown and yellow.

    And the sky. Oh, the sky.

    The sky is blue, the clearest blue I have ever seen.

    The radiant sun beats down on my face and warms me right to my soul.

    The bomb shelter is an ice cream shop, and where there were screams there is now laughter.

    Laughter! as children pick their favorite flavors,

    and the parents eat the remains of what their kids cant finish.

    They are hugging and smiling and laughing.

    There are no skeletons, no darkness,

    and no ugly yellow stars.


    we are all people.Just people.

    And then, I hear something I never expected to hear again.

    A lark, perched in an oak tree nearby, opens its throat to sing.

    Its song washes over me, and I cry out with joy.

    Its call is answered by others in the trees surrounding.

    The song swells and swells, and soon it is all I can hear.

    My heart aches with longing, and I involuntarily take a step towards the sound.

    But when I do, the womans hand falls off of my own.

    The birds, those glorious birds,

    they are no more.

    Now I hear them for what they really are...the whistle of what we all knew was coming.My world had now returned to black and gray.

    Beside me, the woman knelt down, picked up her baby, and cradled it to her.

    The babys huge, chocolate brown eyes bored into mine.

    A contented look was on her too-skinny face, and her eyes glistened.

    And I knew she was seeing the world through her mothers eyes.

    As the world around me changed from black and gray

    to red and orange,

    as everything I had ever known erupted where I stood,

    I looked into that babys face, and I could hear the larks

    song in my head.

    And in those last few moments, when all was being lost


    I smiled.

    - Cassidy Thompson

    Victoria Mousley

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    Devils Decade

    Time seems to slow

    As it progressesThrough its never ending

    Flow of math and

    Words and battles and

    Sciences and theories and

    Laws and hypotheses and


    The clocks hands

    Begin to stopAs if the very

    Molecules themselves haveHit their

    Breaking point.

    It is here,

    Lost amongst the

    Fallen chalk, that

    It seems one can

    Only truly become

    A single object

    Of complete stillness.

    As the periods slowly

    Shift to eras and eons

    Andfinally super eons,

    And the days get longer,

    Becoming weeks and months

    And years andfinally

    Decades, it all begins to

    Slowly sink in and

    Create its own impression.

    And just as you

    Begin to grasp the theory of

    Why hydrogen wants to be

    Greedy and steal another

    Valence electron, all for itself,

    It happens.


    The bell slowly whines out its

    Monotonous screech, and oh how

    It stings, but it signifies the

    Freedom given to those who waitedAnd survived thus far into

    The clutches of the demon of

    Time and formulas and algebra

    And grammar.

    Their excursion from the

    Depths of this icy hell sends them

    Flying back to the residence of

    Their kin, only to forget who

    Conquered the Trojan City

    Amongst the piles of music

    And pizza and movies left

    Behind from the party at

    Joes house.

    And when the yellow demon

    Returns to steal the souls of

    Those who succeed in

    Making it through the previous

    Decade of the hell,

    Only to return for anotherRound with the caretakers of

    This frozen garden of the

    Devil himself.

    -Brendon Giroux

  • 7/30/2019 PDF issue 6



    The Enforcer

    - an excerpt -

    Acidic rain pattered on the roof of the shut-

    tle as it dove through the Venusian clouds toward

    the immense dirigible-city of Persephone. As it

    swooped over the balloon, Rukan saw a multitude

    of workers scurrying atop the balloon like insects,racing against time to repair corrosion before their

    own protective suits were breached by the relent-

    less acid. The shuttle cleared the segmented tita-

    nium, turned, and Rukan caught his first glimpse of

    the gondola.

    It was huge 5 miles long, 2 miles wide,

    and a mile deep. Three stubby wings protruded

    from each side, supplementing the balloons lift to

    carry the citys 10 million inhabitants and provid-

    ing a mount for the jet engines that propelled the

    city through the atmosphere. An outer shell protect-

    ed Persephone from the sulfuric acid. The shuttle

    shuddered as the laser rockets turned off and the

    jets on the wings turned on. It entered an aperture.

    Rukan screamed and ducked.

    If the autopilot hadnt been on, he would

    have died in seconds. The computer wove the

    shuttle through the dizzying array of catwalks,

    buildings, and other vehicles. Roads only existed

    for pedestrians and magtrains; flying vehicles fol-

    lowed whatever route the onboard computer deter-mined was fastest and not going to result in injury.

    Collisions were surprisingly uncommon, happening

    only one out of perhaps ten flights when a vehicles

    guidance beacon (which the computers used to

    prevent collisions) did not take into account propel-

    lers, wings, long tails, and the like. Obviously, all

    the vehicles in Persephone were required by law to

    be equipped with ejector seats.

    Also the layout of the city wasnt what he

    was used to. The buildings were heavily indus-

    trial, putting out obscuring clouds of smoke andsparks. The city was built in three dimensions: in

    addition to the standard grid pattern of buildings

    one might expect on a planes surface, the pattern

    continued along the vertical axis. The only connec-

    tion between a building and the structure below it

    was a massive pylon, probably with elevators and a

    magtrain line.

    At long last, the shuttle arrived at the City

    Hall. It was located at the top of the gondola, befit-

    ting its important position and preventing attacks

    from above. The shuttle touched down gently, and

    Rukan slowly lifted his head. An ambassador and

    several guards were filing onto the landing pad.Rukan quickly made himself presentable, then

    exited the shuttle, salvaging as much dignity as he


    Greetings! he called. Are you the am-

    bassador from the Venusian government?

    I am, said the ambassador. My name is

    Hovalk. I suggest you come inside; as you are no

    doubt aware, this is a fairly lawless planet despite

    our best efforts, and an Interplanetary Enforcer

    would make as tempting a target as I can imagine

    visiting our rather inhospitable city.

    You give yourselves too little credit,

    Rukan said. Im sure there are some places that

    are worth visiting here. You do make a good point,


    They proceeded indoors. They entered an

    elevator, one wall of which was a large screen that

    showed pastoral views of other planets. The eleva-

    tor deposited them into an office.

    The office had wood paneling on the walls,

    an enormous oak desk, and upholstered furni-ture; this was clearly where important dignitaries

    were met. Another huge screen replaced one of

    the walls, this one showing a nebula somewhere.

    Rukan supposed that these were used instead of

    windows because the Venusian landscape was so

    unappealing. Hovalk took his place behind the

    desk. The guards took their places at the door. Ru-

    kan sat at a chair across from Hovalk.

    How should I begin? the ambassador

    wondered aloud. How much do you already

    know? he asked Rukan.Very little, Rukan replied. I know you

    have a problem you cant solve on your own, or

    I wouldnt have been called here. I know it must

    be of a military nature, because you didnt re-

    quest an Investigator or Diplomat. I know that the

    cause must be moral, or in keeping with the Inter-

    planetary Charter, or the Interplanetary Council

    wouldnt have sent me.

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    Correct on all counts, said Hovalk. Ac-

    tually, its not entirely military, but an Investigator

    would be ill-prepared for what we need.

    Some time ago, a new band of smug-

    glers calling themselves the Freed Coin formedin the Production Quarter. We didnt think much

    of it at the time; smugglers arent exactly uncom-

    mon here, and we had better things to do with our

    manpower. But then one of our law enforcers,

    who must have discovered them, was found dead.

    He had a tattoo of a coin in the loop of a padlock,

    which had a key in it. The autopsy determined

    that the tattoo was added after death, like a calling


    Since then, the Freed Coin has become

    more active bolder. Theyve added members

    and taken more than a passing interest in theft,

    assassination, kidnapping, forgery, and a dozen

    other illicit ways to make money. Most of these

    types of criminals wipe out their rivals, but the

    Freed Coin has been absorbing theirs. Theyre the

    first criminal group to become a real threat to the


    Every time we think weve tracked down

    their headquarters, which isnt hard to do with a

    group of this size, its either a false lead into anambush, or the headquarters are abandoned and

    rigged with explosives and all manner of traps.

    But not this time. This time, we have a

    contact inside. She just wants to get on the right

    side of the law without being hunted by both

    the Freed Coin and us. She basically offered us

    information on the Freed Coin, its location, and

    help getting in if wed drop all charges against her

    once the Freed Coin is dispersed.

    Obviously, we took the opportunity. But

    we dont know if our own forces will be able to

    defeat the Freed Coin. So we sent for you qual-

    ity over quantity.

    To be continued. . .

    - Jamie Duke

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    So much depends


    So little and


    So much beauty



    - Kellen Hopwood
