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Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Term 2 Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Our Curriculum D...

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Autumn Term 2 Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Our Curriculum On Thursday the Recepon class had a Topic Morning centred around Divali. Whilst half of the class were weighing and mixing ingredients to make Divali sweets, the other half were using clay to make Diva lamps, colouring Rangoli paerns and compleng Divali maths work on counng and paerns. The groups swapped over aer playme so all of the children could experience cooking and the Divali acvies. We finished off the morning by listening to tradional Divali music. The children thoroughly enjoyed the morning and all of the acvies they completed. On Monday 6 th November, Pam, from ‘Uon Court On the Road’, visited the Year 5 and 6 children so that they could experience being part of the war effort. The children tried on gas masks – you were supposed to have put it on in 3 seconds! We invesgated artefacts from WW2 – what were they? What were they used for? When the siren went off, we walked to the shelter and sang songs, played games and told jokes to keep ourselves entertained. Due to the shortage of clothes, people had to ‘make do and mend’. Clothes were recycled and made into new items. During the war, clothes were raoned. We discovered that each person had only 66 clothing coupons per year and a shirt needed 12 coupons! A reminder that ISS are now running a ‘debtless’ system and all dinners must be paid for in advance, or a credit balance on your child’s account to enable them to order a school meal. On Friday it is Children in Need Day . Our School Council are organising a non-uniform day in return for a donaon of £1, it would be good if this could incorporate something yellow, but not essenal. We will also be asking for any spare change and the class who raises the most (best average total) will have NO homework for the weekend, with Mr Gallagher doing it for them and dressing up as PUDSEY (if we are able to source the costume) with face painng by the winning class. Autumn Term Newsletter Monday 13th November 2017 Autumn 3 2017 Headteacher Antony Gallagher Tel: 0118 9836387 Fax: 0118 9832957 Email: office@burghfield. w-berks.sch.uk www.burghfield. w-berks.sch.uk Twitter: @BSMPrimary
Page 1: Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Term 2 Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Our Curriculum D v .W f f w w m x m k D v w , fw m k D v m , ! m D v m w k !. w v " m f x k D v v

Autumn Term 2

Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School

Our Curriculum

On Thursday the Recep�on class had a Topic Morning

centred around Divali. Whilst half of

the class were weighing and mixing

ingredients to make Divali sweets, the

other half were using clay to make

Diva lamps, colouring Rangoli pa!erns and

comple�ng Divali maths work on coun�ng

and pa!erns. The groups swapped over a"er play�me so all of the

children could experience cooking and the Divali ac�vi�es. We

finished off the morning by listening to tradi�onal Divali music.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the morning and all of the

ac�vi�es they completed.

On Monday 6th

November, Pam, from ‘U"on

Court On the Road’, visited the Year 5 and 6

children so that they could experience being part

of the war effort. The children tried on gas

masks – you were supposed to have put it on in 3 seconds! We

inves�gated artefacts from WW2 – what were they? What were

they used for? When the siren went off, we walked to the

shelter and sang songs, played games and told jokes to keep

ourselves entertained. Due to the shortage of clothes, people had

to ‘make do and mend’. Clothes were recycled and made into new

items. During the war, clothes were ra�oned. We discovered that

each person had only 66 clothing coupons per year and a shirt

needed 12 coupons!

A reminder that ISS are now running a ‘debtless’ system and all dinners must be paid for

in advance, or a credit balance on your child’s account to enable them to order a school


On Friday it is Children in Need Day . Our School Council are organising a non-uniform

day in return for a dona�on of £1, it would be good if this could incorporate something

yellow, but not essen�al. We will also be asking for any spare change and the class who

raises the most (best average total) will have NO homework for the weekend, with

Mr Gallagher doing it for them and dressing up as PUDSEY (if we are able to source the

costume) with face pain�ng by the winning class.

Autumn Term Newsletter

Monday 13th November 2017

Autumn 3 2017


Antony Gallagher

Tel: 0118 9836387

Fax: 0118 9832957






Twitter: @BSMPrimary

Page 2: Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Term 2 Burghfield St Mary’s Primary School Our Curriculum D v .W f f w w m x m k D v w , fw m k D v m , ! m D v m w k !. w v " m f x k D v v

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 14th November No Junior Choir

Friday 17th November Children in Need Non-Uniform Day

Year 5’s swimming @ Willink

Tuesday 21st November 7 pm Junior Music Festival @ Hexagon

Friday 24th November Year 5’s swimming @ Willink

Friday 1st December Year 5’s swimming @ Willink

Saturday 2nd December Christmas Fayre 11 am—2:00 pm

Monday 4th December 7:30 pm—Governing Body Meeting

Monday 11th December Years 1 & 2 Nativity rehearsal @ church

Tuesday 12th December Years 1 & 2 Nativity rehearsal @ church

6:30 pm.—Nativity @ St Mary’s church

Thursday 14th December Christmas Lunch

Tuesday 19th December Year 4 oboe and clarinet concert 11:45—12:15 pm

Tuesday 19th December 3:30—4:30—Infant Disco

5:00—6:30 Junior Disco

Wednesday 20th December 2:30 pm END OF TERM

Thursday 4th January Start of pupil term

Page 2 Autumn 3 2017

Parking & U-Turns Please can we ask that all parents and carers be mindful of careful driving outside the

school gates and also remind everyone that the lay-by (by the car park) is for dropping off

only in the mornings. If you need to park please can you move further down the road.

School Road needs to be kept free of school traffic, it's one of our 'Safe' crossing points for

the children.

Help keep our children safe, please use the entrance to Green Farm to turn around.

Those parents that perform U-turns outside the school risk hi-ng our children.

Park Safe - Drive Smart

Congratula.ons to our new Class Councillors. On Friday 3rd November each class voted one boy and

one girl.

What kind of person makes a good rep? Approachable. Good listener- everyone in the class has to feel

comfortable talking to you. Organised- it will be your responsibility to make sure that mee.ngs happen

in your class on a regular basis. Asser.ve- the opinions of your class are just as important as everyone

else’s. Efficient- class discussions must cover a lot of issues in a short space of .me. Fair- everyone has

the right to express a point of view. Good communicator- you need to be able to work with staff and

children from across the school.

Y1 – Amelie Ingleby & Maxton Lewis. Y2 – Amber O’Neill & Thomas Marston

Y3 – Ewan Paul & Eliana Castro-Larrea Y4—Adam Lewis & Florrie Whi@aker
