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Peace on Earth the Christmas Message the...Peace on Earth the Christmas Message in the Churches...

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Peace on Earth the Christmas Message in the Churches Tomorrow Melody of the Christmastide as Arranged in Programs of the Houses of Worship of All Denominations in the District. Merry, merry Christmas bells will ring throughout the world to¬ morrow, proclaiming the anniver¬ sary of the birth of mankind's Savior. The notes will carry the Christian world back to the great thought of Bethlehem in the long ago.of the Savior, who is Christ the Lord, who tarried in this world but a brief thirty-three years and then gave up his life on Calvary's cross that the world might be redeemed. Glad anthems will rise in the churches and each note serves to | again tell to the Christian that his faith is everlasting.that it must endure until time shall be no i more, and that he must be happy in the thought that when the roll is called up yonder he will be there. It is a call again to go forward, Christian soldier, be¬ neath His banner true. j In the Catholic and Episcopal, churches of the National Capital fine programs of music will be given tomorrow morning. In the former churches many masses will be begun at midnight to-1 night, proclaiming first.the birth of the Savior King. The Presby¬ terian, Baptist, Methodist and other Protestant congregations will hold their special services Sunday. W * * EPISCOPAL. Church of the Advent. A program of Christmas music has been arranged by the choirmaster, F. Hewitt, assisted by Eugene Walter, or¬ ganist. and a mixed choir of about twentv voices, for tomorrow morning at the Church of the Advent. It follows: Pro¬ cessional. Christians. Awake. Salute the Happy Morn (Wainwright): Te Deum, Festival (Thomas Spencer Lloyd): jubi¬ late in C. Festival (Dudley Buck): old hymn, Avison: communion hymns. Old Latin: plain song. Adeste Fideles: offer¬ tory anthem, It Came Upon the Mid¬ night Clear (Alfred Judson): Phillips Brooks' famous hymn, O Little Town of j Bethlehem (music by L. H. Ridner); Glo-j ria in Excelsis, old chant. Women (altos and sopranos).Mrs. Juneau, Misses £peake, Cobey, Ford. Halley, Small, King, Westhorpe. Men.Messrs. Hewitt, Ju- neau, Hclleo. Boys.Masters Faris. King, Anderson. Taylor. Huggins, Laurent, Breck, Wadsworth. Pennebacker, Ewers. * * * Church of the Epiphany. Christmas music tomorrow at Epiphany Church aa follows: 11 a.m., processional, hymn No. 49. O Come. All Ye Faithful; Adeste Fideles; Te Deum, arranged from the Creation (Buck); Jubilate (Schilling): Introlt anthem. Arise, Shine, for Thy Light 3s Come (Maker); Gloria Tibi. In C (Swett); hymn No- 60, Angels From the Realms of Glory (Smart): offertory an¬ them. Sing, O Heavens (Gaul); Sanctus (Harker); communion hymn No. 225. Bread of the World; Gloria in Excelsis. old chant; recessional hymn No. 51, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (Mendels¬ sohn). , Sunday. 11 a.m., Christmas music re¬ peated. 8 p.m.. special music: Portions of Christmas cantata, Coming of the K«n8' by Dudley Buck, and Sanctus. by Gou¬ nod The tenor solos will be sung by Dr. W. M. Kemball of St. Patrick s choir. The personnel of the choir is as fol¬ lows: Soloists: Miss Lillian Halley. so-j urano: Miss Katherine Lee Jones, con-, tralto; Charles F. Roberts, bass Chorus: Misses Arbele. Bayard. Cl.amberlin. Dav¬ enport. M. Davis, N. Davis. Goldsborough, j Gcrlach, Grimes. Hennen, Krumke, Lar- n*>r, Lind. Mueller, Murray. Marean, Mc- Kee. Saffold, Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Mrs., \\\ B. Patterson; Messrs. Conwell, Daly,, Dixon, Hale Hoover. G. Scliarf. Springer, Tray lor. Waters. Organist, Otis D. Swett: choirmaster, James G. Traylor. * . * Church of the Ascension. At the Church of the Ascension the Christmas music will tomorrow be as fol¬ lows: Processional 49. Adeste Fideles; Venite and Gloria, Moiiey; Te Deum. Dudley Buck. B flat; Jubilate. Hayes; introit 31. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Mendelssohn; Shorter Kyrie, Win-; ter- Gloria Tibi. Garrett; hymn 53, Shout the Glad Tidings, Avison; offertory. Jesus Christ Today Is Porn. Brackett: doxology. recessional &>. Angela From the Realms of Glory- Soloists, Miss Flora A. Jackson, soprano; M»ss Anna L. Brett, alto; Jack Bowie, tenor and Arthur N. Gardner, bass. The rhoir is under the direction of Heinrlch Hammer; Miss Frances C. Harrison, organist. * * * j St. Paul's Church, Bock Creek Parish Musical selection for Christmas morn¬ ing. to be repeated Sunday: Opening Hnthem, While* Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night. Neldlinger; chant, Ve¬ nite, Bennett, in B flat; Gloria Patri, Buck, in C; Schnecker, in F, and Gounod, in D; Te Deum, Dressier, In G; Jubilate, Shelley, In A; introlt anthem. Angels From the Realms of Olbry, Neldlinger; Kyrle and Gloria Tibi, Maunder, in F; hymn 49, Adeste Fideles; Gloria Patri after the sermon, familiar chant; offer- lory anthem. Gounod's Nazareth, with baritone and alto solos arransed by Dud- lev Buck; Maunder's communion serrvice jn p; recessional hymn .18, O Little Town of Bethlehem. The choir consists of Miss Ancella B. Fisher, soprano; Mrs. Charles H Parkman. alto; Frederick Selbold. tenor- George F. D- Rollings, bass; James W. Cheney, organist and choirmaster. m * * St. Thomas' Church. The musical service at St. Thomas' Church Christmas morning at 11 o'clock will be as follows: Venite. Woodward; Te Deum. Buck, in G (festival); jubilate. Jordan. In C; anthem. Sing. O Heavens, Tours; Kyrie. Elvey; sanctus. 422; Gloria In Excelsis, 438. * * . St. Columba's Church, Tenleytown. Service at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Proces¬ sional, Oh Come All Ye Faithful; Venite, plaint' chant; Te Deum (West); Jubilate, old chant: Introlt, Calm on the Listening Ear of Night: communion service; ser¬ mon; hymn, Sing. Oh Sing This Blessed Morn; ofTertory. Though Poor Be the Chamber (Gounod); recessional. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. The personnel of the rhoir is: Miss M. C. Ro lins, organist; Misses Alice Sparshott, Ulllej®**"??©"- Nellie Anderson, Geneva Ltngley, Elisa¬ beth AJiderson, Annette Margaret Bradt, Ella Bradt. Myra Johnson, Me¬ ters William Anderson, George Bradt, Kurm&o Frost, Raymond Frost, Messrs. W. J. Anderson, J. Molden, Richard Fletcher. * ** St. Margaret's. Holy i<ommunion at 7:30 and 11 a.m. Christmas. Morning prayer and ser¬ mon, 11 a.m., by the rector. Rev. Dr. Herbert Scott Smith. St. Margaret's choir, under the direction of the organist, A. G. Eldrldge, will render the following] music on Christmas mdfrning: Proces- sional, Hymn 49; Venlte (Mendelssohn), Gloria Patri (Mendelssohn), Te Deum. Festival (Stewart), Jubilate.Festival (Stewart): Tntrolt Anthem, Sing, O Daugh¬ ter of Zion (Wareing); Kyrie (Gounod), Gloria Tibi (Calkin). Hymn 58; Offertory, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Sulli- van; Offertory Sentences (Whitney); Re- cessional, Hymn 00. The soloists are Miss Edna Doe, Mrs. William R. Ben- ham, Melville Hensey and Charles Moore, * * * St. Andrew's Church. The Christmas program of music at St. Andrew's Church at the morning service at 10:30 o'clock on Christmas day will be as follows: Adeste Fidelia (Novello), Venite (Schnecker), Gloria Patri (arrang¬ ed from Mendelssohn), Te Deum (Vog- rich). Jubilate (Dudley Buck), hymn. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Wesley): Gloria Tibi (Garrett), hymn, While Shep¬ herds Watched .(Tate); offertory. Sing. O Heaven (Tours); Sanctus (Armes), Eu- charistic hymn (Hodges), Gloria in Ex¬ cel His (Old Chant), Nunc Dimiittis (Clemens), recessional, O Little Town of Bethlehem (Brooks). This program of music will be repeated at the morning service at 11 o'clortt Sunday, and in the evening at 8 o'clock the program will be as follows: Processional, Adeste Fidelis (Novello); Gloria Patri (Robinson), Mag¬ nificat <Hayes), Nunc Dimittis (Clemens), a Christmas cantata. The Manger Throne (Charles Fonteyn Manney); recessional, Angeis From the Realms of Glory (Mont¬ gomery). There will be no evening serv¬ ice on Christmas day. The members of the choir are as follows: Mrs. Fannie At Lee Gage, soprano soloist; Mrs. John Roberts, contralto; John Lisle Apple, tenor, and Fred Schaefer, bass; Miss Alden, Mrs. Apple, Miss Avledge, Mrs. Barringer, Miss Crown. Mrs. Monroe, Miss Hartung, Miss Henderson. Miss Idd- ings. Miss Jack. Miss King, Miss Millard, Miss Pyne, Miss Richardson, Miss Tal- flerro. Miss Taylor. Mrs. Thompson, Miss Ware. Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Blrgfleld, Messrs. Baker. Omohundro. Plummer, Todhunter, Williams, Dr. Gartrell and Dr. Hollingsworth. Fulton B. Karr is the organist and John Lisle Apple, choir¬ master. v * * St. Michael and All Angels'. At St. Michael and All Angels' Church the Christmas service will be held at 11 o'clock Christmas morning and the musi¬ cal program will be as follows: Organ prelude (Mendelssohn); opening anthem, Te Deum and Jubilate (Geibel): anthem. Sing O Heavens (Tours); introlt anthem, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Ben¬ nett); offertory, O Holy Night, soprano solo by Miss Girouard; Gloria Tibi (Sim¬ per); communion service (Tours) and or¬ gan postlude (Guilmant). The personnel of the choir is as follows: Sopranos.Miss Florence Girouard, soloist: Misses Evelyn Croggan, M. A. Peterson, Librarian; Vir¬ ginia Magruder, Maud Delaplaine. Altos- Miss Mamie Hantzmon, soloist, and Mrs. R. Bigelow, Misses M. McKee, Singleton, D. Babcock, K. Baird. Bessie Horey. Ten¬ ors.Mr. John H. Taylor, soloist; Messrs. William McKim, crucifer, and James Van VIeck. Basses.Mr. Hugh Zea, soloist, and Messrs. Harold Davis, J. Buddington and H. Marquez. Mrs. Henry Hunt Mc¬ Kee is the organist and choir directress. * * * Christ Churchy Southeast. Christmas services at Christ Church, G street between 6th and 7th streets south¬ east, will be as follows: Holy communion, 7:30 a.m.; holy communion, with sermon at 11 o'clock. Processional Hymn, 49, Te Deum in E flat (Ford); of¬ fertory anthem, Sing, O Heavens (Simp¬ son); recessional hymn, O Little Town.of Bethlehem. Soloists will be Henry Kruger, tenor; Wilhelm Schroeder, so¬ prano; Fulton Richards, organist; Arthur Storm, choirmaster. Children's Christmas service will be on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. * * * Pinkney Memorial, Hyattsville. Services will be held in Pinkney Me¬ morial Church, Hyattsville, Md., Christ¬ mas morning at 11 o'clock, with sermon and a celebration of the holy communion. The musical program to be sung by the vested choir, under the direction of Miss Nellie A. Moran, at this service is as fol¬ lows: Hymn 49, O, Come, Ail Ye Faith¬ ful, venite, H. P. Danks; Gloria Patria, Danks, te deum, Dudley Buck's short te deum; jubilate, Tours in F; hymn 58, O, Little Town of Bethlehem; Kyrie Elei- son, Mendelssohn; Gloria Tibi, Pleyel; hymn 57, "Sing, Oh, Sing, This Blessed Morn;" sermon; offertory, "Messiah Is King," Warner; offertory sentence; Sanc¬ tus, D .puis; communion hymn, 225, Bread of the World; Gloria in -Excelsis. old chant; hymn 51, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. The choir is composed of the following: Sopranos, Mrs. Hugh Latimer, Mrs. C. Frank Carr, Mrs. Charles W. Clagett, Mrs. Sherman James, Mrs. Irving Owings, Miss Evelyn Lewis, Miss Baker, Miss Adalaide Bar¬ ker, Miss Beavers and Miss Darnall; al¬ tos, Mrs. George Stephens, Mrs. William C. Wells and Mrs. Wilfret; tenors, George Stephens, Harold Burnside, George Evans; bassos. Earl Severe, Paul S. Her¬ ring and Mr. Shelton. Organist and di¬ rectress, Miss Nellie A. Moran. * « Christ Church, Georgetown. Program of music Christmas day, 11 a.m.: Processional, hymn 49, Adeste Fideles; Te Deum in Eb, Barrett; Jubilate Deo, in F, Toure; hymns 51 and 54; Kyrie Eleison, Gloria Tibi and Sanctus in F, MacLeod; offertory anthem. There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field,* Foster; Gloria in Excelsis and Nunc Dimittis. chanted; recessional carol, The Snow Lay on the Ground. Warren. The service will be repeated Sunday, with anthem, Nazareth, by Gounod, ana Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, by Field. The choir consists of:6ok)lsts. - Mrs. Brown, Miss Houchen, Mr. Jonscher, Mr. Waters; chorus. Miss Blake, Miss Grace Houchen. Miss Laub, Mies Knight, Miss Kane, Miss Conley, Miss Crowley, Miss Berry. Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Carroll, Louis Knight. Harry Knight, H. A. Middleton; boys, Allen Blackford, Eugene Blackford, Edward White. Reginald White, Nelson Oliver. William Harrison, James Stone, Norman Davis and Bernard Davis, assist¬ ed by Mrs. Hollifleld and Mr. Pearson. Donald B. MacLeod is the organist and choirmaster. * * * St. John's. Christmas day will be ushered in at St. John's Church with the celebration of holy communion with carols at 7:30 o'clock. Morning prayer, holy commun¬ ion and sermon will be held at 11 o'clock. Adams' processional carol lyill be sung at the opening. The balance of the pro¬ gram follows: Venite Grultemus Domino, Gloria Patri. Te Deum Laudamus. by Root; Jubilate Deo, by Stanford; imroit carol, Kyrie Eleison and Glorys Tibi; offertory anthem. There Were Shepherds, by Marks; sanctus, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts; eucharistlc hymn. Savior, Who Didst Come to Give; Nunc Dimittis, and the recessional hymn, Angels From ?he Realms of Glory. The choir is as follows: 8opranos, John Hughes, Scott Trowbridge, Antolnc Mac- Namee. Gilbert Miller. Edwin Hale. Rob¬ ert learner. Samuel Leech, Ralph Stod¬ dard. Ebert Quirollo, W. Carroll Burch, Frederick G. Kayhoe, Ralph Kersey. John Ballenger. Louis Stabler. Howell Levi, Fred StefTens. Gerald Hale. Gor¬ man deF. Larner, Earle Springer. Francis Walter, Charles Bentsen, Leonard Clark, Theodore Vollten, Denby Hird, Henry Campbell, Charles Conrard, George E. R. Montgomery; altos. Richard J. Rig- gles. Mell Marks, Raymond Tompkins. Malcolm Rich, Harold MacCalmont; tenors. B. Allen Terrell, T. L. Mead, jr.; Charles H. Henney, Charles B. Xanten; bassos. Arthur H. Delbert, R. H. Atkin¬ son. Henry H. Tallmadge. Bayard K. Gibson, Jay C. Howell. Henry H. Free¬ man, organist and choirmaster; Eugene Dickerson Freeman, librarian; Frederick G. Kayhoe and John Hughes, assistant librarians. The Christmas festival of the Sunday school will be held at 3:30 o'clock Tues¬ day afternoon. * * ? St. Mark's. The services at St. Mark's Church on Christmas day will be as follows; 6:80 a.m.. Communion service in F by S. P. Tuckerman. Hymns 59, GO, 40, 58 and 55. 11 a.m..Communion service in Eb by C. H. Lloyd. Anthem. Behold I Bring You Good Tidings, by Sir John Goss. Introit Te Deum, Smart, in F. Hymns, 40, 50, (JO, 58, 220 and 51. The regular choir of men and boys will sing at 11 a.m. * * CATHOLIC. St. Matthew's. Christmas services at St. Matthew's Church will begin with a solemn high mass at midnight this evening, with Mgr. Thomas S. Lee the celebrant. The program of music to be gtVen at this mass will begin with O Holy Night (Adam), Adeste F.delis (Novello), by the choir, and Gounod's Nazareth, bass solo, by Huntington May, before the ma^i These selections will be followed by In¬ troit (Gregorian), Kyrie and Gloria, from Rheinberger'h Mass in A Flat, opus 172 B; Gradual (Tozeri, Credo (Rheinberger), offertory, Laetentur CoeM (Goller); Sanc- tus, Benedlctus and Agnus Del (Rhein¬ berger), Communion (Gregorian). Sol¬ emn high mass will also be celebrated at 11 o'clock and will be followed by ben¬ ediction of the blessed sacrament. Be- for the mass Huntington May will sing Gounod's Nazareth; Introit (Gregorian), Kyrie and Gloria (Rheinberger), Gradual (Tozer), Credo (Rheinberger), offertory, Tul Sunt Coeli (V. Goller); Sanctus, Ben¬ edlctus and Agnus Dei (Rheinberger), Communion (Gregorian), O Salutaris (Jor¬ dan), sung by Miss Elsie Davis; Tantura Ergo (Grison), Laudate Dominum (Gre¬ gorian). The members of the ehoir are as follows: Sopranos, Miss Edna Dyer, Mrs. John Daniels, Misses Agnes Dow¬ ney, Giulia. Alessandri, Rosalie Briscoe, Mrs. Belle Cain; altos. Misses Elsie Da¬ vis and Carrie Manning; tenors, Messrs. P. H. O'Farrell. J. H. Clopper. Riciardo Alessandri and Grover Leech; basses, Messrs. T. E. Moore. W. F. Lummy, Huntington May, Henry Bridget, and organist and director, Miss Jennie D. Glennan. * * * Holy Comforter. Solemn high mass will be celebrated at the Church of the Holy Comforter at midnight this evening. The music will be rendered by a double quartet of male voices, Messrs. Atherholt, Blakeney, Xanton, Klien, Parker, Schaffer, Penny and Foraker. Processional, Noel (Schoepf); mass in offertory (Novello), recessional, Nazareth (F. Schaffer). Miss Eva M. Talbert is the organist. * * * St. Mary's. Chi istmas services at St. Mary's Church will be celebrated at a midnight mass this evening. Rev. Frank A. B. Wunnen- berg, the pastor, will be celebrant. He will be assisted by the Rev. Andrew Kunny as deacon and the Rev. John Gruden as subdeacon. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Andrew Kunny. The choir will be assisted by the Marine Band Orchestra and a large chorus. The musical program rendered by the choir will be as follows: Before the mass. Adeste Fideles and Noel, by A<iams; Haydn's III mass; offertory. Adoramus Te, Palestrina; after mass, Heilige Nacht. Low masses will be offered up Imme¬ diately after the midnight mass, and other low masses will be offered up at 7-50, 8, 8:30, 0 and 0:30 o'clock tomorrow. The 0 o'clock mass will be attended bv the children of the congregation, at which the little ones will render German Christmas hymns. Miss Nettie Ruppert will preside at the organ at this service. Solemn high mass, followed by solemn benediction, will be offered up at 10:30 o'clock, at which the Rev. John Gruden will be the celebrant, assisted by Rev. Frank A. B. Wunnenberg as deacon and the Rev. Andrew Kunny as subdeacon. The choir will render Guilmant's mass in E flat; at the offertory, Adoramus Te. Palestrina; benediction; O Salutaris. by Klein, and Tantum Ergo, by Silas. The services will conclude with the singing of the Heilige Nacht. The organist and director of the choir is Harry Hall. Personnel: Soprano, Miss Edna J. Sheehy; contralto. Miss Margaret Rich horn; tenor, A1 Fennell; basso, Frank Rebstock. * * * St. Vincent de Paul's Church. The Christmas program is as follows: Solemn high mass at midnight this even¬ ing by full choir, with accompaniment by orchestra. The Christmas carols a fea¬ ture. Low mass will be celebrated at 7 and . o'clock tomorrow; high mass at 10 o'clock, followed by benediction of the blessed sacrament. ? * * St. Peter's Church. Solemn high mass will be the principal service of the day tomorrow. It will be¬ gin at midnight this evening. The choir, under the direction of Miss Hattle M. Ritchie, and Miss Edith Gallant as or¬ ganist, will render the following pro¬ gram: Before the mass, O! Holy Night, by Adam; Guilmant's Third Mass; Veni Creator (contralto solo), Gumbrecht; Of- fertorlum Exulta Sion, Hammerlll; at the communion, Adeste Fideles (No¬ vello); after the mass, Nazareth, by Gounod. The members of the choir are: Sopranos, Misses Ryan, McCormack, Price, Cotter, Hutchens and Ritchie; altos. Mesdames Golden, Van Castle, Benner, Misses Nalley and Llufrio; tenors, Messrs. Price and Tabler; bassos, Messrs. Moore, Van Castle, Connor, Dor- sey and Radcliffe. * * * St. Ann's Church, Tenleytown. The Christmas program In this church will be midnight mass this evening and low masses at 7 and 0 o'clock Christmas day. The midnight mass will be a high mass, with sermon. The choir, under the direction of Miss Katherine Lackaye. will sing Mercadante's mass (Kyrie), Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedlctus and Agnus Dei. / At offertory, Adeste Fideles, arranged by Novello. At communion, Nazareth, by Gounod, and O Holy Night (Adam). Soprano soloists, Mrs. Susie Lewis Brent, Miss Ada Poore, Miss Revalues; alto soloist. Mrs. Martha Poore Barbee; basso, T. A. Murray; tenor, John Siemon. * * * Holy Name Church. At the Church of the Holy Name solemn midnight mass will be celebrated this evening, and the following musical program will be rendered: Processional, Christmas hymn by l>lel- man, Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnes Dei, by Olorsa. Benedlctus, Gounod. Offertory, Adeste Fideles, Novel- lo. At the communion, O Holy Night. by Adam. Recessional. Song of the Ages, Giebel. The regular choir will be augmented by a male chorus of thirty voices. The following is the personnel of the choir: Sopranos, the Misses Collier. Dit- toe, Knockey, Ryan, Keys and Doyle; altos. Misses Myers, Riley and Vincent; tenors, Messrs. Berves, Handlboe, Wal^h, Cunningham, Salb, McMahon and Dun¬ can; bassos, Messrs. Irving. Dunnigan, Ryan, Carlin and Kavanaugh; organist, Mrs. Ella Hughes. Miss Anna Do$le is In charge. * * * St. Paul's. The full chancel choir of St. Paul's Church will render two notable programs Christmas morning. At 5:30 there will be a solemn high mass, at which the follow¬ ing musical program will be rendered: Processional hymn, Adeste Fideles (two solo boys will sing the verses from the top of the high altar, the choir repeating each verse in chorus as the processional hymn); before the mass, O Holy Night (Adams); introitus, Domlnus Dixit (Win¬ chester): Kyrie Elelson (Gruber); Gloria In Excelsis (Tozer); graduate. Tecum Prinsipium (Winchester); Credo (Tozer); offertory, Laetentur Coeli (Winchester); offertorium, O Dies Praeelara; Sanctus (Tozer); Benedictus (Tozer); Agnus Dei (Tozer); commuinio,* In Splendorlbus (Winchester); recessional hymn. Angels We Have Heard On High (traditional French melody). At 10 o'clock there will be another high mass, at which thel choir will repeat practically the same program. The personnel of the choir Is as follows: Organist and choirmaster, Ernest Th. Winchester; associate, John M. Connell; master of ceremonies, Joseph Dunn; librarian, Edward L. Frawley; first trebles. Masters Joe McGarraghy and Raymond King (soloists), Raymond Haller, Paul Golibart, Aloysius Babbing- ton, Willis Cameron, I^loyd von Culin, George Cullen, John Bland, William 'Creveling, Paul Donaldson, Antonio Rivero, Russel McAllister, George Mat- tingly. Franklin Howe, Harry Ahearn, Clarence King, George Giddens, Sylvester Giddens, Edward Reed, Phillip Gannon, Oscar Lehmann, Andrew McCallum and Shirley Macias; second trebles, Masters Arthur Stillwell, Edward Roach, William Kimball and William Neacy; basses, John M. Connell, William N. Lynch, Joseph Ryder, Joseph Dunn, Joseph Fenwick, William N. Roach, David W. Carroll, T. Bryan Huyck, J. A. Schulte. Collins, Daniel Hall and J. T. Fogarty, and tenors, Henry Yaeger, M. Harry Stevens. William Hall, M. E. Fagan, J. E. Reed, Bagby, Dr. Charles L. Watson, J. Victor Uoli-- bart, Edward L. Frawley, Charles H. Hall, Daniel McCallum and George Hill. * * * St Patrick's. At St. Patrick's Church at midnight there will be solemn high mass celebrated. Both choirs will take part In the musical program and the choir of mixed voices will be assisted by a full orchestra. The program will include: Prelude, Christmas Morn (R. Barrett), orchestra; proces¬ sional. Hark, Hark. My Soul (Richard¬ son), sanctuary choir; introit, Viadana 1000. sanctuary choir: Kyrie, Haydn's Third Mass, mixed choir; Gloria, Haydn's Second Mass, mixed choir; Graduale and Alleluis (Silby), sanctuary choir: Gradu¬ ale Motet, Ad Regum Pastorum (Gounod), sanctuary choir; Vcni Creator, Angels Song (Orlando Gibbons, 1060), sanctuary choir; Credo, Beethoven's Mass in C, mixed clioir; offertory proper (Viadana. 10UU), sanctuary choir; offertory motet, Adesta Fidells (Novello), sanctuary choir; Sanctus, Haydn's Third Mass. mixed choir; Benedictus, Haydn's Third Mass, mixed choir; Agnus Dei, Haydn's Third Mass, mixed choir; during communion, Exulta Sion. (V. Hammerell), mixed choir; recessional. Faith of Our Fathers (Ganss), sanctuary choir; postlude, Adeste Fidelia (Novello), Orchestra. The sanctuary choir will be under the direction of R. Mills Silby and the mixed choir will be con-/ ducted by Armand Gumprecht, with Dr. Anton Gloetzner at the organ. This mass will be followed immediately by two low masses, and there will be low masses at 0, 7. 8, 9 and lO o'clock Christmas morn¬ ing, and a solemn high mass at 11 o'clock. The program of music will be the same as at the midnight mass with the excep¬ tion that the prelude by the orchestra and Exulta Sion, during communion, will be omitted. The personnel of the sanc¬ tuary choir is as follows: Boys, first tre¬ ble. B. Farling, J. Storer, J. Ryan, E. Fisher, W. Mortimer, W. W hite, J. Craven, C. Wood, LeRoy McCarthy, H. Giusta, C. Fisher. J. Risen; second treble .B. McCarthy, F. Furuham. B. Gregory, W. Roddy, G. Latteur, L. Pape, J. Wil¬ liams, E. Dunn, R. Gowns, B. "Hudson, R. Willey; probationers, W. Mortimer, H. Crooke, J. Casey. A. Higdon. R. Salvatorr and W. Crooke. Men.Altos. C. Benson,Davens; tenors, Backtold and C. C. Wright; basses, E. C. Miller, F. Brosnan, F. Duggan and Frank Hartnett. The membership of the senior choir in¬ cludes, soloists, Mrs. Annie Grant Fugitt, soprano; Mrs. Francis E. Gllmore, con¬ tralto; Dr. William M. Kemball, tenor; and Mr. Arthur W. Porter, bass; so¬ pranos. Miss Annie Fitzliugh, Miss Clara Johnston and Mrs. Porter; altos, Miss A. C. Rogers. Mrs. Nellie H. Pollard and Mrs. Katherlne Baden; tenors, Dr. H. MacNamee and George MoMahon; bass, Joseph B. Wilson. As nearly all of the churches in the city will have midnight mass, Dr. Russell has made special arrangements with the Capital Traction and Washington Elec¬ tric Railway Companies to run their cars until 2:30 Christmas morning. * ? » Sacred Heart. At the Shrine of the Sacred Heart mid¬ night mass will be celebrated tonight. Low masses will be said at 7, *7:30, 9 and 10 o'clock, and at 11 o'clock tomorrow high mass. The choir, under the direction of L. E. Gannon, will sing an appro¬ priate program of music, Including Mar¬ io's Mass, Adeste Fideles (Novello) and O Holy Night (Adam). * * * Nativity. At the Church of the Nativity midnight mas9 this evening will open the Christ- mass services. Low masses will be said at 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock tomorrow, and will be followed by benediction of the blessed sacrament. The Christmas enter¬ tainment for the Sunday school will take place Tuesday, December 28, in the base¬ ment of the church, and will consist in moving pictures representing the child¬ hood of Christ and other subjects ap¬ propriate to the season. ? ' * * St. Martin's. At St. Martin's Church. North Capitol and T streets, high mass will be cele¬ brated at midnight tonight. Low masses will be said at 7 and 8:30, 10 and 11 o'clock, the last mass being followed by benediction of the blessed sacrament. The music will be given by the choir under the direction of Miss Mary Agnes Brown, who will also officiate at the organ. It will sing Marzo's Fifth Mass. + * * St. Theresa:s. Christmas services will begin at St. Theresa's Church with a high mass at 5 o'clock. The music will be in charge of Miss Addie Wathen, and Miss Mabel Brauman will preside at the organ. Low masses will be, at this church, at 9 and 10:30 o'clock tomorrow, the 9 o'clock mass being especially for the children. * * * St. Francis de Sales. At the Church of St. Francis de Sales at Langdon Rev. August Mark, pastor, announces a high mass at midnight to¬ night, followed immediately by a low mass. The choir will sing Concone's Mass in F, with Miss Emma M. Getz at the organ. The solos will be sustained by Miss Blandford, the Misses Feeney, the Misses Rupert, Mrs. McQueeny and Mr. L. Turner, with Mrs. F. X. Higden at| the organ. * * * St. Stephen's. At St. Stephen's Catholic Church the reorganized male choir. under the direction of George Herbert Wells, will give the following program at the mid¬ night mass this evening: Preludes for violin and organ (Saint-Saens); before mass. Night of Nights (Van de Water); processional hymn. Angels We Have Heard (French melody); mass in B tlat for male voices, with the exception of the Credo (Mercadante); Credo No. 3 (Gre¬ gorian); Offertory Motet, Adeste Fideles (Novello); Proper of the Mass (Grego¬ rian); after mass, O Holy Nignt (Adam). The personnel of the choir Is as follows: Messrs. Luclan F. Randolph, Jr.. first tenor: Donald C. Edmonds, second tenor: S. Theodore Howard, first bass, and Edward H. Paudert, second bass; chorus, Messrs. Edward A. Green, Thomas P. Connor. Edwin L. Lansdale, Robert C. Cogewell. J. Frank Leary, Lawrence A. Connor, jr., Francis T. Crow. Joseph A. Dowling, William P. Stack, jr., William E. Barrlngton, Dennis J. Niland. John J. Fahey, Daniel M. Stanton and Arthur Landsale. George Herbert Wells is organist and choir director. Mr. Taylor of the United States Marine Band orchestra will assist with the violin. * ~ * * I St. Aloysius. The Christmas season at St. Aloysius will be commemorated with all the pomp; and ceremony. Just before midnight to- night, the strains of boy voices will be heard singing the traditional Christmas hymn, Adeste Fideles, from the top of the high altar. Immediately following this, there will be a procession of priests, schola.stics, acolytes, altar boys and choristers to the crib in the lower church, before which all will kneel, while the choir sings a Christmas hymn: the pro¬ cession will then go to the upper church, marching to the altar singing Adeste' Fideles. The following musical program will be rendered by the chancel choir under the direction of Ernest T. Winchester: Before the mass, O Holy Night. Adams; in-1 troitus, Dixit Dominus, Winchester; Kyrie Eleison, Rhienberger; Gloria in Excel- sis, Rhienberger; graduate, Winchester; Credo, Tozers' mass In honor of St. Wil¬ fred; offertory, Laetentur Coell. Grego¬ rian; offertorlum, O Dies Prae Clara, Gounod: sanctus, Rhienberger; benedic- tus, Tozers' Mass to the Most Blessed Sacrament; Agnus Dei, Rhienberger; communio. In Splendorlbus. Winchester; after the mass. Hallelujah. Handel's Messiah; recessional hymn, Angels We Have Heard on High, traditional French melody. At 11 o'clock tomorrow there will be a solemn high pontifical mass in the presence of the apostolic delegate. The same program of music will be re¬ peated at this time. The personnell of the choir will be as follows: Director of music, Ernest T. Winchester: organist; J. A. Gauges; li¬ brarian, Thomas J. Gaffney; cantors. J. Wise Byrnes and Frances A. Dougherty; lh-st treble. Masters John O'Brien, Charles Considine, Raymond Madigan, Eugene Auldridge. William Murphy, Edward Mc- Keever, Charles Wade, Wilbus Fincn, William Hughes, George Welde. John Burns, Francis O'Reilly. John Gleason, Edward McLarney, Leo Smith, Lawrence Smith, Francis Auldridge. Harry Don- ophue. Charles Reagan. William Harlow, Charles McDougall. Roland Clerke; second trebles. Masters Dean Gallagher, Thomas Pyne, Sylvan Sheridan. Edward Murphy, Philip Sheridan: bastes, Messrs. J. Wise Byrnes, Francis A. Dougherty, John M. Oonnell, Richard M. Powers, Thomas J. Gaffney. A1 Shields. John Shields, Joseph J. Kennelly, Leo Mauschauer, Aloysius Stormont. Paul Chamberlain; tenors, Messrs. T. Harry Maxwell, M. Harry- Stevens. Dr. Henry Yaeger. Dr. Charles L. Watson, J. Victor Golibart, Frances Cahlll, Edward Campbell, Charles O'Reil¬ ly, Ignatius Stormont, Denis A. Lane. * * * Chevy Chase. Midnight mass will be said for the first time at Chevy Chase tonight. An altar has been arranged in the library of Chevy Chase. Mr. Albert Cunard will be in charge of the music. * ** , Our Lady of Victory. At the Shrine of Our Lady of Victory midnight mass will be celebrated, and a special program of music has been ar¬ ranged by Mrs. E. I. Hillyer, including solos and duets by Michael Peier, jr., and Miss M. Sherier. The bell in the tower of the new church will be rung for the first time at the midnight mass. Cars will be In waiting at the New Cut and Conduit road station at the close of the services. Father Yingling will celebrate the only mass Christmas day at Glen Echo, and a second mass at the Church of Our Lady of Victory at 11 o'clock. The Sunday school will have its annual Christmas entertainment and tree Sun¬ day, December :»«, in the parish hall after the 1) o'clock mass. * * * St. John's, Forest Glen. Tonight at St. John's Church, Forest Glen, midnight mass will be celebrated. Mrs. Mary Dowling, organist, with a select choir from Washington, will render the musical program. Low masses will be said at 7, 7:30, 8, 8:3u and 10:30 o'clock tomoiTow morning. w * * St. Augustine's. At St. Augustine's Church Christmas services will be begin at midnight tonght with a solemn high mass. Low masses will be said at 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11 o'clock' tomorrow, and benediction of the blessed sacrament following the last piass and concluding the services of the day. The music at this church, which is in charge of Anton Kaspar, with Miss Mamie Mullaly at the organ, will include at the midnight mass the opening number, O Come Let I s Worship (Palestrlna), Kyrie (Hayden's Third Mass), Gloria (Hayden's Second Mass), Veni Creator (Wlegand) Credo (Durand), Sanctus and Benedictus (Gounod) Agnes Dei (Hayden's Second Mass); offertory, O. Mira Nox, (Adam- Biederman), Adeste Fidelis (Novello) and recessional (Cagliere). j * * St. Dominic's. Midnight mass tonight at St. Dominic's Church. One low mass will be said im¬ mediately after midnight mass and at 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10 oclock tomorrow, benedic¬ tion of the blessed sacrament after the last mass concluding the religious services of the day. Both the chanceled choir and the choir of mixed voices, under the direc¬ tion of Miss Barbara Bischoff, will take part in the musical program at the mid¬ night mass, which will Include Adeste Fideils, by the chancel choir, sung as a processional, while marching from the Holy Name Chapel to the sanctuary of altar and Wlegands' mass Exuultls Sion, by Hameril. * ** St. Joseph's. At St. Joseph's Church high mass will be sung at midnight. Low masses will be said at 7 and 9 o'clock and again at 10:30 a high mass will be sung. Benediction of the blessed sacrament will be given Im¬ mediately after the last mass. * * # Immaculate Conception. Christmas services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception will commence at 5:30 o'clock tomorrow morning with a solemn high mass celebrated by Rev. James D. Marr, pastor. Low masses will be said at 7 and 9 o'clock, and the last mass at 10:30 will be a solemn high With the Dawning Tomorrow Bells in Stee¬ ple and Spire Will Proclaim That the " Day of the Christ Child Is Come. PRESBYTERIAN. New Tork Avenue. Christmas services will be held in New- York Avenue Presbyterian Church Sun¬ day. and the music will be: Morning, Haw- ley's O Little Town of Bethlehem and Dudley Buck's The Virgin's Lullaby; evening, a musical interpretation of West's cantata of The Story of Bethlehem. Choir, Mrs. TV. H. ShlrclifT, soprano: Miss Whitaker, contralto; John H. Nolan, bass; J. F. Matthieu, tenor, and J. Porter Lawrence, organist and precentor. . m . Church of the Covenant. A lengthy musical program will be { given at the Church of the Covenant Sun- j day afternoon. It is as follows: Selec- , tions from the Messiah. Handel, Thus ' Salth the Lord, and But Who May Abide, bass; Rejoice Greatly, soprano; Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind, and He Shall Feed His Flock, contralto: 4 p.m.. recitatives, soprano, There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their (locks by night; and lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people; for unto you Is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, "Glory to God In the highest, and peace on earth, good will toward men." OfTertory. tenor, x'hy rebuke has broken His heart: He is full of heaviness; He looked for some one to have pity on Him. but there was no man; neither found He any to comfort Him; behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow. Organ prelude. Hallelujah. At the musical service frvm 7:80 to 8 o'clock in the evening Mrs. Anne Grant Fugitt, soprano; Miss Flora McGlll, contralto, of New York, and Mr. Henry Gurney, tenor, of London, will sing Christmas songs. * * * Takoma Park Church. Services will be held Sunday as follows: Morning solo. Star of the Orient, Shelley, Herbert D. Lawson; chorus, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings, Geibel. Evening, chorus. Peace Upon Earth, Geibel; And There Were Shepherds, Lerman. The choir is made up of: Sopranos, Mes- dames Easterllng, Mooers and Smith and Misses Bridge and Skinner; altos, Mes- dames Wakefield and Seaman and Misses Lang and Hopkins; tenor, Messrs. Crit¬ tenden, Thompson and Young; basso* Messrs. Easterlmg, Wakefltlti, Fuller and Skinner; director, Jas. W. i>yre; organ¬ ists, Henry Clark and J. W. Dyre. » * * First. Christmas music at the First Presby¬ terian Church Sunday, December 26, follows: 11 a.m..Organ prelude. Pas- toral Symphony (Mrs. Schutt); Beloved,: I Bring You Good Tidings (Geibel);; Calm on the Listening Ear of Night! (Parks); offertory, The Song of the An¬ gels (Dressier). 7:45 p.m..Organ recital; of fifteen minutes. Mrs. Schutt; Peace Upon Earth (Geibel); O You That. Bringest Good Tidings (Brown); Naz^-, reth (with pictures) (Gounod); offer¬ tory, O Holy Night (Adam), sung by Miss Finney. The quartet consists of Miss Helen Creman, soprano; Miss Mary B. Finney, contralto; Mr. Charles Stev¬ enson, tenor; Mr. H. C. R. Heeling, baritone. Mrs. G. F. Schutt Is the or¬ ganist. * *# CHRISTIAN. Vermont Avenue Church. The quartet choir of the Vermont Ave¬ nue Christian Church will render at the morning service Sunday The Noel Song of Christmas and Glory to God in the Highest by Shelley; at night. There's a Song in the Air by Tenney. The quartet consists of Miss Blanche Dew, soprano; Miss Bertha Dew, con¬ tralto; William H. Braithwaite, tenor, and Ray Dew, bass and chorister; organ¬ ist, Mrs. Abbie Power Sparks. * * * Whitney Avenue Church. The program of Christmas music to be rendered by the choir of the Whitney Avenue Christian Church Sunday mom- ! ing will include the solos, The Birthday of a King, by A. Higble, and Christmas, by Mrs. Eugene Dickens, and the j anthems. The Heavenly Song (Hamilton j Beirly), and I will Praise Thee, O Lord <H. P. Danks). The choir includes: So¬ pranos.Mrs. Colburn, Miss Mary Parsons, Mrs. Eugene Dickens and Miss A. Dowl- ing. Altos.Mrs. E. Gathright, Miss F. Kidwell and Miss Helen Sunderland. Tenors.Mr. J. Wilmeth, Mr. Greenfield and Mr. Barry. Bass.-Mr. Sliairtbaugh and Mr. Higbie Organist.Mrs. Edward C. Finney. * . . * Ninth Sreet Church. At the Ninth Street Christian Church the program of Christmas music will ue given Sunday, and will be as follows: At the morning service.Prelude, cello solo by L E. Manoly of the Washington Sym¬ phony Orchestra, Mon Coeur S'ouvre a ta Voix, from Samson et Delilah (Saint Saens); soprano solo, Night of Nights (Van de Water). Miss M. F. McCathran; anthems. Behold! I Bring You Good Tid¬ ings (Lynes) and Shout the Glad Tidings (Koevessy). Soprano solos sustained by Miss Daisy E. Harrison. Evening service. 7:45 o'clock..Prelude, violin solo, Adoration (Borowskl), Mr. Walter Silber; soprano solo. O Holy Night of Christmas Tide (Sheakley), Miss Bessie M. Harrison; anthems, Angels Song (Sudds), Sing, O Heavens (Clare>. The choir membership is as follows: So¬ pranos.Misses Bessie M. Harrison, Daisy E. Harrison, M. F. McCathran, Mar¬ guerite Scott, Marie Toepper, Emily Toep- per, Mrs. Charles D. Fowler, Mrs. E. T. Jarboe, Mrs. T. R. Pirtle. Altos.Miss E. R. Peters. Mrs. F. A. Carpenter, Mrs. F. J. Reiss, Mrs. E. M. Rule. Tenors.George W. Elliott, Frank Morrison, Joseph A. Scott. Jr. Basses.F. A. Carpenter. ArJiUr Criddle, William A. Elwood, Theodore Reier. Organist and director.Joseph Har¬ rison. Pianist.William Weber. Assistant organists.Misses V. L. Raymond and Marguerite Allen. * # METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Hamllne. At Hamline Church the following Christmas music will be given Sunday at 11 o'clock: And There Were Shepherds, P. A. Schnecker; soprano solo, O Holy Night, (Adams). Miss Christine M. Church; Christmas anthem, H. R Shelley.^ Even-> Ing service at 8 o'clock: The Prince of Peace, A. L. Judeflnd; It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. The quartet is composed of the following: Miss Christine M. Church, soprano; Mrs. Ella Knights Ellis, alto; George V. Blakeney, tenor and di¬ rector; Georpe H. Miller, baritone; Miss Edith B. Athey. organist. The quartet will be assisted by Miss Nellie Frazier, soprano, and Mrs. Nellie M. L. Jenkins, alto. . * I ? * Metropolitan. The Metropolitan Church quartet will sing Sunday morning Hark. What Mean Those Holy Voices? (W. F. Sudds); Ts Victory (Neidllnger); There Wei* Shep¬ herds <W. R. Spence); Sing. O Heavens (C. Llmper). . « * Trinity. At Trinity M. E. Church the beautiful oratorio-cantata "Bethlehem" will be ren¬ dered at the 8unday evening service. 7:3® o'clock, by the quartet, with Prof. II. E. Stopsack and his full orchestra. At the mornine service. 11 o'clock, the anthems will be: "When Jesus Was Born In Beth¬ lehem" (C. T. Steele >, "The New Bom King" (Ashford), soprano solo, "Night of Nights" (Van l>!\anter). The choir fol¬ lows: Mrs. Gertrude Dana Brockwav, so¬ prano; Miss Bertha J. Mori, contralto; B. Ralph Cady, tenor; Dana L. Wood, bass. William K. Cohen Is the organist and director. * * McXendree. The evening service Sunday at the Me- Kendree M. E. Church will be devoted entirely to Christmas music by the com¬ bined chorus and children's choirs of the church, of which William J. Palmer and Mrs. O. B. Jenkins are directors. Special soloists will assist. Both choir* will also give a special program of music at the morning service. * * * METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH. Mount Vernon. The Christmas music at the Mount Vernon Church South will be given Sun¬ day and repeated the Sunday following. Morning service.Prelude, Curfew. Horse¬ man; anthem. There Were Shepherds (Dudley Buck), quartet; contralto solo, U Little Town of Bethlehem (Sehnecker). Mrs. Thomas Hultish; anthem. Blessed the Lord (William L Wood), quartet; postlude, march and chorus, Tannhauser (Bartlett). Evening service.Prelude, Andantino <Lemore); anthem. Hark. What Mean Those Holy Voices (Neidllnger), quartet; soprano solo, selected, Mrs. A. G. Wil- marth; anthem. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Neidiinger); postlude, Rus¬ sian March. S. Clark. The quartet is composed of Mrs. A. C. Wllmaith, soprano; Mrs. Thomas Hul- fish, contralto; Clifton P. Clark, tenor, and Earl Carbauh, bass. Donald Freeze is the organist. a . * METHODIST PROTESTANT. First. The First M. P. Church choir, 4th street southeast, under the direction of J. G. Klein, will sing its Christmas music Sun¬ day. At the morning service the au- thems. Ring Forth. Ye Bells, by Schneck- er, and When Shepherds Watched, by Lowden, will be sung. At the evening service the choir will sing the anthem. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, by Jud- son, and Mr. Klein will sing a tenor solo. The Christmas Herald, by C. Whitney Coombs. Thursday evening, December :*». at 8 o'clock the choir will render "The. Hope of the World," a choral cantata, by P. A. Schnecker. The choir will be assist¬ ed by Miss Gertrude Trow, who will sing a soprano solo. O Holy Night. * ¦ m * North Carolina Avenue. The following Christmas music will be rendered Sunday: Morning.Joy of the World (T. D. Williams), choir; soprano solo, Bethlehem (Paul Dressier), Miss Ada M. Filer. Evening.Song of the Magi (C. A. Miles), choir; soprano solo. In Old Judea (A. Geibelt. Miss Sue V. Hess; He Shall Reign Forever (.1. L. Hall), choir. The members of the choir are as fol¬ lows: Sopranos, Miss Ada M. Filer. Miss Sue V. Hess, Miss Emma Hess, Miss Grace Meier, Mrs. A. M. Willard: altos. Miss Mary A. Dodge, Miss Edith Ma- honey; tenor, Mr. E. A. Ca'rnes; basses, Mr. R. I. Garber, Mr. W. F. Barce. Mr. John Martyn, Mr. Walter Scott. Under the direction of C. V. Schofield, organist. * * * UNITARIAN. All Souls'. At All Souls' Unitarian Church the quartet will give the Christmas program Sunday morning and the selections will include Through the Still Air (Alien*, an¬ them, Celestial (Gounod), and There Were Shepherds (Buck). Mrs. H. Clay Brown¬ ing. soprano and directress of choir. m a * LUTHERAN. Grace Church. A Christmas service will be held *t t»:30 o'clock tomorrow morning in Grace Church. In addition to the full liturgical service the choir will render the following music: Opening anthem, Behold. I Bring You Good Tidings (A. Gelbel); Te Deum in E flat (A. Baumbarh); inci¬ dental solos, Mrs. N. Miles, Miss V. Wlllner, Miss E. Rlthershofer, Mrs. A. Willner; Christmas carol, 'TIs the Birth¬ day of Our Savior (C. Vincent). Organist, Walter Beandes; sopranos. Misses Irene Umhau, Augusta Umhau, Violet Wlllner. EUene Heine; altos. Mrs. A. Wlllner. Miss E Rithershofer; tenors, N. Miles, F. Perkins; bassos, F. W. Loetsch, G. Werner. Tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock the Sunday school Christmas service will be rendered by the children of the Sunday- school. *a Keller Memorial Church, The following program will be given Sunday morning at Keller Memorial Church: Organ prelude* Sunset Melody, by Vlnstine; chorus, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings, by Gelbel; quartet and chorus. There Were Shepherds, by Ben¬ nett; offertory. Berceuse (march) in C, Reid; quartet, Dream of Bethlehem, Ste¬ phen; chorus, Come, Let Us Adore Him, by Lacey. In the evening, at 7:20 o'clock, a spe¬ cial program of music will be given. W. O. Little is the choirmaster. * * * St. Mark's. The quartet of St. Mark's Church will give the following numbers at the Chrlst- mjp? morning service, 10:») o'clock: He Shall Reign Forever, Hall-Mack; Behold I Bring You Good Tidings. Gelbel; There Were Shepherds, Herbert. The quartet consists of Mies Florence Noack, Miss Fannie Noack, Fred Leonhardt and Ed¬ win Callow. . > a a Concordia. The program of Christmas music of Concordia Lutheran Church la as follows: Organ prelude. Batiste; solo. Cantique Noel (Adamsi, sung by Mrs. Brink; an¬ them. The Star of Bethlehem (Parks); solo. In the Palace of the King (Jordan), sung by Mrs. Lehnert. Raphael Koester is the organist and choirmaster. * a * St. Paul's. Sunday. 11 a.m., program by the

Peace on Earth the Christmas Message in the Churches TomorrowMelody of the Christmastide as Arranged in

Programs of the Houses of Worship ofAll Denominations in the District.

Merry, merry Christmas bellswill ring throughout the world to¬

morrow, proclaiming the anniver¬sary of the birth of mankind'sSavior. The notes will carrythe Christian world back to thegreat thought of Bethlehem inthe long ago.of the Savior, whois Christ the Lord, who tarried inthis world but a brief thirty-threeyears and then gave up his lifeon Calvary's cross that the worldmight be redeemed.

Glad anthems will rise in thechurches and each note serves to |

again tell to the Christian that hisfaith is everlasting.that it mustendure until time shall be no imore, and that he must be happyin the thought that when the rollis called up yonder he will bethere. It is a call again to goforward, Christian soldier, be¬neath His banner true.j

In the Catholic and Episcopal,churches of the National Capitalfine programs of music will begiven tomorrow morning. In theformer churches many masses

will be begun at midnight to-1

night, proclaiming first.the birthof the Savior King. The Presby¬terian, Baptist, Methodist andother Protestant congregationswill hold their special servicesSunday.

W* *

EPISCOPAL.Church of the Advent.

A program of Christmas music hasbeen arranged by the choirmaster, F.Hewitt, assisted by Eugene Walter, or¬

ganist. and a mixed choir of about twentvvoices, for tomorrow morning at theChurch of the Advent. It follows: Pro¬cessional. Christians. Awake. Salute theHappy Morn (Wainwright): Te Deum,Festival (Thomas Spencer Lloyd): jubi¬late in C. Festival (Dudley Buck): oldhymn, Avison: communion hymns. OldLatin: plain song. Adeste Fideles: offer¬tory anthem, It Came Upon the Mid¬night Clear (Alfred Judson): PhillipsBrooks' famous hymn, O Little Town of jBethlehem (music by L. H. Ridner); Glo-jria in Excelsis, old chant. Women (altosand sopranos).Mrs. Juneau, Misses£peake, Cobey, Ford. Halley, Small, King,Westhorpe. Men.Messrs. Hewitt, Ju-neau, Hclleo. Boys.Masters Faris. King,Anderson. Taylor. Huggins, Laurent,Breck, Wadsworth. Pennebacker, Ewers.

** *

Church of the Epiphany.Christmas music tomorrow at Epiphany

Church aa follows: 11 a.m., processional,hymn No. 49. O Come. All Ye Faithful;Adeste Fideles; Te Deum, arranged fromthe Creation (Buck); Jubilate (Schilling):Introlt anthem. Arise, Shine, for Thy Light3s Come (Maker); Gloria Tibi. In C(Swett); hymn No- 60, Angels From theRealms of Glory (Smart): offertory an¬

them. Sing, O Heavens (Gaul); Sanctus(Harker); communion hymn No. 225.Bread of the World; Gloria in Excelsis.old chant; recessional hymn No. 51,Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (Mendels¬sohn).

,Sunday. 11 a.m., Christmas music re¬peated. 8 p.m.. special music: Portions ofChristmas cantata, Coming of the K«n8'by Dudley Buck, and Sanctus. by Gou¬nod The tenor solos will be sung by Dr.W. M. Kemball of St. Patrick s choir.The personnel of the choir is as fol¬

lows: Soloists: Miss Lillian Halley. so-jurano: Miss Katherine Lee Jones, con-,tralto; Charles F. Roberts, bass Chorus:Misses Arbele. Bayard. Cl.amberlin. Dav¬enport. M. Davis, N. Davis. Goldsborough, jGcrlach, Grimes. Hennen, Krumke, Lar-n*>r, Lind. Mueller, Murray. Marean, Mc-Kee. Saffold, Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Mrs.,\\\ B. Patterson; Messrs. Conwell, Daly,,Dixon, Hale Hoover. G. Scliarf. Springer,Tray lor. Waters. Organist, Otis D.Swett: choirmaster, James G. Traylor.

*. *

Church of the Ascension.At the Church of the Ascension the

Christmas music will tomorrow be as fol¬lows: Processional 49. Adeste Fideles;Venite and Gloria, Moiiey; Te Deum.Dudley Buck. B flat; Jubilate. Hayes;introit 31. Hark the Herald AngelsSing. Mendelssohn; Shorter Kyrie, Win-;ter- Gloria Tibi. Garrett; hymn 53,Shout the Glad Tidings, Avison;offertory. Jesus Christ Today Is Porn.Brackett: doxology. recessional &>. AngelaFrom the Realms of Glory- Soloists, MissFlora A. Jackson, soprano; M»ss Anna L.Brett, alto; Jack Bowie, tenor andArthur N. Gardner, bass. The rhoir isunder the direction of Heinrlch Hammer;Miss Frances C. Harrison, organist.

** * jSt. Paul's Church, Bock Creek Parish

Musical selection for Christmas morn¬

ing. to be repeated Sunday: OpeningHnthem, While* Shepherds Watched TheirFlocks by Night. Neldlinger; chant, Ve¬nite, Bennett, in B flat; Gloria Patri,Buck, in C; Schnecker, in F, and Gounod,in D; Te Deum, Dressier, In G; Jubilate,Shelley, In A; introlt anthem. AngelsFrom the Realms of Olbry, Neldlinger;Kyrle and Gloria Tibi, Maunder, in F;hymn 49, Adeste Fideles; Gloria Patriafter the sermon, familiar chant; offer-lory anthem. Gounod's Nazareth, withbaritone and alto solos arransed by Dud-lev Buck; Maunder's communion serrvicejn p; recessional hymn .18, O Little Townof Bethlehem. The choir consists of MissAncella B. Fisher, soprano; Mrs. CharlesH Parkman. alto; Frederick Selbold.tenor- George F. D- Rollings, bass; JamesW. Cheney, organist and choirmaster.

m* *

St. Thomas' Church.The musical service at St. Thomas'

Church Christmas morning at 11 o'clockwill be as follows: Venite. Woodward;Te Deum. Buck, in G (festival); jubilate.Jordan. In C; anthem. Sing. O Heavens,Tours; Kyrie. Elvey; sanctus. 422; GloriaIn Excelsis, 438.

** .

St. Columba's Church, Tenleytown.Service at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Proces¬

sional, Oh Come All Ye Faithful; Venite,plaint' chant; Te Deum (West); Jubilate,old chant: Introlt, Calm on the ListeningEar of Night: communion service; ser¬mon; hymn, Sing. Oh Sing This BlessedMorn; ofTertory. Though Poor Be theChamber (Gounod); recessional. Hark, theHerald Angels Sing. The personnel of therhoir is: Miss M. C. Ro lins, organist;Misses Alice Sparshott, Ulllej®**"??©"-Nellie Anderson, Geneva Ltngley, Elisa¬beth AJiderson, Annette MargaretBradt, Ella Bradt. Myra Johnson, Me¬ters William Anderson, George Bradt,Kurm&o Frost, Raymond Frost, Messrs.

W. J. Anderson, J. Molden, RichardFletcher.

** *

St. Margaret's.Holy i<ommunion at 7:30 and 11 a.m.

Christmas. Morning prayer and ser¬

mon, 11 a.m., by the rector. Rev. Dr.Herbert Scott Smith. St. Margaret'schoir, under the direction of the organist,A. G. Eldrldge, will render the following]music on Christmas mdfrning: Proces-sional, Hymn 49; Venlte (Mendelssohn),Gloria Patri (Mendelssohn), Te Deum.Festival (Stewart), Jubilate.Festival(Stewart): Tntrolt Anthem, Sing, O Daugh¬ter of Zion (Wareing); Kyrie (Gounod),Gloria Tibi (Calkin). Hymn 58; Offertory,It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Sulli-van; Offertory Sentences (Whitney); Re-cessional, Hymn 00. The soloists areMiss Edna Doe, Mrs. William R. Ben-ham, Melville Hensey and Charles Moore,

** *

St. Andrew's Church.The Christmas program of music at St.

Andrew's Church at the morning serviceat 10:30 o'clock on Christmas day will beas follows: Adeste Fidelia (Novello),Venite (Schnecker), Gloria Patri (arrang¬ed from Mendelssohn), Te Deum (Vog-rich). Jubilate (Dudley Buck), hymn.Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Wesley):Gloria Tibi (Garrett), hymn, While Shep¬herds Watched .(Tate); offertory. Sing. OHeaven (Tours); Sanctus (Armes), Eu-charistic hymn (Hodges), Gloria in Ex¬cel His (Old Chant), Nunc Dimiittis(Clemens), recessional, O Little Town ofBethlehem (Brooks). This program ofmusic will be repeated at the morningservice at 11 o'clortt Sunday, and in theevening at 8 o'clock the program will beas follows: Processional, Adeste Fidelis(Novello); Gloria Patri (Robinson), Mag¬nificat <Hayes), Nunc Dimittis (Clemens),a Christmas cantata. The Manger Throne(Charles Fonteyn Manney); recessional,Angeis From the Realms of Glory (Mont¬gomery). There will be no evening serv¬ice on Christmas day. The members ofthe choir are as follows: Mrs. Fannie AtLee Gage, soprano soloist; Mrs. JohnRoberts, contralto; John Lisle Apple,tenor, and Fred Schaefer, bass; MissAlden, Mrs. Apple, Miss Avledge, Mrs.Barringer, Miss Crown. Mrs. Monroe,Miss Hartung, Miss Henderson. Miss Idd-ings. Miss Jack. Miss King, Miss Millard,Miss Pyne, Miss Richardson, Miss Tal-flerro. Miss Taylor. Mrs. Thompson, MissWare. Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Blrgfleld,Messrs. Baker. Omohundro. Plummer,Todhunter, Williams, Dr. Gartrell and Dr.Hollingsworth. Fulton B. Karr is theorganist and John Lisle Apple, choir¬master.

v* *

St. Michael and All Angels'.At St. Michael and All Angels' Church

the Christmas service will be held at 11o'clock Christmas morning and the musi¬cal program will be as follows: Organprelude (Mendelssohn); opening anthem,Te Deum and Jubilate (Geibel): anthem.Sing O Heavens (Tours); introlt anthem,It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Ben¬nett); offertory, O Holy Night, sopranosolo by Miss Girouard; Gloria Tibi (Sim¬per); communion service (Tours) and or¬gan postlude (Guilmant). The personnelof the choir is as follows: Sopranos.MissFlorence Girouard, soloist: Misses EvelynCroggan, M. A. Peterson, Librarian; Vir¬ginia Magruder, Maud Delaplaine. Altos-Miss Mamie Hantzmon, soloist, and Mrs.R. Bigelow, Misses M. McKee, Singleton,D. Babcock, K. Baird. Bessie Horey. Ten¬ors.Mr. John H. Taylor, soloist; Messrs.William McKim, crucifer, and James VanVIeck. Basses.Mr. Hugh Zea, soloist,and Messrs. Harold Davis, J. Buddingtonand H. Marquez. Mrs. Henry Hunt Mc¬Kee is the organist and choir directress.

** *

Christ Churchy Southeast.Christmas services at Christ Church, G

street between 6th and 7th streets south¬east, will be as follows: Holy communion,7:30 a.m.; holy communion, withsermon at 11 o'clock. ProcessionalHymn, 49, Te Deum in E flat (Ford); of¬fertory anthem, Sing, O Heavens (Simp¬son); recessional hymn, O Little Town.ofBethlehem. Soloists will be HenryKruger, tenor; Wilhelm Schroeder, so¬prano; Fulton Richards, organist; ArthurStorm, choirmaster. Children's Christmasservice will be on Sunday afternoon at4 o'clock.

** *

Pinkney Memorial, Hyattsville.Services will be held in Pinkney Me¬

morial Church, Hyattsville, Md., Christ¬mas morning at 11 o'clock, with sermonand a celebration of the holy communion.The musical program to be sung by thevested choir, under the direction of MissNellie A. Moran, at this service is as fol¬lows: Hymn 49, O, Come, Ail Ye Faith¬ful, venite, H. P. Danks; Gloria Patria,Danks, te deum, Dudley Buck's shortte deum; jubilate, Tours in F; hymn 58,O, Little Town of Bethlehem; Kyrie Elei-son, Mendelssohn; Gloria Tibi, Pleyel;hymn 57, "Sing, Oh, Sing, This BlessedMorn;" sermon; offertory, "Messiah IsKing," Warner; offertory sentence; Sanc¬tus, D .puis; communion hymn, 225,Bread of the World; Gloria in -Excelsis.old chant; hymn 51, Hark, the HeraldAngels Sing. The choir is composed ofthe following: Sopranos, Mrs. HughLatimer, Mrs. C. Frank Carr, Mrs.Charles W. Clagett, Mrs. ShermanJames, Mrs. Irving Owings, Miss EvelynLewis, Miss Baker, Miss Adalaide Bar¬ker, Miss Beavers and Miss Darnall; al¬tos, Mrs. George Stephens, Mrs. WilliamC. Wells and Mrs. Wilfret; tenors, GeorgeStephens, Harold Burnside, GeorgeEvans; bassos. Earl Severe, Paul S. Her¬ring and Mr. Shelton. Organist and di¬rectress, Miss Nellie A. Moran.

* «

Christ Church, Georgetown.Program of music Christmas day, 11

a.m.: Processional, hymn 49, AdesteFideles; Te Deum in Eb, Barrett; JubilateDeo, in F, Toure; hymns 51 and 54; KyrieEleison, Gloria Tibi and Sanctus in F,MacLeod; offertory anthem. There were

Shepherds Abiding in the Field,* Foster;Gloria in Excelsis and Nunc Dimittis.chanted; recessional carol, The SnowLay on the Ground. Warren.The service will be repeated Sunday,

with anthem, Nazareth, by Gounod, anaMagnificat and Nunc Dimittis, by Field.The choir consists of:6ok)lsts. - Mrs.

Brown, Miss Houchen, Mr. Jonscher, Mr.Waters; chorus. Miss Blake, Miss GraceHouchen. Miss Laub, Mies Knight, MissKane, Miss Conley, Miss Crowley, MissBerry. Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Carroll, LouisKnight. Harry Knight, H. A. Middleton;boys, Allen Blackford, Eugene Blackford,Edward White. Reginald White, NelsonOliver. William Harrison, James Stone,Norman Davis and Bernard Davis, assist¬ed by Mrs. Hollifleld and Mr. Pearson.Donald B. MacLeod is the organist andchoirmaster.

** *

St. John's.Christmas day will be ushered in at

St. John's Church with the celebrationof holy communion with carols at 7:30o'clock. Morning prayer, holy commun¬ion and sermon will be held at 11 o'clock.Adams' processional carol lyill be sungat the opening. The balance of the pro¬gram follows: Venite Grultemus Domino,Gloria Patri. Te Deum Laudamus. byRoot; Jubilate Deo, by Stanford; imroitcarol, Kyrie Eleison and Glorys Tibi;offertory anthem. There Were Shepherds,by Marks; sanctus, Holy, Holy, LordGod of Hosts; eucharistlc hymn. Savior,Who Didst Come to Give; Nunc Dimittis,and the recessional hymn, Angels From?he Realms of Glory.The choir is as follows: 8opranos, John

Hughes, Scott Trowbridge, Antolnc Mac-

Namee. Gilbert Miller. Edwin Hale. Rob¬ert learner. Samuel Leech, Ralph Stod¬dard. Ebert Quirollo, W. Carroll Burch,Frederick G. Kayhoe, Ralph Kersey.John Ballenger. Louis Stabler. HowellLevi, Fred StefTens. Gerald Hale. Gor¬man deF. Larner, Earle Springer. FrancisWalter, Charles Bentsen, Leonard Clark,Theodore Vollten, Denby Hird, HenryCampbell, Charles Conrard, George E.R. Montgomery; altos. Richard J. Rig-gles. Mell Marks, Raymond Tompkins.Malcolm Rich, Harold MacCalmont;tenors. B. Allen Terrell, T. L. Mead, jr.;Charles H. Henney, Charles B. Xanten;bassos. Arthur H. Delbert, R. H. Atkin¬son. Henry H. Tallmadge. Bayard K.Gibson, Jay C. Howell. Henry H. Free¬man, organist and choirmaster; EugeneDickerson Freeman, librarian; FrederickG. Kayhoe and John Hughes, assistantlibrarians.The Christmas festival of the Sunday

school will be held at 3:30 o'clock Tues¬day afternoon.

** ?

St. Mark's.The services at St. Mark's Church on

Christmas day will be as follows; 6:80a.m.. Communion service in F by S. P.Tuckerman. Hymns 59, GO, 40, 58 and55.11 a.m..Communion service in Eb by C.

H. Lloyd. Anthem. Behold I Bring YouGood Tidings, by Sir John Goss. IntroitTe Deum, Smart, in F. Hymns, 40, 50, (JO,58, 220 and 51. The regular choir of menand boys will sing at 11 a.m.


CATHOLIC.St. Matthew's.

Christmas services at St. Matthew'sChurch will begin with a solemn highmass at midnight this evening, withMgr. Thomas S. Lee the celebrant. Theprogram of music to be gtVen at thismass will begin with O Holy Night(Adam), Adeste F.delis (Novello), by thechoir, and Gounod's Nazareth, bass solo,by Huntington May, before the ma^iThese selections will be followed by In¬troit (Gregorian), Kyrie and Gloria, fromRheinberger'h Mass in A Flat, opus 172B; Gradual (Tozeri, Credo (Rheinberger),offertory, Laetentur CoeM (Goller); Sanc-tus, Benedlctus and Agnus Del (Rhein¬berger), Communion (Gregorian). Sol¬emn high mass will also be celebratedat 11 o'clock and will be followed by ben¬ediction of the blessed sacrament. Be-for the mass Huntington May will singGounod's Nazareth; Introit (Gregorian),Kyrie and Gloria (Rheinberger), Gradual(Tozer), Credo (Rheinberger), offertory,Tul Sunt Coeli (V. Goller); Sanctus, Ben¬edlctus and Agnus Dei (Rheinberger),Communion (Gregorian), O Salutaris (Jor¬dan), sung by Miss Elsie Davis; TanturaErgo (Grison), Laudate Dominum (Gre¬gorian). The members of the ehoir areas follows: Sopranos, Miss Edna Dyer,Mrs. John Daniels, Misses Agnes Dow¬ney, Giulia. Alessandri, Rosalie Briscoe,Mrs. Belle Cain; altos. Misses Elsie Da¬vis and Carrie Manning; tenors, Messrs.P. H. O'Farrell. J. H. Clopper. RiciardoAlessandri and Grover Leech; basses,Messrs. T. E. Moore. W. F. Lummy,Huntington May, Henry Bridget, andorganist and director, Miss Jennie D.Glennan.

** *

Holy Comforter.Solemn high mass will be celebrated

at the Church of the Holy Comforter atmidnight this evening. The music willbe rendered by a double quartet of malevoices, Messrs. Atherholt, Blakeney,Xanton, Klien, Parker, Schaffer, Pennyand Foraker. Processional, Noel(Schoepf); mass in offertory (Novello),recessional, Nazareth (F. Schaffer). MissEva M. Talbert is the organist.

** *

St. Mary's.Chi istmas services at St. Mary's Church

will be celebrated at a midnight massthis evening. Rev. Frank A. B. Wunnen-berg, the pastor, will be celebrant. Hewill be assisted by the Rev. AndrewKunny as deacon and the Rev. JohnGruden as subdeacon. The sermon willbe preached by the Rev. Andrew Kunny.The choir will be assisted by the MarineBand Orchestra and a large chorus. Themusical program rendered by the choirwill be as follows: Before the mass.Adeste Fideles and Noel, by A<iams;Haydn's III mass; offertory. AdoramusTe, Palestrina; after mass, Heilige Nacht.Low masses will be offered up Imme¬

diately after the midnight mass, andother low masses will be offered up at7-50, 8, 8:30, 0 and 0:30 o'clock tomorrow.The 0 o'clock mass will be attended

bv the children of the congregation, atwhich the little ones will render GermanChristmas hymns. Miss Nettie Ruppertwill preside at the organ at this service.Solemn high mass, followed by solemn

benediction, will be offered up at 10:30o'clock, at which the Rev. John Grudenwill be the celebrant, assisted by Rev.Frank A. B. Wunnenberg as deacon andthe Rev. Andrew Kunny as subdeacon.The choir will render Guilmant's mass

in E flat; at the offertory, Adoramus Te.Palestrina; benediction; O Salutaris. byKlein, and Tantum Ergo, by Silas. Theservices will conclude with the singingof the Heilige Nacht.The organist and director of the choir

is Harry Hall. Personnel: Soprano,Miss Edna J. Sheehy; contralto. MissMargaret Richhorn; tenor, A1 Fennell;basso, Frank Rebstock.

** *

St. Vincent de Paul's Church.The Christmas program is as follows:

Solemn high mass at midnight this even¬ing by full choir, with accompaniment byorchestra. The Christmas carols a fea¬ture. Low mass will be celebrated at 7and . o'clock tomorrow; high mass at10 o'clock, followed by benediction of theblessed sacrament.

?* *

St. Peter's Church.Solemn high mass will be the principal

service of the day tomorrow. It will be¬gin at midnight this evening. The choir,under the direction of Miss Hattle M.Ritchie, and Miss Edith Gallant as or¬ganist, will render the following pro¬gram: Before the mass, O! Holy Night,by Adam; Guilmant's Third Mass; VeniCreator (contralto solo), Gumbrecht; Of-fertorlum Exulta Sion, Hammerlll; atthe communion, Adeste Fideles (No¬vello); after the mass, Nazareth, byGounod. The members of the choir are:Sopranos, Misses Ryan, McCormack,Price, Cotter, Hutchens and Ritchie;altos. Mesdames Golden, Van Castle,Benner, Misses Nalley and Llufrio;tenors, Messrs. Price and Tabler; bassos,Messrs. Moore, Van Castle, Connor, Dor-sey and Radcliffe.

** *

St. Ann's Church, Tenleytown.The Christmas program In this church

will be midnight mass this evening andlow masses at 7 and 0 o'clock Christmasday. The midnight mass will be a highmass, with sermon. The choir, under thedirection of Miss Katherine Lackaye. willsing Mercadante's mass (Kyrie), Gloria,Credo, Sanctus, Benedlctus and AgnusDei. /At offertory, Adeste Fideles, arranged

by Novello. At communion, Nazareth, byGounod, and O Holy Night (Adam).Soprano soloists, Mrs. Susie Lewis Brent,Miss Ada Poore, Miss Revalues; altosoloist. Mrs. Martha Poore Barbee; basso,T. A. Murray; tenor, John Siemon.

** *

Holy Name Church.At the Church of the Holy Name solemn

midnight mass will be celebrated thisevening, and the following musicalprogram will be rendered:Processional, Christmas hymn by l>lel-

man, Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus andAgnes Dei, by Olorsa. Benedlctus,

Gounod. Offertory, Adeste Fideles, Novel-lo. At the communion, O Holy Night.by Adam. Recessional. Song of theAges, Giebel. The regular choir will beaugmented by a male chorus of thirtyvoices.The following is the personnel of the

choir: Sopranos, the Misses Collier. Dit-toe, Knockey, Ryan, Keys and Doyle;altos. Misses Myers, Riley and Vincent;tenors, Messrs. Berves, Handlboe, Wal^h,Cunningham, Salb, McMahon and Dun¬can; bassos, Messrs. Irving. Dunnigan,Ryan, Carlin and Kavanaugh; organist,Mrs. Ella Hughes. Miss Anna Do$le isIn charge.

** *

St. Paul's.The full chancel choir of St. Paul's

Church will render two notable programsChristmas morning. At 5:30 there will bea solemn high mass, at which the follow¬ing musical program will be rendered:Processional hymn, Adeste Fideles (twosolo boys will sing the verses from thetop of the high altar, the choir repeatingeach verse in chorus as the processionalhymn); before the mass, O Holy Night(Adams); introitus, Domlnus Dixit (Win¬chester): Kyrie Elelson (Gruber); GloriaIn Excelsis (Tozer); graduate. TecumPrinsipium (Winchester); Credo (Tozer);offertory, Laetentur Coeli (Winchester);offertorium, O Dies Praeelara; Sanctus(Tozer); Benedictus (Tozer); Agnus Dei(Tozer); commuinio,* In Splendorlbus(Winchester); recessional hymn. AngelsWe Have Heard On High (traditionalFrench melody). At 10 o'clock therewill be another high mass, at which thelchoir will repeat practically the sameprogram. The personnel of the choir Isas follows: Organist and choirmaster,Ernest Th. Winchester; associate, JohnM. Connell; master of ceremonies, JosephDunn; librarian, Edward L. Frawley;first trebles. Masters Joe McGarraghyand Raymond King (soloists), RaymondHaller, Paul Golibart, Aloysius Babbing-ton, Willis Cameron, I^loyd von Culin,George Cullen, John Bland, William'Creveling, Paul Donaldson, AntonioRivero, Russel McAllister, George Mat-tingly. Franklin Howe, Harry Ahearn,Clarence King, George Giddens, SylvesterGiddens, Edward Reed, Phillip Gannon,Oscar Lehmann, Andrew McCallum andShirley Macias; second trebles, MastersArthur Stillwell, Edward Roach, WilliamKimball and William Neacy; basses, JohnM. Connell, William N. Lynch, JosephRyder, Joseph Dunn, Joseph Fenwick,William N. Roach, David W. Carroll, T.Bryan Huyck, J. A. Schulte. Collins,Daniel Hall and J. T. Fogarty, and tenors,Henry Yaeger, M. Harry Stevens. WilliamHall, M. E. Fagan, J. E. Reed, Bagby,Dr. Charles L. Watson, J. Victor Uoli--bart, Edward L. Frawley, Charles H.Hall, Daniel McCallum and George Hill.

** *

St Patrick's.At St. Patrick's Church at midnight

there will be solemn high mass celebrated.Both choirs will take part In the musicalprogram and the choir of mixed voiceswill be assisted by a full orchestra. Theprogram will include: Prelude, ChristmasMorn (R. Barrett), orchestra; proces¬sional. Hark, Hark. My Soul (Richard¬son), sanctuary choir; introit, Viadana1000. sanctuary choir: Kyrie, Haydn'sThird Mass, mixed choir; Gloria, Haydn'sSecond Mass, mixed choir; Graduale andAlleluis (Silby), sanctuary choir: Gradu¬ale Motet, Ad Regum Pastorum (Gounod),sanctuary choir; Vcni Creator, AngelsSong (Orlando Gibbons, 1060), sanctuarychoir; Credo, Beethoven's Mass in C,mixed clioir; offertory proper (Viadana.10UU), sanctuary choir; offertory motet,Adesta Fidells (Novello), sanctuary choir;Sanctus, Haydn's Third Mass. mixedchoir; Benedictus, Haydn's Third Mass,mixed choir; Agnus Dei, Haydn's ThirdMass, mixed choir; during communion,Exulta Sion. (V. Hammerell), mixed choir;recessional. Faith of Our Fathers (Ganss),sanctuary choir; postlude, Adeste Fidelia(Novello), Orchestra. The sanctuary choirwill be under the direction of R. MillsSilby and the mixed choir will be con-/ducted by Armand Gumprecht, with Dr.Anton Gloetzner at the organ. This masswill be followed immediately by two lowmasses, and there will be low masses at0, 7. 8, 9 and lO o'clock Christmas morn¬

ing, and a solemn high mass at 11 o'clock.The program of music will be the same

as at the midnight mass with the excep¬tion that the prelude by the orchestraand Exulta Sion, during communion, willbe omitted. The personnel of the sanc¬

tuary choir is as follows: Boys, first tre¬ble.B. Farling, J. Storer, J. Ryan, E.Fisher, W. Mortimer, W. W hite, J.Craven, C. Wood, LeRoy McCarthy, H.Giusta, C. Fisher. J. Risen; second treble.B. McCarthy, F. Furuham. B. Gregory,W. Roddy, G. Latteur, L. Pape, J. Wil¬liams, E. Dunn, R. Gowns, B. "Hudson,R. Willey; probationers, W. Mortimer,H. Crooke, J. Casey. A. Higdon. R.Salvatorr and W. Crooke. Men.Altos.C. Benson,Davens; tenors, Backtold andC. C. Wright; basses, E. C. Miller, F.Brosnan, F. Duggan and Frank Hartnett.The membership of the senior choir in¬cludes, soloists, Mrs. Annie Grant Fugitt,soprano; Mrs. Francis E. Gllmore, con¬tralto; Dr. William M. Kemball, tenor;and Mr. Arthur W. Porter, bass; so¬

pranos. Miss Annie Fitzliugh, Miss ClaraJohnston and Mrs. Porter; altos, MissA. C. Rogers. Mrs. Nellie H. Pollard andMrs. Katherlne Baden; tenors, Dr. H.MacNamee and George MoMahon; bass,Joseph B. Wilson.As nearly all of the churches in the city

will have midnight mass, Dr. Russell hasmade special arrangements with theCapital Traction and Washington Elec¬tric Railway Companies to run their carsuntil 2:30 Christmas morning.

*? »

Sacred Heart.At the Shrine of the Sacred Heart mid¬

night mass will be celebrated tonight.Low masses will be said at 7, *7:30, 9 and10 o'clock, and at 11 o'clock tomorrowhigh mass. The choir, under the directionof L. E. Gannon, will sing an appro¬priate program of music, Including Mar¬io's Mass, Adeste Fideles (Novello) andO Holy Night (Adam).

** *

Nativity.At the Church of the Nativity midnight

mas9 this evening will open the Christ-mass services. Low masses will be saidat 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock tomorrow, andwill be followed by benediction of theblessed sacrament. The Christmas enter¬tainment for the Sunday school will takeplace Tuesday, December 28, in the base¬ment of the church, and will consist inmoving pictures representing the child¬hood of Christ and other subjects ap¬propriate to the season.

? '

* *St. Martin's.

At St. Martin's Church. North Capitoland T streets, high mass will be cele¬brated at midnight tonight. Low masseswill be said at 7 and 8:30, 10 and 11o'clock, the last mass being followed bybenediction of the blessed sacrament. Themusic will be given by the choir underthe direction of Miss Mary Agnes Brown,who will also officiate at the organ. Itwill sing Marzo's Fifth Mass.

+* *

St. Theresa:s.Christmas services will begin at St.

Theresa's Church with a high mass at 5o'clock. The music will be in charge ofMiss Addie Wathen, and Miss MabelBrauman will preside at the organ. Lowmasses will be, at this church, at 9 and10:30 o'clock tomorrow, the 9 o'clockmass being especially for the children.

** *

St. Francis de Sales.At the Church of St. Francis de Sales

at Langdon Rev. August Mark, pastor,announces a high mass at midnight to¬night, followed immediately by a lowmass. The choir will sing Concone'sMass in F, with Miss Emma M. Getz atthe organ. The solos will be sustainedby Miss Blandford, the Misses Feeney,the Misses Rupert, Mrs. McQueeny and

Mr. L. Turner, with Mrs. F. X. Higden at|the organ.

** *

St. Stephen's.At St. Stephen's Catholic Church the

reorganized male choir. under thedirection of George Herbert Wells, willgive the following program at the mid¬night mass this evening: Preludes forviolin and organ (Saint-Saens); beforemass. Night of Nights (Van de Water);processional hymn. Angels We HaveHeard (French melody); mass in B tlatfor male voices, with the exception of theCredo (Mercadante); Credo No. 3 (Gre¬gorian); Offertory Motet, Adeste Fideles(Novello); Proper of the Mass (Grego¬rian); after mass, O Holy Nignt(Adam). The personnel of the choir Is asfollows: Messrs. Luclan F. Randolph, Jr..first tenor: Donald C. Edmonds, secondtenor: S. Theodore Howard, first bass,and Edward H. Paudert, second bass;chorus, Messrs. Edward A. Green,Thomas P. Connor. Edwin L. Lansdale,Robert C. Cogewell. J. Frank Leary,Lawrence A. Connor, jr., Francis T.Crow. Joseph A. Dowling, William P.Stack, jr., William E. Barrlngton, DennisJ. Niland. John J. Fahey, Daniel M.Stanton and Arthur Landsale. GeorgeHerbert Wells is organist and choirdirector. Mr. Taylor of the United StatesMarine Band orchestra will assist withthe violin.


* * ISt. Aloysius.

The Christmas season at St. Aloysiuswill be commemorated with all the pomp;and ceremony. Just before midnight to-night, the strains of boy voices will beheard singing the traditional Christmashymn, Adeste Fideles, from the top ofthe high altar. Immediately followingthis, there will be a procession of priests,schola.stics, acolytes, altar boys andchoristers to the crib in the lower church,before which all will kneel, while thechoir sings a Christmas hymn: the pro¬cession will then go to the upper church,marching to the altar singing Adeste'Fideles.The following musical program will be

rendered by the chancel choir under thedirection of Ernest T. Winchester: Beforethe mass, O Holy Night. Adams; in-1troitus, Dixit Dominus, Winchester; KyrieEleison, Rhienberger; Gloria in Excel-sis, Rhienberger; graduate, Winchester;Credo, Tozers' mass In honor of St. Wil¬fred; offertory, Laetentur Coell. Grego¬rian; offertorlum, O Dies Prae Clara,Gounod: sanctus, Rhienberger; benedic-tus, Tozers' Mass to the Most BlessedSacrament; Agnus Dei, Rhienberger;communio. In Splendorlbus. Winchester;after the mass. Hallelujah. Handel'sMessiah; recessional hymn, Angels WeHave Heard on High, traditional Frenchmelody. At 11 o'clock tomorrow therewill be a solemn high pontifical mass inthe presence of the apostolic delegate.The same program of music will be re¬peated at this time.The personnell of the choir will be as

follows: Director of music, Ernest T.Winchester: organist; J. A. Gauges; li¬brarian, Thomas J. Gaffney; cantors. J.Wise Byrnes and Frances A. Dougherty;lh-st treble. Masters John O'Brien, CharlesConsidine, Raymond Madigan, EugeneAuldridge. William Murphy, Edward Mc-Keever, Charles Wade, Wilbus Fincn,William Hughes, George Welde. JohnBurns, Francis O'Reilly. John Gleason,Edward McLarney, Leo Smith, LawrenceSmith, Francis Auldridge. Harry Don-ophue. Charles Reagan. William Harlow,Charles McDougall. Roland Clerke; secondtrebles. Masters Dean Gallagher, ThomasPyne, Sylvan Sheridan. Edward Murphy,Philip Sheridan: bastes, Messrs. J. WiseByrnes, Francis A. Dougherty, John M.Oonnell, Richard M. Powers, Thomas J.Gaffney. A1 Shields. John Shields, JosephJ. Kennelly, Leo Mauschauer, AloysiusStormont. Paul Chamberlain; tenors,Messrs. T. Harry Maxwell, M. Harry-Stevens. Dr. Henry Yaeger. Dr. CharlesL. Watson, J. Victor Golibart, FrancesCahlll, Edward Campbell, Charles O'Reil¬ly, Ignatius Stormont, Denis A. Lane.

** *

Chevy Chase.Midnight mass will be said for the first

time at Chevy Chase tonight. An altarhas been arranged in the library of ChevyChase. Mr. Albert Cunard will be incharge of the music.

** *

, Our Lady of Victory.At the Shrine of Our Lady of Victory

midnight mass will be celebrated, and a

special program of music has been ar¬

ranged by Mrs. E. I. Hillyer, includingsolos and duets by Michael Peier, jr.,and Miss M. Sherier. The bell in thetower of the new church will be rung forthe first time at the midnight mass. Carswill be In waiting at the New Cut andConduit road station at the close of theservices. Father Yingling will celebratethe only mass Christmas day at GlenEcho, and a second mass at the Churchof Our Lady of Victory at 11 o'clock.The Sunday school will have its annualChristmas entertainment and tree Sun¬day, December :»«, in the parish hall afterthe 1) o'clock mass.

** *

St. John's, Forest Glen.Tonight at St. John's Church, Forest

Glen, midnight mass will be celebrated.Mrs. Mary Dowling, organist, with aselect choir from Washington, will renderthe musical program. Low masses will besaid at 7, 7:30, 8, 8:3u and 10:30 o'clocktomoiTow morning.

w* *

St. Augustine's.At St. Augustine's Church Christmas

services will be begin at midnight tonghtwith a solemn high mass. Low masseswill be said at 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11 o'clock'tomorrow, and benediction of the blessedsacrament following the last piass andconcluding the services of the day. Themusic at this church, which is in chargeof Anton Kaspar, with Miss MamieMullaly at the organ, will include at themidnight mass the opening number, OCome Let I s Worship (Palestrlna), Kyrie(Hayden's Third Mass), Gloria (Hayden'sSecond Mass), Veni Creator (Wlegand)Credo (Durand), Sanctus and Benedictus(Gounod) Agnes Dei (Hayden's SecondMass); offertory, O. Mira Nox, (Adam-Biederman), Adeste Fidelis (Novello)and recessional (Cagliere). j

* *St. Dominic's.

Midnight mass tonight at St. Dominic'sChurch. One low mass will be said im¬mediately after midnight mass and at 6,7, 8. 9 and 10 oclock tomorrow, benedic¬tion of the blessed sacrament after thelast mass concluding the religious servicesof the day. Both the chanceled choir andthe choir of mixed voices, under the direc¬tion of Miss Barbara Bischoff, will takepart in the musical program at the mid¬night mass, which will Include AdesteFideils, by the chancel choir, sung as aprocessional, while marching from theHoly Name Chapel to the sanctuary of

altar and Wlegands' massExuultls Sion, by Hameril.

** *

St. Joseph's.At St. Joseph's Church high mass will

be sung at midnight. Low masses will besaid at 7 and 9 o'clock and again at 10:30a high mass will be sung. Benediction ofthe blessed sacrament will be given Im¬mediately after the last mass.

** #

Immaculate Conception.Christmas services at the Church of theImmaculate Conception will commence at5:30 o'clock tomorrow morning with asolemn high mass celebrated by Rev.James D. Marr, pastor. Low masses willbe said at 7 and 9 o'clock, and the lastmass at 10:30 will be a solemn high

With the Dawning Tomorrow Bells in Stee¬ple and Spire Will Proclaim That the

" Day of the Christ Child Is Come.PRESBYTERIAN.New Tork Avenue.

Christmas services will be held in New-York Avenue Presbyterian Church Sun¬day. and the music will be: Morning, Haw-ley's O Little Town of Bethlehem andDudley Buck's The Virgin's Lullaby;evening, a musical interpretation of West'scantata of The Story of Bethlehem.Choir, Mrs. TV. H. ShlrclifT, soprano: MissWhitaker, contralto; John H. Nolan,bass; J. F. Matthieu, tenor, and J. PorterLawrence, organist and precentor.

.m .

Church of the Covenant.A lengthy musical program will be {

given at the Church of the Covenant Sun- jday afternoon. It is as follows: Selec- ,

tions from the Messiah. Handel, Thus'

Salth the Lord, and But Who MayAbide, bass; Rejoice Greatly, soprano;Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind, andHe Shall Feed His Flock, contralto: 4p.m.. recitatives, soprano, There wereshepherds abiding in the field, keepingwatch over their (locks by night; and lo!the angel of the Lord came upon them,and the glory of the Lord shone roundthem, and they were sore afraid. Andthe angel said unto them, "Fear not, forbehold, I bring you good tidings of greatjoy, which shall be to all the people; forunto you Is born this day, in the city ofDavid, a Savior, which is Christ theLord." And suddenly there was with theangel a multitude of the heavenly host,praising God and saying, "Glory to GodIn the highest, and peace on earth, goodwill toward men." OfTertory. tenor, x'hyrebuke has broken His heart: He is fullof heaviness; He looked for some one tohave pity on Him. but there was no man;neither found He any to comfort Him;behold and see if there be any sorrowlike unto His sorrow. Organ prelude.Hallelujah. At the musical service frvm7:80 to 8 o'clock in the evening Mrs.Anne Grant Fugitt, soprano; Miss FloraMcGlll, contralto, of New York, and Mr.Henry Gurney, tenor, of London, willsing Christmas songs.

** *

Takoma Park Church.Services will be held Sunday as follows:

Morning solo. Star of the Orient, Shelley,Herbert D. Lawson; chorus, Behold, IBring You Good Tidings, Geibel. Evening,chorus. Peace Upon Earth, Geibel; AndThere Were Shepherds, Lerman.The choir is made up of: Sopranos, Mes-

dames Easterllng, Mooers and Smith andMisses Bridge and Skinner; altos, Mes-dames Wakefield and Seaman and MissesLang and Hopkins; tenor, Messrs. Crit¬tenden, Thompson and Young; basso*Messrs. Easterlmg, Wakefltlti, Fuller andSkinner; director, Jas. W. i>yre; organ¬ists, Henry Clark and J. W. Dyre.

»* *

First.Christmas music at the First Presby¬

terian Church Sunday, December 26,follows: 11 a.m..Organ prelude. Pas-toral Symphony (Mrs. Schutt); Beloved,:I Bring You Good Tidings (Geibel);;Calm on the Listening Ear of Night!(Parks); offertory, The Song of the An¬gels (Dressier). 7:45 p.m..Organ recital;of fifteen minutes. Mrs. Schutt; PeaceUpon Earth (Geibel); O You That.Bringest Good Tidings (Brown); Naz^-,reth (with pictures) (Gounod); offer¬tory, O Holy Night (Adam), sung byMiss Finney. The quartet consists ofMiss Helen Creman, soprano; Miss MaryB. Finney, contralto; Mr. Charles Stev¬enson, tenor; Mr. H. C. R. Heeling,baritone. Mrs. G. F. Schutt Is the or¬ganist.

** #

CHRISTIAN.Vermont Avenue Church.

The quartet choir of the Vermont Ave¬nue Christian Church will render at themorning service Sunday The Noel Songof Christmas and Glory to God in theHighest by Shelley; at night. There's aSong in the Air by Tenney.The quartet consists of Miss Blanche

Dew, soprano; Miss Bertha Dew, con¬tralto; William H. Braithwaite, tenor,and Ray Dew, bass and chorister; organ¬ist, Mrs. Abbie Power Sparks.

** *

Whitney Avenue Church.The program of Christmas music to be

rendered by the choir of the WhitneyAvenue Christian Church Sunday mom- !ing will include the solos, The Birthdayof a King, by A. Higble, and Christmas,by Mrs. Eugene Dickens, and the janthems. The Heavenly Song (Hamilton jBeirly), and I will Praise Thee, O Lord<H. P. Danks). The choir includes: So¬pranos.Mrs. Colburn, Miss Mary Parsons,Mrs. Eugene Dickens and Miss A. Dowl-ing. Altos.Mrs. E. Gathright, Miss F.Kidwell and Miss Helen Sunderland.Tenors.Mr. J. Wilmeth, Mr. Greenfieldand Mr. Barry. Bass.-Mr. Sliairtbaughand Mr. Higbie Organist.Mrs. EdwardC. Finney.

*. . *

Ninth Sreet Church.At the Ninth Street Christian Church

the program of Christmas music will ue

given Sunday, and will be as follows: Atthe morning service.Prelude, cello soloby L E. Manoly of the Washington Sym¬phony Orchestra, Mon Coeur S'ouvre a ta

Voix, from Samson et Delilah (SaintSaens); soprano solo, Night of Nights(Van de Water). Miss M. F. McCathran;anthems. Behold! I Bring You Good Tid¬ings (Lynes) and Shout the Glad Tidings(Koevessy). Soprano solos sustained byMiss Daisy E. Harrison.Evening service. 7:45 o'clock..Prelude,

violin solo, Adoration (Borowskl), Mr.Walter Silber; soprano solo. O Holy Nightof Christmas Tide (Sheakley), Miss BessieM. Harrison; anthems, Angels Song(Sudds), Sing, O Heavens (Clare>.The choir membership is as follows: So¬

pranos.Misses Bessie M. Harrison, DaisyE. Harrison, M. F. McCathran, Mar¬guerite Scott, Marie Toepper, Emily Toep-per, Mrs. Charles D. Fowler, Mrs. E. T.Jarboe, Mrs. T. R. Pirtle. Altos.Miss E.R. Peters. Mrs. F. A. Carpenter, Mrs. F.J. Reiss, Mrs. E. M. Rule. Tenors.GeorgeW. Elliott, Frank Morrison, Joseph A.Scott. Jr. Basses.F. A. Carpenter. ArJiUrCriddle, William A. Elwood, TheodoreReier. Organist and director.Joseph Har¬rison. Pianist.William Weber. Assistantorganists.Misses V. L. Raymond andMarguerite Allen.

* #


At Hamline Church the followingChristmas music will be given Sunday at11 o'clock:And There Were Shepherds, P. A.

Schnecker; soprano solo, O Holy Night,(Adams). Miss Christine M. Church;Christmas anthem, H. R Shelley.^ Even->Ing service at 8 o'clock: The Prince ofPeace, A. L. Judeflnd; It Came Upon theMidnight Clear. The quartet is composedof the following: Miss Christine M.Church, soprano; Mrs. Ella Knights Ellis,alto; George V. Blakeney, tenor and di¬rector; Georpe H. Miller, baritone; MissEdith B. Athey. organist. The quartetwill be assisted by Miss Nellie Frazier,soprano, and Mrs. Nellie M. L. Jenkins,alto. .

* I? *

Metropolitan.The Metropolitan Church quartet will

sing Sunday morning Hark. What Mean

Those Holy Voices? (W. F. Sudds); TsVictory (Neidllnger); There Wei* Shep¬herds <W. R. Spence); Sing. O Heavens(C. Llmper).

.« *

Trinity.At Trinity M. E. Church the beautiful

oratorio-cantata "Bethlehem" will be ren¬dered at the 8unday evening service. 7:3®o'clock, by the quartet, with Prof. II. E.Stopsack and his full orchestra. At themornine service. 11 o'clock, the anthemswill be: "When Jesus Was Born In Beth¬lehem" (C. T. Steele >, "The New BomKing" (Ashford), soprano solo, "Night ofNights" (Van l>!\anter). The choir fol¬lows: Mrs. Gertrude Dana Brockwav, so¬prano; Miss Bertha J. Mori, contralto;B. Ralph Cady, tenor; Dana L. Wood,bass. William K. Cohen Is the organistand director.

* *

McXendree.The evening service Sunday at the Me-

Kendree M. E. Church will be devotedentirely to Christmas music by the com¬bined chorus and children's choirs ofthe church, of which William J. Palmerand Mrs. O. B. Jenkins are directors.Special soloists will assist. Both choir*will also give a special program of musicat the morning service.

** *


The Christmas music at the MountVernon Church South will be given Sun¬day and repeated the Sunday following.Morning service.Prelude, Curfew. Horse¬man; anthem. There Were Shepherds(Dudley Buck), quartet; contralto solo, ULittle Town of Bethlehem (Sehnecker).Mrs. Thomas Hultish; anthem. Blessed B«the Lord (William L Wood), quartet;postlude, march and chorus, Tannhauser(Bartlett).Evening service.Prelude, Andantino

<Lemore); anthem. Hark. What MeanThose Holy Voices (Neidllnger), quartet;soprano solo, selected, Mrs. A. G. Wil-marth; anthem. While Shepherds WatchedTheir Flocks (Neidiinger); postlude, Rus¬sian March. S. Clark.The quartet is composed of Mrs. A. C.

Wllmaith, soprano; Mrs. Thomas Hul-fish, contralto; Clifton P. Clark, tenor,and Earl Carbauh, bass. Donald Freezeis the organist.

a. *


The First M. P. Church choir, 4th streetsoutheast, under the direction of J. G.Klein, will sing its Christmas music Sun¬day. At the morning service the au-thems. Ring Forth. Ye Bells, by Schneck-er, and When Shepherds Watched, byLowden, will be sung. At the eveningservice the choir will sing the anthem. ItCame Upon the Midnight Clear, by Jud-son, and Mr. Klein will sing a tenor solo.The Christmas Herald, by C. WhitneyCoombs. Thursday evening, December :*».at 8 o'clock the choir will render "The.Hope of the World," a choral cantata, byP. A. Schnecker. The choir will be assist¬ed by Miss Gertrude Trow, who will singa soprano solo. O Holy Night.

*¦ m *

North Carolina Avenue.The following Christmas music will be

rendered Sunday: Morning.Joy of theWorld (T. D. Williams), choir; sopranosolo, Bethlehem (Paul Dressier), MissAda M. Filer. Evening.Song of theMagi (C. A. Miles), choir; soprano solo.In Old Judea (A. Geibelt. Miss Sue V.Hess; He Shall Reign Forever (.1. L.Hall), choir.The members of the choir are as fol¬

lows: Sopranos, Miss Ada M. Filer. MissSue V. Hess, Miss Emma Hess, MissGrace Meier, Mrs. A. M. Willard: altos.Miss Mary A. Dodge, Miss Edith Ma-honey; tenor, Mr. E. A. Ca'rnes; basses,Mr. R. I. Garber, Mr. W. F. Barce. Mr.John Martyn, Mr. Walter Scott. Underthe direction of C. V. Schofield, organist.

** *


At All Souls' Unitarian Church thequartet will give the Christmas programSunday morning and the selections willinclude Through the Still Air (Alien*, an¬

them, Celestial (Gounod), and There WereShepherds (Buck). Mrs. H. Clay Brown¬ing. soprano and directress of choir.

ma *

LUTHERAN.Grace Church.

A Christmas service will be held *t t»:30o'clock tomorrow morning in GraceChurch. In addition to the full liturgicalservice the choir will render the followingmusic: Opening anthem, Behold. IBring You Good Tidings (A. Gelbel);Te Deum in E flat (A. Baumbarh); inci¬dental solos, Mrs. N. Miles, Miss V.Wlllner, Miss E. Rlthershofer, Mrs. A.Willner; Christmas carol, 'TIs the Birth¬day of Our Savior (C. Vincent). Organist,Walter Beandes; sopranos. Misses IreneUmhau, Augusta Umhau, Violet Wlllner.EUene Heine; altos. Mrs. A. Wlllner.Miss E Rithershofer; tenors, N. Miles,F. Perkins; bassos, F. W. Loetsch, G.Werner.Tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock the

Sunday school Christmas service will berendered by the children of the Sunday-school.

* aKeller Memorial Church,

The following program will be givenSunday morning at Keller MemorialChurch: Organ prelude* Sunset Melody,by Vlnstine; chorus, Behold, I Bring YouGood Tidings, by Gelbel; quartet andchorus. There Were Shepherds, by Ben¬nett; offertory. Berceuse (march) in C,Reid; quartet, Dream of Bethlehem, Ste¬phen; chorus, Come, Let Us Adore Him,by Lacey.In the evening, at 7:20 o'clock, a spe¬

cial program of music will be given. W.O. Little is the choirmaster.

** *

St. Mark's.The quartet of St. Mark's Church will

give the following numbers at the Chrlst-

mjp? morning service, 10:») o'clock: HeShall Reign Forever, Hall-Mack; BeholdI Bring You Good Tidings. Gelbel; ThereWere Shepherds, Herbert. The quartetconsists of Mies Florence Noack, MissFannie Noack, Fred Leonhardt and Ed¬win Callow.

. >

a aConcordia.

The program of Christmas music ofConcordia Lutheran Church la as follows:Organ prelude. Batiste; solo. CantiqueNoel (Adamsi, sung by Mrs. Brink; an¬

them. The Star of Bethlehem (Parks);solo. In the Palace of the King (Jordan),sung by Mrs. Lehnert. Raphael Koesteris the organist and choirmaster.

*a *

St. Paul's.Sunday. 11 a.m., program by the
