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peb-0194 2013 newsletter jan-feb

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In this issue: Experiencing AFN and the Pebble Scholarship Program.
The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 | PAGE 1 Living in Rural Alaska is often seen as an adventure — limited roads of access, wilderness at hand and transportation consisting of snow machines, boats and planes. Throughout Alaska — a state in which a person can spend their entire lifetime exploring and never truly experience its entirety — only a small percent of population can say they were born, raised and are currently residing in rural Alaska. Staci Anelon is one of those few. Originally from Bethel, Alaska, Anelon was raised in a subsistence environment. Roughly 14 years ago, Anelon and her husband decided to relocate their family to Newhalen, Alaska, to be with their sole-surviving grandparent. Since then, Anelon has been an elementary school teacher and student government advisor for the Lake and Peninsula School District at the Newhalen School. “Students in rural Alaska face challenges unlike urban students,” Anelon said. “Sometimes, you may be the only student in your school taking a certain class, so that engagement factor may not always be there.” According to Anelon, another challenge rural student’s face is the ability to experience statewide events such as the annual Alaska Federation of Natives Convention. The reason: travel costs are expensive and prohibiting for many. As in years passed, students have written donation letters to Pebble and other organizations with the hope to receive funding to attend the AFN convention. As a result of the student’s efforts, five student government officers and one chaperone received a donation from Pebble to attend the convention. Two of the five students attended the convention for the first time. According to Anelon, all five students now say they now have a desire to learn more of their Yup’ik language, meet with Elders from other areas of the state, and stay informed on common issues such as suicide prevention and subsistence lifestyle because of attending the convention. “Knowing who you are and where you come from is part of the Alaska Native Culture,” Anelon said. “All five students represented their region in the highest regard.” Typically, the annual AFN convention is a meeting ground where delegates are elected, friends and family reunite, and arts and crafts are sold. However, in Anelon’s case, it took on a whole new meaning: seeing others experience AFN for the first time. FEATURE STORY Experiencing AFN. “Seeing the kids so eager to begin each morning, engaged in all the activities and demonstrate respect for all speakers was inspiring,” Anelon said.

The Pebble Project NewsletterJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013

The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 | PAGE 1

3201 C Street, Suite 604Anchorage, AK 99503United States of America

ANCHORAGE: 907.339.2600TOLL-FREE: 1.877.450.2600


PAGE 4 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 The Pebble Project Newsletter

Living in Rural Alaska is often seen as an adventure — limited roads of access, wilderness at hand and transportation consisting of snow machines, boats and planes.

Throughout Alaska — a state in which

a person can spend their entire lifetime

exploring and never truly experience its

entirety — only a small percent of population

can say they were born, raised and are

currently residing in rural Alaska. Staci Anelon

is one of those few.

Originally from Bethel, Alaska, Anelon was

raised in a subsistence environment. Roughly

14 years ago, Anelon and her husband decided

to relocate their family to Newhalen, Alaska, to

be with their sole-surviving grandparent. Since

then, Anelon has been an elementary school

teacher and student government advisor for

the Lake and Peninsula School District at the

Newhalen School.

“Students in rural Alaska face challenges

unlike urban students,” Anelon said.

“Sometimes, you may be the only student in

your school taking a certain class, so that

engagement factor may not always be there.”

According to Anelon, another challenge rural

student’s face is the ability to experience

statewide events such as the annual Alaska

Federation of Natives Convention. The reason:

travel costs are expensive and prohibiting

for many.

As in years passed, students have written

donation letters to Pebble and other

organizations with the hope to receive

funding to attend the AFN convention. As a

result of the student’s efforts, � ve student

government of� cers and one chaperone

received a donation from Pebble to attend the

convention. Two of the � ve students attended

the convention for the � rst time.

According to Anelon, all � ve students now

say they now have a desire to learn more of

their Yup’ik language, meet with Elders from

other areas of the state, and stay informed on

common issues such as suicide prevention

and subsistence lifestyle because of attending

the convention.

“Knowing who you are and where you come

from is part of the Alaska Native Culture,”

Anelon said. “All � ve students represented

their region in the highest regard.”

Typically, the annual AFN convention is a

meeting ground where delegates are elected,

friends and family reunite, and arts and

crafts are sold. However, in Anelon’s case, it

took on a whole new meaning: seeing others

experience AFN for the � rst time.

What is your position with Pebble?I am currently an IT intern at the Pebble


When did you start working for Pebble? I began my career with Pebble in May of 2012.

Tell us about your Pebble work history. When I expressed my interest to the Iliamna

Development Corporation in acquiring an

internship, Josie Hickel from Pebble recruited me

as a summer intern. In addition to my engineering

internship, I worked on a reclamation crew. At the

end of my internship, I was offered an opportunity

to extend my experience as an IT intern, which

has since helped me expand my IT knowledge.

What does the Pebble culture mean to you? By far, Pebble is the most safety-oriented

organization I have ever worked for. My time with

Pebble has allowed me to work with individuals

who take strong pride in their work, care about

the environment and the well-being of others.

Can you share an example of how you have seen Pebble’s culture demonstrated?Safety is a number one priority at Pebble. For

example, every morning there is a safety moment

at site reminding employees to keep safety in the

forefront during day-to-day activities.

What do you like best about working for Pebble?The opportunity to see a project in its early

development is extremely exciting. To know and

work with the people that are responsible for

creating the foundation for what I see as an

incredible project is amazing.

What is your favorite memory from your time with Pebble?I spent my 21st birthday with engineers on a

boat in the middle of Iniskin bay. I was isolated

with the boat’s captain, a deckhand, a funny

guy named Sasha (Alexander in English) and an

ex-marine named Everett. We spent six days

performing AWAC redeployment, which basically

involved retrieving machines that lay on the

sea� oor and record ocean data. It was a birthday

I will never forget.


Experiencing AFN.


Meet Warren NicoletA Pebble Scholarship Program recipient and a young Alaskan from the Village of Naknek.

“Seeing the kids so eager to begin each morning, engaged in all the activities and demonstrate respect for all speakers was inspiring,” Anelon said.

The start of a new year is a great opportunity

to refl ect on 2012 achievements and upcoming

plans for 2013.

At Pebble, we recognize that in order to develop

a responsible and successful mining operation

we need to fully understand important topics

such as subsistence, cultural perspectives and

the traditional use of land and resources. This

recognition is the basis for PLP forming the Elder’s

Advisory Committee. Whether in support, neutral

or opposed to the project, we want and need

Elder perspective. I’d like to personally thank the

Elder’s Advisory Committee for their time and

contributions toward the project. The committee’s

input is extremely helpful and I look forward to

continuing our work together in future. Working with

the Elders Advisory Council is adhering to one of

our core principles — “We listen before we act.”

Investing in Alaskans and the communities

where our employees live and work is part of

our corporate fabric. Funding opportunities for

young people and organizations from the Bristol

Bay region through programs such as the Pebble

Scholarship Program, ANSEP and the Pebble Fund

allows us an opportunity to help have a meaningful

impact on individuals and communities beyond

the jobs we are able to provide for local people.

These activities help us meet two more of our core

principles — “Pebble will bene� t Alaskans” and

“Pebble will help build sustainable communities.”

On a personal note, I believe 2013 will bring just as

many opportunities as challenges—and I welcome

and encourage any questions that you may have for

me regarding the project.

Warm regards,

Have a question for John?

Send it to: [email protected].

The Pebble Scholarship Program was created to

further educational opportunities for students

from region while helping to support Pebble’s � ve

core principles: bene� t Alaskans; co-exist with the

environment; apply the world’s best science; help

build sustainable communities; and listen before

we act.

Each year, this program draws a diverse pool of

applicants from the Bristol Bay region who are

interested in higher education. Charisse Arce,

a juris doctorate student at Seattle University

School of Law, has been a two-time Pebble

Scholarship recipient.

“Being that I’m from the village of Illiamna and

in my second year of law school, I am extremely

thrilled to have the opportunity to pursue my

dream of acquiring a juris doctorate,” Arce said.

“I would not be here today if I didn’t receive

funding from organizations like the Pebble

Partnership, Illiamna Village Council, Seattle

University and Bristol Bay Native Corporation.”

Last year, more than 44 students from the Bristol Bay

region received a total of $186,000 in scholarship

support from the Pebble Partnership. To date, more

than $336,000 in scholarships has been awarded

to students from the Bristol Bay region who are

pursuing higher education.

“The Pebble Scholarship Program is about

more than just jobs, it offers a future of new

opportunities for rural Alaska communities

and young leaders,” said Pebble CEO John

Shively. “I am proud to see so many young

Alaskans investing in their higher education,

as this program demonstrates what Pebble can

contribute to for decades if the Deposit

becomes a mine.”

There are two types of scholarships available

under the scholarship program: vocational

and technical school or, undergraduate and

graduate degree programs. The number of

awards distributed each year is dependent upon

the number of eligible applicants, the quality of

applicants and the availability of funds.

In order to be considered for this year’s

undergraduate or graduate scholarship cycle,

applications have to be turned in by April 1, 2013.

Applications for vocational education programs

can be submitted at any time as long as they are

submitted at least 60 days prior to the � rst day

of class.

For more information on the Pebble Scholarship

program visit www.pebblepartnership.com.

The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 | PAGE 3PAGE 2 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013

Charisse Arce, two-time Pebble Scholarship recipient.

GEOLOGY Q & AWhat is a porphyry copper deposit?

ANSWER: First, the term ‘porphyry’ refers to

a rock with large, visible crystals � oating in a

background of much smaller crystals. Second, a

‘deposit’ refers to an anomalous concentration of

potentially valuable metal (mining) or hydrocarbon

(oil and gas). Economic geologists combine these

two terms to form a deposit type. Pebble falls

in the ‘porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) deposit’ type, which

indicates we have anomalous copper, gold

and molybdenum.

Copper-bearing chalcopyrite mineralization in altered granodiorite at Pebble.

Mining FactResearch shows that the average

American uses approximately 37 million

lbs. of minerals, metals and fuel,

throughout the course of a lifetime. That

includes 2,000 lbs. of copper, 6,000 lbs.

of aluminum, 1,000 lbs. of lead, 1,000

lbs. of zinc and 1.8 oz. of gold per person.

Safety TipTo prevent injuries when clearing snow

and ice, do a light warm-up exercise

before shoveling, wear appropriate safety

gear, including shoes with good traction

or spikes and take frequent breaks.

In the event you get lost, fi nd a safe place and hunker down.In the summer, keep busy by gathering grass,

branches and twigs for a bed. Gathering grass

and placing them in between your inner clothing

and outer clothing increases dryness and

warmth. In the winter, and if there is enough

snow, dig in! Make sure you make an air hole.

Do not eat the snow, but melt it the best way

you can. The goal is to shelter yourself from

the elements such as wind, rain and snow. If

weather permits, try to learn your surroundings,

but never far from your shelter. Sooner or later,

someone will come looking for you and � nd you.

My grandfather used to tell me repeatedly, “The

best survival tool is between your ears and

behind your eyes — many people survive by

following simple instructions.

By Melvin Andrew

There are plenty of copper deposits around the world — we don’t need Pebble to meet the demand.

FACT: For the third consecutive year, the

world is facing a copper production de� cit. The

global use of re� ned copper is approximately

18 times greater than it was 100 years ago —

allowing for the advancement of technologies

which produces a safer, healthier and more

comfortable environment. Whether the copper

is used to run your computer, heat or cool your

house, keep the lights on at night or make sure

the blinker in your car works, the demand for

copper continues to increase. Currently, the

U.S. imports roughly 40 percent of its copper

demand. It is estimated that Pebble’s 80 billion

lbs. of copper could supply roughly 35 percent

of U.S. copper needs domestically in the future.


Green Star TipSome items in your house may be

deemed useless. However, instead of

sending items to your garage, put them

in a recycle bin or donate them to a

good cause.

Message from the President. The Pebble Scholarship Program

In a remote region with high living costs and a lack of employment options, Pebble has the potential to develop economic opportunities in Southwest Alaska for generations to come.

The start of a new year is a great opportunity

to refl ect on 2012 achievements and upcoming

plans for 2013.

At Pebble, we recognize that in order to develop

a responsible and successful mining operation

we need to fully understand important topics

such as subsistence, cultural perspectives and

the traditional use of land and resources. This

recognition is the basis for PLP forming the Elder’s

Advisory Committee. Whether in support, neutral

or opposed to the project, we want and need

Elder perspective. I’d like to personally thank the

Elder’s Advisory Committee for their time and

contributions toward the project. The committee’s

input is extremely helpful and I look forward to

continuing our work together in future. Working with

the Elders Advisory Council is adhering to one of

our core principles — “We listen before we act.”

Investing in Alaskans and the communities

where our employees live and work is part of

our corporate fabric. Funding opportunities for

young people and organizations from the Bristol

Bay region through programs such as the Pebble

Scholarship Program, ANSEP and the Pebble Fund

allows us an opportunity to help have a meaningful

impact on individuals and communities beyond

the jobs we are able to provide for local people.

These activities help us meet two more of our core

principles — “Pebble will bene� t Alaskans” and

“Pebble will help build sustainable communities.”

On a personal note, I believe 2013 will bring just as

many opportunities as challenges—and I welcome

and encourage any questions that you may have for

me regarding the project.

Warm regards,

Have a question for John?

Send it to: [email protected].

The Pebble Scholarship Program was created to

further educational opportunities for students

from region while helping to support Pebble’s � ve

core principles: bene� t Alaskans; co-exist with the

environment; apply the world’s best science; help

build sustainable communities; and listen before

we act.

Each year, this program draws a diverse pool of

applicants from the Bristol Bay region who are

interested in higher education. Charisse Arce,

a juris doctorate student at Seattle University

School of Law, has been a two-time Pebble

Scholarship recipient.

“Being that I’m from the village of Illiamna and

in my second year of law school, I am extremely

thrilled to have the opportunity to pursue my

dream of acquiring a juris doctorate,” Arce said.

“I would not be here today if I didn’t receive

funding from organizations like the Pebble

Partnership, Illiamna Village Council, Seattle

University and Bristol Bay Native Corporation.”

Last year, more than 44 students from the Bristol Bay

region received a total of $186,000 in scholarship

support from the Pebble Partnership. To date, more

than $336,000 in scholarships has been awarded

to students from the Bristol Bay region who are

pursuing higher education.

“The Pebble Scholarship Program is about

more than just jobs, it offers a future of new

opportunities for rural Alaska communities

and young leaders,” said Pebble CEO John

Shively. “I am proud to see so many young

Alaskans investing in their higher education,

as this program demonstrates what Pebble can

contribute to for decades if the Deposit

becomes a mine.”

There are two types of scholarships available

under the scholarship program: vocational

and technical school or, undergraduate and

graduate degree programs. The number of

awards distributed each year is dependent upon

the number of eligible applicants, the quality of

applicants and the availability of funds.

In order to be considered for this year’s

undergraduate or graduate scholarship cycle,

applications have to be turned in by April 1, 2013.

Applications for vocational education programs

can be submitted at any time as long as they are

submitted at least 60 days prior to the � rst day

of class.

For more information on the Pebble Scholarship

program visit www.pebblepartnership.com.

The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 | PAGE 3PAGE 2 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013

Charisse Arce, two-time Pebble Scholarship recipient.

GEOLOGY Q & AWhat is a porphyry copper deposit?

ANSWER: First, the term ‘porphyry’ refers to

a rock with large, visible crystals � oating in a

background of much smaller crystals. Second, a

‘deposit’ refers to an anomalous concentration of

potentially valuable metal (mining) or hydrocarbon

(oil and gas). Economic geologists combine these

two terms to form a deposit type. Pebble falls

in the ‘porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) deposit’ type, which

indicates we have anomalous copper, gold

and molybdenum.

Copper-bearing chalcopyrite mineralization in altered granodiorite at Pebble.

Mining FactResearch shows that the average

American uses approximately 37 million

lbs. of minerals, metals and fuel,

throughout the course of a lifetime. That

includes 2,000 lbs. of copper, 6,000 lbs.

of aluminum, 1,000 lbs. of lead, 1,000

lbs. of zinc and 1.8 oz. of gold per person.

Safety TipTo prevent injuries when clearing snow

and ice, do a light warm-up exercise

before shoveling, wear appropriate safety

gear, including shoes with good traction

or spikes and take frequent breaks.

In the event you get lost, fi nd a safe place and hunker down.In the summer, keep busy by gathering grass,

branches and twigs for a bed. Gathering grass

and placing them in between your inner clothing

and outer clothing increases dryness and

warmth. In the winter, and if there is enough

snow, dig in! Make sure you make an air hole.

Do not eat the snow, but melt it the best way

you can. The goal is to shelter yourself from

the elements such as wind, rain and snow. If

weather permits, try to learn your surroundings,

but never far from your shelter. Sooner or later,

someone will come looking for you and � nd you.

My grandfather used to tell me repeatedly, “The

best survival tool is between your ears and

behind your eyes — many people survive by

following simple instructions.

By Melvin Andrew

There are plenty of copper deposits around the world — we don’t need Pebble to meet the demand.

FACT: For the third consecutive year, the

world is facing a copper production de� cit. The

global use of re� ned copper is approximately

18 times greater than it was 100 years ago —

allowing for the advancement of technologies

which produces a safer, healthier and more

comfortable environment. Whether the copper

is used to run your computer, heat or cool your

house, keep the lights on at night or make sure

the blinker in your car works, the demand for

copper continues to increase. Currently, the

U.S. imports roughly 40 percent of its copper

demand. It is estimated that Pebble’s 80 billion

lbs. of copper could supply roughly 35 percent

of U.S. copper needs domestically in the future.


Green Star TipSome items in your house may be

deemed useless. However, instead of

sending items to your garage, put them

in a recycle bin or donate them to a

good cause.

Message from the President. The Pebble Scholarship Program

In a remote region with high living costs and a lack of employment options, Pebble has the potential to develop economic opportunities in Southwest Alaska for generations to come.

The Pebble Project NewsletterJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013

The Pebble Project Newsletter JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 | PAGE 1

3201 C Street, Suite 604Anchorage, AK 99503United States of America

ANCHORAGE: 907.339.2600TOLL-FREE: 1.877.450.2600


PAGE 4 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 The Pebble Project Newsletter

Living in Rural Alaska is often seen as an adventure — limited roads of access, wilderness at hand and transportation consisting of snow machines, boats and planes.

Throughout Alaska — a state in which

a person can spend their entire lifetime

exploring and never truly experience its

entirety — only a small percent of population

can say they were born, raised and are

currently residing in rural Alaska. Staci Anelon

is one of those few.

Originally from Bethel, Alaska, Anelon was

raised in a subsistence environment. Roughly

14 years ago, Anelon and her husband decided

to relocate their family to Newhalen, Alaska, to

be with their sole-surviving grandparent. Since

then, Anelon has been an elementary school

teacher and student government advisor for

the Lake and Peninsula School District at the

Newhalen School.

“Students in rural Alaska face challenges

unlike urban students,” Anelon said.

“Sometimes, you may be the only student in

your school taking a certain class, so that

engagement factor may not always be there.”

According to Anelon, another challenge rural

student’s face is the ability to experience

statewide events such as the annual Alaska

Federation of Natives Convention. The reason:

travel costs are expensive and prohibiting

for many.

As in years passed, students have written

donation letters to Pebble and other

organizations with the hope to receive

funding to attend the AFN convention. As a

result of the student’s efforts, � ve student

government of� cers and one chaperone

received a donation from Pebble to attend the

convention. Two of the � ve students attended

the convention for the � rst time.

According to Anelon, all � ve students now

say they now have a desire to learn more of

their Yup’ik language, meet with Elders from

other areas of the state, and stay informed on

common issues such as suicide prevention

and subsistence lifestyle because of attending

the convention.

“Knowing who you are and where you come

from is part of the Alaska Native Culture,”

Anelon said. “All � ve students represented

their region in the highest regard.”

Typically, the annual AFN convention is a

meeting ground where delegates are elected,

friends and family reunite, and arts and

crafts are sold. However, in Anelon’s case, it

took on a whole new meaning: seeing others

experience AFN for the � rst time.

What is your position with Pebble?I am currently an IT intern at the Pebble


When did you start working for Pebble? I began my career with Pebble in May of 2012.

Tell us about your Pebble work history. When I expressed my interest to the Iliamna

Development Corporation in acquiring an

internship, Josie Hickel from Pebble recruited me

as a summer intern. In addition to my engineering

internship, I worked on a reclamation crew. At the

end of my internship, I was offered an opportunity

to extend my experience as an IT intern, which

has since helped me expand my IT knowledge.

What does the Pebble culture mean to you? By far, Pebble is the most safety-oriented

organization I have ever worked for. My time with

Pebble has allowed me to work with individuals

who take strong pride in their work, care about

the environment and the well-being of others.

Can you share an example of how you have seen Pebble’s culture demonstrated?Safety is a number one priority at Pebble. For

example, every morning there is a safety moment

at site reminding employees to keep safety in the

forefront during day-to-day activities.

What do you like best about working for Pebble?The opportunity to see a project in its early

development is extremely exciting. To know and

work with the people that are responsible for

creating the foundation for what I see as an

incredible project is amazing.

What is your favorite memory from your time with Pebble?I spent my 21st birthday with engineers on a

boat in the middle of Iniskin bay. I was isolated

with the boat’s captain, a deckhand, a funny

guy named Sasha (Alexander in English) and an

ex-marine named Everett. We spent six days

performing AWAC redeployment, which basically

involved retrieving machines that lay on the

sea� oor and record ocean data. It was a birthday

I will never forget.


Experiencing AFN.


Meet Warren NicoletA Pebble Scholarship Program recipient and a young Alaskan from the Village of Naknek.

“Seeing the kids so eager to begin each morning, engaged in all the activities and demonstrate respect for all speakers was inspiring,” Anelon said.


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