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PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    Respiratory Disorders of theRespiratory Disorders of the


    Arnold M. Lintag, M.D.,


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    I. Transition to PulmonaryI. Transition to Pulmonary


  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    II. First BreathII. First Breath

    Problems with LBW infants

    A. Compliant chest wall

    B. FRC is small

    C. Abnormalities in ventilation perfusion ratio

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    III. Periodic BreathingIII. Periodic Breathing

    Periodic Breathing

    A. Pattern

    B. Found in prematures up to 36th


    C. Considered normal

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    A. Due to primary disorders

    B. Idiopathic Apnea of Prematurity

    1. Upper airway obstruction

    2. Immaturity

    3. Mixed

    C. Short apnea - central

    D. Long apnea - mixed

    IV. Apnea > 20 sec. plus bradycardiaIV. Apnea > 20 sec. plus bradycardia

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    IVH, drugs, seizures, hypoxic injury, herniation,neuromuscular disorders

    Pneumonia, obstructive airway lesions,atelectasis, extreme prematurity (

  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB





    Glucose, calcium, PO2, sodium,

    ammonia, organic acids, ambient temperature,hypothermia

    Hypotension, hypertension, heart failure,anemia, hypovolemia, vagal tone

    Immaturity of respiratory center, sleep state,upper airway collapse

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    IV. ApneaIV. Apnea

    E. Clinical manifestations

    1. Rare on first day

    2. Apnea with prematurity occurs on 2nd -

    7th day of life

    3. 2nd week - warrants investigation

    F. Treatment:

    1. Theophylline

    2. Treat the underlying cause

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    A. Incidence

    1. 50% of all neonatal deaths

    2. 60 to 80% < 28 wks.

    3. 15-30% 32-36 wks.

    4. 5% beyond term

    5. Term - IDM

    6. Preterm male

    7. Reduced incidence - maternal hypertension,

    PROM, opiate addiction, antenatal corticosteroid


    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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    B. Pathophysiology

    1. Insufficient amounts of surfactant

    a. 20 weeks - good concentration - does

    not reach surface of the lungs

    b. 28-32 weeks - not enough amounts

    reaching the surface

    c. > 35 weeks - mature amounts

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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    B. Pathophysiology

    2. Components of Surfactants

    3. Surfactant synthesis depends on:

    a. Normal pH

    b. Temperature

    c. perfusion

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    4. Important synthesis maybe depressed by:

    a. asphyxia c. pulmo. ischemia

    b. hypoxemia

    hypovolemia hypoglycemia cold


    d. epithelial lining maybe injured by high oxygen

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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    B. Pathophysiology

    4. Ischemia -- necrosis -- damage

    capillary endothelium -- transudation of

    fluids into alveoli entrapping necrotic

    tissue, RBG, proteins-- hyaline


    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    C. Clinical Manifestations:

    1. Golden Period - 72 hours after delivery

    2. Sign Symptoms of respiratory distress

    which worsens3. Occasional rales, decreased breath sounds

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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    D. Prevention

    1. Prenatal check-ups

    2. L/S ratio

    3. Betamethasone to mothers in their < 32nd

    week of gestation and may deliver within 42-

    72 hours. L/S ratio shows lung maturity

    4. Surfactant Therapy

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease or

    Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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    E. Diagnosis: Chest X-ray -- white out appearanceF. Treatment

    1. Mechanical ventilation

    2. Supportivea. temperature

    b. oxygenation

    c. acidosisd. electrolytes

    e. blood glucose

    3. Antibiotics

    V. Hyaline Membrane Disease orV. Hyaline Membrane Disease orRespiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Distress Syndrome

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    VI. Interstitial Pulmonary FibrosisVI. Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis

    (Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Wilson Mikity


    A. Found in prematures < 32 weeks

    B. Found in terms with a history of Meconium


    C. Clinical Manifestations

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    D. Increasing dependency on O2

    E. Roentgenogram: hyper lussent bubbly

    appearance because several small areas of

    atelectasis-cystic lesions

    F. Treatment Supportive

    VI. Interstitial Pulmonary FibrosisVI. Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    A. Usually in Cesarean deliveries

    B. slow absorption of fetal lung fluids

    VII. Transient Tachypnea of theVII. Transient Tachypnea of the


    C. Clinical Manifestation

    1. Tachypneic

    2. Cyanosis relieved by Oxygen

    3. Recovers after 3 days

    D. Treatment is supportive

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    A. Pneumothorax

    1. Incidence

    a. 1 - 2%

    b. males

    c. term and postterm

    d. Meconium aspiration

    e. mechanical ventilation

    f. vigorous resuscitation

    g. RDS

    VIII. Air Leak SyndromesVIII. Air Leak Syndromes

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    A. Pneumothorax2. Pathogenesis

    a. alveolar rupture - pulmonary interstitial


    VIII. Air Leak SyndromesVIII. Air Leak Syndromes

    b. alveolar rupture - perivascular sheaths


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    A. Pneumothorax

    3. Clinical Manifestations

    a. asymptomatic - hyperresonance,

    decreased breath sounds, crepitant rales

    b. symptomatic - dyspnea, tachypnea, cyanosis

    - displacement of the heart

    towards the unaffected side

    VIII. Air Leak SyndromesVIII. Air Leak Syndromes

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    A. Pneumothorax

    4. Diagnosis

    Chest x-ray - hyperlucency on the affected


    5. Treatment

    a. supportive

    b. observe if air leak is small

    c. Chest tube attached to underwater seal

    if severe

    VIII. Air Leak SyndromesVIII. Air Leak Syndromes

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    A. Fetal distress and hypoxia in term or


    B. Pathogenesis

    1. First Breath - aspirate

    2. Small airway obstruction, ball-valve


    3. Chemical pneumonitis

    IX. Meconium AspirationIX. Meconium Aspiration

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    C. Clinical Manifestations

    --- tachypnea, grunting, cyanosis, retractions

    after delivery

    D. Diagnosis

    1. History

    2. Chest X-ray: flattening of the diaphragm,

    patchy infiltrates on both lungs

    IX. Meconium AspirationIX. Meconium Aspiration

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    E. Treatment:

    1. Direct laryngoscopy and suction

    2. Mechanical ventilation

    3. Supportive

    IX. Meconium AspirationIX. Meconium Aspiration

    F. Complications:1. Pneumothorax

    2. Persistent fetal circulation

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    A. Found in term and post term infants with:

    1. Birth asphyxia

    2. MAS

    3. Hypoglycemia

    4. Polycythemia

    5. Pulmonary hypoplasia --- diaphragmatic hernia

    6. Oligohydramnios

    7. Pleural effusions

    8. Idiopathic

    X. Persistent fetal CirculationX. Persistent fetal Circulation

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    B. Pathophysiology

    --- increased pulmonary vascular resistance -

    persistence of R to L shunting

    X. Persistent fetal CirculationX. Persistent fetal Circulation

    C. Clinical Manifestations: (within 12 hours)

    1. Tachypnea

    2. Severe cyanosis

    3. Retractions

    4. Shock

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    X. Persistent fetal CirculationX. Persistent fetal Circulation

    D. Diagnosis

    1. Hypoxia is labile and out of proportion -

    chest roentgenograms

    2. Unresponsive to oxygen by cannula or


    3. Right to left shunting by Doppler flow

    studies in foramen ovale and ductus


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    E. Treatment:

    1. Treat underlying cause

    2. Mechanical ventilation-hyperventilation-

    decrease pCO2

    3. Tolazoline-alpha adrenergic antagonist- increase fluids plus dopamine

    4. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

    X. Persistent fetal CirculationX. Persistent fetal Circulation

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  • 8/9/2019 PEDIA2 20100513 Neo 2 - Respiratory Disorders of NB


    XI. Pulmonary HemorrhageXI. Pulmonary Hemorrhage

    A. Found in ICU patients with stormy


    B. Bleeding through endotracheal tube, nostrils,

    month usually reddish and frothy

    C. Indicative of a terminal course
