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Pediatrics License

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Subiectul 1: Nutritie si alimentatie pediatrica (pag.1028-1030) 1.* The advantages of breast feeding are the following, except for: A. Mother’s milk contains essential fatty acids for cerebral maturation B. Mother’s milk composition ins perfectly adapted to infant’s needs C. Mother’s milk contains allergic proteins D. Mother’s milk has an immune protective role E. Mother’s milk is important to mother-child bonding R: C (pag.1028) 2.The following statements about breastfeeding are true: A. It begins in the first hours of life B. Is given “on demand” C. Is given ”on programme” D. Recommended meal time should be more than 20 minutes E. Galactosemia is a contraindication of breastfeeding R: A,B,E (pag. 1028) 3. Lactose free milk formulas are recommended in the following situations: A. Infants aged more than 3 months diagnosed with severe gastroenteritis B. Galactosemia C. Glicogenosis D. Cow’s milk protein allergy E. Gastroesophageal reflux R: A,B,C (pag. 1029) 4. Antireflux milk formulas are characterized by:

Subiectul 1: Nutritie si alimentatie pediatrica (pag.1028-1030)

1.*The advantages of breast feeding are the following, except for:A. Mothers milk contains essential fatty acids for cerebral maturationB. Mothers milk composition ins perfectly adapted to infants needsC. Mothers milk contains allergic proteinsD. Mothers milk has an immune protective role E. Mothers milk is important to mother-child bondingR: C (pag.1028)2.The following statements about breastfeeding are true:

A. It begins in the first hours of lifeB. Is given on demandC. Is given on programmeD. Recommended meal time should be more than 20 minutesE. Galactosemia is a contraindication of breastfeeding

R: A,B,E (pag. 1028)3. Lactose free milk formulas are recommended in the following situations:A. Infants aged more than 3 months diagnosed with severe gastroenteritisB. GalactosemiaC. GlicogenosisD. Cows milk protein allergyE. Gastroesophageal reflux

R: A,B,C (pag. 1029)4. Antireflux milk formulas are characterized by:

A. Are lactose freeB. Contain hydrolyzed proteinsC. Contain soy proteinsD. Contain carob beans E. Contain starchR: D,E (pag 1029)5.*Nutritional needs at birth are the following, except one:A. Water: 80-100 ml/dayB. Calories: 90 Kcal/dayC. Proteins: 2.2 grams/Kg/dayD. Calcium: 50 mg/dayE: Iron 6 mg/day R: D (pag. 1029)6. *Nutritional needs of infants aged between 3 to 6 months are the following, except one:A. Water: 150 ml/kg/dayB. Calories: 110 Kcal/Kg/dayC. Proteins: 2 g/Kg/dayD. Calcium: 400 mg/dayE. Iron: 50 mg/day

R: E (pag. 1029)7.* Nutritional needs of children at 1 year of age are the following, except one:

A. Water: 110 kcal/Kg/dayB. Calories: 110 Kcal/kg/dayC. Proteins: 2 g/Kg/dayD. Calcium: 1000 mg/dayE. Iron: 10 mg/dayR: D (pag. 1029)8. The following statements about introduction of solid foods are true:A. Should be started after 4 months of ageB. Boiled vegetables after 4 monthsC. Gluten from 4 months of ageD. Animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs) after 7-8 monthsE. Recommended 4 meals/day after 6 monthsR: A,B,D,E (pag. 1029)9. The next types of milk are not recommended routinely in infancy:

A. Goat milkB. Hypoallergenic milkC. Antireflux milkD. Lactose free milkE. Sheep milk R: A,E (pag. 1029)10. *Childrens nutrition ranged 1 to 3 years should respect the next principles, except one:A. Daily milk amount: 1000 mlB. Daily milk amount: 500 mlC. 4 meals/dayD. No carbohydrate beveragesE. New solid foods introductionR: A (pag. 1030)11. The next statements about milk formulas are true:

A. Hypoallergenic formulas are indicated for atopic infantsB. Soy based formulas could be an alternative in cows milk proteins allergyC. Lactose free formulas are indicated for infants with lactose intoleranceD. Starting formulas are indicated after 6 months of ageE. Acidified milk formulas are indicated for colics preventionR: A,B,C,E (pag. 1028-1029)Subject 2. Fever in children (1039-1041)

1.*The most frequently involved germs in the etiology of maternofetal infections in the first three months of life are the following, except for:A. Beta hemolytic streptococcus type AB. Type B streptococcusC. E. ColiD. Lysteria monocitogenesE. EnterococciR: A, pag 1039

2. Recommended management of fever in infants under the age of 6 weeks includes the following:

A. Home treatmentB. Oral antibioticsC. Complete blood count, C reactive proteinD. Blood cultureE. Chest X rayR: C, D, E (pag. 1039)

3. *Purpura in a febrile child suggests:A. HemophiliaB. Urinary tract infectionC. MeningococemiaD. AllergyE. Arthritis

R: C (pag. 1040)

4. *The first choice treatment of fever in children is:A. IbuprofenB. ParacetamolC. AsprinD. AntibioticsE. DiclophenacR: B (pag. 1041)

5. *The most probable diagnosis in a child with fever, focal neurological signs, partial seizures, altered conscioussnes is:

A. Kawasaki diseasesB. MeningitisC. PoisoningD. EpilepsyE. Herpetic encephalitis

R: E (pag. 1040)

6. Clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease in children are:A. EnanthemaB. Aseptic conjunctivitisC. Fever more than 5 daysD. Cervical adenopathyE. Prolonged seizuresR: A, B, C, D (pag. 1041)

7. Management of fever in children over 3 years of age include:

A. Temperature measurement (axillary, timpanic thermometry)B. Rectal thermometryC. CorticosteroidsD. Searching for accompanying signsE. Searching the cause

R: A, D, E (pag. 1039)

8. Clinical manifestations of meningitis in children are:A. Neck stiffnessB. Bulging fontanelleC. Altered consciousnessD. Depressed fontanelleE. Fever

R: A,B, C, E (pag. 1040)

9. Severity signs accompanying fever in children are: A. Neurological signsB. Mottled skinC. ChillsD. SweatingE. Prolonged capillary refill timeR: A, B, C, E (pag. 1039)

10. Antibiotics are indicated in the following circumstances in a febrile child:

A. Evidence of bacterial infectionB. Persistent feverC. Hemodinamic and neurological impairmentD. Age under 3 years E. Hospitalised child

R: A, B, C (pag. 1040)

Subiectul 3. Diareea acuta la copil (1049-1051). Varsaturile la copil (1062-1064)

1. Intracellular dehydration is charicterised by the next clinical signs:

A. ThirstyB. Neurological signsC. FeverD. TachicardiaE. Collapsed jugular veins

R: A, B, C (pag. 1049)

2. Extracellular dehydration is charicterised by the next clinical signs:A. Prolonged capillary refillB. OliguriaC. Persistent cutaneous foldD. Neurological impairementE. Sunken eyesR: A, B, C (pag. 1049)

3. *Hospitalization criteria for acute diarrheal disease with acute dehydration are the following, except for:A. Watery stoolsB. Severe digestive intoleranceC. Age under 3 monthsD. Dehydration>10%E. Pre-existing chronic disease

R: A (pag. 1050)

4. The next statements regarding the management of dehydration in children are true:

A. Oral rehydration in mild dehydration ( 10% dehydrationR: A, C, E (pag. 1050)

5. *The most frequently involved etiological agent in acute diarrheal disease is:

A. AdenovirusB. RotavirusC. Enteropathogenic E. coliD. GiardiaE. Clostridium difficile

R: B (pag 1053)

6. *The most encountered cause of acute diarrheal disease in children is:

A. ViralB. BacterialC. ParasitaryD. Feeding errorsE. Secondary to other infections

R: A (pag 1053)7. The next statements regarding infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis are true:

A. Vomitings appear from birthB. More frequent in maleC. Good appetiteD. Metabolic acidosisE. Clinical signs of dehydration

R: B, C, E (pag 1063)

8. Digestive causes of chronic vomiting in infants and toddlers are the following:

A. AppendicitisB. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis C. Milk protein intoleranceD. Gastroesophageal refluxE. Intestinal intussusception

R: B, C, D (pag. 1063)

9. Treatment of acute diarrheal disease in children includes:A. Early realimentationB. Antibiotics in all casesC. RacecadotrilD. Late realimentationE. Lactose free milk in persistent diarrhea

R: A, C, E (pag 1054)

10. *Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis manifests after a free interval of:

A. 7 daysB. 24 hoursC. 48 hoursD. 2-8 weeksE. 6 monthsR: D (pag 1063)

11. *Etiologic agent of hemolytic uremic sndrome is:A. Enteropathogenic E. coliB. E coli O157 H7C. Clostridium difficileD. ShigellaE. Salmonella

R: B (pag. 1053)

Subiectul 4. Convulsiile si epilepsia la copil (pag. 1079-1085)

1. Simple seizures in children are characterised by:

A. Associated with feverB. Duration less than 15 minutesC. Previous neurological historyD. Associated intracranial infectionE. Appear at the age of 3 months to 5 years.R: A, B, E (pag. 1080)

2. Clinical manifestations of simple seizures in children are:

A. Generalized tonic and clonic seizuresB. Last more than 30 minutesC. HypotermiaD. No previous neurological historyE. Psychomotor retardationR: A, D (1080)

3. Herpetic encephalitis is characterised by the following:A. Onset before 1 year of ageB. Progresive altered consciousnessC. Seizures in 48-72 hoursD. Sudden onsetE. Without fever

R: A, B, C (pag 1079)

4. *The next statements regarding the treatment of herpetic encephalitis are true, except for:

A. Is an emergency treatmentB. Treatment after etiological confirmationC. Aciclovirum 500mg/m2/8 hours, 15-21 daysD. Treatment of cerebral edema and seizuresE. Nursing measuresR: B (pag. 1079)

5. Management of simple seizures in children includes:

A. Antipyretic treatmentB. Positioning the child on the lateral sideC. Antibiotics if is necessaryD. BronchodilatorsE. Antiemetic treatmentR: A,B,C (pag 1079)

6. *The indication for computed magnetic resonance for epilepsy in children is:

A. InfantsB. Before surgical interventionC. Generalized epilepsyD. To detect a focal cause for partial epilepsy E. Febrile seizures

R: D (pag. 1082)

7. *3 Hz Sharp-wave on EEG and good prognosis is characteristic for:A. Grand mal epilepsyB. Petit mal epilepsyC. West syndromeD. Dravet syndromeE. Lennox Gastaut syndrome

R: B (pag. 1083)

8. *Which syndrome is characterized by the triad: infantile spasms, hypsarrhytmia on EEG, developmental regression:

A. West syndromeB. Dravet syndromeC. Doose syndromeD. Grand mal epilepsyE. Petit mal epilepsy

R: A (pag.1083)

9. *Bilateral frontal anomalies on EEG are characteristic for:A. West syndromeB. Dravet syndromeC. Lennox Gastaut syndromeD. Doose syndromeE. Down Syndrome

R: C (pag. 1083) 10. *Grand mal epilepsy crises in children are characterized by:A. Atonic seizuresB. Appears in infantsC. partial seizuresD. Bad prognosisE. Generalized tonic and clonic seizures

R: E (pag. 1083)

11. The next statements about Lennox Gastaut syndrome are true, except for:

A. Severe form of epilepsyB. Onset at 3-5 years of ageC. Bilaterally frontal anomalies on EEGD. Normal intelligenceE. No previous cerebral lesionsR: A, B, C (pag. 1083)

Subiect 5. Infectii ale tractului respirator la copil: Angine si faringite (1068-1069)1.*The next statement about rinopharyngitis in children is true:A. Bacterial etiology in most casesB. Rare in childrenC. Affects infants and toddlers D. Lasts 2-3 weeksE. Antibiotics nedeed

R: C (pag. 1068)2. Clinical manifestations of acute rhinopharingitis in children are:

A. Rhinorrhea B. CoughC. Nasal obstructionD. Bronchial ralesE. Modified chest X-ray

R: A,B,C (pag.1068)3. Complications of streptococcal angina in children are:

A. Rheumatic feverB. Acute glomerulonephritisC. Retropharingeal abscessD. Acute hepatitisE. AdenitisR: A,B,C,E (pag.1068)4. *The next statements about angina in children are true, except for:

A. Inflammation of tonsilsB. High feverC. OdynophagiaD. Secondary digestive involvementE. Bacterial etiology frequently

R: E (pag. 1068)5. *The next statements about acute bronchiolitis are true, except one:A. Epidemic winter outbreaksB. Appers in children more than 2 years of ageC. Previous clinical signs of upper respiratory tract infectionD. Crepitants ralesE. Chest X ray, hemogram, C reactive protein are indicated to diagnose suprainfection

R: B (pag. 1099)6. Hospital criteria admission for acute bronchiolitis are the following:A.Respiratory failurB. Acute dehydrationC. Chronic respiratory historyD. Infants more than 6 monthsE. Toxic aspectR: A,B,C,E (pag. 1099)7. Treatment of acute bronchiolitis in infants include:A. Nasal dezobstructionB. Reduced amount of milk/meal, increased feedings number C. Respiratory kinesitherapy in case of abundant secrestionsD. Oxygen for respiratory failureE. Obligatory antibiotherapy

R: A,B,C,D (pag.1099)8. What are the chest X-ray indications for acute bronchitis in children?

A. Prolonged fever in infantsB. Recurrent pneumoniaC. Respiratory foreign body suspicionD. Crepitants or subcrepitants ralesE. Cough and tachipneaR: A,B,C,D,E (pag.1100)9. Clinical manifestations of pneumonia in children are:A. PolypneaB. FeverC. CoughD. Meningism and abdominal pain in some casesE. Altered general statusR: A,B,C,D, E (pag. 1100)10.*The following laboratory tests are indicated in pneumococcal pneumonia, except one:A.HemogramB. C reactive proteinC. Blood cultureD. Total proteinsE. Serum electrolytes R: D (pag. 1101)Subiect 6. Alergiile respiratorii la copil: Rinita alergica si asmul(1092-1094), (1095-1098)1. *Allergic asthma in children could be accompanied by the following conditions, except for:A. Atopic dermatitisB. Allergic rhinitisC. Food allergyD. Congenital stridorE. Family atopy historyR: D (pag. 1092)2. Exogenous risc factors for asthma in children are:

A. PneumallergensB. PolutionC. Cigarette smokeD. Genetic factorsE. ObesityR: A,B,C (pag.1092)3. Intermitent asthma is characterised by:A. Diurnal symptoms < 1 day/weekB. Nocturnal symptoms< 1 night/monthC. No daily physical impairementD. More than 2 exacerbations in the last 6 monthsE. Short acting Beta-adrenergics necessary 1 or 2 days/weekR: A,B,C (pag. 1093)4. *Persistent severe asthma is characterized by the following, except one:

A. Diurnal symptoms > 2 days/weekB. Nocturnal symptoms >2 nigths /monthC. Important daily physical impairementD. More than 2 exacerbations in the last 6 monthsE. Short acting Beta-adrenergics necessary 1 day/semester

R: E (pag. 1093)5. Allergic rhinitis has the following clinical manifestations:

A. RhinorrheaB. Nasal itchingC. Posterior secretionsD. FeverE. Associated conjunctivitisR: A,B,C,E (pag. 1093)6. Medical treatment for allergic rhinitis includes:

A. Inhalatory corticosteroidsB. AntibioticsC. AntihistaminicsD. BronchodilatorsE. Specific imunotherapyR: A,C,E (pag. 1093)7. *The next statements about persistent allergic rhinitis are true, except for:A. Induced by chronic exposure to allergens B. Prevalence 1-10%C. Symptoms persist < 4 days/week, at least 4 consecutive weeksD. Skin tests recommendedE. Ig E test recommended

R: C (pag. 1094)8. *Severe asthma is characterised by the following, except for:A. Expiratory dispnea and orthopneaB. Psychomotor agitationC.BradicardiaD. Oxygen saturation 100/ minute, normal respiratory movements, flexed inferior limbs, grimase:

A. 9B. 6C. 4D. 7E. 8 R: D (pag 1031)

4. The following congenital diseases can be diagnosed in maternity:

A. Cystic fibrosis with parental approvalB. FenilketonuriaC. Congenital hypothyroidismD. Congenital adrenal hypoplasiaE. All of the above

R: A, B, C (pag 1031)

5.*The following statement regarding the full term newborn are true, except one:A. Respiratory rate of 40-50/min B. Cappilary refill time > 3 seconds C. Emisson of meconuiun in the first 24 hours D. Tumefaction of breasts E. Diuresis in first 24 h

R: B (pag 1031)

6. *The most frequently encountered germs in the etiology of maternofetal infections are the following, except one:

A. E. ColiB. Type B streptoccocusC. Staphyloccocus aureusD. EnterococciE. Lysteria monocitogenes

R: C (pag 1033)

7. Silverman score includes the following parameters:

A. Nasal flaringB. Paradoxical respiration C. Subcostal retractionsD. Respiratory rateE. Grunting

R: A, B, E (pag 1034)

8. *First choice treatment of the maternalfetal infection of symptomatical newborn is:A. Ampicilline + aminoglycoside B. Ampicilline + aminoglycoside + antistaphylococcal treatment C. Third generation cephalosporis + ampicilline + aminoglycoside D. Third generation cephalosporis + aminoglycoside E. Imipenem

R: C (pag 1034)

9. *Intrauterine growth reatdation does not associate with:A. Poor postnatal growth B. Hypotermia C. Hypoglycemia D. Hyaline membrane disease E. Hypocalcemia

R: D (pag. 1033)

10. The main fetal risks associated to gestational diabetes are:

A. Intrauterine deathB. MacrosomiaC. Neonatal hypoglycemiaD. Neonatal hyperglycemiaE. Obsterical trauma risk

R: A, B, C, E (pag.1034)

11. The main risks of prematurity are:

A. HypoglycemiaB. HypothermiaC. Unsatisfactory growthD. Necrotising enterocolitisE. Neonatal cholestasis

R: A, B, D (pag. 1032-1033)
