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Peer Feedback.pptx

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  • 7/28/2019 Peer Feedback.pptx



  • 7/28/2019 Peer Feedback.pptx


    A peer often has greatervisibility into a coworker'sday-to-day work than a


    Peers may havegreater insight into

    peers performance

    Peers have a greateropportunity to provide

    feedback in the momentthan the manager



    Create a SupportiveWork Environment

    Support Better TeamPerformance

    Facilitate KnowledgeTransfer




    Challenges of



    Topics to be



    of Peer


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    Challenges Manager Feedback Peer Feedback

    Authority Managers have formal authorityover their direct reports.

    Peers do not have formal authority

    over each other and thus, do not feel

    obligated or comfortable providing

    peer feedback.

    Influence Managers have influence due tocontrol over their direct reports

    rewards, promotions,

    compensation, etc.

    Peers have less influence because

    they have little or no control over

    each others rewards, promotions,

    compensation, etc.

    Expectation Both the organization and

    employees expect managers togive their direct reports feedback

    on their work

    Peers do not expect to give and

    receive feedback from each other.


    Managers are more experienced

    at providing informal feedback to

    their direct reports and are more

    likely to receive training on how toprovide feedback.

    Many peers are not as experienced at

    giving each other informal feedback

    and are less likely to receive training

    on how to provide feedback.

    Challenges of



    Topics to be



    of Peer


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    Violations of company policy

    Illegal activity at work

    Extremely negative feedback

    Chronic behavioral or work problemsAny topic that makes the employee feel uncomfortable

    Feedback related to a project in which the provider is not


    Feedback that is personal or non-work-related

    Employee should report to manager

    or HR representative

    Challenges of



    Topics to be



    of Peer


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    Am I Qualified

    to Provide


    How Should I



    Why Should I



    Peer reviews, as part of an employees formal review process, are used to

    inform talent decisions, such as promotions and pay increases.

    Peer feedback gives managers visibility into aspects of an employeesperformance that they might not otherwise be aware of.

    Peer reviews provide a formal process for an employee to highlight a

    colleague's strengths and/or development areas that he/she believe

    managers should be aware of.

    An employees unique interactions with a peer allows him\her to offer

    examples of strengths and/or development areas that other employees

    might not be aware of.

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    Before beginning a peer review, consider the questions below to determine whether you are

    qualified to give an effective peer review for a colleague.

    Identify Whether You Are Qualified to Provide a Peer Review

    Consider your knowledge of an employees work, not justformal associations, such as being on the same team:

    Yes No

    Do you have regular work-related interactions with this employee?

    Did you work with this employee on a shared project or toward a common goal?

    Do you have visibility into this employees work, skills, and knowledge?

    Do you have knowledge of the impact of this employees work?

    Have you worked with this employee long enough to identify their work ethic andpatterns?

    Ifyou answered yes to at least two of the above questions, you should feel comfortable in providing performance feedback

    Am I Qualified

    to Provide


    How Should I



    Why Should I



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    Am I Qualified

    to Provide


    How Should I



    Why Should I



    Specific Relevant Constructive

    Feedback should referencespecific actions the peer tookor specific pieces of theirwork. Dont use ambiguouslanguage

    Feedback should berelevant to a peers job,within the peers power toimprove, and within thespecified timeframe of the


    Frame a problem as anopportunity for the peer toimprove their performance.

    Example X stays late, comes in early, getshis tasks done on time, and nevercomplains about having too muchwork, is more helpful than X iscommitted to his/her job.

    Do not say: X is veryactive in the community andcontributes to a number ofworthwhile causes.Do not say: Y is no fun and hasno sense of humor.

    Do say: Xs presentations areoften unprofessional anddisorganized. I think he mightbenefit from enrolling in aPowerPoint course.

    Tips Describe actions a peer hasdemonstrated to achieveresults, not just the resultsthemselves.Cite specific instances whena peer has demonstrated aparticular trait, even if thepeer review does not ask you

    to list those examples.

    Only list issues andexamples which fall withinthe time frame of thereview.Remember that you arereviewing a peers jobperformance, not theirsociability or personal views

    unless they affect his or herjob performance.

    View the review as anopportunity to help yourpeer improve his or her jobperformance.Avoid using words likeweakness or failure.

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    Am I Qualified

    to Provide


    How Should I



    Why Should I



    Balanced Professional Value Adding

    Be sure to highlight bothpositive and negative aspectsabout a peers performance.

    Review your peer in aprofessional manner.Derisions or slander aboutan employees characterare inappropriate.

    If possible, highlight strengthsand areas of improvementthat may be beyond yourmanagers or other co-workers ability to observe.

    Example X is smart and dedicated,but also could improve on hisattention to detail.

    X fails to complete tasks ontime, rather than, employee X is lazy anddoesnt care about his/herwork.

    X often volunteers to teachother employees how theycan do their job better.

    Tips Offer a balanced

    perspective and dontfocus solely ondevelopment areas orstrengths.

    Consider to what extentyour peer is responsible forpoor performance before

    identifying areas in need ofimprovement

    Refrain from using

    pejorative language.Be objectiveyourpersonal relationship withthe peer should not impedeyour judgment of their work.Dont discuss your reviewwith other colleagues unless

    asked by your manager.

    Think of projects or tasks in

    which you and your peerworked together exclusively,and offer examples fromthese experiences in yourreview.

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    Steps to Delivering Peer

    FeedbackStep 1: State your observation of peers behavior.

    Example: I noticed that you forgot about our team brainstorming session.

    Step 2: State the impact of the behavior on the team, the project, the department, or

    the organization.

    Example: When you skip brainstorming sessions, you miss out on important details

    and the team loses your valuable insights.

    Step 3: Suggest actions the peer could take that would improve the outcome next time.Example: Ive been thinking that putting these brainstorming sessions on your

    calendar might help you remember next time.

    Step 4: Obtain agreement on a plan of action from your peer.Example: What do you think? Do you think this will help you manage your schedule


    Source: International Association of Fire Chiefs, Crew Resource Management: A Positive Change, 2002

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    Encouraging Employees

    For Peer FeedbackEncourage employees not to . . . Encourage employees to . . .

    Take it personally. Employees should avoidbecoming defensive or argumentative

    when receiving feedback.

    View feedback as an opportunity to learnabout themselves professionally.

    Guess what vague feedback means. It is

    very likely that the guess will be incorrect.

    Ask clarifying questions. Employees should

    ask for examples if the feedback provider is

    being vague in order to better understand

    the providers concerns and suggestions for


    Demand or expect feedback from yourpeers.

    Be proactive in seeking out feedback, butdo not demand it.

    Ignore the feedback and continuebehaving in opposition to the feedback


    Reflect on the feedback and apply thefeedback to improve day-to-day


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    The peer may refuse to

    acknowledge the issue, denythat the incidents took place,or downplay the impact of

    his/her actions.


    The peer reacts to the

    feedback in an apatheticmanner and does not fullycommit to doing things


    Lack of Confidence

    The peer is uncertain in his/herability to succeed or is risk-averse.

    Responsibility Skirting

    The peer may acknowledgethe negative feedback but

    may play the blame game,indirectly implying that he/she

    will not change.

    Hostility/AngerThe peer becomes angry andspeaks impulsively or reacts in

    an emotional way.


    The peer lashes out at youthrough retaliatory actionssuch as arguing, sabotage,refusal to cooperate in the

    future, or extreme criticism ofyour work.

    Common Reactions to Negative Performance Feedback

    Handling Negative Reactions toPeer Feedback

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    Tips to Minimize Negative

    ReactionsPhrase the Feedback

    Accurately andObjectively

    Observe Signs ofEmotional Reactions

    Ensure that you use supporting examples to deliver

    feedback. Be sure that your feedback is presented

    objectively and is based only on your observations of the

    peers behavior.

    Let your peer vent his/her feelings about the feedback.

    Allow the peer to share his/her true reactions and emotions

    with you.

    Observe the peers choice of words, tone, and facial

    expressions to assess his/her emotions and respondaccordingly.

    If the peer acts shocked, aggressive, or defensive, maintain

    your composure. Be respectful of the peers reactions and

    end the conversation if necessary. Consider reporting the

    incident to your manager.

    Allow the Peer toSpeak Openly and

    Do Not Interrupt

    Remain Calm andComposed, and

    Handle the Situation

    with Care

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    Common Peer Reactions and

    Appropriate Responses


    Sample Peer Statement Guidelines for Response Sample Response


    I dont know whatyoure talking about. Iprovide greatcustomer service!

    I do not accept yourfeedback regardingmy projectmanagement skills.The incident you citeddid not take place.

    Do:Be sure to state the impact of the peersbehavior on the team, project, or departmentProvide sufficient examples to support yourfeedbackGauge the peers reasons for resistanceAsk the peer to consider your feedback and

    end the discussion if the he/she is beingpointlessly resistant

    Dont:Get aggravated with the peers open hostilityand resistance to your feedbackSoften your feedback to alleviate the reactionAttack the peers personality based on his/herreaction

    Lets review the examples I gave ofareas where I see an opportunity forimprovement.

    Would you like to take some time toreflect on what Ive just said? Im happyto talk more about this later on if youhave any questions.

    This is an opportunity for you to improveyour performance. Disregarding it willcontinue to impact the team furtherdown the line.


    Maybe; Ill see what Ican do.

    I cant make anypromises, but Ill try.

    Sure, whatever yousay.

    Do:Ask the peer to reflect on the developmentareas and confirm whether he/she is able tocommit to themDiscuss the impact the peers behavior willhave on the team if they do not commit to


    Dont:Overlook the peers indifference and non-

    commitment toward the feedbackLose patience with the peerJudge the peer for being apathetic

    I think if you committed to developingyourself in this area, the team/projectwould benefit in the following ways:...

    I hope you will consider my feedbackbecause I think it will benefit you in thelong run.

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    Sample Peer Statement Guidelines for Response Sample Response

    Lack ofConfidence/


    I dont know how tofix this.

    I knew this wouldhappen; I can neverdo anythingcorrectly.

    Do:Give the peer time alone to regain composure,if necessaryHighlight that this is an opportunity to improveReiterate that you are not trying to attackhim/herAssure the peer that improvement is possiblewith effortuse past examples of his/hersuccessful developmentReassure him/her that you will offer supportProvide examples of small steps the peer cantake toward improvementRefer the peer to the employee assistanceprogram (EAP), if appropriate

    Dont:Focus on the peers past inability to achieveoutcomesModerate your feedback to alleviate thereactionReflect the peers negative attitude

    Now that we have identified this area fordevelopment, it is an opportunity for youto improve your performance. I firmlybelieve you are capable of achievingthis goal. Ive seen you achieve similardevelopment goals in the past, forexample

    You can always reach out to me forsupport in this area.

    This was a developmental area for mein the past. These are some of the steps Itook to improve in this area. I reallybelieve that you are capable of takingthese steps too.


    Its not my fault

    Im sorry, but whenpeople ask such basicquestions it is veryannoying.

    Do:Listen to the peers reasons and situationRestate the examplesClarify that if the peer improves in this area, itwill help the team out in several ways. Provideexamples.

    Dont:Agree with the peer when he/she blames otherpeople

    Change your perspective if the reasons orexcuses are not valid

    I know this might be difficult for you tofocus on, but the fact remains that we allneed to work productively with eachother.

    I know there have been a lot ofchanges recently, but we all need tosupport those changes by adjusting ourbehaviors at work.


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    Sample Peer Statement Guidelines for Response Sample Response


    This is not fair! Ialways knew youdidnt like me, but thisis unreasonable.

    Ive been working sohard to meet all of myproject deadlines, andthis is what I get tohear?

    Do:Acknowledge the fact that the peer is notsatisfied with the feedbackRestate examples. Explain your perspectiveReiterate the impact that the peers behaviorat work is having on the team, project, or

    departmentRefer the employee to the employeeassistance program (EAP), if appropriate

    Dont:Attack the peers personality based on his/herreactionBecome defensiveModerate your feedback to alleviate thereaction

    I can see that you are upset with whatIve just said. I would like to hear youropinion.

    If I understand correctly, you are angrybecause you feel that I am beingunreasonable, and that I don't have anyconfidence in your abilities. Is thatcorrect?

    Let me explain what I think happened soyou can understand my opinion. Then wecan work this out together."



    Well, youre not verygood at expensereports either so whyshould I listen to yourfeedback aboutmine?

    I thought we were onthe same team! Imnot helping you withyour sales callsanymore.

    Do:State that your feedback is based on yourobservations of his/her behaviors at workReiterate the impact that the peers behaviorat work is having on the team, project, ordepartmentReport the incident to your manager if thepeer begins to engage in sabotage or is

    refusing to cooperate with you or the team inthe future

    Dont:Become defensiveModerate your feedback to alleviate thereactionContinue the cycle of retaliation

    I am aware that I am not a perfectemployee either. I want to you to knowthat I value any accurate feedback youcan provide me on my work too.

    I did not say this to point out your flaws. Iwant our team to be able to help eachother out and sometimes that includesgiving each other negative feedback.

    Sources: Resker, Jamie, Three Keys to Reducing Defensive Reactions to Feedback, Employee PerformanceSolutions, http://www.employeeperformancesolutions.com/Portals/30421/docs/three%20keys.pdf (July 2008).

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    Dos and Donts


    Give developmental feedback in public

    Present many issues at once

    Use generalized language or characterizations

    Use value judgments or insert your opinion or


    State your interpretations of your observationsExample: I noticed you dont like creating

    quarterly reports.

    Focus only on negative feedback

    Provide feedback on non-work related personalcharacteristics such as religion, gender, ornationality; this is inappropriate and could alsobe illegal

    Talk down to the feedback recipient

    Become defensive or argumentative whenreceiving feedback from a peer

    Feedback Topics that Should Come fromManagers, Not Peers

    Violations of company policy

    Illegal activity that occurs at work or isaffecting work relationships

    Extremely negative feedback

    Chronic behavior or work problems

    Anything you feel particularly

    uncomfortable with or if you fear anextreme reaction from the feedbackrecipient

    Anything that is unrelated to a project inwhich you are involved

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    Dos and Donts

    Give developmental feedback in private; some people also prefer to receive positivefeedback in private

    Focus feedback on one or two issues at a time

    Focus on specific behaviors that the peer displayed

    Remain objective; describe the behavior in terms of its impact on the team, project, ororganization

    State only your observations of the behavior; your interpretations could be incorrectExample: I noticed youve been leaving your quarterly reports until the last minute.(There could be many reasons they are starting the reports late.)

    Provide positive feedback as well as negative; if you tell your peers what went well,they will know what to do more of in the future

    Focus only on the behaviors that will help your peers to perform their jobs better

    Involve the feedback recipient in the process and treat them as an equal

    Treat the feedback as a low-risk opportunity for you to learn about yourself andimprove your performance.


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    End of PresentationTHANK YOU
