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Peer to Peer Systems Copy

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  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    Peer-to-Peer Systems

    SVTH: Lê Thành Nguyên 00707174

    Võ Lê Quy Nhơn 00707176

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    n !"tern!t#$e to the %"#ent&ser$er mo'e" o( '#str#)ute' %om*ut#ng#s the *eer-to-*eer mo'e"+

    ,"#ent&ser$er  #s #nherent"y h#er!r%h#%!" .#th resour%es %entr!"#/e'on ! "#m#te' num)er o( ser$ers+

    n  *eer-to-*eer net.ors )oth resour%es !n' %ontro" !re .#'e"y'#str#)ute' !mong no'es th!t !re theoret#%!""y e2u!"s+ 3 no'e.#th more #n(orm!t#on )etter #n(orm!t#on or more *o.er m!y )emore equal,5 )ut th!t #s ! (un%t#on o( the no'e not the net.or%ontro""ers+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    ey (e!ture o( *eer-to-*eer net.ors #s 'e%entr!"#/!t#on+ Th#sh!s m!ny #m*"#%!t#ons+ 8o)ustness !$!#"!)#"#ty o( #n(orm!t#on!n' (!u"t-to"er!n%e ten's to %ome (rom re'un'!n%y !n' sh!re'

    res*ons#)#"#ty #nste!' o( *"!nn#ng org!n#/!t#on !n' the#n$estment o( ! %ontro""#ng !uthor#ty+

    9n the e) )oth %ontent *ro$#'ers !n' g!te.!ys try to *ro(#t )y%ontro""#ng #n(orm!t#on !%%ess+ %%ess %ontro" #s more '#((#%u"t #n

     *eer-to-*eer !"though N!*ster 'e*en'e' on ! %entr!" #n'e;+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    Te%hno"ogy Tr!ns#t#on

    The Client/Server Model

    The Peer-to-Peer Model

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    Pure P

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    **"#%!t#ons outs#'e ,om*uter S%#en%e


    D'u%!t#on !n' !%!'em#%






  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    hy Peer-to-Peer Net.or#ngF

    The nternet h!s three $!"u!)"e (un'!ment!" !ssets-

    #n(orm!t#on )!n'.#'th !n' %om*ut#ng resour%es - !"" o( .h#%h

    !re $!st"y un'er ut#"#/e' *!rt"y 'ue to the tr!'#t#on!" %"#ent-

    ser$er %om*ut#ng mo'e"+

    Information - H!r' to (#n' #m*oss#)"e to %!t!"og !n' #n'e;

    Bandwidth - Hot "#ns get hotter %o"' ones st!y %o"'

    Computing resources - He!$#"y "o!'e' no'es get o$er"o!'e'#'"e no'es rem!#n #'"e

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    n(orm!t#on @!ther#ng

    The .or"' *ro'u%es t.o e;!)ytes o( #n(orm!t#on


  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    C!n'.#'th ?t#"#/!t#on

    s#ng"e (#)erKs )!n'.#'th h!s #n%re!se' )y ! (!%tor o(

    106 'ou)"#ng e$ery 16 months s#n%e 1J7

     Tr!((#% #s st#"" %ongeste'  Eore 'e$#%es !n' *eo*"e on the net

     Eore $o"ume o( '!t! to mo$e !roun' s!me 'est#n!t#ons

    3 eC!y M!hoo et%+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    ,om*ut#ng 8esour%es

    EooreKs L!.: *ro%essor s*ee' 'ou)"es

     e$ery 1G months

     ,om*ut#ng 'e$#%es 3 ser$er P, P %e""*hone !re

    more *o.er(u" th!n e$er   Stor!ge %!*!%#ty h!s #n%re!se' 'r!m!t#%!""y

     ,om*ut!t#on st#"" !%%umu"!tes !roun'

     '!t! %enters

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    Cene(#ts (rom P

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    #gure 10+1: P !n' o$er"!y rout#ng

    (or *eer-to-*eer 

       IP   Application-level routing overlay 

    Scale  IPv4 is limited to 232  addressable nodes. The

    IPv6 name space is much more generous(2128 ), but addresses in both versions are

    hierarchically structured and much of the space

    is pre-allocated according to administrativerequirements.

    Peer-to-peer systems can address more objects.

    The GUID name space is very large and flat(>2128 ), allowing it to be much more fully


     Load balancing  Loads on routers are determined by network

    topology and associated traffic patterns. 

    Object locations can be randomized and hence

    traffic patterns are divorced from the networktopology. 

     Network dynamics(addition/deletion of


    IP routing tables are updated asynchronously ona best-efforts basis with time constants on the

    order of 1 hour. 

    Routing tables can be updated synchronously orasynchronously with fractions of a second

    delays. Fault tolerance  Redundancy is designed into the IP network by

    its managers, ensuring tolerance of a single

    router or network connectivity failure. n-foldreplication is costly.

    Routes and object references can be replicated

    n-fold, ensuring tolerance of n failures of nodes

    or connections.

    Target identification  Each IP address maps to exactly one targetnode. 

    Messages can be routed to the nearest replica ofa target object. 

    Security and anonymity  Addressing is only secure when all nodes aretrusted. Anonymity for the owners of addresses

    is not achievable. 

    Security can be achieved even in environmentswith limited trust. A limited degree of

    anonymity can be provided. 

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    #str#)ute' ,om*ut!t#on

    9n"y ! sm!"" *ort#on o( the ,P? %y%"es o( most %om*uters #sut#"#/e'+ Eost %om*uters !re #'"e (or the gre!test *ort#on o( the'!y !n' m!ny o( the ones #n use s*en' the m!Oor#ty o( the#r t#me.!#t#ng (or #n*ut or ! res*onse+

    num)er o( *roOe%ts h!$e !ttem*te' to use these #'"e ,P?%y%"es+ The )est no.n #s the SDThome *roOe%t )ut other

     *roOe%ts #n%"u'#ng %o'e )re!#ng h!$e use' #'"e ,P? %y%"es on

    '#str#)ute' m!%h#nes+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    #s%uss#on Quest#on: ,om*uter or


    The (#rst %om*uters .ere use' *r#m!r#"y (or %om*ut!t#ons+ 9nee!r"y use .!s %!"%u"!t#ng )!""#st#% t!)"es (or the ?+S+ N!$y 'ur#ngor"' !r +

    To'!y %om*uters !re use' more (or sh!r#ng #n(orm!t#on th!n%om*ut!t#ons*erh!*s #n(om!%h#ne m!y )e ! more !%%ur!ten!me th!n %om*uterF

    #str#)ute' %om*ut!t#on m!y )e )etter su#te' to *eer-to-*eer

    systems .h#"e #n(orm!t#on ten's to )e h#er!r%h#%!" !n' m!y )e )etter su#te' to %"#ent&ser$er+

     NAT h!s )oth ,om*uter   S%#en%e !n' n(orm!t#on  Systems'e*!rtments+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    ,urrent Peer-Peer ,on%erns

    To*#%s "#ste' #n the DDD 7th !nnu!" %on(eren%e:


  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    !ngers !n' tt!%s on P

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    The SDThome *roOe%t

    The SDT 3Se!r%h (or D;tr! Terrestr#!" nte""#gen%e *roOe%t

    "oos (or *!tterns #n r!'#o (re2uen%y em#ss#ons re%e#$e' (rom

    r!'#o te"es%o*es th!t suggest #nte""#gen%e+ Th#s #s 'one )y

     *!rt#t#on#ng '!t! re%e#$e' #nto %huns !n' sen'#ng e!%h %hun

    to se$er!" '#((erent %om*uters o.ne' )y SDT $o"unteers (or


    L#n: htt*:&&set#!thome+ss"+)ere"ey+e'u& 


  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    ,h#"'ren o( SDThome


  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    s o( Se*tem)er

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    The (#rst "!rge s%!"e *eer-to-*eer net.or .!s N!*ster set u* #n1JJJ to sh!re '#g#t!" mus#% (#"es o$er the nternet+ h#"e N!*sterm!#nt!#ne' %entr!"#/e' 3!n' re*"#%!te' #n'#%es the mus#% (#"es.ere %re!te' !n' m!'e !$!#"!)"e )y #n'#$#'u!"s usu!""y .#th

    mus#% %o*#e' (rom ,s to %om*uter (#"es+ Eus#% %ontent o.nerssue' N!*ster (or %o*yr#ght $#o"!t#ons !n' su%%ee'e' #n shutt#ng'o.n the ser$#%e+ #gure 10+< 'o%uments the *ro%ess o(re2uest#ng ! mus#% (#"e (rom N!*ster+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    #gure 10+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



     N!*ster: Lessons Le!rne'

     N!*ster %re!te' ! net.or o( m#""#ons o( *eo*"e .#th thous!n's o((#"es )e#ng tr!ns(erre' !t the s!me t#me+

    There .ere 2u!"#ty #ssues+ h#"e N!*ster '#s*"!ye' "#n s*ee's to!""o. users to %hoose (!ster 'o.n"o!'s the (#'e"#ty o( re%or'#ngs$!r#e' .#'e"y+

    S#n%e N!*ster users .ere *!r!s#tes o( the re%or'#ng %om*!n#es

    there .!s some %entr!" %ontro" o$er se"e%t#on o( mus#%+ 9ne )ene(#t .!s th!t mus#% (#"es '#' not nee' u*'!tes+

    There .!s no gu!r!ntee o( !$!#"!)#"#ty (or ! *!rt#%u"!r #tem o(mus#%+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    E#''"e.!re (or Peer-to-Peer 

    ey *ro)"em #n Peer-to-Peer !**"#%!t#ons #s to *ro$#'e ! .!y(or %"#ents to !%%ess '!t! resour%es e((#%#ent"y+ S#m#"!r nee's #n%"#ent&ser$er te%hno"ogy "e' to so"ut#ons "#e NS+ Ho.e$er

     NS re"#es on *re-%on(#gur!t#on !n' #s not s%!"!)"e enough (or *eer-to-*eer+

    Peer %"#ents nee' to "o%!te !n' %ommun#%!te .#th !ny !$!#"!)"eresour%e e$en though resour%es m!y )e .#'e"y '#str#)ute' !n'

    %on(#gur!t#on m!y )e 'yn!m#% %onst!nt"y !''#ng !n' remo$#ngresour%es !n' %onne%t#ons+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



     Non-un%t#on!" 8e2u#rements (or

    Peer-to-Peer E#''"e.!re

    @"o)!" S%!"!)#"#ty

    Lo!' C!"!n%#ng

    Lo%!" 9*t#m#/!t#on

    'Oust#ng to 'yn!m#% host !$!#"!)#"#ty

    Se%ur#ty o( '!t!

    nonym#ty 'en#!)#"#ty !n' res#st!n%e to %ensorsh#*3#n some !**"#%!t#ons

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    8out#ng 9$er"!ys

    rout#ng o$er"!y #s ! '#str#)ute' !"gor#thm (or ! m#''"e.!re "!yerres*ons#)"e (or rout#ng re2uests (rom !ny %"#ent to ! host th!t ho"'sthe o)Oe%t to .h#%h the re2uest #s !''resse'+

    ny no'e %!n !%%ess !ny o)Oe%t )y rout#ng e!%h re2uest through !se2uen%e o( no'es e;*"o#t#ng no."e'ge !t e!%h o( theme to "o%!tethe 'est#n!t#on o)Oe%t+

    @"o)!" ?ser s 3@? !"so no.n !s o*!2ue #'ent#(#ers !re use'!s n!mes )ut 'o not %ont!#n "o%!t#on #n(orm!t#on+

    %"#ent .#sh#ng to #n$oe !n o*er!t#on on !n o)Oe%t su)m#ts !re2uest #n%"u'#ng the o)Oe%tKs @? to the rout#ng o$er"!y .h#%hroutes the re2uest to ! no'e !t .h#%h ! re*"#%! o( the o)Oe%t res#'es+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    #gure 10+I: #str#)ut#on o(

    #n(orm!t#on #n ! rout#ng o$er"!y

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    8out#ng 9$er"!ys

    C!s#% *rogr!mm#ng #nter(!%e (or ! '#str#)ute' h!sh t!)"e 3HT !s #m*"emente'

     )y the PST P o$er P!stry

     put(GUID, data) 

    The data #s store' #n re*"#%!s !t !"" no'es res*ons#)"e (or the o)Oe%t #'ent#(#e' )y



    e"etes !"" re(eren%es to GUID !n' the !sso%#!te' '!t!+

    value = get(GUID)

    The '!t! !sso%#!te' .#th GUID #s retr#e$e' (rom one o( the no'es res*ons#)"e #t+

    The HT "!yer t!e res*ons#)#"#ty (or %hoos#ng ! "o%!t#on (or '!t! #tem stor#ng

    #t 3.#th re*"#%!s to ensure !$!#"!)#"#ty !n' *ro$#'#ng !%%ess to #t $#! get3


  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    8out#ng 9$er"!ys

    C!s#% *rogr!mm#ng #nter(!%e (or '#str#)ute' o)Oe%t "o%!t#on !n' rout#ng 39L8 !s#m*"emente' )y T!*estry


    GUID  %!n )e %om*ute' (rom the o)Oe%t+ Th#s (un%t#on m!es the no'e *er(orm#ng !  publish o*er!t#on the host (or the o)Oe%t %orres*on'#ng toGUID+


    E!es the o)Oe%t %orres*on'#ng to GUID #n!%%ess#)"e+

    sendToObj(msg, GUID, [n])

    o""o.#ng the o)Oe%t-or#ente' *!r!'#gm !n #n$o%!t#on mess!ge #s sent to !n o)Oe%t #n or'er to !%%ess#t+ Th#s m#ght )e ! re2uest to o*en ! T,P %onne%t#on (or '!t! tr!ns(er or to return ! mess!ge%ont!#n#ng !"" or *!rt o( the o)Oe%tKs st!te+ The (#n!" o*t#on!" *!r!meter [n], #( *resent re2uests the

    'e"#$ery o( the s!me mess!ge to n re*"#%!s o( the o)Oe%t+

    9)Oe%t %!n )e store' !ny.here !n' the 9L8 "!yer #s res*ons#)"e (or m!#nt!#n#ng !m!**#ng )et.een @?s !n' the !''resses o( the no'es !t .h#%h re*"#%!s o( the o)Oe%ts!re "o%!te'+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    "" the no'es !n' o)Oe%ts th!t %!n )e !%%esse' through P!stry

    !re !ss#gne' 1

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy




    hen ne. no'es Oo#n the o$er"!y they o)t!#n the '!t! nee'e' to

    %onstru%t ! rout#ng t!)"e !n' other re2u#re' st!te (rom e;#st#ng

    mem)ers #n 93"ogN mess!ges .here N #s the num)er o( hosts

     *!rt#%#*!t#ng #n the o$er"!y+

    n the e$ent o( ! no'e (!#"ure or 'e*!rture the rem!n#ng no'es %!n

    'ete%t #ts !)sen%e !n' %oo*er!t#$e"y re%on(#gure to re("e%t the re2u#re'

    %h!nges #n the rout#ng stru%ture #n ! s#m#"!r num)er o( mess!ges+

    D!%h !%t#$e no'e stores ! "e!( set- ! $e%tor L 3o( s#/e

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm

    The (u"" rout#ng !"gor#thm #n$o"$es the use o( ! rout#ng t!)"e !t

    e!%h no'e to route mess!ges e((#%#ent"y )ut (or the *ur*oses o(

    e;*"!n!t#on .e 'es%r#)e the rout#ng !"gor#thm #n t.o st!ges: The (#rst st!ge 'e%r#)es ! s#m*"#(#e' (orm o( the !"gor#thm 

    .h#%h routes mess!ges %orre%t"y )ut #ne((#%#ent"y .#thout !

    rout#ng t!)"e

    The se%on' st!ge 'es%r#)es the (u"" rout#ng !"gor#thm .h#%hroutes ! re2uest to !ny no'e #n 93"ogN mess!ges+

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm

    St!ge 1:

    ny no'e th!t re%#e$es ! mess!ge E .#th 'est#n!t#on !''ress

    routes the mess!ge )y %om*!r#ng .#th #ts o.n @? !n'

    .#th e!%h o( the @?s #n #ts "e!( set !n' (or.!r'#ng E to theno'e !mongst them th!t #s numer#%!""y %"oset to

    t e!%h ste* E #s (or.!r'e' to no'e th!t #s %"oser to th!n the

    %urrent no'e !n' th!t th#s *ro%ess .#"" e$entu!""y 'e"#$er E to

    the !%t#$e no'e %"oser to Very #ne((#%#ent re2u#r#ng N&

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm

    The '#!gr!m #""ustr!tes the

    rout#ng o( ! mess!ge (rom no'e61, to 461, us#ng "e!(

    set #n(orm!t#on !"one !ssum#ng

    "e!( sets o( s#/e G 3"4

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm


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    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm

    St!ge < 3%ont+:

    The rout#ng t!)"e #s "o%!te' !t the no'e .hose @? )eg#ns 61

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy



    P!stry- 8out#ng !"gor#thm

    St!ge < 3%ont+:To h!n'"e ! mess!ge E !''resse' to ! no'e 3.here 8*#W #s the

    e"ement !t %o"umn # ro. * o( the rout#ng t!)"e

    1+ ( 3L-" X X L" Y &&the 'est#n!t#on #s .#th#n the "e!( set or #s the %urrent no'e

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy


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    S2u#rre" .e) %!%he

    9r#g#n ser$er 

    Home no'e

  • 8/9/2019 Peer to Peer Systems Copy


    S2u#rre" .e) %!%he

    D$!"u!t#on The re'u%t#on #n tot!" e;tern!" )!n'.#'th use':

    #th e!%h %"#ent %ontr#)ut#ng 100EC o( '#s stor!ge h#t r!t#o o(
