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Peerless™ 1500 & 1800 Operating Manual

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Peerless™ 1500 & 1800 Operating Manual © SIP Corporation 2007 All Rights Reserved Part Number 20020-02-07018
Page 1: Peerless™ 1500 & 1800 Operating Manual

Peerless™ 1500 & 1800Operating Manual

© SIP Corporation 2007All Rights Reserved

Part Number 20020-02-07018

Page 2: Peerless™ 1500 & 1800 Operating Manual
Page 3: Peerless™ 1500 & 1800 Operating Manual

Table of Contents

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 41.0 Introduction........................................................................................................ 41.1 Safetyguidelines................................................................................................ 41.2 Principlesofsharpening..................................................................................... 51.3 Edgeshape........................................................................................................ 61.4 Reelshape......................................................................................................... 61.5 LimitedOneYearProductWarranty.................................................................. 7

2. InstallationandSetUp....................................................................................................... 82.0 Locatingthegrinder........................................................................................... 82.1 Unpackingthegrinder........................................................................................ 82.2 LevelingtheBase.............................................................................................. 92.3 Mountingthespinmotor.................................................................................. 102.4 Connectingtheservice.....................................................................................11

3. PreparingtoGrind............................................................................................................ 123.0 Preparingthereelmowerforgrinding.............................................................. 123.1 Mountingthereelmowerforgrinding.............................................................. 143.2 Pitapebasics................................................................................................... 173.3 Measuringthereel........................................................................................... 193.4 Adjustingthereel............................................................................................. 213.5 Clampingthereel............................................................................................. 26

4. SpinGrinding................................................................................................................... 274.0 Settingthecarriagestopsforspin................................................................... 274.1 Engagingthespinmotortothereel................................................................. 284.2 Spingrinding.................................................................................................... 31

5. ReliefGrinding................................................................................................................. 365.0 Changingthegrindingwheel(1800)................................................................ 365.1 Settingthereliefangle..................................................................................... 385.2 Settingthetravelstops.................................................................................... 415.3 Reliefgrinding.................................................................................................. 42

6. Maintenance..................................................................................................................... 466.0 Generalmaintenance....................................................................................... 466.1 Aligningtheheadvertically.............................................................................. 486.2 Aligningtheheadhorizontally.......................................................................... 506.3 Dressingthegrindingwheel............................................................................. 516.4 Adjustingthegrindingheadbearings............................................................... 536.5 Mountingthegrindingwheels.......................................................................... 546.6 Aligningthefence............................................................................................ 57

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1. Introduction

1.1 Safety guidelines


Always close shield or wear safety glassesandfaceshieldwhengrinding!Keepallguardsinplaceandfunctioning.Do not wear any loose clothing or jewelrywhich may get caught in the machinery.Securelonghair.Keepyourworkareacleanandorganized.Set up the work properly, using the correcttools and fixtures. Ensure that work is securelyclamped.Use thewrenchesprovidedwhenchangingthe grinding wheel and always ensure thatthenutistight.Donotovertighteningasthatmaydamagethegrindingwheel.Alwaysreplacedamagedgrindingwheel.Never leave grinder running whileunattended.

Inaddition to thesafetyguidelines just listed, thereare safety notices through out this manual which aredenotedasfollows:

An Information Notice provides information or acautionwhereminordamagemayoccur.

Running the spin motor too fast

may damage the indexer.

A Warning Notice indicates a situation which couldcauseseveredamage,seriousinjuryordeath.

Always close shield or wear safety glasses

and face shield when grinding.

ADangerNoticeindicatesaverydangeroussituationwhich if continued will cause severe damage, seriousinjuryordeath.

Do not overtighten the nut as it will cause

the grinding wheel to explode!

Again,makesurethatyoureadandunderstandthesewarnings before proceeding because failure to operateanymachinery inasafemannermayresult indamage,injuryorlossoflife.






1.0 Introduction

Thank you for selecting the Simplex•Ideal•Peerless Reel Mower Grinder. The Peerless 1800 Grinder isdesigned and built from top quality materials andcomponents by people who care, and it will give youdecadesofservice.


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1.2 Principles of sharpening

The reel type lawn mower cuts grass using theprinciplesofshears. It isnecessary, therefore, tohavetwosharpcuttingedgesmakingcloseenoughcontacttocutthegrasscleanly.Thisistheleastharmfulmethodofmowinggrass,becauseeachbladeofgrassissupportedbythebedknifewhilethereelbladeshears itoff. Thiseliminatesbleedingandbrowntopswhichoccurwhenthegrassiswhippedoffwithrotarytypemowers.

On a five bladed reel mower, the bed knife does five timestheworkofanyonereelbladeasallthereelbladesmust shear against it. The bed knife, therefore, is themaster cutting element and although made of heavierandhardersteels,it isimpossibletoproperlysharpenamowerwithdull reelbladeswithoutsharpening thebedknifetoo.

Rake Angle


Relief Angle

Land Area

The figure above shows the different features of the reelmowerblades.ThereelbladeRelief Angle reducesthecontactareabetween the reeland thebedknife. Itiscreatedbyindividuallyreliefgrindingeachreelblade.The Land Area indicates how much of the reel bladeis contacting the bed knife and is created during spingrinding.TheRake Angle issetbytheslotinthespiderand ensures that the cutting edge is the first part of the bladetotouchthegrassblade.Itcannotbechanged.

Front Face Angle

Top Face Angle

ThebedknifeFront Face Angle isusedtosupportthebladeasitisbeingcut.Itdoesnotneedtobegroundregularly as it does not wear and change shape. Bedknifelifeincreases,however,bygrindingboththetopand

frontsurfacesofthebedknifetoeliminatetheroundededge.ThebedknifeTop Face Relief Angle providesreducedcontactareabetweenthereelbladeandthebedknifeblade.Italsocreatesclearanceforthecutgrassandothermaterials. It is thewearsurfaceon thebedknifeandmustbegroundregularlytokeepitstraightandsharp.

Foramowertoruneasilyandcutfreely,itisimportantthatproperbevelorreliefanglebegroundonboththebedknifecuttingedgeandthereelbladescuttingedges.Thisgivesclearance or relief behind the contactingedgesandreducesdragandfriction.Toolittlereliefanglewouldleavemoremetalincontactcausing the mower to run hard. Too muchclearanceoranglewouldweakenthecuttingedgesandtheywouldnickeasilyandwouldnotholdtheiredge.

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1.3 Edge shape

If the mower is not cutting the grass cleanly, thecutendof thegrassbladewillappear tornandragged.Whenamowerisbroughtinforservicing,itisimportanttodeterminewhy it isnotcuttingproperly. Often, if themower is operating satisfactorily in every respect except cuttingthegrasscleanly,itmayonlyneedanadjustmentof the bed knife to the reel blades. Examination of the cuttingedgesandshearingcorneronthereelbladesandbedknifeshoulddetermineifthemowerneedsacompletegrindingjob.Often,properlyadjustingthebedknifeisallthatisrequired.Grindingthereelisnecessaryifanyofthe following conditions exist:

Significantly rounded blade edges.Bent or nicked reel blades which causestreaking or irregular contact between reelblades.Unevenbladewear.Significantly cone shaped.Whenallormostofthereliefiswornaway.



1.4 Reel shape

The process of sharpening a lawn mower is reallyoneof reshaping thecuttingedgeof thebedknifeandthereelbladesbygrinding, torestoretheirabilitytocutgrass.Equallyimportantistherestorationofthematch,or fit, of the reel blades to the cutting edge of the bed knife,againstwhichallreelbladesshearorcut.Itisalsoimportantthatthebedknifebladeandthebottomofthereelbladesareparallel to thebottomof the rollersandthe rollersareparallel toeachother. It isdesirable forthereeltohavelittleornoconeshape.Thismakesforamoreevencutandminimizesridgesandlinesinthecutandgougesintheturf

Through normal wear or improper grinding the reelwillbecomeconeshaped.

Conventional wisdom said that when you grind a

reel,itshouldbegroundintoatruecylinder.Thisistrueif both the front and rear rollers are adjustable. If oneof the rollers is fixed and not parallel to the reel shaft, a cylindricalreelwillresultinanunevencut.Thisiswhyitisimportanttoalwaysgrindthebottomofthereelparalleltothebottomoftherollers.



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1.5 Limited One Year Product Warranty

SIPCorporationwarrantsthegrinderagainstdefectsinmaterialsandworkmanshipforoneyearfromdateoforiginalpurchase.SIPCorporationwill,atitsoption,repairor replace thedefectivepartatnochargeprovided it isreturned during the warranty period, with transportationchargesprepaid, toourfactory. Proofofpurchasemayberequired.


Thiswarrantydoesnotapplyiftheproducthasbeendamagedbyaccident,abuse,misuse,ormisapplication;ifthe product has been modified without written permission of SIP Corporation or if the serial number has beenremovedordefaced

Thiswarrantyappliesonlytotheoriginalpurchaser.The warranty and remedies set forth above are

exclusive in lieu of all others, whether oral or written, expressed or implied. SIP Corporation specifically disclaimsanyandallimpliedwarranties,includingwithoutlimitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose.

No SIP Corporation dealer, agent or employee isauthorized to make any modification, extension or addition tothiswarranty.

SIP Corporation is not responsible for special,incidental,orconsequentialdamagesresultingfromanybreachofwarranty,oranyotherlegaltheory,includingbutnot limited to lost profits, downtime, or goodwill.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply. This warranty gives you specific legal right andyoumayalsohaveotherrightsthatvaryfromstatetostate.

Youmustobtainpriorauthorizationbefore returningdefectivepartstoSIPCorporation.

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2. Installation and Set Up

2.0 Locating the grinder

Determinewhereonaconcreteslabthegrinderwillbelocated.Thereelmountsontop.Theoperatorloadsandworksfromthefront. The grinder footprint is approximately 40” x 60” and we recommend about 6’ x 8’ of floor space with about 18” behind for walk behindmowers.

The Peerless requires standard 110volt,60Hz,singlephaseservice. Foreignversions with 200 volt, 50/60 Hz, singlephaseareavailable.Thegrindercomeswithan8footgroundedcordfor110voltservice.Thegrinderalsorequiresabout70psicleancompressedair.

2.1 Unpacking the grinder

While unpacking, examine carefully for anyshippingdamage.Anydamageshouldbereportedimmediatelytothecarrier.

By now you have removed the plasticwrap from the main crate. After removingthe box of accessories and any other optionalequipment,unboltthegrinderfromthe pallet and place it in the location youhaveselected.

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2.2 Leveling the Base

Mount the levelingpadsprovided in tothefourcornersofthegrinder.

With the grinder in its final location, use a good quality carpenters level toadjust the levelingpadsuntilgrinder islevel.

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2.3 Mounting the spin motor

Unpack the spin motor from its box.

Mount the spin motor on its supportrailononeendof thegrinder. Clamp it inplace.Theclampingknobsareratchetstylehandlesandcanbeadjustedbypullingoutandturning.

Plug and twist the motor plug intoits receptacle on the same side as thespin motor is mounted. The spin motor issmart wired so that it will always rotate inthecorrectdirection.Thecordisonlylongenough to plug the motor into the side onwhichthespinmotorismounted.

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2.4 Connecting the service

Make sure that all of the switches areturnedoff.

Connect the air supply to the filter regulatorandsetthepressuregaugeto50psi.

Plug the electrical cord into a 110 voltoutlet.

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3. Preparing to Grind

3.0 Preparing the reel mower for grinding

Clean all dirt, grass, rust, grease, andoil from the mower assembly, especiallywhere it accumulates behind the lip of thebedknife.

Inspect for a wavy appearance orconditionalongthetopfaceofthebedknife.This would indicate that the bed knife hasbeen adjusted to the reel with excessive pressure. This could causewornor loosereelbearings.

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Checkthatthefrontspacerbarandthatthe bed knife is not loose. If the frame isloose,itisprobablyoutofalignment.Checkthe mower manufacturer’s manual to reset alignment.

Check the reel for free rotation andexamine the reel blades for bad nicks that mightindicateatwistorsprungspider.

Check to see that reel blades aresecurelyfastenedtothespidersandthatthespidersaresecureonthereelshaft.Repairasnecessary.

Check for axial and radial play in the reel bearings. Adjust or replace the bearingsin accordance with the manufacturer’s manual.

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3.1 Mounting the reel mower for grinding


Position the reel front tobackuntil thecenterofthereelshaftisabovethecenterofthegrindingwheelshaft.

Ifyouaregrindingwiththebedknifeinplace, locate the reel so that the grindingwheel will only grind the reel blades andclears the bed knife, front roller, and anyother part of the reel. If you are going torelief grind, you will need to leave enoughclearance between the reel blade and thebedknifeforthereliefgrindingmechanism.

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Lockdowntherightside. Whendoingagroupofthesametypeofreels, therearfencedoesnotneedtobemoved.


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Movethecarriagepastthereelsupportrails and make sure there is adequateclearance between the grinding wheel andthereelsupportrail.

Make sure everything is secure. Loose

equipment may cause damage.

If it does not, loosen the two socketheadbolts inthefrontreelsupportrailandslide the rail back. Retighten the socketheadbolts.

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3.2 Pi tape basics

Thepitapemeasuresthediameterofareelbywrappingaroundthecircumference.It is calibrated so that each inch is 3.142inches long or pi (π) inches long. This will automaticallyconvertthecircumferenceintoadiameter.

The pi tape also has a vernier, whichmakesitcapableofmeasuringthediameterofthereelto.001inches.

Makesure that thepi tape is tightandstraight.

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Locate the zero (0) on the right sideor vernier side of the pi tape. Read themeasurement just above the zero. Eachlarge numbered line is 1 inch. Each smallnumbered line is .1 inchesandeachsmallline without numbers is .025 inches. Theillustrationattheleftwouldthenbe4.275.

To read the vernier, find the two lines thatbestlineupandreadthenumberontherightsideorthevernierside.Thiswouldbe.014intheillustrationontheleft.

Add together to get your final measurement.

(4.275+.014=4.289).You should repeat each measurement

youmakeatleastonceanduntilyouduplicatethemeasurementwith in.003.Thesmallerthenumber isonanygivenmeasurement,themoreaccurateitis.

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3.3 Measuring the reel

Place the magnet of the pi tape on abladeattheleftendofthelawnmower.

Make sure that the magnet does notextend beyond theoretical line drawn betweentwoblades.


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Makesurethatyouwrapitinastraightlinesothattheendofthetapelinesupwiththe beginning of the tape. Note the lawnmower diameter (4.760 for example).

Placethepitapemagnetononeofthebladesat the rightendof the lawnmower.Again make sure that the magnet doesnot extend beyond theoretical line drawn betweentwoblades.


Makesurethatyouwrapitinastraightlinesothattheendofthetapelinesupwiththe beginning of the tape. Note the lawnmower diameter (4.770 for example).

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3.4 Adjusting the reel


Feedthegrindingwheelupatthelargeend of the lawn mower while turning thelawnmowerbladesanduntilthewheeljusttouchesthelawnmowerblades.Youshoulddo this at approximately the point you took yourpitapemeasurement.

Whileholding thehandwheel, turn thedialuntilitreads0.

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Infeed the hand wheel the differencein the left and right lawnmowerdiameters(4.770-4.760=.010).

While turning the lawn mower blades,adjustthefrontrolleruntilthegrindingwheeljusttouchesthelawnmowerblade.

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If the rear roller is fixed, you may adjust thefrontrollerupto.010toremovetherock,otherwiseyouneedtoadjusttheframe.

If you have lawn mower to bed knifeadjustment,adjust the roller to remove therock. Then make your adjustments usingthelawnmoweradjustmentsratherthantherolleradjustments.

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Usethesupportstandsforlawnmowerswithout a front roller. To adjust the lawnmower,loosentheframeorrollermount.


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3.5 Clamping the reel



Makesure the lawnmower isproperlyseatedandbothchainsaretight.

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4. Spin Grinding

4.0 Setting the carriage stops for spin

Disengage the grinding head from thecarriage travel by pulling then turning thelockingpin.

Move the grinding head to one end ofthe reel so that the grinding wheel is justoff theendof the reel bladeanddoesnottouchthereelframe.Ifyoucannotclearthereelframe,youmayleaveallorpartofthegrindingwheelonthereel.

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Loosentheclampscrewonthecarriagestop and slide the stop so it touches thegrinding head, then tighten the clampscrew.


4.1 Engaging the spin motor to the reel

Make sure that all clamps are tight. Loose clamping may

cause damage or injury.

To change the side on which the spinmotorismounted,twistandunplugthespinmotorplug.

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Holdthespinmotorwithonehandandloosen the locking knob which clamps theunittoitssupport.

Lifttheassemblyoffthesupport,turnitaround, and place it on the support at theotherendofthegrinder.

Plug and twist the spin motor plug inits receptacle on the same side as unit ismounted.

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Select a 1/2” drive socket that will fit thedriveofyourreelmowerandplaceitonthe1/2”driveshaftofthespinmotor.Somemowersmayrequiresimpleadaptors.


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Unclamp the setscrew which locks thespin motor shaft and slide the socket onto the drive on the reel, then retighten thesetscrew.

4.2 Spin grinding

Make sure that all clamps are tight. Loose clamping may

cause damage or injury.

Feed the grinding head up until thegrinding wheel just touches the reel at thelargeendthenbackoffabout.020.

Engage the grinding head to thepneumaticdrive.

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Always close shield or wear safety

glasses and face shield when grinding! Stay clear of grinding wheel when turning grinder on!




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Make sure the reel is properly alignedwith thespinmotorand that the reelspinsfreely.Startthespinmotor.

Set the spin speed, faster for smallreels,slowerfor largerreels.200-300rpmisusuallytheslowestyouwillneedtouse.


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Set the carriage speed so it is aboutequalinbothdirections.

Slowlyfeedthegrindingheadinuntilthegrindingwheelstarts togrind the reel thenallow the grinding head to travel back andforth.

Snug and lock the tension screw.Dependingonthesize,type,andconditionofthereel,youmaywishtoadjustthespeedof the spin motor or the carriage travel sothatyougetasmooth,consistentgrind.

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Continuetofeedthegrindingwheelinattheendofthetraveluntil thereel issharp.Listenforuniformgrindingsoundallthewayacrossthereel.

At the end of the last pass, turn thecarriage travel off, the spinmotor off, thenturnthegrindingmotoroff.

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5. Relief Grinding

5.0 Changing the grinding wheel (1800)



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Do not use a damaged stone as it may

explode and cause injury or death.

Withthegrindingheadallthewayattheleftendofthegrinder,usetheT-handleallenwrenchtoloosenthesetscrewwhichlocksthequickchangehub to theshaft. Gentlyslide the spin grinding wheel off the shafttakingcarenottodamageit.

Mount the finger guide.

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Gentlyslidethereliefgrindingwheelonto the shaft until it seats against the snapringtakingcarenottodamageit.UsingtheT-handleallenwrench,tightenthesetscrewwhich locks the quick change hub to theshaft.

5.1 Setting the relief angle



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itjusttouchesbothreelbladesorsothegrinding wheel is touching the blade to begroundandthespider.

Adjust the grinding wheel down 1-2revolutionsforsmallerreelsand3-4ormorerevolutions for larger reels.Makesure thatthe relief angle does not exceed 45 degrees. This will give approximate the correct relief angleformostreels.Youmayneedtoadjustupordowndependingonyourreels.


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Move the grinding head on to the reeluntil thereelblade is touching thegrindingwheel.Rotatetheguideassemblybackuntilthe guide and the grinding wheel are bothtouchingthereelbladetobeground.



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Movethegrindingheadtotherightendof thereelso that thegrindingwheel isofftheendandsetthetravelstop

5.2 Setting the travel stops

Back the grinding wheel off slightly sothat the reel blade restsonly on theguideandnotthegrindingwheel.


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5.3 Relief grinding


Always close shield or wear safety

glasses and face shield when grinding! Stay clear of grinding wheel when turning grinder on!


Engage the grinding head into thecarriagetravel.

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Turn the carriage travel on. You mayneedtoadjustthespeedtogetasatisfactorygrind. Mostof thegrinding isdoneas thegrinding wheel feeds into the blade. Thiswillbeasthegrindingheadismovingtotherightforrighthandspiralbladesandtotheleftforlefthandspiralblades.

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Feed the grinding wheel up to obtainthe desired percent of relief grind. Theamount you feed will depend on reel sizeand conditionandgrindingwheel sizeduetowear.

When each blade is ground, use thehandleonthespinmotorshafttorotatethereel to the next blade.

Align the blade with a mark or otherfeatureonthereelsothatthebladelinesupwith the finger guide.

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Continue to infeed the grinding wheeluntilyouhaveachievedthedesiredrelief.



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6. Maintenance

6.0 General maintenance

Thecarriagebearingsarepermanentlysealed and lubricated. They require nolubrication or attention except to be kept clean.

The track shafts must also be keptclean and free from grinding dust and areequippedwithintegralwipes.Donotoilthetrack shaftsas thatwill cause thegrindingdusttoclingtothetrackshaftsandmakethewipesineffective.

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The grinder is equipped with a totallyenclosedfancooledmotorswhichrequiresnoregularmaintenance.Themotorsshouldbecleanedperiodicallywitheitheravacuumorcompressedair.

The feed screw should be lubricatedlightlywithdrygraphiteasneededforeasyoperation.

The spin motor shaft has a grease fitting which should be greased at least once ayeardependingonservice.

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6.1 Aligning the head vertically

The grinding head is aligned at the

factory and should only be adjusted if you are sure it is out of alignment.

Disengage the grinding head from thecarriagetravelbypulling thepindownandturningit.


Mount the dial indicator and magneticbasesothatthetipofthedialindicatorrestsontopofthegrindingwheelshaft.Movethegrindingheadbackand forthand read thedifferenceonthedialindicator.

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Adjust the head until the shaft varieslessthan.002-.003.

Tightenthebolts.Recheckthealignmentto make sure that you do not move thebearinghousing.

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6.2 Aligning the head horizontally

The grinding head is aligned at the

factory and should only be adjusted if you are sure it is out of alignment.

Withthegrindingheaddisengagedandthe grinding wheel removed (see Section6.1), mount the dial indicator so that thetiptouchesthefrontoftheshaft.Movethegrindingheadbackand forthand read thedifferenceonthedialindicator.


Rotate the head until the shaft variesless than 0.003. Retighten the set screws,takingcarenottomovethehead.

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6.3 Dressing the grinding wheel

Wear face shield! Stay clear of stone when starting machine!


Mount the diamond dresser on to themagneticbaseandclampthemagneticbaseontooneofthereelsupportrails.


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Feed the grinding head up until it justtouchesthediamonddresser.

As you hold the magnetic base, movethegrindingheadbackandforthandslowlyinfeedthestoneuntilthestoneiscleanandtrue.

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6.4 Adjusting the grinding head bearings

The two bearings on the top of thebottombearingblockdonotneedadjusting.

The remaining eight bearings, four onthe top track shaft and four on the bottomare mounted on eccentric axles and may needoccasionaladjusting.

Loosen the set screw which locks thebearing axle.

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With a screwdriver, turn the axle so thatbearingjusttouchesthechromedtrackshaft.

Retighten the locking set screw. Thebearingshouldjusttouchthetrackshaftandslipwhenturned.Notallbearingswillbeinfull contactwith the trackshaftover its fulllength.

6.5 Mounting the grinding wheels

A defective grinding wheel can cause

damage, serious injury or death.

Ring the new stone to ensure it isundamaged.Dothisbyholdingitinthearborhole and gently tapping it with a woodenhandleof a screwdriver or similar tool. Ifthestonedoesnotringdonotuseit.

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For the spin grinding stone, use thespannerwrenchprovided,holdthestoneandunscrew the wheel nut counterclockwise.Removethestone.


Do not overtighten. You will damage the stone.

Replace the wheel nut and tightenwith the spanner wrench provided. Do notovertightenasyoumaydamagethestone.You may remove the hub assembly andmountitcarefullyinavisefortightening.

Use extra caution when turning the grinding motor on and off the first few times after you have mounted

the stone. If the nut is not tight enough, it and the stone may come

off when you turn the motor off.

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For the relief grinding stone, use theu-wrench provided, hold the stone andunscrew the wheel nut counterclockwise.Removethestone.


Do not overtighten. You will damage the stone.

Replacethewheelnutandtightenwiththe u-wrench provided. Do not overtightenas you may damage the stone. You mayremove the hub assembly and mount itcarefullyinavisefortightening.

Use extra caution when turning the grinding motor on and off the first few times after you have mounted

the stone. If the nut is not tight enough, it and the stone may come

off when you turn the motor off.

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6.6 Aligning the fence


Makesurethattheeccentricfencepostis in the aligned position by loosening thebolt

Then rotate the post until the detenteclicks,thenretightenthepost

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Lock the fence in position with the leftsidelockingknobonly.


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Adjustthesocketheadboltuntilthebothsidesarewithin .010with the lockingknoband jamnut tight. Itmay takeseveral triesin order to compensate for tightening thelockingknobandjamnuts.
