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pembahasan seminar part 1.pdf

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    Part I


  • 1. Pharmacology

    Antacids may affect a number of drugs by altering rates of dissolution & absorption, bioavailability, & renal elimination.

    The dissolution of erythromycin was found to be markedly retarded in the presence of all the antacids studied except sodium hydrogen carbonate.

    Al3+ & Mg2+ antacids have propensity to chelate other drugs in the GI tract forming insoluble complexes that pass through the GI tract without absorption.

    Most interactions can be avoided by taking antacids 2 hours before or after ingestion of other drugs.

  • 2. Diabetes

  • 16. Antidiabetic Drugs

  • 3. Hypertension

  • 1. ACE-I (kaptopril, lisinopril): Bradikinin & substansi P batuk

    2. ARB (valsartan, losartan): Tidak menyebabkan batuk

  • 4. Heartburn

    Effect of caffeine on GI tract: Coffee promotes gastro-oesophageal reflux. Coffee stimulates gastrin release and gastric acid secretion. Coffee also prolongs the adaptive relaxation of the proximal

    stomach, suggesting that it might slow gastric emptying. However, other studies indicate that coffee does not affect gastric emptying or small bowel transit.

    Coffee induces cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction.

    Coffee increases rectosigmoid motor activity.

    Although often mentioned as a cause of dyspeptic

    symptoms, no association between coffee and dyspepsia is found. Boekema PJ, Samsom M, van Berge Henegouwen GP, Smout AJ. Coffee and gastrointestinal

    function: facts and fiction. A review. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl. 1999;230:35-9.

  • 5. Anaphylactic Shock

    World Allergy Organization anaphylaxis guidelines: Summary

  • 5. Anaphylactic Shock

    World Allergy Organization anaphylaxis guidelines: Summary

  • 6. Hipersensitivitas

  • 7. Asthma: therapy

    Asthma management has six interrelated parts: 1. Education 2. Assess & monitor

    severity 3. Avoid exposure

    to risk factors 4. individual

    medication plans 5. plans for

    managing exacerbations

    6. regular followup

    GINA 2005

  • 7. Asthma: therapy

  • 7. Asthma: therapy

    Jika steroid jangka panjang terpaksa diberikan pada asma persisten sedang-berat karena tidak mampu, maka pertimbangkan:

    Gunakan prednison, prednisolon, atau metilprednisolon karena efek mineralokortikoid minimal, waktu paruh pendek, & efek striae pada otot minimal

    Bentuk oral, bukan parenteral

    Penggunaan selang sehari atau 1x/hari pagi hari

  • 8. Dyslipidemia

    Estimation of LDL using Friedewald formula:

    LDL = Total cholesterol HDL TG/5

    TG/5 is a representative of VLDL

    This equation cant be used if the TG is >400 mg/dL.

    LDL = 500 30 (350/5)

    = 400 mg/dL

  • 9. Hiperkortisolisme

  • 10. Hipertensi dengan Bradikardia

  • 11. E.S. OAT Mayor

    MAYOR Kemungkinan Penyebab HENTIKAN OBAT

    Gatal & kemerahan Semua jenis OAT Antihistamin & evaluasi ketat

    Tuli Streptomisin Stop streptomisin

    Vertigo & nistagmus (n.VIII) Streptomisin Stop streptomisin

    Ikterus Sebagian besar OAT Hentikan semua OAT s.d. ikterik menghilang, hepatoprotektor

    Muntah & confusion Sebagian besar OAT Hentikan semua OAT & uji fungsi hati

    Gangguan penglihatan Etambutol Stop etambutol

    Kelainan sistemik, syok & purpura

    Rifampisin Stop rifampisin

  • 11. E.S. OAT Minor Minor Kemungkinan Penyebab Tata Laksana

    Tidak nafsu makan, mual, sakit perut

    Rifampisin OAT diminum malam sebelum tidur

    Nyeri sendi Pyrazinamid Aspirin/allopurinol

    Kesemutan s.d. rasa terbakar di kaki

    INH Vit B6 1 x 100 mg/hari

    Urine kemerahan Rifampisin Beri penjelasan

  • 12. Hiperkortisolisme

    Elektrolit: hipokalemia, hipernatremia

  • 13. Tiroid

    In the presence of corticosteroids, which lower TBG levels, the total thyroid hormone (bound + free) in the blood will be low.

    Noted that free thyroid hormon is normal because of decrease TSH: Low TBG increase free thyroid hormone

    decrease TSH normal free thyroid hormone.

    B & D are correct.

  • 14. Arrhytmia





    History of hypertension

  • 15. Arrhytmia

    Second degree AV block 3:1

  • 16. Pharmacology

    Rifampin potently induces CYP1A2, 2C9, 2C19, and 3A4 decreased half-life for a number of compounds, including: HIV protease and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase

    inhibitors, digitoxin, digoxin, quinidine, ketoconazole, propranolol, metoprolol, verapamil, clofibrate, methadone, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives oral anticoagulants, theophylline, barbiturates, fluconazole, sulfonylureas

    Goodman & Gillman Pharmacology.

  • 17. TB Paru Pada Gagal Ginjal

    Jangan menggunakan streptomisin, kanamisin, & kapreomisin.

    Sebaiknya hindari penggunaan etambutol karena waktu paruhnya memanjang & terjadi akumulasi etambutol.

    Sedapat mungkin dosis disesuaikan dengan faal ginjal (CCT, ureum, kreatinin).

    Rujuk ke ahli paru.

  • 18. Organophosphate Intoxication

    Organophosphorus pesticides inhibit esterase enzymes, especially acetylcholinesterase in synapses and on red-cell membranes.

    Acetylcholinesterase inhibition accumulation of acetylcholine & overstimulation of acetylcholine receptors in synapses of the autonomic nervous system, CNS, and neuromuscular junctions DUMBELS.

    DUMBELS: diarrhea, urination, miosis, bradycardia/bronchorea/bronchospasm, emesis, lacrimation, salivation.

    Review article: Allergic rhinitis management pocket reference 2008. Journal compilation 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard. Allergy 2008: 63: 990996.

  • 18. Organophosphate Intoxication

  • 19. Penyakit Paru

  • 20. Suara Napas Tambahan

    Ronki: Suara berisik & terputus akibat airan udara yang melewati cairan.

    Ronki halus disebabkan oleh terbukanya saluran napas secara mendadak yang tadinya tertutup.

    Ronki kasar disebabkan oleh aliran udara yang melewati cairan.

    Pneumonia: Congestion: vascular engorgement, intra-alveolar fluid with few

    neutrophils, and often the presence of numerous bacteria.

    Hepatization: massive confluent exudation with neutrophils, red cells, and fibrin filling the alveolar spaces .

    Resolution: the consolidated exudate within the alveolar spaces undergoes progressive enzymatic digestion.

  • 21. Regulasi Cairan Tubuh

    Regulasi osmolaritas cairan ekstrasel diatur dengan vasopresin (ADH).

  • 22. Beta Blocker

    Nonselective beta blockers (such as propranolol) block all types of beta receptors throughout the body and are therefore more likely to cause side effects.

    At low doses, cardioselective beta blockers (such as atenolol and metoprolol) selectively block the beta receptors found in the heart and are less likely to cause side effects. However, at the high doses often needed to control angina, these medications lose their selectivity and may also block other types of beta receptors throughout the body, producing more side effects.

    Some beta blockers (such as acebutolol and pindolol) are less likely to depress cardiac function or cause a slow resting heart rate and may be a better choice for people who have specific cardiac conditions or are more sensitive to the effects of beta blockers.

    Some beta blockers (such as labetalol or carvedilol) also block alpha receptors, which are another type of receptor found in the blood vessels. These medications have the added benefit of dilating blood vessels.

  • 23. E.S. OAT Mayor

    MAYOR Kemungkinan Penyebab HENTIKAN OBAT

    Gatal & kemerahan Semua jenis OAT Antihistamin & evaluasi ketat

    Tuli Streptomisin Stop streptomisin

    Vertigo & nistagmus (n.VIII) Streptomisin Stop streptomisin

    Ikterus Sebagian besar OAT Hentikan semua OAT s.d. ikterik menghilang, hepatoprotektor

    Muntah & confusion Sebagian besar OAT Hentikan semua OAT & uji fungsi hati

    Gangguan penglihatan Etambutol Stop etambutol

    Kelainan sistemik, syok & purpura

    Rifampisin Stop rifampisin

  • 24. Hemolytic Anemia

    Clinical & Lab signs are associated with: Heme catabolism

    Bilirubinemia icterus

    Dark/red urine (intravascular hemolysis)

    Increased of erythropoiesis Reticulocytosis (polychromation)

    Chronic severe bone marrow expansion cortical bone thinning

    Extramedullar hematopoiesis hepatosplenomegaly

    Blood smear: normocytic normochrome or macrocytic because of reticulocytosis.

    If increased of erythropoiesis is not balanced by adequate Fe intake def Fe state microcytic hypochrome anemia

    Clinical laboratory medicine

  • 25.Intoksikasi Logam Berat

    Symptoms related to mercury toxicity are typically neurologic, such as the following: Visual disturbance - Eg, scotomata, visual field constriction


    Paresthesias (early signs)

    Hearing loss


    Mental deterioration

    Muscle tremor

    Movement disorders

    Paralysis and death - With severe exposure

  • 26. Pneumoniae in the Immunocompromised Host

    Pulmonary infiltrate, with/without signs of infection (e.g., fever) one of the most common & serious complications in patients whose immune defenses are suppressed by: disease,

    immunosuppressive therapy for organ transplants,

    chemotherapy for tumors, or


    Robbins & Cotran pathologic basis of diseases

  • 26. Pneumoniae in the Immunocompromised Host

    CMV infection: Prominent intranuclear basophilic

    inclusions spanning half the nuclear diameter are usually set off from the nuclear membrane by a clear halo.

    In the lungs, the alveolar macrophages. epithelial and endothelial cells are affected;

    Affected cells are strikingly enlarged, often to a diameter of 40 m, and they show cellular & nuclear pleomorphism.

    Robbins & Cotran pathologic basis of diseases

  • 26. Pneumoniae in the Immunocompromised Host

    Pneumocystis jiroveci/carini: dyspnea, fever, nonproductive


    tachypnea, tachycardia, and cyanosis, but lung auscultation reveals few abnormalities.

    CXR: bilateral diffuse infiltrates beginning in the perihilar regions.

    definitive diagnosis is made by histopathologic staining methenamine silver selectively stain the wall of Pneumocystis cysts.

    Robbins & Cotran pathologic basis of diseases.

    Harrisons principles of internal medicine.

  • 27. Pneumonia

  • 27. Pneumonia

    Faktor modifikasi pada terapi pneumonia: Pneumokokus resisten terhadap penisilin

    Umur lebih dari 65 tahun Memakai obat-obat golongan P laktam selama tiga bulan terakhir Pecandu alkohol Penyakit gangguan kekebalan Penyakit penyerta yang multipel

    Bakteri enterik Gram negatif Penghuni rumah jompo Mempunyai penyakit dasar kelainan jantung paru Mempunyai kelainan penyakit yang multipel Riwayat pengobatan antibiotik

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bronkiektasis Pengobatan kortikosteroid > 10 mg/hari Pengobatan antibiotik spektrum luas > 7 hari pada bulan terakhir Gizi kurang

  • 28. Anticoagulant Therapy

  • 28. Anticoagulant Therapy

    ISI: international sensitivity index

    1 is the best

    MNPT: mean normal PT laboratory

  • 29. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • 29. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    NSAIDs: Are important for symptomatic relief but play only a minor role, if any, in

    altering the underlying disease process. Aspirin is the oldest drug of the non-steroidal class, but because of its high

    rate of GI toxicity, a narrow window between toxic and anti-inflammatory serum levels, and the inconvenience of multiple daily doses, aspirins use as the initial choice of drug therapy has largely been replaced by other NSAIDs

    Glucocorticoid: The paradigm ("bridge therapy") is to shut off inflammation rapidly with

    glucocorticoids, and then to taper these as the slower-acting DMARD begin to work.

  • 30. ECG

    Normal ventricular depolarization:

    the QRS complex is narrow and the electrical axis lies between 0 and 90. All of this changes with bundle branch block.

    Bundle branch block:

    Changes of width and configuration of the QRS complexes.

  • 30. ECG

    Criteria for Right Bundle Branch Block QRS complex greater

    than 0.12 s.

    RSR' in V1 & V2 (rabbit ears) with ST segment depression & T wave inversion

    Reciprocal changes in V5, V6, I, and AVL.

  • 30. ECG

    Criteria for Left Bundle Branch Block QRS complex widened to

    greater than 0.12 seconds Broad or notched R wave

    with prolonged upstroke in leads V5, V6, I, and AVL, with ST segment depression and T wave inversion

    Reciprocal changes in V1 and V2

    Left axis deviation may be present.

  • 31. DM Complications

    Diabetic neuropathy is distal symmetric polyneuropathy. It most frequently presents with distal sensory loss, but up to

    50% of patients do not have symptoms of neuropathy. Hyperesthesia, paresthesia, and dysesthesia also may occur. Symptoms may include a sensation of numbness, tingling,

    sharpness, or burning that begins in the feet and spreads proximally.

    Physical examination reveals sensory loss, loss of ankle reflexes, and abnormal position sense.

    Peripheral artery disease: The most common symptom is intermittent claudication, which

    is defined as a pain, ache, cramp, numbness, or a sense of fatigue in the muscles; it occurs during exercise and is relieved by rest.

    Harrisons principles of internal medicine. 18th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2011.

  • 32. Cardiomegaly

    Left Atrium The two popular radiologic signs of left atrial enlargementa double

    contour within the right cardiac border and elevation of the left main bronchusare accurate when present, but they are insensitive and seen in only about half the cases of mitral valve disease.

    when the right atrium also enlarges a continuous curve on the posterior cardiac border with the enlarged left atrium the double contour is not seen with mild left atrial enlargement or in severe cases of mitral valve disease.

  • 32. Cardiomegaly

    Left ventricle The shape of the dilated left

    ventricle depends to a large extent on the underlying cause. When it is due to insufficiency of

    the aortic or mitral valve, the ventricle elongates and its apex is displaced downward, to the left, and posteriorly.

    When the dilation is due to coronary artery disease or primary myocardial disease, the ventricle tends to assume a more globular shape.

  • 32. Cardiomegaly

    Right Atrium Dilation of the right atrium causes an accentuation and outward

    bowing of the curvature on the lower half of the right cardiac contour in the frontal view.

    Right ventricle: Even moderate right ventricular enlargement may produce no

    abnormality in this view other than some prominence of the main pulmonary artery.

    As right ventricular size increases, the transverse diameter of the heart enlarges to the left, and the cardiac apex becomes blunted and elevated.

    Enlargement of either or both ventricles displaces the apex of the heart to the left. It is not often possible to distinguish between biventricular enlargement and dilation of one or the other ventricle.

  • 34. Nefropati Diabetik

    Perkeni 2011.

  • 34. Nefropati Diabetik

    Tatalaksana: Kendalikan glukosa darah Kendalikan tekanan darah Diet protein 0,8 gram/kgBB per hari. Jika terjadi penurunan fungsi

    ginjal yang bertambah berat, diet protein diberikan 0,6 0,8 gram/kg BB per hari.

    Terapi dengan obat penyekat reseptor angiotensin II, penghambat ACE, atau kombinasi keduanya

    Jika terdapat kontraindikasi terhadap penyekat ACE atau reseptor angiotensin, dapat diberikan antagonis kalsium non dihidropiridin.

    Apabila serum kreatinin >2,0 mg/dL sebaiknya ahli nefrologi ikut dilibatkan

    Idealnya bila klirens kreatinin

  • 34. Nefropati Diabetik

    Insulin pda DM tipe 2 diperlukan pada keadaan: Penurunan berat badan yang cepat Hiperglikemia berat yang disertai ketosis Ketoasidosis diabetik Hiperglikemia hiperosmolar non ketotik Hiperglikemia dengan asidosis laktat Gagal dengan kombinasi OHO dosis optimal Stres berat (infeksi sistemik, operasi besar, IMA, stroke) Kehamilan dengan DM/diabetes melitus gestasional yang

    tidak terkendali dengan perencanaan makan Gangguan fungsi ginjal atau hati yang berat Kontraindikasi dan atau alergi terhadap OHO

  • 35. Chronic Kidney Disease

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

    encompasses a spectrum of different pathophysiologic processes associated with abnormal kidney function and a progressive decline in GFR.

    Etiology: DM, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, drug-induced, myeloma.

    Signs & Symptoms of Uremia

    General Nausea, anorexia, malaise, fetor uremicus, pruritus

    Neurologic Encephalopathy, seizures, neuropathy

    Cardiovascular Pericarditis, accelerated atherosclerosis

    Hematologic Anemia due to erythropoietin deficiency, bleeding (due to platelet dysfunction)

    Metabolic Hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia

  • 35. Chronic Kidney Disease

    Pathophysiology of disease.

  • 36. Hipovitaminosis

  • 37. Calorie Calculator

    Kalori dari telur goreng: 90 kkal.

    Bersepeda 5 menit: 25 kkal.

    Bersepeda 10 menit: 50 kkal.

    Berlari kencang 5 menit: 50 kkal.

    Berlari kencang 10 menit sekitar 90 kkal.

    Berjalan 20 menit: 48 kkal.

  • 38. DM Complications

  • 39. Necrosis

    Coagulative necrosis a form of necrosis in which the architecture of dead tissues is

    preserved for a span of at least some days. The injury denatures not only structural proteins but also enzymes and

    so blocks the proteolysis of the dead cells. Ischemia caused by obstruction in a vessel may lead to coagulative

    necrosis of the supplied tissue in all organs except the brain

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 39. Necrosis

    Gangrenous necrosis Not a specific pattern of cell death, but commonly

    used in clinical practice.

    It is usually applied to a limb that has lost its blood supply & has undergone necrosis (typically coagulative necrosis).

    When bacterial infection is superimposed there is more liquefactive necrosis because of the actions of degradative enzymes in the bacteria & the attracted leukocytes (wet gangrene).

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 39. Necrosis

    Liquefactive necrosis characterized by digestion of

    the dead cells, resulting in transformation of the tissue into a liquid viscous mass.

    It is seen in focal bacterial or, occasionally, fungal infections, because microbes stimulate the accumulation of leukocytes and the liberation of enzymes from these cells.

    The necrotic material is frequently creamy yellow because of the presence of dead leukocytes (pus)

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 39. Necrosis

    Caseous necrosis encountered most often in

    foci of tuberculous infection. The term caseous

    (cheeselike) is derived from the friable white appearance of the area of necrosis

    the necrotic area appears as a collection of fragmented or lysed cells and amorphous granular debris enclosed within a distinctive inflammatory border (granuloma).

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 39. Necrosis

    Fat necrosis focal areas of fat destruction, typically resulting from release of

    activated pancreatic lipases into the substance of the pancreas and the peritoneal cavity.

    In this disorder pancreatic enzymes leak out of acinar cells & liquefy the membranes of fat cells in the peritoneum.

    The released lipases split the triglyceride esters contained within fat cells. The fatty acids combine with calcium to produce grossly visible chalky-white areas (fat saponification).

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 39. Necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis a special form of necrosis

    usually seen in immune reactions involving blood vessels.

    This pattern of necrosis typically occurs when complexes of antigens and antibodies are deposited in the walls of arteries.

    Deposits of these immune complexes, together with fibrin that has leaked out of vessels, result in a bright pink and amorphous appearance in H&E stains, called fibrinoid (fibrin-like) by pathologists.

    Robbins & Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. 2010.

  • 40. Cyanide Intoxication

    Source: the vasodilator drug nitroprusside, natural sources are found in


    Mechanism of toxicity: Cyanide binds to cellular cytochrome oxidase blocking the

    aerobic utilization of oxygen metabolic acidosis.

    Symptoms headache, nausea, dyspnea, & confusion.

    Syncope, seizures, coma, agonal respirations, & cardiovascular collapse ensue rapidly after heavy exposure.

    Poisoning & drug overdose by the faculty, staff and associates of the California Poison Control System third edition

  • 40. Cyanide Intoxication Treatment:

    A. Emergency and supportive measures. Treat all cyanide exposures as potentially lethal.

    1. Maintain an open airway and assist ventilation if necessary.

    2. Treat coma, hypotension, & seizures if they occur.

    3. Start an IV line and monitor the patients vital signs and ECG

    B. Specific drugs and antidotes

    1. The cyanide antidote package consists of amyl & sodium nitrites, which produce cyanide-scavenging methemoglobinemia, & sodium thiosulfate, which accelerates the conversion of cyanide to thiocyanate.

    C. Prehospital.

    Immediately administer activated charcoal if available. Do not induce vomiting unless victim is more than 20 minutes from a medical facility and charcoal is not available.

  • 41. Leukemia CLL CML ALL AML

    The bone marrow makes abnormal leukocyte dont die when they should crowd out normal leukocytes, erythrocytes, & platelets. This makes it hard for normal blood cells to do their work.

    Prevalence Over 55 y.o. Mainly adults Common in children

    Adults & children

    Symptoms & Signs

    Grow slowly may asymptomatic, the disease is found during a routine test.

    Grow quickly feel sick & go to their doctor.

    Fever, swollen lymph nodes, frequent infection, weak, bleeding/bruising easily, hepatomegaly/splenomegaly, weight loss, bone pain.

    Lab Mature lymphocyte, smudge cells

    Mature granulocyte, dominant myelocyte & segment

    Lymphoblast >20%

    Myeloblast >20%, aeur rod may (+)

    Therapy Can be delayed if asymptomatic Treated right away


  • 41. Leukemia

    Clinical Manifestation More common in AML

    Leukostasis (when blas count >50.000/uL): occluded microcirculation headache, blurred vision, TIA, CVA, dyspnea, hypoxia

    DIC (promyelocitic subtype) Leukemic infiltration of skin, gingiva (monocytic subtype) Chloroma: extramedullary tumor, virtually any location.

    More common in ALL Bone pain, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly (also seen in

    monocytic AML) CNS involvement: cranial neuropathies, nausea, vomiting, headache,

    anterior mediastinal mass (T-cell ALL) Tumor lysis syndrome

    Pocket medicine.

  • 42. Regulasi Cairan Tubuh

    Regulasi osmolaritas cairan ekstrasel diatur dengan vasopresin (ADH).

    Olahraga berkeringat (cairan hipotonik) volume menurun & osmolaritas meningkat minum air volume meningkat & osmolaritas menurun.

  • 43. NSAID

  • 43. NSAID

    PPI is chosen for prophylaxis because it produces maximal acid supression, better than H2 receptor inhibitor.

    Misoprostol has more side effects when acid supression dosage is used.

  • 44. Clostridium Botulinum

    Infeksi C. botulinum biasanya disebabkan oleh makanan yang terkontaminasi:

    Daging yang tidak digoreng

    Ikan yang tidak matang

    Sayuran kaleng yang terbuka.

    Infeksi juga dapat masuk melalui luka yang terkontaminasi.

  • 44. Clostridium Botulinum

    Botulinum toksin dari saluran cerna atau luka darah ujung saraf kolinergik di perifer, antara lain, ujung saraf postganglion parasimpatik, ganglia perifer, & terutama di neuromuscular junction.

    Toksin memecah protein yang berperan pada proses fusi vesikel-berisi asetilkolin ke membran presinaps asetilkolin tidak dapat disekresi paralisis flaksid (lumpuh layu).

  • 45. Kolesistektomi

    The consequence of removal of the gallbladder relates to the inability to form concentrated bile & to secrete it in a coordinated fashion when the meal enters the duodenum.

    Thus, patients who have undergone a cholecystectomy may find that they are less able to tolerate large fatty meals.

  • 46. Leukemia CLL CML ALL AML

    The bone marrow makes abnormal leukocyte dont die when they should crowd out normal leukocytes, erythrocytes, & platelets. This makes it hard for normal blood cells to do their work.

    Prevalence Over 55 y.o. Mainly adults Common in children

    Adults & children

    Symptoms & Signs

    Grow slowly may asymptomatic, the disease is found during a routine test.

    Grow quickly feel sick & go to their doctor.

    Fever, swollen lymph nodes, frequent infection, weak, bleeding/bruising easily, hepatomegaly/splenomegaly, weight loss, bone pain.

    Lab Mature lymphocyte, smudge cells

    Mature granulocyte, dominant myelocyte & segment

    Lymphoblast >20%

    Myeloblast >20%, aeur rod may (+)

    Therapy Can be delayed if asymptomatic Treated right away


  • 47. Hipertiroidisme

  • 48. Pneumoconiosis

    International Labour Organization (ILO) defines pneumoconiosis as "the accumulation of dust in the lungs and the tissue reactions to its presence."

    The main reaction to mineral dust in the lungs is fibrosis.

  • 48. Pneumoconiosis

    Coal workers' pneumoconiosis is a distinct pathologic entity resulting from the deposition of coal dust in the lungs.

    The tissue reactions to deposits of dust include the coal macule and the coal nodule and progressive massive fibrosis (PMF).

    CXR: Macule: opacities < 1,5 mm Nodule: small rounded opacities PMF: parenchymal opacities >1 cm

  • 49. Leukemia Granulositik Kronik The marrow aspirate and biopsy are essential to the diagnosis of the

    myeloproliferative disorders.

    The marrow aspirate provides information as to individual cell morphology and the distribution of cell types. It also provides essential information in diagnosis and management of patients with CML as they become increasingly dysplastic and evolve to acute leukemia.

    Chromosomal studies of peripheral blood and marrow are important, primarily to distinguish CML from the other myeloproliferative disorders

  • 50. Asma

  • 51. Asthma

  • 51. Asthma Posisi duduk agar mengurangi volume darah di vascular bed paru

    paru lebih terisi udara

    Moderate Episode Severe Episode

  • 52. Arthritis

    Gout: transient attacks of

    acute arthritis initiated by crystallization of urates within & about joints,

    leading eventually to chronic gouty arthritis & the appearance of tophi.

    Tophi: large aggregates of urate crystals & the surrounding inflammatory reaction.

    Harrisons principles of internal medicine. 18th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2011.

    Robbins pathologic basis of disease. 2007.

  • 52. Arthritis

    The management of acute gout is to provide rapid & safe pain relief. NSAID, Colchicine. Corticosteroid if NSAID is


    Preventing further attacks by uric acid lowering agent: Allopurinol Probenecid

    Uric acid lowering agent shouldnt be given on acute attack, unless the patient has consumed it since 2 weeks before.

    Current diagnosis & treatment in rheumatology. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill; 2007.

  • 52. Arthritis


    Indomethacin is historically the NSAID of choice for acute gout, but other NSAIDs may be just as effective.


    is effective but less well tolerated than NSAIDs.

    Gastrointestinal side effects include gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe cramping abdominal pain.

  • 53. Polyuria

    If polyuria is shown to be dilute, pathophysiologic mechanisms include: 1. Hypothalamic or central diabetes insipidus with inability

    to synthesize and secrete vasopressin;

    2. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus with an inadequate renal response to vasopressin;

    3. Transient diabetes insipidus of pregnancy produced by accelerated metabolism of vasopressin;

    4. Primary polydipsia (psychogenic), in which the initiating event is ingestion of excess fluid and the subsequent hypotonic polyuria is an appropriate physiologic response.

  • 53. Polyuria

    During the dehydration or water deprivation test:

    primary polydipsia: concentrate his urine without becoming hyperosmolar

    diabetes insipidus: become hyperosmolar without concentrating the urine.

    After the patient is given desmopressin:

    Hypothalamic DI has minimal concentration of the urine & an additional in urine osmolality of at least 50%.

    partial hypothalamic DI concentrate their urine minimally with dehydration, but the maximum urinary concentration is not achieved, and there is an additional boost with administered desmopressin

    Nephrogenic DI do not concentrate their urine & no further increase in urine osmolality after the administration of desmopressin. Harrisons principles of internal medicine. 18th ed.

    Greenspans clinical endocrinology.


  • Montegia Fracture Dislocation

    It is a fracture of the proximal 1/3rd of the Ulna with dislocation of head of radius anteriorly. Posteriorly or laterally

    Head of Radius dislocates same direction as fracture

    It requires ORIF or it will redisplace

    54. Forehand Fracture

    Lateral displacement

  • Galleazzi Fracture

    It is a fracture of distal Radius and dislocation of inferior Radio- Ulnar joint

    Like Monteggia fracture if treated conservatively it will redisplace

    This fracture appeared in acceptable position after reduction and POP

  • Greenstick Fractures

  • Colles Fracture

    Most common fracture in Osteoporotic bones

    Extra-Articular : 1 inch of distal Radius

    Results from a fall on dorsi flexed wrist

    Typical deformity : Dinner Fork

    Deformity is : Impaction, dorsal displacement and angulation, radial displacement and angulation and avulsion of ulnar styloid process

  • Colles Fracture

    optimized by optima

  • # distal 1 Impaction ,Dorsal displacement and dorsal tilt

  • Smith Fracture

    Almost the opposite of Colles fracture

    Much less common compared to colles

    Results from a fall on palmer flexed wrist

    Typical deformity : Garden Spade

    Management is conservative : MUA and Above Elbow POP

  • Smith Fracture

  • 55. Femur Fractures

    Common injury due to major violent trauma

    1 femur fracture/ 10,000 people

    More common in people < 25 yo or >65 yo

    Femur fracture leads to reduced activity for 107 days, the average length of hospital stay is 25 days

    Motor vehicle, motorcycle, auto-pedestrian, aircraft, and gunshot wound accidents are most frequent causes

  • Symptoms in children

    child has severe pain

    The thigh is noticeably swollen or deformed

    Expanding thigh hematoma

    unable to stand or walk, and/or

    There is a limited range of motion of the hip or knee allowed by the child because of pain

    Symptoms in children may be obscured related to fracture patterns (e.g. greenstick fractures)

  • 56. Hernia



  • Additional: Spigellian hernia: very rare, a hernia through the spigelian fascia and in most cases, it has a small size Ventral hernia: hernia in the abdominal wall, for example: incisional, umbilical and paraumbilical hernia

  • Types of Hernia Definition

    Reponible The sac can be inserted into the peritoneal cavity either manually or spontaneously

    Irreponible The sac cannot be reinserted into the peritoneal cavity

    Incarserated Passage obstruction of the small intestine in the hernia sac

    Strangulated Passage obstruction and vascular obstruction of the hernia sac

    Indirect follows the tract through the inguinal canal Results from a persistent process

    vaginalis The processus vaginalis outpouching

    of peritoneum attached to the testicle that trails behind as it descends retroperitoneally into the scrotum.

    Directusually occurs due to a defect or weakness in the transversalis fascia area of the Hesselbach triangle


  • Phimosis

    Inability to retract the distal foreskin over the glans penis

    Physiologic in newborn

    Complications Balanitis



    Treatment Dexamethasone 0.1% (6

    weeks) for spontaneous retraction


    Entrapment of a retracted foreskin behind the coronal sulcus

    Emergency Superficial vein

    obstruction edema and pain penile glands necrosis

    Treatment Manual reposition

    Dorsum incision

    57. Phimosis

  • 58. Complications of Fracture Healing

    Delayed Union Poor blood supply or infection.

    Non-Union Bone loss or wound contamination.

    Malunion Bone healed in a nonanatomic position Can be angulated, rotated, or shortened

    Affect function? Likely to affect function? Consequences with or without treatment

    Fibrous Union Improper immobilization

    Avascular necrosis (AVN) the death of bone cells through lack of blood supply its internal blood supply is compromised


  • 59. Avascular Necrosis


    Loss of blood flow to the bone leading to death of the cellular components of bone.

    Femoral head most common by far

    Shoulder humeral head

    Odontoid (Neck)

    Scaphoid (Wrist)

    Lunate (Wrist)

    Talus (Ankle)

  • Etiologies




    Diving (Caissons Disease)

    Sickle Cell

    Idiopathic (up to 30% of cases)

    Risk Factor






  • 60. Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture

    Adults 40-50 y.o. primarily affected (M>F)

    Athletic activities, usually with sudden starting or stopping

    Snap in heel with pain, which may subside quickly

  • Diagnosis

    Weakness in plantarflexion

    Gap in tendon

    Palpable swelling

    Positive Thompson test

  • Imaging of Achilles tendon


    Inexpensive, fast, reproducable, dynamic examination possible

    Operator dependent

    Best to measure thickness and gap

    Good screening test for complete rupture

  • Imaging


    Expensive, not dynamic

    Better at detecting partial ruptures and staging degenerative changes, (monitor healing)

  • 61&62. Gallbladder Disorder

  • Gallbladder stone Term Definition Clinical symptoms

    Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder Acute: fever,right upper quadrant(RUQ) pain,murphys sign +, may be icteric Chronic:no fever,recurrent RUQ pain,no icteric,USG:may be calculus/not,cyst wall thickening

    Cholecystolitiasis the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder.

    Recurrent RUQ pain,recurrent dyspepsia,no fever,no icteric,pain after fatty meal,Ro:radioopaque RUQ

    Cholelitihiasis The presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts

    Symptoms depend on stone location, only use this terms if the stone location is not established

    Choledocholithiasis the presence of gallstones in the common bile duct

    Colicky pain(biliary colic),icteric,may be with cholangitis signs(charcoats triads)

    Appendicitis Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.

    Pain on right lower quadrant,migratory pain,nausea,vomiting,specific signs(rovcing,McBurney,etc)

    Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. 2009, Elsevier.

  • 62. Cholelitiasis laboratorium Findings

    No sign of obstruction

    Normal Liver function test, Bilirubin,Urobilinogen

    Sign of obstructionCholedocholithiasis

    Increase LFT

    Increase Bilirubin

    Increase alkaline phosphatase

  • 63. Sertoli Cell Only-syndrome

    Sertoli cells respond FSH Epidemiology:

    men between age 20-40 years

    Sign&Symptoms: infertility without sexual abnormality normal- or small-sized testes Azoospermic

    Diagnosis Testicular biopsy absence of spermatozoa and only

    Sertoli cells line the seminiferous tubules

  • Pathophysiology

    testosterone and LH levels are normal, but due to lack of inhibin, FSH levels are increased


  • 64. Apendicitis TB

    Tuberculosis of the appendix presenting with the signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis

    it is not possible to make the correct diagnosis because the clinical picture is that of acute appendicitis,

    the diagnosis of appendicular tuberculosis is usually made on histopathological examination of the appendectomy specimen

  • the presence of caseating granulomas, epitheloid cells and Langhans giant cells, characteristic of tuberculous inflammation.

    important because of the risk of post-operative fistula

    On diagnosis, these patients must be started on anti-tubercular treatment

  • 65. Tamponade Jantung

  • Tamponade suspected Echocardiography

    Pericardiocentesis done immediately for

    diagnosis and treatmenta brief delay might be life threatening.

    Needle pericardiocentesis is often best when the etiology is known or the presence of tamponade is in question

  • 66. Burn Injury


    prick test (+)

  • Berat luka bakar:

    Ringan: derajat 1 luas < 15% a/ derajat II < 2%

    Sedang: derajat II 10-15% a/ derajat III 5-10%

    Berat: derajat II > 20% atau derajat III > 10% atau mengenai wajah, tangan-kaki, kelamin, persendian, pernapasan

  • Total Body Surface Area

    To estimate scattered burns: patient's palm surface = 1% total body surface area


    Parkland formula = baxter formula

  • 67. Le Fort Fracture

  • 68. Prostatic malignancy

  • PSAProstate Cancer

    PSA >4.0 ng/mL mandatory biopsy

    50% of all the cancers detected because of an elevated PSA level are localized

    these patients are candidates for potentially curative therapy

  • Manifestations of Metastatic Prostate Cancer



    Bone marrow suppression

    Weight loss

    Pathologic fractures

    Spinal cord compression LMN Paralisis


    Sensory deficit



    Ureteral and/or bladder outlet obstruction

    Urinary retention

    Chronic renal failure

    Urinary incontinence

    Symptoms related to bony or soft-tissue metastases

  • 69. Management of Trauma Patient

  • 70. Syok Anafilaktik

  • www.resus.org.uk/pages/reaction.pdf 2012.

  • 71. Abdominal Injuries

    abdominal injuries can be either open or closed

    open injuries are caused by sharp or high velocity objects that create an opening between the peritoneal cavity and the outside of the body

    closed injuries are caused by compression trauma associated with deceleration forces and include:




    shear injuries

  • The type of injury will depend on whether the organ injured is solid or hollow.

    Hollow and Solid Organs

    hollow organs include:





    solid organs include:




  • Abdominal Injuries

    Hollow Organ Injuries

    when hollow organs rupture, their highly irritating and infectious contents spill into the peritoneal cavity, producing a painful inflammatory reaction called peritonitis

    Solid Organ Injuries

    damage to solid organs such as the liver can cause severe internal bleeding

    blood in the peritoneal cavity causes peritonitis

    when patients injure solid organs, the symptoms of shock may overshadow those from peritonitis

  • Blunt Abdominal Trauma

    Signs of intraperitoneal injury Abdominal tenderness,

    peritoneal irritation

    Distention - pneumoperitoneum, gastric dilation, or ileus

    Ecchymosis of flanks (gray-turner sign) or umbilicus (cullen's sign) - retroperitoneal hemorrhage

    Abdominal contusions seat belts sign

    Bowel sounds suggests intraperitoneal injuries

    DRE: blood or subcutaneous emphysema


  • Dullness in Traube's space above the left midaxillary

    costal margin suggests an enlarged spleen,

    and can occur on inspiration Kehr's sign

    the occurrence of acute pain in the tip of the shoulder due to the presence of blood or other irritants in the peritoneal cavity when a person is lying down and the legs are elevated

    Kehr's sign in the left shoulder is considered a classical symptom of a ruptured spleen


    Cullens sign: purple-blue discoloration around umbilicus (peritoneal hemorrhage)

    Grey Turners sign:flank discoloration (retroperitoneal hemorrhage)

  • Spleen Upper left quadrant Rich blood supply Slightly protected by organs surrounding it and

    by lower rib cage Most commonly injured organ from blunt

    trauma Associated intraabdominal injuries

    common Suspect splenic injury in:

    Motor vehicle crashes Falls or sports injuries involving was an

    impact to the lower left chest, flank, or upper left abdomen

    Kehrs sign Left upper quadrant pain radiates to left

    shoulder Common complaint with splenic injury

    Management : Resuscitation. Laparotomy (repair,

    partial excision or splenectomy)

    Observation in hospital for patients with sub-capsular haematoma

  • Stomach/duodenum

    Not commonly injured by blunt trauma

    Protected location in abdomen

    Penetrating trauma may cause gastric transection or laceration Signs of peritonitis from

    leakage of gastric contents

    Diagnosis confirmed during surgery Unless nasogastric drainage

    returns blood


    Presentation : abdominal pain


    peritonism, shock

    Air under diaphragm on X-ray

    Treatment Antibiotics



  • 72. Cara Kerja Lidokain

  • 73. Chest Trauma

    Disorders Etiology Clinical

    Hemothorax lacerated blood vessel in thorax

    Anxiety/Restlessness,Tachypnea,Signs of Shock,Tachycardia Frothy, Bloody Sputum Diminished Breath Sounds on Affected Side,Flat Neck Veins, Dullness to percussion

    Simple/Closed Pneumothorax

    Blunt trauma spontaneous

    Opening in lung tissue that leaks air into chest cavity, Chest Pain,Dyspnea,Tachypnea Decreased Breath Sounds on Affected Side,hipersonor

    Open Pneumothorx Penetrating chest wound

    Opening in chest cavity that allows air to enter pleural cavity, Dyspnea,Sudden sharp pain,Subcutaneous Emphysema Decreased lung sounds on affected side Red Bubbles on Exhalation from wound (Sucking chest wound)


  • Disorders Etiology Clinical

    Tension Penumothorax Anxiety/Restlessness, Severe ,Poor Color Dyspnea,Tachypnea,Tachycardia Absent Breath sounds on affected side, Accessory Muscle Use, JV Distention Narrowing Pulse Pressures,Hypotension Tracheal Deviation, hypersonor

    Flail Chest Trauma a segment of the rib cage breaks becomes detached from the rest of the chest wall, 3 ribs broken in 2 or more places,painful when breathing,Paradoxical breathing

    Pleural Efusion congestive heart failure, pneumonia, malignancy, or pulmonary embolism infection

    Dyspnea, cough, chest pain, which results from pleural irritation, Dullness to percussion, decreased tactile fremitus, and asymmetrical chest expansion, with diminished or delayed expansion on the side of the effusion, decreased tactile fremitus, and asymmetrical chest expansion, diminished or delayed expansion on the side of the effusion

    Pneumonia Infection, inflammation

    Fever,dysnea,cough,rales in ausultation

  • Pemeriksaan Penunjang

    Trauma dada dapat ditentukan dengan pemeriksaan X-Ray dada, untuk menentukan jenis trauma yang timbul

  • Montegia Fracture Dislocation

    It is a fracture of the proximal 1/3rd of the Ulna with dislocation of head of radius anteriorly. Posteriorly or laterally

    Head of Radius dislocates same direction as fracture

    It requires ORIF or it will redisplace

    74. Forehand Fracture

    Lateral displacement

  • Galleazzi Fracture

    It is a fracture of distal Radius and dislocation of inferior Radio- Ulnar joint

    Like Monteggia fracture if treated conservatively it will redisplace

    This fracture appeared in acceptable position after reduction and POP

  • 75. Treatment of Poison ingestion

    Gastric lavage

    Flexible tube is inserted through the

    nose into the stomach

    Stomach contents are then suctioned

    via the tube

    A solution of saline is injected into

    the tube

    Recommended for up to 2 hrs in

    trichloro acetate & up to 4hrs in

    Salicylate OD

    Induced Vomiting Ipecac - Not routinely recommended Risk of aspiration

    Activated charcoal In conscious patients Adsorbs toxic substances or irritants,

    thus inhibiting GI absorption Addition of sorbitol laxative effect Oral: 25-100 g as a single dose repetitive doses useful to enhance

    the elimination of certain drugs (eg, theophylline, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, aspirin, sustained-release products)

    not effective for cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, organic solvents, iron, ethanol, methanol poisoning, lithium

  • Renal elimination Medication to stimulate

    urination or defecation may be given to try to flush the excess drug out of the body faster.

    Forced alkaline diuresis Infusion of large amount of

    NS+NAHCO3 Used to eliminate acidic drug

    that mainly excreted by the kidney eg salicylates

    Serious fluid and electrolytes disturbance may occur

    Need expert monitoring

    Hemodialysis or haemoperfusion:

    Reserved for severe poisoning Drug should be dialyzable i.e.

    protein bound with low volume of distribution

    may also be used temporarily or as long term if the kidneys are damaged due to the overdose.

  • 76. Hemorrhoid

    External Hemorrhoids Internal Hemorrhoids

    Outside anal canal, around sphincter Inside anal canal

    Symptoms due to thrombosis Symtomps due to bleeding and/or irritation of mucosa

    Can not be inserted to anal canal Can be inserted to anal canal up to grade III

  • Internal Hemorrhoids

    Internal hemorrhoidal plexus V. Rectus Inferior

    V. Rectus Media

    External Hemorrhoids external hemrroidal plexus V. Rectus Inferior

  • Histological Feature

    Hemorrhoids vascular structures in the anal canal

    Histological Feature simple columnar

    epithelium and stratified squamous epithelium with distention of veins in the lamina propria and submucosa of the anal canal

  • 77. Bladder Stone

    Bladder calculi are usually associated with urinary stasis

    Urinary infections increase the risk of stone formation

    Foreign bodies (e.g. suture material) can also act as a nidus for stone formation

    They can however form in a normal bladder

    There is no recognized association with ureteric calculi

    Bladder calculi can be asymptomatic Common symptoms include

    Suprapubic pain Dysuria Haematuria

    Abdominal examination may be normal can be identified on

    Plain abdominal x-ray Bladder ultrasound CT scan Cystoscopy

    Uric acid stones are radiolucent but may have an opaque calcified layer

  • 78. Hirschsprungs disease

    Clinical symptoms The disease can considered to be incomplete

    intestinal obstruction

    The lenght of the aganglionic segment is variable

    The symptoms are variable too

    The symptoms appears in different ages

  • Symptoms in newborn age

    Fail to pass meconium (in 24 hours of life)

    Abdominal distension, but the abdomen is palpable

    Vomiting The rectal tube cant be put

    easily After irrigation the signs and

    symptoms return again in a few days

    Symptoms in newborn age(enterocolitis)

    Life-threatening condition Diarrhea: it can be an early

    sign Toxic megacolon Abdominal distension Bile-stained vomiting Fiver and signs of dehydration Rectal tube:explosive

    expulsion of gas and foul-smelling stools

  • Symptoms in infants

    Constipation Meteorism Palpable faecaloma Sometimes

    putrescent diarrhea Ulceration,

    bleeding Hypoproteinaemia,

    anaemia Electrolyt disorders

    Symptoms in childhood

    Gracile limbs

    Dilated drumlike belly

    Long history of constipation

    Defecation in 7-10 days

    Multiple fecal masses

    The stimulus of defecation is missing

    Rectum is empty and narrow

  • Darm kontur: visible shape of intestines on the abdomen

    Darm Steifung: visible peristaltic movement on the abdomen

    Rontgen :

    Plain abdominal radiography Dilated bowel

    Air-fluid levels.

    Empty rectum

    Contrast enema Transition zone

    Abnormal, irregular contractions of aganglionic segment

    Delayed evacuation of barium

    Biopsy : absence of ganglion cells hypertrophy and hyperplasia of nerve


  • 79. Humerus Fractures

    Proximal Humerus Fractures

    Clinical Evaluation

    Patients typically present with arm held close to chest by contralateral hand. Pain and crepitus detected on palpation

    Careful NV exam is essential, particularly with regards to the axillary nerve. Test sensation over the deltoid. Deltoid atony does not necessarily confirm an axillary nerve injury

  • Humeral Shaft Fractures

    Clinical evaluation

    Thorough history and physical

    Patients typically present with pain, swelling, and deformity of the upper arm

    Careful NV exam important as the radial nerve is in close proximity to the humerus and can be injured

  • Humeral Shaft Fractures

    Holstein-Lewis Fractures

    Distal 1/3 fractures

    May entrap or lacerate radial nerve as the fracture passes through the intermuscular septum

  • 80. Urine Incontinence

  • 81. Testicular torsion

    Signs and symptoms of testicular torsion include:

    Sudden or severe pain in the scrotum the loose bag of skin under your penis that contains the testicles

    Swelling of the scrotum

    Abdominal pain

    Nausea and vomiting

    A testicle that's positioned higher than normal or at an unusual angle

  • Treatment

    Manual detorsion

    If it is successful (ie, confirmed by color Doppler sonogram in a patient with complete resolution of symptomsdefinitive surgical fixation of the testes before leaving the hospital

    Surgical detorsion definitive treatment

    Orchiectomyif the testis is necrotic

  • 82. Pathophysiology of Foot Ulceration



    Neuro -ischemic

  • 83. Clavus

    A clavus is a thickening of the skin due to intermittent pressure and frictional forces. These forces result in hyperkeratosis

    Conditions associated with clavus formation

    Advanced patient age

    Amputation (ie, stump callosities)]

    Doxorubicin toxicity[20]

    Keratoderma palmaris et plantaris


    Minor trauma

  • Relief of symptoms may be achieved by thinning and cushioning of the involved lesion

    Surgical Care Surgical options should be

    used when conservative measures fail.

    Chronic foot pain despite conservative therapy is the number one indication for surgery.

  • Epidermal Cyst

    A raised nodule on the skin of the face or neck May be noted intraorally on occasion Histologic

    Lined by keratinizing epithelium the resembles the epithelium of the skin

    The lumen is usually filled with keratin scales

    Treatment Surgical excision

  • Dermoid Cyst and Benign Cystic Teratoma

    A developmental cyst often present at birth or noted in

    young children It is usually found on the floor of the mouth when it is located in

    the oral cavity. May have a doughy consistency when palpated

    Histologic Lined by orthokeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium

    surrounded by a connective tissue wall The lumen is usually filled with keratin Hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands may be seen

    in the cyst wall Benign cystic teratoma

    Resembles a dermoid cyst Treatment

    Surgical excision

  • Diagnosis Histologic

    Lipoma Soft mass, pseudofluctuant with a slippery edge

    Atherom cyst Occur when a pilosebaceous unit or a sebaceous gland becomes blocked. Skin Color is usually normal, and there is a punctum (comedo, blackhead) on the dome

  • 84. Resusitasi Monitoring

    Fluid resuscitation target:


    Improve perfusion Urine Output

    Improve oxygen delivery

    British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients 2011

  • 85. Hernia Skrotalis

  • 86. Head Injury

  • 87. Trauma Olahraga

  • 189

    A, 5th week Testis begins its primary descent; kidney ascends. B, 8th-9th weeks. Kidney reaches adult position. C, 7th month, Testis at internal inguinal ring; gubernaculum (in inguinal fold) thickens and shortens. D, Postnatal life.

    88.Undescended Testis

  • 190

    A, Ectopic testes. Perineal ectopia not shown. B, Undescended testes. Percentages of testes arrested at different stages of normal descent

  • Management

    Hormone therapy



    Laparoscopic surgery Surgery should be done by

    the age of 5 years but it is unnecessary to do this operation before completion of second birthday of the child

  • 89. Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture

    Adults 40-50 y.o. primarily affected (M>F)

    Athletic activities, usually with sudden starting or stopping

    Snap in heel with pain, which may subside quickly

  • Diagnosis

    Weakness in plantarflexion

    Gap in tendon

    Palpable swelling

    Positive Thompson test

  • 90. Basic Life Support

    Indication for CPR

    No response

    Not breathing

    No pulse


  • 91. Humeral Shaft Fractures

    Holstein-Lewis Fractures

    Distal 1/3 fractures

    May entrap or lacerate radial nerve as the fracture passes through the intermuscular septum

  • 92. Obstruction

    Accounts for 5% of all acute surgical admissions Patients are often extremely ill requiring prompt

    assessment, resuscitation and intensive monitoring

    Obstruction A mechanical blockage arising from a

    structural abnormality that presents a

    physical barrier to the progression of gut


    Ileus is a paralytic or functional variety of


    Obstruction is: Partial or complete

    Simple or strangulated

  • Causes- Small Bowel

    Extraluminal Mural Luminal

    Postoperative adhesions

    Congenital adhesions











    secondary Tumors






    F. Body


    Gall stone

    Food Particles A. lumbricoides

  • 1. History

    The Universal Features

    Colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation (absolute), abdominal distension.

    Complete HX ( PMH, PSH, ROS, Medication, FH, SH)


    Preexisting change in bowel habit

    Colicky in the lower abdomin

    Vomiting is late

    Distension prominent

    Cecum ? distended

    Distal small bowel

    Pain: central and colicky

    Vomitus is feculunt

    Distension is severe

    Visible peristalsis

    May continue to pass flatus and feacus before absolute constipation


    Pain is rapid

    Vomiting copious and contains bile jejunal content

    Abdominal distension is limited or localized

    Rapid dehydration Persistent pain may be a sign of strangulation Relative and absolute constipation

  • 2. Examination


    Systemic examination

    If deemed necessary.






    Abdominal distension and its pattern

    Hernial orifices

    Visible peristalsis

    Cecal distension

    Tenderness, guarding and rebound


    Bowel sounds

    High pitched (metallic sound)


    Rectal examination


    Vital signs:

    P, BP, RR, T, Sat


    Anaemia, jaundice, LN

    Assessment of vomitus if possible

    Full lung and heart examination

    Darm kontur: visible shape of intestines on the abdomen

    Darm Steifung: visible peristaltic movement on the abdomen

  • Radiological Evaluation

    Normal Scout

    Always request: Supine, Erect and CXR

    Gas pattern: Gastric,

    Colonic and 1-2 small bowel

    Fluid Levels: Gastric

    1-2 small bowel

    Check gasses in 4 areas: 1. Caecal

    2. Hepatobiliary

    3. Free gas under diaphragm

    4. Rectum

    Look for calcification

    Look for soft tissue masses, psoas shadow

    Look for fecal pattern

  • The Difference between small

    and large bowel obstruction

    Small Bowel Large bowel

    Central ( diameter 5 cm max)

    Vulvulae coniventae

    Ileum: may appear tubeless

    Peripheral ( diameter 8 cm max)

    Presence of haustration

  • Radiology: Flat and upright (or decubitus) abdominal X-Ray

    A. Sensitivity: 60% (up to 90%) B. Typical findings of Bowel Obstruction

    1. Bowel distention proximal to obstruction 2. Bowel collapsed distal to obstruction 3. Upright or decubitus view: Air-fluid levels 4. Supine view findings

    a. Sharply angulated distended bowel loops

    b. Step-ladder arrangement or parallel bowel loops

  • Initial Management in the ER


    Air way (O2 60-100%)

    Insert 2 lines if necessary

    at IVF : Crytloids least 120 ml/h. (determined by estimated fluid loss and cardiac function). Add K+ at 1mmmol/kg

    Draw blood for lab investigations

    Inform a senior member in the team.


    Decompress with Naso-gastric tube and secure in position

    Insert a urinary catheter (hourly urinary measurements) and start a fluid input / output chart

    Intravenous antibiotics (no clear evidence)

    If concerns exist about fluid overloading a central line should be inserted

    Follow-up lab results and correction of electrolyte imbalance

    The patient should be nursed in intermediate care

    Rectal tubes should only be used in Sigmoid volvulus.

  • Indications for Surgery

    Immediate intervention:

    Evidence of strangulation (hernia.etc)

    Signs of peritonitis resulting from perforation or ischemia

  • 93. Hemorrhaegic Shock

  • 94. Osteoporosis

    A systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue lead to bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture

  • Prevalence of osteoporosis

    Osteopenia Osteoporosis


    Age > 50 year

    37-50% 13-18%


    Age > 50 year

    28-47% 3-6%

  • Incidence of osteoporotic Fx


    Fracture Forearm




  • Osteoporosis Tipe 1 (POSTMENOPAUSAL)

    optimized by optima

    affects primarily trabecular bone 5 years after menopause weight-bearing bones fractures vertebrae, ankle, and distal radius

  • Osteoporosis

  • (A) Normal right hip with trabecular pattern well demonstrated.

    (B) (B) Osteoporotic right hip with poorly defined trabeculae (arrows)


  • 95. Peritonitis Peritonitis

    an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin membrane that lines the abdominal wall and covers the organs inside

    caused by a bacterial or fungal infection of this membrane

    Types of peritonitis Primary peritonitis

    caused by the spread of an infection from the blood and lymph nodes to the peritoneumliver disease

    Fluid builds up in the abdomen, creating an environment for bacteria to grow

    rare less than 1% of all cases of peritonitis

    Secondary peritonitis More common Happens when the infection comes into the peritoneum from the

    gastrointestinal or biliary tract


  • Secondary peritonitis

    caused by other conditions that allow bacteria, enzymes, or bile into the peritoneum from a hole or tear in the gastrointestinal or biliary tracts.

    Such tears can be caused by


    a ruptured appendix

    stomach ulcer

    Crohn's disease


    Typhoid complication

  • Signs & Symptoms

    Swelling & tenderness in the abdomen

    Fever & Chills Loss of Appetite Nausea & Vomiting Increased breathing & Heart

    Rates Shallow Breaths Low BP Limited Urine Production Inability to pass gas or feces

    Exam : The usual sounds made by

    the active intestine and heard during examination with a stethoscope will be absent, because the intestine usually stops functioning.

    The abdomen may be rigid and boardlike

    Accumulations of fluid will be notable in primary due to ascites.

  • D. Triage Priorities

    1. Red- highest priority patients

    need immediate care (usually circulatory or respiratory)

    2. Yellow- second highest priority

    able to wait longer before transport (45 minutes)

    3. Green- walking

    able to wait several hours for transport

    4. Black- dead

    will die during emergency care (have lethal injuries)

    *** mark triage priorities (tape, tag)

    96. Triage

  • Triage Category: Red

    Red (Highest) Priority: Patients who need immediate care and transport as soon as possible

    Airway and breathing difficulties

    Uncontrolled or severe bleeding

    Decreased level of consciousness

    Severe medical problems

    Shock (hypoperfusion)

    Severe burns

  • Yellow

    Yellow (Second) Priority: Patients whose treatment and transportation can be temporarily delayed

    Burns without airway problems

    Major or multiple bone or joint injuries

    Back injuries with or without spinal cord damage

    Minor fractures

    Minor soft-tissue injuries

    Green (Low) Priority: Patients whose treatment and transportation can be delayed until last


  • 97. Choking

  • Child choking

    Abdominal thrust = Heimlich manouvre


  • 98. Total Body Surface Area

    To estimate scattered burns: patient's palm surface = 1% total body surface area


    Parkland formula = baxter formula

  • 99. Osteomyelitis

    Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow caused by an infecting organism.

    Although bone is normally resistant to bacterial colonization, events such as trauma, surgery, presence of foreign bodies, or prostheses may disrupt bony integrity and lead to the onset of bone infection

  • Pathogenesis Waldvogel, 1971

    1. Hematogenous

    2. Contiguous focus of infection

    3. Direct inoculation

  • Symptoms

    Osteomyelitis is often diagnosed clinically with nonspecific symptoms






    The classic signs of inflammation, including local pain, swelling, or redness, may also occur and normally disappear within 5-7 days


  • S aureus is the most common pathogenic organism recovered from bone, followed by Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae.

    Less-common organisms involved include anaerobe gram-negative bacilli.

    Intravenous drug users may acquire pseudomonal infections

  • Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis has a predilection for the long bones of the body.

    The ends of the bone near the growth plate (the metaphysis) is made of a maze like bone called cancellous bone.

    It is here in the rapidly growing metaphysis that osteomyelitis often develops


  • 100. Radiologic Findings Of OA

    In knee (genu) x-ray

    Narrowing of joint space

    (due to loss of cartilage)


    Subchondral (paraarticular) sclerosis

    Bone cysts

  • AUR:Acute urinary retention PUC:Perurethral catheter SPC:Suprapubic catheter TWOC:Trial without catheter

    101. BPH-associated Acute Urinary Retention

    -Blocker relaxing smooth muscle

    fibers located in the prostate and its capsule, bladder neck and prostatic urethra

    TWOC when a catheter is

    removed from the bladder for a trial period to determine whether the patient are able to pass urine spontaneously.


  • Treatment Urinary Retention


    PUC:Perurethral catheter

    SPC:Suprapubic catheter

  • 102. Volume Perdarahan Fraktur Femur

    Femur bone anatomy

    Near major blood vessel (femoral artery)

    Femur Fracture blood loss up to 1,500 ml per femur

  • Fluid Resuscitation

    Crystalloids Are as effective as albumin in

    post-operative patients

    Are the initial resuscitation fluid of choice for:

    Hemorrhagic shock / traumatic injury

    Septic shock

    Hepatic resection

    Thermal injury

    Cardiac surgery

    Dialysis induced hypotension

    Non-protein colloids Should be used as second-line

    agents in patients who do not respond to crystalloid

    May be used in the presence of capillary leak with pulmonary or peripheral edema

    Are favored over albumin due to their lower cost

  • Resuscitation

    Crystalloid solution rapidly equilibrates between the intravascular and interstitial compartments

    Adequate restoration of hemostatic stability may require large volumes of ringer's lactate.

    It has been empirically observed that approximately 300 cc of crystalloid is required to compensate for each 100 cc of blood loss. (3:1 rule)

  • Fluid resuscitation target:


    Improve perfusion

    Improve oxygen delivery

    British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients 2011

  • 103. Male Genital Disorders Disorders Etiology Clinical

    Testicular torsion Intra/extra-vaginal torsion

    Sudden onset of severe testicular pain followed by inguinal and/or scrotal swelling. Gastrointestinal upset with nausea and vomiting.

    Hidrocele Congenital anomaly, blood blockage in the spermatic cord Inflammation or injury

    accumulation of fluids around a testicle, swollen testicle,Transillumination +

    Varicocele Vein insufficiency Scrotal pain or heaviness, swelling. Varicocele is often described as feeling like a bag of worms

    Hernia skrotalis persistent patency of the processus vaginalis

    Mass in scrotum when coughing or crying. Bowel sound on scrotum. Strangulated nausea, vomiting, fever, edematous, erythematous, discolored

    Spermatokel diverticulum from the tubules found in the head of the epididymis, possibly trauma

    retention cyst of a tubule of the rete testis or the head of the epididymis distended with barely watery fluid that contains spermatozoa

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/

  • 104. Muscle Atrophy

    Weakening and shrinking of a muscle

    May be caused


    Due to trauma

    Reluctant to move limbs because of pain

    Unable to move secondary to neurologic process

    Loss of neural stimulation

    Lower motor neuron paralysis

  • 105. Orchitis

    Etiology Mumps

    Testicular congestion




    Signs & Symptoms




    Rest - bed

    Elevate scrotum

    Ice pack




    Orchitis is an inflammation of the testes.

  • 106. Orbital Wall Anatomy

    The 4 Walls of orbit are:

    Roof frontal bone

    Floor maxillary and zygomatic

    Lateral sphenoid and zygomatic

    Medial ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, and lesser wing of the sphenoid

  • Left zygoma

    Maxillary process of zygomaone of the components of lateral orbital floor
