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Penn State Lehigh Valley Diversity Strategic Plan 2010-2015 A Guide to Promoting and Tracking Diversity Goals and Actions on Campus Based on Penn State University’s A Framework to Foster Diversity Developed Summer/Fall 2010

Penn State Lehigh Valley Diversity Strategic Plan 2010-2015

A Guide to Promoting and Tracking Diversity Goals and Actions on Campus

Based on Penn State University’s A Framework to Foster Diversity

Developed Summer/Fall 2010

1 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 1: Developing a Shared and Inclusive Understanding of Diversity

Goal 1.1 Promote a shared and inclusive understanding of diversity throughout the Penn State Lehigh Valley campus and the community


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Year

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Produce and distribute

marketing materials

including bulletin

boards, cards and

flyers that promote


University Relations Student Affairs


Marketing funds and support from University Relations

+Bulletin boards completed monthly +Number of marketing pieces distributed per semester; goal of at least 2 per semester

B. Create a diversity

website and send regular emails that include event info and links to diversity resources

University Relations Student Affairs


No direct costs for website and emails; indirect costs of staff time devoted to maintenance of site and sending emails

+Tracking of website traffic; goal of at least 250 visits to Diversity page per semester +Number of emails sent; goal of at least 3 emails per semester

C. Ensure diversity

representation in art

gallery, incorporating

artwork in conjunction

with monthly diversity

themes (LGBTA;

Hispanic Heritage, etc.)

Art Coordinator

Diversity Committee


Staff time of Art Coordinator to establish events

+Opening of Art Gallery in September 2010 +2 art exhibits, with diversity focuses, offered per semester

2 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 1.2 Educate and promote awareness of campus diversity initiatives


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Institute diversity-

themed professional

development sessions for

faculty and staff

Human Resources Student Affairs Diversity Committee Faculty Senate


Funds to support presenter fees and any necessary materials/hand-outs

+One PD session offered per semester +Tracking of faculty/staff attendance; goal of 10 participants per session +Program evaluation

B. Incorporate increased

diversity programming for students

Student Affairs Diversity Committee


Funds to support programming; Student Affairs staff time to develop and implement programs and evaluation

+One diversity program offered per month +Evaluation of effectiveness based on Student Satisfaction Surveys (question 4: sense of belonging) and Student Focus Group feedback

3 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 1.3 Provide student services for underrepresented populations; provide advocacy for diverse students


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Assign staff member as

specific liaisons to

various minority and

diversity populations

as represented on


Student Affairs


Administration support of staff time devoted to liaison position

+Establishment of this new initiative through the assignment of staff as liaison

B. Form a diversity

committee that holds monthly meetings to advocate for the diverse community

Student Affairs


Staff dedication and time to meet monthly; support of department heads

+Diversity Committee meetings held monthly; minutes taken to record progress and information

4 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 1.4 Provide students access to global programs, introducing them to diverse global cultures, populations and perspectives


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed or Projected Cost

Performance Indicators

A. Provide diverse

opportunities for study


Academic Affairs Office of Study Abroad


Development time for faculty/staff to identify opportunities; ongoing work with UP Study Abroad Office

+10% increase in study abroad opportunities

B. Promote global trips

throughout the semester

Academic Affairs


Faculty encouragement of global trips to students

+10% increase in global trips by completion date

5 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 2: Creating a Welcoming Campus Climate

Goal 2.1 Foster an open, safe environment and promote a campus climate of respect


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed or

Projected Cost

Performance Indicators

A. Create specific space(s)

for diversity and





Dedicated space

+Opening of Lounge in September 2010 +One diversity programs held each month +Tracking of attendance to ensure participation (small group goal of 10-15 participants; large group goal of 75 participants) +Program evaluations to ensure quality

B. Create a diversity

response team to respectfully respond to diversity-related issues (based on concept of previously planned Ombudsman Position)

Student Affairs Diversity Committee


Support of Administration and department heads for faculty/staff member time and participation

+Creation of team +Number of reports to which team responds +Faculty/Staff Climate and Student Satisfaction Survey Feedback (question 4: sense of belonging and question 5: safety and security) to assess effectiveness

C. Increase number of

campus community

members in the LGBTQ

alliance & support


Student Affairs University Relations


Support and representation of campus community; marketing of network to campus

+50% increase in membership by 2012

6 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 2.2 Increase accessibility to resources representative of the diversity throughout the campus community


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Represent diversity

resources (i.e.

designated alliance

groups, specific campus

contacts, etc) on the

PSULV website

University Relations Student Affairs


No website costs; staff time dedicated to website maintenance and updating of resources

+Creation of web links to resources and number of resources available; goal is at least 8 resources +Tracking of website visits and use; goal is at least 250 visits per semester

B. Post and promote staff

diversity liaisons to campus community

University Relations Student Affairs


Minimal staff time to post diversity liaisons

+Posting of liaisons +Student Satisfaction (question 4: sense of belonging) and Faculty/Staff Climate survey feedback

C. Promote faculty and

staff open-door policy,

and communicate

office hours to support

a welcoming campus


Academic Affairs Student Affairs


Faculty adherence of policy

+Target is 100% compliance by completion date

D. Incorporate diversity

as part of program


Academic Affairs


Faculty awareness; possible funding to support initiatives or PD opportunities

+Number of completed program reviews that integrate global curricular connections, study abroad opportunities, and/or curricular linkages within the external community

7 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 2.3 Increase diversity-themed dialogue on campus

ACTIONS Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Implement diversity

“hot topic” talks twice a

semester to increase


communication about


Student Affairs


Staff time

+Two talks held per semester +Tracking of program attendance; goal of 10-15 participants per talk +Evaluation of effectiveness through Student Focus Group and Student Satisfaction survey feedback (question 4: sense of belonging)

B. Increase number of

diverse clubs on campus

Student Affairs


Staff time`

+Increase in the number of diverse clubs by 30% by completion date

8 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 3: Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Student Body

Goal 3.1 Remain a leader within the Penn State system in regards to the enrollment of diverse populations


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Actively recruit at

community colleges to enroll diverse students and adult students

Office of Enrollment Student Affairs


Funding for Recruitment Coordinator position; Support of

+Hiring of Recruitment Coordinator +Track enrollment breakdowns each year (defined by gender, age, minority status, etc.) to ensure student body is representative of local community to ensure the maintaining of 20% minority students and 20% adult students

B. Increase program

offerings at the Penn

State Center @

Overlook Park that

provide pathways to a

PSU education

Continuing Education T

Center Staff


Funding to support programming (currently through HUD grant); additional grants to be sought

+Increase of programs offered by 10% +Center data to track attendance and linkages to enrollment in other campus programming

C. Work with local high

schools to recruit a

student body

representative of

culturally and socio-

economically diverse


Office of Enrollment Student Affairs


Staff time to make connections with schools; support of school districts; moderate funding to support on-campus recruitment programs

+Continuation of CareerLinking Academy Program and a 10% increase in the amount of high school programming offered at the campus by completion date +Enrollment information to track recruitment efforts and diversity of students

9 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 3.2: Increase adult enrollment to foster a more diverse student body


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Increase continuing

education options for

adult students

Office of Continuing Education Academic Affairs


Analysis of CE surveys and adult student feedback; staff time to develop new options; support of University Relations to market new options

+Increase in options by 10% by the completion date

B. Increase number of

graduate programs offered on campus

Academic Affairs


Data to support addition of graduate program; Support of University Park

+Increase by 1 graduate program by the completion date

C. Address obstacles to

adult education,

including offering

education about

financial aid

Office of Financial Aid

Student Affairs


Access to financial aid data; financial aid funds; faculty and staff representation on Enrollment Management Committee

+Number of financial aid programs offered to adult students; goal is one per semester +Increase in the amount of financial aid available and/or awarded to adult students

+Ongoing implementation of bi-weekly meetings of the Enrollment Management Committee to analyze trends and make recommendations to campus administration

10 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 3.3 Retain adult students from enrollment to graduation


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Increase Learning

Center support services

Academic Advising Administration


Resource materials and/or additional funding for Learning Center

+Increase in the number of Learning Center services; goal is one additional service per semester +Increase in the number of students using tutoring services (face-to-face and SMARTTHINKING online tutoring

B. Provide more flexible

scheduling for classes to accommodate work and/or family schedules

Academic Affairs


Support of Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising to provide information about scheduling options to campus administration and adult students

+Tracking of the number of classes having at least a minimum of 15 students per class to ensure flexible schedules are adequately accommodating adult students

C. Provide an effective

orientation to college for adult students that addresses time management, family issues, etc.

Student Affairs


Minimal funding to support orientation; development of FYE course for adult students

+Offering of adult orientation, with effectiveness gauged by program evaluation +Offering of First Year Experience course that provides adult orientation information

11 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 3.4 Retain a diverse student body


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Increase access to ESL


Learning Center Technology Center Staff


Funding for additional ESL services, including grant support

+Increase in the number of ESL courses/services offered, including the offering of ESL courses to students at the Penn State Center @ Overlook Park; goal is 10% increase +Student evaluation data to ensure access

B. Emphasize growth of

established faculty mentor program and communicate availability of mentors for students

Faculty Student Affairs


Faculty involvement in mentoring program; training resources for faculty mentors; University Relations support to market program

+Continued establishment of mentor program +Increase of students using mentoring program by 10%

C. Provide access to

scholarships, award

scholarships, and

facilitate application

process for students

with financial hardship.

Office of Financial Aid


Scholarship information; Scholarship funds

+An increase in students applying for scholarships by 10% +Number of scholarships awarded +An increase in scholarship dollars

12 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 4: Recruit and Retain a Diverse Workforce

Goal 4.1 Develop a competitive workforce to serve a major metropolitan area


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Promote wide-ranging

and timely advertising

of positions

Administration Human Resources


Funding for

advertisements of positions; staff time to develop


+Use of HR data to track advertising of positions

B. Select candidates who

add intellectual diversity (a range of academic and cultural interests and experiences) and cultural richness to campus community

Human Resources Search Committees of faculty/staff


Information made available to search

committee members

regarding targeted diversity elements

+Use of HR data to track hiring of diverse candidates

C. Increase use of

diversity applicant pool

for recruitment.

Human Resources


Support of UP for use of diversity applicant pool

+Use of HR data to show increase in use of diversity applicant pool

13 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 4.2 Retain a diverse workforce


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Implement one


development program

per semester

Human Resources


Funding for PD program, if necessary

+One program offered each semester +Program evaluations and Faculty/Staff Climate Survey feedback

B. Implement mentoring

program for new faculty and staff that includes mentor training and assessment of mentoring program

Academic Affairs Administration Faculty Senate Human Resources


Training resources and time for faculty/staff mentors and mentees

+Mentee evaluation to ensure effectiveness of program +Retention numbers of new faculty and staff

C. Encourage and support

staff and faculty

involvement in

diversity professional


Academic Affairs



Administration and Department Head support of faculty/staff involvement; funding for membership fees/dues

+Number of faculty/staff involved in organizations; goal is 50% participation

14 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 5: Developing a Curriculum that Fosters Intercultural and International Competencies

Goal 5.1 Increase program offerings to support cultural competencies, global understanding, and diversity perspectives


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Increase course

offerings that offer



global and diverse


Director of Academic Affairs Registrar


Faculty support for development of course offerings

+10% increase in the number of course offerings with diverse perspectives + At least 15 students enrolled in courses

B. Increase opportunities

for internships with global emphases

Director of Academic Affairs Career Services


Development of internship opportunities with faculty feedback and involvement; connections with local businesses and organizations

+10% increase in internships that have global emphases

C. Utilize the expertise

and capacity of the

Penn State Lehigh

Valley Writing Project

to link PSLV to global

educational initiatives

Continuing Education



Linkages between LVWP and the National Writing Project to identify global programs

+Global program connections created by LVWP

15 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 5.2 Develop additional study abroad opportunities


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed or

Proposed Cost

Performance Indicators

A. Offer study abroad

workshop at New

Student Orientation,

including information

about scholarships and

funding sources

identified by Financial

Aid and Development

Student Affairs Financial Aid


Staff time to develop and implement orientation; financial aid information

+Workshop offered

+Effectiveness gauged by student evaluations and interest in study abroad programs +Amount of funding available for study abroad students

B. Offer national

alternative spring break trip

Student Affairs


Staff time to develop and supervise program; faculty support to encourage student involvement

+Tracking of attendance for program; goal is 10 students +Student evaluation of trip experience

C. Offer additional study

abroad programs

(imbedded programs,

shorter stay programs)

Academic Affairs

Program Coordinators


Information and support from UP Study Abroad Office; faculty development of programs linked o courses

+Increase in study abroad options and student participation by 10%

16 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 6: Diversifying University Leadership and Management

Goal 6.1 Increase representation of underrepresented groups


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Increase women and

minority members on

the PSLV Advisory


Chancellor Advisory Board


Recruitment efforts; linkages to diverse community members and organizations

+Increase of women and minority representation on Board by 10%

B. Increase diverse

members of executive board of the alumni society

Alumni Coordinator Alumni Society Board


Recruitment efforts; linkages to diverse alumni

+Increase diverse member representation on Board by 10%

C. Include members of


groups on committees

and senates



Ongoing assessment of the composition of groups by committee leaders

+Policy in place that at least one member will be female or of underrepresented group

17 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 6.2 Establish diversity standards within employment selection processes


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Compose search

committees with

employees who are

knowledgeable in

diversity objectives

Human Resources


HR information to inform committee members of diversity objectives

+HR data to showcase the process of passing along diversity information to search committees

B. Require applicants to

demonstrate an understanding of diversity as a standard job qualification

Human Resources Search Committee Members


HR information to inform committee members of diversity qualifications

+HR data to showcase that diversity elements are included in job descriptions and interview processes

18 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Challenge 7: Coordinating Organizational Change to Support Our Diversity Goals

Goal 7.1 Create meaningful partnerships with underrepresented communities


Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Continue to develop the

Penn State Center @

Overlook Park to offer

quality academic

programming and

services to inner-city


Continuing Education Penn State Center @ Overlook Park


Ongoing support of Center from campus Administration; continuation of HUD grant funds and other funding sources

+Data from Center Strategic Plan and Progress Matrix

B. Implement a

Multicultural Affairs Board of community members

Student Affairs


Linkages to community members; recruitment of key individuals

+Establishment of a Board +Evidence of range of diverse members

C. Increase curricular

partnerships with the

external Lehigh Valley


Academic Affairs

Continuing Education


Linkages to the community; recruitment of key individuals and organizations to enhance curricular programs

+Increase in the number of partnerships with local businesses and organizations (including community representation on Program Advisory Boards); goal is at least 3 partnerships

19 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Goal 7.2 Establish connections between Administration and Campus Departments

ACTIONS Person/Office(s) Responsible for Accountability

Completion Date

Resources Needed

Performance Indicators

A. Implement broad


strategies by using

multiple methods to

ensure the campus

population is aware of

diversity programming

and diversity issues



Support from University Relations to develop and implement communication strategies

+Evidence of programming and methods that serves as linkages between Administration and the campus (eg. all-campus day, staff advisory council, faculty lunch with campus) +Faculty and Staff Climate Survey feedback to gauge effectiveness of communication strategies

B. Inclusion of a section

in the “Departmental

Annual Reports to the

Chancellor” that relates

directly to diversity




Assistance from Student Affairs and Institutional Planning to collect and compile feedback

+Submission of Annual Reports, including diversity data

C. Support the work of the

Women’s Commission

to promote equity

issues on campus



Possible funding for Commission programs, professional development, or conferences; assistance with data collection

+Faculty/staff climate survey feedback +Number of women’s commission meetings focusing on equity issues; goal is one per semester

20 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015


The campus has developed a comprehensive Assessment Plan for evaluating progress towards diversity goals as outlined in the 2010-15

Penn State Lehigh Valley Diversity Strategic Plan. Progress will be monitored by campus Administration and the Office of Student Affairs.

Data and progress reports will be compiled in conjunction with campus Institutional Planning.

Overall Systemic Assessment Tools include:

+Student Satisfaction Survey: Information from the 2010 Survey will be used to provide benchmark data for satisfaction with diversity

programming, services, initiatives, and campus climate. Subsequent surveys will assess progress and growth towards achievements of

stated goals. Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected and analyzed. (Office of Student Affairs)

+Faculty/Staff Climate Survey: Survey to be conducted 2010-11. Survey will be used to provide benchmark data for satisfaction with

diversity programming, professional development, and campus climate. Subsequent surveys will assess progress and growth towards

achievements of stated goals. Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected and analyzed. (Administration and Institutional Planning)

+Departmental Annual Reports to the Chancellor: Department heads will report diversity information each year related to faculty and

staff involvement in diversity programming and outreach, memberships in community organizations, and development and

implementation of diversity elements related to diversity goals. (Chancellor’s Office)

+Data Reports from the Penn State Center at Overlook Park: Compiled data will showcase faculty, staff, and student participation in

outreach programs at the downtown center, Penn State student involvement in Center internships and other academic programs,

curricular linkages to local community organizations and businesses, and potential enrollment of inner-city students at the campus.

(Continuing Education)

+Diversity Strategic Plan Progress Matrix: Updates each year will be collected on Progress Logs (in conjunction with Campus Strategic

Plan Logs) to monitor progress of departments towards initiatives based on completion years. (Institutional Planning)

21 A Framework to Foster Diversity: Lehigh Valley Campus Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Performance Indicators for Specific Goals and Actions include:

+Enrollment and Retention Figures

+Student (Traditional, Adult, Underrepresented)

+Recruitment and Retention Rates

+Faculty and Staff

+Program Evaluations

+Student-based +Professional Development

+Percentages of Attendance, Memberships, Enrollments, etc.

+Student Programs, Clubs, Service Events +Board Memberships +Outreach Services

+Number (Increases) of Programs

+Student +Faculty and Staff +Community-based

+Number (Increases) of Options

+Study Abroad, Internships, Course Schedules

+Schedules and Records of Diversity-related Meetings

+Diversity Response Team +Diversity Club +Enrollment Management

+Human Resource Data

+Hiring and Search Committee Information

+Financial Aid Data

+Scholarship and Financial Aid Information

+Tracking of Diversity Website

+Visits to and use of website and links
