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Nevada, USA Volume 11 Number 4 OCTOBER 3, 2013

Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 11 Number 4 OCTOBER 3, 2013

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Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Chuck Muth John Getter Pat Choate Tom Mitchell

The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2012

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By SALLY C. PIPESSpecial To The Penny Press

America’s doctor shortage is quickly becoming a crisis. No less than 14 states have introduced legislation or created new programs

to deal with the problem.The Association of American

Medical Colleges reports that the country is currently short 20,000 doctors. Over the next decade, that number could quintuple.

And Obamacare is only making things worse. Physicians are responding to the health reform law’s intrusive regulations and insufficient payments by treating

fewer patients -- or even abandoning the medical profession altogether.

One cornerstone of Obamacare is its expansion of Medicaid, the jointly run federal-state health insurance program for the poor.

Starting in 2014, the program will cover all Americans with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. The federal government will absorb 100 percent of the cost of this expansion through 2016, and then a declining share in subsequent years, until the feds’ responsibility rests at 90 percent in 2020. By then, some 12 million people will have gained coverage anew through Medicaid.

But the program is already dysfunctional. Reimbursement rates are so low -- about 60 percent of the rate paid by private insurers -- that doctors routinely refuse to

see Medicaid patients. A recent study published in Health Affairs found that 33 percent of doctors did not accept new Medicaid patients in 2010 and 2011.

By throwing millions more people into the program without raising Medicaid payment rates, Obamacare will make it even harder for patients covered by the program to secure care.

The story is much the same for the government’s other big health program -- Medicare. More than 9,500 doctors opted out of treating Medicare patients in 2012. That’s almost triple the number that abandoned Medicare in 2009.

According to American Medical Association President Dr. Ardis Hoven, “While Medicare physician payment rates have remained flat since 2001, practice costs have

increased by more than 20 percent due to inflation, leaving physicians with a huge gap between what Medicare pays and what it costs to care for seniors.”

Unsurprisingly, Obamacare will exacerbate the problem. The law creates a new government entity -- the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) -- charged with ensuring that Medicare hits designated spending targets. IPAB is forbidden from rationing care or changing seniors’ benefits. So the Board’s only real cost-cutting option will be to ratchet down reimbursement rates for doctors.

Obamacare will also reduce payments to doctors who do not adhere to the law’s byzantine new regulations. For instance, doctors who fail to comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid


Penny WisdomIt's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a ques-tion of finding a sickness you like. —Jackie Mason

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:No Nice Way To SayHarry Reid Is A Moron

See Editorial Page 6


It's Tough To Be A Doc These Days


Continued on page4


Services’ Physician Quality Reporting System or order a certain number of prescriptions electronically could see their reimbursements docked up to 7 percent by 2017.

In many cases, doctors will have to make substantial investments in their office infrastructure and computer systems just to follow all the new rules.

Many doctors -- particularly those nearing the end of their careers -- will simply hang up their scrubs instead of spending heavily to comply with Obamacare. According to Dr. Jeff Cain, President of the American Academy of Family Physicians, “Almost a third of family doctors in rural America are thinking about retiring in the next five years.”

A 2013 Deloitte survey of physicians found that six in 10 doctors believe that many in their profession “will retire earlier than planned in the next one to three years.”

Those who can’t afford to retire may look to partner with hospitals in order to offload increases in overhead fueled by Obamacare. That’s bad news for physicians, hospitals, and patients alike.

American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Dr. Scott Gottlieb predicts that doctors will work less, once they become salaried employees of hospitals. Their employers will respond by reducing their pay. And patients will find that they’re competing for an ever-scarcer number of appointments.

Obamacare is causing a doctor depression. And what’s bad for doctors is ultimately bad for patients. The cure for this sickness is full repeal of Obamacare -- and the installation of market-based reforms in its place.Sally C. Pipes is President, CEO, and Taube Fellow in Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute. Her latest book is The Cure for Obamacare (Encounter 2013).

9500 Docs Opted OUT of Medicare In 2012Continued from page 3



Emerging Global Threats Demand Robust Missile Defense

The recent chemical weapons attack in Syria serves as a horrible reminder of the nature of modern warfare. The major threat to global security is now radical actors with access to weapons of mass destruction, like these chemical agents and the kind of nuclear missiles under development in North Korea and Iran.

Rogue governments and terrorist groups have already demonstrated a clear desire to

develop such weapons and launch them against the United States and her allies. We have to answer this mounting threat.

Fortunately, there is a technology proven capable of doing just that. It’s missile defense. This technology is rapidly advancing and has already proven effective at countering a broad variety of ballistic ordinance.

When President Reagan unveiled his vision of a missile defense shield a generation ago, many derided the idea as science fiction. “Star Wars” quickly became a ubiquitous derogatory catch phrase. Yet in the decades since, American scientists have demonstrated definitively that missile defense can be a practical reality. We now have the sophisticated technologies needed

to effectively identify and take down incoming missile threats.

Indeed, just this February, United States military personnel successfully tested new shield technologies at an Israeli range over the Mediterranean Sea. And in May, U.S. sailors successfully intercepted a target over the Pacific Ocean using a cutting-edge shield system called “Aegis.”

Defense officials have also completed a successful test of a three-stage Ground-Based Interceptor at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. During the test, the system performed precisely as planned, effectively deploying an anti-ordinance interceptor to a designated point in space.

These capabilities are precisely what America needs to counter the major threats on the international scene.

For instance, North Korea remains undeterred in its push for long-range missiles, routinely disregarding its obligations under United Nations Security Council resolutions. Just this summer, Pyongyang broke a United Nations arms embargo by attempting to ship missile radar systems from Cuba through the Panama Canal.

North Korea has engaged in provocative missile tests over the Pacific. Evidence indicates it has a small but growing nuclear arsenal and active programs to develop it further.

Iran is also well on its way to developing a long-range missile threat. The clerical leaders who run the country’s government are determined to pursue a nuclear weapon. And they are working diligently to improve their already

considerable missile capabilities. Iran’s virulent rhetoric directed at Israel is especially worrying, but the problem is hardly confined to the Middle East. Intelligence estimates suggest that Iran is just a few short years away from the capacity to hit targets in Europe.

America’s missile shield technologies can and should play an important role defending against these dangerous rogue agents. Indeed, our public officials have already started to deploy missile defense systems to areas of major security importance.

In March, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced plans to deploy 14 more ground-based interceptors in Alaska and California to counter the North Korean threat.

The U.S. territory of Guam, home to more than 150,000 American citizens as well as critical U.S. military bases, is closer to North Korea than San Francisco is to Washington, DC. In April, a new interceptor system was positioned there as well to defend against the rogue regime.

Missile defense has gone from a dream to firm reality. We need to continue to invest in these technologies. They are bearing fruit just when we’re really beginning to need it. And they can play a vital role in America’s defense in the future. JOHN THORNEJohn Thorne is a senior consultant at Diligent Innovations, a defense and national security strategy consulting firm in Washington, DC. Previously, he spent 13 months in Kandahar, Afghanistan as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense.

Commentary: John Thorne

The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:SpaceX for their successful launch of a Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base carrying a Canadian weather satellite proving that private enter-prise can run the more mundane tasks of space travel better than a government agency. Government needs to get off of private enterprise’s back and let them develop space the way they developed the internet.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the anti-Harry Reid, for staking a career on principle as opposed to going along to get along. And Dean Heller who supported Cruz as opposed to kissing Harry’s ring. It’s a shame there is no method for recalling a Senator because Reid needs to be ushered from his office.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:The Nevada Republican Central Committee for re-electing a chairman whose only claim can possibly be that he’s never been indicted when he should have been imprisoned for public corruption. When Mike McDonald was a sitting Las Vegas City Councilman AND a Metro cop, he didn’t arrest a guy who tried to bribe him or even report the guy who was later convicted. That’s a Chairman! www.pennypressnv.com

Tips Of Our Capand

Bronx Cheers

There’s no nice, genteel way to say this. There’s no way to sugar-coat it.

Harry Reid, the senior Senator who allegedly represents the state in which I live, is a moron. And quite possibly suffering from the onset of dementia. I’m not sure if he’s Barack Obama’s bitch or Barack is his bitch but the net effect is the same.

He is completely out of control, over his head and shows no sign of any intelligent brain activity.

I don’t say this lightly.

I actually endorsed him for re-election in 2004 and voted for him as well.

I felt, at the time, that Reid was representing Nevada’s best interests.

But, when he ascended to the rarified air of the Senate leadership, he turned into a mall cop. You know, give the guy a little power and he turns into Adolph Hitler on a segway.

Politico reported over the weekend that Reid singlehandedly played Dr. Evil (the libs in Washington didn’t actually put it this way) convincing Obama NOT to negotiate. The Obamacare fight isn’t about jobs or healthcare in Harry’s demented calculus. It’s purely political.

Harry thinks he’s maneuvered the so-called tea party wing of the House into a losing position as do most of the establishment pundits in Washington and New York.

He thinks that the public will blame the GOP for a shut down.

Here’s a question.

What if they gave a shut-down and nobody came?

This isn’t 1995. The shut down of the government will mostly affect…wait for it…non essential government employees. People who make a whole lot more on average in pay and benefits than the average American. Nobody will die because these people are not working. And it is probable that nobody will die because the government is shut down. It is just not that important to the daily life of the average American. Unless you are an American sucking on the government’s teat and even then, there might not be much of an effect.

Under those circumstances, how dumb does Harry think the average American is?

Remember, they said that the so-called fiscal cliff would be a

killer. Sequestration was going to kill us all.

The biggest net effect of sequestration was the ending of tours in the White House.

Harry and Barack are like the little boys crying wolf. Nobody believes them any more and, because they live in the bubble, they don’t realize it.

I’m not sure how many nights Harry has spent in the actual state he supposedly represents in the last year, but I’d bet we’re talking in single digits.

And what he learns in his home at the Ritz Carleton in Washington DC is all from the doorman who expects a Christmas tip.

Obama has also learned nothing because a) he’s the smartest guy in the room and b) nobody on his staff wants to give him bad news.

But it’s not like the other side of the aisle has covered itself in glory, either.

If ever you wanted to go on a RINO hunt, you would have to start in the halls of the Capitol. The so-called Republicans who lined up with the pundits who keep saying that a shutdown is a bad thing are thinking about being re-elected and that violates the basic rule of fixing things.

If you are more worried about being re-elected than about fixing things than you are part of the problem and should not be re-elected.

Personally, I would like to see Congress shut down for awhile.

Then, at least, they couldn’t do much to hurt us any more than they already have.

One final word.

Harvey Whittemore, a former Nevada power broker/lobbyist was just sentenced to two years in prison for raising $133,000 for Reid’s campaign fund at the request of Reid. He did it by giving family members and employees money which they then gave Reid. That wasn’t legal in 2008. After the Citizens’ United decision all Whittemore would have had to do is write a $133,000 check to Reid’s PAC.

If Whittemore actually has to serve that time, Reid should be in the next cell because it strains credulity that Reid didn’t know exactly what was going on.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Harry Reid Is A Demented Moron


America’s Globalized Racism

The race issue in America never seems to go away. We were reminded again last week when celebrity Southern chef Paula Deen was raked over the coals for using a racial epithet sometime in her past. Her tearful plea for those of us without sin to “cast the first stone” may have resonated with average folks (sales of her books have skyrocketed), but TV’s talking heads can’t keep from wagging their fingers.

At the same time, the Supreme Court struck down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, ruling 5-4 that the provision is unconstitutional. Section 5 requires that certain jurisdictions with a history of racial discrimination (Southern states) submit any changes to their election systems to the Department of Justice Department for “pre-clearance.” The DOJ could block changes that it believed would reduce minority voting power.

“Our country has changed, and while any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the majority. Yes, the world has changed. Would Paula Deen be getting such grief from her business sponsors in 1964? Not hardly. But as Shelby Steele points out in White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era, the landmark legislation that was intended to level the playing field has created an environment that he calls “globalized racism” that has Paula Deen on TV tearfully trying to convince us she’s not a racist.

Mr. Steele starts his brave and powerful book comparing Dwight D. Eisenhower with Bill Clinton. Ike, by all accounts an honorable and respected Midwesterner, was rumored to have used the N-word on the golf course. There was no public outcry about such language in those days. At the same time, Clinton had a relationship with an intern and lied to the American people. He survived impeachment, stayed in office and continues to be loved to this day. As Steele points out, Clinton would never have survived in office saying what Eisenhower had said, and Ike would never have survived if he had hooked up with an intern.

Yes, the world has changed.Steele himself experienced racism as a young boy. He tells the story of

wanting, in the worst way, to be the unpaid batboy for the local all-white baseball team. The young Steele worked hard to earn the trust of the coach who tried to ignore him. In the end, the coach relented and allowed Steele to work for the team. That is until the team boarded the bus for its first road trip. After Steele put the team’s equipment in the bus, the team’s coach gave the young man the bad news: Blacks weren’t allowed on the fields where the team would be playing. He was no longer needed.

Steele’s father, a hardworking truck driver, was excluded by the Teamsters, who wanted his job for its white members. He was relegated to working for low wages. But the elder Steele never gave up or felt sorry for himself, continually generating ideas for new businesses. He improved houses to rent out using only spare materials.

With that background, Steele is quick to praise Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement. But the movement changed. For him, the change occurred on a hot, steamy night in Chicago. The college-aged Steele and a friend went to hear Dick Gregory, the comedian turned black activist.

Gregory tapped into black anger and held up men like Steele’s father for derision, calling them the “good Negro.” Gregory in so many words told the crowd that racism manifested as white guilt was an asset to be exploited. It

was time to deal the race card. “I began to understand that my country was now repentant before me,” writes Steele. “I now possessed a separate power that it could only appeal to, appease, or placate. Now America had to prove itself to me.” Globalized racism meant America had to prove to Steele and all blacks that it wasn’t racist. America is now assumed racist until it proves the contrary. Therefore, any little slip, such as Paula Deen’s, proves the point and won’t be tolerated.

This is where the civil rights movement took a fateful turn, according to Steele, bringing political economist Franz Oppenheimer to mind. “There are two fundamentally opposed means whereby man, requiring sustenance, is impelled to obtain the necessary means for satisfying his desires,” wrote Oppenheimer. “These are work and robbery, one’s own labor and the forcible appropriation of the labor of others.” Civil rights victories paved the way for blacks to either benefit from education and entrepreneurship, or, Steele writes, “we could go after these things indirectly by pressuring the society that had wronged us into taking the lion’s share of responsibility in resurrecting us.”

So while Malcolm X represented a “hard-work” militancy, Dick Gregory and many who have followed him promote black militancy in the form of white guilt.

But of course, this absolving of responsibility via white guilt applies only to certain areas of life. There will be no pity for the young man or woman who can’t perform on the basketball court or soundstage. Practice, relentless competition, and sacrifice make great champions, and that takes personal responsibility. White guilt is nowhere to be found.

However, the author points out that if a boy or girl’s problem is “reading or writing, rather than basketball, white guilt will certainly prevent even a modified version of this natural human process from occurring. Career-hungry academics will appear in his little world, and they will argue that his weaknesses reflect the circuitous workings of racism.”

I remember a professor telling us once in an economics class, “Freedom is a liability for those that can’t govern themselves.” In a similar vein, Steele writes, “The greatest black problem in America today is freedom.” Steele’s bigger point is that the formerly oppressed aren’t ready for the responsibility. “Freedom seems to confirm all the ugly stereotypes about the group — especially the charge of inferiority — and yet the group no longer has the excuse of oppression.”

Ultimately, “freedom not only comes as a humiliation, but also as an overwhelming burden of responsibility.”

The sad result of all this is that race becomes more important than the individual. The Jeffersonian liberal has been replaced with the “dissociated man” or “new man.” Someone “so conspicuously cleansed of racism, sexism, and militarism that he would be a carrier of moral authority and legitimacy.”

As the author explains, the dissociated man is an elitist who claims superiority, generating a collective narcissism. Forget about logic and principle; authority and power come from dissociation. Steele reminds us that now-Secretary of State John Kerry ran for president in 2004 as a “new man.” Meanwhile, his opponent, George W. Bush, was unreconstructed. Bush’s win, in the author’s mind, makes the point that the larger public “feels less and less need for dissociation.”

Steele has won a number of writing awards and authored best-sellers. When you pick up White Guilt, you’ll see why. His clean prose and politically incorrect ideas will likely have you finishing this book in one sitting.

Whatever you think of Paula Deen, forget her books. It’s Shelby Steele that provides a critical look at the brave new world of globalized racism: a way of thinking that harms the very people it’s supposed to help. DOUG FRENCH


Commentary: Doug French



By JOHN J KIRKWOODSpecial To The Penny Press

Just the other day, George H.W. Bush was wheeled out as the token imprimatur for a same-sex wedding ceremony. The photo-op reminded me of how pathetic a man can be, not when he’s drooping from a wheel-chair with spittle flying wearing clown socks, but when he’s so desperate for the approbation of his fellow man that he would sell his own soul to achieve it. Although, that pretty much defines Bush 41’s political legacy, it also reminded me of a photo-op from an event here in Chicago back in 2010.

A man wearing nothing but underwear on a city street in Chicago jumps down from a parade float to run over to another man who is wearing a t-shirt that says “I’m Sorry.” The men hug; the photographer’s camera clicks, the picture is posted.

This picture has been around the block more than the ice-cream truck. It showed a group of professing Christians at the Chicago Gay Pride Parade and a homosexual man dressed only in underwear hugging one of these professing Christians. There were various captions and a whole host of approving comments underneath the picture. What was the reason for the hug? Well, I think that becomes obvious when you witness the gospel message that these professing Christians had on their signs and placards: one said, “I’m sorry that Christians judge you,” and another “I’m sorry the way churches have treated you,” and finally, “I used to be a bible-banging homophobe, sorry.”

Here is the story of Nathan, a Director of Pastoral Care at the Marin Foundation and the professing Christian who apologized in behalf of all Christendom and hugged the man in his underwear:

I Hugged a Man in His Underwear. And I am Proud.I hugged a man in his underwear. I think Jesus would have too.I spent the day at Chicago’s Pride Parade. Some friends and I, with

The Marin Foundation, wore shirts with “I’m Sorry” written on it. We had signs that said, “I’m sorry that Christians judge you,” “I’m sorry the way churches have treated you,” “I used to be a bible-banging homophobe, sorry.” We wanted to be an alternative Christian voice from the protestors that were there speaking hate into megaphones.

What I loved most about the day is when people “got it.” I loved watching people’s faces as they saw our shirts, read the signs, and looked back at us. Responses were incredible. Some people blew us kisses, some hugged us, some screamed thank you. A couple ladies walked up and said we were the best thing they had seen all day. I wish I had counted how many people hugged me. One guy in particular softly said, “Well, I forgive you.”

Watching people recognize our apology brought me to tears many times. It was reconciliation personified.

My favorite though was a gentleman who was dancing on a float. He was dressed solely in white underwear and had a pack of abs like no one else. As he was dancing on the float, he noticed us and jokingly yelled, “What are you sorry for? It’s pride!” I pointed to our signs and watched him read them.

Then it clicked. Then he got it. He stopped dancing. He looked at all of us standing there. A look of utter seriousness came across his face. And as the float passed us he jumped off of it and ran towards us. In all his sweaty beautiful abs of steel, he hugged me and whispered, “Thank you.”

Before I had even let go, another guy ran up to me, kissed me on the cheek, and gave me the biggest bear hug ever. I almost had the wind knocked out of me; it was one of those hugs.

This is why I do what I do. This is why I will continue to do what I do. Reconciliation was personified.

However, I think Jesus would have hugged him too. It’s exactly what I read throughout scripture: Jesus hanging out with people that religious people would flee from. Correlation between then and now? I think so. I hugged a man in his underwear. I hugged him tightly. And I am proud.

I’d like to know, proud of what, Nathan? Proud of accepting the outcasts and the down-trodden and bringing the message of eternal life in the person and work of Jesus Christ to the lost or proud of being accepted yourself Nathan, by the world, by the age, by those who are at enmity with Christ, and by those who urinate on the Word of God and seek to muzzle the bearer of His Word?

Given the message on their signs, their approach and their method, I can’t help but conclude that this gospel was a self-serving promotion the likes of, “look me over but don’t overlook me.” Notice what we didn’t hear from this professing Christian? We heard nothing about Jesus Christ, the cross, salvation, the Grace of God, forgiveness, redemption, sin or the Savior; but we did hear “acceptance and reconciliation.”

The Biblical doctrine of reconciliation has nothing to do with being friends with the world, that’s called fellowship; and fellowship with the world or this age is absolutely condemned in the strongest of terms.

As A. W. Tozer puts it, “Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society’s own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender.”

The tragedy of modern discipleship is the Christian’s lack of discernment which has led to the forsaking of duty and devotion to God and the embracing of a saccharine sentimentalism called tolerance. The disciple who is to walk in the steps of Christ must reconcile “the world” that God loves in John 3:16 and “the world” that He hates in I John 2:15.

Christ warned that all those that live Godly will suffer persecution and if the world hated Him, then it would certainly hate his servants. Tell me, is there anything about the false gospel of the Marin Foundation “Christianity” that would suggest that type of reprisal?

No, the world will hug them, kiss them, and thank them. And why? Because these professing Christians “tolerate” that a soul that God loves and Christ died for should not be called out of their “death-style” by a loving Christian, but instead — patted on the back by the embarrassed believer all the way to a Christ-less grave.

The savior of the lost, the hell-bound and the hell deserving is not tolerance, but the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ. This new virtue of tolerance is but an opiate to satiate the long atrophied sense of accountability that lays dormant in the self-righteous coward.

“In the world it is called Tolerance,” writes Dorothy Sayers, “but in hell it is called Despair … the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.”

The Virtues Of Intolerance


Commentary: Albert ThomasSocietal Darwininsm

Many years ago when Charles Darwin collected specimens he noted that Nature followed a pattern that repeated over and over. As time past the fittest survived. The ones that made errors disappeared.

It seems we have a similar situation in our country. It is a shame we are the observers who must suffer the consequences of those who have not learned to evolve.

Economic history continues to repeat and each time it follows an unsuccessful pattern the subject dies or disappears.

Power hungry politicians now control our government. Unfortunately they have not learned the unsuccessful patterns from history and now follow a failed method. There are two major errors now being compounded by Washington.

The first and very obvious is the slow and inevitable destruction of our currency. Real dollars, those that were backed by gold many years ago, have been replaced by fiat (fake) pieces of paper that Washington calls dollars. Each year (actually every day) our paper money buys less and less. Why? Because more paper money is printed without any backing whatsoever.

There is no definition of what is a dollar. Ask your banker or your politician. There is no official definition.

History has shown in every case this has been done the fiat currency ended becoming totally worthless. Going back to Roman times is an example, but a recent time was the Confederate money printed by the

southern sates during the Civil War. The second great error is the change from a capitalistic system to that

of socialism. It is incrementally being put into place. Again history has shown it never works. When those who are successful are punished for success they leave and slowly the society dies. You cannot make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor.

Ask anyone today who is under 30 years of age: Who is Karl Marx? Most of them never heard of him and few understand the doctrine he taught. The demise of Russia is a recent example of the failure of socialism. A recent article in Pravda, the Russian newspaper, has advised its people not to invest in the United States because we are following the socialistic path on which their society collapsed. The basic concept is beautiful. It just doesn’t work because people will not live by it and the leaders will not live by it. Equality for all? Our politicians are abusing it to enrich themselves.

History has shown that when one half the populations starts to live off the other half society begins to decline ultimately leading to anarchy. Let us hope that is not our Darwinian scenario, but it is the current one Washington is putting into place.

Let us hope the Darwinian concept will not evolve this time. AL THOMASAl Thomas’ book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he’s the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

Raising Children of Light in a Culture of Darkness

“I do not want to drive across a bridge designed by an engineer who believed the numbers in structural stress models are relative truths.” – R.C. Sproul

I was delighted to speak on Sunday at Faith Christian Center in Arlington, Texas. I joined that community of believers in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the church’s affiliated school, St. Paul’s Preparatory Academy. The topic of my discussion was “How to Raise Christian Children in Today’s Culture.”

As I was preparing my remarks it occurred to me that raising children to both love and faithfully serve the Lord and Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ, is not unlike a primary goal of the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, founder of Liberty University.

In 1971, Dr. Falwell launched LU – now the world’s largest Christian university – and quickly got about the business of “training champions for Christ.”

I submit that “raising Christian children in today’s culture” and “training champions for Christ” are one in the same, and that both fruitful endeavors stem from the same rich soil.

Truth.But what is today’s culture exactly? What is a champion for Christ?

And, perhaps most importantly, what – or Who – is truth?Merriam Webster’s defines “champion” as “someone who fights or

speaks publicly in support of a person, belief, cause, etc.” It is not merely a passing suggestion that Christian parents and educators train champions for Christ. It’s a command given us by God Himself: “Start children off on the way they should go (train them), and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

We faithful are additionally tasked with an unambiguous calling on the way we (and our children) should go: “[Jesus] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned’” (Mark 16:15).

The Apostle Paul admonishes in Romans 1:16 that we should not be “ashamed of the gospel,” but, rather, should “Do [our] best to present [ourselves] to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

In addition to leading by example, this means steeping Christian children and young people in the “word of truth” – the Holy Scriptures – and equipping them, in love, to champion (to “fight or speak publicly in support of”) the infallible, unchangeable and absolute truths found therein.

This is so even when the absolute truths of Scripture have become unpopular in a world that prefers the absolute lie of relativism.

Indeed, though some may wander the prodigal’s path for a time, and still others may remain lost, we can only then – having obeyed the command to train our children in the way they should go – release, hope, pray and have faith that the Holy Spirit will be that eternal light to

illuminate temporal life’s perilous path – that Christ will be a lamp unto the feet of our beloved.

Jesus commands His followers to be His hands and feet – to be salt and light in a rotting world that loves darkness (Matthew 5:13-16).

True, salt preserves, but in an open wound, it also burns. Today’s relativist culture is an open wound.

True, light’s bright glare can be illuminating to those eager to see. But it is also blinding to those whose eyes have become adjusted to darkness.

When the light of Christ is shined, it sends lovers of evil scurrying for the shadows.

For this reason, Christ warned, “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22).

In a culture that slaughters the unborn, mocks purity, celebrates sexual sin and makes a joke out of the institution of marriage by imagining sin-based counterfeits, it remains a daunting task for Christian parents to raise children with both the courage and conviction to stand unashamed for God’s truth. From an earthly standpoint, it seems counterintuitive to both welcome and find joy in being hated by the world.

Even more, for young people who might prefer popularity over principle – at least for now – the prospect of being “hated by everyone” lacks a certain level of appeal.

That’s OK. Stand strong, parents. Persevere.Because, ultimately, that’s the price of admission.It boils down to instilling in our children a biblically orthodox Christian

worldview – that is to say, absolute truth. Anything else is nothing at all. Anything else is relativism, which holds that there is no absolute truth and imagines, absolutely, that, as theological giant Francis Schaeffer often described, “Man is the measure of all things.”

As history has proven, when man is the measure of all things, all things can, and usually do, go horribly wrong. Consider, for example, the hundreds of millions killed under the relativist regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, et al.

Indeed, train your children in “the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” They will use God’s Word, the true measure of all things, as they endeavor to actually measure all things.

Funny thing, absolute truth. It’s absolute. It’s like a buoy pulled beneath the lake’s surface and fixed tight with rope. With time, and against the tide of Christ’s love, that rope – the lie of relativism – eventually rots. It snaps under its own weakness, hurling the buoy, truth, from cold darkness to warm sunlight.

If steeped in scripture, children – even the prodigal child – may be pulled under and tied down for a time by relativism’s glittery allure. But when the relativist rope rots, fear not, for those who have been fastened to “the way, the truth and the life” – who is Christ – will burst back into the light.

And then what champions they will be. MATT BARBERMatt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action.



Commentary: Matt Barber



GOP’s Hickey Must Go, but Not for the Obvious Reason

Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey (Reno-RINO) recently opened his mouth, removed his socks, stuck one foot inside, wriggled around his toes, rinsed and repeated. But that’s not the reason he should resign his leadership position.

In a recent radio interview Hickey said the 2014 election cycle holds out promise for Republicans because “a lot of minorities…will not turn out.” He then attempted “damage control” in a follow-up television interview in which he further embarrassed himself and the Republican Party with a smart-aleck comment about having “a yellow wife and kids with olive-colored skin.”

Good grief.“As a black Republican, I find Pat Hickey’s comment disappointing

and sadly out of touch,” said As Niger Innis, president of the Congress of Racial Equality in North Las Vegas. “Thanks for nothing, Assemblyman.”

Thanks for nothing, indeed.Understandably, this has Democrats all across the country frothing

at the mouth, claiming Hickey’s comments were racist and an effort to “suppress” the minority vote. Which is absurd. Hickey’s comments were neither. They were just stupid.

And they won’t, as Hickey said, go away in one or two news cycles. They’ll return like a bad case of herpes next fall when Republicans all over the state will have his “minorities” comment wrapped around their necks. Alas, this “Macaca Moment” is only the latest and least of his failings.

In the 2012 election cycle, Hickey failed to pick up any net seats for his caucus despite at least three solid opportunities - including one in his own Reno back yard where a highly-touted “minority” candidate ran in the only district with a Republican majority that is currently represented by a Democrat.

He then went into the 2013 legislative session with absolutely no agenda whatsoever and refused to contest the seating of a Democrat assemblyman who had been ruled by a judge to be ineligible for failing to live in the district where he ran.

Hickey has discouraged candidates from signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge while leading his caucus in voting for a second extension of the $620 million worth of “temporary” taxes, as well for the Kirner Tax in Washoe County and the misleadingly named More Cops tax in Clark County. He handed these tax hikes to the Democrats on a silver platter while not even getting table scraps in return.

And not only did the Minority “Leader” barely utter a peep when Democrats again killed the “campus carry” bill without even a vote, he also oversaw the embarrassment of Republicans in his house killing the “parent trigger” bill; the only worthwhile education reform bill with a chance this last session.

And there’s plenty more, but space here is limited.If Republicans keep Pat Hickey in his leadership position, they truly

are stuck on stupid. CHUCK MUTH(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a conservative grassroots advocacy organization. He can be reached at www.MuthsTruths.com)


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