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Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-10 [p...

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J S jZ THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 10 1909 PHONE PEOPLE EVENTS PHONE 88 ND I 38 I 2 wp 4rbeN M By Bonnie Burn ham I 730 to from 10 p m u eQ 1ete s 44 + THE WEEKS EVENTSTUE- SDAY iI- f J A 4 Meeting of the Married Ladles Eu hre club hostess Mrs Joe Roth on East Government street Meeting of Five Hundred club hostess Miss Lizzie Beumel on Bayou Texar 4 4 WEDNESDAY Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church Meeting of the Pastime Euchra club hostess Mrs J J McCar ¬ 4 4 thy on Wright street 4 THURSDAY 4 Meeting ot the Thursday club hostess Mrs Wm Hall on West 4 4 Romana street 4 4 FRIDAY 4 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs N Soderquist on 4 Government street 8 4 SATURDAY 4 4 Meeting of the Browning club lostesa Mrs Jno Beard on the 4 iayshore 4 4 4 + 4 444 + ++ + 4 < J 4 4 4 REFLECTIONS OF A WOMAN- A 4 4 4 girl doesnt like to fee c Iled a flirt unless of course she isnt 4 Its the biggest sort of a fool woman generally wholl try to 4 4 rock the boat on the sea of matrimony 4 4 4 When the average little woman commences to make a general 4 < little fool of herself she always works overtime + Many a young man in search of a wife has passed right 4 4 through peach orchards and things and then pitched his tent in a 4 4 lemon grove 4 The fine smart little tea fighterlady manages to dodge a lot of 4 trouble 4 W If we had our lives to live over again the chances are that wed it Just make different kinds of fools of ourselves thats all There are a WHOLE LOT sensible women in the world but 4 4 as a matter of tact they dont seem to make much of a hit with the 4 4 average man When a woman DOBS set a good example she never bows tI just What will hAtch out v JItI It a man steals a kiss from a young1 widow she will scold 4 4 him just as if she really meant it You are wrong Cordelia the magazine gun was NOT invented- by 4 a magazine editor for the purpose of exterminating poets I 4 I LOVE THYSELf LAST Jtove thyself last Look sear behold thy duty To those who walk fceaide thee down lifes road Make glad their days sby little acts of beauty And help them bear the burden of lifes load Love thyself last Look far anS find the stranger Who stagger neath his sin and his despair S Go lend a hand and lead him out ot danger- To heights where he may see thfi world is fair Love thyself last The vastnesses above hee Ate filled with Spirit Forces strong and pure- fervently Jtnd these faithful friends shall love thee Koqep thou thy watch oer others and endure c tore thyself last and thou ehalt grow in spirit To see to hear to knoW and under- stand ¬ Him message of the stars lo thou shalt hear it And all Gods joys shall be at thy commandElla Wheeler Wilcox S MARRIAGE OF MR MLAUGHLIN AND MISS MITCHELL The marriage of Mr Elwood Mc aughlint of Pensacola Fla and Miss Myra Mitchell which took place yes ¬ terday evening at 6 oclock at the First Methodist church in Gadsden Ala will be of great interest In Bir- mingham ¬ Montgomery and other points as the brides family is one oC the most prominent In the state The church was a bower of beauty t imilax ferns and wind flowers being wed in great profusion The bride wore a handsome gown THE PORE FOOD STORE Fresh New York Cream Cheese Neuchatel Cheese Roquefort Cheese 0 Just received I Orders taken for home made Chocolate Cream cakes 85 cents each t So Cahn CoA- gents Nunnallys Candles Phones 17201721 a i S of wine colored silk trimmed In silk embroidered lace and with a court train She wore the conventional veil and her only ornament was a dia- mond ¬ pin the gift of the groom She carried a shower bouquet qf lilies of the valley She was attended by her sister Mrs Franklin Harper El more Jr of this city as matron of honor who was handsomely gowned- in white voile and carried a cluster bouquet of white wind flowers Miss Margaret DuBose Miss Mary Dortch and Miss Flora Orr of Bir ¬ mingham and Mrs C G Elmpre or Pensacola Fla were maids They all wore gowns of white silk voile over taffeta and carried bou ¬ quets of pink and white wind flow ¬ ersThe groom was attended by Mr C Gunter Elmore of Pensacola as best manMessrs Henry Wood 4 Harry Mont ¬ gomery Newman Green Frank El more Jr were groomsmen Immediately after the ceremony a reception was given at the home ot the brides parents Tho bride wore a handsome travel- Ing suit of cedar colored serge with hatto match After the reception Mr and Mrs McLaughlin left for their future home- In Pensacola Fla Mrs McLaughlin as MIss ltchelJ has scores of friends in this city Possessing a most attractive person- ality ¬ a ready wit and unusual gra clousness of manner she is very pop- ular She has visited here a number of times as the guest of her sister Mrs F H Elmore Jr Mr McLaughlin Is a prominent business man of Pensacola where h- is held in the highest regard In both I business and social clrclesMont ¬ gomery Advertiser S Make Yourself Lick Years Younger A Pace Cream That Produces Remar kable Results on the Complexion Nkci PsboLook Y tsd Drivel Away Blemishes Massage will make your face glow for a few minutes and make you think some wrinkles have disappeared Cold cream will take the dirt off powder will give your skin a tint and a soft ¬ ness that Is counterfeit and partly cover up the red spots the pimples and the freckles None of these meth- ods ¬ can produce a really beautiful com- plexion ¬ that is genuine be a skin and a all In one except Dr Hebras celebrated Viola Cream Viola Cream makes wrinkles pim- ples ¬ blotches freckles red spots liver moles and blackheads tan sunburn and chap vanish by Its use Viola Cream gives to the skin a ruddy healthy hue and glow a soft ¬ ness cleanliness and purity that Is ex- quisite ¬ It produces results safely and surely and never makes hair grow on the ace Viola Cream Is sold at all reliable drug atores for 50 cents a Jar or will be sent charges prepaid on receipt of price provided you mention the name of the druggist who could not supply youA trial package of Viola Cream and Guide to Beauty will be mailed by the G C Bittner Co Toledo Ohio for 10 cents to cover postage packing etc Cheap soaps redden and roughen the akin and undo all the beauty produced t by Viola Cream Use a soap that helps to beautify the soap that represents I the soapmakers highest art Viola Skin Soap It costs more than cheap i soap in money but pays you back In Increased beauty Viola Skin SQap is Bold at 25c a cake at all druggists or sent Prepaid on receipt of price by The Q C Bittner Co Toledo Ohio For sale in Pensaco oy wA DAlem bcrte Druggist and Apothecary 121 S Palafox Street I- 13 A SEASIDE CALENDAR They met on Sunday on the beach On Monday tooka sail On Tuesday night he stole a kiss Beneath the moonlight pale On Wednesday up to town he went And bought a jeweled band Five flashing diamonds in a row To grace her lily hand On Thursday their engagement was Announced to all their friends They quarreled FrIdaythus too apt A hasty wooing ends But hearts beside the summer sea Their sorrows quickly span On Saturday she ran away To wed another man- Womans National Daily MISS ZELMA CHRISTLV IS GUEST OF MISS BEUMEL Miss Zelma Christly is visiting her aunt Miss Lizzie Beumel on Bayou Texar Miss Christey is an Indiana girl her home being in Tell City MR ARNOLD BLOCK LEAVES FOR MOBILE TONIGHT- Mr Arnold Block who has been visiting in the city for the past week will leave for his home in Mobile to ¬ night going via the Tarpon He has many friends here who regret his de ¬ parture MARRIED LADIES EUCHRE WITH MRS JOE ROTH The Married Ladles Eucnre club will meet with Mrs Joe Roth on Gov- ernment ¬ street on Tuesday Mrs Roth is a delightful hostess and the event will doubtless foe full of inter- est ¬ AT THE EAST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH TODAY The Rev Mr E E Rice will preach this morning at the East Hiu Baptist church and also at the evening ser ¬ vices at 730 oclock The Rev Mr Rice is a very capable speaker and many will hear him today with much interest FIVE HUNDRED CLUB TO ENJOY FISH FRY The Five Hundred club will enjoy- a fish fry on Tuesday night at the home of Miss Lizzie Beumel on Bayou Texar The ladies will spend the af- ternoon ¬ with Miss Beumel the gentle ¬ men Joining them later This Is to be one of the periodical social even ¬ ings which are occasionally enjoyed by the club- PENSACOLA MAIDEN I CLUB REORGANIZES I The Pensacola Maiden club reor- ganized ¬ last Wednesday night at the home of Miss Annie Maher Th3 home was beautifully decorated In ferns and cut flowers After iho games refreshments were served Tile next meeting will be at the homo of the Misses DiLustro at 216 South Alcaniz street- REV MR WM B I ALLEN ARRIVES TO TAKE CHARGE- OF I ST CATHERINES- The Rev Mr Wm B Allen late of St Pauls church Newport News Va has arrived in the city to take charge- of St Catherines church There will be communion services this morning- at 11 oclock and Mrs Foreman will sing Handels Largo with violin obli- gate ¬ by Prof Ehlers MR AND MRS L M DAVIS HAVE RETURNED- Mr and Mrs L M Davis have re- turned home from an extended trin through New York and other points Mrs Davis visited relatives in Yankee land for several weeks stopping at many points of interest Mr Davis having recently joined her at Now York for the purpose of accompany- ing her home Both have enjoyed most delightful trips AT CHRIST CHURCH TODAY Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity 745 a m holy communion 945 a m Sunday school 11 am Matins with sermon 730 p m Musical service at which Mrs Foreman will sing Handels Lar- go ¬ The organ selections will in- clude ¬ by request The Wedding Music from Wagners Lohengrin There are free seats at all services to which visitors and friends are cor 4ially welcome r AT THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH TODAY Today will be a most important one at the First Christian church This morning the annual roll call and the annual reports of the church will re- ceive ¬ attention while Consecration will be the subject of the Rev Mr Thos Lennox Mrs Reager will sing His Eye on the Sparrow Tonight Rev Lennoxs topic will be Adorning- the Doctrines of God All are Invit ¬ ed to be present at both services MISS LILLIAN ISRAEL WILL REMAIN IN BIRMINGHAM- Miss Lillian Israel the very charm- ing daughter of Mr and Airs Jake Israel who left here about six WCCKS ago for Birmingham on account of IU health has been a guest of her sis- ter Mrs David Israel in that city dur- Ing that time She Is now entirely recovered her many friends will be glad to note but it will be with real regret that the news will be received that It is the intention of this popu- lar Pensacola girl to remain indefi- nitely ¬ in the Alabama city where she has accepted a fine position in one of the leading Birmingham jewelry louses She will be greatly missed- In local circles- FLOWERSWILLIAMS U WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT- Cards have been received by the many local friends of the couple an ¬ nouncing the approaching wedding ot Miss Vellery V Flowers to Mr Ed ¬ ward B Williams Jr Miss Vellery who Is the charming voungdaughter- of Mr and Mrs H C Flowers will be kindly remembered by all who knew her in her girlhood days and the news of her coming wedding will be received with much interest The event will take place at the home ol the brides parents Uo 1007 East De t ANOTHER WOMAN CURED- By Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable CompoundG- ardiner MaineU I have been a great sufferer from organic troubles and a severe female weakness The doctor said would have to go to the hospital for an operation but I could not bear to think of it 1 de cided to try Lydia- E Pinkhams Veg- etable Compound and Sanative Wash and was entirely cured after three months use of themMrs S A WHIIAMS R F D No 14 Box 39 Gardiner Me No woman should submit to a surgi- cal ¬ operation which may mean death until she has given L aE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made exclusive- ly om roots and her s a fair trial This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and renewer of the female organism Women resid- ing ¬ in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testi- mony ¬ to the wonderful virtue of Lydia- E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It cures creates radi ¬ ant buoyant female health If you are ill for your own sake as well as those you love give it a triaL Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass invites all sick women to write her for advice Her advice is free and always helpful I New Method QualityI- s noticeable in both personal and household articles that wash and iron No detail Is too little to get Its full share of our attention We ask for your work on the basis of quality NEW METHOD LAUNDRY e W LAWRENCE Proprietor 1517 w ROMANA ST Phone 188- If It comes from Gerelds Its the best there I- sUAIINo MintsT- he afterdinner confection the cream of confectionery A de- liciously palatable morsel that melts- on your tongue and lingers with your sweet tooth Phone us for them 10 and 25 cent Pack- agesGERELDS GROCERY GO 111 N Palafox St Phone 192 Soto street Thursday night October 14 The groom is also held in high esteem by all who know him He Is one of the most capable young men of Pensacola They will be at home- to their many friends after the 16th of October at No 1300 East Strong street THE NOMADS TO COMMENCE THEIR MEETINGS NEXT MONTH On the nrst Monday in November the Nomads Pensacolas oldest liter ¬ ary club will commence its work for the season Organized in 1903 and with a membership of Pensacolas most cultured women the club stands apart in local social affairs and is an organization of which the city may well be proud The officers for this A Rare Treat- Mrs Ignatius Fried as ¬ sisted by Wm Packam pi ¬ ano wilr give a violin recital- at Knights of Columbus Hall Monday Oct 25 at 815 p m The entire proceeds for the Civic League Admission- 50c S J I year are as follows President Mrs Lucius J Reeves vicepresident Mrs William R Gonzalez secretary- Mrs Mallory Kennedy This years work will be especially interesting- and valuable from many standpoints- MRS J D GOSS RETURNS- Mrs J D Goss has returned from Goulding where she has been visiting Mrs J Komen The latter has been ill but is now much improved MRS CHAS GARLAND IS HERE FROM MOBILE- Mrs Chits Garland of Mobile is in the city She is visiting Mrs Jno Price and other relatives for a short period MRS FELO MALLISTER LEAVES FOR ALABAMA Mrs Felo McAllister leaves todaj for points of interest in Alabama where she will visit relatives and friends She will be absent for about 3 weeks MISS JOSIE BARKER LEAVES TOMORROW FOR HAVANA CUBA Miss Josie Barker leaves the city tomorrow for her home In Havana Cuba She will be greatly missed among her numerous local friends among whom she is very popular AT THE SACRED HEART CHURCH TODAY- A quartette mass will be sung this morning at the Sacred Heart church which promises to be very beautiful indeed in effect The offertory solo will be played on the violin Prof Henry Seel and the communion will be Perosis Ecce Panis sung by the male quartette MRS A M LEWIS OF MARIANNA GUEST OF MRS RICHARD LEWIS Mrs A M Lewis of Marianna Is the guest of Mrs Richard Lewis for- a few weeks She was formerly a resident of this city and will be most kindly remembered among a host of friends S MEETING OF THE CIVIC LEAGUE The first meeting of the Civic League for this season will take place- on Wednesday Oct 13 at 4 p m at the Y M C A It is expected that all members will be present In order- to actively participate in preparations- for the tissue paper ball MR AND MRS DUDLEY SAUNDERS- AT HOTEL ESCAMBIA- Mr and Mrs Dudley Saunders and baby have moved to the Escambia where they will live until their new home is completed Mr and Mrs Saunders will be welcome additions- to the congenial crowd at the hotel MRS BAILEY ENTERTAINED- LAST NIGHT Mrs Bailey entertained at a clever event last night at the Yard a num ¬ ber from town having gone down Dancing was the order of the evening which as is characteristic with Mrs Baileys affairs proved interesting In ¬ deed The navy yard set guests from the post and a number from the bay shore and Pensacola proper made up the guest list 1 MUSIC AT THE GADSDEN STREET M CHURCH TODAY There wil be special music at the Gadsden Street M E church today the Rev Mr Cornell of Marianna to be in charge This morning a solo will be sung by Mr Phillips and to- night ¬ a duet selected will be the extra musical feature The past week has marked an unusually fine revival series and todays events promise to be unusually valuable SACRED HEART BOYS CHOIR- IS DOING FINE WORK Tho boys choir at the Sacred Heart church is doing some fine prac ¬ ticing nowadays and will sing Its first mass perhaps on the second Sunday In November The church will soon have three choirs a mens choir a boys choir and a mixed choir I The music at the Sacred Heart places that church far ahead of any In this particular respect in the city and Father Turner la to be highly con ¬ gratulated on the result of his efforts along this line- GONZALEZNORSWORTHY WEDDING TODAY- An unusually pretty wedding will take place today at St Michaels when Miss Irma Gonzalez and Mr George Norsworthy will be married- the hour having been set for three oclock The bride Is a very attract- ive ¬ young lady with many friends while the groom Is known and liked about the city Miss Kate Caro pe ¬ tite and charming will act as maid of honor and Mr Sam Burchfield will be best man Great Interest Is being taken In the event by the numerous friends of the popular young peopleS CAPUDINE for THAT HEADACHE- Out last night Headache and nervous thIs morning Hicks Capudlna just the thing to nt you for business Clears the lead braces the nerves Try it At drug stores t NOTICE- I have opened my dressmaking parlors at 319 W Gadsden Will be pleased to have the ladies call and get prices MRS N LOVELESS DR BLOCKER HOME- Dr L DeM Blocker has returned home and can be found at his usual office hours in the Brent building MEALS FOR A DAY Sunday October 10 BREAKFAST Pineapples Cream of Wheat with Cream Fried Chicken with German Potatoes Hot Biscuits with Currant Jelly Coffee The Journal DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Olives Celery Bake Duck Whipped Potatoes Stuffed Peppers Scalloped Eggplant Waldorf Salad with Wafers Cream Roll with Brandy Sauce Devils Food Ice Cream Coffee Mints LUNCHEON Welsh Rarebit Potato Chip Wise Jelly Sandwiches Cakes Tea Puach PRAISE FOR MRS FRIED Mrs L Fried who up to a couple of S ± = j ri I 2 1 S z c I ¼ L- iOur OpeningDisj1 cfFall Mi11inerJ you a fitio what Europe and all The leading r fashion centers America decree as the millinery mode for tHis season We will have on cchibiiion a fine assor men ± of the well and favorably known ACHr brand of ± trimmed as the standard ofstyle in American made nil1in ery- We cordially ask your inspection during ir opening jwhich takes place TUESDAY OCTOBER 12C- all now and see our fine display of Ladles early fall hats and misses and chidrens school hats t II East Intendencla MRS NORDSTROM Street OCTOBER WEDDINGS tf Do not delay longer in placing orders for engraved in- vitations ¬ h Our fall samples represent the very latest tl 11 shapes and forms that have been accepted by refined WI and fashionable society We do not followwe v- iJiJ > LEAD in originating artistic effects with fine material i13 Our prices are the lowest Send for samples which tT1 1 will be supplied free of charge J P STEVENS iJ ENGRAVING CO Wedding Stationery Engravers ff 47 Whitehall St Atlanta Ga iIi- Jg tg wwwm- MILLINERY OPENING MONDAY and TUESDAY- The very newest and most approved styles in hats You are invited to call MRS F + HILBURN 217 E Jackson J X- t s fP b w < lw years ago made her home in Mobile and who captured all by her violin playing has now captured Pensacola- in the same way as there is hardly a week passes that the papers of that city where she is now making her home do not contain complimentary notices of her and her beautiful music Mrs Fried will play in a concert under the auspices of the Civic League of Pensacola for the benefit of the city and a recent issue of The Pen ¬ sacola Journal contained a column notice of her and thts family of noted musicians from whom she is de ¬ scended paying deserved tribute to Mrs Heyman Gabriel of this city whose beautiful voice wins equally as many admirers in the musical world- as does her sister with her violin playing- Of the many honors heaped upon Mrs Fried perhaps one of the great ¬ est accorded her was an offer of an engagement to play at the Paris ex- position ¬ Mobile Register THE TISSUE PAPER BALL- Prepartlons for the tissue paper ball will probably occupy the women- of the Civic League for several months to come and it promises to be ono of the most brilliant and beau- tiful ¬ scenes ever witnessed in this section The opera house will be decorated for the occasion with banners and lovely garlands of flowers One of the beautiful features of the evening will be special dances in which over 200 children and young people all in the mot exquisite ol tissue paper costumes will partici- pate ¬ These are the Dutch dance In which 32 boys and girls wear the quaintest of Dutch costumes the dresses of the girls are of deft blue Continued from Page Thirteen LUZIANNE COFFEE Pleases Everybody Its quality is right Its flavor is right Its price is right IT IS ALL RIGH1- It sells I the carloadother coffees bp the case 25c ipound caii At any reliable grocers C qg as I 4





38 I2 wp4rbeN

M By Bonnie Burnham I730 to

from10 p m

u eQ 1ete s 44+




f J A

4 Meeting of the Married Ladles Eu hre club hostess Mrs JoeRoth on East Government street

Meeting of Five Hundred club hostess Miss Lizzie Beumel onBayou Texar 4

4 WEDNESDAYMeeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian churchMeeting of the Pastime Euchra club hostess Mrs J J McCar ¬ 4

4 thy on Wright street4 THURSDAY 4

Meeting ot the Thursday club hostess Mrs Wm Hall on West 44 Romana street 44 FRIDAY 4

Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs N Soderquist on4 Government street 84 SATURDAY 44 Meeting of the Browning club lostesa Mrs Jno Beard on the4 iayshore

4 4 4+ 4 444+ ++ + 4 <





4 girl doesnt like to fee c Iled a flirt unless of course she isnt 4

Its the biggest sort of a fool woman generally wholl try to 44 rock the boat on the sea of matrimony 44 4When the average little woman commences to make a general 4< little fool of herself she always works overtime +

Many a young man in search of a wife has passed right 44 through peach orchards and things and then pitched his tent in a 44 lemon grove 4

The fine smart little tea fighterlady manages to dodge a lot of4 trouble4W If we had our lives to live over again the chances are that wedit Just make different kinds of fools of ourselves thats all

There are a WHOLE LOT sensible women in the world but 44 as a matter of tact they dont seem to make much of a hit with the 44 average man

When a woman DOBS set a good example she never bowstI just What will hAtch out


JItI It a man steals a kiss from a young1 widow she will scold 44 him just as if she really meant it

You are wrong Cordelia the magazine gun was NOT invented-by4 a magazine editor for the purpose of exterminating poets I 4



Jtove thyself last Look sear beholdthy duty

To those who walk fceaide thee downlifes road

Make glad their days sby little acts ofbeauty

And help them bear the burden oflifes load

Love thyself last Look far anS findthe stranger

Who stagger neath his sin and hisdespair

S Go lend a hand and lead him out otdanger-

To heights where he may see thfiworld is fair

Love thyself last The vastnessesabove hee

Ate filled with Spirit Forces strongand pure-

ferventlyJtnd these faithful friendsshall love thee

Koqep thou thy watch oer othersand endure

c tore thyself last and thou ehalt growin spirit

To see to hear to knoW and under-stand


Him message of the stars lo thoushalt hear it

And all Gods joys shall be at thycommandElla Wheeler Wilcox



The marriage of Mr Elwood Mcaughlint of Pensacola Fla and MissMyra Mitchell which took place yes ¬

terday evening at 6 oclock at theFirst Methodist church in GadsdenAla will be of great interest In Bir-mingham


Montgomery and otherpoints as the brides family is oneoC the most prominent In the state

The church was a bower of beautytimilax ferns and wind flowers beingwed in great profusion

The bride wore a handsome gown


FreshNew YorkCream CheeseNeuchatel CheeseRoquefort Cheese


Just receivedI

Orders taken for homemade Chocolate Creamcakes

85 cents eacht

So Cahn CoA-

gents Nunnallys Candles

Phones 17201721


i S

of wine colored silk trimmed In silkembroidered lace and with a courttrain

She wore the conventional veiland her only ornament was a dia-mond

¬pin the gift of the groom She

carried a shower bouquet qf liliesof the valley She was attended byher sister Mrs Franklin Harper Elmore Jr of this city as matron ofhonor who was handsomely gowned-in white voile and carried a clusterbouquet of white wind flowers

Miss Margaret DuBose Miss MaryDortch and Miss Flora Orr of Bir¬mingham and Mrs C G Elmpre orPensacola Fla were maids

They all wore gowns of white silkvoile over taffeta and carried bou¬

quets of pink and white wind flow¬

ersThe groom was attended by Mr CGunter Elmore of Pensacola as bestmanMessrs Henry Wood

4 Harry Mont¬

gomery Newman Green Frank Elmore Jr were groomsmen

Immediately after the ceremony areception was given at the home otthe brides parents

Tho bride wore a handsome travel-Ing suit of cedar colored serge withhatto match

After the reception Mr and MrsMcLaughlin left for their future home-In Pensacola Fla

Mrs McLaughlin as MIss ltchelJhas scores of friends in this cityPossessing a most attractive person-ality


a ready wit and unusual graclousness of manner she is very pop-ular She has visited here a numberof times as the guest of her sisterMrs F H Elmore Jr

Mr McLaughlin Is a prominentbusiness man of Pensacola where h-

is held in the highest regard In both I

business and social clrclesMont¬

gomery AdvertiserS

Make Yourself LickYears Younger

A Pace Cream That Produces Remarkable Results on the Complexion

Nkci PsboLook Y tsd Drivel AwayBlemishes

Massage will make your face glowfor a few minutes and make you thinksome wrinkles have disappeared Coldcream will take the dirt off powderwill give your skin a tint and a soft¬ness that Is counterfeit and partlycover up the red spots the pimplesand the freckles None of these meth-ods

¬can produce a really beautiful com-


that is genuine be a skinand a all In oneexcept Dr Hebras celebrated ViolaCreamViola Cream makes wrinkles pim-


blotches freckles red spots livermoles and blackheads tan sunburn andchap vanish by Its useViola Cream gives to the skin aruddy healthy hue and glow a soft ¬

ness cleanliness and purity that Is ex-quisite ¬It produces results safely andsurely and never makes hair grow onthe ace

Viola Cream Is sold at all reliabledrug atores for 50 cents a Jar or willbe sent charges prepaid on receipt ofprice provided you mention the nameof the druggist who could not supplyyouA trial package of Viola Creamand Guide to Beauty will be mailedby the G C Bittner Co Toledo Ohiofor 10 cents to cover postage packingetc

Cheap soaps redden and roughen theakin and undo all the beauty produced tby Viola Cream Use a soap that helpsto beautify the soap that represents Ithe soapmakers highest art ViolaSkin Soap It costs more than cheap i

soap in money but pays you back InIncreased beauty Viola Skin SQap isBold at 25c a cake at all druggists orsent Prepaid on receipt of price by TheQ C Bittner Co Toledo OhioFor sale in Pensaco oy wA DAlem

bcrte Druggist and Apothecary 121 SPalafox Street I-


A SEASIDE CALENDARThey met on Sunday on the beach

On Monday tooka sailOn Tuesday night he stole a kiss

Beneath the moonlight paleOn Wednesday up to town he went

And bought a jeweled bandFive flashing diamonds in a row

To grace her lily hand

On Thursday their engagement wasAnnounced to all their friends

They quarreled FrIdaythus too aptA hasty wooing ends

But hearts beside the summer seaTheir sorrows quickly span

On Saturday she ran awayTo wed another man-

Womans National Daily


Miss Zelma Christly is visiting heraunt Miss Lizzie Beumel on BayouTexar Miss Christey is an Indianagirl her home being in Tell City


Mr Arnold Block who has beenvisiting in the city for the past weekwill leave for his home in Mobile to¬

night going via the Tarpon He hasmany friends here who regret his de¬



The Married Ladles Eucnre clubwill meet with Mrs Joe Roth on Gov-ernment


street on Tuesday MrsRoth is a delightful hostess and theevent will doubtless foe full of inter-est



The Rev Mr E E Rice will preachthis morning at the East Hiu Baptistchurch and also at the evening ser ¬

vices at 730 oclock The Rev MrRice is a very capable speaker andmany will hear him today with muchinterestFIVE HUNDRED CLUB TOENJOY FISH FRY

The Five Hundred club will enjoy-a fish fry on Tuesday night at thehome of Miss Lizzie Beumel on BayouTexar The ladies will spend the af-


with Miss Beumel the gentle ¬

men Joining them later This Is tobe one of the periodical social even¬

ings which are occasionally enjoyedby the club-



The Pensacola Maiden club reor-ganized


last Wednesday night at thehome of Miss Annie Maher Th3home was beautifully decorated Inferns and cut flowers After ihogames refreshments were servedTile next meeting will be at the homoof the Misses DiLustro at 216 SouthAlcaniz street-




ST CATHERINES-The Rev Mr Wm B Allen late of

St Pauls church Newport News Vahas arrived in the city to take charge-of St Catherines church There willbe communion services this morning-at 11 oclock and Mrs Foreman willsing Handels Largo with violin obli-gate



Mr and Mrs L M Davis have re-

turned home from an extended trinthrough New York and other pointsMrs Davis visited relatives in Yankeeland for several weeks stopping atmany points of interest Mr Davishaving recently joined her at NowYork for the purpose of accompany-ing her home Both have enjoyedmost delightful trips


Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity745 a m holy communion945 a m Sunday school11 a m Matins with sermon730 p m Musical service at which

Mrs Foreman will sing Handels Lar-go


The organ selections will in-


by request The WeddingMusic from Wagners Lohengrin

There are free seats at all servicesto which visitors and friends are cor4ially welcome



Today will be a most important oneat the First Christian church Thismorning the annual roll call and theannual reports of the church will re-ceive


attention while Consecrationwill be the subject of the Rev MrThos Lennox Mrs Reager will singHis Eye on the Sparrow Tonight

Rev Lennoxs topic will be Adorning-the Doctrines of God All are Invit¬

ed to be present at both services


Miss Lillian Israel the very charm-ing daughter of Mr and Airs JakeIsrael who left here about six WCCKSago for Birmingham on account of IUhealth has been a guest of her sis-ter Mrs David Israel in that city dur-Ing that time She Is now entirelyrecovered her many friends will beglad to note but it will be with realregret that the news will be receivedthat It is the intention of this popu-lar Pensacola girl to remain indefi-nitely


in the Alabama city where shehas accepted a fine position in oneof the leading Birmingham jewelrylouses She will be greatly missed-In local circles-


WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT-Cards have been received by the

many local friends of the couple an ¬

nouncing the approaching wedding otMiss Vellery V Flowers to Mr Ed ¬

ward B Williams Jr Miss Vellerywho Is the charming voungdaughter-of Mr and Mrs H C Flowers willbe kindly remembered by all whoknew her in her girlhood days andthe news of her coming wedding willbe received with much interest Theevent will take place at the home olthe brides parents Uo 1007 East De





By Lydia E PinkhamsVegetable CompoundG-

ardiner MaineU I have been agreat sufferer from organic troubles

and a severe femaleweakness Thedoctor said wouldhave to go to thehospital for anoperation but Icould not bear tothink of it 1 decided to try Lydia-E Pinkhams Veg-etable Compoundand Sanative Wash

and was entirelycured after three

months use of themMrs S AWHIIAMS R F D No 14 Box 39Gardiner Me

No woman should submit to a surgi-cal


operation which may mean deathuntil she has given L a E PinkhamsVegetable Compound made exclusive-ly om roots and her s a fair trial

This famous medicine for womenhas for thirty years proved to be themost valuable tonic and renewer ofthe female organism Women resid-ing


in almost every city and town inthe United States bear willing testi-mony


to the wonderful virtue of Lydia-E Pinkhams Vegetable CompoundIt cures creates radi¬

ant buoyant female health If youare ill for your own sake as well asthose you love give it a triaL

Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Massinvites all sick women to writeher for advice Heradvice is freeand always helpful


New MethodQualityI-

s noticeable in both personal andhousehold articles that wash andiron No detail Is too little to getIts full share of our attention Weask for your work on the basisof quality


e W LAWRENCE Proprietor1517 w ROMANA ST

Phone 188-

If It comes from Gerelds Its thebest there I-

sUAIINo MintsT-

he afterdinner confection thecream of confectionery A de-liciously palatable morsel that melts-on your tongue and lingers withyour sweet tooth

Phone us for them10 and 25 cent Pack-


GROCERY GO111 N Palafox St

Phone 192

Soto street Thursday night October14 The groom is also held in highesteem by all who know him He Isone of the most capable young menof Pensacola They will be at home-to their many friends after the 16thof October at No 1300 East StrongstreetTHE NOMADS TO COMMENCETHEIR MEETINGS NEXT MONTH

On the nrst Monday in Novemberthe Nomads Pensacolas oldest liter ¬

ary club will commence its work forthe season Organized in 1903 andwith a membership of Pensacolasmost cultured women the club standsapart in local social affairs and is anorganization of which the city maywell be proud The officers for this

A Rare Treat-Mrs Ignatius Fried as¬

sisted by Wm Packam pi¬

ano wilr give a violin recital-at Knights of Columbus HallMonday Oct 25 at 815 pm The entire proceeds forthe Civic League Admission-50c S



year are as follows President MrsLucius J Reeves vicepresidentMrs William R Gonzalez secretary-Mrs Mallory Kennedy This yearswork will be especially interesting-and valuable from many standpoints-


Mrs J D Goss has returned fromGoulding where she has been visitingMrs J Komen The latter has beenill but is now much improved


Mrs Chits Garland of Mobile is inthe city She is visiting Mrs JnoPrice and other relatives for a shortperiod


Mrs Felo McAllister leaves todajfor points of interest in Alabamawhere she will visit relatives andfriends She will be absent for about3 weeksMISS JOSIE BARKER LEAVESTOMORROW FOR HAVANA CUBA

Miss Josie Barker leaves the citytomorrow for her home In HavanaCuba She will be greatly missedamong her numerous local friendsamong whom she is very popular


A quartette mass will be sung thismorning at the Sacred Heart churchwhich promises to be very beautifulindeed in effect The offertory solowill be played on the violin ProfHenry Seel and the communion willbe Perosis Ecce Panis sung by themale quartetteMRS A M LEWIS OF MARIANNAGUEST OF MRS RICHARD LEWIS

Mrs A M Lewis of Marianna Isthe guest of Mrs Richard Lewis for-a few weeks She was formerly aresident of this city and will be mostkindly remembered among a host offriends



The first meeting of the CivicLeague for this season will take place-on Wednesday Oct 13 at 4 p m atthe Y M C A It is expected thatall members will be present In order-to actively participate in preparations-for the tissue paper ballMR AND MRS DUDLEY SAUNDERS-AT HOTEL ESCAMBIA-

Mr and Mrs Dudley Saunders andbaby have moved to the Escambiawhere they will live until their newhome is completed Mr and MrsSaunders will be welcome additions-to the congenial crowd at the hotelMRS BAILEY ENTERTAINED-LAST NIGHT

Mrs Bailey entertained at a cleverevent last night at the Yard a num ¬

ber from town having gone downDancing was the order of the eveningwhich as is characteristic with MrsBaileys affairs proved interesting In ¬

deed The navy yard set guests fromthe post and a number from the bayshore and Pensacola proper made upthe guest list



There wil be special music at theGadsden Street M E church todaythe Rev Mr Cornell of Marianna tobe in charge This morning a solowill be sung by Mr Phillips and to-night


a duet selected will be theextra musical feature The past weekhas marked an unusually fine revivalseries and todays events promise tobe unusually valuableSACRED HEART BOYS CHOIR-IS DOING FINE WORK

Tho boys choir at the SacredHeart church is doing some fine prac ¬

ticing nowadays and will sing Itsfirst mass perhaps on the secondSunday In November The churchwill soon have three choirs a menschoir a boys choir and a mixed choir I

The music at the Sacred Heart placesthat church far ahead of any In thisparticular respect in the city andFather Turner la to be highly con¬

gratulated on the result of his effortsalong this line-


An unusually pretty wedding willtake place today at St Michaelswhen Miss Irma Gonzalez and MrGeorge Norsworthy will be married-the hour having been set for threeoclock The bride Is a very attract-ive


young lady with many friendswhile the groom Is known and likedabout the city Miss Kate Caro pe ¬

tite and charming will act as maidof honor and Mr Sam Burchfield willbe best man Great Interest Is beingtaken In the event by the numerousfriends of the popular young peopleS

CAPUDINE for THAT HEADACHE-Out last night Headache and nervous

thIs morning Hicks Capudlna just thething to nt you for business Clears thelead braces the nerves Try it At drug



I have opened my dressmakingparlors at 319 W Gadsden Will bepleased to have the ladies call andget prices


DR BLOCKER HOME-Dr L DeM Blocker has returned

home and can be found at his usualoffice hours in the Brent building


Sunday October 10BREAKFAST

PineapplesCream of Wheat with Cream

Fried Chicken with German PotatoesHot Biscuits with Currant Jelly

Coffee The JournalDINNER

Cream of Tomato SoupOlives Celery

Bake Duck Whipped PotatoesStuffed Peppers

Scalloped EggplantWaldorf Salad with Wafers

Cream Roll with Brandy SauceDevils Food

Ice Cream Coffee MintsLUNCHEON

Welsh RarebitPotato Chip Wise Jelly

Sandwiches CakesTea Puach


Mrs L Fried who up to a couple ofS



jri I

21 S


c I ¼


iOur OpeningDisj1cfFall Mi11inerJyou afitio what Europe and all The leading rfashion centers America decree as themillinery mode for tHis season

We will have on cchibiiion a fine assormen± of the well and favorably known ACHrbrand of ±trimmed asthe standard ofstyle in American madenil1in ery-

We cordially askyour inspection duringir opening jwhich takes place


all now and see our fine display of Ladles early fall hats and missesand chidrens school hats t

II East IntendenclaMRS NORDSTROM Street

OCTOBER WEDDINGStf Do not delay longer in placing orders for engraved in-

vitations¬ hOur fall samples represent the very latest tl

11shapes and forms that have been accepted by refined

WI and fashionable society We do not followwe v-


LEAD in originating artistic effects with fine materiali13 Our prices are the lowest Send for samples which tT1

1 will be supplied free of charge J P STEVENSiJ ENGRAVING CO Wedding Stationery Engravers

ff 47 Whitehall St Atlanta Ga iIi-Jg tg



MONDAY and TUESDAY-The very newest and most approved

styles in hats

You are invited to call

MRS F+ HILBURN217 E Jackson

J X-

t s fP b w < lwyears ago made her home in Mobileand who captured all by her violinplaying has now captured Pensacola-in the same way as there is hardly aweek passes that the papers of thatcity where she is now making herhome do not contain complimentarynotices of her and her beautifulmusic

Mrs Fried will play in a concertunder the auspices of the Civic Leagueof Pensacola for the benefit of thecity and a recent issue of The Pen ¬

sacola Journal contained a columnnotice of her and thts family of notedmusicians from whom she is de ¬

scended paying deserved tribute toMrs Heyman Gabriel of this citywhose beautiful voice wins equally asmany admirers in the musical world-as does her sister with her violinplaying-

Of the many honors heaped uponMrs Fried perhaps one of the great¬

est accorded her was an offer of an

engagement to play at the Paris ex-position


Mobile Register


Prepartlons for the tissue paperball will probably occupy the women-of the Civic League for severalmonths to come and it promises tobe ono of the most brilliant and beau-tiful


scenes ever witnessed in thissection

The opera house will be decoratedfor the occasion with banners andlovely garlands of flowers

One of the beautiful features of theevening will be special dances inwhich over 200 children and youngpeople all in the mot exquisite oltissue paper costumes will partici-pate


These are the Dutch dance Inwhich 32 boys and girls wear thequaintest of Dutch costumes thedresses of the girls are of deft blue

Continued from Page Thirteen

LUZIANNE COFFEEPleases Everybody

Its quality is right Its flavor is rightIts price is right

IT IS ALL RIGH1-It sells I the carloadother coffees bp the case

25c ipound caii At any reliable grocers

C qg as


