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Peopie and Social Incidenu Nnv fjork -ribunr. · 2017. 12. 25. · Tin-dispositioii of the niitjin...

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Nnv fjork -ribunr. FRIDAY. .1UNE li 1M2. Otoned and pnMwAcd daily H '*' THoune jgseeseHow, o tfeie For* «"r'";; raflon; Ogden M. Reid. Prtvtdent; Condt Hatnlin, Secrrtarp; .'"»'« > " B^rrett, Trooavrer. iMrVM. Tnhu>» HuihUvfj, \a 154 ffeeeaa sJreef, IfgH *.**. aCBSr-RIPTION RATES-.By M»". £.*¦.* Pald, outslde ot* Oreeter V'« i "r*1- ._ r»Hy etid Bundsy. one month.. ' t'aliv an.l Runday, alx moniaa Daily and Bnaday. one year ballv oul., one month. Daily only. »'* montha.. g _,. I»aiu only. oae year...... Sunday only, *lx wonth«. .¦.;., R.inday enly, «»n<* yeai. reeelaa attbecrlpitona to ati rountriee tn the CntvVr.il Po.Ul Vntoa. Includlnj po-tasc. I'Mi.v AND Bl NDA. Om tnonili.*i-5» One yeejr.*W.w HUNPAT o.N'I.Y aix month*... *3(>7 or« year. a**-1* l.AIl.Y OM.Y. , * . aaib... »>¦>'*¦' <>»« year .»i« CANAOIAN KATES DAII.Y AND MNDAY r.n. aoatti » '¦>" One year. »10."R DA,V1 "Sl v aaoa One month.| .10 I Otie yeaf.»'.'"' 8UNDA1 ONI.T: Ona month. $ TO Oae yeai .00.09 Entared at tha Postofflce at ttom YPik an Second riaiis Mail Matter. Our readera will confei * favor bv advla- Ing tn " hen thev ar* uhabla to rrn<""'"* « ea#y of Tha Trit.une from Ihelr in-w-l-alT AaJrw. Tribune, ctrcalatlon Departn.ent. > THE VrTirs* TBIB MOBBtKO. CUT* -«tocJiinaAatdulL=====G«orge Tt Cortelyou loW tbe Pujo committee bav, as Secretary of the Troaaury, he deposlted .j40.ono.nnn in Now Tork banKs to rollevc tho fiuandal atreea in the fall 0f 1^07 . - ¦ The Oerman battleanlpa v.ejghed anehor and aalled from port. Charlee Tortl k>,i>s man. wne piaced on trlal ln Oeneral Seaalona ror .bootlng "-Big Jnck" Zellg. l«*«M . ¦ rival "gtin" (.rgatiizitn.ii. I ne nr« wlfe of 1-emuel <»- Ean. head of a print- lng eoncern, aaid her hUSband obtalned hls divorre throtiph deeeption and cm- tinned to llve with her for some time after the decree was granted. '¦"',- counsel for the Steel Corporatlon crttl- cised Jacoh M. Dlcktnaon for attempting io "lead the witness" at the st. el trust hearing. '- Frederiek Bond, an actor, went to Ludlow street Jall to avold pay- lng allmony. -== Two th.msand or more alumnl will aharo in I three daya reuiilou of the Ar-sooiatcd Harvard I'luha, whlch bearlna here to-day.- Tbrae men, whom Deputy Commlsakmer Pougherty calls tho "allckeal safe blow- era ln the country." were held each «n $r..000 hall ln the Harlem court. DOMEPTIC.In settling conteated delegatea' caaee, the Republlean Na¬ tional Committee aeated twelve ran men from MisslSHippl and six Taft and ? iglit Rooaevelt men from Missouri. be- atdea deciding whlch ot the conteating Rooaevelt iaeagatloni from t'.s.. Nortn Carolina dietrh ts were ontitleJ to seaw. __. Charges were made in the House of Rcpreseiitativcs that an Intrlgue against Oeneral Wood had been started by the late Penatoi Hanna and carried tn rompletlon h> Hanna'a friends; tho army blll report ouating Ueneral %\ ood waa adoj'led. Represuitatlve Flts- gcrald accused the President of mlauaing tbe $25.0'j0 appropriation for travelltng expenies, and then voted with a major¬ ity of the Houpe to provide thi appro¬ priation for the cominp tlscal year.-. Korman E. Mack, chalrman of the Dem- orratte National Committee, arrived in Baitimor*.-; he sald 'h. temporary chalr; man had not yet been seleeted-At tno nlneteenth annual convention of the \.-u Tork State Bankers' Aaaoclatlon, m Buffalo, om of the apenkera predlctad thal an Induatrlal panlc wouid follow the i nt wave of proaperltj; aaspbatto d<.nl il ..t a "tnor.cv trust' and resentment ..t the action of the Congreaa committee Inveetlgating the ao-called tmsl forraed tho keyi.ote of other addmssi FORKIGX..Sir Francla rhannlng. Oeneral Xicholson and Lord Carrick ilrelapd) wen created peers of the Unlted Kiogdom by Klng <"*.'orge on the u*ccgsIon of bla birtiiday. ===== The gov¬ ernment troops defeated the Cuban reb¬ el*: near Banttago, wltli heavy haanaa; Unlted Btatea marlnea oo tbe island re- iv.-u a month'x provlalona; the im- munity ofi.-r to Uae rebela disturli.d the autborltlea ln Waahington. _== In a light betvaen Turkish regulara, ai.led by 4rnbs, and tho Italian forcea ln Trlpolt the Moafema were routed with a loss of mare than 420 dead; tbe Italian loss WM thlriv-one kilkd and fifty wounded.== Indications were that tho Engllsh doek strike ls collapslng. = Temporary provialon was made ln France for the free admlaalon of wheat Into the coun- tr\. _____ a pronotmeement from Lord llaraey durlng the pregreas of tbe Tl- tanic wreck Inqulry Indlcated that the flnding wouid contain a clause to the effect thai the Californian defaulted frum ita duty. -. -.---. The French Mlnlater of Mai ine announced tbat ln the event of any defectlon of the crew of I«* Pro- v.in e 011 Satnrday next at Havre, the liner will 1»' manned by bluejackete in rder to sall <>n that day for New York ns ecbi dnled THS \vk\thkk Indlcatkms for to- daj < Momh. Tin- temperatore yaater- f'i.< v Hlgheat, 7_ degreea; loweat, 59. ISTHi/IAA CANAL BEQULATJ0V8, iii.- Beaate Oummlttee og Inter- Ocennlc t'anals has niade, :i» was (\ jie.teii. some changea In tho Houae blll for ibe regtrtatlon of the Panams lannl. Tbeae irlU dotthUeae be shaip- ly iiisiussod ln the Benate, and may l*e aubjected lo fnrtbef modiflcgtlooa bj thal body. As they sian.1 they provide tntereatlng and profltable food fot Utougbt. There is also an equally siy lliticatit laok of CfaangC iu al least one Important reapact la whlch many ex- pected iiifli tbe Benate arould nyferae lhe action of the House Thla last tv.-iture of the commHtee's iep*.rl i>- tlie roieiition UOChajlgad of the House provialon for tba exMnption ot Amorii-aii eaaatarlae Khipplnc fn-tn all tnlls. One of the chlef tlioiigh un- HTaiffny objectlona t" this iu the Efouae was ihal il migbl be loiistnnil as a broarh of tho s|)irit and intent. if md of tho latter. <>f the Hay-Favacefbte treaty. and It was predlctad thal tlie Benate wouid refnae to coBcnr ln It But it- ....miiiitlei' at leasl doOS eoieur, and lf Un- Senale does likowiso we shall have. with the l'resideiit'N ..pln- lon, tlie jud'.'iiient of tho entire tiealy- inakiti? power that thal provision ls m>t ln iiHiflh t wltli our treaty oblltra- tinns. The novel and some what unox paeted addition is made bf tho Benate committee "f tacteadlng thal ssemp- tiim to Ameri.'.iii veeaeis arbJcb are en- faged ln fore.'^n tmde nnd whlcb are potentiaOy meaibers of the Unlted States Naval Resorve. The Jogtttcntloa . if thi* under the troaty is probably that such vessels. Mkc* those ln the C0_gt trade. are in ;i class apart from tho sfalpping of foreign conatilaa, into whli h tbe latter eantu»| enter and with whlcb it eannot compete, Um Inaer tion of this iiatise i.v the Benate com- mlttee is of interest gi an Indlcatloa that al least some membera of the Ben¬ ate nn- ineiined to «., fnrtber ta thal direction than the Hoii-e. Tho Beaate eoonalttee spproves the exclasioa of raflroad owned shlps from tb<* ihuhI. hut inake.s an oxieption ln faror <>f MMb when ettgagad lo lhe t<\- teni of ai ignel ooe-hall of tbelr car | m »iMi^...eani. iraflk ..iit>jiie tbe "Amcric.Tn eoatlaeeiii Oae objeet <>f tfigl en'omptlon ls donbtlefs fo nioM eompfl c.'itlons ovor ottT treatruent of foreiyu BteBUaaShlp Unea owned by foreiyn rail- road eosnpanles, nnd to avold also am clashlnf of "tir dOaaM-tk tratfle repula- lioiis with tbe .onnnt'ri'ial practice of forelfn eouatrfee. Ttac new provlslon of six DBuajfdaS* notiotof Intended d*a_U_ea io toiis is i.iniiii'iiil.'iiili'. and it saggesta ggaln the desirability of Bueta prompl ihasj in iii" ciiai'ini'Mii of the pendlnjj in-iiMUi's as simii cualtlf tbe Pre.Uk'iit to promalgats tho rates nnd ratoa a snfticionf time in sdvancfl of thfl open- irn_r of tbe canal. i VA1R BBTTLBMBNT. Tin- dispositioii of the niitjin ity In control ofthe RepuWlean National Com* mitu-o not tu use Ha pOWtf arbitrarily or unfalriy was deinon>»trati-d yi-stenlny lu the uuauitiMius decision to ggot tb* four Boosevell dda-gstea-al tal" ,p'in Misvi.uri. If it had 1.D tiio purposw of the men ln eontrol to "use the Bteam roller" rocanlloss of the merlta <n' con- i,.si^ they cmild easily have voted lo dlvlde the delfgataajat-targ* 011 lb« ttoiuiii thnt tho I'le-ctj.-n of Ibe fotir Boosevell iJelegatfla had been Bet-itred throu_li th.> vjointioii of b "gentlemflit'H ggrflflmont" mnde outslde th*' conven tlon bj represaotatlveB of tlie two ron- tending factJoos. However. bb it tbe rornoiittoo'a fiinciioii more)' to pasa on tlu* prlmn facie validity of credetitlalB offered. it wonld have ffone far Bfletd ln eonsld edng tiio offoot of thfl ngroonmni ln qnestJoti. Tbe majorlty <.f tht- eonven¬ tion, rb legally organizi'd. repudlated tho sgreeinent, snd tbosjgta tbe Tafi con- tostants niigbl charge had falth acalnsi IndlvJdnsls, thej roald not prove sny rnateaial lircgntarity ln ths conventlon'H action. Tlie Tribuno's tnhle of dolo- p-ntos-olort gsve the four aeata to tbe Uoosovolt delegates and classlfled the action rrabsoquently taken by n few delegates and outsiders al a prlvate pici'tiug in a St. I'Oiiis botel as a *4pP0- test" rather than l "contost." It is jrratlfyinp to find that tho national com inftfee has tiuanlmoiisly taken the same vlew. As for tho distrld contests. most of them turned on tecbnlcallties rolstJng to calla and oi-ganlaatlon. Belylng on th.' reports of "The st. l^oula GlObo-Detno- crat," a nowspaper friendly to Mr. Taft and commendaMv falr and gecoratfl ln its new» roiuninK. The Trtbune credlted oipht of tim ten contested delegatea to Roosevelt nnd two to Taft. Tho com¬ mlttee), hy ii nuanimons vole. has ap- p-roved a compromlse offered on hehalf Of the two jdixsourl fsctlOOg, sca(intr six Taft ainl four Booaardl delegates and niaking tbe Megatlon Btand twen* ly to slxteen In favor nf Koosevelt. ll is evident thnt this deciston did sub- stantial Justico to both sidos. The ma¬ jorlty of the commlttee has been vio- lently and needlessly abused. It |g timo to recoKnize its steadfast pniposg to I"' governed by precedent nnd common seiise ln prepajring the temporary roll of tlie eienvention. PA UK 4 nUIXI.STRA TIO \ BUILD- r\Q8. Opponents of the prnjeet for placint; the Lenox Uhrary ln f'entnil Park niv raally contendlng that even park adtnln- istration bnlklinga should not bt erected wlthln tlie parks. Pdtttng sneb build- in_s in parks is n totally dlff**renl thlng from ereetlng in them courthooaSS, post- ofboes. fire alarm atatlons and other pub¬ llc structureB. lt Ih natural that the parks should contaln the buildinirs neees- ¦ajy for their adminlstratlon, and it has alaraya been the cusfoni ln this dty to use Hlrufiurcs ln the parks to house Iho general nffloes of the department and to serve as polies gtations. ln some in- stanees family "mansions" e.\lstlnj{ at the time the park property was bouglit have been us<<1 hs adnilnlstrntion bulld- Ini's. I'liat is tbe caae in Brooklyn nnd in the parks of The Bronx. In the f-ame way the old An-piial ln Central Tark wns converted into a general ofliee bulld¬ lng for the Park Deparlment in Man¬ hattan and n 'loMce station. This practlco ls natural. It is a OOtV venience of admlnistratlon to hnve the de|,artnient offiois sltuated in nn impor¬ tant park, and it serves Mie lntere-*ts of that park to have them there. so that work may be cirrii'd on practfcally un¬ der the eyea "f the offkials. Those who siiy that the Arsenul Bbonld be toni down nnd ndininlstration offlces should be found oulside ure carrylng thelr opposltion to bulldlnga in the parks lo an absurd etlreme. Ther.- is no like- llhood thal the dty win nt any time gbandon ihe ejrhatlng pradlce. Tbere has alwnys l»een rsason to rappoae thnt when tbe Arsenal eame down it wonld be replaeed by another hullding In Can- tral Park to be usorl f<>r tin- satno pur- poses. Mr. Frlck's nffer atfords nn op portunity to make n dii,'nitieil substltu- tlon at once witliout cost to tlie pnbllc, CRIPPLBD C1TIEB. Mnrik'ipal home rulo is eonosdedlj the li^ht and prOpST tblug in dty admliiis- tr.ition. The members of the ooiiferonee Of in.i-.oi-s of Ihis stiitf in session at (JtJca agtecd on Miat, but dld tml Sgree on thi roason why su llttle of it was on pxblhltlon. And yet **_g reanon is ex- asjsdlngly plaln b> any one >.'ho watches Hu- course of leglsbitlon for a year or lun. Mr Uobert S. Ilinkerd. sivretarj* of tho Clty Club of New York, stati*d lt pxaetly when he deelared we didn't have liome rule berauae we eotibln't. lle ro- inarked that fow jieoplo hoIiimII.v bad an idequate idea of whal bOUS nile was. I'erliaps for that reasoii tlie cltiea of Ihe itale wero crlppled. They bad tO gO to [he Lsflf-alature for tfi'Miits of power of -.very nature whleh they shoubl po_SSJ| if vlrtue of an Ineluslve ftiiidainenta: au. Even the eonstihiiloii ajgrm tO the ix'irislnture tiio spocltic power of inter- rerenee with each clty government on natlers affectinp Mie Bafety, hours of abor and wapes of Its emjilo-cs. In other words. the aetual fact ls that ln- I.i.islature i> govgrgulBg Mie clties of he state to nn extent unn-aJizcl hy tlioir axpayers and unjustitled by any rea- ionable ldea of Mie proper fnncMons of ;tate and mnnielpal admlnistratlon. Tho f.e(,'lslature dsdarcg whether bonds mny ie issuol, and for whal purposes and in vhat auiount wlieMn'i- propcrly may bo iold; whether the iiiuiiieipullty niay glvo OOney tO this diarlty or renilt the taxes >f that one: what the MhldCS Of school eai'hers sball be; wlif'ther doga must bg lOaSjasfaJ: whetlnr polleoinen shall d<. iiitrol duty on the two or tho threr pla- ooo aystein. n aettlea «i scora of other luestions as iniportaiil or as unimpor- ant l(s nileiiibiis are ClOggod with a nassof looal li-irislation uhicb inrvital.ly Ms-i.mi". the iiii'iliiim of loKrolliiu-r and jmi- Itlcal .lickeriiij' aml jolihorv. Sjim- for botf fi".v drles whlcii bavs thej itnlform .<..-.i.i Hasa ciii.s charter. the dtsurtflfa >f no two imiiiicipaliMe'.s lu |be stato nre illke. one fflatnre thev .-,ii nsvej ln eotf> ""ii deferte, nrhkk aeeni to OflCflSBltatc n contlnnal ippeal to tho i.esWature for authority to do aometbing necessary or dealrable ln the llfe of tho communlty. To eure this. \|t. Hlnkerd tnggeeted a niiiiii.'lpai organlxatlon law outllulng three .".. f..ur types of muulcipal govern¬ ment, ono of whlcb mlghl be adopted by Ibe voters of each communlty. Supple- mentlng this there should be eu enabling act giving lo tbe citj fOTcmiueata lhe power to earry oul Ihe dutles which tbelr cbarters txmtemphited These. of conrse, wouM i.e dealrable, neceaanry even. Bnt more streen ahould be piaced on the eev- erance, so far as la humanly poaalble, of uiiinicipal governmenl from partj poll- Ucs. Nothing, bowever, w UI prove sde quate if the rotcra fall lo do Ihelr part. Uonic niic will oever !»¦ practlcal and practkable if the voters gtve tbelr cltlea ¦ Tammany type «>f governmenl and elecl legislatnres which rotyddee Job-grabblng and salary rabrfng the blgbeal dutj snd greoteat Bervlce. /;/ IU>1\<, CODE DBFEl Tt*. Ia it posslble for the <iiy to obtain a good building rode? Tbe one non uu< jiior eoiisidcr.'iiioii was pnalii.I under ravorable Nuspk-e* Its autlmrs nrc snp- poaed io bave repreaeuted rlrlc and nol commerclal Interests. Thev labored long .'ind wltb much publlc splrlt Tbe ode tli.'it they produced was sald to contaln many goot] features and lo favor no flre- proofing ninnufacturer vtcr aay otber Qreprooflng inauufacturer. Vei this code Is rritlrlstHl ulmieU as rlgorously as the woral one thal was ever writteii f..r llic purpOSe of BOllIng the «'ity tos Brcprootlngmonopolj eujoj Ing tbe snpiHiri »f Tnmmnny Hall. lt* rafety provlsloiw are declareil '«. '"' totnlly Inadequate by thoae who uialn taln thal nothing sbori <»f flre walls Iu bulldlnga will offonl Kuftkleut protectlon wbere large numbers nf persons are em ployed, wblle the Committee on tbe Preveutlon of Tuberculosls aaserta Ihal pvasion of its provialons requlring ihat sleeplug rooms shall have wlndows will be easy. Regardlng ventllatlon ln fhc- tories also (be code is said to be luade- quate t>. protect tbe Interests of tbe workera. T' - Bubjed is lecbnical nnd ii Is hard to form an oplnlon on the merits of ihe crltictsms. Hut it ough! to be poaalble for tho crttks of the code and those who draftod it to meet nnd dlscuffl tho iK.ints ai issue. if there are defects tliey should be coiTccted by those who prepared it. ao thal lt- pasaage may nol I*e eadangered by the preaenl oppoal- tlon This is certainly nearer i good coile than any otber tbat has been pro- poeed. Amendlng a bulldlng code onght to be n littie less diihVuit than Rtnend- iu^' tlie i'onstitutii.t the Unlted Btatea. If the preaent effort fails the publlc win begln to wonder If it is not more dlfflcult. AMERICAS IXTEBE8T8 IB CUB t Oae of tbe moel embarraaslag, and «uir-1 geetlve, features of the preaenl trouble* In t'uba is that the Inanrrectlon exlstsj chlefly in the very region Wbere Amerl¬ can Interests are greatest <>r al least] lt i> where there are the great eat Amerl can interests of a klnd which may read Uy be nffi'cted i,y such dlsturbeacee. Commerclal and Induatrlal acttvitlea ln Havana nnd other cltlea are nol llkelj to be mncb dteturbed. Bngar plantatlona and milis are. bowever, easlly gttacked and damaged, and the sugar Indnstrj U by far the Lgrgeal ln tbe Island. What ls stiii nioie to ihe preaenl polnl is that tlie sutfar ladoetf) is the >>iie in whlch American capital ls most largely invesied la Cuba and that one-balf lhe Investment ls ln Orlente Prorlnce, wbere tho Instuiactlon Ii most formldable. American owtieil mllls produee 88 per cent of the sugar ln all Cuba, but In Orlente tln-.s produee more tban 70 pef '(...nt. in the whole laland American In vestmenta In lhe sugar Indnstry .gg'e> pito |S4,000,000, and >.f this BUm more than 125,000,000 Is Invested in Orlente, wblle nearly |10,OOO,OOO more Ih Iu Sauia Clara, where hKo tho lasurreo ii..n troublesome. It is g fact liiiL'eil with Irony that the development nf this rasl Industry, nnd of American Interest ln It. largely datos from 1902, when tho redprocltj treaty wa.s no^ofiatod -between Cuba nnd tlie Unlted state*.. Thal opening of the Amerlcan market to Cuban simar gave the industry nu enormous Impetua "f couree, it ais*. establlsbed reiations be¬ tween the two COUntrlea whlch were likciy to eanse embarraasment in ca^o of serious dlaturbance in ihe Island To what eztenl the leadera >.f tbe Inanrrec¬ tlon are playing upon this circuuwtaiice, and are menadng tho ^reat American in¬ terests in Orlente wltb me purpose of proroklng Interventlon, is matter r..r specnlation. <;<><>i) UJCROBB8. nne weaknesa of the glycohaeter, Ibe oew lletebnlkofl mkrobe thai is going to help combat old flRo, will ptrlko tho pul. lie a* pnee. Its introdiicer says that. lt is not found in the Intestlnes of all doga. "Ii is rlgorously combated," aays Pro fesaor Ifetchnlkoff, "i>> the deteetable "diel followed |.y inosf liieinbers of tbe "canino trihe."' if the glycobacter bas to i.e coaxed to tl" its work, if you bave lo eat carofuliy to retain ii in your Bjro- ti'iii. llvlng a long time loaes moel ot it* . liarnis. Kvon arlthout the glycobacter and tho other good microhc ..r mlcrobee |o wboio comforf in tlie hinnan Intee- lines tiie glycobacter is lupposed to con trlbute men havo always heen able to postpone old pge by the nne of a proper dlet. Few evw think it WOTtfa whiJe, and im more are likely to. if in gddllion io reaiatlng aii tho temptatlons of the palate they aro asked also to iwallow frequently nol overeavory mlcrobe cull nroK. Iforeover, where is the procesa to atopf Oriirlnally one klnd of good mlcrobe. the Bulgarian bacillna, was suppoeed to i.e ehHiiu'h to ward off tlie gpproach Of'old age. Hut. unhappily, it did not flnd the buman Interior congenlal. Perbaps be- Ing the only good mlcrobe in the buman systeni it fall a llttle lones.iiiie. At any rato. Professor Ifetchnlkoff bas feit cailed upon to provide a companlon for lt, the BUgar carrler, whlch will furnisli the Bulgarian jrerm wltb**the sweets whlch it requlrea Will the glycobacter feel at home in its new BurroundingBl The fact th.it il is nol perfectly accli- mated to its own home, the canino ln- teatinal tract, is not reaasnring. Per- baps another good microhc will have to be found lo keep the glycobacter from giving way tn boiiieslckniss. Aml <-<< a whole serles of tliem may ro_M to ha ueceanry and llfe will hc nothing imt swullowlnp ciillures of "IrlendlN " OTgaU- isni- Tin- good aro noi n bardj race. Thal -." in- rapeelall] true of mlcrobee. l BEQQABLEB8 np.\l\ The kaane of a dacree bj the Bpaniab goteriiuieut forbkUlng ptihlk beg| ln the kincl'.ni ni<">te -ni^i_r«~*«-ti*«¦ ..' < net, era than any ol tbe polltlcal changea whleb uiodcm Ideu have af. fected in the penlns.tla. ITrom Mme im- hufltnorial beggars have been as mucb an instittition in SpanMi towns as dogl have been Ln f,.i.siaiiiinople. Mendl* caney araa wrapped np with rajlJgfcm. .Tbe "vlrtue uf dmfglvlnf r.-<iuireil an objed on wfak-tJ to oxpend itself. The j,|,.;, ,. ini|.. i-soiki! charil.v does BOt uppeal io tbe tfpanlsfa temperament The Mkldle Age poim "f rlew toward poar- erty stiii perrdgts tbrougb Soiithern Ku- rope. aml the hope of a dvlllsatlon vvliorc llie pOOf are DOi with us alw.-i.v<* Mcems utopian. if DOt, imleed, immoral. s.i tin- mendlcanl ul the cburch door, dis plsylng himadf with sll cvnventenl re- pnlsjvciicss aml i.lliei.Hisly liftiiiK Ibfl lenther curtolna for wonblfrpen, is as much a paii Of Mie ihtireh soi'vice as Ibe piiesi. \,-t now tin- governniflnl says ln- la io go. Aml if ln- rciliy |s |.. go Mm governmenl iniisi I..- prtapared wltb real ivmcdies for poverty. l'or while indls crlmlnate slbisgtvlng in spain bad >' Ingrnlned Ktibje«-tire rsjaaoo for i*r_ri in. it bad also it.s objodJve necosslty. Tlie niinib.-r of tbe misernbly poor is i-iiormoiis. aml IbOOfb dOObtlflSB thfl hnbll of dutiice respoiass to gppeals en- conraged lasiness to become beggary, bb tho KdentJflc phUantbroptsts tdl ns II doea bere, yel as tho i-atobiUsbed Bjratem of cbarity ii inusl rertalnly bave re- llflved ci'iiuiii" aml dii'i' UflCd to a ureal extent. That need ntnst hr auppHed ln some other fashlon, and it Wlll bo Inler- efltlng to sof. if the order is rnforced. what BOTl of rellef nf presont and rem- idy for future poverty will siipplanl the lialiil of BgOS. A BSCOnd IIIssourl i'omproiin.se The I'ourt of Appeala Beetna lo i-.- Bctuated by common sensc ln holding tli.it if Suiulay Is a good enongh day 011 v I i. h to (ommlt mlnor offsnoes it ls a pood enough day on which to Hontence tor mlnor offencea. Talk of reviving the original fnnotlons <>f tho Electoral Colb-ge ls about as ap- proprlate as talk of golng hack to tlie old Bjrstem of nomlnattnt; lamlldatea f«>r President and Vlce-President rhr-oiiKh the agency of a Congreaalonal caucua. The Knglish Titnnlc lnqtiiry ls leading toward the same concluslons that arsrs nached by the much abuaed Amerhan lnqulry wblch preceded lt. The spirits who from time to time nre quoted by medlnma BUggest bj tho .har acter «.f their messsgss that there musi be need of bliot us. lums on the Other Btdo, Aml the CUrlOUS tbitig ls that the.se rmpposed ntterors of Imheolllty were per¬ sons wbo talk.-d iim.'ommonly good aenao in this world. Kive ooples Of enrly editions >>f iho "1'ivlna Cotnmsdla" BOld In London tba other day for s goo.i deal niora than Dante ever got for sll coplea <>t ail adl tlona What is BIOSl neeeje,] ,,t ChiCaSJO ln thesfl uproarious timcs ls more states- llianshlp nf % kllid tO Utllte BBd Btrengtben the Itepubiirnn part! n arlfe'a dlary producsd -.- evidsnee in a Boston dlvorce sull ahowa that the husband napossd imes of fr<>m $1 to $.*> for varloua MaSdemSSnorfc That neettia to bo a fleld hifherto unexploltcd even by the get-rlch-rjulck artlsts I i 'a> maj w rva to remind ont n Don csmpatgiaera that tbia natloa haa llved through far bitterer wara than thHrs _ i lll TALK OB TBE /»11 orelgn tiitnitea to Wilbur Wrlght im\.- ln »n many nnd fenreat slnce hls untlmelr death. on May 18. >nly a day or two ano The Tri'.iit.e. rS| trlnted from "The LotM-Ofl 'llmes" h -p'mdld appredatlori of the» avln- tor*a erork, and now eomea te band "Tl a London BpectaXor'' with thla BBcomlum: "Indeed, we aro indlned to reeaoa the Bchlevemenl of tba Wrij-hta aa ths mo-t wonderful Inatance of Amerlcan tenaclty in paodcrn timea." Profeaaor Th<* average Am<-ri<-an j*ih is poorly edtii Bt< d Q rl Oradu it. Von thlnk so? Profei or ifefl, but there H one coosola- tlon. tbe average Amerlcan liov wlll never find lt out S*tttre» THE fJOXaONEL AND THI laADIEfl tt.irk t" tiir «rrc«n» of triumph Resoundlng through Ibe land; Tba i in lll Boprano volcea DpfSlaad on every hand In ..ttniiiir songa or coti'iucst That ie-ll how bimVS he>arta atood tigalnal sll opposttlon, Invlnclhle for good. Ilark lo Ibe crlea Of triumph. The sharp, ataocats roai The female of tlie aprcles Haa conifuered Thpodore w J. LAMPTON. patlence.Don't jriwi ihink he ia a very iiniisiial miiti? Patrlce V..-, T do. "Whyr "liecauae l saw hlm open b car nrndow tho lirs: tima he trled vesterday " Tonkers Btateamsa *Ia*_dag ii ptoneer atep and one that tho maaagera believe arlH he gt-eeted arlth K'n- ,-ial favor, the «'uinherland Yiillnv rtall road Cmnpany has bfuabad asido ail praci dent, tcvolutlonlr.ed "ha-STRap-e-NinaalilnK" and ls savliiK thousands of dollars a year to Its pHtrotis hy orlirlnatlng a new phssS of coiis.-rv.-itlon th* savlnjr >.r trunks. ln place <.r liandluig baggage aitb tbe rough- nesa t<>r whleb ndlreaula gsaerally are blamed, the rule has gocte f.nth on the Cumberland Valley llne thal bo piece of baggage Bball he fliopped from a ear un- unoar lt ls piaced an "s*r>hooa ntat. The .ilr-hoae mat ls a dSVlee .'onatrii, i.-d of alr-hose in thtres-foot laaurtlis, parallal to eaeh other and aafakrated by a fear inches. They are d< sitfned to uct as a bul- fer, and tlirotiRh them trunks reoetve prac¬ tically no lajury. "\i.n'i you iifrald to use su.h nn imrc llable piece <>r rope to Barlng tbe ham- tnoik**" "No," replled l-'arm.-r Corntoaaal, "ihe iti.ll\ Miial inn>t BXpect to make -sacrllir.-s fnr tbe general good, Wban that ham- moeh l.riaks smne one pi'ison la goiag to Kct hurt B llttle aud acareil B whole lot. Hut thlnk of what a launh all the other boardera wiu enjoy!".rvaablngtoo Star. ln answer to the queatlon "What ls a KommersT" a man who had heen a gueal at a functlon known to t'ermims l.y ihat name on tlie ocnislon of the return of fl New Yoik cluh fiuin h "»l.-sani'i else" m (h-rmaiiv aold; "My rooollootloa .f a Koni- BBStS Is B mlxture of pOBf and miislc. with just i BjOUgh to 8Sl 10 make aii attldavlt to. My ptaoa at the rlotblasa tabie whh b,- tWOSa a well known muslcal crltic aml B man with a capacity for beer whnh Uam- brlaua raagbl aaveaatvlsd. Th. aaaaiaa araa eattveafld by drtadDBBg beev by command. rattling ernpty imin.s in nataaaj aad pm formbtg vanou.s e\oiuiions to deaaonotrata that no uniit. diop had ssBspsd; then moi. Boiias, mora baer and stiii rnora beer untll i aished eoan* sae aratiU call ma so ii" lelepbone to i-a.- thai butrglari .¦¦-, nt Haa ">« bat I. -d bb allowed a paper ef taek- un'. ihlng ao that I lilKbt break !a*av from nu hoapltable nelghbera Nn auel luck. I heard more SOtigS, drank ruoie beer and the next day waa Fri.lay pa. ts it troe that c.vorce n/aahtngton n- VI told a He'.'" ^u"" ..i gueaa it la, mv aon. el hv do vou aak. .1 waa luat thlnkfn' lf I waa true *Ur- tha must bave alwaya Kon- ,»iti Mm when ho went ©ot anywhere. -cnicage Record-Herald. j ADVOCATES STATE FARMS Thinks They Wouid Solve PreBcnt In¬ duatrlal Problems. JTo the Kdltor ef The Tribune. Slr: I read with much Interest the edl- tortal in yeaterday'a Tribune on "M.'I and Bueineaa," le arblcb you point ""' ,n* fact that. although we have "the peopie, tbe buSbiesa and the money," yet "pros- perlty la checked " I agreo with you aleo that tha country "has a bealthi conetltu- tlon n11*i wtll avereoaae all th* handlcapa or men and pollllcs ln coureo of tlme," but qoestton their neeerslty and maliitalu tbat wltb tha advaotagas you hav* deacribed there la no more need for bUSttMBS de- preaalea than thero ls for a man of sourd CCUS-tUtlon 10 he iinwcll. In either *vent there oceura an infra. tlon of Nature. Idw. ¦j'li.- K..I.1 baata hlta tho peopie whlchever way tiie pendulum aalnga tbrough tbe banker when lt ls scarce. through tbe mer- ebant when lt ls plentlful, and when pros- iperlty BtOpS strlkes all accordhiK to the j amount <>f wealth or UttUSSd power la their control. i hope the "money trust" Inres Ugatlon win auggeat a remedy.ln ihe maan time, bere is mlne ajiollsb goM from any cotmecttoa with eurrency. Baae tbe dollar on tli" man and wonianho. d .>[ tbe great American famlly on 'he riKht of every one of them to eara hls or her llvlnR. IMaterlalise thla right by lhe aatabllah- iiiciit of the mlnlmum waj,'^ for one <la>'s labor guarantaed by government to aii ui- Ipllcanta. Make this waga tbe Amerlcan the twentleth century.dollar, Eatabttafa tifnr all oentree »( populatlon trade achool farme, wbereon tha bread llners aml joi>- ']*>- onea could be permitted to produca aiiougti for thdr aupport from the land durlng part ol the day ami master aome active trade durlng tie- rcmatnder. Thce farms wouid he the hOIMS of the national Jh.lor rasarva, a* arell of the national [defence reeervee, ihe men belng kept atrong, active ami Intelllgent by p-id labor. ot in.t llke England'a outcaat poor. too weak from Btarvatlon, etc, te reepond elpfully DO matter what crlsls mlght erloe. With this reeerva thero could he no more strlkes. Were the maiiufacturers to l"ek out their men, the atate farms wouid re- eeiva them al n dollar a day. Were the men of ii certain trade to atrike. the re- Bourcea of tba atate farm wouid ba avatt- able to nn tha gap under ftate protectlon. The labor unlona wouid become labor ex- changaa ami wouid ohtain for their mem¬ bera the lilRhest WagBB the law of supply 'atid demand wouid yleid. DMfereneea wouid aettle tbemselvea aotomatlcally. Tho non-fluctuatlng dollar wouid be ex- changed for and equivalenl t" Ihe exlatlng I dollar tba day laaued, worth one-twentleth of an ounc< of gold at the prlee prevaiilng that day, aft.r whlch the fluct.:at!onii of no commodlty, «?oid or anythlng eUe, could ¦ffect it. It wouid alao he laaued as K>an upon tbe proven rental value of real -tate, certain multlpUera belng uaed to aaeertaln the loanabla value of dlflbreal ilsaoea of property, when th* loana wouid be .it once mada from the governmenl aavlnga and i.- tn banker er baker on the aame tertna. An annual charge approxl- matfng l'i p«*r cetit woul.l be made to '.-. \*>r Inauranee ...hl!" loan rrmalned In force Juatlce demanda that loana Impoeing n> r!<-k upon tho lender ahould conatltute a eovernment aervlce to the whola peopie entafllng rlsk come wtthtn the t.ankers' |.-tr!tlmat<» provlnce, and tbe need !... v. :i then experlence for keeplng bla money active wouid Ini ire the country'a unbrohen proaperlty. W. II KOYPTONE New Tork, June 11, 1JI1 SEES HARDSHIP ON DEPOSITORS. To tba Bdltor of Tbe Tribune. glr: in -yoir laat ~fedneeday'a paper tl.ere was an artlele con< ernlng suvlnffs bal ka nnd ausKeetlnK the posslblltty of sorno of them redudng tba ratea of Intereat* It reenm to nn* tbat it arould be a great ln- JiiHtle* lo the depooltoni of thOM banka whlcb ean affonl to pay 4 per cent to 1 war th*-Ir ratea. Tbe savlngs b.inka are u_ed moetly hy peraona who eften deay them- hi-lwH many lomfort") for the t*ake of put' tlng hy, ln aafety, for a ralny day. To many it woul.l be a real hardahlp to have any reduetlon of tho intereat on their r.mali aavlnga T do not und'-ratnnd thi* bnalnesa mothoda rery well, but I have notlced ln aeveral caaea tbat a reduetlon of intereat has fol- lowedl the building of htrire, expenslve bai i* which are for the aole us- of that bank Perhapa if they were to bulld ro tluit there WOUld bo offlo-s, etc, thnt wouid brfng In an Ineome there wo.ild be. no neert to reduce the Intereat on depoottora' money. Mr r>isiriK<r haa the right Idea when he ..y.H they are not B "chi.ln >.f banks" and that each ahould oonalder tha bitereata ui li*i own depoaltora. 1 belleve that last year th<- prealdent of the Beamen'a made nearly the name reniark "J_gTIC-B.H Ni»w York. .lun" i", l?l!. A WAY TO STOP TIPPING- To the Bdltor Of The Tribune. - sii Prealdent Dowa ef tha Cenuaareial TraveHera' T^a»?ue aaya in Tboraday*a Tritv uni*: "If ever a strlki** de.oerved the fjjni- pathy and patience of the pubUc ai.i the nnamial aupport "f lhe labor unlona It la that oi the waltera for wagea fqr a de- eent aalary t>> he pald b) thoaa dlrectly beneftted through th.ir aervteea," whlch ...iindH altnost llke ,i J..ke t<. the angeiing waltera, whose grtevance ln not hok of wagea, or emolumenta, if tbat Ih the bettei d.tinlti.iii of what the] recelve Doea Mr. l».w. Imagtna for an inatnnt thal tf tba wniieis recelved from the btod- loida f l o a day, wltb board and lodgtng, they wouid decltne tlpn? Are they not tha ereataras of their envlronntenf. and Iradltlorta and wouid they not take all they could get? lf Mi Dowa haa an ttnagtna- tlon of this klnd he ahould brlng tt t>> Ifew \nrk n whlle nn.i bave lt reconatructed an.l brought up to date, Bul Mr, Dowa la all riKht whenever and wberaver he hlta the i.t!i.ii..i.is f.*r permlttlnf n"<i w*rearaglng the Up abomlnatloa Tf landtorda wouid pay falr wagea for akllled labor (and thal of a good walter la emlnently akllled),aad wouid Inatantly dlacharge any walter or other hotel antployo for acoeptlng tips f..r aervlce arbleb ii*>t. patrona wera charged for in tbelr hotel '>iin, then are mlght hops t..r better thlnga I'ntii that r..i»i Urae tl.hlef BUffBTBTB IN tln- piitrotiw. Who BTS betweea two Brea aad helpleaa W, .1 L< New Voik, .lune 1.1, Itll FAVORS KOENIG FOR GOVERNOR. Te tba Bdltor >>f Tba Tribune. sir: I stncaraly battava tbat a boom ahould ba started In behaif of gamuel H. Koenlg f.»r Oovernor of New Tork, becauaa Mr. Koe- niK'a peraevertng medeaty will net being him to the utteiitiun of the publlc unlcaa siiine uf his faltbful followers iiegin to booat him. i am rery proud, Indaed. to say tbat i w.is iiiiii.iip tha tltMt t.« I.ioai'h bla name lor chalrman >>f tba U.puhlh'an t'oiinly I'nin- miitpe, au.i bla aplendld I'.-.'i.i ai uu effeo- Uve partinan worker ln tha rankay im well :i. in gettoralehlp, not only autltfcs hlm lo tbe pruinotton, but, ln my oplnlon, makea him the atrongael randldata avallabla Hia aervteea bj Becretary of isiate were so ad- mlrabti lhat a atep forward Into the njov ernor'.o eimlr ln t logleal evolutlon nf hls ,are<»i VICTOB .>. UO ETUllAi Nea ^oik, ji nt u, i»l_. Peopie and Social Incidenu THE CABINET. row Thfl Till.iu.o tiureau. Uashingtun. ,/une L'.-Tho Secretary ofl I rttate and Mrs. Knox entertalned at dinner to-nlght ba eompllment to Dr. Orestes Ker- rara, Speaker of tlie House of Hcpresenta-I llves of <'uha. wlio is m \\ ushitiKton OB <>t- tlclal busineaa, and Henora De Kerrara. The Cuban Mlnlster aud Ne-hora da Martia- rltvsro were of tho party. The 8,-cretary of the Tieasiirv relurmd to Waahlngton to-day from Chlcai-'o. and the Becretary of r_o*amarce sad Labes*. who was also ln Chicago Tor some daya. has r turned. beriatsry Keasal win go to CMflagO ajpaJit In tlrae for the eonvention. THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS in Thfl Tribune Bureau. VVaahbigton, June lt.Tha Rtjaslan am- baaaador aad Mme. Bakheraetetl arlll leave here In ai.out two araSka for Newport, where they have taken a cottag* for tbe summer. The (ierman Kmbaaay arlll also be at Newport this fleason. and a number of other dlplomata wlll epend much time there. taptain Heatbeoatu\Oraat.JMtJsh naval atta.hc. wlll av lo lloston at the. end ->f the we.-k to BSled s simunei home. Mra Heatbeoat t;rant wlll return to Kngland to upend tbe BUrnmsr. They are* now houae huntlag In Waahlngton. Mrs. HestheoOl Hrant -a HI return ln the fall with th-lr family. Nobutaro Kawasblms, recsntly appointed j attache ot tbe Japaneae Embauwy, nH« ¦*. rlved here to assnmc hia dntles, The Bwedlsh Mlnlster and Mmo. EkaWgren probably arlll leave here on Monday for Bar Harbor. where they will apend the early part of tbe summer. The dwlsa Mlllister left WasllingtOll tlliH mornlng for a trlp to Montreal and ottawa. He will n turn about June 22. Th- Cuban Mlnlster entertalned at lunch¬ eon to-day ln honor of Dr. Ferrara. Speuk- erof the Houae of Hepresentatlves of Cuba. invitlm*- the niembera <>r the legatlon stan* and others to meet hlm. Seftora _»* Martln-Kivcro. wife of Ihe Cuban Mlnlster, entertalned at a lumheon and theatre party to-day f<>r Seftora de Fer- rara. a lN WASHINGTON S0CIETV [I'rom The Tribune. Hure«iu.l w.ishlnjrton. June 13.-The Chief Ju-tico anrl Mrs Whlte, Who have rpent the last three Hiimmera at Port Hope, have oharif-'Hl thelr plana for this season and have not <ie<dded where they wiu spend the itimmer, All the members nf the Siipreme- Court wlll leave WashliiKtnn by Juiy L Justice an.l Mra. Hughee and their family closed thHr houae ln 8 street to-day and started for thelr summer placo at Lake Plaold, N. V. Justice and Mrs. t,urton wlll leave h^re next week for a vislt to thelr home In Tenneaaee, and later wlll go to the Vlr- Mlnla Hot PprltiRs. Juatlce and Mrs. M<- iaeima wlll spend the summer abroad, and Justice and Mrs. Lamar will vlalt their h4MBM ln the fiouth before aettllng at eome reeofl for the summer. ' aptaln Sherburne lt. Hopklna ent<*r- tained at luncheon to-day at the Bhoreham lu eompllment to the Minlater of Korelgn Affalra at Guatemala, who later in ibe ufternoon completed hia special mla-lon to Washlngton to pay hia reapecta to tlie Becretary "f Stat- and left here for New Vork. Captaln llopklns's other guestfl In¬ cluded the minlater from Costa Hlca, the mlnlster from Nlearag-uo, the minlater from CJuateniala, Commander Shtgetoshl Tekeu- chl. Japanese naval attache; 8eftor iAtour, secretary of the Guatemalan Ieogatlon, and Seflor Loetithal. s. oetajy to Dr. Herrarte. Kear Admlral Sllas Casey. Mra. Caaey and Mlsfl Casey wlll leavo here on Tuesday for Juniestown. H. I., to remaln untll Au- gust when they will go to Virginia for the fall. Colonel Thomas Ie. Casey and Mrs. Caaey wlll aoon cloae thelr apartment ln Stonc- lelifh Court and go to Bluff Point, N. Y. for the early summer, thenee to Narra- ifansctt, ueur which placo they have a farm. They wlll vislt West Point ln tho full before returnlng to Waahlngton. Colonel Kdward Burr and Mra. Burr wlll Bpead aevernl weeks at Oovernor'fl Island. Robert Taft. a student ln the law de- rarttnont at Harvard, wlll Jotn hls parents. tho President and Mis. Taft. to-morrow. Representatlve and Mrs. Steven I?. Ayres have closed thelr imuse. on MaasachuseHts avenue, and returned to thelr home at Spuyten Duyvll, In The Bronx. New Tork. They will go to the Baltimore eonvention on June ?4. NEW YORK SOCIETY. Tuxedo Park wlll be very gay fSfl tho balatice of the week ln conne« tlon with the annual horae show, which opena there to- dby and laats untll to-morrow nljtht. lt promlsefl to be one ot" the m"st suceessful . \hit'.tions e\er held by the association. of which Theodore FTellntrhuysen la the presi¬ dent l'terre Ixirillard. Jr.. tho aecretary, has recelved more entrles than ever before. and nearly every one of tho larire stubb-s wlll be reprcsented All the villau wlll bo tilled Wttll Rtiests OVSr tlie week end ggjd tbera wfJI be much aarteilalafnc for th. next three days. Herman I«e, Boy aBIIJJjel, M, WbO la to niarry Mlss llelen D. Auerbach on June _.' ai th- country place of her parunts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Auerbach, al Hswlett, l.ong Island, gave, hls farewell bacheior dinner laat night at Delmonlco'a. Mrs. Gtistav Amsinck and Hamilton Fish took out a marrlage Ueenea yeattaaday at the Clty Hall bureau. The wedding Is t. take place on Jun>» 'io at the reeidencc of Mrs. Amsinck, No. U0 I'irtii avenue, Thla is Mrs. Anininck'h tliird inarrlaKe, K»tli of her former hlisbsads belng dead. It ls Ifr. Plsh'fl Becond marrlajjo. hls first wlfe belng dead Mr. and Mra W illlam Dinif-ins Bloane are booked to saii from Eenglsnd frr Wew York on June 2i5. <Jn their lU'rlvul here they wlll go to thelr place at LefWS for the aummer. Mrs. Vanderbllt, who is due to arrlve ln New 1 <>rk to-day oa the Lualtaale, win spend th. Miintiler at The Mnuk.Ms, her Kewporl vlllu. Mrs. B Fteeve aferrlti, w»u ta exp cu ] to snivs in Kew Tork from atWopf to-dsy, wlll bo to her country place nt Oyster i:.r Loag lalaad, for the summer. Mr. and lirs. John lnsle> Mlaii haVfl n- turned froaa Bhirepe sad ar« at Ho. B Ifadlson avenue for a few days. Mr. and Mie. I'ercy A. Hockefeller will §0 t<> Newport early next month and will lak. po-H.-ssion of James titlllnian's vllla for tbe aeaaon. Krederlck 0. Boorns ls al i lie Vanderbilt llotel foi .i few daya. Mr. sad Mra. Laaeaater Motnan snd thalr dauKiitei-. Miss llelen Rldgely Morgan, aUI apend ths greatsr part of ths aamasag lo Bwltserlsnd, Mr. atul Mis. Henry J. Topplng. of No. .'.ih! l'ark a\etiue. are re. elviiiR coiiKratula- tlona on the hlrth of a son. Mrs. Toppliu? Ih a daiiKhtei- of Danlel O. Rfl_d. Mr. and Mrs. 1,-wls (Juenlin Jon.s are ,\t the Hotel Belmonl for a faflf daya. Miss Pvancea Ogden Jonea arlll k" t>> her place at NeW l-olidon, I'onn.. to-day for thfl aummer. . Mr, and Mrs. Kemietb H Hdiley, who *\.-ie marrled last laturday, sre naiiitig for BSurapfl) to-morrow to spend tbe summer abroad Mrs aVmlej is 8 gstAghtST of Mr and Mrs Archlbotd Refffljrs, of thla cic and Hyde Fsrli. SOCIAL NOTES FROM NEWPORT. Uy lelraupii U. The Trlbun**.-! Kewport, Jui.e LV-The KuseUn Em.M,-. ia to make lt* summer headquartern h»»_ thln season. lt was announced to-dav ,¦__, tlie ambaaay has leaised The villa of jaiBH Goidon Bennetl. on licllevue avenue. *t,<tk ia belng prepared for early occupaacy Aceording to Dr. Roderlek Terry, eht\T. man of Ihe Kreeri* cmmnlttee of th* >,>_.. port Oolf Club, there will be plaoty .# trophleH to l>o played for thln munmer. Mrs. John Nicholaa Brown. Maeter Bro* land iTiarles IV Hoffman liave i«a1n*,tr_| bt the rlub. Mr-. Hermann Oelriehx, who arrived <*-, Wedneaday evening, recelved a. * ordlal om. come from many of the r-;umm*r reafderrra Ifrs, Wllllam Grofivenor wa« a hineh*), 11mtertainer to-duy at Rosijn. .Mrs w,ii|er <;. Holcomb ni' a luneheW^ at Bethaham, aml Mr*. Wllllam Rtfgat oboi '^ave r luncheon. Rear Admlral and Mra. Bugene w. wit. aon, of Washlnicton. have rented a eottaj, at Jamestown. Mr. ond Mrs. insoa Ph»»lp<i p0o<j ^ i\ew Vork. ar< at tln- New ."TlfT- Whlle a Kuest of .Mr". J.ifeph Harrtman Ifra, ,1 Qordon Douglaa, of New Vork. cottage huntlng. With Mr. DougUui t*hf [haa apeut a number of seaeous here »iervant8 have arrived iu preparc tli*. | iTownaand Bunien property f.«r Mrs viin. 'lam B. l.eeds. Dr. and Mrs. Richard V MatUaaa havi tetnrned from Ambler, I'enu. Registered t/t the < 'a.-lno to-day uer. Raymond BHmont. t'harle* M Hitll. _|r. !and Ifra. !¦:. I.e Orand Beera Mra r Redfield and Clarencr w. Dulan Mr*. .1 F. Jollne aml Mis- Joltaf, of Washington, ha\c arrived at .I-uii»<<t<jtrB for the summer. Haron VOU Bttlou am! Alberl Klenlln, attach^ of the Oerman Embaaay, are ai the Muencldnger Kirifc. Erneat Iselin and family an» expocM here ln a ahort tlme. Raymond Kelmont la maklng a short \int here. Mr. and Mra. George II. Reil. of Bro.ix I Manor, N. T, are here. Mrs PpM hae j'.at purchaasd from her rrfater, Miaa ijiii s. Ratea, her Interest in a large traet at r>j. dlngton Point. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea M. Rull an-1 fatntiy bave arrived ar their summer hom« h«*. They had as guests to-day Mr. and Mr- K. Lc Grand Beers, of New York. »r*J Mrs. Henry Redn*>1d. of Hartford Judgo P. I- Wk'kes of Baltimore; Mn Crawford Afflson, of Philadelphia. Mr |ai Mrs. .1 C. Rlgga. of Baltimore, arid Mr and Mra. C. T. II OOle, of M^rr1»!o-n. N J., have arrived at Jgmestowa. Mis. Cbmeren McR. winsiov. ha* n>- t'iine.1 from a New York vtalt. Mi and Mrs. Etigene. H Revnal aie at the KuenchInger Klng. Ti.- cottggea of Mr-- \ C Duflsa vA Benjamin '''Jiaw ara iiein* opened Mr and Mis. George ii Benjamtn Man arrived at Brent Lodgi praoten Gtboon, bt P/aahtagton, b \ gue.st of Jullan McCarty TJttle. Stuart Dur.can haa rdturned frora New Tork and Walter S. Andrens frem fi'inap.. I.tke IN THE BERKSHIRES. [By TVIegraph to The Trlbun* ' I,**nox, June 13..Conl weath">r roettaeal ln the Berkshlres, and hau been .-op.ducr.. to drivlng and walklng. Tfarley T. Procter had out hls bruke and team this affrnoor.. Many of tho cottagers enjoyed long drlve«. Mrs. George Griswold jiaa unHed at Punnybank from Tuxedo, where »he h»i been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pertytba Wlikes. Miss I.llllan Tram. a aiater of J. JSergeart Cram, of New York has leased Weybura II111 vllla, ln t^tockbrldge. F. T. Sprlnger, of New York, t^-dav leased the Bldwell vllla, ln Mar'e itraet !n Great Barrlngton. Mrs. W. Murray Crane will atart to-mor- row for Chleago, where she adll Join her husband. Senator Crane. Mrs. Cram* will attend the Republlean National Convention Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pierce Mandell ani Mrs fjregory Sutton have arrived Bt th» Curtls Hotel. Mrs. ("harle-i S. Mellen has gor,- ta »* forb to vlsit bar mother. Mrs. John R- [ivtngatott- At the Whlte Tre» Inn. ln Plttsneld. ar* Mrs. Henry B. Jaekson. Miss Kllen M. Hawea, of Boston, and Mr and Mrs Oeorfl Seybolt, of New York. Mis Prederlck T. Pranda gave a luncb* eon ut the Country Club of PlttsdeM Ihh afternoon, entertalnln? f<>r Mr* W B. Dillon. of New Tork, who haa arrived at tho Francla cottage, in Broad stre*»t. for the season. There wera thlrty gueata sniall tal>l< l Mr. an.l Mfe. Bdarta R Laneaati Now York. have arrived al the Pl tam cottage in PlttBtteld, whieh they h <¦. (OT the season Tha Mlsses Jane and Emlly Tuckennaa, of New rork, have leaaed th« I vllla, at Onota i^ike. ln plttafleld are frlenda ot Mra W/Hllam B i'- ¦... has <i cottage at ih*- lake Miaa Bleaoor Talntor. \\ "> Kin-sr ..f Mra. William Bryce, <<t I i- now \NltltiK Miaa AArio Kn*#4-n*J at Palrlawn. tn Lenoa Miss Clamenttau PHiralaa. a i'n '"' yesterday, haa opened Bdgacorah rottafe* Her aiater, Mrs. John SSImmerman. peeted aoea for a part of thi ai Mrs. r M-lhattaad and eon. of Nee v" aad Mis. .' H Jones, of Brooklyn. sr« at the Maplewood, ln Plttafleld Mr. Hini Mra W. Pratl Uyman, .f 9** lon, wh.. have been tor len ^ayt \i tba Maplewood, ln Plttafleld, becauaa of jury recetved by Mr-- Ifftamti bi motorlM over tbe Hooaae Mountahw, retnrntng ,n Boaton to-das Mrs william Tratter, et Sea fort w ¦ KU..-.I ,,f Mrs ROSa VV \M.l-tler. Mis>* BUen Baekner, ot Mee rork bm -*¦¦ rtved at the Uemsatsad. ln Btockbrldge, te visit Mr aad M's. Ah v.iti.1* r gedgwlck Miss Ah.- Hall, ot Men rork, la a | Ot M.ss Reatnce t'laik at IVttibr .ok<" Mkai Brnlly Ksther Baebe, ot Boaton .' rived In fltoekbridgi to-daj le "i^i1 ,h' Rodman rilla Hrown Cektwell daaartsi an motoi ". ii..in gtockbrtflfla t>» Chleago u-dav. Mr». Caldwell baa gone t.. Chicago by rbflwaj NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS. Added I'"' a«bee troaWei at ''¦. v*w York alaer eut, lha aaleeakaapera Sava n«w ieelded te eai aal ti. ftva leoah..WarMa Tlme»-t'nluti n>w York in aiaaalaa !,> u.,"^' "," ,h''|r,t r.-iuth of luiy aelebiatlea la "* ",i,oryf Tlme tar thoro are m _M*.irati.'*<« at BBftW » ? ai.lly ln lt -H..»l.>n Tian^ill'l i. the eihlcs of tha Kea rerh BaBaaW* ..nlteblag" la i»uni.haMr by death. .>"« »» Ban,rter has no l»owfr to SaM B Pff*V tonaue. bo lhe tvmale of i.i. agaeleB b~ao»aa WM9W9 teaflty lhaa Iba n-*v -AAaaji w"'ck9r auehai Praaa Tho report thal prunrs ar- aatUaa m St« York for anl.kel 99*. reveahl *»«*«»" (mi ihal aoaae Hrseas aat them d.i.i^r_n-i> and wlthout coirclon, MUwaafcea Sontlnei- S, me of thr New York bank.. it W JSjeV -,..,,. Mke ... hiah se ssr .__ c" .. BUaaa -..t-MBBttea, laigebi *^_«*2 .,., ,,,, ,., on e.i.M.i.. abeeha ta 9ba_paaj tll_ ,rt^t weal has eaaariMH ae»_jy « Ihi. fund. but aaeh year Ma b saa^saae moro iadeaeafleaJ el lha n>» ^'k "",n oentr*. -flt Fial Wagaiab. ,.., paUea teeee of n«w vork rjfn .* aaSJk b*» er me,.. bat the t^ .,llir...r aWt rto. «m to ^^-JSi .aee la * whUf. M pr*>"«« rt,« '"',... thhnea -nd aretythlag alaa amuie theauwj* hv ftrhtm. wltb revelTera from setsawei Way *eald sw nagaamrla r«r«cn -tat ll-t lo Hea Yorkr-watertono TlnJ'ja
Page 1: Peopie and Social Incidenu Nnv fjork -ribunr. · 2017. 12. 25. · Tin-dispositioii of the niitjin ity In control ofthe RepuWlean National Com* mitu-o not tu use Ha pOWtf arbitrarily

Nnv fjork -ribunr.FRIDAY. .1UNE li 1M2.

Otoned and pnMwAcd daily H '*'

THoune jgseeseHow, o tfeie For* «"r'";;raflon; Ogden M. Reid. Prtvtdent; CondtHatnlin, Secrrtarp; .'"»'« > " B^rrett,Trooavrer. iMrVM. Tnhu>» HuihUvfj,\a 154 ffeeeaa sJreef, IfgH *.**.

aCBSr-RIPTION RATES-.By M»".£.*¦.*Pald, outslde ot* Oreeter V'« i "r*1-


r»Hy etid Bundsy. one month.. '

t'aliv an.l Runday, alx moniaaDaily and Bnaday. one yearballv oul., one month.Daily only. »'* montha.. g _,.

I»aiu only. oae year......Sunday only, *lx wonth«. .¦.;.,R.inday enly, «»n<* yeai.

reeelaa attbecrlpitona to ati rountriee tn the

CntvVr.il Po.Ul Vntoa. Includlnj po-tasc.I'Mi.v AND Bl NDA.

Om tnonili.*i-5» One yeejr.*W.wHUNPAT o.N'I.Y

aix month*... *3(>7 or« year. a**-1*l.AIl.Y OM.Y. ,

* . aaib... »>¦>'*¦' <>»« year .»i« .»


r.n. aoatti » '¦>" One year. »10."R

DA,V1 "Sl vaaoa

One month.| .10 I Otie yeaf.»'.'"'8UNDA1 ONI.T:

Ona month. $ TO Oae yeai .00.09

Entared at tha Postofflce at ttom YPik an

Second riaiis Mail Matter.

Our readera will confei * favor bv advla-Ing tn " hen thev ar* uhabla to rrn<""'"* «

ea#y of Tha Trit.une from Ihelr in-w-l-alTAaJrw. Tribune, ctrcalatlon Departn.ent.



CUT* -«tocJiinaAatdulL=====G«orgeTt Cortelyou loW tbe Pujo committeebav, as Secretary of the Troaaury, hedeposlted .j40.ono.nnn in Now Tork banKsto rollevc tho fiuandal atreea in the fall

0f 1^07 . - ¦ The Oerman battleanlpav.ejghed anehor and aalled from port.

Charlee Tortl k>,i>s man. wne

piaced on trlal ln Oeneral Seaalona ror

.bootlng "-Big Jnck" Zellg. l«*«M . ¦

rival "gtin" (.rgatiizitn.ii. I ne nr«

wlfe of 1-emuel <»- Ean. head of a print-lng eoncern, aaid her hUSband obtalnedhls divorre throtiph deeeption and cm-

tinned to llve with her for some timeafter the decree was granted. '¦"',-counsel for the Steel Corporatlon crttl-cised Jacoh M. Dlcktnaon for attemptingio "lead the witness" at the st. el trust

hearing. '- Frederiek Bond, an actor,went to Ludlow street Jall to avold pay-lng allmony. -== Two th.msand or

more alumnl will aharo in I three dayareuiilou of the Ar-sooiatcd HarvardI'luha, whlch bearlna here to-day.-Tbrae men, whom Deputy CommlsakmerPougherty calls tho "allckeal safe blow-era ln the country." were held each «n

$r..000 hall ln the Harlem court.

DOMEPTIC.In settling conteateddelegatea' caaee, the Republlean Na¬

tional Committee aeated twelve ranmen from MisslSHippl and six Taft and? iglit Rooaevelt men from Missouri. be-

atdea deciding whlch ot the conteatingRooaevelt iaeagatloni from t'.s.. NortnCarolina dietrh ts were ontitleJ to seaw.__. Charges were made in the House

of Rcpreseiitativcs that an Intrlgueagainst Oeneral Wood had been startedby the late Penatoi Hanna and carriedtn rompletlon h> Hanna'a friends; thoarmy blll report ouating Ueneral %\ oodwaa adoj'led. Represuitatlve Flts-gcrald accused the President of mlauaingtbe $25.0'j0 appropriation for travelltngexpenies, and then voted with a major¬ity of the Houpe to provide thi appro¬priation for the cominp tlscal year.-.Korman E. Mack, chalrman of the Dem-orratte National Committee, arrived inBaitimor*.-; he sald 'h. temporary chalr;man had not yet been seleeted-Attno nlneteenth annual convention of the\.-u Tork State Bankers' Aaaoclatlon, mBuffalo, om of the apenkera predlctadthal an Induatrlal panlc wouid follow the

i nt wave of proaperltj; aaspbattod<.nl il ..t a "tnor.cv trust' and resentment..t the action of the Congreaa committeeInveetlgating the ao-called tmsl forraedtho keyi.ote of other addmssiFORKIGX..Sir Francla rhannlng.

Oeneral Xicholson and Lord Carrickilrelapd) wen created peers of theUnlted Kiogdom by Klng <"*.'orge on theu*ccgsIon of bla birtiiday. ===== The gov¬ernment troops defeated the Cuban reb¬el*: near Banttago, wltli heavy haanaa;Unlted Btatea marlnea oo tbe island re-

iv.-u a month'x provlalona; the im-munity ofi.-r to Uae rebela disturli.d theautborltlea ln Waahington. _== In a

light betvaen Turkish regulara, ai.led by4rnbs, and tho Italian forcea ln Trlpoltthe Moafema were routed with a loss ofmare than 420 dead; tbe Italian loss WMthlriv-one kilkd and fifty wounded.==Indications were that tho Engllsh doekstrike ls collapslng. = Temporaryprovialon was made ln France for thefree admlaalon of wheat Into the coun-tr\. _____ a pronotmeement from Lordllaraey durlng the pregreas of tbe Tl-tanic wreck Inqulry Indlcated that theflnding wouid contain a clause to theeffect thai the Californian defaulted frumita duty. -. -.---. The French Mlnlater ofMai ine announced tbat ln the event ofany defectlon of the crew of I«* Pro-v.in e 011 Satnrday next at Havre, theliner will 1»' manned by bluejackete inrder to sall <>n that day for New York

ns ecbi dnledTHS \vk\thkk Indlcatkms for to-

daj < Momh. Tin- temperatore yaater-f'i.< v Hlgheat, 7_ degreea; loweat, 59.

ISTHi/IAA CANAL BEQULATJ0V8,iii.- Beaate Oummlttee og Inter-

Ocennlc t'anals has niade, :i» was (\

jie.teii. some changea In tho Houae blllfor ibe regtrtatlon of the Panamslannl. Tbeae irlU dotthUeae be shaip-ly iiisiussod ln the Benate, and may l*e

aubjected lo fnrtbef modiflcgtlooa bjthal body. As they sian.1 they providetntereatlng and profltable food fotUtougbt. There is also an equally siylliticatit laok of CfaangC iu al least one

Important reapact la whlch many ex-

pected iiifli tbe Benate arould nyferaelhe action of the HouseThla last tv.-iture of the commHtee's

iep*.rl i>- tlie roieiition UOChajlgad ofthe House provialon for tba exMnptionot Amorii-aii eaaatarlae Khipplnc fn-tnall tnlls. One of the chlef tlioiigh un-

HTaiffny objectlona t" this iu the Efouaewas ihal il migbl be loiistnnil as a

broarh of tho s|)irit and intent. if mdof tho latter. <>f the Hay-Favacefbtetreaty. and It was predlctad thal tlieBenate wouid refnae to coBcnr ln ItBut it- ....miiiitlei' at leasl doOS eoieur,and lf Un- Senale does likowiso we

shall have. with the l'resideiit'N ..pln-lon, tlie jud'.'iiient of tho entire tiealy-inakiti? power that thal provision lsm>t ln iiHiflh t wltli our treaty oblltra-tinns. The novel and some what unox

paeted addition is made bf tho Benatecommittee "f tacteadlng thal ssemp-tiim to Ameri.'.iii veeaeis arbJcb are en-

faged ln fore.'^n tmde nnd whlcb arepotentiaOy meaibers of the UnltedStates Naval Resorve. The Jogtttcntloa. if thi* under the troaty is probably thatsuch vessels. Mkc* those ln the C0_gttrade. are in ;i class apart from thosfalpping of foreign conatilaa, intowhli h tbe latter eantu»| enter and withwhlcb it eannot compete, Um Inaertion of this iiatise i.v the Benate com-mlttee is of interest gi an Indlcatloathat al least some membera of the Ben¬ate nn- ineiined to «., fnrtber ta thaldirection than the Hoii-e.Tho Beaate eoonalttee spproves the

exclasioa of raflroad owned shlps fromtb<* ihuhI. hut inake.s an oxieption lnfaror <>f MMb when ettgagad lo lhe t<\-teni of ai ignel ooe-hall of tbelr car| m »iMi^...eani. iraflk ..iit>jiie tbe"Amcric.Tn eoatlaeeiii Oae objeet <>f tfiglen'omptlon ls donbtlefs fo nioM eompfl

c.'itlons ovor ottT treatruent of foreiyuBteBUaaShlp Unea owned by foreiyn rail-road eosnpanles, nnd to avold also amclashlnf of "tir dOaaM-tk tratfle repula-lioiis with tbe .onnnt'ri'ial practice offorelfn eouatrfee. Ttac new provlslon ofsix DBuajfdaS* notiotof Intended d*a_U_ea iotoiis is i.iniiii'iiil.'iiili'. and it saggestaggaln the desirability of Bueta promplihasj in iii" ciiai'ini'Mii of the pendlnjjin-iiMUi's as simii cualtlf tbe Pre.Uk'iitto promalgats tho rates nnd ratoa a

snfticionf time in sdvancfl of thfl open-irn_r of tbe canal.

i VA1R BBTTLBMBNT.Tin- dispositioii of the niitjin ity In

control ofthe RepuWlean National Com*mitu-o not tu use Ha pOWtf arbitrarilyor unfalriy was deinon>»trati-d yi-stenlnylu the uuauitiMius decision to ggot tb*four Boosevell dda-gstea-al tal" ,p'in

Misvi.uri. If it had 1.D tiio purposwof the men ln eontrol to "use the Bteamroller" rocanlloss of the merlta <n' con-i,.si^ they cmild easily have voted lodlvlde the delfgataajat-targ* 011 lb«ttoiuiii thnt tho I'le-ctj.-n of Ibe fotirBoosevell iJelegatfla had been Bet-itredthrou_li th.> vjointioii of b "gentlemflit'Hggrflflmont" mnde outslde th*' conventlon bj represaotatlveB of tlie two ron-

tending factJoos.However. bb it i» tbe rornoiittoo'a

fiinciioii more)' to pasa on tlu* prlmnfacie validity of credetitlalB offered. itwonld have ffone far Bfletd ln eonsldedng tiio offoot of thfl ngroonmni lnqnestJoti. Tbe majorlty <.f tht- eonven¬tion, rb legally organizi'd. repudlatedtho sgreeinent, snd tbosjgta tbe Tafi con-tostants niigbl charge had falth acalnsiIndlvJdnsls, thej roald not prove snyrnateaial lircgntarity ln ths conventlon'Haction. Tlie Tribuno's tnhle of dolo-p-ntos-olort gsve the four aeata to tbeUoosovolt delegates and classlfled theaction rrabsoquently taken by n fewdelegates and outsiders al a prlvatepici'tiug in a St. I'Oiiis botel as a *4pP0-test" rather than l "contost." It isjrratlfyinp to find that tho national com

inftfee has tiuanlmoiisly taken the samevlew.As for tho distrld contests. most of

them turned on tecbnlcallties rolstJng tocalla and oi-ganlaatlon. Belylng on th.'reports of "The st. l^oula GlObo-Detno-crat," a nowspaper friendly to Mr. Taftand commendaMv falr and gecoratfl lnits new» roiuninK. The Trtbune credltedoipht of tim ten contested delegatea toRoosevelt nnd two to Taft. Tho com¬mlttee), hy ii nuanimons vole. has ap-p-roved a compromlse offered on hehalfOf the two jdixsourl fsctlOOg, sca(intrsix Taft ainl four Booaardl delegatesand niaking tbe Megatlon Btand twen*ly to slxteen In favor nf Koosevelt. llis evident thnt this deciston did sub-stantial Justico to both sidos. The ma¬jorlty of the commlttee has been vio-lently and needlessly abused. It |g timoto recoKnize its steadfast pniposg to I"'governed by precedent nnd commonseiise ln prepajring the temporary rollof tlie eienvention.


Opponents of the prnjeet for placint;the Lenox Uhrary ln f'entnil Park niv

raally contendlng that even park adtnln-istration bnlklinga should not bt erectedwlthln tlie parks. Pdtttng sneb build-in_s in parks is n totally dlff**renl thlngfrom ereetlng in them courthooaSS, post-ofboes. fire alarm atatlons and other pub¬llc structureB. lt Ih natural that theparks should contaln the buildinirs neees-

¦ajy for their adminlstratlon, and it hasalaraya been the cusfoni ln this dty touse Hlrufiurcs ln the parks to house Ihogeneral nffloes of the department and toserve as polies gtations. ln some in-stanees family "mansions" e.\lstlnj{ atthe time the park property was bouglithave been us<<1 hs adnilnlstrntion bulld-Ini's. I'liat is tbe caae in Brooklyn nndin the parks of The Bronx. In the f-ame

way the old An-piial ln Central Tarkwns converted into a general ofliee bulld¬lng for the Park Deparlment in Man¬hattan and n 'loMce station.

This practlco ls natural. It is a OOtVvenience of admlnistratlon to hnve thede|,artnient offiois sltuated in nn impor¬tant park, and it serves Mie lntere-*ts ofthat park to have them there. so thatwork may be cirrii'd on practfcally un¬der the eyea "f the offkials.Those who siiy that the Arsenul Bbonld

be toni down nnd ndininlstration offlcesshould be found oulside ure carrylngthelr opposltion to bulldlnga in the parkslo an absurd etlreme. Ther.- is no like-llhood thal the dty win nt any timegbandon ihe ejrhatlng pradlce. Tberehas alwnys l»een rsason to rappoae thntwhen tbe Arsenal eame down it wonldbe replaeed by another hullding In Can-tral Park to be usorl f<>r tin- satno pur-poses. Mr. Frlck's nffer atfords nn opportunity to make n dii,'nitieil substltu-tlon at once witliout cost to tlie pnbllc,

CRIPPLBD C1TIEB.Mnrik'ipal home rulo is eonosdedlj the

li^ht and prOpST tblug in dty admliiis-tr.ition. The members of the ooiiferoneeOf in.i-.oi-s of Ihis stiitf in session at(JtJca agtecd on Miat, but dld tml Sgreeon thi roason why su llttle of it was on

pxblhltlon. And yet **_g reanon is ex-

asjsdlngly plaln b> any one >.'ho watchesHu- course of leglsbitlon for a year orlun. Mr Uobert S. Ilinkerd. sivretarj*of tho Clty Club of New York, stati*d ltpxaetly when he deelared we didn't haveliome rule berauae we eotibln't. lle ro-inarked that fow jieoplo hoIiimII.v bad an

idequate idea of whal bOUS nile was.

I'erliaps for that reasoii tlie cltiea of Iheitale wero crlppled. They bad tO gO to[he Lsflf-alature for tfi'Miits of power of-.very nature whleh they shoubl po_SSJ|if vlrtue of an Ineluslve ftiiidainenta:au. Even the eonstihiiloii ajgrm tO theix'irislnture tiio spocltic power of inter-rerenee with each clty government onnatlers affectinp Mie Bafety, hours ofabor and wapes of Its emjilo-cs.In other words. the aetual fact ls that

ln- I.i.islature i> govgrgulBg Mie clties ofhe state to nn extent unn-aJizcl hy tlioiraxpayers and unjustitled by any rea-ionable ldea of Mie proper fnncMons of;tate and mnnielpal admlnistratlon. Thof.e(,'lslature dsdarcg whether bonds mnyie issuol, and for whal purposes and invhat auiount wlieMn'i- propcrly may boiold; whether the iiiuiiieipullty niay glvoOOney tO this diarlty or renilt the taxes>f that one: what the MhldCS Of schooleai'hers sball be; wlif'ther doga must bglOaSjasfaJ: whetlnr polleoinen shall d<.iiitrol duty on the two or tho threr pla-ooo aystein. n aettlea «i scora of otherluestions as iniportaiil or as unimpor-ant l(s nileiiibiis are ClOggod with a

nassof looal li-irislation uhicb inrvital.lyMs-i.mi". the iiii'iliiim of loKrolliiu-r and jmi-Itlcal .lickeriiij' aml jolihorv. Sjim- forbotf fi".v drles whlcii bavs thej itnlform.<..-.i.i Hasa ciii.s charter. the dtsurtflfa>f no two imiiiicipaliMe'.s lu |be stato nreillke. one fflatnre thev .-,ii nsvej ln eotf>""ii deferte, nrhkk aeeni to OflCflSBltatc

n contlnnal ippeal to tho i.esWature for

authority to do aometbing necessary or

dealrable ln the llfe of tho communlty.To eure this. \|t. Hlnkerd tnggeeted a

niiiiii.'lpai organlxatlon law outllulngthree .".. f..ur types of muulcipal govern¬ment, ono of whlcb mlghl be adopted byIbe voters of each communlty. Supple-mentlng this there should be eu enablingact giving lo tbe citj fOTcmiueata lhepower to earry oul Ihe dutles which tbelrcbarters txmtemphited These. of conrse,wouM i.e dealrable, neceaanry even. Bntmore streen ahould be piaced on the eev-

erance, so far as la humanly poaalble, ofuiiinicipal governmenl from partj poll-Ucs. Nothing, bowever, w UI prove sdequate if the rotcra fall lo do Ihelr part.Uonic niic will oever !»¦ practlcal and

practkable if the voters gtve tbelr cltlea¦ Tammany type «>f governmenl and elecllegislatnres which rotyddee Job-grabblngand salary rabrfng the blgbeal dutj sndgreoteat Bervlce.

/;/ IU>1\<, CODE DBFEl Tt*.Ia it posslble for the <iiy to obtain a

good building rode? Tbe one non uu<

jiior eoiisidcr.'iiioii was pnalii.I underravorable Nuspk-e* Its autlmrs nrc snp-poaed io bave repreaeuted rlrlc and nolcommerclal Interests. Thev labored long.'ind wltb much publlc splrlt Tbe odetli.'it they produced was sald to contalnmany goot] features and lo favor no flre-proofing ninnufacturer vtcr aay otberQreprooflng inauufacturer.Vei this code Is rritlrlstHl ulmieU as

rlgorously as the woral one thal wasever writteii f..r llic purpOSe of BOllIngthe «'ity tos Brcprootlngmonopolj eujojIng tbe snpiHiri »f Tnmmnny Hall. lt*

rafety provlsloiw are declareil '«. '"'

totnlly Inadequate by thoae who uialntaln thal nothing sbori <»f flre walls Iubulldlnga will offonl Kuftkleut protectlonwbere large numbers nf persons are em

ployed, wblle the Committee on tbePreveutlon of Tuberculosls aaserta Ihalpvasion of its provialons requlring ihatsleeplug rooms shall have wlndows willbe easy. Regardlng ventllatlon ln fhc-tories also (be code is said to be luade-quate t>. protect tbe Interests of tbeworkera.

T' - Bubjed is lecbnical nnd ii Is hardto form an oplnlon on the merits of ihecrltictsms. Hut it ough! to be poaalblefor tho crttks of the code and thosewho draftod it to meet nnd dlscuffl thoiK.ints ai issue. if there are defectstliey should be coiTccted by those who

prepared it. ao thal lt- pasaage may nolI*e eadangered by the preaenl oppoal-tlon This is certainly nearer i goodcoile than any otber tbat has been pro-poeed. Amendlng a bulldlng code onghtto be n littie less diihVuit than Rtnend-iu^' tlie i'onstitutii.t the UnltedBtatea. If the preaent effort fails thepubllc win begln to wonder If it is notmore dlfflcult.


Oae of tbe moel embarraaslag, and «uir-1geetlve, features of the preaenl trouble*In t'uba is that the Inanrrectlon exlstsjchlefly in the very region Wbere Amerl¬can Interests are greatest <>r al least]lt i> where there are the greateat Amerlcan interests of a klnd which may readUy be nffi'cted i,y such dlsturbeacee.Commerclal and Induatrlal acttvitlea lnHavana nnd other cltlea are nol llkeljto be mncb dteturbed. Bngar plantatlonaand milis are. bowever, easlly gttackedand damaged, and the sugar Indnstrj Uby far the Lgrgeal ln tbe Island.What ls stiii nioie to ihe preaenl polnl

is that tlie sutfar ladoetf) is the >>iie inwhlch American capital ls most largelyinvesied la Cuba and that one-balf lheInvestment ls ln Orlente Prorlnce, wberetho Instuiactlon Ii most formldable.American owtieil mllls produee 88 percent of the sugar ln all Cuba, but InOrlente tln-.s produee more tban 70 pef

'(...nt. in the whole laland American Investmenta In lhe sugar Indnstry .gg'e>pito |S4,000,000, and >.f this BUm morethan 125,000,000 Is Invested in Orlente,wblle nearly |10,OOO,OOO more Ih IuSauia Clara, where hKo tho lasurreoii..n i« troublesome.

It is g fact liiiL'eil with Irony that thedevelopment nf this rasl Industry, nndof American Interest ln It. largely datosfrom 1902, when tho redprocltj treatywa.s no^ofiatod -between Cuba nnd tlieUnlted state*.. Thal opening of theAmerlcan market to Cuban simar gavethe industry nu enormous Impetua "fcouree, it ais*. establlsbed reiations be¬tween the two COUntrlea whlch were

likciy to eanse embarraasment in ca^o ofserious dlaturbance in ihe Island Towhat eztenl the leadera >.f tbe Inanrrec¬tlon are playing upon this circuuwtaiice,and are menadng tho ^reat American in¬terests in Orlente wltb me purpose ofproroklng Interventlon, is matter r..rspecnlation.

<;<><>i) UJCROBB8.nne weaknesa of the glycohaeter, Ibe

oew lletebnlkofl mkrobe thai is going tohelp combat old flRo, will ptrlko tho pul.lie a* pnee. Its introdiicer says that. ltis not found in the Intestlnes of all doga."Ii is rlgorously combated," aays Profesaor Ifetchnlkoff, "i>> the deteetable"diel followed |.y inosf liieinbers of tbe"canino trihe."' if the glycobacter basto i.e coaxed to tl" its work, if you bavelo eat carofuliy to retain ii in your Bjro-ti'iii. llvlng a long time loaes moel ot it*. liarnis. Kvon arlthout the glycobacterand tho other good microhc ..r mlcrobee|o wboio comforf in tlie hinnan Intee-lines tiie glycobacter is lupposed to con

trlbute men havo always heen able topostpone old pge by the nne of a properdlet. Few evw think it WOTtfa whiJe,and im more are likely to. if in gddllionio reaiatlng aii tho temptatlons of thepalate they aro asked also to iwallowfrequently nol overeavory mlcrobe cullnroK.

Iforeover, where is the procesa to atopfOriirlnally one klnd of good mlcrobe. theBulgarian bacillna, was suppoeed to i.eehHiiu'h to ward off tlie gpproach Of'oldage. Hut. unhappily, it did not flnd thebuman Interior congenlal. Perbaps be-Ing the only good mlcrobe in the bumansysteni it fall a llttle lones.iiiie. At anyrato. Professor Ifetchnlkoff bas feitcailed upon to provide a companlon forlt, the BUgar carrler, whlch will furnislithe Bulgarian jrerm wltb**the sweetswhlch it requlrea Will the glycobacterfeel at home in its new BurroundingBlThe fact th.it il is nol perfectly accli-mated to its own home, the canino ln-teatinal tract, is not reaasnring. Per-baps another good microhc will have tobe found lo keep the glycobacter fromgiving way tn boiiieslckniss. Aml <-<< a

whole serles of tliem may ro_M to haueceanry and llfe will hc nothing imtswullowlnp ciillures of "IrlendlN "

OTgaU-isni- Tin- good aro noi n bardj race.Thal -." in- rapeelall] true of mlcrobee.

l BEQQABLEB8 np.\l\The kaane of a dacree bj the Bpaniab

goteriiuieut forbkUlng ptihlk beg|ln the kincl'.ni l« ni<">te -ni^i_r«~*«-ti*«¦ ..' <

net, era than any ol tbe polltlcalchangea whleb uiodcm Ideu have af.

fected in the penlns.tla. ITrom Mme im-

hufltnorial beggars have been as mucban instittition in SpanMi towns as doglhave been Ln f,.i.siaiiiinople. Mendl*caney araa wrapped np with rajlJgfcm..Tbe "vlrtue uf dmfglvlnf r.-<iuireil an

objed on wfak-tJ to oxpend itself. Thej,|,.;, ,. ini|.. i-soiki! charil.v does BOtuppeal io tbe tfpanlsfa temperament The

Mkldle Age poim "f rlew toward poar-erty stiii perrdgts tbrougb Soiithern Ku-

rope. aml the hope of a dvlllsatlonvvliorc llie pOOf are DOi with us alw.-i.v<*Mcems utopian. if DOt, imleed, immoral.s.i tin- mendlcanl ul the cburch door, dis

plsylng himadf with sll cvnventenl re-

pnlsjvciicss aml i.lliei.Hisly liftiiiK Ibfllenther curtolna for wonblfrpen, is as

much a paii Of Mie ihtireh soi'vice as

Ibe piiesi.\,-t now tin- governniflnl says ln- la

io go. Aml if ln- rciliy |s |.. go Mm

governmenl iniisi I..- prtapared wltb realivmcdies for poverty. l'or while indlscrlmlnate slbisgtvlng in spain bad >'

Ingrnlned Ktibje«-tire rsjaaoo for i*r_riin. it bad also it.s objodJve necosslty.Tlie niinib.-r of tbe misernbly poor isi-iiormoiis. aml IbOOfb dOObtlflSB thflhnbll of dutiice respoiass to gppeals en-

conraged lasiness to become beggary, bbtho KdentJflc phUantbroptsts tdl ns IIdoea bere, yel as tho i-atobiUsbed Bjratemof cbarity ii inusl rertalnly bave re-llflved ci'iiuiii" aml dii'i' UflCd to a urealextent. That need ntnst hr auppHed lnsome other fashlon, and it Wlll bo Inler-efltlng to sof. if the order is rnforced.what BOTl of rellef nf presont and rem-

idy for future poverty will siipplanl thelialiil of BgOS.

A BSCOnd IIIssourl i'omproiin.se

The I'ourt of Appeala Beetna lo i-.-

Bctuated by common sensc ln holdingtli.it if Suiulay Is a good enongh day 011

v I i. h to (ommlt mlnor offsnoes it ls a

pood enough day on which to Hontencetor mlnor offencea.

Talk of reviving the original fnnotlons<>f tho Electoral Colb-ge ls about as ap-proprlate as talk of golng hack to tlie old

Bjrstem of nomlnattnt; lamlldatea f«>rPresident and Vlce-President rhr-oiiKhthe agency of a Congreaalonal caucua.

The Knglish Titnnlc lnqtiiry ls leadingtoward the same concluslons that arsrsnached by the much abuaed Amerhanlnqulry wblch preceded lt.

The spirits who from time to time nre

quoted by medlnma BUggest bj tho .haracter «.f their messsgss that there musibe need of bliot us. lums on the OtherBtdo, Aml the CUrlOUS tbitig ls that the.se

rmpposed ntterors of Imheolllty were per¬sons wbo talk.-d iim.'ommonly good aenaoin this world.

Kive ooples Of enrly editions >>f iho"1'ivlna Cotnmsdla" BOld In London tbaother day for s goo.i deal niora thanDante ever got for sll coplea <>t ail adltlona

What is BIOSl neeeje,] ,,t ChiCaSJO lnthesfl uproarious timcs ls more states-llianshlp nf % kllid tO Utllte BBdBtrengtben the Itepubiirnn part!

n arlfe'a dlary producsd -.- evidsneein a Boston dlvorce sull ahowa that thehusband napossd imes of fr<>m $1 to $.*>for varloua MaSdemSSnorfc That neettiato bo a fleld hifherto unexploltcd even

by the get-rlch-rjulck artlsts

I i 'a> maj w rva to remind ont nDon csmpatgiaera that tbia natloa haallved through far bitterer wara thanthHrs


i lll TALK OB TBE /»11

orelgn tiitnitea to Wilbur Wrlght im\.-ln »n many nnd fenreat slnce hls untlmelrdeath. on May 18. >nly a day or two anoThe Tri'.iit.e. rS| trlnted from "The LotM-Ofl'llmes" h -p'mdld appredatlori of the» avln-tor*a erork, and now eomea te band "Tl aLondon BpectaXor'' with thla BBcomlum:"Indeed, we aro indlned to reeaoa theBchlevemenl of tba Wrij-hta aa ths mo-twonderful Inatance of Amerlcan tenacltyin paodcrn timea."

Profeaaor Th<* average Am<-ri<-an j*ih ispoorly edtii Bt< dQ rl Oradu it. Von thlnk so?Profei or ifefl, but there H one coosola-

tlon. tbe average Amerlcan liov wlll neverfind lt out S*tttre»

THE fJOXaONEL AND THI laADIEfltt.irk t" tiir «rrc«n» of triumphResoundlng through Ibe land;

Tba i in lll Boprano volceaDpfSlaad on every hand

In ..ttniiiir songa or coti'iucstThat ie-ll how bimVS he>arta atood

tigalnal sll opposttlon,Invlnclhle for good.

Ilark lo Ibe crlea Of triumph.The sharp, ataocats roai

The female of tlie aprclesHaa conifuered Thpodore

w J. LAMPTON.patlence.Don't jriwi ihink he ia a very

iiniisiial miiti?Patrlce V..-, T do."Whyr"liecauae l saw hlm open b car nrndow

tho lirs: tima he trled vesterday " TonkersBtateamsa

*Ia*_dag ii ptoneer atep and one that thomaaagera believe arlH he gt-eeted arlth K'n-,-ial favor, the «'uinherland Yiillnv rtallroad Cmnpany has bfuabad asido ail pracident, tcvolutlonlr.ed "ha-STRap-e-NinaalilnK"and ls savliiK thousands of dollars a yearto Its pHtrotis hy orlirlnatlng a new phssSof coiis.-rv.-itlon th* savlnjr >.r trunks. lnplace <.r liandluig baggage aitb tbe rough-nesa t<>r whleb ndlreaula gsaerally areblamed, the rule has gocte f.nth on theCumberland Valley llne thal bo piece ofbaggage Bball he fliopped from a ear un-

unoar lt ls piaced an "s*r>hooa ntat.The .ilr-hoae mat ls a dSVlee .'onatrii, i.-dof alr-hose in thtres-foot laaurtlis, parallalto eaeh other and aafakrated by a fearinches. They are d< sitfned to uct as a bul-fer, and tlirotiRh them trunks reoetve prac¬tically no lajury."\i.n'i you iifrald to use su.h nn imrc

llable piece <>r rope to Barlng tbe ham-tnoik**""No," replled l-'arm.-r Corntoaaal, "ihe

iti.ll\ Miial inn>t BXpect to make -sacrllir.-sfnr tbe general good, Wban that ham-moeh l.riaks smne one pi'ison la goiag toKct hurt B llttle aud acareil B whole lot.Hut thlnk of what a launh all the otherboardera wiu enjoy!".rvaablngtoo Star.

ln answer to the queatlon "What ls a

KommersT" a man who had heen a guealat a functlon known to t'ermims l.y ihatname on tlie ocnislon of the return of flNew Yoik cluh fiuin h "»l.-sani'i else" m(h-rmaiiv aold; "My rooollootloa .f a Koni-BBStS Is B mlxture of pOBf and miislc. withjust i BjOUgh to 8Sl 10 make aii attldavlt to.My ptaoa at the rlotblasa tabie whh b,-tWOSa a well known muslcal crltic aml Bman with a capacity for beer whnh Uam-brlaua raagbl aaveaatvlsd. Th. aaaaiaa araaeattveafld by drtadDBBg beev by command.rattling ernpty imin.s in nataaaj aad pmformbtg vanou.s e\oiuiions to deaaonotratathat no uniit. diop had ssBspsd; thenmoi. Boiias, mora baer and stiii rnora beeruntll i aished eoan* sae aratiU call ma soii" lelepbone to i-a.- thai butrglari .¦¦-, nt

Haa ">« bat I. -d bb allowed a paperef taek- un'. ihlng ao that I lilKbt break

!a*av from nu hoapltable nelghbera Nn

auel luck. I heard more SOtigS, drank ruoie

beer and the next day waa Fri.lay

pa. ts it troe that c.vorce n/aahtngtonn- VI told a He'.'" ^u""

..i gueaa it la, mv aon. el hv do vou aak.

.1 waa luat thlnkfn' lf I waa true *Ur-tha must bave alwaya Kon- ,»iti Mmwhen ho went ©ot anywhere. -cnicageRecord-Herald.


Thinks They Wouid Solve PreBcnt In¬

duatrlal Problems.JTo the Kdltor ef The Tribune.

Slr: I read with much Interest the edl-

tortal in yeaterday'a Tribune on "M.'Iand Bueineaa," le arblcb you point ""' ,n*

fact that. although we have "the peopie,tbe buSbiesa and the money," yet "pros-perlty la checked " I agreo with you aleothat tha country "has a bealthi conetltu-tlon n11*i wtll avereoaae all th* handlcapaor men and pollllcs ln coureo of tlme," butqoestton their neeerslty and maliitalu tbatwltb tha advaotagas you hav* deacribedthere la no more need for bUSttMBS de-

preaalea than thero ls for a man of sourdCCUS-tUtlon 10 he iinwcll. In either *vent

there oceura an infra. tlon of Nature. Idw.¦j'li.- K..I.1 baata hlta tho peopie whlchever

way tiie pendulum aalnga tbrough tbebanker when lt ls scarce. through tbe mer-

ebant when lt ls plentlful, and when pros-

iperlty BtOpS strlkes all accordhiK to thej amount <>f wealth or UttUSSd power la theircontrol. i hope the "money trust" InresUgatlon win auggeat a remedy.ln ihe

maan time, bere is mlne ajiollsb goM from

any cotmecttoa with eurrency. Baae tbedollar on tli" man and wonianho. d .>[ tbegreat American famlly on 'he riKht of

every one of them to eara hls or her llvlnR.IMaterlalise thla right by lhe aatabllah-iiiciit of the mlnlmum waj,'^ for one <la>'slabor guarantaed by government to aii ui-

Ipllcanta. Make this waga tbe Amerlcanthe twentleth century.dollar, Eatabttafatifnr all oentree »( populatlon trade achoolfarme, wbereon tha bread llners aml joi>-

']*>- onea could be permitted to producaaiiougti for thdr aupport from the landdurlng part ol the day ami master aomeactive trade durlng tie- rcmatnder. Thcefarms wouid he the hOIMS of the national

Jh.lor rasarva, a* arell n» of the national[defence reeervee, ihe men belng keptatrong, active ami Intelllgent by p-id labor.ot in.t llke England'a outcaat poor. too

weak from Btarvatlon, etc, te reepondelpfully DO matter what crlsls mlght erloe.With this reeerva thero could he no more

strlkes. Were the maiiufacturers to l"ekout their men, the atate farms wouid re-

eeiva them al n dollar a day. Were themen of ii certain trade to atrike. the re-Bourcea of tba atate farm wouid ba avatt-able to nn tha gap under ftate protectlon.The labor unlona wouid become labor ex-

changaa ami wouid ohtain for their mem¬bera the lilRhest WagBB the law of supply

'atid demand wouid yleid. DMfereneeawouid aettle tbemselvea aotomatlcally.Tho non-fluctuatlng dollar wouid be ex-

changed for and equivalenl t" Ihe exlatlngI dollar tba day laaued, worth one-twentlethof an ounc< of gold at the prlee prevaiilngthat day, aft.r whlch the fluct.:at!onii ofno commodlty, «?oid or anythlng eUe, could¦ffect it. It wouid alao he laaued as K>anupon tbe proven rental value of real -tate,certain multlpUera belng uaed to aaeertalnthe loanabla value of dlflbreal ilsaoea ofproperty, when th* loana wouid be .it once

mada from the governmenl aavlnga andi.- tn banker er baker on the

aame tertna. An annual charge approxl-matfng l'i p«*r cetit woul.l be made to

'.-. \*>r Inauranee ...hl!" loan rrmalned InforceJuatlce demanda that loana Impoeing n>

r!<-k upon tho lender ahould conatltute aeovernment aervlce to the whola peopie

entafllng rlsk come wtthtn thet.ankers' |.-tr!tlmat<» provlnce, and tbe need!... v. :i then experlence for keeplng blamoney active wouid Ini ire the country'aunbrohen proaperlty.

W. II KOYPTONENew Tork, June 11, 1JI1

SEES HARDSHIP ON DEPOSITORS.To tba Bdltor of Tbe Tribune.

glr: in -yoir laat ~fedneeday'a papertl.ere was an artlele con< ernlng suvlnffsbal ka nnd ausKeetlnK the posslblltty ofsorno of them redudng tba ratea of Intereat*It reenm to nn* tbat it arould be a great ln-JiiHtle* lo the depooltoni of thOM bankawhlcb ean affonl to pay 4 per cent to 1 warth*-Ir ratea. Tbe savlngs b.inka are u_edmoetly hy peraona who eften deay them-hi-lwH many lomfort") for the t*ake of put'tlng hy, ln aafety, for a ralny day. Tomany it woul.l be a real hardahlp to have

any reduetlon of tho intereat on their r.maliaavlnga

T do not und'-ratnnd thi* bnalnesa mothodarery well, but I have notlced ln aeveralcaaea tbat a reduetlon of intereat has fol-lowedl the building of htrire, expenslvebai i* which are for the aole us- of thatbank Perhapa if they were to bulld ro

tluit there WOUld bo offlo-s, etc, thnt wouid

brfng In an Ineome there wo.ild be. no neertto reduce the Intereat on depoottora' money.Mr r>isiriK<r haa the right Idea when he

..y.H they are not B "chi.ln >.f banks" andthat each ahould oonalder tha bitereata uili*i own depoaltora. 1 belleve that last yearth<- prealdent of the Beamen'a made nearlythe name reniark "J_gTIC-B.HNi»w York. .lun" i", l?l!.


To the Bdltor Of The Tribune. -

sii Prealdent Dowa ef tha CenuaareialTraveHera' T^a»?ue aaya in Tboraday*a Tritvuni*: "If ever a strlki** de.oerved the fjjni-

pathy and patience of the pubUc ai.i the

nnamial aupport "f lhe labor unlona It lathat oi the waltera for wagea fqr a de-eent aalary t>> he pald b) thoaa dlrectlybeneftted through th.ir aervteea," whlch...iindH altnost llke ,i J..ke t<. the angeiingwaltera, whose grtevance ln not hok ofwagea, or emolumenta, if tbat Ih the betteid.tinlti.iii of what the] recelve

Doea Mr. l».w. Imagtna for an inatnntthal tf tba wniieis recelved from the btod-loida f l o a day, wltb board and lodgtng,they wouid decltne tlpn? Are they nottha ereataras of their envlronntenf. andIradltlorta and wouid they not take all theycould get? lf Mi Dowa haa an ttnagtna-tlon of this klnd he ahould brlng tt t>> Ifew\nrk n whlle nn.i bave lt reconatructed an.l

brought up to date, Bul Mr, Dowa la allriKht whenever and wberaver he hlta thei.t!i.ii..i.is f.*r permlttlnf n"<i w*rearaglngthe Up abomlnatloa Tf landtorda wouidpay falr wagea for akllled labor (and thalof a good walter la emlnently akllled),aadwouid Inatantly dlacharge any walter or

other hotel antployo for acoeptlng tips f..raervlce arbleb ii*>t. patrona wera chargedfor in tbelr hotel '>iin, then are mlght hopst..r better thlnga I'ntii that r..i»i Uraetl.hlef BUffBTBTB IN tln- piitrotiw. Who BTS

betweea two Brea aad helpleaa W, .1 L<New Voik, .lune 1.1, Itll


Te tba Bdltor >>f Tba Tribune.sir: I stncaraly battava tbat a boom ahould

ba started In behaif of gamuel H. Koenlg f.»rOovernor of New Tork, becauaa Mr. Koe-niK'a peraevertng medeaty will net beinghim to the utteiitiun of the publlc unlcaasiiine uf his faltbful followers iiegin tobooat him.

i am rery proud, Indaed. to say tbat iw.is iiiiii.iip tha tltMt t.« I.ioai'h bla name lorchalrman >>f tba U.puhlh'an t'oiinly I'nin-miitpe, au.i bla aplendld I'.-.'i.i ai uu effeo-Uve partinan worker ln tha rankay im well:i. in gettoralehlp, not only autltfcs hlm lotbe pruinotton, but, ln my oplnlon, makeahim the atrongael randldata avallabla Hiaaervteea bj Becretary of isiate were so ad-mlrabti lhat a atep forward Into the njovernor'.o eimlr ln t logleal evolutlon nf hls,are<»i VICTOB .>. UO ETUllAiNea ^oik, ji nt u, i»l_.

Peopie and Social IncidenuTHE CABINET.

row Thfl Till.iu.o tiureau.Uashingtun. ,/une L'.-Tho Secretary ofl

I rttate and Mrs. Knox entertalned at dinnerto-nlght ba eompllment to Dr. Orestes Ker-rara, Speaker of tlie House of Hcpresenta-Illves of <'uha. wlio is m \\ ushitiKton OB <>t-

tlclal busineaa, and Henora De Kerrara. TheCuban Mlnlster aud Ne-hora da Martia-rltvsro were of tho party.The 8,-cretary of the Tieasiirv relurmd

to Waahlngton to-day from Chlcai-'o. andthe Becretary of r_o*amarce sad Labes*. who

was also ln Chicago Tor some daya. has r

turned. beriatsry Keasal win go to CMflagOajpaJit In tlrae for the eonvention.

THE DIPLOMATIC CORPSin Thfl Tribune Bureau.

VVaahbigton, June lt.Tha Rtjaslan am-

baaaador aad Mme. Bakheraetetl arlll leavehere In ai.out two araSka for Newport,where they have taken a cottag* for tbesummer. The (ierman Kmbaaay arlll alsobe at Newport this fleason. and a numberof other dlplomata wlll epend much time

there.taptain Heatbeoatu\Oraat.JMtJsh naval

atta.hc. wlll av lo lloston at the. end ->f

the we.-k to BSled s simunei home. MraHeatbeoat t;rant wlll return to Kngland to

upend tbe BUrnmsr. They are* now houae

huntlag In Waahlngton. Mrs. HestheoOlHrant -a HI return ln the fall with th-lrfamily.Nobutaro Kawasblms, recsntly appointed

j attache ot tbe Japaneae Embauwy, nH« ¦*.

rlved here to assnmc hia dntles,The Bwedlsh Mlnlster and Mmo. EkaWgren

probably arlll leave here on Monday forBar Harbor. where they will apend the

early part of tbe summer.The dwlsa Mlllister left WasllingtOll tlliH

mornlng for a trlp to Montreal and ottawa.

He will n turn about June 22.Th- Cuban Mlnlster entertalned at lunch¬

eon to-day ln honor of Dr. Ferrara. Speuk-erof the Houae of Hepresentatlves of Cuba.invitlm*- the niembera <>r the legatlon stan*and others to meet hlm.Seftora _»* Martln-Kivcro. wife of Ihe

Cuban Mlnlster, entertalned at a lumheonand theatre party to-day f<>r Seftora de Fer-


lN WASHINGTON S0CIETV[I'rom The Tribune. Hure«iu.l

w.ishlnjrton. June 13.-The Chief Ju-tico

anrl Mrs Whlte, Who have rpent the lastthree Hiimmera at Port Hope, have oharif-'Hlthelr plana for this season and have not

<ie<dded where they wiu spend the itimmer,All the members nf the Siipreme- Court wlllleave WashliiKtnn by Juiy L Justice an.lMra. Hughee and their family closed thHrhouae ln 8 street to-day and started forthelr summer placo at Lake Plaold, N. V.

Justice and Mrs. t,urton wlll leave h^renext week for a vislt to thelr home InTenneaaee, and later wlll go to the Vlr-

Mlnla Hot PprltiRs. Juatlce and Mrs. M<-iaeima wlll spend the summer abroad, andJustice and Mrs. Lamar will vlalt theirh4MBM ln the fiouth before aettllng at eome

reeofl for the summer.' aptaln Sherburne lt. Hopklna ent<*r-

tained at luncheon to-day at the Bhorehamlu eompllment to the Minlater of KorelgnAffalra at Guatemala, who later in ibeufternoon completed hia special mla-lon to

Washlngton to pay hia reapecta to tlieBecretary "f Stat- and left here for NewVork. Captaln llopklns's other guestfl In¬cluded the minlater from Costa Hlca, themlnlster from Nlearag-uo, the minlater fromCJuateniala, Commander Shtgetoshl Tekeu-chl. Japanese naval attache; 8eftor iAtour,secretary of the Guatemalan Ieogatlon, andSeflor Loetithal. s. oetajy to Dr. Herrarte.Kear Admlral Sllas Casey. Mra. Caaey

and Mlsfl Casey wlll leavo here on Tuesdayfor Juniestown. H. I., to remaln untll Au-

gust when they will go to Virginia forthe fall.Colonel Thomas Ie. Casey and Mrs. Caaey

wlll aoon cloae thelr apartment ln Stonc-lelifh Court and go to Bluff Point, N. Y.for the early summer, thenee to Narra-

ifansctt, ueur which placo they have a

farm. They wlll vislt West Point ln thofull before returnlng to Waahlngton.Colonel Kdward Burr and Mra. Burr wlll

Bpead aevernl weeks at Oovernor'fl Island.Robert Taft. a student ln the law de-

rarttnont at Harvard, wlll Jotn hls parents.tho President and Mis. Taft. to-morrow.

Representatlve and Mrs. Steven I?. Ayreshave closed thelr imuse. on MaasachuseHtsavenue, and returned to thelr home at

Spuyten Duyvll, In The Bronx. New Tork.They will go to the Baltimore eonventionon June ?4.


Tuxedo Park wlll be very gay fSfl thobalatice of the week ln conne« tlon with theannual horae show, which opena there to-dby and laats untll to-morrow nljtht. lt

promlsefl to be one ot" the m"st suceessful. \hit'.tions e\er held by the association. ofwhich Theodore FTellntrhuysen la the presi¬dent l'terre Ixirillard. Jr.. tho aecretary,has recelved more entrles than ever before.and nearly every one of tho larire stubb-swlll be reprcsented All the villau wlll botilled Wttll Rtiests OVSr tlie week end ggjdtbera wfJI be much aarteilalafnc for th.next three days.

Herman I«e, Boy aBIIJJjel, M, WbO la toniarry Mlss llelen D. Auerbach on June _.'ai th- country place of her parunts, Mr.nnd Mrs. Joseph Auerbach, al Hswlett,l.ong Island, gave, hls farewell bacheiordinner laat night at Delmonlco'a.

Mrs. Gtistav Amsinck and Hamilton Fishtook out a marrlage Ueenea yeattaaday at

the Clty Hall bureau. The wedding Is t.

take place on Jun>» 'io at the reeidencc ofMrs. Amsinck, No. U0 I'irtii avenue, Thlais Mrs. Anininck'h tliird inarrlaKe, K»tli ofher former hlisbsads belng dead. It ls Ifr.Plsh'fl Becond marrlajjo. hls first wlfe belngdead

Mr. and Mra W illlam Dinif-ins Bloane are

booked to saii from Eenglsnd frr Wew Yorkon June 2i5. <Jn their lU'rlvul here they wlllgo to thelr place at LefWS for the aummer.

Mrs. Vanderbllt, who is due to arrlve lnNew 1 <>rk to-day oa the Lualtaale, winspend th. Miintiler at The Mnuk.Ms, herKewporl vlllu.

Mrs. B Fteeve aferrlti, w»u ta exp cu ]to snivs in Kew Tork from atWopf to-dsy,wlll bo to her country place nt Oyster i:.r

Loag lalaad, for the summer.

Mr. and lirs. John lnsle> Mlaii haVfl n-

turned froaa Bhirepe sad ar« at Ho. BIfadlson avenue for a few days.

Mr. and Mie. I'ercy A. Hockefeller will

§0 t<> Newport early next month and willlak. po-H.-ssion of James titlllnian's vlllafor tbe aeaaon.

Krederlck 0. Boorns ls al i lie Vanderbiltllotel foi .i few daya.

Mr. sad Mra. Laaeaater Motnan snd thalrdauKiitei-. Miss llelen Rldgely Morgan, aUIapend ths greatsr part of ths aamasag loBwltserlsnd,

Mr. atul Mis. Henry J. Topplng. of No..'.ih! l'ark a\etiue. are re. elviiiR coiiKratula-tlona on the hlrth of a son. Mrs. Toppliu?Ih a daiiKhtei- of Danlel O. Rfl_d.Mr. and Mrs. 1,-wls (Juenlin Jon.s are ,\t

the Hotel Belmonl for a faflf daya.

Miss Pvancea Ogden Jonea arlll k" t>> herplace at NeW l-olidon, I'onn.. to-day for thflaummer. .

Mr, and Mrs. Kemietb H Hdiley, who*\.-ie marrled last laturday, sre naiiitig forBSurapfl) to-morrow to spend tbe summerabroad Mrs aVmlej is 8 gstAghtST of Mrand Mrs Archlbotd Refffljrs, of thla cicand Hyde Fsrli.

SOCIAL NOTES FROM NEWPORT.Uy lelraupii U. The Trlbun**.-!

Kewport, Jui.e LV-The KuseUn Em.M,-.ia to make lt* summer headquartern h»»_thln season. lt was announced to-dav ,¦__,tlie ambaaay has leaised The villa of jaiBHGoidon Bennetl. on licllevue avenue. *t,<tkia belng prepared for early occupaacyAceording to Dr. Roderlek Terry, eht\T.

man of Ihe Kreeri* cmmnlttee of th* >,>_..port Oolf Club, there will be plaoty .#trophleH to l>o played for thln munmer.Mrs. John Nicholaa Brown. Maeter Bro*

land iTiarles IV Hoffman liave i«a1n*,tr_|bt the rlub.Mr-. Hermann Oelriehx, who arrived <*-,

Wedneaday evening, recelved a. * ordlal om.come from many of the r-;umm*r reafderrra

Ifrs, Wllllam Grofivenor wa« a hineh*),11mtertainer to-duy at Rosijn..Mrs w,ii|er <;. Holcomb ni' a luneheW^

at Bethaham, aml Mr*. Wllllam Rtfgat oboi'^ave r luncheon.

Rear Admlral and Mra. Bugene w. wit.aon, of Washlnicton. have rented a eottaj,at Jamestown.Mr. ond Mrs. insoa Ph»»lp<i p0o<j ^

i\ew Vork. ar< at tln- New ."TlfT-Whlle a Kuest of .Mr". J.ifeph Harrtman

Ifra, ,1 Qordon Douglaa, of New Vork. i»cottage huntlng. With Mr. DougUui t*hf[haa apeut a number of seaeous here

»iervant8 have arrived iu preparc tli*. |iTownaand Bunien property f.«r Mrs viin.'lam B. l.eeds.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard V MatUaaa havitetnrned from Ambler, I'enu.Registered t/t the < 'a.-lno to-day uer.

Raymond BHmont. t'harle* M Hitll. _|r.!and Ifra. !¦:. I.e Orand Beera Mra r

Redfield and Clarencr w. DulanMr*. .1 F. Jollne aml Mis- Joltaf, of

Washington, ha\c arrived at .I-uii»<<t<jtrBfor the summer.Haron VOU Bttlou am! Alberl Klenlln,

attach^ of the Oerman Embaaay, are aithe Muencldnger Kirifc.Erneat Iselin and family an» expocM

here ln a ahort tlme.Raymond Kelmont la maklng a short \int

here.Mr. and Mra. George II. Reil. of Bro.ix

I Manor, N. T, are here. Mrs PpM hae j'.atpurchaasd from her rrfater, Miaa ijiii s.Ratea, her Interest in a large traet at r>j.dlngton Point.Mr. and Mrs. Charlea M. Rull an-1 fatntiy

bave arrived ar their summer hom« h«*.They had as guests to-day Mr. and Mr-K. Lc Grand Beers, of New York. »r*JMrs. Henry Redn*>1d. of HartfordJudgo P. I- Wk'kes of Baltimore; Mn

Crawford Afflson, of Philadelphia. Mr |aiMrs. .1 C. Rlgga. of Baltimore, arid Mrand Mra. C. T. II OOle, of M^rr1»!o-n.N J., have arrived at Jgmestowa.

Mis. Cbmeren McR. winsiov. ha* n>-

t'iine.1 from a New York vtalt.Mi and Mrs. Etigene. H Revnal aie at

the KuenchInger Klng.Ti.- cottggea of Mr-- \ C Duflsa vA

Benjamin '''Jiaw ara iiein* openedMr and Mis. George ii Benjamtn Man

arrived at Brent Lodgipraoten Gtboon, bt P/aahtagton, b \

gue.st of Jullan McCarty TJttle.Stuart Dur.can haa rdturned frora New

Tork and Walter S. Andrens frem fi'inap..I.tke

IN THE BERKSHIRES.[By TVIegraph to The Trlbun* '

I,**nox, June 13..Conl weath">r roettaealln the Berkshlres, and hau been .-op.ducr..to drivlng and walklng. Tfarley T. Procterhad out hls bruke and team this affrnoor..

Many of tho cottagers enjoyed long drlve«.Mrs. George Griswold jiaa unHed at

Punnybank from Tuxedo, where »he h»ibeen a guest of Mr. and Mrs. PertytbaWlikes.Miss I.llllan Tram. a aiater of J. JSergeart

Cram, of New York has leased WeyburaII111 vllla, ln t^tockbrldge.

F. T. Sprlnger, of New York, t^-davleased the Bldwell vllla, ln Mar'e itraet !n

Great Barrlngton.Mrs. W. Murray Crane will atart to-mor-

row for Chleago, where she adll Join herhusband. Senator Crane. Mrs. Cram* willattend the Republlean National Convention

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pierce Mandell aniMrs fjregory Sutton have arrived Bt th»

Curtls Hotel.Mrs. ("harle-i S. Mellen has gor,- ta »*

forb to vlsit bar mother. Mrs. John R-[ivtngatott-At the Whlte Tre» Inn. ln Plttsneld. ar*

Mrs. Henry B. Jaekson. Miss Kllen M.Hawea, of Boston, and Mr and Mrs OeorflSeybolt, of New York.Mis Prederlck T. Pranda gave a luncb*

eon ut the Country Club of PlttsdeM Ihhafternoon, entertalnln? f<>r Mr* WB. Dillon. of New Tork, who haa arrived attho Francla cottage, in Broad stre*»t. forthe season. There wera thlrty gueatasniall tal>l< l

Mr. an.l Mfe. Bdarta R LaneaatiNow York. have arrived al the Pl tamcottage in PlttBtteld, whieh they h <¦.

(OT the season

Tha Mlsses Jane and Emlly Tuckennaa,of New rork, have leaaed th« Ivllla, at Onota i^ike. ln plttafleldare frlenda ot Mra W/Hllam B i'- ¦...

has <i cottage at ih*- lakeMiaa Bleaoor Talntor. \\ ">

Kin-sr ..f Mra. William Bryce, <<t Ii- now \NltltiK Miaa AArio Kn*#4-n*J atPalrlawn. tn Lenoa

Miss Clamenttau PHiralaa. a i'n '"'yesterday, haa opened Bdgacorah rottafe*Her aiater, Mrs. John SSImmerman.peeted aoea for a part of thi ai

Mrs. r M-lhattaad and eon. of Nee v"

aad Mis. .' H Jones, of Brooklyn. sr« atthe Maplewood, ln Plttafleld

Mr. Hini Mra W. Pratl Uyman, .f 9**lon, wh.. have been tor len ^ayt \i tbaMaplewood, ln Plttafleld, becauaa ofjury recetved by Mr-- Ifftamti bi motorlMover tbe Hooaae Mountahw, retnrntng ,n

Boaton to-dasMrs william Tratter, et Sea fort w ¦

KU..-.I ,,f Mrs ROSa VV \M.l-tler.Mis>* BUen Baekner, ot Mee rork bm -*¦¦

rtved at the Uemsatsad. ln Btockbrldge, te

visit Mr aad M's. Ah v.iti.1* r gedgwlckMiss Ah.- Hall, ot Men rork, la a |

Ot M.ss Reatnce t'laik at IVttibr .ok<"Mkai Brnlly Ksther Baebe, ot Boaton .'

rived In fltoekbridgi to-daj le "i^i1 ,h'

Rodman rillaHrown Cektwell daaartsi an motoi ".

ii..in gtockbrtflfla t>» Chleago u-dav. Mr».Caldwell baa gone t.. Chicago by rbflwaj

NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS.Added t» I'"' a«bee troaWei at ''¦. v*w

York alaer eut, lha aaleeakaapera Sava n«w

ieelded te eai aal ti. ftva leoah..WarMaTlme»-t'nluti

n>w York in aiaaalaa !,> u.,"^' "," ,h''|r,t

r.-iuth of luiy aelebiatlea la "* ",i,oryfTlme tar thoro are m _M*.irati.'*<« at BBftW »

? ai.lly ln lt -H..»l.>n Tian^ill'l

i. the eihlcs of tha Kea rerh BaBaaW*..nlteblag" la i»uni.haMr by death. .>"« »»

Ban,rter has no l»owfr to SaM B Pff*Vtonaue. bo lhe tvmale of i.i. agaeleB b~ao»aaWM9W9 teaflty lhaa Iba n-*v -AAaaji w"'ck9r

auehai PraaaTho report thal prunrs ar- aatUaa m St«

York for anl.kel 99*. reveahl *»«*«»"(mi ihal aoaae Hrseas aat them d.i.i^r_n-i>and wlthout coirclon, MUwaafcea Sontlnei-

S, me of thr New York bank.. it W JSjeV-,..,,. Mke ... hiah a» se ssr .__ c" ..BUaaa -..t-MBBttea, laigebi *^_«*2.,., ,,,, ,., on e.i.M.i.. abeeha ta 9ba_paajtll_ ,rt^t weal has eaaariMH ae»_jy «

Ihi. fund. but aaeh year Ma b saa^saaemoro iadeaeafleaJ el lha n>» ^'k "",n

oentr*. -flt Fial Wagaiab.,.., paUea teeee of n«w vork rjfn '» .*

aaSJk b*» er me,.. bat the t^.,llir...r aWt rto. «m to ^^-JSi.aee la * whUf. M pr*>"«« rt,« '"',...thhnea -nd aretythlag alaa amuie theauwj*hv ftrhtm. wltb revelTera from setsaweiWay *eald sw nagaamrla r«r«cn -tat

ll-t lo Hea Yorkr-watertono TlnJ'ja
