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People Nowadays Work Hard to Buy More Things

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People nowadays work hard to buy more things. This made our lives generally more comfortable but many traditional values and customs have been lost and this is a pity. To what extend do you agree and disagree?Over the past thirty years, many companies have sold products in the market place. People work very hard to fulfill all their basic needs. Here in Indonesia, people buy all commodities both from domestic or international market. Although there are many benefits of using new products, I would argue that it could bring negative effects in traditional cultures to consider.Firstly, the increasing of creative sectors give high income to the government. Then, people can work in many sectors. The cost of products which use modern technology is cheaper rather than using traditional tools. As a result, the ability of societies to purchase the latest product will increase dramatically. People seem happier than previously because they could get newest gadget. In addition, many international companies come to Indonesia to invest their product. The economy in developing country could increase steadily.Secondly, there are some disadvantages from this phenomenon. People tend to more consuming than three decades ago. Using modern product also give bad effects for the local commodity. The awareness of support local product include values and customs- decrease slightly. If governments do not give large place for domestic products, the international products could be the primary choice for the majority of societies.In my opinion, the government should held festivals several times each year. With many exhibitions ,`local products can be promoted in the market place. In addition, by held a festival, government combine imported commodity but still keep local heritage.In conclusion, purchasing international products could give benefits and disadvantages. It is a vital, therefore, for a government to protect local product which have values and customs by held regular festival.With developing commerce, the style of life has been changing. People nowadays are easier to earn money. Unluckily although the standard of life is better than before, many traditional values and customs have been lost. First of all, in modern life, people like to have meal in restaurant. They do not have time to cook. This is a pity. They rarely have dinner with their children. Because of this, they do not have time to contact with their children. It is the reason why they are difficult to understand and control their children. Secondly, people nowadays prefer travelling to staying at home in traditional holidays. For example, in Tet holiday, more people like to travel. The traditional custom has been changing a lot. They are no longer staying at home with their parent and their children. However, modern life is more comfortable than before. Because they have more money than they used to, they spend more money taking care their health. As a result, people tend to live longer. Moreover, because they are easy to earn money, they always care about their beauty. It is the reason why they feel more comfortable and live longer. In conclusion, they should spend more time with their families. Although they have many conditions to satisfy themselves, they should not change traditional values and customs, they should find out about traditional culture.In many countries television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?In this century, some multinational companies expand their business to other places. Some of them take advantage from broadcasting business such as television channel that rely on television programs. Moreover, in many countries television presents many foreign-made programs. Some people think that dominance of imported entertainment damage to cultures and some other people claim that import program television brings a beneficial role for their life.Television is the one of medium that cannot be separated from peoples life, since years it takes some roles such as entertainment or information source for societies. As development of International Corporation expands their network in many countries, they open business to explore broadcasting sector such as television channels. They show programs television such as sports, music, film, and fashions. Some people claim that it can be harmful because it influences their local customs. Similarly, foreign-made program could replace the local cultures. This condition is caused by expanding of foreign business massively; many young people think that western style is better than local culture. They prefer adore import fashion as part of lifestyle, then they try to imitate celebritys style. For example, in Indonesia many teenagers who feel proud to copy style from famous public figure especially performance and lifestyle, and some of them begin to wear out the local culture or eastern culture. As a result, they are closer with western style than their tradition.Other people believe that there are some benefits from abroad made-program. They could take many advantages from some programs which show knowledge and information in particular channel such as BBC Channel or Discovery Channel. Overseas television programs bring more knowledge or news fast because they give more up-to-date information about important events that happened from all over the world. In addition, some people give assessment that local television program is under-quality especially for unreasonable cinema series that frequently appear in particular moment and this condition transfers bad effects for young generation because it leads wrong imaginative for them. So, this phenomenon makes people tend to choose external entertainment source such as abroad film. For illustrate, so many people come to movie theatre to see foreign movies that more fascinating than local production, they know that there are differences of quality from local entertainment which seem monotonous for audience, it proves that foreign made-programs give an essential role for them.In my point of view, there are two opinions that believe import entertainment could be harmful for local society because inappropriate with their customs and other people give reason that foreign entertainment has better quality than local entertainment because fulfill the expectation of viewers and it is claimed useful for them. So, this condition needs concern from some sides especially from local citizens to improve the quality of entertainment so that be able to compete with other countries, then local society should be prudent to filter some abroad made-programs toward inconvenient programs.This phenomenon is the consequence of globalization era where people should prepare to confront with modern age.In conclusion, the development of technology changes peoples view how to enjoy the entertainment. They have decided to involve in this modern era to consume many sources from other countries but people need to prevent the negative sides from particular programs that show unsuitable with their customs or cultures. It is true that dominance of imported entertainment take potential market in several countries and this situation could force the local entertainment production, and this phenomenon is caused by expanding of globalization that deliver some effects which make people have to ready to face the advanced era.Nowadays, foreign-made programs take their dominance in most countries, if not all. Undoubtedly, those programs bring about many negative effects. Chief among them are the adoption of bad habits and watching-addiction. For several reasons, I agree that the imported entertainment negatively affects the cultures of countries.The first harm caused by imported foreign programs is the adoption of bad habits. In fact, foreign-made programs plant bad habits in their watchers which will be negatively reflected in their culture. For example, my neighbor is so obsessed with watching foreign- programs and he and he always intends to imitate and adopt such bad habits. As a result, he began to drink Alcohol and use drugs. Consequently, he caused many problems to his family in particular, and to his neighbors in general. This clearly shows us the danger the foreign-programs may have on a community.A second harmful effect of foreign-made programs is that they cause watching -addiction. In fact, many people, especially youth, are addicted to those programs. For example, my brother was a student who used to watch foreign- made programs every time and they left negative impacts on him. As a result, he became careless and indifferent to his studies to the point that he failed 3 exams. Consequently, he was dismissed from the university and is now jobless. So, it can be inferred that such programs have no benefits but serious effects.To conclude, foreign made programs are harmful to any community since they cause watching addiction and bad habits adoption. To avoid above harms, governments are required to band foreign-made programs and replace them with local ones.[ Written by - Abdulaziz ]Governments make rules to protect people from danger, for example by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe there are too many rules nowadays.To what extend do you agree or disagree?Rules become the most important element to setting the life order for people in a country area. Since the ancient Greek, rules already existed, most of ancient civilizations have setting the regulation to arrange and manage their life. The main purposes from the law are to protect people from danger, manage the society life and achieve the prosperity condition for people. Commonly, there are too many regulations from the government about everything nowadays, every corner of place has law and everybody should obey the order. However, many people think that this rules have make them feel uncomfortable in their daily life activity. Personally, I believe that these rules are suitable with the current situation and need, the government should make a lot of regulation to adapt with the recent condition.Criminals are the common things in an urban area because of population density and a high living cost. Many of unemployment people in urban area because of job seeker competition, it happens because many people from rural remote going to urban area to get the job and looking for prosperity. However, because of work field competition, it makes a lot of jobless in the area. The opportunity for criminal become bigger, people need guarantee to protect their life, and the solution is the regulation which make by the government. Because the law will give guarantee their life and limited the criminal by imposing an order.At the end, I can conclude that although many people believe that the government does not need to create too many regulations, because they think it will limit their expression and activity, I personally prefer to say that the government needs to make many rules which appropriate with the need with the current situation.Governments make many rules to protect people from danger, for example, by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe that there are too many rules nowadays.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Governments have the responsibility of ensuring the safety of their citizens by imposing certain restrictions that might seem unnecessary. Although it may restrict their freedom to a certain extent, experiences have proved that many dangers have been averted by imposing these safety measures.

Rules and regulations cause minor inconveniences to people but it should be weighed against the safety aspects of individual and social living. It is a reality that hundreds of accidents are caused due to drunken driving. Since there are many rules against driving under the influence of alcohol, many accidents that could cause great damage to human life and property, are avoided. Those who believe that such rules interfere with their freedom pay with their own lives and that of others. The conclusion one can draw from these experiences is that people should tolerate certain inconveniences, in order to protect their lives from possible dangers.

Littering and spitting in public places is considered a serious offence inSingapore, which is dealt with serious fines. People in countries likeIndia, that do not have such strict rules on public hygiene may not realise the value of such a regulation but this has madeSingaporeone of the most beautiful and cleanest countries in the world. When people learn the benefits of certain restrictions, they would begin to appreciate such constrains on their freedom.

However, in certain case, we may find that some rules are unnecessary and ineffective. These are only rare instances and citizens have the right to raise objections against them. Any sensible government would revoke such rules and regulations if it finds them unproductive.

In general, the rules that we have are not too many but essential for the smooth functioning of any civil society. The absence of such controls would lead to chaos and confusion in public life.Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Parents and teachers as educators would probably think the best of early teaching starts from young ages. Moreover, the first step is to conduct rules in order to encourage good behavior and protect children from danger.By bringing up children, making a decision for what to do is not a problem anymore such as which is a no or yes vote. Yet, this opinion seems hard because children would presumably curtail their freedom. This essay would like to discuss how educators communicate rules with children. Moreover, there are comprehension skills to affect behavior without physically threatening childrens freedom.Let us start from home as the first place for kids begins learning, where parents should bring up children social rules to encourage behavior. If the children understand what have been brought up, they are easy to maintain the rules without having regular surveillance. This would run nicely as long as these lessons could be fully digested. However, some social rules might deal with taboos which are not suitable for 10-aged people, so it is the parents task to pick the particular topics. If only children do not have any interests from the subjects, it is better for the parents to terminate, because it is a way which makes children enjoy.Apparently, teachers in school might have the same position as parents do. They lead schoolchildren to have a positive attitude. An old proverb says, positive attitudes bring positive results negative attitudes bring negative results. Teachers encourage schoolchildren to listen and read subjects very carefully. By doing this, children might have bravery to raise their hands and ask the teacher if they do not comprehend any part of the subjects. This idea is acceptable to schoolchildren towards reaching an agreement. However, some schoolchildren prefer to have a play with others rather than involving the subjects. If the teachers are to command the children, this situation would be blank. Children might be absence well in advance of the class.To conclude, I believe parents and teachers would tend to develop different approaches to bring up children without physically threatening childrens freedom.To teach children good behaviours, respect for elders and dealing with society effectively teachers and parents impose so many rules. Since childhood we have grown up with many don'ts and do's which directly and indirectly taught us many lessons of life and made our life easy, comfortable and successful.

As a rule parents define time tables of all the activities to be done in a day which is called good habits like getting up early morning, staying clean, having food in time, respecting elders, loving youngers, not to trouble any one and so on. If a child follows these rules would greatly benefit in future life like having a healthy life, being amiable and punctual, caring others etc. Rule means a protection shield from possible harms. Out of their experience of their life our elders ask us to follow the rules and stop us if we are going towards wrong path.

Moreover these rules and punctuality would protect us from so many bad habits and keep us alert to choose right friends, become a good citizen and being able to take responsibilities.

In other way, if the children who are always under control and pressure of their parent's strict rules they face another challenge of life. For example those children will be less confident, poor in decision making skills and would not be able to lead others. They take time to mingle with society and hesitate to interact with anyone. They look for their elders always to show them path and lead them. As a result they would not be able to face real world and other people can take advantages of that, because they do not have sensibility to distinguish between right and wrong sometimes.

Hence I agree there should be certain rules to make children learn good things but we should not crush their emotions and feelings. Its parents and teachers responsibility to teach them why they have to follow the rules and how few things are not good for them. Sometimes they are needed to be given a chance to learn and face the society all by their own so that they should be free and alert to accept challenges, deal those issues and come up with a solution. This attitude and freedom will lead children to become better and stronger persons.mobile phones expensive but essential for communication / useful in emergencies /for children to contact parents dogs unhygienic but good pets / domestic dogs don`t belong in the city.students living at home not independent but economical / young people /need to be independent / make their own way.old buildings historical interest but impractical / important link to the past / belongs to everyone .horse racing provides entertainment and taxes for the government , but people over-spend / government should not encourage legal gambling / people may borrow money and get into debt / tax luxury goods.fashionable clothes waste of money but looks good /peopleare slaves to fashion / influenced by magazines and advertising..1. aeroplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 4. People attend college or university for many reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. D. EVALUATE AN ARGUMENT 1. Even though globalization affects the worlds economics in a vey positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss. 2. Dieting can change a persons life for the better or ruin ones health completely. What is your opinion? 3. There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? 4. Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves? Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience...examples... E. PROBLEM-SOLUTION/ OTHERS 1. In many countries, schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 2. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for the poor, underdeveloped countries but also for industrialised and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes and suggest at least one possible solution. 3. Happiness is considered vey important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 4. In the past building, buildings often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What do you think is the reason for this, and is it a good thing or a bad thing? bicycles cars 1. 2 A. AGREE/DISAGREE 1. Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons...examples...knowledge or experience. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers are responsible for motivating students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 3. Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible on developing space technology for the exploration of the moon and other planets. Others think that this money should be spent on solving the basic problems of society on Earth. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 4. The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing. Some people think this is due to problems such as the growing number of fast food outlets. Others believe that parents are to blame for not looking after their childrens health. To what extent do you agree with these views? Give reasons...examples...knowledge or experience. 5. Water is an increasingly valuable resource, but people continue to waste a lot of it. Some governments want to impose permanent water restrictions on domestic and agricultural use. Others feel we should put more effort into recycling water. To what extent do you agree with these two solutions? B. TWO SIDES OF AN ARGUMENT 1. Some people argue that technology has a positive influence on the music industry because it allows people to show their musical talents without having to play a musical instrument. Others argue that you need to be able to play an instrument in order to prove that you are really talented. Discuss both these views. 2. Some parents believe that extra private lessons outside school hours, where students work alone with a teacher, can help them do better at school. Others disagree. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private tuition? 3. Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion. 4. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. 5. Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Give reasons...examples...knowledge or experience. C. MAKE CHOICES AND JUSTIFY 1. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of he following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective--comics, books, radio, television, film, theatre. 2. Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence? Give reasons...examples...knowledge and experience. 3. Choose one of the following means of transport and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives. some people argue that technology has had a positive influence on the music industry because it allows people toshow theirmusical talents without having to play a musical instrument. others argue that you need to be able to play an instrument in order to prove that you are really talented discuss both these viewsMachine translation (MT) is slower and less accurate than human translation and there is no immediate or predictable likelihood of machines taking over this role from humans.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Inaccuracy and lagging in performing the translation by machines, even though the technology is well advanced in the recent decades, making it difficult for them compete with human. I completely agree that, Machine translation will not supplant the Human translators in the near future.

In todays globalised world there are about several hundreds of languages, even though most of the languages is having antecedents to Sanskrit, each is having different grammatical structure and the word meaning tend to change based on the context making it difficult for Machine translation software to attain preciseness in the translated text. As a result of tackling the difficulties in the languages the software programme had become heavier which in turn caused slowness in translating the text from one language to another. Even our latest super-computers are not able to translate and compete with humans in terms of speed of translation and accuracy.

Human kind had built the effective tool "language" to communicate, express, and share the feelings with each other and practicing it for last several 1000 years. Our brains are super-machines and were being taught and practiced regerously to read, understand, and translate the language from one to another in fraction of seconds. Even by today, no computer scientists or any software making giants did not succeed in making a machine capable of competing with human brain in performing computations. Unless any scientist succeeds in attaining the speed of communication across the computer components similar the brain cells, it is found to be difficult in achieving the speed and accuracy of humans by Machine translation software programmes.

As a result of the hurdles in the current technology to attain the speed of the human translators by machines, we can safely conjecture that machines are incapable of supplanting human translators in near future.Machine translation is inaccurate and more time consuming than human translation. However, there is no doubt that machines have been of great help to us. With the pace of technological development, more and more innovative solutions are being developed every day. Therefore, it is just a matter of time for human to create better machines with better programs to translate languages in a timely manner and with a higher level of accuracy.

Firstly, languages have a more prolonged history than machines. All the languages known around the world have been developed for more than thousands of years whereas the very first modern machine was probably invented just a few hundreds of years back. Hence, it is fair to say it will take a bit more time for machines to be fully developed in order to be able to catch up with human languages.

Next, modern technologies are being invented at an incredible speed. Just two years ago, people would never think of having a small mobile phone with the capabilities of a computer in their pockets. However, now people can have iPads, iPhones and so many palm-sized devices which can bring them all the computer features such as listening to music, playing computer games and browsing the Internet. It is to say that modern technologies can quickly catch up with any human needs including language translation.

Thirdly, languages are complex and sometimes difficult to be fully understood by even human. In our daily conversations, it is not rare for us to be misunderstood by other people. The reason could be languages are evolving every day. Hence, it is unreasonable to ask for a perfect machine which can just translate all the languages in such a manner that everyone can understand.

In a nutshell, I strongly agree that machines can one day replace humans in translating documents into different languages. As mentioned earlier, it is a matter of time for modern technologies to be able to catch up with languages so that machines can translate languages at a faster speed and more accurate.censorship is necessary in modern societyCensorship is prevalent in the modern society. It is a highly divisive issue. There are proponents who think that its use creates a balance in what ought to be said and written, while opponents criticize on the basis of the threat it poses to the right of speech. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of censorshipCensorship is the control of the influx of information and ideas in a society. Both democratic and non-democratic countries use it. With the explosion of communication technology, it has become all-pervasive. There is a dispute as to whether censorship is good or bad. It is applicable to programs on television, plays, movies, printed books, print magazines, video games and everything on the Internet.

Examples of CensorshipOne of the very first incidents of censorship in movies took place in Hollywood in the year 1934, when a nude scene was snipped off from the film 'Tarzan and His Mate', as it violated the moral code back then. Even today films follow the modern MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) code for censorship. During the 1950s, Elvis Presley appeared in one of the famous TV programs only to be shot by the camera till his torso; as his world-famous pelvic movements were deemed vulgar. Again during the 1950s, the Scientific American magazine published an article on thermonuclear fusion which was censored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. The printed copies of the magazine were found and burnt as it contained classified information. During both World War I and World War II strict military censorship was laid on the freedom of press. A similar kind of censorship was also laid in India during the State of Emergency period in the 1980s. With the introduction of television and Internet, many important developments have taken place in the field of censorship around the world. A number of countries like Syria, Australia, Cuba, UAE, Yemen, Pakistan and Burma have censored the Internet. China has imposed stringent censorship regulations. A military censor was also laid on the freedom of press and Internet in Egypt lately. To protest against Internet censorship through PIPA (PROTECT IP Act) and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), Wikipedia went on a 24 hour blackout. WikiLeaks, the sensational international whistle blowing website was closed down several times under the pretext of censorship. Satellite phones, Internet and freedom of press were also censored in Libya during Gaddafi's rule. International press was not allowed in Libya. Exception to this rule was made only when the government invited them for the PR propaganda. Though some people claim that censorship curbs freedom of expression and right to information, others are of the opinion that it is a necessary evil. Censorship is not only used to control the flow of information but also to benefit the people.

ProsCensorship does not mean restraining the expression of people, in fact it is imposed to protect them.Censorship of pornographic material prevents the minds of children from becoming corrupt.Religious conflicts are avoided by the censorship of material deemed insulting or offensive to a particular religious community.Censorship is necessary to preserve the secrets of a nation.It is useful in hiding sensitive military information, which could be used by an enemy state.Scenes of people consuming alcohol or smoking influence people to copy them. Hence, censoring such scenes serves a useful purpose.People may copy dangerous stunts shown on TV or movies. Censorship proves necessary here.Books may be used to portray wrong information about individuals or groups that could incite violence against them. Censorship would definitely prove helpful here.It can be used to prevent politically motivated propaganda.It protects the privacy of people.Plagiarism is prevented.Abusive scenes in movies may offend some people. Censorship prevents that.It protects indigenous cultures from the bad influence of foreign cultures.It prevents the public display of disrespect to any particular individual or community.It prevents companies from spreading inaccurate or grossly exaggerated claims about their products.It prevents spreading of racism.It promotes political correctness.Terrorists are prevented from learning about dangerous technology like the atom bomb.Children are prevented from learning things that could harm them and others.It prevents the ill effects of globalization affecting societies.It shields the morals of society.It restrains vulgarity and obscenity.The surfeit of violence in movies and TV is restricted by it.It prevents violence by stopping the broadcast of events, which might trigger it.During an emergency like a terrorist attack, it helps in controlling panic and rumors throughout the nation. This was observed in India in 2008 when terrorists attacked The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai.ConsCensorship denies access to vital information.If sex-related topics are completely censored it becomes difficult to teach children and teenagers about the dangers of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS.Dictators use censorship to promote a flattering image of themselves and for removing any information that goes against them.Freedom of speech is compromised.Religious fundamentalists like the Taliban use them to coerce the population.It encroaches upon the freedom of the press.It prevents the free flow of ideas.It may intrude on the privacy of a person.Withholding of information only leads to ignorance in the society.Censoring of information may lead to a wrong image perceived by the public.It is generally associated with dictatorship.Censorship in books, plays and movies may compromise their entertainment value.Censorship has been misused in the past.It is a force against globalization.It works against creativity.If you hide something from people they will become extra curious about it.It has no place in a truly democratic society.It gives rise to and hides abuse of human rights.It is used to control people.There can be different standards of morals among different societies quite different from the imposed ones by the censorship.It may be used to block legitimate criticism.Governments should not control people. It should be the other way round.Political parties around the world use media censorship for their own benefit. It stifles the opposition, broadcasting only a particular point of view.People have a right to know.Media giants push their own agenda under the pretext of censorship.Censorship is just like a double-edge sword. If used properly, it serves as a valuable weapon. However, it can also be misused. Censorship may have many technical and legal repercussions. Governments and other regulatory institutions must learn to use it judiciously. An absence of censorship might not be a perfect notion, however, it also doesn't mean that the government uses it for its own personal gain by suppressing dissent. Hence, censorship should not be treated as a taboo.
