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PeopleSoft Training Understanding Combination Codes

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PeopleSoft Training Understanding Combination Codes Participant Manual July 2008
Page 1: PeopleSoft Training Understanding Combination Codes

PeopleSoft Training Understanding Combination Codes Participant Manual July 2008

Page 2: PeopleSoft Training Understanding Combination Codes

October 2006 Page 2

Understanding Combination Codes and DBEs Course Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Define what is a Combination Code • Describe how the Combination Code relates to your Chart String • Know how to look up and select a Combination Codes • Describe the relationship between Combination Codes and Department Budget Earnings (DBE) • Describe the relationship between the DBE and a position

Agenda: Overview of Combination Codes, Chart Strings and Chart Fields Relationship between Chart Strings and Combination Codes Looking up and selecting Combination Codes Account Code Relationship to the DBE DBE Relationship to a Position

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Module 1: Overview The purpose of this module is to define basic terms used in the course, and to provide an overview of Combination Codes. By the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Define basic terminology related to the course. • Describe the purpose of the Combination Code. • Describe the relationship between the Combination Code and Chart Field Strings.

Glossary: The following terms and definitions are used in the manual and / or in the class. Chart String – a collection of Chart Fields, which together represent how a particular item is funded Chart Field – a field within a Chart String Department Budget Earnings – a tab within the Department Budget Table inquiry, which identifies how a position is funded DBE – an abbreviation for Department Budget Earnings DBE Form – the form that is completed in order to make adjustments to the DBE Earnings Distribution – how funds are distributed Retro Transaction Change Form – the form that is completed to make adjustments to how a position was paid in a previous payroll cycle Retro – an abbreviation for the Retro Transaction Change Form Account – Personnel Code, i.e., Student, Graduate Assistant, etc. Combination Code – system generated number used by the HR database to encapsulate the Chart String

PeopleSoft Field What does it really mean? Account Code Combination Code Account Finance Personnel Account (i.e.,

Grad Asst, Faculty) Fund Who is paying for this? It is a

State Fund, Grant, Project? Is it Unrestricted or restricted funds?

Prog Fin Program Financial – What type of activity or event is it? Instruction? Research? Academic Support?

Project/Grant What is the specific Grant or Project code? (CVS at the beginning of a code indicates that it was transferred from FAS)

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What are Combination Codes? Combination Codes are a nine digit number in the PeopleSoft HR Database. They are only used in transactions related to the PeopleSoft HR Database in lieu of using the Chart String. HR Transactions include: Payroll, Retroactive Change Transactions (Retros), Department Budget Earnings, and Position Management. A Chart String is a sequence of chart fields that determines/identifies the funding source for a transaction. Chart Fields are informational fields that describes the type of transaction. Chart Fields include:

Chart Field Examples Important Information relating to Combination Codes

Business Unit UMBC1 (default and only choice at this time) Department ID 10118 – New Media Fund 1111 – Current Unrest Unall SS E&G

1112 - Current Unrest Un-All SS Aux 1113 - Current UnR UnA Self Supt E&G 1253 - Curr Restr Sponsored Self Supp 1263 - Curr Restr Fin Aid Self Supp

Important in selecting the correct Combination Code. If you need to change this Chart Field for a position, you must find the correct Combination Code for the new Chart String.

Prog Fin (Program Financial)

011 - Instruction – General 012 - Instruction – Special 021 - Research - Institutes/Centers 022 - Research – Individual 031 - Public Service – Community 041 - Academic Support – Library 042 - Academic Support - Comput Supp 043 - Academic Support – Admin 044 - Academic Support – Other 051 - Student Services 061 - Institutional Supt - Gen Admin 062 - Institutional Supt - Admin Com 071 - Operation & Main of Plant-Oper 081 - Auxiliary Enterprises 171 - Scholarship & Fellowship-Schol 172 - Scholarship & Fellowship-Fellw

Important in selecting the correct Combination Code. If you need to change this Chart Field for a position, you must find the correct Combination Code for the new Chart String.

Project/Grant i.e., 00000444 CASPR

Important in selecting the correct Combination Code. If you need to change this Chart Field for a position, you must find the correct Combination Code for the new Chart String.

Account (former FAS Sub-code)

Personnel Accounts 6010101 – Regular Faculty 6010102 – Regular Exempt 6010103 – Regular Non-exempt 6010104 – Graduate Assistants/Fellows 6010111 – Contractual Faculty 6010112 – Contractual Exempt 6010113 – Contractual Non-exempt 6012000 – Student

Tcode [412] - Expenditure Adjustment Decrease [413] - Expenditure Adjustment Inc(DR)

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Chart Field Examples Important Information relating to

Combination Codes Program OP 065 - Summer Salaries

066 - ITT 067 - Exempt Staff Development 068 - Non-Exempt Development 071 - Academic Initiatives 072 - International Programs 073 - Reallocated Monies

Budget Year 2005 Currency Code US (default and only choice at this time) The relationship between the Chart Field String and Combination Codes in PeopleSoft is:

• A Chart Field String determines where funds will be charged/deposited/etc. • Combination Codes are created based on an existing Chart Field String. • Combination Codes are a randomly assigned number that is automatically assigned when a new

Chart Field String is transmitted to the PeopleSoft HR Database. • When you use an Combination Code, you are really using a complete Chart Field String. • The DBE tab within the Department Budget Table contains the Combination Code.

Combination Codes = Chart Field String = Funding Source

PeopleSoft Finance


PeopleSoft HR


Chart Field String Combination Code

A new Chart Field String is entered into the PeopleSoft Finance database, and a Program is run, which automatically moves the Chart Field String to PeopleSoft HR where an Combination Code is assigned.

The new Combination Code is transmitted back to the Finance Database for the posting of HR transaction data to the General Ledger.

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When are Combination Codes Used? Combination Codes are used in various transactions that are completed in the PeopleSoft HR Database. Following are examples of when and how Combination Codes are used. Creating a new position Vacant Positions: Payroll: Fixing Payroll Distribution Errors

Department determines a payroll distribution

error has occurred .


ensures the position is accurate for the employee

If the position is

correct , the


ensures the HR

Account Code is

accurate for the

position .

If the HR

Account Code is

incorrect , the


submits a DBE

Form to correct


distributions .

The department

submits a Retro form to correct past distributions .

This class will cover:

• How to locate existing Combination Codes in PeopleSoft. • How to identify the Chart Field string associated to the Combination Code in PeopleSoft. • How to identify the Combination Code(s) assigned to a DBE and position.

Department completes the Position Request Form

(Combination Code is a required field on the form)

and submits it for processing

A position is created using the details from the Position Request

Form, and a Position # is assigned.

A Department Budget Earnings (DBE) is

created for the new position, and the

Combination Code is assigned to the DBE.

The Position Request Form is returned to the

department, with the Position Number

noted on the Form.

Department completes the New

Hire PAR Form using the new

Position #

HR staff enters information from the New Hire PAR form into PeopleSoft HR

Department processes timesheets/journals for the employee with the appropriate Position #

Employee is paid

Payment for that employee is posted

to the General Ledger using the

Combination Code

Department has a position to fill.

Department Runs the PeopleSoft Vacant Budgeted Position Report

Department identifies appropriate Vacant Position that exactly matches the position title and Combination Code.

If the vacant position does not have a matching Title, complete the Classification Action Request Form.

If the Combination Code does not match the position, complete the DBE Form.

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Module 2: Finding Combination Codes The purpose of this module is to prepare you to locate Combination Codes and identify the Chart Field string to which it is associated. By the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Run the Combination Code Table inquiry • Identify the Chart Field String associated to an Combination Code

Running the Account Code Table Inquiry

1. Follow this navigation from the HR PeopleSoft Database.

Home Payroll for North America Payroll Distribution Commitment Accounting USA UMBC Valid Combo Code Table

2. From the search parameters screen, complete the highlighted fields. Additional fields may be

completed to further narrow the search results.

3. Select the Search button. Your search results are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

To further narrow the search, it’s recommended to enter the Account Number (i.e., Reg. Exempt = 6010102) &/or the Project/Grant number (if applicable).

Enter the Department number (for the department that owns the position.)

If you have the 9 digit Combination Code, enter it in the Account Code box and click the Search button to find the related Chart String.

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4. Click once on the Combination Code for your desired Chart Field String. The Account Code Table tab is displayed for the selected Chart String.

Troubleshooting: Too many Combination Codes are displayed when I conduct a search.

Filter your search criteria to include as much detail as possible so fewer results are displayed.

I need to create a new Combination Code

To create new Combination Codes, contact Grant Accounting for Grants or Financial Services for all other types of accounts with the following information:

• The Project/Grant # • Department #

Note that Combination Codes can only be created for Grants that have been awarded.

Combination Code with PCOST Resource Type Combination Codes with a PCOST Resource Type are only used is special situations.

Contact your Business/Finance Manager to determine when to use the PCOST Combination Codes.

Combination Code

Combination Code.

Chart Fields related to the Combination Code

Chart Fields

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Module 3: Combination Codes and DBEs The purpose of this module is to demonstrate the relationship between Combination Codes and DBEs. By the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe the relationship between Combination Codes and DBEs • Find a DBE • Identify an Combination Code associated to a DBE.

Overview The relationship between employees, Positions, DBEs and Combination Codes is:

One employee can be assigned to one or multiple position numbers in PeopleSoft. One or many Combination Codes can be assigned to Position Numbers in PeopleSoft.

Only one Chart String, which determines the job type and funding source, can be assigned to each Combination Code. A DBE can have one or many Combination Codes.

Only one DBE is assigned to one Position.

If a Combination Code is incorrect for a position, the payroll transactions associated with the position will be incorrect, and will require modifications, i.e., processing a Retro and/or DBE Form to correct payroll errors.

The Department Budget Earnings Tab (DBE) How do you determine if the Combination Code data is accurate for a position? PeopleSoft has an Inquiry in the PeopleSoft HR database, which displays the current DBE information for a position. To view the DBE for a position, follow these steps:



Combo Code



Combo Code

Combo Code

Combo Code


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1. Log into the PeopleSoft HR Database via my UMBC, or via the URL: http://csprd-

web.ps.umbc.edu 2. Once logged into PeopleSoft HR, follow this navigation:

Home Payroll for North America Payroll Distribution Commitment Accounting USA Dept Budget Table USA

3. Select the Department Budget Table link. The following search parameter screen appears:

4. From the search parameters screen, enter your Department Number, Fiscal Year, to narrow the

search results. If you know your Position Number, enter that number to further reduce the search results. At the bottom place a check mark in the ”Include History” box.

Note: You can search for data based on the information that you have about the record(s). While you can enter as little or as much information as you want to narrow your search, you will have the best results by entering as much detail as possible about the record(s) you want to display.

Enter the Position Number if you have it available.

Enter your Department number.

Enter the Fiscal Year from which to conduct your search.

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5. Select the Search button. 6. If more than one record matches your search parameters, all records are displayed at the bottom

of the screen. If more than one record is displayed, select your desired record by clicking on either the Fiscal Year or Position Number field. (Note that this will usually occur if you do not complete the Position Number field on the search parameters screen.)

7. If only one record matches your search parameters, or after you select your desired record from

the list of displayed results, the Department Budget Table is displayed for the record selected. The screen view defaults to the Dept Budget Earnings page.

Select the FY or Position Number field to display the DBE for the desired record.

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Note: If the DBE Department number does not correspond to the position’s current department number, submit a PAR Change form selecting the Department Change Action option from the form.

Summary • Combination Codes are automatically generated with a random number when new Chart Strings

are passed from the PeopleSoft Finance Database to the PeopleSoft HR Database. • Existing Combination Codes, and their associated Chart String, can be found using the

Combination Codes Table inquiry. • Combination Codes are assigned to positions via the DBE. • The information for a position’s DBE can be found in Tab 2 of the Department Budget Table.

Combination Code

Department Number should correspond to the current position’s department number

Position Number

Effective Date

Chart Fields associated to the Combination Code

Identifies the number of Earnings Distributions associated to the DBE.

Distribution % for the Earnings Distribution
