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PEPP Brochure

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  • 7/28/2019 PEPP Brochure


    PEPP: Parent Engagementand Partnership Program

    Connecting families with schools to improve student success

  • 7/28/2019 PEPP Brochure


    PEPP is a tailored framework which supports schools to raise the ambition, access and achievement ofstudents through parent engagement and home school partnerships.

    Parental involvement in education

    is pivotal for the success of childrenthroughout their school years and beyond

    aim toincrease the ambition, access and

    achievement of all students throughimproving the quality of paren

    engagement and home-school partnership

    (OECD (2012), Lets Read Them a Story! The Parent Factor in Education, PISA, OECD Publishing.)

    Leading Parent Engagement forAmbition aiming high

    PEPPbuildsonacoherentandstrategic vision of commitment,collaboration and communicationto increase expectations ofparents, staff and students throughcollaborative relationships.

    Leading Parent Engagement forAccess removing the barriers

    PEPPmakesadifferenceinthelives of children and their familiesby improving access to the schooland educational opportunities. Wework with school leaders to assesssystems, processes, partnershipsand professional behaviors toadvance practices which increasefamily engagement.

    Leading Parent Engagement forAchievement - yes, we can

    PEPPimprovesstudentacademicachievement by engaging hard toreach parents in their childs learning.We build on existing strategies toembed the principles and practiceof parent engagement within wholeschool improvement efforts.

    The PEPP: Parent Engagement and

    Partnership Program includes:

    Upto12coachingvisitseachyear from a PEPP Coach who is anexperienced professional;

    Module1:WelcomingFamilies a customized reviewof parent involvement andengagement practice;

    Module2:CollaborativeConversations enhancing teacherskills in working with parents bylistening, reflecting, and targetinginterventions for students;

    SupportforthePEPPSchoolChampion who leads the initiative ieach school;

    Targetedprofessionaldevelopmentin parent engagement for teachers,leaders and other staff throughworkshops and staff meetings;

    Accesstoarangeofparentengagement strategies to raisestudent ambition, access andachievement; and

    Evidence-basedguidanceonimproving parent engagement.

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    Purpose:A Parent Engagement and

    Partnership ProgramPEPP raises the ambition, accessand achievement of all studentsthrough improving the quality ofparent engagement and home-schoolpartnerships.

    The program is based on compellingevidence that family engagement inschooling has been linked to positivechanges in school and studentachievement-(Henderson&Mapp,2002;Sheridan, 1997, Lamb 2009, OECD 2012).

    Through PEPP, schools are supported inthe development of a strategic approachto parent engagement and PEPP coachescreate custom-built series of intervention.

    PEPP recognizes that the most effectiveteachers work with parents as partners.PEPP offers an opportunity to reflectand build on a schools current practiceand approach the development ofparent engagement in a collaborativeway that includes valuable professional

    development for staff.

    PEPP aims to raise parent expectationsabout what their child can achieve aswell as encourage parents to engagewith the school community, becomemore positive about what their child doesachieve, and more willing to celebrate allkinds of success.

    Priority audience:high need students

    The model identifies high need studentsas the priority group of students but allprogram elements are applicable to thewhole school population. The programprovides schools with support andresources from which they can developsustainable local solutions to meet theneeds of this group of students and thediverse range of families they belong to.

    Anticipated outcomes:

    connecting a students home andschool learning environment

    Connecting a students home andschool worlds supports learning outsideschool, thereby equalizing opportunitiesbetween affluent students and highneed students, most of whom live insome degree of poverty- (Clark, 2002).

    The PEPP approach is informed byevidence that too many students withhigh need are not achieving as wellas their peers relative to their startingpoints. These students are more likelyto be excluded socially, suffer frombullying and have fewer friendships.Too many children are leaving withoutthe necessary skills that preparethem to become independent adultsand world citizens in an increasinglycompetitive global environment. ThePEPP model creates opportunities tolink home and school on a number oflevels to support student learning.

    Key Features:Welcoming Families &

    Collaborative ConversationsAt the center of the framework aretwo modules focused on acceleratingstudent progress delivered inpartnership with school leaders,teachers, parents and students:

    TheWelcoming Familiesmodulesupports schools in creating anenvironment that is welcoming tofamilies and conducive to learning.

    TheCollaborative Conversationsmodule provides professionaldevelopment for teachers thatencourages parents, students andteachers to learn from each otherwhile focusing on raising studentachievement. This module is a proveapproach to enhance the quality ofparent-teacher conversations.

    As part of PEPP, each school isassigned a PEPP Coach, who workswith the school leadership to createa more welcoming environment

    for families and trains teachers inthe Collaborative Conversations.

    Once these two modules becomeembedded in the school the PEPP Coachwill further support schools to identifyadditional interventions relevant to theparticular school and its community.

    External Assessment: The programwill be evaluated by Johns HopkinsUniversityinBaltimore,Maryland.

    aim toraise parental ambitions aboutwhat their child can achieve butalso encourage parents to engagewith the school community

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    Welcoming Families is designed to helpparents, visitors and members of thecommunity feel more comfortablecoming to school in order to supporta childs development and learning.School teams are selected to reflect thediversity of the school, and consist ofparents, community members, and staffwho review evidence (school practices,parent feedback, and written materials),participate in a school walkthrough,share findings with the school leadershipteam, and develop recommendations formaking the school more inviting.

    Welcoming Families Key Components:

    FirstImpressions: Welcoming Environment

    ReachingOuttoFamilies: A Strong Family Presence

    IntheClassroom:Recognition of Goalsand Accomplishments

    LearningEnvironmentforAll:Teaching and Information Centersfor Families

    The Welcoming Familiesreview process is tailoredto the needs of a particularschool making the focus ofthe review vary from schoolto school.

    Support schools in Welcoming Families

    The Coach works with an identified PEPPSchool Champion to select and prepare areview team, provide tools for reflection,facilitate school walkthrough and makerecommendations for improvement.

    Provide teachers with the tools andstrategies to conduct CollaborativeConversations with the parentsof students

    The training sessions will developparticipants skills in applyinghumanistic principles such as reflective

    listening, empathy and championingsolutions that evolve in dialoguerather than in directed advice.

    Support the school to identify andintroduce other interventions whichimprove parent engagement

    The PEPP Coach: Works with school leadership to customize and assure alignmentof the PEPP framework to the existing whole school improvement plan.

    PEPP: A Culture of Family Inclusion

    Review ofdifferent aspects

    of the schoolenvironment

    Action teamsimplement changes

    to improve theenvironment for


    Families feelwelcomed into

    the school,allowing for moremeaningful parent


    Families Welcome Rev


    1 Welcoming Families

    Each school is assigned a PEPP Coach who will:

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    An evidence-based approachto parent engagement

    Parent engagement has beensuccessfulintheUKthroughthework of the charity Achievement foAll 3As. They currently work withmore than 1,500 schools in diversecommunities throughout England toincrease parents engagement withtheir childs learning and improve thchilds educational success.

    Collaborative conversations havebeen shown to achieve:

    Betterrelationshipsbetweenfamilies and schools;

    Engagementofparentsintheirchilds learning and school lifemorewidely,includingthehardreach parents; and

    Improvedstudentambition,confidence and achievement.

    In doing so they have also beenshown to contribute to:

    Improvedstudentacademic success;

    Improvedstudent attendance; Improvedqualityof

    instructional practices; Greaterengagementofadiverse

    range of families; Significantreductionsinbullying

    and behavioral problemsof students;

    Staffprofessionaldevelopmentand whole school improvementprograms; and

    Costsavingsforschools(Achievement for All 3As, 2012).

    Collaborative Conversations are crucialto the success of PEPP in raising studentambition, access and achievement.Collaborative Conversations helpteachers to work more effectively withparents and students. The CollaborativeConversation describes a dialoguebetween the teacher and the parents/family that is focused on developing apartnership centered on student learning.

    Including students and parents as equalmembers in supporting learning at homeand in school is particularly important inthe case of students with high needs.(Achievement for All 3As, 2012;Humphrey and Squires, 2011).

    These conversations encourage bothparents and teachers to learn from each

    others perspective, understand thedifferent contexts (home-school) anddevelop a trusting relationship.

    For students with disabilities, improvinga students educational plan by engaging

    parents as active participants, focusingon obtaining baselines and prioritizingmeasurable goals and assessing progress,has been shown to have a positive impacton student achievement.


    Throughout the program, the PEPPCoach is committed to providing ourpartner schools with a quality assuranceprocess that is designed to improvethe schools Parent Engagement andPartnership Program.

    Start Point:Teachers and familiestalking together

    Collection of data

    Reflect onteaching and


    Collectivediscussion on nextsteps and target


    Establishing new

    learning behaviorsin schools and

    at home

    Review newlearning behaviors

    The Collaborative Conversation


    2Collaborative Conversations

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    When the Welcoming Families and theCollaborative Conversations modules arecompleted, teachers will relate muchmore effectively with parents and in apositiveparent-engagedschoolculture.

    Some successful parent-engaged schoolshave introduced:

    Home/School Visits A method focusedon 1:1 relationship between teachers

    and parents that builds confidence andtrust, improves communication andhelps establish the home and schoolconnections important to get familiesinvolved in their childs education.

    Accelerated Learning Strategies AGEMSEducation family learning strategy called3-a-day that reinforces good learninghabits at home. Parents are encouragedto 1) talk about learning 2) share learningand 3) encourage learning every day. Thiscan be supported through the use of a3-a-day smartphone application.

    CommunityAssetMappingA strategywhere a volunteer group of parents and

    teachers, and members of the communitycome together to assess communityfacilities and resources to identify gaps.Partnerships are then established tosupport student and family learningthroughout the school community.



    >Supporting Other School Interventions

    In the most successfulschools the effectiveengagement of parentshas had a profoundimpact on childrensprogress and theconfidence between the

    school and parentBrianLamb,ChairofAchievementforAll 3As (Lamb Inquiry into ParentalConfidence in Special Educational NeedDCSF, 2009)

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    Contact Details:

    Project Lead: Ana Tilton([email protected])

    Project Coordinator: Alice Cornish([email protected])

    USOfficeDetails:GEMSEducationAmericas555MadisonAvenue,18th Floor New York, NY 10022Tel:(212)644-8619Fax: (212)644-8749

    TheprogramhasbeendevelopedthroughapartnershipwithGEMSEducation and Achievement for All 3As.


    GEMSEducationisanorganizationthatdevelopsanddelivershighqualityeducationtochildrenacrosstheworldfrompre-schooltopre-Universityyears.Lby experienced teachers and educationalists, it draws on 50 years of experiencerunning schools and now provides education to more than 100,000 students inover151countrieswiththehelpof10,000educationalprofessionals.GEMSstudentshavebeenacceptedinto567universitiesacross37countries,includingsomeofthebestuniversitiesintheUSandtheworld.

    GEMSEducationSolutionsistheconsultancyarmofGEMSEducation.WithofficintheUS,UK,MiddleEast,EastAsiaandEastAfrica,EducationSolutionsharnesstheaward-winninginsightsandexpertisegainedfromtheGEMSglobalnetworkschools to improve standards of education provision worldwide.


    About Achievement for All 3As:

    Achievement for All 3As is an independent non-profit organization that supportsschools in helping all vulnerable children and young people to develop their skillinterests and capabilities to realize their potential.

    TheorganizationwasfoundedbyProfessorSoniaBlandford,workingnationallyand internationally with a team of educational experts to raise the ambition,access and achievement of children with special educational needs, vulnerable adisadvantaged students.

    Currentlyworkingacross1,500schoolsintheUK,andadvisinggovernmentsintUKandEurope,AchievementforAll3Asworkhasbeenshowntohaveaprofouimpact on the outcomes and achievements of students.

